Fight for free and safe Covid-19 vaccines - Ang Bayan

Page created by Tammy Bowen
Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas
                       ANG                  Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo
                                                                                                       English Edition
                                                                                                         Vol. LII No. 2
                                                                                                     January 21, 2021


Fight for free and safe Covid-19 vaccines
T      he grave delay and lack of supply of Covid-19 vaccines is the most re-
       cent of an apparent endless failures, neglect and corruption of the
       Duterte regime in facing the Covid-19 pandemic.

     It has been a month since mass      part of the deals. Local govern-
                                                                                 ted, who recently announced that a
                                                                                 contract with the Chinese Sinovac
                                                                                 company has been sealed, even if
                                                                                 the price and efficacy of the vaccine
                                                                                 is not yet clear. Duterte and his of-
vaccination started in various parts     ments without funds are sure to be      ficials are believed to have pocketed
of the world, but the Duterte re-        last to get vaccines.                   large amounts of kickbacks. Sinovac
gime has yet to take steps to ensure         Planned vaccine purchases are       is globally known for bribing
that a large part of the Philippine      grossly insufficient. A mere 42 mil-    government officials.
population is protected from Covid-      lion is said to have been contracted         According to Duterte's officials,
19.                                      by the national government (Sino-       the earliest vaccines will arrive by
     In fact, the Duterte government     vac), and by LGUs and private com-      the end of February. But even be-
has no plans to lead a mass vaccin-      panies (AstraZeneca). Even if all       fore this, people close to Duterte,
ation program. In its 2021 budget,       these are distributed, only 21 mil-     including his personal soldier
it alloted a mere 2.7% of the estim-     lion or 19% of the 110 Filipinos will   guards, have already been inocu-
ated ₱72 billion needed to vaccinate     be covered, far from the recom-         lated, to the displeasure of health
60% of the population. The rest will     mended 60%. Several million vac-        workers who were supposed to be
be borrowed from the World Bank          cines are also set to be sold by        first in line. It has been reported
and the Asian Development Bank.          Moderna, Novavax and Pfizer.            that Chinese vaccines have already
     It is also now requiring big cap-       Vaccine purchases stink with        been smuggled in to vaccinate
italists to "donate" half of the vac-    corruption. As early as September,      100,000 Chinese POGO workers.
cines they will purchase. Duterte        Duterte had expressly favored buy-           In the Philippines and the entire
declared that he does not care if        ing vaccines from China and Russia.     world, monopoly capitalist control
local government units buy vaccines      Secret negotiations have been going     of vaccine development is now be-
on their own from pharmaceutical         on for months. Duterte's officials      ing put to focus. Vaccines are de-
companies, but obliges them to           were securing deals for themselves      veloped and manufactured not for
have the national government be          until a "vaccine czar" was appoin-      the benefit of humanity but for
profits. The Covid-19 is being ex-          vaccines or other important medi-                Iran and others have developed
ploited by giant pharmaceutical             cine, except paracetamol. Under                  their own vaccines and are set on
companies who are now racing to             Duterte, funding for research has                distributing these for free.
control the market. Instead of co-          further been cut. Thus, when it                       The Party encourages all Filipi-
operation, there is secrecy and             comes to Covid-19 vaccines, the                  nos to have themselves vaccinated
competition between these com-              monopoly capitalists and foreign                 against Covid-19. This is for the
panies. They keep their vaccine re-         governments hold Filipinos by the                health of every individual and the
searches and knowledge under                neck. They are in partnership with               whole society. Widespread vaccin-
wraps. Negotiations for sales are           local big capitalists and in conniv-             ation of the population is one of the
also done secretly to sell these at         ance with the bureaucrat capitalist              key measures to stop the spread of
the highest price.                          government.                                      the Covid-19. At the same time, the
    The Philippines has no capacity             In the face of the Covid-19                  decision of individuals not to have
to develop or manufacture its own           pandemic that has infected half a                themselves vaccinated for their be-
                                                   million Filipinos, and more               liefs must be respected.
                                                   than 95 million people glob-                   All revolutionary forces must
                                                   ally, and caused the death of             carry out efforts to disseminate in-
                                                   more than 2 million, various              formation to raise the people's
                                                   countries are exerting efforts            knowledge of vaccines to allay their
                                                   to carry out a program for                fears and misbeliefs. Help everyone
                                                   widespread        vaccination.            understand the importance of vac-
                                                   Capitalist countries such as              cines.
                                                   the United Kingdom, United                     People must demand that re-
                                                   States,      Japan,     China,            search and development of Covid-
                                                   Canada, New Zealand, Aus-                 19 vaccines be made public. This is
                                                          tralia, Singapore and              in order for people to have a firm
                                                          others have taken                  basis for deciding which vaccine
                                                          lead. Even less de-                they will allow themselves to be in-
                                                          veloped countries as               jected with.
                                                          Cuba, India, Vietnam,                   The Filipino people must fight
                                                                                             for free Covid-19 vaccination. They
                                                                                             must assert the state's obligation to
       ANG                                Contents                                           ensure that free and safe vaccines
                                                                                             are available to everyone who
                                          Editorial: Fight for freeand safe Covid-19         chooses to be inoculated. Expose
    Vol. LII No. 2 | January 21, 2021                                                        and denounce the lack of budget
                                          vaccines!                                  1
                                                                                             and the corruption of government
                                          Data on vaccines                           3
        Ang Ang Bayan is published                                                           officials in secret negotiations for
           in Pilipino, Bisaya, Iloko,    Protest vs abbrogation of UP-DND Accord    3       vaccine sales.
       Hiligaynon, Waray and English.     Economic cha-cha, treasonous maneuver      4            At the same time, they must
             Ang Bayan welcomes                                                              demand free testing and free
                                          Ambush by NPA-Abra                         5
           contributions in the form                                                         treatment for Covid-19. The people
         of articles and news items.      NPA sniper AFP helicopter                  5       must continue to demand the
           Readers are encouraged         Recruitment campaign in Bicol              6       strengthening of the public health
             to send feedback and                                                            system. There must be increased
                                          Vegetable supply shortage                  6
               recommendations                                                               allocations for improving public
       for improving our newspaper.       Skyrocketing price of pork                 7       hospitals, hiring more nurses and
                                          Refusal to turn over cadaver of unionist   8       medical workers and for raising
                                                                                             their salaries.        In brief                                   9
                                                                                                  Vaccination is an important as-
        @prwc_info                        Heightened political crisis in the US      10      pect in controlling the spread of in-
                                                                                             fectious diseases. Many diseases
                                                                                             have been eliminated or controlled
                                                                                             through vaccines. This is one of the
                                                                                             important scientific weapons of
          Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee
                       of the Communist Party of the Philippines

