Celebrando a las Madres - La Prensa Texas

Celebrando a las Madres - La Prensa Texas
VOL. 3 • NUM 19                            www.LaPrensaTEXAS.com                                10 de Mayo de 2020

                      Celebrando a las Madres
Happy Mother’s Day      Restaurant            Latina Mothers Hold    Outstanding Hispanics:   About the Cover Artist:
                      Owners Serve the                                  Luis V. Gutierrez          Kathy Sosa
  Amelia J. Duran                             the Family Together
 Feliz Dia de Todas    Community at
     las Madres        Haven for Hope

      By LPT Staff       By Yvette Tello       By Dr. Ricardo Romo    By Leonard Rodriguez    Provided by AnArte Gallery
Celebrando a las Madres - La Prensa Texas
2                                                                           La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                      10 de Mayo de 2020

   This grass roots publication is the life
                                                                     Let’s Talk About It
source for a community that is not easily
afforded viable access to diverse and ac-                          Are We Doing All We Can Do?
cessible media. San Antonio and the sur-
rounding counties have become accustomed
                                                       By Yvette Tello             out unless necessary.
to relevant news brought to them in both               I just spoke to a Direc-    At least for another         Yvette Elizabeth: “I
English and Spanish since 1913.
                                                       tor at Haven for Hope.      month but heck that          was thinking of going
            Steve A Duran Sr.
              CEO/Publisher                            I asked how many con-       has not been followed        home in July to visit
        s.duran@laprensatexas.com                                                                                                            By Leonard Rodriguez
                                                       firmed cases they have      since it was ordered.        but...my girlfriend that     This column highlights
             Ramon Chapa Jr.
               Co-Publisher                            had of the coronavirus.     Now, I see people            works for a hospital in      inspiring stories of Latino
                                                       There are 1700 people       hanging out together,        SA texted me to say          leaders. For more than 500
               Yvette Tello                            on this campus. Not         parties, kids playing        they have admitted 11        years, Latino men and wom-
         Executive Vice President                                                                                                            en have positively influenced
        y.tello@laprensatexas.com                      one! I was in disbelief     with other kids that         positive covid19 pa-         the face of United States so-
              Roxanne Eguia
              Editor In Chief
                                                       and so happy to hear        don’t live in the home;      tients. With that said,      ciety. Let us celebrate these
        r.eguia@laprensatexas.com                      this. They credit this to   like “ I’m just gonna        I’m rethinking travel-       outstanding hispanics.
           Nicodemus Gonzalez                          following COVID pro-        go ahead and pretend         ing this summer. Ugh!
             Graphic Designer
                                                       tocol that has been put     there’s not a full blown     Right decision or not, I
               Steve Walker
             Dr. Ricardo Romo
                                                       in place by the CDC,        virus actively spread-       think this craziness will
               José I. Franco                          the Mayor and the           ing? You would be            affect us all for a while.
          info@laprensatexas.com                       County Judge and they       surprised if how many        And now we have to
              Maria Cisneros                           require every person        people asked me over         worry about hornets “
            Sales Representative                       entering the campus to      to a get together. I’m
                                                       have their temperature      like “huh?” No, I can’t      Judith Scheidt Tello:
                                                       checked. Any person         do all that just yet. One    “It’s damned if you do
                                                       with a fever will be        of them even got mad         or damned if you don’t
                                                       denied entry and sent       at me”                       dilemma. We are all
                                                       to Centromed to be                                       tired, worried, scared
                                                       tested and cleared for      Jeff Hull: “ In all          to death to venture out
                                                       re-entry. They also give    honesty, from the per-       of our homes...At least
                                                       everyone entering a         spective of someone          Jim and I are afraid to          Luis V. Gutierrez
                                                                                                                                             Establishing his reputation as a
                                                       mask to wear while on       who lived there for          go out because of our        community leader, Luis V. Guti-
                                                       campus. They have had       4 months. I wouldn’t         underlying medical is-       errez was elected to Chicago’s
                                                       to relocate 300 people      trust their word.”           sues, and a disabled         City Council in 1986. He led the
   The mission of the Westside Develop-
ment Corporation (WDC) is to foster                    to a local hotel in or-                                  family member to wor-        charge to build more affordable
economic development, promote the de-
                                                       der to practice social      Sally Keen: “Accord-         ry about. We keep see-       housing for the working poor
velopment and redevelopment of real estate
                                                                                                                                             and worked tirelessly for the
within its target area, create viable urban            distancing throughout       ing to recent data col-      ing the cases and deaths
communities, and preserve the character,                                                                                                     passage of the Chicago Human
culture and history of the Westside.                   the campus. Knowing         lected in NY, Cuomo          go up, and it’s going        Rights Amendment, which pre-
   The vision is a vibrant Westside com-               this, do you think social   said 66% of new cases        to continue because          vents discrimination in housing
munity where people want to live, work,
and visit.                                             distancing works? Do        reported they stayed         there is no vaccine, and     and hiring based upon sexual
La Prensa Texas San Antonio is published once          you think masks make        at home, 18% were in         there are still people       orientation. Bringing this same
a week by La Familia Duran Inc. San Antonio,
                                                       a difference? Or do         nursing homes, and           out there that don’t care    passion for equality and com-
Texas (210) 686-0600. Subscription price in the
                                                                                                                                             munity involvement to his bid
U.S.A. $125 per year (52 issues). The opinions
                                                       you think it’s just time    most were black & His-       about the costs they’ll
expressed in the editorials of this publication                                                                                              for Congress, became the first
represent the positions and ideology of this
newspaper; the opinions expressed by writers and
                                                       for us to get back to       panic”                       make. I’m praying for        Hispanic U.S. Congressman
guest columnists are not necessarily the opinions
of the management staff or ownership of this
                                                       normal, open the city                                    everyone and grateful        from the Midwest when he was
newspaper; the contents of which they are solely
and exclusively responsible for. Letters from our
                                                       up, and learn to live       Jesus Tello: “I talked       for the heros (nurses,       elected Nov. 3, 1992, with 78
readers are welcome and will be published, subject     with this virus? Let’s      to several people that       doctors, food bank,          percent of the vote. Since his
to space availability so long as they are signed and
have a proper return address. All letters will be      talk about it..             feel it’s time to open       grocery store workers        election, Gutierrez has kept his
reviewed and edited for offensive language, libel,                                                                                           promise and established the
slander, defamation, proper grammar, spelling, and                                 up. They are white.          etc) that’re laying their    “Gutierrez Community Corps,”
accuracy, according to our style. La Prensa Texas
San Antonio is not responsible for advertisements      Lila A’Giza: “Mask          The hispanics that I         lives on for the rest of     a group of volunteers dedicated
that may be deceitful or fraudulent, and does not
guarantee in any way the products or services of-      and just clean hands        talked to say hell no it’s   us. We pray everyday         to improving Chicago’s inner-
fered, of which only the advertiser is responsible.
All Rights Reserved. Published and printed in the      properly and dont be        not time.”                   for a cure!”                         city community,
United States of America.
Celebrando a las Madres - La Prensa Texas
10 de Mayo de 2020                                                           La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                    3

