2019 Victoria Art Car Parade - Revista de Victoria

Page created by Howard Kelly
2019 Victoria Art Car Parade - Revista de Victoria
Volume 29, Number 5, March 2019

                                         2019 Victoria Art Car Parade
  On Saturday, April 6th, from                tion” by Amber Eagle and exqui-
11:30am to 4pm, Five Points Mu-               sitely detailed lowriders by the
seum of Contemporary Art brings               Leal Brothers from Corpus Christi.
the 2019 Victoria Art Car Parade, a           All the art cars have won top hon-
FREE family event. Ann Harithas,              ors at the Orange Show Houston
founder and Executive Director of             Art Car Parade and several can be
the museum has been a judge at                found on display at various times
the annual Orange Show Houston                at Five Points Museum.
Art Car Parade for over 25 years                 Festivities will kick off with Vic-
and is also founder of the Art Car            toria’s 8th annual Art Car Parade
Museum in Houston.                            downtown. After the parade some
  For the 2019 Victoria Art Car               art cars will park so Jam Fest 2019
Parade, Harithas has organized                visitors can take a closer look. The
award-winning art cars from not-              rest of the parade cars will proceed
ed car artists for display both at            to Five Points Museum at Moody
Jam Fest 2019 downtown, and on                and North Street for the museum
North Moody Street in and around              exhibition opening.
the Five Points Museum. More                     Salvaged Species by Mark
than 50 art cars and lowriders on             “Scrapdaddy” Bradford
exhibit will display a variety of                Coinciding with the parade is the
painting and sculptural techniques,           new exhibition Salvaged Species
including welding and metal craft,            by Houston artist Mark “Scrap-
gluing and assemblage, and col-               daddy” Bradford. The opening
lage. Art cars scheduled to appear            reception for the exhibition will
include multiple works by David               be held at the museum from noon
Best, “Our Lady of Transporta-                                   See ART CAR, pg. 10   Five Points Museum art parade and exhibits scheduled for April. Contributed art.

 Victoria TX Indie Film Festival 2019                                                                                                                                                 IN THIS ISSUE

                                                                                                                                                                                 Food bank................. pg 3
                                                The O’Connor & Hewitt Foun-            VTXIFF among the top 25 in its                tin describes the festival as, “a rare
                                              dation, Film Exchange, and The           list of 50 fests worth the submis-            film festival that understands that
                                              David Ross Fetzer Foundation             sion fee in 2015 (and 2013). Rut-             filmmakers need far more from
                                              for Emerging Artists are thrilled        ger Hauer, legendary actor and                the festival experience than Q&As           Land commissioner..pg 5
                                              to have the opportunity to pres-         director of his own film festival,            and networking. VTXIFF is that
                                              ent the eighth annual Victoria TX        visited VTXIFF and declared,                  rare community that celebrates,
                                              Independent Film Festival, April         “This is where good shit happens.”            champions, and inspires artists of          Charlando................. pg 6
                                              4th - 7th, in downtown Victoria,         VTXIFF is the rare film festival              all kinds… especially filmmak-
                                              TX. VTXIFF is designed to inspire        run by passionate filmmakers who              ers”.
                                              and champion independent artists,        know how to deliver on the prom-                 Victoria TX Independent Film             Crime prevention..... pg 8
                                              while introducing the community          ise of what that experience should            Festival (VTXIFF) is as much
                                              to the passionate work being done        be for other filmmakers… like                 about the magic that happens when
VTXIFF’s eighth annual on tap for Victoria.   in independent cinema.                   coming home.                                  artists of all kinds bond, influence        La Cocina................ pg 11
Contributed art.                                Moviemaker Magazine ranked                Past juror and alum, Lisa Mar-                                   See FESTIVAL, pg. 2
2019 Victoria Art Car Parade - Revista de Victoria
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Congressman Cloud opens Victoria office
  Congressman Michael Cloud          open since July, but when the
welcomed district residents to his   leases we inherited from the previ-
new Victoria office Wednesday        ous office expired, I started look-
morning to celebrate the office’s    ing around for some less expen-
grand opening.                       sive options,” said Congressman
  “Our district offices have been    Cloud. “Our new office locations

