CHURCH OF OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP - Diocese of Harrisburg / Staffed by the Redemptorists

Page created by Dolores Morgan
CHURCH OF OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP - Diocese of Harrisburg / Staffed by the Redemptorists
                            Diocese of Harrisburg / Staffed by the Redemptorists

                        320 Church Avenue, Ephrata, PA 17522 • 717-733-9641

                            MASS SCHEDULE
                       Saturday (Sunday Vigil): 5:00 p.m.
                   Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
                     Weekday: 9:00 a.m.; Saturday: 9:00 a.m.
   Holydays: Vigil Mass – 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. (day of feast)
              All Masses Livestreamed, except Sunday, 7:30 a.m.
                  Saturday: 4:00-4:45 p.m. or by appointment
                    ADORATION & HOLY HOUR
                  Adoration: Wednesday, 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
                   Holy Hour: Friday, 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
                     SACRAMENT OF THE SICK
               Call the parish office for a priest to anoint the sick.
      If confined at home, call for a Minister to bring Holy Communion.

                            PASTORAL STAFF
                        FR. JOHN MURRAY, C.Ss.R.
                       Telephone 717-733-9641 - Ext. 3
                       Email:                                 Welcome to OMPH!
        Associate Pastor                                   Deacon                If you are new to our parish we hope you
 FR. JIM SZOBONYA, C.Ss.R.                        DEACON JIM LAWSON              enjoy your visit with us. If you would like to
     717-733-9641 - Ext. 4                        Telephone 717-733-9641         know more about our parish or the Catholic
  Email:                       Email:            faith, please call Linda with the RCIA
  FR. KEVIN MOLEY, C.Ss.R.                     FR. TOM SICONOLFI, C.Ss.R.                       at 717-733-2676.
   St. Clement’s Mission House                   St. Clement’s Mission House                      God bless,
          717-733-6596                                  717-733-6596                               Fr. John

                                                 MISSION STATEMENT
 To celebrate the real presence of Jesus Christ in our Eucharistic worship and empower ALL to be disciples of Christ.
CHURCH OF OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP - Diocese of Harrisburg / Staffed by the Redemptorists
CHURCH OF OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP – THE REDEMPTORISTS                                                                                                     EPHRATA, PENNSYLVANIA

