29292929 9th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario - Parishes Online

Page created by Marcus Rojas
29292929 9th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario - Parishes Online

                                                                                                   OCTOBER 17 2021

     9th Sunday in Ordinary Time

                Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Saturday                         Monday       No Mass   9:00 AM (English)
                                                                                                RECONCILIATION (in Church)
5:00 PM Vigil (English)          Tuesday     12:00 PM                                     Thursday      5:00 PMͶ6:30 PM
7:00 PM Vigil (Spanish)          Wednesday   12:00 PM
                                                                                             Saturday      3:00 PMͶ4:30 PM
                                 Thursday     7:00 PM     ADORATION                      or by appointment 407.275.0841
Sunday                                                    Exposition:
                                  Friday      12:00 PM
8 AM, 10 AM, & 12 PM (English)                            Thursday 5:00 ʹ6:30 PM 
3:00 PM (Polish)                                          And after Mass

                  ADDRESS                                                            TELEPHONE
                  1501 N ALAFAYA TRAIL, ORLANDO, FL 32828                            407.275.0841

                   WEBSITE                                                           EMAIL
                   WWW.STJOSEPHORLANDO.ORG                                           office@stjosephorlando.org
                                                                                      OFFICE HOURS
                   SOCIAL MEDIA                                                      9:00AMͶ3:00PM
                   @SAINTJOSEPHORLANDO                                               (closed 12Ͳ12:30 for lunch)
29292929 9th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario - Parishes Online

               WE ARE HERE TO SERVE
               October 17, 2021

CONTACT INFORMATION                                                                      TO JOIN OUR PARISH
                                                                                          If you would like to become a member of our

                                                     Join Our Parish
                                                                                          parish, please contact our parish office.
                    CLERGY                                                               407.275.0841 / office@stjosephorlando.org.
     PRIEST / PAROCHIAL ADMINISTRATOR                                                    You can also find the parish registraDon form
            REV. BENJAMIN LEHNERTZ                                                       on our website at www.stjosephorlando.org.

                   DEACONS                                                               FOR SACRAMENTS
              DEACON MICHAEL AN                                                          Please contact our parish office 
        DeaconMichael@stjosephorlando.org                                                407.275.0841 / office@stjosephorlando.org
        DeaconWilmar@stjosephorlando.org                Sacraments                       BAPTISMS
                                                                                          Contact office at least 3 months in advance
                 PARISH STAFF                                                            Contact us as soon as you are engaged. You
                                                                                          will need at least six months of formaDon.
             LITURGY AND MUSIC
              MARIANN EDWARDS
                                                                                          FOR PASTORAL CARE NEEDS
                                                                                          If you or a family member is hospitalized or in

                                                        Pastoral Care
              FORMATION TEAM                                                             need of the Sacrament of AnoinDng of the Sick
                                                                                          or any other pastoral care needs, please
                                                                                          contact our parish office.
                                                                                          407.275.0841 / office@stjosephorlando.org.
                                                                           AFTER HOUR EMERGENCIES
                SUPPORT TEAM                                            To reach a priest, call 407.275.0841, x7
           jgregory@stjosephorlando.org                   TO SUBMIT CONTENT FOR ANNOUNCEMENT OR BULLETIN
                                                            announcements@stjosephorlando.org; bulleDn@stjosephorlando.org
      WENDY TAYLOR (DATA MANAGEMENT)                                            2 weeks in advance
             JULIA ARROYO (FINANCE)                WHAT’S INSIDE
                                                            03         GOSPEL MEDITATION

             MAINTENANCE TEAM                               05         THIS WEEK
            jcrews@stjosephorlando.org                      06         FROM OUR DIRECTOR OF PARISH LIFE

                                                          Please contact the PARISH OFFICE with any ques"ons
          DIRECTOR OF PARISH LIFE                                             4072750841
               DENNIS JOHNSON, JR.                                    Office@StJosephOrlando.org
                                                           Stay Connected: www.stjosephorlando.org (website)
                                                            @SAINTJOSEPHORLANDO (Facebook & Instagram)

2                                            ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH / ORLANDO, FL
29292929 9th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario - Parishes Online

                                                                   GOSPEL MEDITATION
                                                                                    29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

                              GOSPEL MEDITATION 

     “What do you wish me to do for you?” Whether we                God desires to hear, know, and be an in,mate part of
     realize it, this is a ques,on God is always asking. It’s an    what is on our minds, it goes much deeper.
     important ques,on because the answer we provide will           
     reveal a great deal about where our hearts lie. Our            What we need from God is a rela,onship. It’s a
     requests of God can o5en appear very noble and                 rela,onship that guides and immerses us in the very stuff
     altruis,c. They consist of requests for healing for            of life and in the direc,on of the Gospel. This rela,onship
     someone in need of prayers, successful resolu,on of a          sees God’s kingdom and agenda, not our own, as what is
     personal conflict, assistance in overcoming a disease and       most important. It builds the strength of character
     myriad other desires for both ourselves and others. We         necessary to bring God’s Gospel into a world that may
     are especially concerned about those we love and can           not receive it with open arms. It may cause us discomfort
     easily find ourselves bringing their struggles to God for a     and suffering. We are asked to heroically journey with
     hearing in our prayer.                                        God through suffering, hardship, ridicule, and even
                                                                   death! Ul,mately, our desire from God must become our
     Is that really all that prayer is about? The woman in          desire for God. It is only when this happens that the
     today’s Gospel, having been put in her place by Jesus,         powerful words “thy will be done” will be found with
     was only looking out for the wellbeing of her sons. She        sincerity and humility on our lips. Whatever God wishes
     was doing what mothers do, protec,ng and securing the          becomes what we wish as we see this glorious union of
     livelihood of her children. But she was sadly mistaken,        wills. Our humble lives will then become powerful
     her request was not granted. We all make this same             witnesses, and what happens to us in God’s eternal
     misguided mistake from ,me to ,me. The goal of prayer          kingdom the result of his mercy. We become true
     is not to convince God of the worthiness of our agenda or      servants and find ourselves discovering God’s definition
     to gain a hearing. Some,mes we believe that the more           of success. That definition has nothing at all to do with
     we mul,ply our prayers or discover the right                   status, income, or privilege. 
     combina,on of supplica,ons that we will receive more of        
     God’s a:en,on. That’s not how it works. Even though

3                                            ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH / ORLANDO, FL
29292929 9th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario - Parishes Online


                            MEDITACIÓN DEL EVANGELIO 

     El i,nerario de Jesús sigue y sigue preparando a sus          como rescate por una muchedumbre” (Marcos 10:45).
     discípulos para los eventos futuros. Sin embargo, ellos       ¿Crees tú que ahora sí se comprende el mensaje?
     ,enen aún una forma muy diferente de pensamiento de           ¿Crees que con todo lo que se ha vivido durante la
     lo que Jesús quiere de ellos. Hasta el grado de que           pandemia, aun se busquen los primeros puestos?
     San,ago y Juan piden los primeros puestos cuando              Pidamos, al Señor, que se aparte de nuestro diario vivir
     Jesús llegue a su reino. ¡Que muchachos tan listos!           la envidia, el egoísmo, el odio y el racismo. Que al
     Antes que nadie se les adelante ellos preguntan. La           par,cipar en la EucarisNa nos demos cuenta que todos
     respuesta de Jesús ante tal pe,ción es la siguiente:          somos iguales y que todos ocuparemos un puesto
     “¿Pueden beber la copa que yo estoy bebiendo o ser            importante en su Reino.
     bauzados como yo soy bauzado?” (Mateo 10:38). A             ©LPi
     razón de esta pregunta, Jesús les vuelve a repe,r que él
     no camina hacia el triunfo sino a hacia la muerte. Pero,
     ellos seguían sin comprender tan importante mensaje.
     Señor, ten misericordia de nosotros y de nuestras
     pretensiones de poder, de dinero y de triunfo. Es lógico
     que todos queramos los primeros puestos,
     erróneamente en muchas ocasiones, y por eso
     luchamos en esta vida, sin importar a quien aplastamos
     o dejamos atrás. Por esa razón, Jesús explica por qué ha
     venido al mundo. “Sepan que el Hijo del Hombre no ha
     venido para ser servido, sino para servir y dar su vida

4                                         ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH / ORLANDO, FL
29292929 9th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario - Parishes Online

                      THIS WEEK
                                                                                                                                                                   IN YOUR 
    Monday, October 18
                NO MASS
    Tuesday, October 19
    12:00 PM † Peter Uy / † Caridad BaDsta / † Souls in Purgatory
    Wednesday, October 20                                                                                       ...the sick of our parish family:
    12:00 PM † Rose Cavazza Bartell / † Genowefa Polec / † Nelis Lugo Tovar                                       Mr. & Mrs. Clarkson               Mary Walsh
                                                                                                                    Maria Guadalupe SantsCoy          Nuria Solis Robles
                                                                                                                   Kim Guzy                          Shelley Lowe
    Thursday, October 21                                                                                           Consuelo Rodriguez                Ihab Marouf
    7:00 PM     † Maria Do Thi Quy / Rivera Family                                                                Andres Gomez                      Lorraine Bowen
                                                                                                                    Zulma Sanchez Diaz                Joan & Elizabeth Rivera
                                                                                                                   Carlie Mauer                      Shelly Cuellar
    Friday, October 22                                                                                             Antonio Barreca                   Ava Foley
                                                                                                                    Jesús Rosales                     Bella Cota
    12:00 PM † Lascario Otero Grice / † Philip Bouley / Cesar Zapata                                              Linda Rasco                       William Ramer
                                                                                                                   Losalite Louis                    Dawn Cates
                                                                                                                    Mary McClarren                    Mariann Edwards
    Saturday, October 23
                                                                                                                    Dante Gabriel                     Selina Vik
    5:00 PM     † Edward Deitric / † Gilda Valverde                                                               Shelley Lowe                      Edward Cammarata
    7:00 PM     † Neidys Riva / † Gilberto Vinazco / † Marina Arboleda                                            Gracia Baudin                     Nicole Godreau
                                                                                                                    Anibal Palacios                   Thomas Giblin
                                                                                                                   John Isaak Cole                   Elizabeth Morales
    Sunday, October 24                                                                                             Colin Hill                        Jessenia Morales
                                                                                                                    Abigail Quiñones                  Maribel Morales
    8:00        † Caridad BaDsta / † Ana Marrero / † Isabel Marrero
                                                                                                                    Ethan Quiñones                    Renee Quiñones
    10:00 AM † Deeb & Alia Mufarech / † Dr. Juan A Lopez                                                          Jesenia Quiñones                  Dianne Barnes
                Thanksgiving Hernandez Rodriguez Family                                                            ...and the deceased of our parish family:
    12:00 PM For the People of the Parish
                                                                                                                †   Jose Antonio Nieves           †    Maria Szulc
    3:00 PM     For the People of the Parish
                                                                                                                †   Bridget McClarren             †    Oriel Paño
                                                                                                                †   Luis Roberto Morciglio        †    Vilma Nuñez
                                                                                                                †   Rene Ramos                    †    Ramona Salcedo

                                                                READINGS FOR THE WEEK
      Sun     Is 53:10Ͳ11/Ps 33:4Ͳ5, 18Ͳ19,
                                                  Mon      2 Tm 4:10Ͳ17/Ps 145:10Ͳ11,             Tue     Rom 5:12, 15, 17Ͳ19, 20Ͳ21/Ps       Wed        Rom 6:12Ͳ18/Ps 124:1Ͳ3, 4Ͳ6,
               20, 22/Heb 4:14Ͳ16/Mk 10:35                                                                  40:7Ͳ8, 8Ͳ9, 10, 17/Lk 12:35Ͳ
     17       Ͳ45 or 10:42Ͳ45                   18       12Ͳ13, 17Ͳ18/Lk 10:1Ͳ9 
                                                                                                   19      38                                 20         7Ͳ8/Lk 12:39Ͳ48

     Thur     Rom 6:19Ͳ23/Ps 1:1Ͳ2, 3, 4          Fri         Rom 7:18Ͳ25/Ps 119:66, 68,         Sat     Rom 8:1Ͳ11/Ps 24:1Ͳ2, 3Ͳ4, 5Ͳ       Sun        Jer 31:7Ͳ9/Ps 126:1Ͳ2, 2Ͳ3, 4Ͳ
     21       and 6/Lk 12:49Ͳ53                 22           76, 77, 93, 94/Lk 12:54Ͳ59        23      6/Lk 13:1Ͳ9 
                                                                                                                                                24         5, 6/Heb 5:1Ͳ6/Mk 10:46Ͳ52 

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5                                                              ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH / ORLANDO, FL


    Saint Francis of Assisi is among the most beloved in the         such as the love God has for us or that Francis has for
    Communion of Saints. After the Virgin Mary, he is arguably       God -- then transformation becomes the normative way
    the most written about in our repertoire exemplary               for addressing suffering. The pain and emotion are
    witnesses of faith and discipleship. Most of us are familiar     transformed and made manifest from within and the
    at least some of the legendary stories attributed to Saint       stigmata become visible signs of that inner working of
    Francis. Whether it be his dramatic denouncing of wealth         love, sacrifice, and vulnerability. Yes, vulnerability –
    and possessions, his commitment to simplicity, his               because although the wounds of Christ are acts of love,
    respectful interactions with birds, animals, and insects, or     they are still wounds. If one is graced to receive the
    his reception of the stigmata (i.e., the wounds of Christ),      stigmata it does represent some practical challenges for
    Saint Francis of Assisi was a unique and extraordinary           hygiene, health, and one’s daily lifestyle.
                                                                     I wonder how truly ready we are to receive the wounds of
    The stigmata, or wound marks of Christ, warrant a little         Christ and to enter into the suffering that God calls us to
    extra consideration because they are not something               endure for His Cross?
    commonly experienced even among those who have
    been officially inducted into the ranks of ecclesial             The Church has begun a two-year Synod focused on its
    sainthood. We can reflect on the stigmata from a couple          inner working and governance from a collegial
    of different perspectives. For example, Francis’ love for        perspective. We will surely learn more about this in the
    Jesus was so profound that he wanted to know Him from            coming weeks and months as each diocese from around
    within – even to experience his pain and suffering on the        the world will be invited to participate in the consultative
    Cross – at the core of His being. Few of us encounter this       process that is part of the Synod’s work. Ironically, our
    depth of love in our lives with regularity. Perhaps, with a      Pope – Francis – convoked the Synod for October, the
    spouse, a child, a parent, a sibling, or a best friend. These    month of his papal patron – with a theme that
    kinds of relationships we know as soul mates. They are           encourages us to endure the challenge of transforming
    treasured and rare.                                              our being “as Church” from within so that we can better
                                                                     work out in the world in service to God and neighbor. Is
    Spirituality experts see the stigmata in another interesting     this a stigmata moment for us?
    light. The wounds of Christ made manifest in an individual
    demonstrate a transformation of God’s pain and suffering         God    bless   you    and   have    a   fabulous   week!...
    rather than its transmission. We all know the adage about
    the person who comes home from work angry and yells
    at the spouse, who yells at their child, who yells at the pet,
    who has no one to yell at. That is transmitting or passing-
    on the pain and emotion. Most of the time this is what we
    do. However, when one is consumed by profound love –

6                                             ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH / ORLANDO, FL

                                 DE NUESTRO DIRECTOR DE VIDA PARROQIAL


    San Francisco de Asís está ubicado entre los más              que Dios tiene para nosotros o que Francisco tiene para
    queridos en la Comunión de los Santos. Después de la          Dios – pues, lo que resulta es una nueva norma de
    Virgen Maria, él es uno de los más que se ha estudiado        enfrentar el sufrimiento que es la transformarlo. El dolor y
    reconocidos por escrito en nuestro repertorio de testigos     emoción son transformados y manifestados desde
    ejemplarías de fe y del discipulado. La mayoría de            adentro y la estigmita se revela el trabajo interior del
    nosotros por lo menos conocemos algunas leyendas              amor, sacrificio y vulnerabilidad. Si, vulnerabilidad –
    atribuidas a San Francisco. Aun sea su denuncio de            porque aun las heridas del amor, sacrificio, y
    posesiones y riquezas, su compromiso a una vida simple,       vulnerabilidad son actos de amor, siguen siendo heridas.
    sus interacciones respetuosas con pájaros, animales e         Por ejemplo, si uno está con la gracia suficiente para
    insectos, o su recepción de la estigmita (es decir, las       recibir la estigmita se encontrará algunos retos en cuanto
    heridas de Cristo), San Francisco de Asís fue un cristiana    a su cuidado físico, su salud, y en sus actividades
    extraordinario y único.                                       cotidianas.

    La estigmita, o marcas de las heridas de Cristo, valen la     Me pregunto ¿si estamos verdaderamente para recibir
    pena considerar con más detalle por no es algo común          las heridas de Cristo y para entrar en el sufrimiento que
    en la experiencia de aquellos que consideramos                Dios nos llama a endurecer para su Cruz?
    oficialmente inducidos entre los rangos de la santidad.
    Podemos reflexionar sobre la estigmita desde varias           La Iglesia ha comenzado un Sínodo de dos años que se
    perspectivas. Por ejemplo, el amor que Francisco tenía        enfoca en las obras interiores y gobernación de Ella
    para Jesús era tan profundo que quiso conocerle a Jesus       desde una perspectiva colegial. En las próximas semanas
    desde a dentro – hasta tener la experiencia de Su dolor y     y meses debemos aprender más sobre esto porque cada
    sufrimiento en la Cruz – en el centro de su ser. Pocos de     diócesis estará invitada a participar en el proceso
    nosotros encontramos esta profundidad de amor con             consultativo que constituye parte del trabajo del Sínodo.
    regularidad en nuestras vidas. Quizás, con una esposa,        Irónicamente, nuestro Papa – Francisco – convocó el
    un niño, un padre, un hermano, o una amistad especial.        Sínodo para octubre, el mes de su patrón pontificio – con
    Estas relaciones clasificamos como compañeros de              un tema que fomenta que endurezcamos el desafío de
    alma. Son tesoros y son raros.                                transformar nuestro ser “como Iglesia” desde adentro
                                                                  para que podamos servir por fuera en el mundo a Dios y
    Expertos en espiritualidad consideren la estigmita de una     a nuestro prójimo. ¿Es esto un momento de estigmita
    manera diferente que es interesante. Las heridas de           para nosotros?
    Cristo que se manifiesta en un individuo demuestra una
    transformación del dolor y sufrimiento de Dios en vez de      ¡Dios les bendiga a todos y tengan una buena semana!
    una transmisión de ellos. Todos conocemos el dicho del        …
    individuo que llega a casa y grita a su esposo, quien
    luego grita al hijo, quien después grita a la mascota, que
    no tiene a quien gritar. Esto es la transmisión o entrega
    del dolor y emoción. La mayoría de las veces esto es lo
    que hacemos. Sin embargo, cuando uno está
    consumido por un amor profundo – tal como el amor

7                                          ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH / ORLANDO, FL


                                           FORMATION 2021Ͳ2022
    Adults (English & Spanish) begins on September 15 in the        Adultos (inglés y español) comienzan el 15 de Sep'embre en
    church                                                         la iglesia
        Wednesday 4:30 pm ʹ 6 pm                                         Miércoles 4:30 pm Ͳ 6:00 pm
        Wednesday 6:30 pm ʹ 8 pm                                         Miércoles 6:30 pm Ͳ 8pm
    Grades 1Ͳ5 begins on September 15 in the church                Grados 1Ͳ5 comienzan el 15 de Sep'embre en la iglesia
        Wednesday 4:30 pm ʹ 6 pm                                         Miércoles 4:30 pm Ͳ 6:00 pm
        Wednesday 6:30 pm ʹ 8 pm                                         Miércoles 6:30 pm ʹ 8 pm
    Middle School (Grades 6Ͳ8) begins on September 16 in the        Escuela intermedia (grados 6Ͳ8) comienza el 16 de Sep'embre
    social hall                                                    en el salón social
        Thursday 6:45 pm ʹ 8:15 pm                                       Jueves 6:45 pm Ͳ 8:15 pm
    High School (Grades 9Ͳ12) begins on September 13 in the         Escuela secundaria (grados 9Ͳ12) comienza el 16 de
    social hall                                                    Sep'embre en el salón social
        Monday 6:30 pm ʹ 8:30 pm                                         Lunes 6:30 pm Ͳ 8:30 pm

                                                                              You’re Knights of Columbus
                                                                             Monsignor Bishop Council 2112
                                                                             St. Joseph’s Recruitment Drive

                                                                Our parish Council 2112 celebrates 101 years in Orlando
                                                                We will conduct a membership drive aer each Mass on October 23 and 24
                                                                                    Who Are The Knights?
                                                                Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal organiza!on
                                                                with over 1.95 million members worldwide, providing members and their
                                                                families with opportuni!es in volunteer service to the Catholic Church,
                                                                their communi!es, and families.

                                                                Following Mass there will be members of Monsignor Bishop Council
                                                                2112 in the courtyard. Please take the Dme to speak with them,
                                                                learn more about this wonderful organizaDon and become a

                                                                Please consider joining our council. For more informaDon, visit
                                                                kofc.org , www.koc2112.org or contact Joe Kollar at 407Ͳ310Ͳ2523
                                                                   or Bob Kuzma at 407Ͳ325Ͳ9079 

                                       Online Applicaons                                                      November 7: Open
                                        Open for Bishop                                                      House at Bishop Moore
                                     Moore for prospec1ve                                                      from 12:30Ͳ3pm for
                                      students for 2022/23                                                    Prospec1ve Students,
                                           school year.                                                      Parents, and Families. 
                                               Visit                                                           Younger siblings are
                                     www.bishopmoore.org                                                       welcome to a8end!
                                             to apply! 

8                                          ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH / ORLANDO, FL

                                                                     PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS
                   OUR CATHOLIC APPEAL 2021                                                        NUESTRA CAMPAÑA CATÓLICA 2021
    Our parish contribution to Our Catholic Appeal 2021 is                               Nuestra contribución parroquial a Nuestra Campaña
    $154,361. We encourage you to help us do our part to                                 Católica 2021 es $154,361. Animamos que hagan su
    collaborate in the direct work of our Bishop. Your                                   parte para colaborar en el ministerio directo de nuestro
    generous participation assists the Church’s mission and                              obispo. Su generosa participación asegura que la
    ministry throughout central Florida and beyond. Other                                misión y pastoral de la Iglesia se extienda por fuera de la
    services supported by Our Catholic Appeal 2021                                       Florida central y más allá. Otros servicios patrocinados
    specifically benefit our parish.                                                     por Nuestra Campaña Católica 2021 específicamente
                                                                                         beneficien a nuestra parroquia.
    We invite everyone to please make a gift; whatever                                   Animamos a todos que hagan una donación; lo que
    sacrifice you can make is helpful. Give online at:                                   pueda sacrificar sirve como ayuda. Donen en línea a
    OurCatholicAppeal.org. If you are unable to give online,                             través del siguiente enlace: OurCatholicAppeal.org. Si
    please contact the parish office; we will assist you in                              no pueden donar en línea, comuníquese con la oficina
    submitting your pledge. Thank you for being a part of                                parroquial para que le ayudemos en determinar su
    our amazing parish!                                                                  compromiso. ¡Gracias por ser parte de nuestra
                                                                                         maravillosa parroquia!

    The parish FUNDED DEPRECIATION ACCOUNT exists to help                                 La parroquia ,ene un FONDO DE DEPRECIACIÓN
    us set aside monies for the deferred maintenance of our                               FINANCIADA que existe para ayudarnos ahorrar dinero
    facili,es and grounds. We are grateful for your regular                               dedicado exclusivamente para las necesidades de nuestros
    contribu,ons to this effort in addi,on to your ongoing                                 edificios y terrenos. Agradecemos su contribución regular a
    offertory. Dona,ons to funded deprecia,on are 100% used                                este esfuerzo en adición a su ofertorio. El dinero donado
    at the parish to repair, maintain, and upgrade our facili,es.                         para la depreciación financiada está 100% u,lizado en la
    We appreciate your generosity. Thank you!                                            parroquia para reparar, mantener y mejorar nuestras
                                                                                          instalaciones. Apreciamos su generosidad. ¡Gracias!

Join Bishop Noonan for the Red Mass, November 4
Come join Bishop John Noonan and The Catholic Lawyers Guild of Central Florida in the Red Mass. Pray for members of the judiciary including judges, attorneys,
and all members of the legal profession.
During the Red Mass, Catholics reaffirm their commitment to justice and their faith. The name refers to the red vestments worn by the celebrants to signify the Holy
Spirit as they pray for wisdom to seek justice.
For more information call 407-422-2005. Parking available at the Jefferson St. Garage. Tickets will be validated after Mass. Please arrive early.
When: Thursday, November 4, 12:10pm                                    Where: St. James Cathedral, 215 N. Orange Ave., Orlando

           GIVE ONLINE WITH REALM                                                                     OFFERTORY AND COLLECTIONS
    1   Visit our church website at www.stjosephorlando.org
                                                                                          10/10/2021 Offertory                                          $8,803.00
    2   Click on the New Online Giving button or scan QR code

    3   Create one time or recurring gifts. (Visit monthly as choices will change)      10/10/2021 Funded Deprecia1on                                $8,326.82
     (If you need help, please contact Wendy at
           wtaylor@stjosephorlando.org or 
                                                                                                      Thank you for your generous donations!
                                                                                                         OUR CATHOLIC APPEAL 2021
     TEXT TO GIVE                                                                                   Our 2021 parish goal: $154,360.76
You can also text StJosephOrlando to 73256,
followed by your giL amount, to give online
                                                                                                     Pledges to Date:     $144, 708.06
through text.                                                                                       Over/Under Goal:        (9,652.70)
(Standard text message and data rates may                                                                         (Parcipaon 11.5% (297 Gis)
                                                                                                       You can make your pledge at https://www.cfocf.org/oca/give/
apply)                                                                                        Under CHOOSE YOUR PARISH select St. Joseph Catholic Church, Orlando

9                                                          ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH / ORLANDO, FL

                      PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS

                                                                                         Join the Brotherhood of Hope and the
                                                                                         students of Catholic Campus Ministry
                                                                                         for an evening of adora"on and
                                                                                         praise. Tuesday, October 26 at 8PM.
                                                                                         As these gi%ed ministers lead us in
                                                                                         prayer they will offer the opportunity
                                                                                         to receive intercessory prayer.
                                                                                         All are welcome.

    DIACONATE DISCERNMENT NIGHTS                                                        Sons of Saint Joseph:
    Are you or someone you know being called to become a                   Praying for the Priests of the Diocese of Orlando
    deacon? The Diocese of Orlando, Office of the Permanent                                           

                                                                     “I invite you to pray for priests, so that through your prayer, the
    Diaconate is calling on the Church community to bring
    forth reputable men, servants, filled with the Spirit, to           Lord might strengthen their voca#on, comfort them in their
    discern a call to the permanent diaconate. Men seeking to        ministry, and help them always be joyful ministers of the Gospel
    discern this call are encouraged to attend a Diaconate                                          for all people.” (Pope Francis)
    Discernment Night. Six discernment sessions will be held     PLEASE JOIN US! Inspired by this Year of Saint Joseph, beginning November 6, 2021,
    throughout the diocese in September and October.             our parish will host a monthly recitaDon of the Rosary to entrust the priests of our
                                                                 diocese to the protecDon and spiritual fatherhood of Saint Joseph following the First
     10/26 Basilica of St. Paul, Daytona                         Saturday morning Mass.
     10/28 St. Catherine of Siena, Kissimmee                                   Join us for First Saturday Holy Mass at 9am on November 6 
                          6:30 pm to 8:30 pm                                               with Rosary & entrustment to follow!
                                                                              Please invite your family and friends throughout the diocese 
              For more information, go to https://
                                                                                                   to join us each month!


                                                                 For more informaDon, please contact your fellow parishioner, and Consecrated Virgin in
                                                                 the Diocese of Orlando, Jen SeRle at sonsofstjosephorlando@gmail.com.

                             All Souls Remembrance 2021
                                               In 2009 the tradiDon of the Council of Catholic                  OUR CATHOLIC
                                               Women sponsoring the “All Souls Project” began.
                                               In honor of All Souls Day, “Remembrance Doves”
                                               were offered for individuals to write names of
                                                                                                                 APPEAL 2021
                                               loved ones on the doves and they were then                                    
                                               placed on a tree. 
                                                                                                               Help our parish reach 100%
                                   Special prayers are offered up the weekend of                                       Par"cipa"on
November 1 as well as the enDre month of November for the souls of loved ones. 
                                                                                                           Your giA no maBer the amount is
What started with one tree grew to a “forest”!!                                                                  greatly appreciated!

The proceeds from this year’s donaDons for doves will go to Cornerstone Hospice. 

DonaDons can be made through our Online Giving or Text to                                                   You can make your pledge at https://
Give opDons by choosing Dove TreeͶHospice in the Fund drop
down menu.
                                                                                                         Under CHOOSE YOUR PARISH select St.
Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at
rest.                                           Psalm 55:5Ͳ7
                                                                                                             Joseph Catholic Church, Orlando

10                                                      ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH / ORLANDO, FL

                                                    PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS


                                                                  FOOD PANTRY

                                                                   FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS NEEDED
Please consider giving generously this year for the needs of       Our Food Pantry is now serving over 35 families. We currently
our Parish Community at Thanksgiving. You may donate               cannot accept food dona,ons but monetary dona,ons are
cash or gi5s in the weekly collec,on (please make checks           greatly appreciated. Please make checks payable to St. Joseph
payable to St. Joseph CC with Thanksgiving Food Drive in           Catholic Church with Food Pantry in the memo sec,on of the
the memo sec'on of the check) up un,l November 7. Or               check. Or you can give with our Online Giving or Text to Give
you can give with our Online Giving or Text to Give op,ons         op,ons by choosing OutreachͶFood Pantry in the Fund drop
by choosing Holiday Food Drive in the Fund drop down               down menu.

We are so Blessed to have such a generous Parish                   For more informa,on you can contact Vicky McCann at
Community and appreciate your Giving Thanks for Your               parish.outreachministry@gmail.com. 
Blessings during this season!!

    Hora Santa 

    El primer Martes de cada mes a las 7:00 pm
          Oración y reflexiones en Español!

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