2                                                                                         January 21, 2021         ANG BAYAN
Data on vaccines                                             LEGEND:

to be used in the Philippines
                                                                Company/Institution                 Efficacy
                                                                Storage Temperature                 Price

AS OF JANUARY 18, approximately 42.2 billion doses
have been administered in 51 countries with an average
                                                             CoronaVac (China)
                                                                Sinovac Life Sciences
rate of 2.43 million doses per day. The biggest capitalist
countries have reserved 8.33 billion doses. The Philip-         50.4%-91.25%
pines is among the countries which still have to wait           2-8°C
until next to meet the local demand for vaccines.               ₱680-₱1,487.5
    Presently, information about the efficacy of these
vaccines is limited. On the one hand, this can be attrib-
uted to the competition and secrecy among monopolistic
pharmaceutical companies. On the other hand, it can
                                                             AZD1222 (UK)
also be attributed to the urgency that these vaccines           AstraZeneca-University of Oxford

had to be developed at the soonest possible time. In the        70%
past, around three years are spent on researching and           2-8°C
developing vaccines before these are allowed to be used         ₱305
by the general public. The Covid-19 vaccines just un-
derwent six months of clinical tests.
    The spokesperson of the regime announced on
January 18 that it was already able to secure 25 millions
                                                             BNT162b2 (US)
of doses from Sinovac, 17 million doses from As-                Pfizer and BioNTech

traZeneca, 10 million from Moderna, and 30 million from         95%
Covovax. It remains unclear where funds for these               -70°C
purchases will come from, as well as when these will            ₱1,180
arrive in the Philippines.
    Latest reports indicate that at least 21 big cities in
the Philippines have expressed their plans to allocate
funds to inoculate their contituents.
                                                             mRNA-1273 (US)
                                                                Moderna and US National
                                                                Institutes of Health