     Parish Office                                       717-733-9641
     FAX                                                 717-733-2119
                                                                                                                            MASS INTENTIONS
     St. Clement                                         717-733-6596
                                                                                   Monday, June 28                                              Friday, July 2
     Convent                                             717-733-1291
                                                                                            *  Joseph Kopernik                                           *  Charles & Lucy Marrone
     School                                              717-738-2414
                                                                                    9:00 a.m.    Fran Rice                                       9:00 a.m.  Derek Dominek
     Religious Ed Center                                 717-738-4517
     Lancaster Catholic                                                            Tuesday, June 29
                                                                                             *  Tom & Lillian Gallina                          Saturday, July 3
        High School                                     717-509-0315
                                                                                     9:00 a.m.  Nicholas Giampietro                              9:00 a.m.  The Muscavage Family
                                                                                                                                                  5:00 p.m.  Kathleen Governanti
                                                                                   Wednesday, June 30
                  PARISH MINISTRIES                                                         *  Ruth Wilson                                     Sunday, July 4
                                                                                    9:00 a.m.    Josephine Heilmeier                             7:30 a.m.  Parishioners
     Altar Servers                                                                                                                                9:00 a.m.  Barbara Lynn Miller
                                                                                   Thursday, July 1
     Dennis Wilczek..........................................610-368-3689                                                                        11:00 a.m. Gruber Family
                                                                                             *  Mary Mattioni
     Adult Formation                                                                 9:00 a.m.  Bob Foley
     Theresa Novotnak.....................................717-738-5061
                                                                                    = For the Repose of the Soul of …    * Mass will be said in private at St. Clement’s Mission House
     Adult Volleyball
     Drew Geiss.................................................717-733-6438
                                                                                 BULLETIN SUBMISSION: Please submit to Jeanne McAleer at by
     Art & Environment                                                           Friday morning – 10 days prior.
     Denise Auker.............................................717-286-3088
     Athletic Association
     Chris Sheaffer.............................................717-471-4994                 REMEMBER TO CELEBRATE OUR PARISH FEAST DAY, JUNE 27TH
     Baptisms                                                                                               Our parish is so important to all of us. Our lives revolve around
     Deacon Jim Lawson..................................717-799-0080                                     our parish. Our babies are brought to the waters of the Baptismal font
                                                                                                         to be made members of God’s holy family, the Church. Our sick and
     Benevolent Society
                                                                                                         suffering come to the church to experience God’s healing power
     Harry Lowe................................................717-733-9641
                                                                                                         through the sacred oil administered by the church’s ordained priests.
     Bereavement                                                                                            We celebrate our parish feast to remind us who we are, the Body
     Mary Burkholder.......................................717-733-4989                                  of Christ, and we always start our festivities with the celebration at
     Bible Study Series                                                                                  the Eucharistic, the source and summit of the Christian life. Yes, the
     Deacon Jim Lawson..................................717-799-0080               celebration of our parish feast is so important, because our parish is so important!
     Boy Scouts                                                                       We are blessed with such a wonderful parish name, Our Mother of Perpetual Help.
     Mark Hartman, Scoutmaster...................717-203-3461                      As a great saint once said, “Mary is more a mother than a queen to us!’ Of course this
                                                                                   saint acknowledged the awesome queenship of our Blessed Lady. But he was pointing out
     Church Cleaners
                                                                                   something else, how close a mother is to all of us. Mothers nourish their children, bind their
     Sandy Kurz.................................................717-733-9453
                                                                                   wounds, dry their tears. A queen is lofty, and out of reach. In short, mothers are close to
     Coffee Corner                                                                 their children. That’s why this saint could say, “Mary is more a mother than a queen to us!”
     Weiser Family............................................717-859-2765
     Collection Counters
     Kim Kernaghan…….................................717-733-9641                We are testing out a new Live-Stream platform. Please view the Mass via,
     Collection Envelopes                                                        Facebook, or
     Kim Kernaghan.........................................717-733-9641
     Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion                                                              PARISH MINISTRIES, CONTINUED
     Mary Burkholder.......................................717-733-4989
     Finance Council                                                               Live Streaming                                               Respect Life
     Dave Goss...................................................717-575-1246      Deacon Jim Lawson.....................717-799-0080           Laura Kauffman.......................... 717-575-8221
                                                                                   Music                                                        Religious Education Coordinator
     Good Samaritans
                                                                                   Nursery Coordinator                                          Fr. Jim Szobonya........................ 717-738-4517
     Chris Isbrandt............................................717-682-7187
                                                                                   Laura Kauffman............................717-575-8221       Sacristan
     Hospitality Group                                                             Outreach                                                     Mary Burkholder........................ 717-733-4989
     Rita Pfautz..................................................717-733-9247     Dave Hugenbruch........................610-750-4749
                                                                                                                                                School Principal
     Knights of Columbus                                                           Prayer Group............................ 717-733-9641
                                                                                                                                                Mrs. Patricia A. Foltz................. 717-738-2414
     Jere Cassidy................................................717-690-4755      Pastoral Council
                                                                                   Joe Kadingo...................................717-336-6936   School Advancment Office
     Ladies Auxiliary K of C                                                                                                                    Teresa Hartman.......................... 717-738-2414
     Rita Pfautz..................................................717-733-9247     Deacon Jim Lawson.....................717-799-0080
                                                                                   Parish Library                                               Ushers
     Lectors                                                                       Diane Lerman............................. 717-626-2623       Vince Mento............................... 610-420-2781
     Bill Sheaffer................................................717-733-4770
                                                                                   PTO                                                          Yearlings
     Legion of Mary                                                                Kathleen Stoltzfus....................... 484-269-4530       Gloria Kreider............................. 717-738-9098
     Liturgy Planning Group                                                        RCIA                                                         Youth Ministry
     Deacon Jim Lawson..................................717-799-0080               Linda Garbarino......................... 717-733-2676        Denise Duchesneau.................... 717-859-5835

1                           CHURCH • SCHOOL • DIOCESE OF HARRISBURG
CHURCH OF OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP - Diocese of Harrisburg / Staffed by the Redemptorists
THE THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                                                                               JUNE 27, 2021

