Cu - Magazine of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria Inc.

Cu - Magazine of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria Inc.
Autumn 2018


       Magazine of the
     Irish Wolfhound Club
         Victoria Inc.
Cu - Magazine of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria Inc.
                                OFFICE BEARERS AND COMMITTEE 2018

        President: Lindy Knell            Tel: 0409 120 761
        Vice President: Eve Costa         Tel: 0408 479 197
        Secretary: Kathryn O’Brien        Tel: 0402 276 852
        Treasurer: Anthony Clare          Tel: 0402 276 851

                Steve Biesiekierski       Tel: 5829 2348
                Chris Biesiekierski       Tel: 5829 2348
                Alan Flackerty            Tel: 5433 3392
                Francis McEvoy            Tel: (08) 8568 2394
                Tony Costa                Tel: 0409 165 333
                Julie Mullins             Tel: 0474 126 140

                                 Editors: Kathryn O’Brien & Anthony Clare

     “Cu” is not to be reprinted, either in full or in part, without the permission of the Committee.
                   The Editors take no responsibility for any material printed in “Cu”
Rates for advertising in “Cu” are $20.00 full page, $10.00 half page and $5.00 quarter page. Please send
                       remittance and copy to Kathryn O’Brien OR Anthony Clare.
 All reasonable care is taken to ensure that the contents of “Cu” are true and correct. Articles published
are obtained from various sources which are identified. Readers should take care in relying on these ar-
  ticles for advice and/or information. The opinions expressed in “Cu” are not necessarily those of the
Committee of The Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria Inc. The editor and/or committee reserves the right
     to correct, alter, reduce, retype, re-arrange or refuse, without prejudice, any copy submitted for

                                        Victorian club website
Cu - Magazine of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria Inc.
Autumn 2018


   Happy Autumn to you all and welcome to the new
   members! We are so happy to have new members
   joining on a regular basis.
   There will be another Gathering of the Hounds on
   Sunday 20 May and I encourage all members who can
   make it to come along. More information about the
   Gathering on page 16. The club also has a stand at the
   Melbourne Dog Lovers Show again this year, from             INSIDE THIS ISSUE
   4th—6th May at the Exhibition buildings in Carlton.         Kennel Listing…….….. 4
   There will be a dog or two on the stand every day so        Dog Show Poem………..5
   please come along and say hello. It is a huge event and     Championship Show
   there is so much to do and see there if you are a dog       2018………...……………...6
   lover!                                                      Natural Rearing
   Our Championship Show for 2018 was a wonderful              Article…………………….12
   affair with many lovely dogs once again showcased on        Gathering of the Hounds
                                                               May 2018……….…….…16
   the day. Thank you to all exhibitors and committee
                                                               New Merchandise…....18
   members who helped out on the day to make it anoth-
   er event the club can be proud of.                          Minutes for the AGM
                                                               Nov. 2017 …..………....24
   As always, health and happiness to you and your             Treasurer’s Report…..26
   hounds.                                                     President’s Report…...28
                                                               Publicity Officer’s Re-
   Kathryn and Anthony
                                                               Secretary’s Report……30
                                                               Minutes of the
Cover Image: Houndswood Henry - 2009-2018.                     Committee Meeting
                                                               Nov. 2017 ….…………..31

Cu - Magazine of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria Inc.
Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria Inc.
                                         Affiliated with Victorian Canine Association Inc. [A0028643M]

                                                KENNEL LISTING
                 The following is a list of registered breeders who welcome enquiries for both show and companion
                 dogs. All these breeders have signed an annual declaration, confirming their acknowledgement and
                 compliance with the Club’s by-laws, and in particular those listed below:

                    •   that all breeding Irish Wolfhounds are registered with relevant dog body in their state
                    •   to not breed from a Irish Wolfhound bitch who is under two years of age

                    •   Where a litter of Irish Wolfhounds is bred,
Kennel Listing

                            o   to have the litter tested for Porto –Systemic Shunt (PSS)

                            o   to verify the parentage of the litter through DNA testing of the dam, sire and pup-

                                    CONNAIRE                                                 TIROWEN
                          Alan & Marianne Flackerty                           Dr Francis & Mrs Anne McEvoy
                                  03 5433 3392                                            08 8568 2394

                                                               Lindy Knell
                                                              0409 120761

                 The above listings are pre-paid advertisements, and the club and its committee does not and cannot
                 endorse any one breeder above another. Prospective purchasers are encouraged to contact and meet
                 breeders and their animals to ensure an Irish Wolfhound is the dog for them.

Cu - Magazine of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria Inc.
Dog Show Poem
First time at a dog show, I'll tell you quite plain,
I'll never, no never go back there again.
The breeder said "show him." when I bought my dog.
I showed him all right, the whole place was agog!

They gave me a number, they gave me a pin,
But I couldn't bear to stick the thing in.
So I rushed to the shop and brought some glue,
And I stuck the card onto his rear in the loo.