        Protest against the abrogation                          2-8°C

            of the UP-DND Accord                                ₱1,952-₱2,252

MORE THAN 200 individuals converged at the University
of the Philippines (UP)-Diliman, Quezon City on January
19 to denounce the unilateral termination of the UP-De-      Sputnik V (Russia)
partment of National Defense (DND) accord by DND Sec.           Gamaleya Research Institute of
Delfin Lorenzana. The said accord prohibits the entry of        Epidemiology and Microbiology
police and military forces in the campus without due per-       92%
mission from university administrators.                         2-8°C
    The maneuver aims to allow the military to intervene
in UP which has long drawn the ire of the regime. This
violates academic freedom and shrinks the democratic
space in the campus. Soldiers can now freely roam
around campuses empty of students with the imple-            Covovax (US)
mentation of the online learning system.                        Novavax
    In a show of force, the military brazenly entered UP        2-8°C
Diliman the next day. Duterte's minions in congress now         ₱183
aim to also abrogate a similar agreement between the
DND and the Polytechnic University of the Philippines.
    To oppose these attacks, students must bravely de-
                                                                NOTE: Majority of the prices were based on data by the
fend the universities by holding assemblies in campuses         World Health Organization and Center for Disease
to manifest their resistance.                                   Control of the US. Prices vary from what were presented
                                                                during the first Senate hearing on vaccines.

ANG BAYAN January 21, 2021                                                                                          3
Economic cha-cha, a treasonous
maneuver amid the pandemic
D    uterte's minions in the Senate and Congress are once again attempting
     to railroad the charter change (cha-cha) scheme which seeks to change
the 1987 Constitution at the start of 2021.
                                                                                    nomic provisions of the constitu-
                                                                                    tion. In December 2020, two of his
                                                                                    henchmen senators have already
                                                                                    filed a resolution for Congress to
     In the Lower House, the com-        individuals in order to stimulate the      convene as a constituent assembly
mittee on constitutional amend-          economy.                                   to introduce "limited ammend-
ments has started discussing the              Foreign capitalists aim to accu-      ments."
Resolution of Both Houses No. 2 on       mulate superprofit in the Philippines           The Party denounced the push
January 13 on the instigation of         and not to develop the economy.            for economic cha-cha. It said that
House Speaker Lord Allan Velasco.        According to the Ibon Foundation,          economic-only cha-cha does not
Velasco is the author of the said        the inflow of foreign capital since        make cha-cha less evil than previ-
proposal known as the "one-line          the 1980s is uninterrupted and             ous ones which mainly focused on
cha-cha." This pertains to the inclu-    continues to increase despite con-         political ammendments. It pointed
sion of the phrase "unless otherwise     stitutional restrictions. From an av-      out that its declared aim of giving
provided by law” in various sections     erage of inflow of $187 million in         foreign capitalists the right to fully
of the constitution which limits for-    the 1980s, it has increased to $6.3        own land, natural resources and
eign ownership of land, natural re-      billion in 2015-2019.                      business operations is equivalent to
sources, public utilities, educational        Foreign companies have only           complete economic subjugation.
institutions, media and advertising.     depleted the country's resources           House Speaker Velasco and his co-
Should this be implemented, Con-         and benefited from the cheap labor         horts are acting as traitors in
gress may change or remove the           of Filipinos in order to accumulate        pushing for the complete coloniza-
said provisions in the law through       superprofits. Foreign capital has          tion of the Philippines by multina-
legislation. This targets to ammend      failed to improve the economy and          tional corporations, in connivance
the sections which promote eco-          enable it to stand on its own feet.        with local big bourgeois comprador
nomic and national patrimony; edu-       The pandemic has highlighted the           companies.
cation, science and technology,          country's inability to manufacture              Not one regime has not at-
arts, culture and sports; as well as     basic medical needs. Filipinos and         temped to ammend the 1987 consti-
general provisions. It primarily aims    workers depend on the supply of            tution to completely remove all re-
to fully liberalize the economy in or-   equipment and medicines from for-          maining protections to the economy.
der to allow 100% foreign ownership      eign companies and are left at their       Attracting foreign direct investment
of land and essential enterprises        mercy. They have no say on how             through liberalization has always
which are currently exclusive to         these should be priced. They cannot        been the centerpiece program of
Filipinos.                               do anything but wait for these vac-        successive bureaucrat capitalist
     Velasco asserts that this cha-      cines.                                     governments which serve as agents
cha aims to help the economy re-              In the Senate, Sen. Vicente           of big bourgeois compradors.
cover from the pandemic by attact-       Sotto III disclosed that Duterte                Duterte's minions last attemp-
racting foreign investment. Studies,     talked to him on November 2020 to          ted to railroad cha-cha in congress
however, indicate that what the          revive the push for charter change         in December 2018 through former
country needs is not foreign invest-     to kick progressive parties out of         House Speaker Gloria Macapagal-
ment but adequate allocation to          Congress by dismantling the party-         Arroyo but has failed to hurdle the
subsidize distressed enterprises and     list system, and amend the eco-            Senate.