                 POPE’S CORNER                                                                         PASTOR’S MESSAGE
                                                                      The Eyes of Our Mother of Perpetual Help
                                  Children of God
                                                                      From a sermon given by Fr. John Barry, C.Ss.R.
                           Taking seriously the dignity of
                                                                      (A holy priest who loved Mary)
                           each person and recognizing
                                                                         Our Mother of Perpetual Help is an icon belonging to a group of icons called Our Lady
                           the God-given gift of creation,
                                                                      of the Passion. It is somewhat similar to Our Lady of Czestochowa or another famous icon,
                           should give rise to both a sense
                                                                      Mary the Salvation of the People of Rome. There is a tradition that these three icons come
                           of responsibility and a sense of
                                                                      from a painting of Mary dating back to the 6th century that has been lost or destroyed, and the
                                                                      tradition is that it was painted by St. Luke. It could be, but there is no hard evidence to prove
                                        General Audience
                                                                      this. But the message given by these two icons of Our Lady of Czestochowa and the Salvation
                                           August 12, 2020
                                                                      of the People of Rome is almost totally that of Our Lady of Sorrows. But in contemplation of
                                                                      the icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, we get not just one message, but two.
                                                                         The first impression certainly is that of tragedy and passion, the signs of the passion and
             SAINT OF THE WEEK                                        death are there, the cross, the nails, the lance, the sponge. The frightened child clinging tightly
                                                                      to His Mother, surely the icon is speaking to us about the sorrows of Jesus and Mary.
            Redemptorist Martyrs of Ukraine                              But there is another message. Even though the signs of the passion are all around, the
                   Feast Day: June 28                                 countenance, the face of Mary is calm, serene, noble, in control of her emotions. She is looking
                      Nicholas Charnestsky was born                   beyond this painful scene of the passion, her eyes are gazing into the future, looking towards
                      in 1884, ordained in 1909, and                  those who will come to her. The icon is plainly telling us that she is the Mother of the Redeemer
                      entered the Redemptorist novitiate              but also our Mother. It is a quiet, warm picture. It is through her eyes that we can read her
                      in 1919. He was ordained bishop                 affection for us as our Mother, yet, she is always trusting in her Son whom she is holding in
                      in 1931. During World War II, he                her arms. THE EYES of Mary tell us who she is…what she has done for us…and how she will
                      was in Lviv ministering pastorally              always be waiting for us to come to her. The eyes speak to us about the hope and confidence
 and teaching. From 1945-56, he was imprisoned in                     that we should have in her.
 about 30 Soviet labor camps and prisons. Following                      These eyes of Mary also look into our own soul and remind us what we should be and how
 his release in 1956, he returned to Lviv and acted as                we should live our life. We cannot look into those eyes and continue to be small and narrow
 bishop of the suppressed Ukranian Greek Catholic                     and refuse to love and forgive. The eyes are telling us that we must go through life open to
 Church in Ukraine. He died in 1959.                                  truth, love, and compassion. They are speaking to us that we should have confidence and trust
 Vasyl Velychkovsky was born in Western Ukraine in                    in her because this is truly an image of our Mother.
 1903. He entered the Redemptorists and was ordained                  May Mary our Mother of Perpetual Help protect you, and keep you safe always.
 a priest after 1925. He worked as a missionary for 20
                                                                                                             Happy Feast Day!
 years in rural Ukraine. He was arrested in 1945 and
 condemned to death, but the sentence was commuted
 to 10 years imprisonment. He was consecrated bishop
                                                                             Please be aware that the Sunday 7:30 a.m. Mass will no longer be livestreamed.
 in 1963 in a hotel room and became head of the
                                                                                If you wish to watch Mass Sunday morning, you may watch the archived
 Ukrainian Catholic Church. Arrested once more in
                                                                                               livestreamed, Saturday 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass.
 1969, he spent three years in prison and was exiled in
 1972. He died in Canada in 1973 from what is believed
 to be a slow-acting poison administered prior to his
 release from prison.                                                                      CHURCH SUPPORT – THANK YOU!
 Zenon Kovalyk was born in 1903 and joined the
 Redemptorists in 1926. Zenon was a fearless preacher                             DATE                             2020                             2021
 of God’s Word and love of the Mother of God. He                             June 13th Week                    $ 10,049.00                       $ 11,197.47
 was arrested by the Soviets in 1940. In 1941, when
                                                                               YTD Totals                      $611,265.25                       $645,485.22
 the Soviet prisons were opened on the arrival of the
 invading German army, Father Zenon’s body was                           St. Vincent’s Collection                                                $ 1,022.00
 found crucified to a wall of the prison.                                                       RELAXING OF COVID-19 GUIDELINES
 Ivan Ziatyk was born in 1899 in Odrekhova. He                        According to the Diocese of Harrisburg, following the CDC Guidelines
 was ordained in 1923 and joined the Redemptorists                    - The Diocese of Harrisburg announced that, in continued alignment with local, state, and
 in 1935. He taught at the Redemptorist seminary                          federal health guidelines, effective immediately, all fully vaccinated parishioners no longer
 near Lviv and had assignments at the monastery in                        need to wear masks when attending Mass. For those who are not fully vaccinated, masks
 Ternopil and minor seminary in Zboisk where he was                       must still be worn. Capacity limits for Masses are lifted. Although capacities are being lifted
 the superior of the community. The difficult situation                   and masking guidelines are relaxing for the fully vaccinated, the Dispensation from the
 in which the Ukrainian Catholic Church found itself                      Obligation for attending Mass remains in place.
 (with all its bishops arrested and with the Belgian                  For more on the newest guidelines, please view Fr. John’s video on our Facebook page and at
 Provincial expelled), resulted in Father Ivan holding       Thank you for all your patience and many sacrifices you have made during
 the posts of the Provincial of the Redemptorists and                 this pandemic. Your willingness to adhere to the guidelines has kept all of us safe. – Fr. John
 the Vicar General of the Ukrainian Catholic Church.
 He was arrested in 1950 and condemned to 10 years
 imprisonment, but died of a savage beating in 1952.
 These four Redemptorists were among 25 Ukrainian
 martyrs beatified during the papal visit to Lviv in 2001.
     Excerpted from Saints for Every Occasion, Thomas J. Craughwell