We arrived at the ringside to find we were first,
In the dog pup class (this part was the worst)
We marched in together as fast as was able,
Arrived at the judge, who said, "Up on the table!"

This really surprised me, my skirt was quite tight,
And I just couldn't make it, try hard as I might.
The judge looked quite worried. He said, "Listen here,
Put the DOG on the table, not you my dear."

By now I was trembling, I felt such a fool,
But I said to myself, "We'll just play it cool."
"How old?", said the judge. I heard it quite clear,
Well, really, thought I, and said, "Thirty next year."

The Steward, poor fellow, threw a kind of fit,
He sputtered and coughed, his eyes ran a bit.
"I'd have that cough seen to, " I said to him when
He'd finally stopped... but soon started again.

"Once round the ring, Dear, as fast as you can,"
Said the judge, so I just ran and ran
But, when I arrived (out of breath I'll admit)
The judge said, " your dog, dear." I felt such a twit.

Off round again, I kept my head bent.
Oh the shame, my pup crouched and just went and went.
A lady came running with a bucket and spade.
With manure that spicy, has she got it made!

We came back to the judge, who said with a frown,
"Stand your dog." I replied, "He's not lying down!"
You can take First Place Stand, he said. I said, "Ha!"
What a job I had getting that stand in the car.          5
Cu - Magazine of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria Inc.
                         CH. FLEETWOOD AMORE DELLA MUSICA

Cu - Magazine of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria Inc.

                                CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 2018


Cu - Magazine of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria Inc.
                         CH. FLEETWOOD AMORE DELLA

                                 RUNNER UP IN SHOW
                                 CH. TIROWEN RUPERT

                               INTERMEDIATE IN SHOW
                          CH. FLEETWOOD AMORE DELLA MUSICA

                           OPPOSITE INTERMEDIATE IN SHOW
                                 CH. DROMKEEN LILY

                              AUSTRALIAN BRED IN SHOW
                                CH. TIROWEN WILLEM

                          OPPOSITE AUSTRALIAN BRED IN SHOW
                                CH. TIROWEN PATIENCE

                                   OPEN IN SHOW
                                 CH. TIROWEN RUPERT

                               OPPOSITE OPEN IN SHOW
                                  CH. TIROWEN RUTH
Cu - Magazine of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria Inc.

                       CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 2018







Cu - Magazine of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria Inc.

Photos by Paul H.Reprinted with permission.


                                           by Heather Simpson
We are what we eat, not only goes for humans but also for our dogs. Natural Rearing is exactly
what it means, feeding and rearing your dogs as close to their natural wild state as possible.

The dog is a meat eater with strong jawbones, very muscular stomach, short intestines and
very powerful digestive juices. In the wild, dogs rip open their prey, firstly eating the stomach,
then the offal, leaving the muscle meat to last and often burying the meat. Meat is highly con-
centrated in vitamins and minerals, and should always be fed raw. Domestic dogs who are fed
large lumps of raw meat, on or off the bone, and some offal in their diets, are exercising to the
full capacity both the muscular stomach and utilisation of the digestive juices.

But raw meat alone does not make a healthy dog. As far as the canine diet goes, to receive a
balance of minerals and vitamins in addition to their meat meal, you should be adding fresh
and raw vegetables and fruit. Dogs will often eat fruit that has fallen on the ground. Some
dogs even stand on their hind legs and shake fruit trees until the fruit falls down. Wild dogs
will always eat various herbs and grasses for different reasons.

There are many herbs that can be grown in the backyard for your dogs to browse on – pet
grass, comfrey, lemon balm, garlic, borage, parsley, sweet basil, horehound, sweet woodruff
and various mints - these are but a few herbs that dogs will eat and can be easily grown. Tropi-
cal fruits of all kinds are very beneficial for your dog and most will love the new taste. Many
breeders know the benefit of garlic daily in the meal, it can be either crushed raw or given in
tablet form or granulated form. Seaweed or kelp tablets are also very rich in minerals as is
Spirulina. Root vegetables are high in sulphur, magnesium, zinc and other trace elements, all
very essential for a healthy animal. Most dogs will eat fruit and vegetable whole, because they
love the crunchy sounds and taste. When adding to the meat meal, blend various fruits and
vegetables together and mix in with the meat in a puree form.

To give our domestic dogs the roughage that they would naturally eat from their prey's stom-
ach, a breakfast mixture of the following is suggested. In a large bin or bucket, mix together –
rolled white rice flakes, rolled brown rice flakes, rolled oats, rolled barley, rolled rye, wheat
germ, bran, crushed nuts, sesame seeds, corn meal, and bone meal (pure and natural if you
can get it). Take one small handful of this mixture and leave to soak in a bowl with a large
spoonful of pure natural honey and water to cover the mixture.