4                                                                                January 21, 2021         ANG BAYAN
NPA-Abra ambushes butcher soldiers
THE NEW PEOPLE'S Army (NPA)-Abra (Agustin Begnalen Command) am-
bushed the abusive and butcher soldiers of the 24th IB and 72nd Division
Reconnaissance Company (DRC) on January 4 in Barangay Pacgued, Malib-
cong, Abra. Nine soldiers were killed, including platoon leader 2Lt. Zaldy D.
Lapis, Jr.

     The surprise NPA attack against      has relentlessly initimidated and
the soldiers was carried out swiftly.     threatened the members and lead-
The said military units have been         ers of Kakailian Salakniban Tay
conducting focused operations and         Amin a Nagtaudan, local chapter of
occupied the said community for a         the Cordillera People's Alliance in
month. The NPA also sniped at a           Abra.                                    17 in Barangay Banquerohan,
helicopter which responded to the             Negros. Thirteen soldiers of the     Legazpi City. Three soldiers were
scene and which was used to indis-        62nd IB were killed in an ambush by      slain.
criminately strafe the area. From         the NPA-Central Negros on January             Rizal. The NPA-Rizal mounted
January 5 to 7, the military de-          10. Red fighters blasted the soldiers    two ambushes against a platoon
ployed a Super Tucano bomber              at Sitio Batong-buang, Barangay          comprised of elements of the 80th
plane and droped 23 bombs which           Trinidad, Guihulngan, Negros Ori-        IB and Philippine National Police-
ravaged farmlands and forests.            ental.                                   Rizal at Sitio Dapis, Barangay
     The 24th IB and 72nd DRC are             The 62nd IB operated in the          Puray, Rodriguez on January 4. A
notorious for perpetrating fascist        community for more than a week.          soldier was killed and many others
crimes against Abreños. These in-         Ka JB Regalado, spokesman of the         were wounded.
clude the strafing of six young fish-     said NPA unit, belied the military's          Panay. Red fighters launched
erfolk in Barangay Lan-ag, Lacub in       claim that another encounter took        three armed offensives against
February 2020. The victims survived       place in the afternoon of the same       state forces in December 2020. Two
the attack but the residents were         day. "That was a misencounter            ambushes were mounted by the
traumatized. The victims include          between 62nd IB and CAFGU," he           NPA-Capiz against operating troops
the chairman of the Sangguniang           pointed out. The offensive is a          of the 12th IB in Barangay Buri,
Kabataan in the barangay. The sol-        counteroffensive to the attacks and      Tapaz, Capiz on December 9, 2020.
diers made it appear that the vic-        suppression campaign of the              On December 16, 2020, the NPA-
tims are members of the NPA. On           Duterte regime against Negrenses.        Iloilo blasted a police mobile in
top of this, the unit is also notorious       Albay. The NPA-Albay (Santos         Barangay Balicuas, Tubungan,
for theft and ransacking the houses       Binamera Command) was able to            Iloilo. A soldier was killed and eight
of civilians.                             seize three short firearms in an am-     others were wounded in the said
     From 2018 to 2019, the 24th IB       bush against the 31st IB on January      offensives.