RELIGIOUS ED • PARISH perpetualhelp@omph.org2
CHURCH OF OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP - Diocese of Harrisburg / Staffed by the Redemptorists
CHURCH OF OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP – THE REDEMPTORISTS                                                                      EPHRATA, PENNSYLVANIA

                 WEEKLY OFFERINGS AND ONLINE GIVING                                                          OMPH PARISH MASTER PLAN
                         Are you unable to attend Mass?                                      Please see Fr. John’s June 18, 2021 Video Update to Parishioners
      You may mail your weekly offering to the Church at 320 Church Avenue,                 on our website for information regarding
       Ephrata, PA 17522                                                                     OMPH Parish Master Plan, or Facebook. Please place any
      TEXT-TO-GIVE by texting the amount you would like to give to our                      thoughts or suggestions you have in the suggestion boxes in
       number 717-401-4159 and hit “send” or                                                 the Narthex, Fr. Jackson lobby, on our website at omphchurch.
      Sign up for Online Giving at                           com, or email
                          THANK YOU – GOD BLESS!

THE FIVE FIRST SATURDAYS Devotion is being initiated at                                               In Our Thoughts and Prayers
OMPH by The Knights of Columbus Father Daley Council #4191                                            Jane Muldowney, Anna Lesher, Florence Windish,
The Five First Saturdays Devotion is the forgotten part of the                                        Patrick Michael Ward, Jody Shimp, Megan Kreider,
Fatima Message.                                                                                       John Mento, Joanne Dever, Mary Ann Wilk, Theresa
On the First Saturday during 5 Consecutive Months, the Devotion                              Foley, Philomena Rozario, Barbara Beebe, Barbara Szobonya,
consists of:                                                                                 Pat Fry, Jude Oniskey, Ben Dangelo, Marlene Battisti, John
    1. Going to Confession                                                                   Coleman, Phoenix Rann, Donald Bender, Sr., Beverly Benning,
    2. Receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion                                             Ann Scribani, Joseph Dominek, Stephan Mozeliak, Kim Tran,
    3. Saying five decades of the Rosary                                                     John Intoccia, Gina Leone Miale, Julie Leone, Marianne Kurtz,
    4. Meditating for 15 minutes on the mysteries of the Rosary                              Josephine Liau, Debbie Bannon,
All this offered in REPARATION for the sins of blasphemy and ingratitude                      Mary Price, Ryan Thompson, Darlene Hinkle, Amber Stiel, Ellen
committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.                                              Hugenbruch, Tony Cicero, William Peters
The Intention – To console the Immaculate Heart of Mary, offer reparation for the
Blasphemies and ingratitude of unrepentant sinners, and for peace in the world.
Although the Five First Saturdays can begin the first Saturday of any month, the          Sanctuary Lamp
Knights are scheduling the devotion to begin the month of May to correspond with          You may have the Sanctuary Lamp burn for a sick or deceased loved
the first month Mary appeared to the three children of Fatima.                            one for a donation of $5.00 to defray the cost of the candles. This week,
During the apparition of February 15, 1926, Sister Lucia presented to Our Lord the        the candle burns for the Gruber Family.
problem some people had confessing on the first Saturdays. She asked Our Lord
if Confession would be valid if done eight days before or eight days after the first
Saturday. Our Lord answered: “Yes, it can even be within many more days, provided                                                VBS Family Fun Day
they are in the state of grace when they receive Me, and have the intention of offering                                Sunday, July 11, 2021, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”                                                                        Join us for a 1-day VBS Family Fun
If you cannot make the first Saturday Confession requirement, please come to the                                    Day! We’ll have games, crafts, interactive
OMPH Church penance services the Wednesday before the first Saturday of the
                                                                                                                    entertainment on the “main stage.”
month as follows; April 28, June 2, June 30, August 4, September 1 and September
                                                                                                                          All parishioners are WELCOME!
29. The penance service will begin at 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                     Please do not leave children unattended.