The water from your cooked vegetables could be added as well, or you may wish to add any of
the herbal teas which need to be brewed and strained. This breakfast mixture should only be
given five days a week. Each week let your adult dogs fast for one day. Making sure they have
plenty of fresh water available at all times. Never let algae form in their water bowls. Fasting

Preparing your dog’s dinner will take more time and maybe extra money, but your veterinary
bills will be far less. Garlic is natures antibiotic as it contains natural sulphur to cleanse the
blood and purify the system. Fruits contain high amounts of vitamin C and potassium. YES
dogs do need vitamin C. Healthy dogs do not need a great deal of food, if food is given as sug-
gested the body will utilise every bit. Bones such as marrow bones, lamb or pork shanks can
be given once or twice a week - RAW.

Do NOT cook bones as this makes them brittle and can easily splinter in the dogs throat or
stomach. If it is possible, whole rabbits with the fur ON can be given.
During the winter months give your dogs cod liver oil, (it helps to warm the blood) one tea-
spoonful a few times each week. During the summer months, add cold pressed oil to the meat
meal. Oil such as - olive oil, corn oil, maize oil, one teaspoonful should be given a few times
each week. Three times a week add an egg to the dinner. White cottage cheese can be given
occasionally. Fish is also another thing to vary the diet, e.g. a small can of sardines in oil can
be added once or twice a week. Extremely beneficial to the dog would also be a weekly dose of
acidophilus, natural bacteria for the stomach.

Basically what I am saying, your dog needs a well balanced diet of raw meat, raw vegetables,
raw fruit and raw cereals to bring it back to nature. Yes canned and dry food are much easier,
but your dog could be healthier, thus not suffering from as many allergies and cancers. The
animal will recover faster from any sickness or operations.

If your dog has had a major operation or is seriously ill, nature will work better at healing if
the dog is fasted for a day or two. Making sure that you give plenty of water with pure honey
added and also a few drops of pure garlic juice (maybe bought at health food stores). If the
dog has lost a lot of blood in an operation, give any of the berry family - raspberry, blueberry,
mulberry, loganberry, these fruits will help build up the red blood cells again in the dogs sys-

Do you know what chemicals and additives are in the cans and dry food that you feed your an-
imals? Many breeders who feed their animals dry food are finding many things going wrong
with their breeding stock, particularly if many generations of animals have been fed this way.
Different forms of cancers are very much a part of the canine world these days. Bitches don't
come in season, males have low sperm counts, puppies who are born with defects (stomachs
or brains outside the body, no legs, no sex organs, and other deformities). We are only now
finding out about what a high build up of chemicals do to humans and also our pets. Apart
from what preservatives and chemicals are in a can of dog food or the packet of dry food, the
dog does not exercise its jaw or stomach muscles. You have only to see what comes out the
other end to judge if it can be doing your dog any good.

Now there is another part to a healthy dog, exercise and housing. Dogs are by nature hunters,
thus they love to run for long stretches, not just going for a walk. Most dogs, if given the
chance, also love to swim and it is the best exercise a dog can have. In today's cities, it is very
hard to find some place that you can let your dog off lead, so try at weekends to take your dogs
out into the country to somewhere that you can let them off or go for a swim. Encourage
young dogs to be social with older ones and visa versa, dogs generally like to have companions
to play with. Kennels and pens should have a mixture of grass and concrete in them. All dogs
like to eat grass and most will also eat dirt. It is a very sad fact that many dogs live in a kennel
day in, day out. I'm sure it is the equivalent to a long term prison sentence for us humans.

Fleas are another problem that many people let their dogs and cats suffer from. There is no rea-
son whatsoever for our pets to have fleas. If your animals have fleas, start a major clean up.
Wash thoroughly ALL bedding, adding eucalyptus oil to the final rinse water. Spray ALL the
kennel area, especially all cracks with a long acting surface spray, or a mixture of eucalyptus oil
and water, Thursday Plantation Tea Tree oil or pennyroyal oil may also be used, these all kill
fleas instantly. This may have to be done at monthly intervals until all the eggs of the fleas have
hatched (which may take up to nine months). Wash your dogs regularly with a coconut oil based
shampoo with natures own flea repellent added to the shampoo PENNYROYAL OIL. Penny-
royal oil can be bought from health food stores in 25ml bottles, add this to shampoo and shake
well. This will not only kill off the fleas that are on your dog, but also leave the animals smelling
like peppermint. Thursday Plantation Tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil can be used in the same man-
ner, but take care when first using it, as some dogs may have sensitive skins if too much is used.
Do not use eucalyptus oil straight on the skin and never give by mouth - it is poisonous and
can burn the skin.