NPA-Mindoro snipes Solcom helicopter
A UNIT OF the New People's Army (NPA)-Mindoro (Lucio de Guzman                     the AFP crashed at Sitio Nahigit,
Command) sniped at a S70i BlackHawk helicopter of the Armed Forces of the          Barangay Bulonay, Impasug-ong,
Philippines (AFP) and prevented it from landing in San Jose, Occidental            Bukidnon on January 16. The
Mindoro on January 9.                                                              helicopter was sighted six times
                                                                                   conducting reconnaissance and
     The helicopter was about to land     Jr., were set to facilitate the forced   delivering supplies to operating
at Sitio Mantay, Barangay Monte           surrender of residents in the area.      troopers in the boundaries of
Claro to transport officers of the AFP         Parlade was left with no other      Misamis Oriental, Agusan del Sur
Southern Luzon Command (Solcom)           choice but to walk to the next barrio    and Bukidnon. Due to the incident,
when the incident took place. The said    while surrounded by a phalanx of         the Departmet of National Defense
officers, which include AFP Solcom        soldiers to escape the area.             ordered a temporary stop to the use
commander Lt. Gen. Antonio Parlade,            Meanwhile, a Huey (UH-1H) of        of Huey helicopters.

ANG BAYAN January 21, 2021                                                                                            5
Recruitment campaign in Bicol                                                             Impending vegetable

                                                                                        AMID SKYROCKETING veget-
    he dedication of members of the Party branch in Barangay Higos in Bicol
                                                                                        able prices, the Department of
    was key to their successful recruitment campaign last year.
                                                                                        Agriculture (DA) has no plans
                                                                                        to improve local production.
    To reach the target of contrib-     tions, the targets are given a course
                                                                                        The department itself an-
uting at least 10 new recruits, each    on the basic military regulations of
                                                                                        nounced that the country may
Party member was tasked to recom-       the people's army. They are also
                                                                                        experience a 79-day food
mend individuals whom they recom-       educated on the significance of
                                                                                        shortage this year. The veget-
mend to join the people's army, es-     serving full-time in the army and
                                                                                        able supply deficit is projected
pecially the youth. In the              readiness to be deployed wherever
                                                                                        to reach 434,841 metric tons
recruitment process, they take into     it is needed.
                                                                                        (MT), or equivalent to the
consideration the age of their tar-           As a result of their endeavor,
                                                                                        consumption requirement of
gets, their organizational member-      Baryo Higos was able to produce
                                                                                        Filipinos for two and a half
ship, parental and family back-         seven full-time Red fighters last year,
ground, and readiness to join the       while several other youth joined part-
                                                                                             Since last year, consumers
people's army.                          time. "We have another platoon of
                                                                                        have been complaining about
    Party cadres tirelessly educated    militia which can serve as a source of
                                                                                        high vegetable prices due to
those who expressed their interest      new recruits,” added the comrade.
                                                                                        shortages. The prices of ve-
to join. Cadres visited them almost           The Pary branch regularly
                                                                                        getables increased by an av-
daily in their houses and simultan-     checks on them and boosts their
                                                                                        erage of 60% since November.
eously convinced their families. The    morale even after they joined the
                                                                                        Prices of some vegetables
Party branch also help residents in     people’s army. The Party branch
                                                                                        more than doubled.
their production activities. Through    also attends to the needs of the
                                                                                             Instead of addressing the
these, they are able to educate their   families of Red fighters.
                                                                                        local supply deficit, the regime
targets about the root causes of              Those who are recruited were
                                                                                        has chosen to prioritize
their daily hardships. "We explain      also motivated by the outstanding
                                                                                        boosting the production of ex-
to them that there is no other solu-    example of Party branch members.
                                                                                        port crops. It allocated ₱360
tion to the crisis but their united     "If we aim to recruit full-time Red
                                                                                        million to the Productivity En-
resistance, and that its armed form     fighters, we must also work full-
                                                                                        hancement Project, a program
is the most correct and appropri-       time in our barrio. We have learned
                                                                                        which aims to improve the
ate," said Ka Mario, a Party branch     to dedicate a time each day to pay
                                                                                        production of cash crops and
member.                                 attention to the problems, interests
                                                                                        agricultural produce such as
    Aside from regular educational      and needs of the barriofolk," Ka
                                                                                        bananas, bamboos, mangoes
discussions given to mass organiza-     Mario concluded.
                                                                                        and onions. The highest
                                                                                        allocation (₱220 million) will
                                                                                        go to banana production. Only
                                                                                        big producers who are re-
                                                                                        gistered with the Security and
                                                                                        Exchange Commission can
                                                                                        avail of this benefit and not
                                                                                        small farmers. On the other
                                                                                        hand, 900,000 distressed
                                                                                        farmers will only receive a
                                                                                        one-time ₱3,000-cash aid and
                                                                                        ₱2,000-food aid for the entire
                                                                                        year. This is equivalent to a
                                                                                        measly ₱8/day subsidy.

