SETON Sunday News - C Year - AWS

Page created by Marshall Moss
SETON Sunday News - C Year - AWS
Fifth Sunday in
                                                                    Ordinary time
                                                                       Feb. 10, 2019
                                                                        Volume 5
                                                                        Number 11

SETON Sunday News
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - A Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Community
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 The Readings this week:
Sun., Feb 10:     Is 6: 1-2A, 3-8; 1 Cor 15: 1-11;
                 Lk 5: 1-11
Mon., Feb 11:     Gn 1: 1-19; Mk 6: 53-56
                                                                Welcome, Visitors! If you are a visitor to St.
                                                                Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, we want you to
Tue., Feb 12:     Gn 1: 20—2:4A; Mk: 7: 1-13                    know how welcome you are—whether you
Wed., Feb 13:    Gn 2: 4B-9, 15-17; Mk 7: 14-23                 have come from another part of the country,
                                                                from across the world, or simply from
Thu., Feb 14:     Sts. Cyril and Methodius                      another parish. For more information about
                 Gn 2: 18-25; Mk 7: 24-30
                                                                the parish, or to register, visit our Office,
Fri., Feb 15:    Gn 3: 1-8; Mk 7: 31-37                         call us at 425-481-0303 or visit our website
                                                                for Online Parish Registration at
Sat., Feb 16:    Gn 3: 9-24; Mk 8: 1-10
Sun, Feb 17:     Jer 17: 5-8; 1 Cor 15: 12, 16-20;
                 Lk 6: 17, 20-26

                                                                                          FAITH FORMATION OFFICE
            Administration                St Elizabeth is looking to hire a                  Phone: 425-481-9358
   Fr. Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S., Pastor              Parish Secretary                        Monday thru Friday:
                                                                                         9am - 5pm; and during classes
     Fr. Jose Ugalde, M.Sp.S., Vicar
    Fr. Jesus Sanchez, M.Sp.S., Vicar     This position provides the Parish and                 Stephanie Moran
                                          Pastor administrative support to                  Faith Formation Director
     Shannon Everist, Administrator
                                          further a Catholic community                          Roberto Pérez
                                                                                           Youth Ministry Coordinator
                                          atmosphere for all people contacting
            Office Hours:                 the parish office whether in person or                Eduardo Cardona
                                                                                        Bilingual Administrative Assistant
 Mon. Wed, Thu, and Fri. 8:30 am - 5:30   by telephone. Proficiency in English
                 pm                       and Spanish, both oral and written is
        Closed on Tuesdays                                                             Index
             Mass Times:                                                               Amazing Parish                     9
    Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri and Sat. 9 am      If interested, please contact Shannon        Calendar of Events                 4
    Tuesday: Service of the Word with     Everist at 425-481-0303 x303 or              Conchita                           5
        Holy Communion - 9am      for an               Daily Readings                     2
        Saturday vigil - 5:00 pm
                                           application.                                Directory                         11
         Sunday: 9 am, 11 am,
         1 pm (Spanish) & 5 pm
                                                                                       Happening                         10
                                          Full details can be found on our             Pastor’s Reflection                3
     Sacrament of Reconciliation:
                                          website:                                     Sección en Español               4y6
       Saturday - 3:30 - 4:30 pm
                                                                                       Typology                           8
 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:                           Vocation Awareness                 7
           How to reach us:
Phone: (425) 481-0303
Fax: (425) 485-8510
2316 180th St S.E., Bothell, WA 98012                                                   SCAN ME FOR
P.O.Box 12429, Mill Creek, WA 98082                                                        MORE
Web Site:                                                           INFORMATION

                                          MyParish app                   @easbothell
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PASTOR’S Reflection

                                        all had sincere hearts and overcame
           reaking Open the Word their difficulties when they placed all
           of God:                      their trust I the Lord.
           Dear brothers and sisters, Brothers and sisters, how would we
           many of us would like to behave if we were suddenly in the
think that if Jesus showed up Lord’s presence? Many of us can
suddenly, we would run to Him and respond with absolute truth, Jesus is
embrace Him. Our words would be “O physically present in the holy
Jesus, I love you!”. But those were not Eucharist. Now… in that physical        ourselves, we are easily influenced to
the words of Isaiah, or Paul, or Peter. presence of the Lord, do we genuflect   live as if Jesus didn’t exist. Jesus
The prophet Isaiah saw himself as a reverently? Do we half-genuflect            never left us alone. Beyond His
great sinner, unworthy to be in the forgetting why we are doing it,             physical Presence in the Most Blessed
presence of Yahweh. Paul, still full of perhaps only out of habit? Or do some   Sacrament of the Altar, he’s given us
remorse for having persecuted the of us just walk by the Tabernacle with        many tangible gifts that we can see
Church Jesus instituted, could not no sign of honor and respect to the          with our eyes of faith.
fathom that he’d be called to be an Lord Jesus? What we’ve done in the
apostle. And Peter, the first Pope, past, in the here and now, is but a