There are many natural products that can be used on dogs. Whenever your dog has an open cut
or wound, Pure Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Oil can be poured straight on the wound. Aloe
Vera gel is very good for rashes. Freshly squeezed lemon juice works wonders on dermatitis
and eczema. Comfrey cream on sprains and bruises. Pure natural yoghurt should be given to
puppies whom you suspect of "Fading Puppy Syndrome". Pure yoghurt can also be given to
dogs on very hot days to help cool them down. Dogs suffering from arthritis have responded
very well to tablets called "New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel Extract". This usually takes
about three weeks to work but by then the dog is generally up and running around like a young
pup. Vitamin E capsules help wounds heal faster. White dogs that have a yellow tinge to their
coats generally need a diet high in sulphur e.g. - turnips, parsnips, cabbage, rockmelon, water-
melon, bananas. A teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar should be given with the meat meal daily.
After about six weeks the coats usually return to a pristine white. Coloured dogs who have a
reddish tinge to a coat that should be black, are generally lacking in copper and magnesium in
their diet, but don't over do the amounts of minerals that you give.

Well the list could go on and on. There are many books on herbs and natural rearing products
for humans, as for pets, these books I can strongly recommend are "The Complete Herbal
Handbook for Dogs and Cats" by Juliette de Bairachi Levy, an Australian book "Natural
Pet Care" by Pat Coleby and "Give Your Dog a Bone" by Dr. Ian Billinghurst and a more
recent book which give the scientific reasons where different foods are functional for dogs is
“Canine Nutrigenomics” by Dr. Jean Dodds and Diana Laverdure. There are many new
books on the market that give in-depth accounts of natural diets for your canine. These books
go into great detail on how Mother Nature is still the best medicine.

       Heather Simpson
       Corwin Kennels
       60 Rutherford Parade
       Warneet 3980
       Victoria Australia
       Phone Number 03 5998 7493
       Email address

Gathering of the Hounds
                                   The Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria welcomes all our members and hounds
                                   to join us for our annual Gathering of the Hounds.
Gathering of the Hounds May 2018

                                   Bring along your fur kids and enjoy a lunch on the lawn at Houndswood Irish
                                   Bring along your friends and family for just $25 per person
                                   (Free for Members) Join before the 1st of May to waive this fee
                                   Club merchandise available on the day
                                   Sunday the 20th of May 2018
                                   801 Melton Road South Gisborne 3437
                                   RSVP by SMS to 0407110486
                                   Before the 6th May 2018
                                   If you wish to join the Irish Wolfhound club of Victoria before the gathering
                                   please email Christina at for invoice and payment .

Gathering of the Hounds May 2018


The Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria
Inc. is proud to present a whole new
line of products which proudly proclaim
our new club logo on a range of goods .
From smart vests, bags and blankets.
Water bottles, logo embroidered caps
and chairs, we are sure that you will
find a suitable Irish Wolfhound themed
item to fill a space in the Christmas gift

     More items can be found on the
           Facebook page at:

     Club Merchandise
     Club Merchandise
     Club Merchandise
     Club Merchandise
     Club Merchandise
                                                                                                                  THE IRISH WOLFHOUND CLUB OF VICTORIA
                                                     WOLFHOUND CLUB OF VICTORIA INC. SUNDAY 26 NOVEMBER, 2017

                                                                                                                 INC. HELD AT “Houndswood” 801 Melton Road,
                                                                                                                 GISBORNE, ON SUNDAY 26th November 2017 at


                                                                                                                1. Meeting opened at: 10.04am
                                                                                                                2. Apologies: J.Mullins, Y.Dunbar
                                                                                                                3. Attendees: K.O’Brien, A. Clare. E. Costa. F. McEvoy, S. Biesiekierski C.
                                                                                                                      Biesiekierski, L. Knell, A. Flackerty
                                                                                                                4. Minutes of the 39th Annual General Meeting:
                                                                                                                      The minutes of the 39th Annual General Meeting 2016 had been
                                                                                                                      Moved for acceptance by E.Costa seconded: A.Clare
                                                                                                                5. Committee Reports:
                                                                                                                   1. President’s Report
                                                                                                                      Moved for acceptance by K.O’Brien, seconded: A.Clare
                                                                                                                   2. Secretary’s Report
                                                                                                                      Moved for acceptance by C. Biesiekierski, seconded: E.Costa
                                                                                                                   3. Treasurer’s Report
                                                                                                                      Moved for acceptance by C. Biesiekierski, seconded: L.Knell
                                                                                                                   4. Show Secretary’s Report
                                                                                                                      The Show Secretary’s report was presented at last meeting.

                                                                                                                   5. Publicity Officer’s Report
                                                                                                                      Moved for acceptance by F.McEvoy, seconded: S. Biesiekierski

6. Election of Office Bearers and Committee:

                                                                                                                                     WOLFHOUND CLUB OF VICTORIA INC. SUNDAY 26 NOVEMBER, 2017
1. Appointment of Scrutineers- No scrutineers required
2. Election of President- L.Knell accepted nomination. All in favour

                                                                                MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE IRISH
3. Election of Vice President- E.Costa accepted nomination. All in fa-
4. Election of Secretary- K. O’Brien accepted nomination. All in favour
5. Election of Treasurer- A.Clare accepted nomination. All in favour
6. Election of Committee (Six positions)- The following members
   were nominated to the Committee:
  A. Flackerty accepted nomination. All in favour
  T.Costa accepted nomination. All in favour
  J. Mullins accepted nomination. All in favour
  C. Biesiekierski accepted nomination. All in favour
  S. Biesiekierski accepted nomination. All in favour
  F. McEvoy accepted nomination. All in favour