6                                                                                 January 21, 2021      ANG BAYAN
Skyrocketing pork prices
M      any Filipinos are alarmed about the continuously increasing prices of
       food commodities, especially pork, in Luzon since December 2020. A
recent report by the Department of Agriculture (DA) indicates that the price
                                                                                200,000 pigs have been delivered to
                                                                                Luzon from Visayas (Cebu) and
                                                                                Mindanao (Gen. Santos City) to ad-
of pork belly in Metro Manila is already at ₱380 to ₱420 per kilo, while pork   dress the pork shortage in the is-
tenderloin is at ₱320 to ₱380. The aforementioned prices are way higher than    land.
the suggested retail prices set at ₱290 and ₱260 a kilo respectively.                Instead of boosting local pro-
                                                                                duction, the DA announced on
    The average price of pork may       allocated enough funds to aid af-       January 8 its plan to just continue
reach ₱400 in the coming weeks          fected farmers, especially small        with the local importation of pork
with the impending stop of local im-    farmers who raise pigs in their         from other parts of the country to
portation to Luzon from Visayas.        backyards.                              Luzon. This will not address the
This is almost equivalent to the             The DA has only implemented a      supply shortage and may even lead
daily minimum wage.                     program to produce test kits for        to price increases in areas where
    This has a huge impact on the       ASF two years after the onslaught       huge volumes are imported.
nation given that pork is the most      of the pandemic. It alloted ₱10 mil-         Worse, the department is using
consumed typed of meat by Filipi-       lion to produce test kits which cost    the shortage as pretext to fully lib-
nos. On average, every Filipino con-    ₱45 each. It was also only now that     eralize not only pork importation,
sumes 15.6 kilos of pork every year,    the department has allocated a          but also of other meat products
higher than the 14.2-kilo global av-    measly ₱400 million budget for the      such as chicken and beef. Last year,
erage. Meanwhile, Filipinos also        repopulation of hogs.                   the government has imported 895
consume 12.8 kilos of chicken meat           As of now, around 431,000 pigs     million kilos of meat products from
and 3.1 kilos of beef.                  have been killed in the Philippines     other countries, mostly (45%)
    Due to skyrocketing pork prices,    since the ASF pandemic the country      chicken. Compared to 2019, the
many Filipinos are now forced to        in 2019. Luzon hog raisers are the      volume of imported chicken in 2020
just consume other meat products.       most affected, with around 4 to 5       is higher by 18%. The volume of im-
The surge in prices and the drop in     million pigs (53%-67% of the total)     ported beef and carabao meat also
local supply is primarily attributed    culled. In recent months, around        increased by 45% and 10% respect-
to the African Swine                                                            ively. Imported meat are mostly
Fever (ASF) pandemic                                                            used by local food manufactures
in the country. ASF is                                                          who produce processed foods such
a virus which infects                                                           as canned goods, hotdogs and
pigs. There is no vac-                                                          corned beef among others. Demand
cine for ASF, and all                                                           for the said products increased sig-
pigs that are infected                                                          nificantly during the pandemic. The
with it die. To prevent                                                         highest volume of Philippine meat
the spread of the dis-                                                          imports is from the US.
ease, infected pigs and                                                              As in the past, DA's response to
others that are in the same                                                     pork supply shortage is more im-
piggeries or backyard farms are                                                    portation. It aims to tripple the
culled. ASF has no known effect                                                       volume of pork imported by the
on humans.                                                                               country in 2021, despite the
    The regime has pre-                                                                     high price of the said
dicted in early 2020                                                                         commodity in the global
that the pork produc-                                                                         market.
tion will drop by at                                                                               Meanwhile, fish-
least 10%. Despite                                                                              erfolk and poultry
this, the DA has not                                                                             owners also warned
implemented         any                                                                          that the prices of
program to urgently                                                                              their products could
address the pandemic                                                                       also surge given that many
and protect local                                                                      consumers are now opting to
producers. It has not                                                               buy fish and chicken meat.