implored Jesus to move away from reflection of what we’ll do when we
him, for he was a sinner. Aren’t we are in the presence of the Lord. If
also sinners living among sinners? “If we’ve never shown honor and respect
we say we are without sin, we lie to for Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament                    alking together as
ourselves and the truth is not in us.” of the Eucharist, or the Tabernacle,                  brothers and sisters:
Are we worthy to stand in the when we do something different in
                                                                                      My brothers and sisters who walk
presence of the Lord since we are so heaven, we’ll be called hypocrites. To
sinful? Or should we fall to our knees avoid being hypocrites, we need to       together in community by the grace of
and say “stay away from me, Lord, for start here and now to give the Lord the   God, while we are who we are, let’s
I am a sinner!” Isaiah, Paul and Peter honor and respect He truly deserves.     not allow God’s grace to be in vain. If
were blessed. They were able to My dear brothers and sisters, in His            we have overlooked our salvation,
perceive the Lord’s divinity. These human form Jesus left a long time ago.      let’s start again where we left off, and
saints of the church knew they were And we cannot deny we are weak. Just        together, let us continue our walk with
sinners and unworthy to be in the like Isaiah, Paul and Peter, we are not       Jesus so that the grace of God he
presence of God. They probably asked                                            Father may shine through us.
                                        perfect, but we have sincere hearts.
themselves: “why me?”, “why do you                                                 Fr. José Gerardo Alberto, MSpS
come to me, Lord?”, “couldn’t you Since Jesus is not physically with us,
find someone holier than me?” we tend to forget about Him. And
Knowing they were fragile creatures when we see those weaker than
of God, they humbled themselves in
front of the Lord.
History tells us that the grace of God
was not wasted in each of their cases.
Isaiah, Paul and Peter were very
grateful to the Lord for having chosen
them, and they made their best effort
in responding to His call. This does
not mean they were perfect. Isaiah
often wished God could have chosen
someone else because people would
not hear him. St Paul started off on the
wrong path by persecuting Christians.
St Peter ran away and denied the Lord
in the last 2 hours of His life. They
were all weak. They all made
mistakes. But, more importantly, they
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                                                               Monday, February 11
                                                               Good Samaritan                6:30        St. 6
                                                               Bible Study in Spanish        7pm        Seton #1
                                                               Liturgical Planning Meeting   7pm         Seton #5
                                                               Tuesday, February 12
                                                               Women’s Fellowship              10am     Hall
                                                               Rosary for Life                 12pm     Church
    Próximo Fin de Semana: Redmond, WA                         Elementary Faith Formation       5pm     All Stations
             15, 16 y 17 de febrero                            Praise and Worship in Song
                                                                                                7pm     Chapel
            Llamen al 425-246-7815
                                                               Altar Server Training            7pm      Nave
                                                               Adult Bible Study                7pm     Hall
             Retiro Kerigma                                    Youth Bible Study                8pm     Youth Room
           1—3 de Marzo 2019                                   Wednesday, February 13
       Un “Encuentro con Jesús Vivo”                           Nimble Fingers                  12pm     Hall
  Parroquia de St. Elizabeth Ann                               BETA in Christianity           6:30pm    Hall

              Seton                                            Catholic Daughters               7pm      Seton #5
                                                               Elementary Faith Formation       7pm     All Stations
                                                               Thursday, February 14
                                                               Elementary Faith Formation       5pm     All Stations
                                                               Sacramentors                     7pm     St. 2
                                  Cupo limitado                Friday, February 15
                                                               Comité Guadalupano               7pm     St.7

 Para mas información o para inscribirse:                      Saturday, February 16
 Teresita Hodge 425-239-8679                                   Sacramentors                     8am     St. 6
 Angelica Madrigal: 425-321-4556
                                                               Sunday, February 17
 Costo: $ 25.00                                                KofC Pancake Breakfast          After 9 and 11am Mass
                                                               RCIA English                     9am      St. 4
              Clases de Estudio Bíblico                        RICA Spanish                    11am      St. 7
Pronto comenzaremos un nuevo módulo de Clases de
Estudio Bíblico. Este estudio es especialmente para quienes
nunca han tomado un curso de Estudio Bíblico. También
pueden venir personas que quieran refrescar conocimientos.
Las clases comienzan el lunes 11 de Febrero en Casa Seton,
y continúan los lunes de 7 a 9pm.
Si    tiene dudas, comunicarse con              Marcia a, o 425-481-9358 x 308.