By completing the four First Saturday requirements in five consecutive months, Our
                                                                                                                      It is free and no registration is needed.
Lady will assist with the graces necessary for salvation at the hour of death.
                                                                                             Mass will be held in the church at 4:15 p.m.
For more information on the Fatima Apparitions and the Five First Saturdays
Devotion, go online to                                           Questions or interested in helping out? Contact Jill McGowan at
Also, the Five First Saturdays pamphlets are available in the parish office.       

                          PARISH ACTIVITIES                                               CAMP KIRCHENWALD
                                                                                          The Diocesan Summer Camp for Adults with Developmental
  EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Adoration of the Blessed                           Disabilities is seeking volunteers to assist at its residential camp, August
  Sacrament is every Wednesday after the 9:00 a.m. Mass until 5:00 p.m.                   15-20, 2021. The camp takes place at Camp Kirchenwald in Lebanon
                                                                                          County and serves the needs of approximately 30 adults. The camp has
  NOVENA TO OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP AFTER WEDNESDAY                                  been held annually for the past 35 years (virtually last summer) and is
  9:00 A.M. MASS: We are so fortunate to have OMPH as our patroness here at our           primarily dependent on volunteer support. Anyone 16+ is welcome to
  parish. The Wednesday Novena is always a good reminder to me of all the graces          volunteer for full-time or part-time duties; there is a particular need
  that flow through our Blessed Mother to protect us and to keep us safe. She truly       for adult volunteers who are able to spend the night. All volunteers are
  is our mother, may we continue to run to her in total confidence and trust. As we       required to complete the Diocesan Clearance process and to provide
  celebrate our parish feast, we are particularly thankful for all the graces we have     proof of full vaccination from the COVID-19 virus (limited vaccination
  received through the loving arms of Our Mother of Perpetual Help.                       waivers may be granted). Attendance at a brief training session prior
  HOLY HOUR AND DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET IN CHURCH AND LIVE-                                  to helping at camp is also required. There is no cost to volunteers; all
  STREAMED EVERY FRIDAY – 3:00 P.M. I really look forward to the Holy Hour                meals, events, campground activities, etc. are included. Deadline for
  each Friday with the Blessed Sacrament exposed as we chant the Divine Mercy             expressing volunteer interest is June 30.
  Chaplet. We’re also praying for an end to the Pandemic, for the victims of the           If you are not able to volunteer but wish to support this special ministry,
  virus, and for all those who are sacrificing to keep us safe – first responders and     your prayers, financial generosity or simply sharing this volunteer
  health care professionals. During the Holy Hour, we are also praying for all of         solicitation with someone you think might be interested all make a
  the needs of our parishioners. During the hour of prayer, we are also reading A         significant, positive difference and are greatly appreciated. Donations
  Visit to the Blessed Sacrament by St. Alphonsus Liguori with a prayer of Spiritual      may be sent to the Office of Ministry with People with Disabilities,
  Communion. This is a difficult time, but Our Blessed Lord has promised us that          4800 Union Deposit Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111. Checks should be
  He would never abandon us – He is with us always. Join us for this very special         made payable to the Diocese of Harrisburg with Camp Kirchenwald in
  time of prayer.                                                                         the memo line. For more information or any questions, please contact
                                                                                          Larry Kiley at 717-657-4804, ext. 322, or email
CHURCH OF OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP - Diocese of Harrisburg / Staffed by the Redemptorists
THE THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                                                                  JUNE 27, 2021

                                                 BAPTISMS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS

            The Lombardi Family with Fr. Jim at Claire’s Baptism.                   The Snavely/DeCarlo Family with Fr. Jim at Abigail’s Baptism.