                                                        Latina Mothers
                                                   Hold the Family Together
By Dr. Ricardo Romo                       Texas. Her dad worked with horses         year after 49 years of ownership by
   This year Latinos are celebrating      and her mom cleaned houses and            the family.
Mothers’ Day in highly troubling          cooked. In the 1920s they gave up
times. The Covid-19 Pandemic is           rural life and moved to San Antonio.         My mother strongly believed in
one of the greatest American health                                                 self improvement and
and economic crises of the last 100          There was nothing easy about              constantly strived to enhance
years. The nation’s death total           growing up in this era, but the Great     her restaurant. She had an amazing
exceeds 70,000 and unemployment           Depression years in San Antonio           memory and could remember and
levels are nearly equal to those of       were especially hard. Alicia Romo,        reconstruct dishes her mom prepared
the Great Depression era.                 her parents, and her nine siblings, all   40 years earlier, as well as dishes
                                          lived their entire lives in San Anto-     she had sampled in restaurants over
    For mothers who work, being on        nio’s Westside. Once her siblings         her lifetime. She never used a recipe
the job, in addition to homeschooling     married, they moved to a half dozen       but could measure her ingredients by
responsibilities and constant child       neighborhoods, which meant we saw         instinct.
care demands, has placed unprec-          some of her family frequently, but
edented physical and mental burdens       not all the time.                            Her talent for running a successful
on them.                                                                            restaurant came
                                             Mom wanted to make sure we saw            down to three simple rules:
   While many Americans are suf-          as much of her cousins and aunts          prepare fresh and tasty food for your
fering from job losses, many Latina       from the Saenz family as we saw of        customers; treat all the customers
mothers continue to supply our            the Romo family. She had her work         with respect; and never spend more
nation’s homes with food, and to          cut out for her. There were thirty-       money than you make. For 25 years
supply the labor in the essential         eight Romos within two blocks of          we did not celebrate Mother’s Day
employment sectors. Nonetheless,          my home on Monterey Street. My            because she cooked for her custom-
Latinas working in the service,           dad’s parents and four brothers and       ers, and Mother’s Day was a
warehousing, food, and other es-          sisters lived very close—so close            popular day at her restaurant.
sential industries have a daily fear      it was almost a compound, and we          She spent the day in the restaurant
of going to work. They have every         grew up with those cousins.               kitchen preparing special dishes for
reason to be worried. Latino and                                                    her customers, many who came on a
Black Americans are now the most             As a child my mom experienced          weekly basis.
vulnerable of all ethic groups to be-     lots of love, but her family had
come a victim of Covid-19, and their      very little money. She left school at        Mom especially valued education,
death toll supersedes that of white       age eleven to help boost the family       perhaps because
Americans.                                income. She shelled pecans, and in           she had to abandon her studies to
                                          the spring and summer months, went        help contribute to her
   My mother, Alicia Saenz Romo,          with her dad and other sisters to pick       family finances. She made sure
experienced several crises in her         cotton. As a young teenager, she en-      her children all finished high school
lifetime. She lived through two of        tered the workforce as a seamstress.      and attended college. She set aside
the worst eras in American modern         In her spare time she helped her          her fear of flying to attend our son’s
history. She was a young child            mother run a small mom and pop            graduation ceremony from Stanford;
during the Great Depression, a time       grocery store.                            and jumped for joy when our daugh-
when more than half of America lost                                                 ter earned a Phd from Harvard.
their jobs. Poverty rates reached            My mom married at age twenty,
unbearable levels. She came of age        four years after meeting my dad in          Mom passed away in 2010 at the
when Nazis invaded Europe, and            the cotton fields of South Texas.         age of 89. She was
war with Japan sent her husband           When my dad went into the service,          a role model for me, her children,
Henry Romo to fight in WWII in the        she helped her parents in their small     grandchildren, and her friends. She
Pacific war front.                        grocery store while raising two chil-     cared for us and taught us much
                                          dren. She helped my dad start a small     about work and life. I think about
   Mom had an incredible work             grocery business when he returned         her every day, but especially on
ethic. Alicia Romo raised five chil-      from the Army Air Corp.                   Mother’s Day.
dren and worked outside the home
nearly everyday of her life. My mom          She stayed active in the grocery       Photo credits: Ricardo Romo col-
guided us during difficult times          business while                            lection
and gave us all great counsel as we       raising five children. In the late
moved from childhood to adults.           1960s my parents closed                   Romo’s Grocery Store on Guada-
She never missed an opportunity to        their store after twenty five years of    lupe Street--co-founded by Henry
help her family and always found          operation and began                       and Alicia Romo
time to praise her children. She          construction of a restaurant on           Alicia Saenz Romo in her early 20s.
lived a life dedicated to her children,   Highway 281 South. Mom had a              Alicia and Henry Romo, Sr. with
her work, her friends, and her faith.     sixth grade education, but helped         their children in front of their
                                          to design the building, insisting, for    restaurant.
   My mom, Alicia Romo, was born          example, on the addition of arches        La Cabana Mexican Restaurant on
in 1921 in the Westside of San An-        along the restaurant entrance similar     Hw. 281 South designed by Alicia
tonio. Her parents came to Texas in       to ones she had seen in Mexico. Her       Romo
1901 to work in the ranches of South      restaurant, La Cabana, was sold this
Celebrando a las Madres - La Prensa Texas
4                                                 La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                              10 de Mayo de 2020