                                                                           U.S. Congressman Michael Cloud, Victoria Chamber president Randy Vivian and chamber ambassadors celebrate opening new office.
                                                                           Contributed photo.
                                                                           will save thousands of dollars each       that money to better use serving           office was reopening the district
                                                                           month in rent, allowing us to put         the people of our district.”               offices so we could start meeting
                                                                                                                        The new Victoria location will          needs here at home,” said Con-
                                                                                                                     save $1700 per month in rent.              gressman Cloud. “We are here to
                                                                                                                        Congressman Cloud encouraged            serve, so please let us know how
                                                                                                                     residents to contact his office for        we can help.”
                                                                                                                     assistance with the federal govern-          The office is located at 111 N.
                                                                                                                     ment, including Veterans Affairs           Glass St., Suite 102, and is open
                                                                                                                     issues, hurricane recovery, help           weekdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Resi-
                                                                                                                     with passports, or anything han-           dents can also call the office at
                                                                                                                     dled by a federal agency.                  (361) 894-6446.
                                       VICTORIA COUNTY
                                                                                                                        “My first priority when I took
                                           TAX SALE
                                                                                                                                                                try of Origin: USA, Language:
                             Tuesday, April 2, 2019 @ 10:00 a.m.                                                     FESTIVAL, from pg. 1                       Spanish, Rating: Late Teen/Adult
                                                                                                                     one another and share community            (language, violence), Runtime:
                             Need to register one week in advance                                                    as it is about film. Each year visit-      90 minutes. Synopsis: Javi (Pat-
                                             online at                                                               ing filmmakers not only screened           rick Mackie), lives and works in
                         https://victoria.texas.sheriffsaleauctions.com                                              their own films, they collaborated         the fields of South Texas with his
                                                                                                                     on new films, have started their           grandfather Arturo (Hector Uribe,
                                                                                                                     own festivals or returned to Victo-        No Country For Old Men). Secret-
                        For Tax Sale Information contact                                                             ria to shoot their next film!              ly, Javi plans on escaping South
                LINEBARGER GOGGAN BLAIR & SAMPSON, LLP at:                                                              Plan to see Tejano on Saturday,         Texas with his Mexican girlfriend,
                          1-(855) 650-5848 (toll free) or                                                            April 6 at 7:30 p.m., Leo J. Welder        Lorena (Mayra Leal, Machete).
                                                                                                                     Center or on Sunday, April 7 at 12         But when Arturo’s cancer takes a
                               www.LGBS.COM                                                                          p.m., Rosebud Records. Directed            turn for the worse Javi’s plans are
                                                                                                                     By: David Blue Garcia, Coun-               put on hold.
2019 Victoria Art Car Parade - Revista de Victoria
www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com						                                                                                         Revista de Victoria, March 2019 — 3