              Las Palmas del Domingo de Ramos del
              año pasado se convertirán en las cenizas
              que recibiremos el Miércoles de Cenizas.
              Traiga sus palmas de años anteriores y
              deposítelas en el contenedor en el
              vestíbulo. ¡Gracias!
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                                      Conchita, Tell Us about Your Life
              Conchita tells us about the foundation of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit
                Father Felix spent ten years in exile in Spain. When I traveled to Rome with Mons. Ibarra, and HH Pius X
                gave his approval to found the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit, we came back through France, so we could
talk to Fr Felix Superiors. Once we had their permission, Fr Felix arrived in Veracruz, Mexico, on August 14, 1914, in the
midst of the religious persecution. It wasn’t until October 24 that he could come to Mexico City, he came to see us and
told me: “I have not changed in regards to the Works of the Cross”. Fr Felix and Archbishop Ibarra brought together four
young men to be the first novices of this new congregation. On December 25, 1914, behind closed doors, the congregation
of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit was founded at 7am in the Chapel of “The Roses” in the foothills of Tepeyac.
         In attendance were: Archbishop Ibarra, Father Felix, two of the four postulants, the owners of the Chapel, a few
other people and I. Mass was celebrated, the Pontifical Decree that granted permission to found the Congregation was
read and the names of the four novices. Archbishop finished with these words: “Father Felix will be your Novice Master.
Respect him, love him and obey him. He will teach you the true spirit of the Cross and
will help you become good religious men. May Jesus bless you, the way I bless you
now.” One by one they left, hiding from the military forces all around the city.
          Archbishop Ibarra owned a small house close by, and he was delighted to
loan it to them to be the first Novitiate for the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit. There
they lived, lacking comfort, but with much joy.
         Fr Felix and I had drafted the Constitutions back in 1904, and in 1910 they
were revised and given canonical form. After that there have been revisions and
updates, but the spirit remains the same.
          “By Divine Will, we the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit have been called to
consecrate our lives to God as religious through radically following Christ Priest and
Victim, with the purpose of transforming ourselves into Him. We strive to share in his
priestly sentiments, and to master His virtues, above all love, purity and sacrifice.”

                  Conchita: Cuéntanos tu vida
Conchita nos habla sobre la fundación de los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo
         El padre Félix pasó diez años desterrado en España. Cuando viajé a Roma con Mons. Ibarra, y SS Pío X dio
el permiso para fundar los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo, volvimos por Francia para hablar con los superiores del P.
Félix. Obtenido el permiso de ellos, el 14 de agosto de 1914 desembarcó el padre Félix en Veracruz, México, en medio
de la persecución religiosa. El 24 de octubre llegó a mi casa en la ciudad de México, me saludó diciendo: “Soy el
mismo para las Obras de la Cruz”. Junto con Mons. Ibarra reunieron a 4 jóvenes interesados en ser los primeros
novicios de la nueva congregación. El 25 de diciembre a las 7 de la mañana, a puertas cerradas, se fundó la
congregación de los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo en la Capilla de “las Rosas”, al pie del cerro del Tepeyac.
         Estaban presentes: Mons. Ibarra, el padre Félix, dos de los 4 postulantes, los dueños de la capilla, algunas
personas más y yo. Se celebró la Misa, se leyó el Decreto Pontificio que autorizaba la fundación y los nombres de los 4
futuros novicios. Mons. Ibarra concluyó diciendo: “El padre Félix será su Maestro de Novicios. Respétenlo, ámenlo y
obedézcanlo. El les enseñará el genuino espíritu de la Cruz y hará de ustedes buenos religiosos. Que Jesús los bendiga
como ahora los bendigo yo.” De a poco todos se retiraron, a escondidas de las fuerzas militares que controlaban la
         Cerca del Tepeyac Mons. Ibarra tenía una casa pequeña que les prestó para que fuera el primer noviciado de
los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo. Allí vivieron con falta de comodidades, pero mucha alegría los primeros tiempos del
          Las constituciones las habíamos escrito el padre Félix y yo desde 1904, en 1910 fueron revisadas y son las
que rigieron la nueva congregación por mucho tiempo. Desde entonces se han ido revisando y actualizando, pero el
espíritu es el mismo.
         “Por voluntad divina, los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo hemos sido llamados a consagrarle a Dios nuestra
vida como religiosos, siguiendo radicalmente a Cristo Sacerdote y Víctima, con el propósito de transformarnos en Él.
Nos esforzamos por compartir sus sentimientos sacerdotales, y por conquistar sus virtudes, sobre todo el amor, la
pureza y el sacrificio.”
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REFLEXION del                                           Párroco