Happy Mother’s Day                                         Se ha llegado a un acuerdo
                                                          de demanda colectiva de $38
                                                            millones en nombre de los
                                                                                             entre el 1 de enero de 1977 y
                                                                                             el 31 de marzo de 1997
                                                                                             recibieron    los     cuidados
                                                                                                                                 con la Causa N.º CV 2001-01409), el
                                                                                                                                 28 DE JULIO DE 2020 a las
                                                                                                                                 9:00 a. m. para considerar si aprueba:

 Amelia J. Duran
                                                            beneficiarios de pacientes       adecuados.                          (1) el acuerdo, (2) las indemnizaciones
                                                               con cáncer pediátrico                                             a los Demandantes de la demanda
                                                         fallecidos, quienes recibieron      ¿Qué ofrece el acuerdo?             colectiva, y (3) la solicitud de los
                                                            tratamiento por leucemia         La Universidad de Nuevo             abogados que representan a los

Feliz Dia de Todas las Madres                             linfoblástica aguda (también
                                                              denominada “ALL” en
                                                           inglés o “LLA” en español)
                                                                                             México ha aceptado crear
                                                                                             un fondo de $38,050,000.00
                                                                                             que será dividido entre todos
                                                                                                                                 miembros de la demanda de recibir
                                                                                                                                 hasta un 35 por ciento del fondo del
                                                                                                                                 acuerdo en concepto de honorarios y
                                                            en el Hospital o el Centro       los miembros de la demanda          reembolso de gastos razonables.
                                                            de Ciencias de la Salud de       colectiva. El Acuerdo de la
                                                             la Universidad de Nuevo         demanda colectiva, que está        Usted puede comparecer en la
                                                         México entre el 1 de enero de       disponible en el sitio web         audiencia, ya sea en nombre propio
                                                         1977 y el 31 de marzo de 1997       indicado    abajo,     describe    o mediante un representante, pero no
                                                                                             todos los detalles del acuerdo     es necesario hacerlo. La audiencia
                                                            Para una notificación en         propuesto.                         se llevará a cabo en el Juzgado del
                                                            español, llamar o visitar                                           Condado Bernalillo vdel Segundo
                                                                nuestro website.             Su parte del fondo dependerá del Distrito Judicial, Albuquerque, NM
                                                                                             número de reclamos válidos que 87102
                                                             Notificación de acuerdo         se presenten en nombre de los
                                                              de demanda colectiva           miembros elegibles fallecidos        Cualquier pregunta que tenga, visite
                                                            autorizado por el Estado         de la demanda colectiva, de www.UNMChildCancerSettlement.com
                                                           de Nuevo México, Condado          si un paciente con cáncer                 o llame al (855) 534-5953.
                                                           de Bernalillo, Tribunal del       pediátrico fallecido tenga más
                                                            Segundo Distrito Judicial        de un beneficiario estatutario
                                                                                             con derecho a compensación,
                                                         El    presente      aviso    está   de la cantidad total de los gastos
                                                         autorizado por el tribunal para     administrativos de los reclamos,
                                                         informarle sobre un acuerdo de      de impuestos, indemnizaciones
                                                         demanda colectiva que podría        por servicio a los Demandantes
                                                         afectarlo. El juicio alega que la   nombrados en la causa y los
                                                         Universidad de Nuevo México         gastos y honorarios de los
                                                         no administró los protocolos        abogados.
                                                         adecuados      de     tratamiento
                                                         a pacientes pediátricos con         ¿Cómo se solicita el pago? Hay
                                                         leucemia linfoblástica aguda        un aviso detallado que contiene
                                                         tratados en el Hospital o el        toda la información disponible.
                                                         Centro de Ciencias de la            Por favor, visite el sitio web de
                                                         Salud de la Universidad de          abajo para obtenerlo.
                                                         Nuevo      México       (“UNM”)
                                                         entre el 1 de enero de 1977 y       Usted debería presentar un
                                                         el 31 de marzo de 1997. El          Formulario de reclamo una
                                                         acuerdo cubre a los pacientes       vez que comience el proceso
                                                         con cáncer pediátrico fallecidos    de presentación de reclamos
                                                         hasta el 1 de diciembre de 2019     si considera que tiene derecho
                                                         inclusive.                          a una compensación en el
                                                                                             marco del acuerdo. Para
                                                         El Demandado UNM dice que           aprender cómo registrarse
 La Prensa Texas would like to share a special           no ha procedido para nada
                                                         incorrectamente. El Tribunal no
                                                                                             para recibir un formulario de
                                                                                             reclamo, consulte el sitio web
message of love and gratitude to the mother of our       ha decidido quién tiene razón       indicado abajo.
                                                         porque las partes han aceptado
publication, Amelia “Millie” Duran. Thank you for        un acuerdo. El Tribunal ha          ¿Qué otras opciones tiene?
your support and inspiration. You always remind us       otorgado     una    aprobación
                                                         preliminar a este acuerdo. El
                                                                                             Si no desea estar obligado
                                                                                             legalmente por el acuerdo,
of our mission to preserve the legacy of your family.    tribunal tendrá una audiencia       debe    excluirse    antes  del
                                                         para decidir si aprueba el          6 DE JULIO DE 2020; de lo
                                                         acuerdo en forma definitiva.        contrario, no podrá entablar
  We would like to extend a message of love and                                              una demanda o seguir haciendo
                                                         ¿Quién está incluido en             juicio a UNM con respecto a
gratitude to all the mothers of our city: To all the     el acuerdo? Usted podría            los reclamos legales de este
mamas, abuelas, tias and sisters who support our         ser miembro de la demanda
                                                         colectiva si es familiar o
                                                                                             caso. En caso de excluirse,
                                                                                             no podrá obtener dinero del
lives and provide us with so much love, guidance and     beneficiario de un paciente con     presente acuerdo. Si permanece
                                                         cáncer pediátrico fallecido tras    en el acuerdo, puede interponer
warmth. Thank you for being there and taking care.       ser diagnosticado con leucemia      objeciones al acuerdo antes del
                                                         linfoblástica aguda y después       6 DE JULIO DE 2020. El
                                                         de recibir tratamiento en UNM       aviso detallado explica cómo
  This holiday comes at a time of crossroads where       entre el 1 de enero de 1977 y       excluirse u objetar.
                                                         el 31 de marzo de 1997 y que
we can always depend on the guidance of the mater-       haya fallecido hasta el 1 de El       Tribunal   tendrá   una
nal figures in our lives. Let us celebrate our madres,   diciembre de 2019 inclusive.     audiencia
                                                                                                      en   este   caso,
the ultimate artists, creating life.                     ¿De qué trata el caso? Esta v. Board of Regents of the
                                                         causa se centra principalmente University of New Mexico, et al.
                                                         en el tema de que si los (Cummings v. Consejo Rector
 Saludos with one shot of our finest tequila.            pacientes con cáncer pediátrico de la Universidad de Nuevo
                                                         tratados       por     leucemia México y otros), Causa N.º
                                                         linfoblástica aguda en UNM CV 2001-00579 (consolidada
Celebrando a las Madres - La Prensa Texas
10 de Mayo de 2020   La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                        5