7. Statement of Income and Expenditure:
     Presented by A. Clare with his Treasurer’s report – as at 30th June 2017
8. Appointment of Auditor:
     Mr Michael Lindsay. FIPA, FTIA. 13 Woolwich Drive MULGRAVE Victoria
           Moved: Mr A. Clare Seconded: Mrs C. Biesiekierski
9. Election of other Appointments:
    1. Editor of CU: K. O’Brien accepted nomination. All in favour
    2. Election of the Publicity Officer: E.Costa accepted nomina-
          tion. All in favour
     3. Election of the Show Secretary: C. Biesiekierski accepted
          nomination. All in favour
     4. Election of the Puppy Referral Officer: E. Costa accepted
          nomination. All in favour
     5. Election of the Trophy Officer: S. Biesiekierski accepted nom-
          ination. All in favour
     6. Election of the Rescue Officer: K. O’Brien/L.Knell accepted
          nomination. All in favour

10. Close of Meeting:
  Meeting was declared closed at 10.42am

Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria Incorporated
                                                                                                                Incorporation Number: A0028643M
                                                     WOLFHOUND CLUB OF VICTORIA INC. SUNDAY 26 NOVEMBER, 2017

                                                                                                                General Account
                                                                                                                Balance Sheet as at 25th November 2017

                                                                                                                      2016/2017                                     2017/2018

                                                                                                                      $           ASSETS                            $
                                                                                                                      3,860.80    General Account                   3,762.71
                                                                                                                      3,360.44    Rescue Fund                       2,860.44
                                                                                                                             -    Term Deposit                          -

                                                                                                                      7,221.24                                      6,623.15

                                                                                                                                  Unearned Income
                                                                                                                     34.00        Creditors (unpresented cheques)       34.00

                                                                                                                  7,566.11        Retained Income                   8,249.61
                                                                                                                    683.50        Excess Payments over Receipts     411.61

                                                                                                                  7,600.11                                          8,695.22

                                                                                                                    378.87                                          2,072.07

Profit & Loss Statement for The Financial Year Ending 30 June 2018

                                                                                                                          WOLFHOUND CLUB OF VICTORIA INC. SUNDAY 26 NOVEMBER, 2017
    2016/2017                                    2017/2018

                                                                     MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE IRISH
       $          INCOME                              $
     817.50       Membership Subscriptions       1,042.51
     939.35       Championship Show               -
     193.00       VCA Insurance Levy              -
     136.00       Merchandise Sales              1,093.15
     190.00       Raffles                         -
     474.00       Donations                       -
      53.00       Rescue Fund Donations           -

    3,583.45                                     2,135.66
     172.40       CU Magazine                    211.50
    1,338.14      Championship Show              303.71
           -      Club Merchandise               1,000.01
           -      VCA - Room hire                 -
           -      VCA - Breed Header              -
     333.00       VCA - Affiliation               -
     350.50       VCA - Insurance/Levy            -
     121.48       Website                        208.83
     111.60       Dept Justice/Corp Affairs       -
     500.00       Rescue Fund Exp                 -
     371.93       Other Misc Items                -

    3,299.08                                     1,724.05

-    378.87       NET PROFIT/LOSS                411.61

President’s report 2017
                                                                                                                2017 has been another successful year for our club. Our membership has increased and we
                                                                                                                have experienced a great amount of interest in our Facebook page we now have over 250 peo-
                                                     WOLFHOUND CLUB OF VICTORIA INC. SUNDAY 26 NOVEMBER, 2017
                                                                                                                ple following, who access the page regularly. Welcome to the new members of the club.

                                                                                                                I would like start by taking the opportunity of thanking a number of people for their continued
                                                                                                                efforts this year in assisting with the smooth operation of our club. Firstly, those on committee.
                                                                                                                Thank you all for your attendance at meetings throughout the year. A special thank you to Eve
                                                                                                                Costa for providing us with a venue for our committee meetings.
                                                                                                                My appreciation goes to Yvonne Dunbar for all her work as club secretary. This is a time- con-
                                                                                                                suming role which Yvonne has devoted herself to the past 2 years. I am thankful for efficiency
                                                                                                                in the role with multiple tasks and her assistance to me in the role of president.
                                                                                                                Our finances have been well taken care of this year by Anthony Clare in his role as treasurer. I
                                                                                                                wish to thank him for his time and diligence and precise reporting to committee at meetings.
                                                                                                                Further, I am grateful to Eve Costa for her various assistance and support to me in her role as
                                                                                                                Vice President.
                                                                                                                 Another heart-felt thank you to Eve and Tony Costa for hosting the club’s hound gatherings at
                                                                                                                their property. These were both well attended and those 2 and 4 legged who came were made
                                                                                                                feel very welcome and treated with an abundance of hospitality. The feedback afterwards, re-
                                                                                                                flected the gratitude and enjoyment that people felt for the opportunity of socializing and expe-
                                                                                                                riencing Irish Wolfhounds on mass.
                                                                                                                Thanks to Christina Costa for all her work on our merchandising. We now have a wonderful
                                                                                                                range of club branded clothing and many other IWH related items. Christina has organized
                                                                                                                access to payments electronically, which has facilitated a large increase in our sales and hence
                                                                                                                additional income for the club. Her efforts are gratefully appreciated.
                                                                                                                Thank you also to Kathryn O’Brien and Anthony Clare who have produced 4 impressive edi-
                                                                                                                tions of Cu, our club magazine and ensured that all club members received these quarterly.
                                                                                                                This undertaking is a large one and it keeps our members in touch with IWH news and pro-
                                                                                                                vides information about our breed and club events.
                                                                                                                The club conducted another well run show this year. Julie Mullins did a great job of organizing
                                                                                                                this. Our international judge Bo Bengtson (USA) was impressed by the quality of the dogs pre-
                                                                                                                sented to him for judging, He complimentary with regards to the smooth running of the show
                                                                                                                and the welcome he received from both members and exhibitors. And what is a show without
                                                                                                                trophies? Thanks to Stephan Biesiekieski for the care and record keeping of our club trophies
                                                                                                                and their display at the show. Their presentation was favourably commented on by our judge
                                                                                                                and exhibitors alike.
                                                                                                                This year the club was offered the opportunity to host a stand at The Dog Lovers Show at the
                                                                                                                Exhibition buildings. Merchandise was well received and the stand attracted a large crowd of
                                                                                                                attendees to meet Houndswood Lord Caleb and Houndswood Hercules, who were perfect am-
                                                                                                                bassadors and a credit to both our club and the breed. Many pats, photos and hugs were ex-
                                                                                                                changed. The crowd flocked to our stand and to the ‘Pat a Pooch’ exhibit while our hounds
                                                                                                                were in attendance for up close personal experiences with the general public. The event was a
                                                                                                                most successful publicity exercise and well worth the efforts made by Eve Costa, Yvonne Dun-
                                                                                                                bar and Kathryn O’Brien.
                                                                                                                To close, I wish to extend heartfelt sympathies to those who have lost beloved hounds this past
                                                                                                                year. We never have them long enough it seems.
                                                                                                                 Lindy Knell, President, Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria Inc.
Publicity Officer’s Report to 30th June 2017

                                                                                                                                    WOLFHOUND CLUB OF VICTORIA INC. SUNDAY 26 NOVEMBER, 2017
The Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria Inc. has had a good year for promo-

                                                                               MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE IRISH
tion of the Club with two Championship Shows falling into the last financial
year and two public events where members’ Irish Wolfhounds were on their
best behaviour promoting the Club.
The first Champ Show in October 2016 judged by Mrs Jill Peak was a great
success and a good day for the Club in terms of publicity due to a well-run
show and much positive feedback from the public and participants.
The Championship Show on 13 March 2017 was judged by Mr Bo Bengtson.
Mr Bengtson was very complimentary of the graciousness of the partici-
pants, members and dogs alike.
Ivory Coat has been secured as the new sponsor for the 2018 show and if
successful, will hopefully be an ongoing sponsor.
The Gathering of Hounds member’s BBQ in April 2017 at Houndswood in
Gisborne attracted a large number of members and friends and of course
hounds. It was a great day of fun for all with so many Irish Wolfhounds
gathered together and enjoying themselves too. They were all wonderful
ambassadors of the breed and set the tone for another Gathering later in
the year.
The Dog Lovers Show in May 2017 at the Royal Exhibition Buildings was a
very busy affair and all of the dogs and owners did the Club proud with
their exemplary behaviour.
The Facebook page is growing in members all of the time, there are current-
ly 250 members of the page.
CU has been receiving compliments for its professional look and informa-
tive content. It continues to go from strength to strength.

Eve Costa, Publicity Officer,
The Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria Inc.

The Irish Wolfhound Club Inc. Secretary’s Report for 2017–
                                                                               Presented 26th November 2017

                                                           2017 has been a busy year for me personally and for The Irish Wolfhound
                                                           Club of Victoria. The club has continued to grow and has welcomed many new
                                                           members Our “Gathering of the Hounds” have given members, friends and
                                                           lovers of the breed an opportunity to share our love of the hounds and get to
                                                           know each other better.
                                                           The 2017 Championship Show was a success and thanks go to Chris Biesieki-
                                                           erski, our show secretary for its smooth running. It was decided this year to
                                                           have our show on the Labor Day weekend as international judge, Mr Bo
                                                           Bengtson (USA) was here in Australia, judging a number of other shows that
                                                           weekend. A wonderful day was had by all!

                                                           2017 saw the club participate in the “Dog Lovers Show” at the Exhibition
                                                           Building for the first time. It was extremely successful and plans are already
                                                           being made to make our presence in the 2018 show even more successful. Our
                                                           Irish Wolfhounds in attendance were excellent ambassadors for our breed
                                                           and thanks go to Kathryn O’Brien, Anthony Clare, Lindy Knell and Eve Costa
                                                           for bringing their hounds to the Show. The hounds were truly patient and ac-
                                                           cepting of all the attention they received. I think it is very important that the
                                                           IWCV committee continue to work hard for the breed within the organisation
                                                           of DOGS Victoria and try to remain focussed on our main aim - that of the
                                                           promotion of purebred dogs and in particular, our much loved Irish Wolf-
                                                           I thank the other members of the IWCV committee, in particular, Lindy Knell,
                                                           Anthony Clare, and Kathryn O’Brien for their support, guidance and willing-
                                                           ness to step up and help me with my role of secretary over the past two years,
                                                           especially earlier this year when I was thrown in the deep end and whelped a
                                                           totally unexpected litter of Great Dane pups. Unfortunately, due to personal
                                                           issues and the ever increasing demands of my role as rescue coordinator of
                                                           Great Dane Rescue Victoria, I have made the decision to step down from my
                                                           role of secretary of the club.
                                                           I wish the club all the best as it moves forward in 2018 and beyond. I look for-
                                                           ward to being able to attend some of the social events and the shows in years
                                                           to come, and one day, finally adding a hound to my family.
                                                           Many Thanks
                                                           Yvonne Dunbar


                                                                                     MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE MEETING OF THE IRISH WOLFHOUND

                                                                                           CLUB OF VICTORIA INC. SUNDAY 26 NOVEMBER, 2017
1.   Opening       10.43am

2.   Attendance:           A. Clare, K. O’Brien, L. Knell, E. Costa, F. McEvoy, S.
     Biesiekierski, C. Biesiekierski, A. Flackerty

3.   Apologies Y. Dunbar, J. Mullins

4.   New Members: Christina Costa, Patricia Waight, Cameron Lindsay,
     Amanda Francis, Paul Harris, Lisa Stein, Rhiannon Ryan, Aaron Ryan
     Motion: That the new members be accepted: K. Obrien, seconded:
5. Minutes of the Committee Meeting held 9th July 2017

     Motion: That the minutes be accepted: F. McEvoy, seconded: C. Biesieki-
6.   Business Arising from the Minutes
     1. Gathering of the Hounds — a gold coin donation for non-members.
     Members do not have to pay a fee. Encourage people to join.
      2. Bunnings BBQ – Bunnings in Shepparton have said that a date cannot
     be set until after February 2018. Lindy Knell to contact Bunnings in Balla-
     rat to see if a date can also be set for this venue.
      3. Website – Anthony Clare has contact the website host many time to fix
     the problem and has been told it is to be actioned as soon as they can do
     so. A. Clare to make a link on the Facebook page to the webpage.

4. Research areas for the Irish Wolfhound. Francis McEvoy noted that the

                                                               thyroid may be an area of health to look into, regarding health and disposi-
                                                               tion. Eve Costa to ask a vet at the Michael Bell practice to look into areas
                                                               where they can help with the overall health of the Irish Wolfhound.
                                                               5. Merchandise – Francis McEvoy praised the great new range of merchan-

                                                               dise procured by Christina and Eve Costa. Christina can source more mer-
                                                               chandise at a better price in the future and mitigate costs. Christina is to be
                                                               given more money to purchase more merchandise as it is selling well.

                                                          7.   Correspondence

                                                               10/10/17      Janet Davidson - Dogs Victoria 2018 Events Calendar
                                                               16/10/17      Dogs Victoria - member update - 16 October
                                                               23/10/17      Dogs Victoria - member update - 23 October
                                                               23/10/17      Dogs Victoria "Big Day Out for Dogs"- Sunday 10 December
                                                               2/11/17       Dogs Victoria - member update - 2 November 2017
                                                               2/11/17       Dogs Victoria 'At A Glance' newsletter- 2 November 2017
                                                               10/11/17      Min Zeng – Dogs Vic – Non-members levy form*** Levy form
                                                                             to be completed and returned to Dog Vic by the end of Dec 2017
                                                               13/11/17      Anna Bisak – Dogs Vic - 2018 DOG LOVERS SHOW – NEW
                                                                             BREED SHOWCASE
                                                               16/11/17      Dogs Victoria 'At A Glance' newsletter- 16 November 2017
                                                               16/11/17      Faith Gasparini – Dog Lovers Show - Melbourne Dog Lovers
                                                                             Breed Showcase***

                                                               Motion:       That the correspondence be accepted: E.Costa, seconded


                                                                               MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE MEETING OF THE IRISH WOLFHOUND
      16/11/17     Faith Gasparini - Dog Lovers Show - Melbourne Dog
                   Lovers Breed Showcase

                                                                                     CLUB OF VICTORIA INC. SUNDAY 26 NOVEMBER, 2017
      17/11/17     Faith Gasparini - Dog Lovers Show - Melbourne Dog
                   Lovers Breed Showcase
      *** Need to be actioned

      Motion: That the correspondence be accepted: S. Biesiekierski,
      seconded: L.Knell.