Family fun for a great cause
                                                                                   goodwill wherever they go. Next
                                                                                   Friday they will play against THE
                                                                                   BRAVE of the Victoria Fire De-
                                                                                   partment and all proceeds will go
                                                                                   to the Food Bank.
                                                                                      The Victoria College has kindly
                                                                                   offered to host the game at their
                                                                                   gym, and due to a generous spon-
                                                                                   sorship by HEB, ticket prices are
                                                                                   very affordable. Adult tickets are
                                                                                   $10, kids ages 6 to 16 are $5, and
                                                                                   children 5 and under get in for
                                                                                   free. Tickets are available at the
                                                                                   door or on the Food Bank’s web-
                                                                                   site at www.tfbgc.org.
Food bank fundraiser. Contributed photo.                                              Prior to the game, the Flight
                                                                                   Squad will be performing for the
by Meridith Byrd                           and lots of fun and laughs, all for a   students of Stroman and Patti
                                           great cause.                            Welder middle schools. The stu-
   Calling all basketball fans! The           The Flight Squad is a comedy/        dents will be treated to a high-en-
Food Bank is excited to announce           exhibition basketball team of for-      ergy basketball show with music
the return of the Flight Squad to          mer NCAA Division I players who         and dancing as the Flight Squad
Victoria. Join us at the Victoria          travel across the country raising       members spread their message
College gym at 7 p.m. on Friday,           money for local organizations and       of positives, respect, anti-bully-
March 22 for an evening of high-           nonprofits, giving presentations at     ing, and inspiration. Some lucky
flying dunks, exciting trick shots,        schools, and generally spreading                        See FOOD BANK, pg. 8
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  ESTADOS UNIDOS: Más de 100       on liberados por las autoridades   nio, Texas, reportaron asociacio-
inmigrantes indocumentados fuer-   federales y dejados en San Anto-   nes locales.
                                                                        La organización sin fines de lu-
                                                                      cro Catholic Charities dijo que más
                                                                      de 100 inmigrantes indocumenta-
                                                                      dos fueron dejados en la noche de
                                                                      este sábado en San Antonio.
                                                                         Los indocumentados fueron de-
                                                                      jados en la estación de autobuses
                                                                      de Greyhound porque los centros
                                                                      de detención en Eagle Pass, Del
                                                                      Rio y el Valle del Río Grande
                                                                      no tienen espacio suficiente para
                                                                      mantenerlos arrestados, informó
                                                                      Fox San Antonio este domingo.
                                                                        ESTADOS UNIDOS: El jefe de
                                                                      la policía de Miami rechazó un        Selena Saavedra Román. Contributed photo.
                                                                      proyecto de ley estatal en contra
                                                                      de los “santuarios” que exigiría a    federales de ICE.                           pedirles a otros oficiales que vay-
                                                                      las agencias policiales de Florida      “La verdad es que prefiero no             an a revisar de dónde vino alguien
                                                                      cooperar con los funcionarios         tener este trabajo si tengo que             antes de ayudarlos”, expresó el
                                                                                                                                                        jefe de la policía de Miami, Jorge
                                                                                                                                                        Colina, durante una entrevista en
                                                                                                                                                        español con la estación de radio
                                                                                                                                                        WURN-AM emitida este viernes.
                                                                                                                                                           El proyecto de ley SB 168 pro-
                                                                                                                                                        hibiría las políticas de “santu-
                                                                                                                                                        ario” y exigiría al estado y a las
                                                                                                                                                        autoridades colaborar con el per-
                                                                                                                                                        sonal federal del Servicio de In-
                                                                                                                                                        migración y Control de Aduanas
                                                                                                                                                        (ICE en inglés) para que acepten
                                                                                                                                                        cumplir con las solicitudes de de-
                                                                                                                                                        tención de aquellos considerados
                                                                                                                                                        “extranjeros deportables” según la
                                                                                                                                                        ley federal de inmigración, reseñó
                                                                                                                                                        Fox News.
                                                                                                                                                           ESTADOS UNIDOS: Tras un
                                                                                                                                                        mes de pesadillas, una aeromoza
                                                                                                                                                        hispana fue liberada luego de que
                                                                                                                                                        ICE la detuviese al volver a Esta-
                                                                                                                                                        dos Unidos mientras realizaba su
                                                                                                                                                           Tras un mes de pesadillas, una
                                                                                                                                                        aeromoza hispana fue liberada
                                                                                                                                                        luego de que ICE la detuviese al
                                                                                                                                                        volver a Estados Unidos mientras
                                                                                                                                                        realizaba su trabajo.
                                                                                                                                                           Una aeromoza de Texas que
                                                                                                                                                        estaba registrada en el programa
                                                                                                                                                        DACA voló a México por cuestio-
                                                                                                                                                        nes de trabajo y al regresar fue de-
                                                                                                                                                        tenida por autoridades migratorias
                                                                                                                                                        estadounidenses, que la mantuvi-
                                                                                                                                                        eron así más de un mes, señaló su
                                                                                                                                                        abogada a AP.
                                                                                                                                                           Selena Saavedra Román, de 28
                                                                                                                                                        años, quien migró “ilegalmente”
                                                                                                                                                        desde Perú cuando era niña y es-
                                                                                                                                                        taba amparada por el programa de
                                                                                                                                                        Acción Diferida para los Llegados
                                                                                                                                                        en la Infancia, fue liberada este
                                                                                                                                                                         See NOTICIAS, pg. 12
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Land Commissioner encourages to apply for Homeowner Reimbursement Program
                                          quirements, to be eligible for this   to provide proof of damage from         • Eligible repairs must have been   quirements, homeowners are not
                                          program:                              Hurricane Harvey.                     completed prior to the application    eligible if:
                                            • The home must be the owner’s         • The homeowner must be able       launch date of Feb. 28, 2019.            • The home is in the City of
                                          primary residence.                    to provide receipts and/or invoices     Additional criteria may apply.      Houston or Harris County, which
                                            • The homeowner must be able        for eligible repairs.                   In accordance with HUD re-                          See PROGRAM, pg. 12