                                             About the Cover Artist:
    THIS DAY IN                                   Kathy Sosa
LA PRENSA HISTORY                           Provided by
                                            AnArte Gallery
                                               Kathy Sosa reinvented
                                                                              received national recogni-
                                                                              tion for the result of that
                                                                              passion, the traveling exhi-
                                            herself when she stepped          bition “Huipiles: a Celebra-
                                            off the fast track of the ad-     tion,” which debuted at the
                                            vertising world and moved,        Mexican Cultural Institute
                                            with her husband Lionel           in Washington, D.C. as part
                                            Sosa, to a small town south       of the Smithsonian Latino
                                            of San Antonio, Texas. The        Center’s 2007 summer sea-
                                            couple re-created a classic       son “Mexico at the Smith-
                                            Texas farmhouse and turned        sonian” before traveling to
                                            an existing workshop on the       the Museo Alameda in San
                                            property into a painting stu-     Antonio in 2008. 2009 saw
                                            dio for Lionel, where artistic    Sosa’s one woman show
                                            friends and family regularly      at San Antonio’s Blue Star
                                            joined in for artistic practice   Contemporary Art Space.
                                            and study.                        Her work has been fea-
                                                                              tured on CNN, in FiberArts
                                              Tired of merely watch-          Magazine, in Skirt!, San
                                            ing the group paint, Kathy        Antonio Woman, Country
                                            picked up a paintbrush for        Lifestyle, Destinations, and
                                            the first time at age 45. Soon    is available in San Antonio
                                            after, she began studying         through AnArte Gallery.
                                            with renowned portrait art-
                                            ist Nelson Shanks at Studio         The title of the Cover Art
                                            Incamminati in Philadel-          is “Goddesses Contem-
                                            phia. In 2006 she began           plating La Cultura On My
                                            experimenting with a form         Mind”
                                            of mixed media portraiture,
                                            which combined her oil              AnArte Gallery has relo-
                                            portraits with textiles and       cated to suite 202 next to
                                            wallpapers from her exten-        Soluna.
                                            sive collection.

                                              In 2006, she was com-
                                            missioned by the Texas
                                            Conference for Women
                                            to do a portrait of keynote
                                            speaker Martha Stewart, to
                                            whom the artist personally
                                            presented the work.

                                              In 2007 Sosa began to ex-
                                            plore the artistic expression
                                            of mestisaje, the blending of
                                            peoples, races, ethnicities,
                                            languages, ideas, habits and
                                            cultures that characterizes
                                            the Texas-Mexico border
                                            region that has been her
                                            home since childhood. She
Celebrando a las Madres - La Prensa Texas
6                                                                                   La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                                10 de Mayo de 2020
                                                           Comisión deCCalidad
                                                                TEXAS  OMMISSIONAmbiental  del Estado
                                                                                 ON ENVIRONMENTAL      de Texas

                                     AVISO DE RECIBO DE SOLICITUD EEXAMPLE
                                                                    INTENTOA DE OBTENER PERMISO DE AIRE

                                                                                     NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION
                                                 NÚMERO DE PERMISO DE
                                                                       AN AIR QUALITY DE  AIRE PROPUESTO 161083