8.    Business arising from the Correspondence
      1.The Non-members levy form is with Anthony Clare and will be re-
      turned to Dogs Vic as soon as it is filled out.
      2. Kathryn O’Brien has sent an application for a free stand at the Dog
      Lover’s Show in 2018 and is awaiting response.
      3. Lindy Knell mentioned the possibility of the Club attending Doga-
      palooza in 2018 which she will look into. Lindy to do a membership
      drive on Facebook. Kathryn to post on Facebook reiterating that peo-
      ple do not have to own an Irish Wolfhound in order to join the Club.

9.    Financial report
      Francis McEvoy wanted to thank Christina Costa for the EFTPOS fa-
      cility at the last gathering which can be used in the future to make
      payments easy and more accessible.

      Motion: That the financial report be accepted: K. O’Brien, seconded:
10.   Accounts
      Motion: That the accounts be accepted: K. O’Brien, seconded:

                                                                     1. Rescue report – nothing to report

                                                                     2. General Fundraising
                                                                         2.1 Future raffle – Mrs L. Knell. The raffle was to be for the

                                                                         rescue fund but it was proposed that unless the rescue fund
                                                                         falls below $2000, we channel any funds from raffles etc into
                                                                         the general account.
                                                                         2.2 A raffle of a merchandise item or a membership on Face-
                                                                         book. Lindy Knell and Kathryn O’Brien to look into.

                                                                     3. Magazine
                                                                         3.1 CU will be distributed before Christmas and will include
                                                                         the Show schedule. A calendar of events is to be included in
                                                                         CU as of 2018
                                                                     4. Website

                                                                         4.1 Website update, site forwarding can only be initiated by
                                                                         the owner of the website in question from which you are for-

                                                          Motion: That the reports be accepted: A. Clare, seconded: E.Costa.
                                                          12.     Motions on Notice
                                                                  None to report
                                                          13.     General Business:
                                                          1.1     Bunnings Shepparton Fundraising update BBQ – a date to be set
                                                                  after February 2018
                                                          1.2     Champ Show date to be decided including, show secretary role/
                                                                  judges, schedule,      VCA Rep/Photographer/ Steward/Catering.
                                                          1.2.1   Chris Biesiekierski to be Show Secretary
                                                          1.2.2   Nico Kersten to be the judge at a cost of $300. C. Biesiekierski to
                                                                  send a bio and picture to K.O’Brien for inclusion in CU
                                                          1.2.3   The date is to be Sunday 11 March at Bulla Exhibition Centre
                                                          1.2.4   The show will be cancelled if the weather is extreme for that day
                                                          1.2.5   C. Biesiekierski to arrange steward and Dogs Vic rep
                                                          1.2.6   K.O’Brien to ask Paul H if he can be the photographer
                                                          1.2.7 Catering to be ringside finger food. C. Biesiekierski to bring coffee
                   34                                           and tea
1.2.8    Anthony Clare to pick up the judge if needed

                                                                                         MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE MEETING OF THE IRISH WOLFHOUND
1.2.9    Anthony Clare to contact Judy Oliver to ask her to invite trainee judges
1.2.10   Past members of the club to be extended an invitation to come to the show
1.2.11   There will be a marquee set up for shelter

                                                                                               CLUB OF VICTORIA INC. SUNDAY 26 NOVEMBER, 2017
1.3 2018 Dog Lovers Show, form sent to get a stall for 2018 – K.O’Brien has for-
    warded an application form to the Dog Lovers Show
1.4 New merchandise and process and sales – an EFTPOS facility has been set up
to process sales of merchandise and memberships
1.5 Trophy retrieval from L Van Nunspeet - F. McEvoy to write a letter to Dogs
Vic regarding a Veteran’s trophy that is in the possession of L. Van Nunspeet
which belongs to the Club
1.6 Committee attendance – if unable to attend a committee meeting an apology
must be sent to the secretary. All members are required to attend meetings regu-
larly. One meeting per year to be electronic, ie a teleconference. C. Biesiekierski to
look into how to proceed and what is required. A. Clare to look into costs
1.7 Rules distribution – new members are to come to the secretary for processing
and L. Knell will send a welcome letter to all new members along with a welcome
1.8 Fundraising for rescue 2018 – only needed if revenue for this fund falls below
1.9 Calendar 2018 – to make a calendar for 2019 using some of the photos from
the Champ show and the Gathering of the Hounds
2.0 Gathering of the Hounds – the next Gathering of the Hounds to be at
Houndswood on Sunday May 20th 2018
2.1 Possible dates for future meetings – August 12th and November 18th 2018

14.      Date & location of Next Meeting:
          Date: 7.00pm
          Time: 28th February
          Location: Teleconference

  15. Close of Meeting: 12.35pm

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