Commissioner George P Bush. Contributed

   Program expected to help thou-
sands of Texans with reimburse-
ments for eligible out-of-pocket
expenses for Hurricane Harvey
     Today Texas Land Commis-
sioner George P. Bush announced
the Homeowner Reimbursement
Program will be beginning the ap-
plication process Feb. 28, 2019. In
advance of the application release
date, Commissioner Bush is en-
couraging potential applicants to
visit the website, Recovery.Texas.
gov/HRP, to learn the specifics of
the program and review the Home-
owner Reimbursement Program
Checklist to have all applicable
documents ready prior to apply-
    “Texans have proved incred-
ibly resilient in the wake of Hurri-
cane Harvey, and many folks have
poured their life savings into mak-
ing their house a home again,” said
Commissioner Bush. “The GLO is
working to spread the word that
help is on the way. In advance of
the application being released, we
encourage interested homeowners
to begin preparing documentation
for potential reimbursement.”
    The Texas General Land Office
(GLO) allocated $100 million in
Community Development Block
Grants for Disaster Recovery
(CDBG-DR) funds from the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) to reimburse
homeowners up to $50,000 for
eligible out-of-pocket expenses
incurred for repairs to their Hur-
ricane Harvey damaged home,
including reconstruction, rehabili-
tation or mitigation. Homeowners
in Harris County and the city of
Houston will be able to apply for
similar programs funded by direct
    In accordance with HUD re-
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 por Santos Raya y contribuidores