         Congratulations to the new
         Mr. & Mrs. Simmons. Devin
      Simmons and Gretchen Hartman
         were married at OMPH on
        June 20th. May God bless Mr.
       & Mrs. Simmons with a life and
            marriage full of love.

          The new Mr. & Mrs. Long             We invite you to view the funeral of Theresa Bender, mother of Fr. Donald Bender, on our website. Bishop
               with Fr. John.                 Gainer attended. Fr. John and 19 Diocesan priests concelebrated. (All priests are not in photograph.)

The 2021 Diocesan Annual Campaign theme for this year is Faith Alive. The Diocesan Annual Campaign (DAC) provides the vast majority of the financial
resources needed to operate the Diocesan ministries and programs. The DAC partners with OMPH and all the parishes and the faithful of Harrisburg
Diocese, working together to strengthen the ministries and outreach, and further the mission of Jesus Christ in our Diocese.
I have pledged my support to Bishop Gainer that OMPH will do everything in our power to make this campaign successful and reach our parish goal of
$103,856. As of this date, OMPH Parishioners have donated/pledged $78,319. Any funds collected in excess of our Parish goal will be returned to our Parish.
As a reminder, the ministries and programs that this campaign supports benefit all of us. We partner with the Diocese to offer programs that our parish
could not support independently for the benefit of parishioners like you and your family. Please send donations to Diocese of Harrisburg, Diocesan Annual
Campaign, 4800 Union Deposit Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111-3710 or to the Diocesan Giving Page at
donate and OMPH will receive credit.

RELIGIOUS ED • PARISH perpetualhelp@omph.org4
CHURCH OF OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP - Diocese of Harrisburg / Staffed by the Redemptorists
CHURCH OF OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP – THE REDEMPTORISTS                                                              EPHRATA, PENNSYLVANIA

                       OMPH YOUTH MINISTRY
Hershey Park Fun!
Beautiful weather, friends and family, and Hershey Park fun came together for a
wonderful day on June 15! Thanks to the thirteen teens and seven adults who attended.
Looking forward to the next Hershey Park visit the summer of 2022!

Cooking Club Sunday:                                                                                           CHICKEN BBQ
June 27th, 12:30-2:30 p.m. at the OMPH cafeteria kitchen! Make a personal pizza from                  Knights of Columbus Council 4191
scratch – traditional, white, or curry and BBQ chicken! RSVP to Denise Duchesneau           When:                Saturday, July 17, 2021
at 717-859-5835.                                                                            Time:                11:00 until Sold Out
                                                                                            Location:            OMPH Parking Lot
Abbyfest is Back!!                                                                                               It is a drive-thru only
Abbeyfest is a day of praise, worship, Christian vendors, Confession, prayer, food          Menu:                ½ Chicken, Baked Beans,
trucks, and tours of Daylesford Abbey in Paoli, PA. The highlight of the day is an                               Apple sauce, Bag of Chips,
outdoor Mass and evening concert with Catholic singer Matt Maher! Also feature                                   Small Drink, Pudding Cup
this year is the Christian music group We Are Messengers. Mark your calendars for           Cost:                $10.00
Saturday, September 18! OMPH youth and chaperones attend for $15.00. Contact
Denise Duchesneau at 717-859-5835 to reserve your spot! Visit www.theabbeyfest.                          Tickets on Sale at Weekend Masses
com for more information.                                                                                    June 26, July 3, and July 10

Mini Pool Table Now in the Bernardine Center!                                                     Presold Dinners must be picked up by 1:00 p.m.
Thank you to Denise Ives for the donation of the mini pool table! This fun addition               All Covid-19 Protocols will be strictly enforced.
to the youth space has already been tested and approved by a couple teens. Your
generosity is greatly appreciated!                                                                 Proceeds support local council’s Faith, Family,
                                                                                                         Community and Life programs.
Mass Missal Books:
A big thank-you to Aiden, Theresa, and Maryanna for assembling and placing the                              Tickets can also be purchased
                                                                                                            online at
missals in the church. The return of our missals has been greatly anticipated! Your
time and effort to bring them back to our parish is much appreciated!