ANG BAYAN January 21, 2021                                                                                       7
State forces refuse to turn over
cadaver of unionist to family
                                                                                  Panay.    On January 7, Mayor
IT TOOK MORE than three weeks before the cadaver of Vilma                    Roberto Palomar of Tapaz, Capiz
Salabao, a unionist who was among those massacred by the police              ordered around 500 Tumandok families
and 2nd ID on December 17, 2020, was turned over to her family.              to return to their communities after
                                                                             evacuating last month. The Tumandoks
     The victim was killed in a mango farm at Sitio Malalim,                 left their communities after the police
Barangay San Jose, Baras, Rizal along with Carlito Zonio, caretaker          arrested and massacred their leaders
and chief security guard of the farm; cousins Jonathan and Niño              last December 30, 2020. Initial reports
Alberga, security guards; and Wesley Obmerga. Obmerga was suf-               indicate that 300 individuals were also
fering from tuberculosis, while Salabao had cancer. The victims are          coerced by the AFP to surrender in
known as the Baras 5.                                                        Tapaz.
     The Karapatan-Southern Tagalog said that the cadavers of the
victims bore marks of harsh torture.                                              Caloocan City.    Hundreds of Ca­
     After the brutal crime, the fascists planted evidences of firearms      loocan residents were alarmed after the
and explosives to make it appear that the victims were members of            DSWD announced the cancellation of
the New People's Army (NPA). The 2nd ID, through Lt. Gen. Antonio            the verification process for the second
Parlade, Jr. first announced that the victims were revolutionary tax         tranche of the Social Amelioration Pro­
collectors of the NPA and were killed after fighting back. After a few       gram sa lugar last January 13. They
weeks, Sec. Eduardo Año of the Department of Interior and Local              also complained about the complicated
Government announced that the victims were partisans.                        Starpay online registration system im­
     Killing. Elements of the Philippine National Police (PNP)-Camar-        plemented by the DSWD and the lack
ines Sur killed Aldren Lagdaan Enriquez on January 6 in Barangay             of clear instructions on how to receive
Sagrada, Iriga City. The victim was an active member of the Camar-           aid.
ines Sur People's Organization and was accused of being a member of
the NPA. Around 30 policemen entered his house. He was shot in cold               Navotas. To pave the way for the
blood in front of his two young children.                                    reclamation in Tanza, Navotas, 30 fish­
     The PNP-Region 5 also killed Eddie Barcoma Belludo, a resident          erfolk families were evicted from their
of Sitio Camenorial, Barangay Banquerohan, Legazpi City, on Janu-            communities by personnel of the San
ary 11. He was also accused of being an NPA member and was                   Miguel Corp. last January 15. Resid­
planted with evidences of firearms and explosives.                           ents complained that the site where
     Harassment. A policeman based in Tagum City, Davao del Norte,           they were relocated is a dangerous and
filed a trumped up murder charge against Windel Bolinget, chairman           prone to flooding. They were also
of the Cordillera Peoples Alliance (CPA). He and 9 other individuals         barred from fishing in nearby seas.
were accused of killing Garito Tiklonay Malibato, a member of Lumad
group Karadyawan. Malibato was killed in March 2018 by Alamara                    Negros. More than 7,000 families
paramilitary forces.                                                         were affected by the flashfloods in the
     Illegal arrest. Joint elements of the police and 201st IBde ar-         towns of Talisay, Silay, Victorias and
rested Ruel Custodio and Ruben Estocado at Zone 3, Barangay Po-              EB Magalona in Negros Occidental
blacion, Atimonan, Quezon on December 26. The victims are mem-               last January 1 and 9. The floods resul­
bers of the Coco Levy Funds Ibalik Sa Amin who were accused of               ted in the destruction of properties and
being NPA members. Evidences of firearms and explosives were like-           livelihoods worth ₱ 16.5 million.
wise planted to justify the arrest. They were not allowed to be visited
by their relatives.                                                               Cebu City. The military deployed
     Abduction. The 62nd IB has yet to surface farmer Anselma                war tanks and soldiers in the barangays
Garde, 31, who was abucted by its soldiers on January 17 at Sitio            of Pasil, Sawang Calero, Suba and Er­
Batong-Buang, Barangay Trinidad, Guihulngan City, Negros Oriental.           mita in Cebu City on January 15. The
     On the same day, the military shelled and bombed the mountain-          martial­law­like deployment terrorized
ous areas of barangays Sandayao, Trinidad, Binobohan, Imelda and             residents and resulted in confusion.
Tacpao of the same town. This resulted in the forcible evacuation of         The soldiers occupied the said
around 100 families.                                                         barangays for three days.