                                                                                               PROPOSED PERMIT NUMBER: 155691

SOLICITUD Navistar San Antonio ManufacturingAPPLICATION AND       LLC,     ha solicitado
                                                                       PRELIMINARY                       Ameresco, impugnado
                                                                                                a la Comis-
                                                                                         DECISION.                     Inc., 101 Constitution  seAvenue
                                                                                                                                                   extenderáNorthwestaSuite30 525,
                                                                                                                                                                                días después del envío de la respuesta a
ión de Calidad Ambiental de Texas (TCEQ)    Washington,
                                                    por la: District of Columbia 20001-2133, has applied to los               comentarios.
                                                                                                                      the Texas      Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for
                                            issuance of Proposed Air Quality Permit Number 155691, which would authorize installation of two natural-gas-powered
Emisión del Permiso 161083                  engine-generators located in Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland approximately 1,000 feet southeast of the intersection of
                                            Springvale Drive and Valley Hi Drive, San Antonio, Bexar County,          Una        persona
                                                                                                                             Texas    78236. Thisque     pueda
                                                                                                                                                    application     wasverse    afectada
                                                                                                                                                                         submitted    to the      por las emisiones de contami-
Esta solicitud autorizaría la contrucción   TCEQ deonlaFebruary
                                                          Planta19,de        Navistar
                                                                         2019.              San facility
                                                                                 The proposed      Antonio,           nantes
                                                                                                           will emit the   followingdel     aire de carbon
                                                                                                                                       contaminants:     la instalación           tieneair
                                                                                                                                                                   monoxide, hazardous        derecho a solicitar una audiencia.
Ensambladora de Vehículos Medianospollutants, y Pesados  nitrogen oxides, organic compounds, particulate matter including particulate matter with diameters of 10
                                                                localizada en 14607 South US Si solicita una audiencia de caso impugnada, debe enviar lo siguiente:
                                            microns or less and 2.5 microns or less and sulfur dioxide.
Highway 281, San Antonio, Condado de Bexar, Texas 78221. Esta solicitud esta (1) su nombre (o para un grupo o asociación, un representante oficial),
siendo procesada de manera acelerada, The    según    lo permiten
                                                  executive   director has  las reglas the
                                                                              completed   de technical
                                                                                               la comisión            dirección
                                                                                                          review of the     application andpostal
                                                                                                                                               preparedy anúmero           de teléfono
                                                                                                                                                             draft permit which,   if             durante el día; (2) nombre del
                                            approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The executive director has made a
en el código 30 administrativo de Texas,preliminary
                                             capítulo decision
                                                          101, Subcapítulo           J.  Este    enlace     liga      solicitante             y  número           de
                                                                     to issue the permit because it meets all rules and regulations. The permit application, executive
                                                                                                                                                                        permiso;            (3)  la declaración “[yo / nosotros]
a un mapa electrónico del sitio o la locación      general
                                            director’s           de las
                                                       preliminary         intalaciones
                                                                       decision,               es proveída
                                                                                  and draft permit   will be availablesolicito
                                                                                                                          for viewinguna       audiencia
                                                                                                                                         and copying   at the TCEQ  de central
                                                                                                                                                                                          and at        (4) una descripción espe-
como una cortesía al público y no comotheparte   TCEQ deSaneste      aviso.
                                                               Antonio          Para
                                                                         regional       localización
                                                                                   office, 14250 Judson ex-  Road, Sancífica       deTexas,
                                                                                                                            Antonio,     cómo      se vería
                                                                                                                                                beginning   the firstafectado         negativamente
                                                                                                                                                                       day of publication    of              por la aplicación y las
                                            this notice. The facility’s compliance file, if any exists, is available for public review at the TCEQ San Antonio Regional
acta, referir a la aplicación.http://www.tceq.texas.gov/assets/public/hb610/index.
                                                                                                                      emisiones              al  aire     de     la   instalación            de  una   manera    no común para el
html?lat=29.275466&lng=-98.479145&zoom=13&type=r La instalación emitirá público en general; (5) la ubicación y la distancia de su propiedad en
los siguientes contaminantes: monóxido          de carbono,
                                            PUBLIC    COMMENT/PUBLICsolventes       exentos,
                                                                                 MEETING.       Youcontami-
                                                                                                     may submit publicrelación
                                                                                                                             commentscon        la instalación;
                                                                                                                                           or request a public meeting about(6) una
                                                                                                                                                                                  this descripción de cómo usa la propie-
                                            application. The
nantes peligrosos del aire, óxidos de nitrógeno,                purpose of aorgánicos,
                                                          compuestos            public meetingpartículas
                                                                                                  is to provide the dad
                                                                                                                                que   topuede
                                                                                                                                          submit comment
                                                                                                                                                   verse      orafectada
                                                                                                                                                                  to ask questions
                                                                                                                                                                               por    about
                                                                                                                                                                                         la instalación; y (7) una lista de todas
                                            the application. The TCEQ will hold a public meeting if the executive director determines that there is a significant degree
que incluyen partículas con diámetros de    of public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing.que envíe durante el período de
                                                10  micras       o  menos       y 2.5   micras      o  menos          las      cuestiones          de     hecho         en   disputa
y dióxido de azufre.                        You may submit additional written public comments within                  comentarios.
                                                                                                                          30 days of the dateSi    of la   solicitud
                                                                                                                                                      newspaper              la realiza
                                                                                                                                                                       publication    of this un grupo o una asociación, uno
                                            notice in the manner set forth in the AGENCY CONTACTSoAND                      más  INFORMATION
                                                                                                                                    miembros       paragraph
                                                                                                                                                        que tengan below.      derecho a solicitar una audiencia deben
Esta solicitud se presentó a TCEQ el 23RESPONSE
                                             de abril de    TO2020.
                                                                 COMMENTS La aplicación
                                                                                  AND EXECUTIVE  estará    dis- ser
                                                                                                        DIRECTOR       ACTION. identificados
                                                                                                                                     After the deadlinepor          sucomments,
                                                                                                                                                           for public    nombre      the y dirección física. También deben
ponible para su visualización y copia enexecutive
                                               la oficina      central
                                                        director            de TCEQ
                                                                   will consider           y en laand
                                                                                  the comments        oficina         identificarse
                                                                                                         prepare a response                      los
                                                                                                                                   to all relevant andintereses            que public
                                                                                                                                                        material or significant    el grupo o asociación busca proteger.
regional de TCEQ San Antonio, 14250comments.  Judson Because
                                                           Road, no     Santimely hearing requests
                                                                               Antonio,       Condado  have been
                                                                                                              de received,
                                                                                                                      También     after preparing
                                                                                                                                                        response los to comments,
                                                                                                                                                                           ajustes     thepropuestos a la solicitud / permiso
                                            executive director may then issue final approval of the application. The response to comments, along with the
Bexar, Texas, a partir del primer día de        publicación
                                            executive    director’s dedecision
                                                                          este aviso.       El archivo
                                                                                   on the application     willde      quetosatisfarían
                                                                                                                be mailed                           sus inquietudes.
                                                                                                                                  everyone who submitted           public comments or is
cumplimiento de la instalación, si existe,  on está    disponible
                                                a mailing    list for thispara     revisión
                                                                             application,   and pública       en electronically to the Commissioners’ Integrated Database
                                                                                                 will be posted
la oficina regional de San Antonio del TCEQ.(CID).                                                                    Si se presenta oportunamente una solicitud de audiencia, luego del cierre de todos
                                            INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE. When they become available,                 los períodos          de comentarios
                                                                                                                                   the executive   director’s responsey solicitudes
                                                                                                                                                                           to comments     aplicables,
                                                                                                                                                                                             and       el Director Ejecutivo remitirá la
El director ejecutivo ha determinado que         estadecision
                                            the final  solicitud        esta
                                                                  on this      administrativamente
                                                                          application   will be accessible throughsolicitud            y cualquier
                                                                                                                        the Commission’s       Web sitesolicitud
                                                                                                                                                          at             de audiencia de caso impugnado a los Comisionados
completa y realizará una revisión técnica   www.tceq.texas.gov/goto/cid.
                                                de esta solicitud. Once you have access to the CID                    parausing suthe  above link, enter en
                                                                                                                                    consideración          the una
                                                                                                                                                                         number for     this
                                                                                                                                                                                   programada        de la Comisión. La Comisión solo
                                            application which is provided at the top of this notice. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility's general location
                                                                                                                      puede        otorgar      una   solicitud
                                            is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application.
                                                                                                                                                                       para   una    audiencia      de caso impugnada sobre asuntos
COMENTARIO PÚBLICO / REUNIÓN                         PÚBLICA Puede enviar comen- que el solicitante presentó en sus comentarios oportunos que no fueron retirados
tarios públicos o solicitar una reunión pública o una audiencia de caso posteriormente. Si se concede una audiencia, el tema de la audiencia se
impugnado a la Oficina del Secretario Principal a la dirección listada a limitará a cuestiones de hecho en disputa o preguntas mixtas de hecho
continuación. La TCEQ considerará todos los comentarios públicos al desarrollar y de ley relacionadas con inquietudes relevantes y materiales sobre
una decisión final sobre la solicitud. Después de la fecha límite para comentarios la calidad del aire presentadas durante el período de comentarios.
públicos, el director ejecutivo preparará una respuesta a todos los comentarios Cuestiones como el valor de las propiedades, el ruido, la seguridad del tráfico y
públicos.                                                                                                             la zonificación están fuera de la jurisdicción de la Comisión para abordar en este
El propósito de una reunión pública es brindar la oportunidad de enviar comen-
tarios o realizar preguntas sobre la solicitud. Se llevará a cabo una reunión pública LISTA DE CORREO Además de enviar comentarios públicos, puede solicitar
sobre la solicitud si el director ejecutivo determina que existe un grado significativo ser incluido en una lista de correo para recibir avisos públicos futuros para esta
de interés público en la solicitud, si lo solicita una persona interesada o si lo solicita aplicación específica enviando una solicitud por escrito a la Oficina del Secretario
un legislador local. Una reunión pública no es una audiencia de caso impugnado. Principal a la dirección que se lista a continuación.