 Natti Natasha emigró a Estados     hace 10 años. Su camino al éxito                                              lan más de un billón
Unidos de República Dominicana      no fue fácil porque le decían que                                             de reproducciones.
                                                                                                                  Acaba de lanzar su
                                                                                                                  primera producción
                                                                                                                  discográfica de estu-
                                                                                                                  dio con 17 temas que
                                                                                                                  hablan de los sueños
                                                                                                                  y dolores de la mujer
                                                                                                                  latina actual desde su
                                                                                                                  perspectiva femeni-
                                                                                                                     Patricia    Teherá.
                                                                                                                  Después de un rece-
                                                                        Maria Elisa Camargo. Contributed photo.   so de dos años en el
                                                                                                                  que viajó a Colom-
                                                                        su voz no vendería y sin embargo          bia para protagonizar
                                                                        no paro en su intento. En menos           una novela sobre la Natti Natasha. Contributed photo.
                                                                        de una década de trayectoria y en         vida de Patricia Te-
                                                                        un género dominado por los hom-           herán ‘La Diosa del Vallenato -que mexicana que huye de la tumultu-
                                                                        bres, hoy es la artista más vista en      falleciese en 1995 tras un acciden- osa época de 1968 en México para
                                                                        YouTube pues sus videos acumu-            te automovilístico- la actriz ecu- conseguir sus sueños. En medio de
                                                                                                                  atoriana María Elisa Camargo re- todas esas aventuras de alto volta-
                                                                                                                  gresa a Telemundo para estelarizar je, ‘Nacho’ e Isabel se enamorarán
                                                                                                                  su más reciente serie, El Barón.      y vivirán una bella y trágica histo-
                                                                                                                     La producción, que fue filmada ria de amor.
                                                                                                                  en Colombia, está inspirada en            Camargo interpreta a la des-
                                                                                                                  algunos hechos del mundillo del       luLa    producción, que fue filmada
                                                                                                                  narcotráfico en la década de los      en    Colombia,     está inspirada en
                                                                                                                  70. Cuenta la historia de Igna-       algunos    hechos    del mundillo del
                                                                                                                  cio ‘Nacho’ Montero (Francisco        narcotráfico    en   la década de los
                                                                                                                  Angelini), un joven mexicano de       70.    Cuenta   la  historia  de Igna-
                                                                                                                  buena familia, rebelde, soñador y     cio   ‘Nacho’    Montero     (Francisco
                                                                                                                  visionario que cambió el rumbo de Angelini), un joven mexicano de
                                                                                                                  ese peligroso negocio.                buena familia, rebelde, soñador y
                                                                                                                      Y mientras se desenvuelve en visionario que cambió el rumbo de
                                                                                                                  ese ambiente y negocia con figuras ese peligroso negocio.
                                                                                                                  como Griselda Blanco ‘La Mad-              Y mientras se desenvuelve en
                                                                                                                  rina’ y Pablo Escobar, ‘Nacho’        ese  ambiente y negocia con figuras
                                                                                                                  conoce a Isabel Narváez, una chica                       See CHARLANDO, pg. 7
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                                                           Mini Chef Colom-         chas recetas de Colombia para          voy ayudar a tener comida y tam-    en Colombia dos años y fue un im-
                                                         biano. Desde los 6         mostrárselas a los chefs Gordon        bién a tener una casa”, declaró a   pacto muy grande para él ver a tan-
                                                         años, Miguel Mejía         Ramsay, Aarón Sánchez y Chris-         MundoHispánico el niño de 12        tos niños en la calle sin nada que
                                                         se metió en la coci-       tina Tosi, jueces del concurso tele-   años de padres colombianos que      comer. Siempre ha tenido eso en
                                                         na de su mamá para         visivo, y a todo el país.              vive en Atlanta.                    su corazón y le duele el sufrimien-
                                                         aprender los secretos         “Si yo gano la competencia y los      Según Norma Jaramillo, la         to de los niños. Siempre ha tenido
                                                         culinarios de Colom-       100 mil dólares en premios, voy a      madre de Miguel, a su hijo le im-   la idea de una u otra forma buscar
                                                         bia. A sus 12 años,        recoger toda la plata y ayudar a to-   pactó ver la pobreza extrema de     la manera de algún día tener la
                                                         es uno de los 24 ni-       dos los niños de Colombia, porque      muchos niños en Colombia.           oportunidad de poder ayudarlos”,
                                                         ños de todo Estados        hay muchos muy pobres allá. Les          “Nosotros estuvimos viviendo      manifestó Jaramillo.
                                                         Unidos que compiten
                                                         por el título de la sép-
                                                         tima temporada de
                                                         ‘MasterChef Junior’
                                                         (FOX) y sus 100 mil
Miguel de Masterchef Jr. Contributed photo.
                                                         dólares en premios.
                                                           A Miguel Mejía Ja-
CHARLANDO                   , from pg. 6    ramillo le encantaría ganar la sép-
como Griselda Blanco ‘La Mad- tima temporada del MasterChef
rina’ y Pablo Escobar, ‘Nacho’ Junior -que se estrena el 12 de
conoce a Isabel Narváez, una chica marzo por el canal FOX- para pod-
mexicana que huye de la tumultu- er usar parte del premio de 100 mil
osa época de 1968 en México para dólares para ayudar a niños pobres
conseguir sus sueños. En medio de de Colombia.
todas esas aventuras de alto volta-           Miguel Mejía Jaramillo, de 12
je, ‘Nacho’ e Isabel se enamorarán años, comentó que se preparó por
y vivirán una bella y trágica histo- varias semanas con la ayuda de
ria de amor.                                toda su familia y aprendió mu-
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8 — Revista de Victoria, March 2019						                                                                                                                    www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com

Community crime prevention
by Officer John Turner              law enforcement?                     to organize and create a group of    types of criminal activity occur-
                                      Neighborhood Watch                 neighbors who look out for each      ring in your community, know
   What is one of the most effec-     Who knows a neighborhood           other and won’t hesitate to take     what to look for and how to pre-
tive and cost efficient ways to     better that the residents who live   action when something is amiss in    vent it, which can ultimately lead
prevent crime while developing      there? Neighborhood Watch sim-       their community.                     to a safer community by reducing
bonds between residents and local   ply encourages those residents         Let us be clear, however, by       or removing the opportunities for
                                                                         taking action we mean that neigh-    crime to occur.
                                                                         bors will contact the authorities       The well-known Neighbor-
                                                                         dedicated to handling the issue of   hood Watch sign, seen in many
                                                                         concern, not become directly in-     neighborhoods throughout our
                                                                         volved.                              community is a notice to crimi-
                                                                           By participating in an active      nals that they are probably being
                                                                         Neighborhood Watch you and           watched, that you and your neigh-
                                                                         your neighbors will become more      bors have taken steps necessary
                                                                         acquainted with each other and de-   to deter crime and that nothing in
                                                                         velop a stronger bond with local     that neighborhood is going to be       Contributed art.
                                                                         law enforcement.                     an easy target.
                                                                           Through the many different            John Turner is a Crime Preven-      hood Watch, or for other crime
                                                                         public education classes offered     tion Officer with the Victoria Po-     prevention questions, he may be
                                                                         by law enforcement, you will         lice Department. For assistance        contacted at 485-3811.
                                                                         increase your awareness of the       with creating your own Neighbor-

                                                                                                              night’s game.                          helping heal the hurt of hunger,”
                                                                         FOOD BANK, from pg. 3                  The Flight Squad first landed        explains Cadle. “This is going to
                                                                         students will win tickets to that    in Victoria in November 2017. “It      be a great game with high-caliber
                                                                                                              was such an awesome night,” says       basketball and lots of laughs, and
                                                                                                              Robin Cadle, Food Bank Presi-          the money raised will go toward
                                                                                                              dent/CEO. “They played against         feeding the hungry throughout the
                                                                                                              the Victoria and Stroman High          eleven counties we serve.”
                                                                                                              School alumni team and put on an          Come out and cheer on the Vic-
                                                                                                              incredible show. We are thrilled to    toria Fire Department as they take
                                                                                                              welcome the Flight Squad back to       on the Flight Squad. After the
                                                                                                              Victoria and would love to make        game kids can take photos with the
                                                                                                              this a yearly event.”                  players and the Flight Squad will
                                                                                                                Brad Madigan, Captain of Fire        be signing autographs. We hope
                                                                                                              Training, says that the Victoria       you will come out and enjoy this
                                                                                                              Fire Department is ready to take       exciting, family friendly event!
                                                                                                              on the Flight Squad. Their team,          Meridith Byrd is the Director of
                                                                                                              THE BRAVE, have been practic-          Community Engagement for the
                                                                                                              ing at the Victoria College gym in     Food Bank of the Golden Cres-
                                                                                                              preparation for the game and they      cent. She also manages the Victo-
                                                                                                              are excited to show off their skills   ria Farmers’ Market. Contact her
                                                                                                              on the court.                          at 361-218-9246 or mbyrd@feed-
                                                                                                                “We are always looking for fun       ingamerica.org.
                                                                                                              ways to further our mission of
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UHV crowns Homecoming
king and queen for 2019

Contributed photo.

   Cesar Gonzalez, left, and So-     Science in Interdisciplinary Stud-
phia Solano, right, stand with       ies with an emphasis on fourth- to
UHV President Bob Glenn Sat-         eighth-grade education. Gonzalez,
urday after they were crowned at     a junior from Rosenberg, is study-
Riverside Stadium as the univer-     ing to earn a Bachelor of Business
sity’s 2019 Homecoming king and      Administration in both marketing
queen. Solano, a senior from San     and management.
Antonio, is pursuing a Bachelor of
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10 — Revista de Victoria, March 2019						         www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com