8                                                                         January 21, 2021             ANG BAYAN
ANG BAYAN January 21, 2021   9
Heightened political crisis
on Trump’s final days
U    S President Donald Trump was impeached for the second time by Con-
     gress on January 12, eight days before he was set to be replaced by
Joseph Biden in the White House. Trump became the first president to be im-
                                                                                 steal” of the elections. Some of
                                                                                 them were armed and planned on
                                                                                 “arresting” those who Trump named
peached twice.                                                                   as “enemies of democracy.”
                                                                                     Inside Congress, 100 repres-
     In the impeachment case,          immigrant, racist and fascist ad-         entatives and 13 senators planned
Trump was charged with "incite-        ministration.                             on questioning the electoral results.
ment of insurrection." He was found                                              The US is now investigating the role
responsible of peddling disinforma-    Attack on Capitol Hill                    Trump’s partymates played in the
tion for several weeks about the            On January 6, more than 2,000        siege.
November 2020 elections and dur-       Trump supporters stormed the
ing his speech in a rally on January   Capitol Hill where senators and           Ouster by whatever means
6 which resulted in “violent, de-      representatives were holding a ce-             The     impeachment       pushed
structive and seditious acts.” These   remonial counting of electoral            through after Vice President Mike
acts refer to the failed attempt of    votes. The counting was the last          Pence refused to remove Trump
pro-Trump groups to overrun the        step to declare Joseph Biden as the       from office through the Amendment
US Congress wherein five were          46th president of the US.                 25 of the US Constitution. The said
killed and scores were wounded.             The Capitol Hill attack took         amendment allows the president to
     Aside from the said speech, the   place after more than two months          be removed from office, with the
impeachment complaint also con-        of Trump’s denial of losing the elec-     help of Congress, and be replaced
tained Trump’s attempts to subvert     tions. He has repeatedly declared,        by the vice-president.
election results in Georgia. Trump     without basis, that he won by land-            According to Democrats, it is
was first impeached by Congress in     slide while electoral results showed      important to impeach Trump so that
December 2019 but was acquitted        a wide gap between him and Biden.         his case will serve as precedent and
by the Senate in January 2020.         Biden was way ahead of Trump by 7         in order to ban him from running for
     The impeachment is the culmin-    million votes in the popular vote. He     any government office in the future.
ation of the political and economic    also led in the electoral votes—306            At the end of his term, officials,
crisis in the US which is character-   votes to Trump’s 232.                     businesses and his partymates have
ized by the worst health crisis,            Hours before Trump’s support-        gradually distanced themselves
worsening jobs crisis and the          ers overran Congress, Trump in-           from Trump. Many of his cabinet
sharpening of the American people’s    cited them to attack by telling them      members have also resigned. More
dissatisfaction with Trump’s anti-     to “march to Congress” to “stop the       companies have withdrawn their
                                                                                 donations to the Republican Party.
                                                                                      Prior to this, social media com-
                                                                                 panies (Facebook, Twitter and In-
                                                                                 stragram) have suspended Trump’s
                                                                                 accounts which he has been using to
                                                                                 incite violence and sow disinforma-
                                                                                 tion for a long time.
                                                                                      In the morning of January 20,
                                                                                 midnight in the Philippines, Biden
                                                                                 took his oath as the 46th US pres-
                                                                                 ident and Trump’s reign came to an

10                                                                             January 21, 2021         ANG BAYAN
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