                                  FAITH FORMATION • RCIA • RELIGIOUS EDUCATION

                                                                                         If you have an iPhone or an Android, this is the app for you. It’s
                                                                                         simple to use, and it helps parishioners be more connected and
                                                                                         deepen our relationship with the Lord Jesus. OMPH Parish
                                                                                         sends messages, alerts, and so much more!
                                                                                         You can view the bulletin, the parish calendar,
                                                                         donate to the OMPH collection! Text App to phone number
                                                                         88202, or visit to download. You can also
                                                                         scan the QR Code to download the App.

                                                                            RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS
                                                                            THANK YOU to all of our students, parents, catechists and volunteers
                                                                            for a wonderful RE year!
                                                                            REGISTRATION FOR NEXT YEAR IS NOW OPEN! If you have
                                                                            questions, please contact the RE office at
                                                                            Please consider joining our Religious Education Program as a
                                                                            catechist, aide, or substitute.
                                                                            REC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION BOARD
                                                                            All parishioners are welcome to join the REC Board. Help us plan and
                                                                            improve our Religious Education program! If you would like to join
                                                                            or have any questions, please contact Laura Kauffman at 717-575-
                                                                            8221 or email
                                                                            RCIA NEWS
                                                                            RCIA stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. Its purpose
                                                                            is to introduce Catholicism to those who are interested in becoming
                                                                            a member of the Catholic Faith. If you are interested, please contact
                                                                            Linda Garbarino at 717-733-2676.

CHURCH OF OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP - Diocese of Harrisburg / Staffed by the Redemptorists
THE THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                                        JUNE 27, 2021

                                                           SCHOOL SCENE
                                                                                            June 27, 2021

         Congratulations to our 8th Grade Graduates and Award Recipients

                                                                             OMPH School Class of 2021
                                                                              William Clemson, Erin Covey, Jack
                                                                                Critchfield, Haley Detz, Alyson
                                                                             Dreihaup, Zachary Dresch, John Drum,
                                                                                 Isabelle Erb, Grant Hall, Sarah
                                                                              Hensley, Gabe Hollenbacher, Caden
                                                                                Hummer, William Ives, Madison
                                                                               Kiefer, Charlotte Kowitz, Katelyn
                                                                               Mazur, Claire McAleer, Ashleigh
                                                                                  Morris, and Tommy O’Neill
                                                                               Also pictured are Father John, Father
                                                                              Jim, Miss Weaver (Interim Principal),
                                                                              and Mrs. McShea (8th Grade Teacher)

      The President’s Award for Educational Excellence: Will Clemson, Haley Detz, Alyson Dreihaup, Isabelle
      Erb, Gabe Hollenbacher, William Ives, and Charlotte Kowitz.

      The President’s Award for Educational Achievement: Erin Covey, Sarah Hensley, Madison Kiefer, Katelyn
      Mazur, and Ashleigh Morris.

      The Doctor Laukaitis Award: established by the late Dr. Ronald Laukaitis and given to the girl and boy
      graduate who have achieved the highest scholastic average in our departmental program of grades 6, 7, 8:
                    Alyson Dreihaup and Gabe Hollenbacher

      The Thomas J. Mohr Memorial Scholarship: presented by the OMPH Athletic Association in memory of
      Coach Tom Mohr, given to a girl and boy graduate who will be attending a Catholic High School and who
      exhibits the traits and attitudes that Tom Mohr viewed as priorities, including improvement as a player,
      teammate, and person:
                      Claire McAleer and Gabe Hollenbacher

      The Knights of Columbus Award: presented to the girl and boy graduate who have shown a consistent
      effort in displaying outstanding character traits, citizenship, and Christian service:
                      Charlotte Kowitz and John Drum

      OMPH Inclusive Leadership Award: given to a girl and boy graduate who best exemplifies the qualities of
      cognizance, curiosity, courage, cultural intelligence, commitment, and collaboration, and who uses these gifts
      and talents to embrace individual differences and to empower others to reach their fullest potential:
                      Madison Kiefer and Grant Hall


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CHURCH OF OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP - Diocese of Harrisburg / Staffed by the Redemptorists
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