                                             ART CAR, from pg. 1
                                             to 4pm following the parade. Fea-
                                             tured in the parade in years past,
                                             Bradford’s walking contraptions,
                                             otherworldly beings and wall
                                             sculptures will be on display inside
                                             the museum. We invite everyone
                                             to see up close how Bradford takes
                                             discarded scrap metal and gives it
                                             new life. There will also be kids’
                                             crafts areas hosted by Manhattan
                                             Art Program and refreshments.
                                                Salvaged Species will be on
                                             view from April 6th through June
                                             30th. Known by his nickname,
                                             “Scrapdaddy”, Bradford’s work
                                             has been exhibited in museums
                                             around the world. He has worked
                                             in Texas for over three decades
                                             drawing upon the scrapped and
                                             discarded remains of commerce
                                             and industry and transforming
                                             them into creatures, vehicles and
                                             other sculptures that are recogniz-
                                             able in their source material yet
                                             completely novel in their repur-
                                                For those who would like free
                                             travel from Houston: Wayne Gil-
                                             bert will be hosting a travel bus
                                             from Houston to Victoria and back
                                             this year, as per tradition. The
                                             bus will arrive at noon and depart
                                             around 7pm- just in time for muse-
                                             um activities, Jam Fest 2019, and
                                             more! Please call us (361)-572-
                                             0016 for more information regard-
                                             ing bus travel.
                                                Museum to Jam Fest 2019 Shut-
                                                Take advantage of the free shut-
                                             tle to and from One O’Connor Pla-
                                             za at Bridge Street to the museum
                                             from noon to 4pm. In addition to
                                             the 2019 Victoria Art Car Parade
                                             and Savaged Species exhibition
                                             there will be art cars parked around
                                             DeLeon Plaza downtown where
                                             there will be live music brought
                                             to us by Jam Fest 2019. For more
                                             information about Jam Fest 2019,
                                             such as ticketing to the main con-
                                             cert at Club Westerner, visit victo-

                                                      To advertise,
                                                  call 361-218-9464.
www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com						                                                                                                                            Revista de Victoria, March 2019 — 11

                                              2 tablespoons finely chopped           Zucchini                          1 or 2 eggs                            salt and pepper and place in a shal-
                                              fresh oregano                          ½ cup Bread crumbs (I use whole                                          low bowl. 3. Dip your zucchini
                                              1 teaspoon salt                        wheat)                            1. Cut your veggies up, into spears    into the egg. 4. Roll your zuc-
                                              1/2 teaspoon pepper 1                  ½ cup Parmesan                    or circles, whatever you prefer. 2.    chini in the breadcrumb mixture.
                                              2 small balls fresh mozzarella         2 teaspoon Oregano                Lightly beat an egg and put in a       5. Place onto a greased cooking
                                              cheese (about 1/3 ounce each)          1-teaspoon salt to taste          shallow bowl. Mix together your        sheet. Bake at 450º for 20 min-
                                              1 (16-ounce box) spaghetti rigati      ½ teaspoon pepper to taste        breadcrumbs, Parmesan, oregano,        utes.
                                              or linguine
                                              1 (25-ounce or 26-ounce) jar
                                              spicy red pepper pasta sauce or
                                              other pasta sauce
                                              Fresh oregano sprigs, optional
Stuffed saucy meatballs and pasta. Contrib-
uted photo.                                   1. Preheat oven to 400ºF.
                                              2. Combine ground beef, eggs,
                                              breadcrumbs, garlic, 1 tablespoon
IRISH BACON AND CABBAGE                       chopped oregano, salt and pepper
SOUP                                          in a large bowl, mixing lightly but
1 (15 ounce) can diced tomatoes               thoroughly. Divide mixture into
with juice                                    12 equal portions. Lightly shape
2 large potatoes, peeled and cubed            into patties.
1-cup chicken stock, or as needed             3. Place 1 mozzarella ball in center
Salt and black pepper to taste                of each patty. Shape beef around
½ pound Irish bacon, diced                    cheese until completely enclosed
2 cups thinly sliced dark green               inside and forming meatballs.
Savoy cabbage leaves                          Place meatballs on aluminum-
                                              foil-lined 15x10-inch baking pan.
1. Place bacon in a large, deep               Bake 15 to 20 minutes to medium
stockpot or saucepan. Cook over               doneness (160º), until not pink in
medium high heat until evenly                 center and juices show any pink
brown. Drain off any excess fat.              color.
2. Stir in potatoes, tomatoes, and            4. Meanwhile, prepare spaghetti
enough chicken stock to cover.                rigatoni or linguine according to
Season with salt and pepper. Bring            manufacturer’s directions and heat
to a boil, reduce heat and simmer             pasta sauce in large saucepan un-
for 20 minutes, or until potatoes             til hot, stirring occasionally. Add
are tender.                                   meatballs and cook until heated
3. Stir in cabbage and allow the              through (about 5 minutes).
soup to simmer for a few minutes              5. Spoon meatballs and sauce onto
longer before serving.                        hot pasta. Sprinkle with remain-
                                              ing 1 tablespoon chopped oregano.
STUFFED SAUCY MEATBALLS AND                   Garnish with oregano sprigs, if de-
PASTA                                         sired.
1-1/2 pounds ground beef
2 eggs, slightly beaten                       OVEN FRIED PARMESAN ZUC-
1/2 cup seasoned bread crumbs                 CHINI
3 cloves garlic, minced
12 — Revista de Victoria, March 2019						                                                                                                                      www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com
                                       floodplain, was substantially dam-      come is greater than 120% area     saster relief assistance for home          Potential applicants should
PROGRAM, from pg. 5                    aged and is not at least 2 feet above   median income and homeowner        located in a 100-year floodplain        visit     Recovery.Texas.gov/HRP
will fund repair programs through      the base elevation.                     did not have flood insurance on    and did not maintain flood insur-       for more information and review
their respective direct allocations.      • The home is in a 100-year          August 24, 2017.                   ance.                                   the Homeowner Reimbursement
  • The home is in a 100-year          floodplain, and the household in-         • Homeowner received prior di-      • The home is in a floodway,         Program Checklist to have all ap-
                                                                                                                  which is an area designed to flood.     plicable documents ready prior to
                                                                                                                     • The home may also not be           applying. Applicants will be able
                                                                                                                  eligible if there is asbestos or lead   to submit all their application ma-
                                                                                                                  based paint that was not remedi-        terial electronically and the GLO’s
                                                                                                                  ated.                                   program team will assist house-
                                                                                                                     • Households that meet the           holds that cannot submit electronic
                                                                                                                  low- to moderate-income (LMI)           applications.
                                                                                                                  threshold will receive prioritized         Potential applicants can also
                                                                                                                  application processing for the first    find in-person assistance at re-
                                                                                                                  30 days, but all homeowners are         gional Homeowner Reimburse-
                                                                                                                  encouraged to apply immediately.        ment Program offices serving their
                                                                                                                  Non-LMI households will be con-         area. Locations to be announced
                                                                                                                  sidered for eligibility in order of     soon. For assistance, email cdr@
                                                                                                                  application submission.                 recovery.texas.gov or call 1-844-