                                                                olvidamos por qué lo estamos haciendo? ¿Algunos de
                                                                nosotros nos negamos el Sacramento de la Sagrada
                                       editando la              Eucaristía? O, ¿algunos de nosotros pasamos ante el
                                       Palabra de Dios          Sagrario sin mostrar honor y respeto hacia el Señor Jesús?
                                                                Lo que hemos hecho en el pasado no es más que un reflejo
                                                                en el espejo de lo que realmente haremos cuando nos
                          Queridos hermanos y hermanas, a       encontremos en la Presencia de Jesús. Si nunca hemos
                          muchos de nosotros nos gustaría       mostrado honor y respeto por el Señor Jesús en el
                          pensar que si Jesús se nos            Sacramento de la Sagrada Eucaristía, ni ante el Sagrario, si
                          apareciera          repentinamente,   nos comportamos de manera diferente ante Él cuando lo
                          correríamos hacia Él y lo             veamos, seguramente Jesús nos llamará hipócritas. Para
                          abrazaríamos. Nuestras palabras       evitar ser llamados hipócritas, ahora debemos comenzar a
                          probablemente        serían:   "Oh,   darle al Señor Jesús el honor y el respeto que Él realmente
Jesús, te amo". Pero estas no fueron las palabras de Isaías,    merece.
ni de Pablo ni de Pedro. El profeta Isaías se veía a sí mismo
como un gran pecador, no siendo digno de estar en la                Mis hermanos y hermanas, Jesús, en forma humana,
Presencia de Yahvé. Pablo, todavía lleno de culpa por haber     hace mucho tiempo se ha ido. Y no podemos negar que
perseguido a la Iglesia instituida por Jesús, se veía a sí      somos débiles. Como Isaías, Pablo y Pedro, no somos
mismo como incapaz de ser llamado un apóstol. Y Pedro, el       perfectos, pero tenemos corazones sinceros. Debido a que
primer Papa, le rogó a Jesús que se alejara de él porque era    Jesús físicamente no está con nosotros, estamos tentados a
un hombre pecador. ¿No somos también pecadores viviendo         olvidarnos de Él. Y, al ver a los que son más débiles que
entre los pecadores? "Si decimos que no tenemos pecado,         nosotros, somos fácilmente influenciados a vivir como si
nos engañamos a nosotros mismos, y la verdad no está en         Jesús no existiera. Jesús nunca nos dejó solos. Más allá de
nosotros". Como pecadores, ¿somos dignos de estar en la         Su Presencia física en la Sagrada Eucaristía, Él nos ha dado
Presencia del Señor? O, también deberíamos caer de              muchos regalos visibles que se pueden ver con nuestros
rodillas y decir: "¡Aléjate de mí, Señor, porque soy una        ojos a través de la fe.

persona pecadora!"
    Isaías, Pablo y Pedro fueron bendecidos. Percibieron la              aminando juntos como hermanos:
divinidad del Señor. Estos santos de la iglesia percibieron
que eran pecadores e indignos de estar en la presencia de
Dios. Lo más probable, es que se preguntaron, "¿Por qué                   Mis hermanos y hermanas que caminamos juntos
yo?" "¿Por qué vienes a mí Señor?" "¿No puedes encontrar        como comunidad, por la gracia de Dios, mientras somos lo
a alguien que sea más santo que yo?" Sabiendo lo que eran,      que somos, no dejemos que la gracia del Señor hacia
frágiles creaturas de Dios, se humillaron ante el Señor.        nosotros sea en vano. Si hemos descuidado nuestra
    La historia nos dice que en cada caso, la gracia de Dios    salvación, comencemos nuevamente desde donde lo
no ha sido en vano. Isaías, Pablo y Pedro estaban muy           dejamos y juntos, sigamos adelante con el Señor Jesús para
agradecidos con el Señor por haberlos elegido y han hecho       que la gracia de Dios Padre brille a través de nosotros.
un gran esfuerzo para responder a su llamado lo mejor
posible. Esto no quiere decir que fueran perfectos. Isaías      P. Gerardo Alberto, MSpS
deseó a veces que Dios hubiera elegido a alguien más
porque la gente no lo escucharía. San Pablo comenzó por el
camino equivocado persiguiendo a los cristianos. San Pedro
corrió y negó a Jesús durante las últimas veinticuatro horas
de Su vida. