S t . A n t h o ny C h u r ch
                San Bernardino Diocese
The Baptism of The Lord                         January 12, 2020

          2 1 1 0 N S a n A n t o n i o Ave n u e, U p l a n d , C A 9 1 7 8 4
CLERGY                                             MASS SCHEDULE
                            Pastor                                                  Saturday
                       Fr. Gerald Vidad                                        5:00 PM Vigil Mass
                       Parochial Vicar                                                Sunday
                   Fr. Kenneth Okoroudo                                          8:00 AM Mass
                           Deacons                                               9:30 AM Mass
                  Deacon Richard Simpson                                         11:15 AM Mass
                    Deacon Isaias Palma                                     1:30 PM Mass (Spanish)
                                                                                  5:00 PM Mass
                       PARISH STAFF                                         7:00 PM - Mass (Filipino)
                                                                           Last Saturday of the month
Parish Office                               (909) 985-2803                       Monday - Friday
Rev. Gerald Vidad, Pastor                               Ext. 213               8:30 AM Daily Mass
Rev. Kenneth Okoroudo, Parochial Vicar                  Ext. 200
Dcn. Richard Simpson                                    Ext. 210     Birthday Blessings
Dcn. Isaias Palma                                       Ext. 210     Every 1st Saturday and Sunday
Analisa Castro, Business Manager                        Ext. 211     of the month
Veronica Villatoro, Secretary to Pastor                 Ext. 250
Lindsey Cabrera, Parish Secretary                       Ext. 210     Anniversary Blessings
Tami McFadden, Admin. Assistant                         Ext. 203     Every 3rd Saturday and Sunday
Lori Muniz, Catechetical Director                       Ext. 217     of the Month
Angela Hernandez, Catechetical Assistant                Ext. 216
Gabi Flores, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry   Ext. 218     Baptism: A two-part class is required
Perla Plascencia, Youth Ministry                        Ext. 218     for parents and godparents. Baptisms
Shelley Reed, Director of Music and Liturgy             Ext. 212     are scheduled once a month.
Gerald Toerner, Facilities Manager                      Ext. 202
Dcn. Roberto Villatoro, Maintenance Manager             Ext. 202     Matrimony: Please call the parish
Martha Arroyo, Custodial                                Ext. 202     office, preferably one year in advance
                                                                     of the planned wedding.
                PARISH OFFICE HOURS                                  It is recommended that wedding
                                                                     receptions not be arranged before
          Monday - Tuesday - Thursday                                contacting the parish office.
                      9:00 AM - 4:30 PM                              Anointing of the Sick: During
                 Closed 12:00 PM - 1:00PM                            business hours, please call the parish
                         Wednesday                                   Funerals: It is recommended that the
                      11:00am - 4:30pm
                                                                     family or funeral home contact the
                 Closed 12:00 PM - 1:00PM                            parish office before funeral
                            Friday                                   arrangements are made.
                      9:00 AM - 12 Noon
                           Mailing                                              Altar Flowers
                       Mail: PO Box 608                                      Honor a Loved One
                      Upland, CA 91785                                      Or a Special Occasion
                     Fax: (909) 982-8643                           We invite you to consider a gift to the parish
                            Website:                                of flowers for the Altar in thanksgiving, in
                                    memory, in celebration of a loved one or
                                                                                   a special event.
                CATECHETICAL MINISTRY                              Please sign up in the office (909) 985-2803,
                        (909) 981-7080                              so that you can designate the weekend and
                    RECONCILIATION                                      occasion. The intentions will then be
                Saturdays (4:00 PM - 4:45 PM)                                recognized in the bulletin.
                      or by appointment                            Minimum cost for two flower arrangements is
                    HOLY DAY MASSES                                          All other flower donations
                      8:30 AM & 7:00 PM                                     are also greatly appreciated.
TODAY’S READINGS                                            MASS INTENTIONS
First Reading — Isaiah speaks of the Servant whom          Saturday               January 11
the LORD upholds; he shall bring forth justice to the      5:00pm                 Barbara Biane †
nations                                                    Sunday                 January 12
(Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7).                                      8:00am                 Kenneth Kendrena †
Psalm — The Lord will bless his people with peace          9:30am                 Noah Rentmeester †
(Psalm 29).                                                11:15am                Laura Pencz Bassell †
Second Reading — Jesus was anointed by God with            1:30pm                 Rafael & Elina Lopez †
the Holy Spirit; he went out healing and doing good        5:00pm                 For The People
(Acts 10:34-38).                                           Monday                 January 13
Gospel — A voice comes from heaven proclaiming             8:30am                 Noah Rentmeester †
Jesus as the beloved Son, with whom God is well                                   Jim Sheridan
pleased (Matthew 3:13-17).                                 Tuesday                January 14
                                                           8:30am                 Fr. James Downey, OSA †
           READINGS OF THE WEEK                                                   Ascension Matheus †
                                                           Wednesday              January 15
Monday:                                                    8:30am                 Camilo Rodriguez †
1 Sm 1:1-8; Ps 116:12-19; Mk 1:14‑20
Tuesday:                                                                          Anthony Garcia †
1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mk 1:21‑28                 Thursday               January 16
Wednesday:                                                 8:30am                 Warren Bowers †
1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10; Mk 1:29‑39                                  KarAnn Despard †
Thursday:                                                  Friday                 January 17
1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mk                 8:30am                 Pelagio Bacalso Jr.
1:40‑45                                                                           Jossie Mardueño †
1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19; Mk 2:1‑12
1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Ps 21:2-7; Mk 2:13‑17
Is 49:3, 5-6; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 1:1-3;                 Pat Bamberger, Louis Bonnette, Andrew & Teddy Eddy
Jn 1:29-34                                                 Coons, Carol Coons, Sharnice Cyprien, Tim Dawes, Ashley
                                                             Rene Del Rio, Olivia Diaz, Isaac Diaz, Devan Dobkin,
      St. Anthony Church                                     Dolph Family, Silvia Duarte, Miranda Gilford, Carlos
        Mission & Vision                                     Glifonea, Anthony Gomez, Britney & Cody Heltsley, Su
                                                            Christina Herron, Gary Heyer, Mary Hitchcock, Norma
                                                           Hiller, Ken Ingram, Kristine Jacinto, Mary (Teri) Johnson,
                                                              Steve Julian, Gil & Pat Kersbergen, Fran Leo, Norma
                MISSION STATEMENT                             Lesondak, Pat Longuevan, Juana Lopez, Brian & Kim
       The Mission of St. Anthony Parish is to               Maples, Robert & Barbara Mendoza, Douglas Mitchell,
    welcome, nurture and go forth to serve, in the            Cynthia McCormick, Jack Bill Novikoff, Rene Pajita,
                   name of Jesus.                            Sharmi Patel, VL Patrick, Romeo Pelaez, Amber Pencz,
                                                             Irene Prata, Sarah Price, Paula Puma, Michelle Quint,
                 VISION STATEMENT                            Alejandra Ramirez, Martha Reyes, Vanessa Romo, Jim
       St. Anthony Parish will meet individuals of          Sheridan, Olivia Smith, Kyle Smith, Jacob Solis, Frank &
      diverse backgrounds where they are in their          Maria Tadeo, Jasmin Terri, Sarah Tompkins, Berta Tovar,
         journey, welcome them into our parish              Don Turner, Jo Vasquez, Luis Venvezo, Rosie Velasquez,
     community, and through communal worship,                     Sharon Vidaure, Virginia Woore, Ellie Yescas
  formation, and opportunities to serve, invite them to     (These names will remain on the Prayer Request list for 4
    grow in their relationship with Christ, with one           weeks. Please call the parish office to add a name)
        another, and with our parish community.
   Together, we will strive to meet the challenges and
     wounds of life and help to nurture the spiritual                      The Baptism of the Lord
    development and faith of all who come. We will                           January 12, 2020
continue to build on the foundation of our faith and our
                                                                     A voice came from the heavens, saying,
parish community for future generations and become a
                                                            “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.”
           beacon of light, hope and faith to all.                             — Matthew 3:17
CONTRIBUTIONS - 2019                                                       DDF— 2019
  Our Baptism, like the Lord’s, is a consecration to service. The    Diocesan Goal:       $ 105,100.00
bishops’ pastoral on stewardship reminds us that “. . . there is a
 fundamental obligation arising from the Sacrament of Baptism        Pledges:             $ 130,583.00
that people place their gifts, their resources — their selves — at   *Pledge information is from Mission Advancement
          God’s service in and through the Church.”
                                                                     Received:             $ 125,987.40 - 110%
                 December 14 & 15, 2019                              Donors:                 420
                    2019 - $ 22,241.59                                     (does not include anonymous donors)
                    2018 - $ 22,135.91                                                  Amount Over Goal
                 December 21 & 22, 2019                                                        $ 20,887.40
                    2019 - $ 24,983.79
                    2018 - $ 17,457.00                               Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We have reached and
                   Simbangabi - $ 89.92                                           exceeded our annual DDF goal!
             Our Lady of Guadalupe $ 576.75                             DDF funds are used to pay for Diocesan services and
                  Christmas - $ 27,368.59                             outreach; and the good news is that any money received
                                                                        over and above our goal is returned to our parish for
                 December 28 & 29, 2019                                 our projects and ministries. So, if you have helped us
                    2019 - $ 22,405.34                                reach the goal, thank you so much! And if you have not
                    2019 - $ 20,036.12                                   yet completed your pledge, we invite you to do so,
                   New Years $ 2,097.00                                   knowing that St. Anthony’s will benefit directly
                    January 4 & 5, 2020                                                 from your generosity!
                                                                              St. Anthony’s parishioners are the best!
                    2020 - $ 21,492.01
                    2019 - $ 23,324.05                                                     Thank you!
     Please include your parishioner number on your
    envelope or check to ensure that you are properly
           credited for your year-end statement.
                          Thank you!
                                                                             MINISTRY COUNCIL MEETING
                                                                           The next Ministry Council Meetings will
                                                                              will be February 19th, at 6:30pm.
                                                                               Hospitality will begin at 6:15pm
                                                                                 Hope to see you all there!

        Our thoughts & prayers are with our
              following parishioners:

♦  Yolanda Ortega, at the passing of her husband
   Robert Ortega.
♦ Mary Ann Carniello, at the passing of her                              Men’s Silent Weekend Retreat
   husband Norman B. Carniello.                                             January 17 - 19, 2020
♦ John Notchick, at the passing of his father Peter P.
   Notchick. Viewing and Rosary at Stone Funeral                      El Carmelo Retreat House, Redlands
   Home on 1/14/20 @ 6:00pm and Funeral Mass on                      The weekend retreat starts at 4:00pm
   1/15/20 at 11:00am (St. Anthony)                                         on Fridays and ends at
♦ Phil Despard at the passing of his wife, KarAnn
   Despard. Rosary at 10:30am & Memorial Service                              1:00pm on Sunday
   on 1/16/20 at 11:00am (St. Anthony)                                 For more information, please call
 Please keep them and their families in your prayers                              Ken Ingram
              during this difficult time.                                      (909) 931-7474
Prayers for Our Military Troops
 Perhaps you, too, love a service member. Or maybe,
 because you’ve served in the past or know someone
who has, you understand the sacrifices these men and
 women make to guard our safety and preserve our
   freedom. We invite you to join us as we pray for
           the men and women who serve.

                                                                       PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY
                                                                           REQUEST FORM

                                                                 Please fill out and submit this form to the
                                                                                Parish Office

 Almighty and eternal God, those who take refuge in you
       will be glad and forever will shout for joy.            _____________________________________
   Protect these soldiers as they discharge their duties.      BRANCH & RANK:____________________
    Protect them with the shield of your strength and          _____________________________________
keep them safe from all evil and harm. May the power of        _____________________________________
     your love enable them to return home in safety,
       that with all who love them, they may ever
              praise you for your loving care.
       We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
                                                                                     Would you like to hear
                   Cpt. Ryan Ault - Army
                 Nathan Bazzell - Marines
                                                                                 the word of God more clearly?
         2nd. Lt. Luke Brahier - Marines Corp                                     Our church is equipped with
               Christopher Cabrera - Navy                                          Assisted Listening Receivers.
            Amman Catalan - Marines Corp.                                       The receivers are kept on a table
        E2 Private - Elijah D. Chavarria - Army                                      next to the usher's room.
           Lt. John M. Diskin - Marines Corp                                      We also provide easy to wear
                   Amy Epperson - Navy                               neck loops for those with Telle-coil
             Joseph William Guevara - Navy                                 equipped hearing aids.
         Priv. 1 Cl James Lang - Marines Corp
                    Aaron Leysan - Navy
              OFC - Samuel Mares Guevara
                    Max Martin - Navy
           Capt. Brandon Maxson - Air Force
                 Lt. Jordan Moore - Army
             Cpt. Deanna McDonald - Army                     The Ladies Guild will have their breakfast meeting
               Cpt. Todd McDonald - Army                     on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 9:15am in the
                  Ivette Paniagua - Army                    parish hall. This is an important meeting as it is time
          2nd. Lt. Nicolas Sanchez - Air Force               to begin preparations for our annual Italian Night
                  Joshua Silvestro - Army                     scheduled for February 15, 2020. All ladies of the
               Hannah Silvestro - Airforce                   parish are welcome. This is a good chance for new
                Lt Col - Chris Stone - Army                  parishioners or newly retirees to meet other ladies
              PO1 - Warlito Valmont - Navy                  and get involved. If you cannot come to the meeting,
   (These names will remain on the Prayer Request.           you can still help with the event. Please call Donna
      Please call the parish office to add a name)               Pencz with any questions. (909) 938-3839

                        PEACE                                                      TO REPORT THE SEXUAL
                                                                                     ABUSE OF A CHILD
         We should have great peace if we                                             by a priest, deacon,
      did not busy ourselves with what                                              employee, or volunteer,
              others say and do.                                                    call the toll-free Sexual
                                                                                     Misconduct Hotline
                      —Thomas à Kempis
              GOD FOR YOU!
 If you are not a registered member of our                        MASS INTENTIONS
parish community and wish to become one,
                                                        We are accepting Mass Intentions for 2020.
or need to update your contact information,             Please keep in mind that we will only allow
please take the time to fill out this form and           3 Mass intentions, per recipient, per year.
place it into the collection basket or mail it               There will be no Mass intentions
             to the parish office.                        on holidays or holy days of obligation.

Name____________________________                              The requested donation is $10.00
Address__________________________                                    per Mass intention.
City ___________________Zip______                              Daily Masses (Monday-Friday)
Phone:__________________________                             have 2 Mass Intentions per Mass.
Email:__________________________                           Weekend Masses (Saturday & Sunday)
Relationship Status:                                       have only 1 Mass Intention per Mass.
                                                        Please note that we are unable to reserve any
________________________________                               Mass Intentions over the phone.
Emergency Contact Person:
#:_______________________________                                 This week’s
                                                   Flower Intentions are in loving memory of
______   New Parishioner                                      Noah Rentmeester
______   New Telephone Number                              Requested by his parents
______   New Address                                     Steve & Kathy Rentmeester
______   Moving, remove from roster

     Family Members living at home
        Please include yourself                                THIS IS MY BELOVED SON
                                                 This Sunday’s celebration of the Baptism of the Lord
(Names/Birthdates/Relationship)                  closes the Christmas season. In the scriptures we see
___________________________________              one more epiphany, or manifestation, of the Spirit of
___________________________________              God in Jesus—but this time it is as an adult, rather
___________________________________              than as a child. Jesus’ baptism also serves as the inau-
___________________________________              guration of his prophetic mission and the messianic
___________________________________              age.
___________________________________              Today’s reading from Isaiah describes God’s chosen
Special                                          Messiah, upon whom God’s spirit rests. In the Acts of
Needs:___________________________                the Apostles Peter says that “God anointed Jesus of
Ministries you might be interested in:           Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power” (Acts
_______________________________________          10:38). Finally, in the proclamation from Matthew’s
_______________________________________          Gospel Jesus’ baptism in water goes almost unno-
                                                 ticed. The crucial moment comes when the Spirit of
_______________________________________          God comes upon Jesus and a voice from heaven ech-
_______________________________________          oes the words of Isaiah: “This is my beloved Son, with
_______________________________________          whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17).
                                                                      Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Save the Date

                                                          Annual Ladies Guild Italian Night
                                                            Saturday, February 15, 2020
                                                      Dinner, Music & Dancing
                                                          Tickets will go on sale
                                                              the weekend of
                                                             January 25 & 26
                                                              after all Masses

                                                                     St. Anthony Parish Church
                                                                           Filipino Ministry
                                                               We will be having our Filipino Mass on
                                                                        January 25th @ 7pm.
                                                              We are looking for sponsors for the mass.
                                                                          Please let us know.
                                                                       Thank you very much!
                                                                        For more information
        Save the Date                                                          please call:
    St. Patrick’s Dinner                                                   Miranda Gilford
Saturday, March 14, 2020                                                   Romel Capalaran
           6:00pm                                                  Joel Corado – 909-238-2125
                                                  (Note : Filipino Mass is every last Saturday of the month @ 7pm.)

                                                  Men’s Spirituality
                      We are excited to announce that Fr. Kenneth Okoroudo is now offering
                      Men’s Spirituality. Men's Spirituality offers the men of our parish ideas,
                     suggestions and examples to enable them to have a better understanding
                      of what it means to be spiritual and to establish their personal spiritual
                          core for improvement and growth. This group will meet on the
                                          3rd Saturday of the month at 8am.
                                    The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday,
                                         January 18th at 8:00am in Room 12.
                              Living Stewardship Now
        “He became what we are that He might make us what He is.” —Saint Athanasius
                       Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
APOSTLES OF THE GOOD NEWS                                                         APÓSTOLES DE LA BUENA NUEVA
The baptism of Jesus by his cousin,
                                                                                                          Que Jesús fuera bautizado por
John, may seem odd to us. Here
                                                                                                          su primo Juan pudiera
are all the people lining up who
                                                                                                          parecernos raro. Ahí están en
have responded to John’s call to
                                                                                                          fila todas las personas que
repent and be baptized and who
                                                                                                          respondieron al llamado de
are then urged by him to go and
                                                                                                          Juan para que se arrepintieran
live good lives. Here also is Jesus,
                                                                                                          y fueran bautizadas, y a
quietly waiting his turn, and we
                                                                                                          quienes él urgió a vivir una
wonder: Why does the Savior of
                                                                                                          vida sana. Ahí está también
the world need baptism? This, as
                                                                                                          Jesús, esperando calladamente
we might expect, is not to be a
                                                                                                          su turno y nos preguntamos:
simple baptism of water. As John
                                                                                                          ¿Por qué necesita bautizarse el
the Baptist had foretold, the
                                                                                                          Salvador del mundo? Esto,
heavens open and power pours
                                                                                                          como bien podríamos esperar,
down upon Jesus from the Holy
                                                                                                          no es un simple bautismo de
Spirit. He is revealed as the
                                                                                                          agua. Tal como lo había
Beloved Son, the one Saint Paul
                                                                                                          predicho Juan Bautista, los
later described as the one “who gave himself for us to
                                                                                     cielos se abrieron y el poder del Espíritu Santo
deliver us from all lawlessness and to cleanse for him-
                                                                                     descendió sobre Jesús. Dios lo revela como el Hijo
self a people as his own, eager to do what is
                                                                                     Amado, el mismo a quien san Pablo describiera
good” (Titus 2:14). After he was raised from the dead
                                                                                     más tarde como el que “se entregó por nosotros
and before his ascension into heaven, Jesus appeared
                                                                                     para redimirnos de todo pecado y purificarnos, a
to his disciples, or followers. He reminded them that
                                                                                     fin de convertirnos en pueblo suyo, fervorosamente
John had baptized with water, but that they “in a few
                                                                                     entregado a practicar el bien” (Tito 2:14). Después
days . . . will be baptized with the Holy Spirit” (Acts
                                                                                     de haber resucitado de entre los muertos y antes de
1:5). At Pentecost the power of the Holy Spirit fills his
                                                                                     ascender al cielo, Jesús se apareció a sus discípulos
followers. They become his apostles, the ones sent
                                                                                     y les recordó que Juan había bautizado con agua,
forth, and begin to take the Good News of the Savior
                                                                                     pero que ellos, “dentro de pocos días . . . serán
out into the world—healing, forgiving, binding up
                                                                                     bautizados con el Espíritu Santo” (Hechos 1:5).
wounds, teaching, and preaching—all in his name.
                                                                                     En Pentecostés los discípulos quedan llenos del
We too are disciples, always learning more about our
                                                                                     poder del Espíritu Santo y se convierten en sus
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but we are also his
apostles in the world today. In the words of the great
                                                                                     apóstoles, los enviados a llevar la Buena Nueva del
                                                                                     Salvador al mundo—sanar, perdonar, curar
Saint Teresa of Ávila:
                                                                                     heridas, enseñar y predicar—y todo en el nombre
                                                                                     de Jesús. También nosotros somos discípulos,
         Christ has no body now but yours,
                                                                                     siempre aprendiendo más acerca de nuestro Señor
        no hands, no feet on earth but yours,
                                                                                     y Salvador Jesucristo, pero también somos sus
 yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion
                                                                                     apóstoles en el mundo de hoy. Como dijera la gran
                        on this world,
                                                                                     santa Teresa de Ávila:
 yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,
     yours are the hands with which he blesses
                                                                                     Cristo no tiene otro cuerpo en la tierra que el tuyo,
                        all the world.
                Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.           no tiene otras manos que las tuyas,
                                                                                               no tiene otros pies que los tuyos.
                                                                                           Tuyos son los ojos a través de los cuales
                                                                                             la compasión de Cristo mira a este mundo;
                                                                                       tuyos son los pies que pasan haciendo el bien;
                                                                                          tuyas son las manos con las cuales ahora
                                                                                                            Él nos bendice.
                                                                                                    Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
12 de enero de 2020 El Bautismo del Señor
              LECTURAS DE HOY                                         SAN HILARIO DE POITIERS
                                                                              (c. 315-367)
Primera Lectura — He aquí mi siervo a quien he
dado mi espíritu. Él les enseñará mi justicia a las      Nació en Poitiers (Francia) y durante su juventud
naciones                                                 abrazó el cristianismo junto con toda su familia.
(Isaías 42:1-4, 6-7).                                    Gracias a su ejemplo cristiano, su misma gente lo
Salmo — El Señor bendecirá a su pueblo con paz            eligió como obispo en el año 353. Como obispo
(Salmo 29 [28]).                                      destacó por su formación intelectual y su firmeza en
Segunda Lectura — Dios ha ungido a Jesús por el             la defensa de la fe, especialmente contra los
Espíritu Santo y el poder (Hechos 10:34-38).             arrianos, un grupo de cristianos que negaban la
Evangelio — Cuando Jesús fue bautizado por Juan,      divinidad de Cristo. Fue desterrado a Frigia (Asia) en
el Espíritu Santo descendió sobre él                     el año 356, pero esto no le impidió defender a la
(Mateo 3:13-17).                                          Iglesia de los ataques, debatiendo incluso, a los
                                                               obispos arrianos. Debido a la firmeza y
         LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA                            conocimiento de causa con que combatía a sus
                                                       interlocutores, los mismos arrianos pidieron al Em-
Lunes:                                                 perador que lo regresara a casa, a su Iglesia, donde
1 Sm 1:1-8; Sal 116 (115):12-19; Mc 1:14‑20           se habían mantenido fieles a sus enseñanzas. Con los
Martes:                                                 obispos que habían cedido a los arrianos fue firme
1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mc 1:21‑28             para hacerles ver sus errores, pero compasivo en su
Miércoles:                                                 trato con ellos. Su celo por la fe, así como sus
1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Sal 40 (39):2, 5, 7-10; Mc             escritos le valieron el título de “maestro de las
1:29‑39                                                 Iglesias”. En 1851 el Papa Pío IX lo declaró Doctor
Jueves:                                                               de la Iglesia.
                                                                                 —Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

1 Sm 4:1-11; Sal 44 (43):10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mc
1:40‑45                                                               PARA REPORTAR EL ABUSO
Viernes:                                                                SEXUAL DE UN MENOR
1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Sal 89 (88):16-19; Mc 2:1‑12         por parte de un sacerdote, diácono, empleado o
Sábado:                                                 voluntario, llame a la Línea Directa de Conducta
1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Sal 21 (20):2-7;                             Sexual Inapropiada
Mc 2:13‑17
Domingo:                                                                  1-888-206-9090
Is 49:3, 5-6; Sal 40 (39):2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 1:1-3;
 Jn 1:29-34
                                                                    ESTE ES MI HIJO MUY AMADO
 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES                                Con la celebración del Bautismo del Señor este
                                                               domingo concluye el tiempo de Navidad.
Domingo:                                                      En las lecturas vemos más de una epifanía o
El Bautismo del Señor                                 manifestación del Espíritu de Dios en Jesús, sólo que esta
                                                                vez ya no como niño, sino como adulto.
Lunes:                                                  El Bautismo de Jesús es también la inauguración de su
Primer Semana del Tiempo Ordinario; San Hilario                  misión profética y de la era mesiánica.
Viernes:                                                          En la lectura de hoy Isaías describe al Mesías
San Antonio                                            elegido por Dios sobre el cual ha puesto su Espíritu. En
Sábado:                                                los Hechos de los Apóstoles Pedro dice que “Dios ungió
Bienaventurada María Virgen Semana de Oración               con el poder del Espíritu Santo a Jesús de Naza-
por la Unidad Cristiana                               ret” (Hechos 10:38). Finalmente, en las proclamación del
                                                       Evangelio de Mateo el Bautismo de Jesús en el agua casi
                     El Bautismo del Señor            pasa desapercibido. El momento crucial ocurre cuando el
                      12 de enero de 2020             Espíritu de Dios desciende sobre Jesús y una voz del cielo
             Oyó una voz que decía, desde el cielo:    viene como un eco de las palabras de Isaías: “Éste es mi
                  “Éste es mi Hijo muy amado,
              en quien tengo mis complacencias”.         Hijo muy amado, en quien tengo mis complacencias
                        — Mateo 3:17
Enero 12, 2020 Ang Pagbibinyag ng Panginoon
Unang Pagbasa - Sinasalita ni Isaias ang Alipin na itinataguyod
ng Panginoon; ilalabas niya ang hustisya sa mga bansa
(Isaias 42: 1-4, 6-7).
Awit - Pagpalain ng Panginoon ang kanyang bayan ng
kapayapaan (Awit 29).
Pangalawang Pagbasa - Si Jesus ay pinahiran ng Diyos ng
Banal na Espiritu; lumabas siya na gumagaling at gumagawa
ng mabuti (Mga Gawa 10: 34-38).
Ebanghelyo - Isang tinig ay nagmumula sa langit na
nagpapahayag kay Jesus bilang minamahal na Anak, na
ikinatutuwa ng Diyos (Mateo 3: 13-17).

Lunes:                                                                                              SAINT HILARY (c. 315-367)
1 Sm 1: 1-8; Aw 116: 12-19; Mc 1: 14‑20                                                                     Enero 13
Martes:                                                                                     Ipinanganak sa Poitiers, Pransya, na ang ma-
1 Sm 1: 9-20; 1 Sm 2: 1, 4-8abcd; Mc 1: 21‑28
                                                                                            mayan ay mamili sa kanya ng obispo, si Hila-
1 Sm 3: 1-10, 19-20; Aw 40: 2, 5, 7-10; Mc 1: 29‑39                                         ry, may asawa at isang ama, ay napagbago
Huwebes:                                                                                    mula sa paganismo sa Kristiyanismo sa pama-
1 Sm 4: 1-11; Aw 44: 10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mc 1: 40‑45                                       magitan ng kanyang pagbabasa ng banal na
Biyernes:                                                                                   kasulatan. Ang pokus ng kanyang dalangin na
1 Sm 8: 4-7, 10-22a; Aw 89: 16-19; Mc 2: 1‑12                                               pag-aaral ay ang Prologue sa Ebanghelyo
Sabado:                                                                                     ayon kay Juan, na naglalarawan kay Jesus
1 Sm 9: 1-4, 17-19; 10: 1a; Aw 21: 2-7; Mc 2: 13‑17                                         bilang banal na Logos, na walang hanggan na
Linggo:                                                                                     ipinanganak ng Ama. Bilang resulta, si Hilary
Ay 49: 3, 5-6; Aw 40: 2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 1: 1-3; Jn 1: 29-34                                 ay naging mga salita ng biblikal na iskolar na
                                                                                            si Jerome, "ang Latin Trumpet laban sa mga
             MGA SANTO PARA SA LINGGO                                                       Arians," mga erehe na naniniwala na si Jesus
Linggo:                                                                                     ay tao lamang, hindi banal. Bilang pag-
Ang Binyag ng Panginoon                                                                     tatanggol sa pagka-diyos ni Cristo, hindi
Lunes:                                                                                      lamang si Hilary ang marunong sa debate
Unang Linggo sa Ordinaryong Oras; St. Hilary                                                ngunit lubos na walang takot sa harap ng wa-
Biyernes:                                                                                   lang tigil na pag-uusig at kahit na ang
St Anthony                                                                                  pagpapatapon. Kaya sa pamamagitan ng pa-
Sabado:                                                                                     totoo ng kanyang sariling pagiging alagad,
Mapalad na Birheng Maria; Nagsimula ang Linggo ng                                           itinuro ni Hilary na ang pananalig kay Jesus
Panalangin para sa Christian Unity                                                          bilang banal na Anak ng Diyos ay may mga
                                                                                            kahihinatnan. Nagninilay-nilay sa hamon ni
                      Living Stewardship Ngayon                                             Jesus sa kanyang mga alagad, "Kayo ang asin
                                                                                            ng lupa" (Mateo 5:13), sinabi ni Hilary na,
"Siya ay naging kung ano tayo upang maari Niyang                                            habang ang asin ay parehong pinapanatili
gawin tayo kung ano Siya." --Saint Athanasius                                               mula sa katiwalian at nagdaragdag ng
       Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. Nakalaan ang lahat ng mga karapatan.   pagkaamoy sa pagkain, kaya't ang tapat na
                                                                                            alagad ay nagpapatotoo na , sa pamamagitan
                    UNIDAD                                                                  ng salita at halimbawa, ay humantong sa iba
  La unidad es visión; debe haber sido parte del                                            sa kawalang-kamatayan at mabuting pa-
           proceso de aprender a ver.
               ―Henerry Adams                                                                           —Peter Scagnelli, Karapatang magpalathala © J. S. Paluch Co.
Catechetical Ministry Office                                           First Communion
                   (909) 981-7080
                                    Preparation for ADULTS
        CONFIRMATION CLASSES                                                      For baptized Catholics
          MIDDLE SCHOOL—EDGE (Gr 6, 7, 8)
(ELEMENTARY & SACRAMENT PREP                                                             FOR ADULTS who have
   Ongoing Faith Formation (Gr1-5) & Sacrament                                             been baptized in the
         Preparation for 1st Communion
           Spanish Classes: Sundays,                                                     Catholic church, have a
        Catechesis of the Good Shepherd                                                 basic understanding of the
                                                                                        CATHOLIC faith and Liturgy
                                                                                          (Mass), but has never
                                                                                              received their
                                                                                            First Communion

                                                                      CLASSES BEGIN IN FEBRUARY
                                                                         Feb 6, 13, 20, 27 & Mar 5
             MASS TRANSIT                                                 Thursdays, 7pm –8:30 pm in Room 5

                January 12, 2020                                        Contact Michelle Clark @ michelleclark-
             The Baptism of the Lord                         or the Catechetical Office
Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 • Acts 10:34-38 • Ma hew 3:13-17                    909.981-7080
“A er Jesus was bap zed, he came up from the
water and behold, the heavens were opened for him, and he
saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming
upon him.” -Ma hew 3:16
                                                                         Adult Confirmation
                                                                        classes begin in 3 weeks!
Bap sm is an important sacrament! It washes away original
sin. It welcomes us into the body of Christ. It is a me when                       JANUARY 26
the Holy Spirit comes upon us in a special way and allows us                       Sundays, 10:45-12:15
to receive the gi s of grace God        offers. What an im-
portant sacrament to receive! In fact, even Jesus was bap-            Register on parish website or
  zed. He did not need to have any sin washed away, since he             in Catechetical office
didn’t have any. So why was he bap zed? He wanted to set
the example of                                                        Adult Confirmation: must be
being in union with God. He wanted to show us that we                  over the age of 18, out of
should spend our whole life on earth using the graces from              high school, and already
our bap sm to help us understand what we need to do to                  baptized in the Catholic
help him build the Kingdom of God on earth. What a special            faith. If married, should be
gi !                                                                     married in the Church.
Father in heaven, thank you for the sacrament of
bap sm. We are so blessed to be able to receive your Holy
                                                                      15 Sessions—Class Dates...
Spirit to help us live a life that is pleasing to you, so we can be
                                                                        Jan 26, Feb 2, 9, 23,
your friends and helpers here on earth.
                                                                                 Mar 8, 15, 22, 29,
Do you remember your bap sm? If not, ask your parents                   April 5, 19, 26, May 3, 17, 24 & 31
to tell you about it. How old were you? Who was there?
                                                                         For more information, contact Deacon
Questions to discuss after Mass….                                     Richard Simpson at
What color were the priest’s vestments                                 or Lori in the Catechetical Ministry Office at
What was one new insight the homily gave you?
Was there something special you noticed at Mass today
                                                                      (909) 981-7080 or
Celebrate your Catholic Faith                          Feast of the Bap sm of the Lord
                                                          Prayers & Blessings at
Make SUNDAY your Family Day                                       Home
Weekly routines can be busy. Between                      The Baptism of Our Lord,
homework, practices and lessons, many                    January 12 this year, is the
families even find it difficult to sit down for a            official end of the
family meal each day. Sundays are often no               Christmas season. This is
different. Yet, God intended Sunday to be the              another reminder that
                                                          Jesus loved us so much,
day when we rest and reconnect with our                    he chose to share our
greatest blessings. Try these tips for making               human experience.
                           Sunday your Family
                           Day.                              Celebrating with a Family Ritual
                           Sunday morning, light a         Consider purchasing a small holy water font and
                           candle and announce                holy water container for your home. Small,
                           that Family Day has              wall-mountable fonts can be found at Catholic
                           begun. If you can do so         bookstores and online Your holy water container
                           safely, let it burn all day     can be filled at your parish. Ask an usher to help
                                                         you. Teach your child to use the holy water to make
                           to remind everyone that        the Sign of the Cross and make a habit of blessing
                           God wants us to rest                              yourselves daily.
and keep Sunday holy.
                                                         Conversation Questions
Make breakfast the night before and put it out            How are we keeping the light of Christ burning in
so you can all eat together.                             our hearts (a statement from the Rite of Baptism for
                                                         parents and godparents)?
Pick a Mass time that everyone can make. Play             Are we praying daily as a family or individually?
sacred music while getting dressed.                      Is there a new prayer devotion we can pray?
After Mass, take a walk together, play games,
or watch a movie. No matter what you do, try to
do it together. No work. No chores.                        Save the Date….Save the Date...Save the Date…
                                                                         THE LOS ANGELES
After dinner, blow out the “Sunday Candle” and
feel ready to face the week ahead.                             RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
—-Partners in Faith helping children grow in their
     Why do Catholics bless                                February 21-23, 2020
       with Holy Water?
                                                           Anaheim Convention Center
                                                          CONGRESS BOOKLETS AVALIALBE IN THE
 The use of holy water comes rom the washing
                                                            CATECHETICAL OR PARISH OFFICE
    rituals of the Old Testament Jews, when
  worshippers had to bathe themselves before
  entering the Temple. That’s one reason we
place holy water fonts near the doors when we                    Model Character…
           enter our Catholic churches.                    Children watch what we do much more than
          In Baptism, the guilt of Original Sin is          they listen to what we say. The best way to
washed away and Christ “marks” us as his. It is            teach good character traits is to model them.
 in Baptism that we receive the gift of faith. In
  blessing ourselves with holy water, we recall             When you have demonstrated honesty,
             our baptismal promises.                       modesty, patience, or another virtuous trait,
                                                                talk about it with your children.
St. Anthony’s has
      a gift for you!
We are pleased to announce
that Fr. Gerry has renewed
this allows ALL PARISHIONERS to a
 free subscription to
With FORMED, you can
• Prepare for Sunday Mass by watching an
   insightful five minute video by renowned Catholic
• Enjoy a movie with your family that is both
   nourishing and entertaining
• Enrich your marriage with the award-winning
   series BELOVED, Finding Happiness in Marriage
• Help children grow in character and embrace the
   beauty and wonder of the Faith
Entertaining movies, enlightening programs,
inspiring talks, and great selection of popular
ebooks. It’s easy and FREE to register!
           Get FORMED Now!
      It’s EASY and FREE to Register!
      Visit with a web browser
     Click on Register (lower right of page)
     Enter Parish Access Code: GYDFXD
                  Or log on to
 Enjoy & share with others in our local community!

              Or simply log on to:

   Personal and Family Faith Formation…
  Movies & Documentaries, Audio, Youth Ministry
 Children’s Programs, Sacramental Prep Resources

 Preparation for Liturgy.. Liturgical Calendar –
    movie, books to coincide with feast days
 WORD…prepare with Mass Readings, 5 min
      video segment & Journal print outs
Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry & Retreat Coordinator
                            Gabi Flores
  email Office 909.985.2803 ext. 218
Youth Minister - Perla Plascencia email
For the monthly 5pm
                                                                  Youth/Young Adult
         WE ARE IN NEED OF:
                                                                   focused Masses.
            ALTAR SERVERS
               READERS                               The next “Youth Masses” are:
     AUDIO & VISUAL MEMBERS                                  January 12th
           CHOIR MEMBERS                                    February 9th
       (MUSICIANS & SINGERS)                                  March 22nd
                                                               April 19th
For more informa on please contact the
      Youth & Young Adult office.

                                                           A new way to stay
     ADORATION &                                             updated with
      FELLOWSHIP                                            Young Adults!
  February 7th 2020                                         All you have to do is txt
                                                           TONY to 84576
     Meet in the chapel for                             To be added to our messaging
     adoration at 6:30pm,
confession at 7p in the church
  and 7:30p-9p meet in the
 Youth Room for fellowship.

   Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry - Gabi Flores email
                               Office 909.985.2803 ext. 218
January 13    8:30am - Mass - Chapel                         January 20    OFFICES CLOSED
(Monday)      9:30am - Legion of Mary - Youth Room           (Monday)      8:30am - Mass - Chapel
              3:00pm - Cenacle Prayer - Chapel                             9:30am - Legion of Mary - Youth Room
              5:30pm - Centering Prayer - Chapel                           5:30pm - Centering Prayer - Chapel
              6:30pm - Youth Ministry Team Mtg                             7:00pm - Knights of Columbus Mtg - R# 5
                       Youth Rooms
              7:00pm - Divorce Support Grp - R#3             January 21    8:30am - Mass - Chapel
              7:00pm - Theater Ministry Information Night    (Tuesday)     4:00pm - RE Classes - R# 1-8
                       R# 10                                               4:00pm - CGS - R#1
                                                                           6:00pm - RE Classes - R# 1-8
January 14    8:30am - Mass - Chapel                                       7:00pm - Baptism Classes - R# 10
(Tuesday)     4:00pm - RE Classes - R# 1-8                                 7:00pm - Lectionary Bible Study - R#11
              4:00pm - CGS - R#1                                           7:00pm - Rosario de la Virgen Maria - Chapel
              6:00pm - RE Classes - R# 1-8
              6:00pm - EDGE - R# 9
              7:00pm - Baptism Classes - R# 10               January 22    8:30am - Mass - Chapel
              7:00pm - Lectionary Bible Study - R#11         (Wednesday)   3:00pm - Divine Mercy - Chapel
              7:00pm - Liturgy Team Mtg - R#9                              4:00pm - R.E. Classes - R# 1- 8/10&14
              7:00pm - Rosario de la Virgen Maria - Chapel                 4:00pm - CGS - R# 1
                                                                           7:00pm - Adult Choir Practice - Church
January 15    8:30am - Mass - Chapel                                       7:00pm - Theater Ministry Information Night
(Wednesday)   9:15am - Ladies Guild Breakfast - Hall                                R# 10
              3:00pm - Divine Mercy - Chapel
              4:00pm - R.E. Classes - R# 1- 8/10&14          January 23    8:30am - Mass - Chapel
              4:00pm - EDGE - R#9                            (Thursday)    9:15am - Lectionary Bible Study - R# 11
              4:00pm - CGS - R# 1                                          6:00pm - Bereavement Grp - R# 13
              6:30pm - Confirmation Classes - R# 3 & 4                     6:30pm - Women’s Spirituality - R# 4
              7:00pm - Adult Choir Practice - Church                       7:30pm - Catholics Returning Home - R# 11

January 16    8:30am - Mass - Chapel                         January 24    8:30am - Mass - Chapel
(Thursday)    9:15am - Lectionary Bible Study - R# 11        (Friday)      6:00pm - Jr. High Night - Hall & Youth Rms
              6:00pm - Bereavement Grp - R# 13
              7:00pm - Bible Study - Church
              7:30pm - Catholics Returning Home - R# 11      January 25    10:00am - Baptisms - Church
                                                             (Saturday)     5:00pm - Mass - Church
January 17    8:30am - Mass - Chapel                                        7:00pm - Filipino Mass - Church
(Friday)      6:30pm - Youth Night - OFFSITE                                8:00pm - Hospitality
              7:00pm - Pequeñas Comunidades de Fe - R#11
                                                             January 26     8:00am - Mass - 9:30am - 11:15am -
January 18    8:00am - Men’s Spirituality - R# 12            (Sunday)       1:30pm - Spanish Mass
(Saturday)    5:00pm - Mass - Church                                        9:30am - RCIA Children Yr 2 r#7
                                                                           10:00am - RCIA Adults - R# 12 & 13
                                                                           10:45am - Adult Confirmation - R#10
January 19     8:00am - Mass - 9:30am - 11:15am -                          12:00pm - Spanish RE Classes - R# 5&6
(Sunday)       1:30pm - Spanish Mass                                       12:30pm - RCIA Children Year 1 - R# 10
               9:30am - RCIA Children Yr 2 r#7                               2:30pm - Divine Mercy (Spanish) - Church
              10:00am - RCIA Adults - R# 12 & 13                            5:00pm - Mass - Church
                2:30pm - Divine Mercy (Spanish) - Church                     6:30pm - Confirmation Classes - R# 3-8
                5:00pm - Mass - Church                                                10 & 14

                         OFFICE CLOSED
                    Our offices will be closed on
                    Monday, January 20, 2020
                                                                    The Son of God died; it is by all
                                                                means to be believed because it is
                                                               absurd. And he was buried and rose
                                                                 again; it is certain because it is
                                                                     impossible. —Tertullian

St. Anthony - 513178

Veronica Villatoro

Sunday Bulletin Date:

Comments & Requests:
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