Una vez completada la revisión técnica de la solicitud, el director ejecutivo puede                                  CONTACTOS E INFORMACIÓN DE LA AGENCIA Los comentarios y las
preparar un borrador de permiso y emitirá una decisión preliminar sobre la solici-                                   solicitudes públicas deben presentarse electrónicamente en www14.tceq.texas.
tud. El Aviso de Solicitud y la Decisión Preliminar para un Permiso de Calidad del                                   gov/epic/eComment/, o por escrito a la Comisión de Calidad Ambiental de Texas,
Aire se publicarán y enviarán por correo a quienes hicieron comentarios, presen-                                     Oficina del Secretario Principal, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.
taron solicitudes de audiencia o están en la lista de correo para esta solicitud. Ese                                Tenga en cuenta que cualquier información de contacto que proporcione, incluido
aviso contendrá la fecha límite final para enviar comentarios públicos.                                              su nombre, número de teléfono, dirección de correo electrónico y dirección física,
                                                                                                                     formará parte del registro público de la agencia. Para obtener más información so-
OPORTUNIDAD PARA UNA AUDIENCIA DE CASO IMPUGNADO Puede                                                               bre esta solicitud de permiso o el proceso de autorización, llame al número gratuito
solicitar una audiencia de caso impugnado. Una audiencia de caso impug-                                              del Programa de Educación Pública al 1-800-687-4040. Si desea información en
nado es un procedimiento legal similar a un juicio civil en un tribunal de distrito                                  español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040. También se puede obtener más infor-
estatal. Una audiencia de caso impugnada solo se otorgará en base a cuestiones de                                    mación de Navistar San Antonio Manufacturing LLC, 2701 Navistar Drive, Lisle,
hecho en disputa que sean relevantes y materiales para la decisión de la Comisión.                                   Illinois 60532-3637 o llamando a la Sra. Terri Sexton, Gerente de Medio Ambiente
Además, la Comisión solo otorgará una audiencia sobre los temas presentados                                          y Energía al (937) 390-4011.
durante el período de comentarios públicos y no retirados. La fecha límite para
presentar una solicitud para una audiencia de caso impugnado es 30                                                   Fecha de emisión del aviso: 28 de abril de 2020
días después de la publicación del aviso en el periódico. Si una solici-
tud se presenta a tiempo, el plazo para solicitar una audiencia de caso
Celebrando a las Madres - La Prensa Texas
10 de Mayo de 2020                                        La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                      7