                                                                                                                                                          las 06:27 de la mañana, a 89 km
                                                                                                                  NOTICIAS, from pg. 4                    al Sureste de Salina Cruz, Oaxaca,
                                                                                                                  viernes de un centro de detención       con una profundidad de 18 kiló-
                                                                                                                  en Conroe, Texas, según un comu-        metros.
                                                                                                                  nicado del Servicio de Control de          El sismo no activó la alerta sís-
                                                                                                                  Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE, por         mica porque la estimación de en-
                                                                                                                  sus siglas en inglés).                  ergía en los primeros segundos no
                                                                                                                     Casada con un estadounidense,        superó los niveles preestablecidos,
                                                                                                                  Saavedra Román le expresó su            reseñó Televisa.
                                                                                                                  preocupación a Mesa Airlines               COLOMBIA: Sismo en Colom-
                                                                                                                  acerca de su estatus migratorio         bia. Un fuerte sismo sorprendió la
                                                                                                                  después de que se le asignó laborar     tarde del sábado a Colombia, con
                                                                                                                  en un vuelo internacional, indicó       una intensidad de 6.1 grados de
                                                                                                                  su abogada Belinda Arroyo.              acuerdo con el Servicio Geológico
                                                                                                                     MEXICO: Un sismo de magnitud         de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus
                                                                                                                  5.3 remeció el sureste del estado       siglas en inglés).
                                                                                                                  de Oaxaca, cerca de la localidad           El sismo tuvo su foco a 113.3
                                                                                                                  de Salina Cruz, informó el Servi-       kilómetros de profundidad, con un
                                                                                                                  cio Sismológico Nacional, según         epicentro localizado a siete kiló-
                                                                                                                  reporte de Noticieros Televisa. En      metros al noroeste de El Dovio y
                                                                                                                  su cuenta de Twitter, el SSN de-        66.5 kilómetros de Armenia, según
                                                                                                                  talló que el movimiento ocurrió a       reportó CNN.
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