          Restaurant Owners Serve the
          Community at Haven for Hope                                                           PUBLIC NOTICE
By Yvette Tello                 gave everyone entering          and had no one; no one ex-
  Owners/Operators Maria        a mask to wear while on         cept McDonald’s that gave              PARA TODAS
Acosta and Luis Acosta of       campus. In the boardroom,       her a means of communica-
McDonald’s franchise and        there was a kitchen area        tion to the world.               LAS PERSONAS Y PARTES
their team delivered 300
breakfast meals to Haven
                                where staff came through
                                the line one at a time and
                                                                   Every morning, she
                                                                would go in and they would
for Hope Shelter Staff last     Acosta team passed out          give her a free cup of coffee
                                                                                                     Navistar San Antonio Manufacturing LLC, ha
week to thank them for          food to them practicing         and allow her to use their
                                                                                                  solicitado a la Comisión de Calidad Ambiental de
their dedication and for be-    social distancing. Haven        wifi. They never ran her
ing on the front lines during   for Hope practices social       off or treated her badly.                        Texas (TCEQ) por la:
this pandemic. Serving the      distancing throughout the       She said because she was                      Emisión del Permiso 161083
staff was Maria Acosta,         campus so the line was          able to use the wifi, she was     Esta solicitud autorizaría la contrucción de la Planta
Luis Acosta, President Car-     staggered.                      able to access resources         de Navistar San Antonio Ensambladora de Vehículos
los Rodriguez of Ronald            Maria Acosta shared that     to get her the help she           Medianos y Pesados localizada en 14607 South US
McDonald House, Super-          at this time, each employee     needed. She has now been        Highway 281, San Antonio, Condado de Bexar, Texas
visors and Manager from         is given a free meal before     employed for 5 years by         78221. Esta solicitud esta siendo procesada de manera
Blanco, and San Pedro           or during their shift. Then,    Haven for Hope. Maria and       acelerada, según lo permiten las reglas de la comisión
Jesus Terrazas, Richard         at the end of their shift,      her team were so touched          suscritas en el código 30 administrativo de Texas,
Gonzalez, Heather Arriola       they are sent home with         by her story. We were all         capítulo 101, Subcapítulo J. Información adicional
and Joann Casteneda.            meals for the entire family.    covered up with masks but       concerniente a esta solicitud esta contenida en el aviso
   Due to Haven for Hope          During the time they          their eyes said it all.                        público de este periódico.
COVID protocol, they re-        were serving, an employee         La Prensa Texas would
quired every person enter-      of Haven for Hope came in       like to thank the Acosta
ing the campus to have their    to share a very inspirational   family and McDonald’s
temperature checked. Any        story: She was homeless         for all they do for our com-
person with a fever, would      for 4 years. During this        munity.
be denied entry. They also      time, she lived in the desert

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Celebrando a las Madres - La Prensa Texas
8   La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                 10 de Mayo de 2020

                                  Se renta casa info
Celebrando a las Madres - La Prensa Texas Celebrando a las Madres - La Prensa Texas
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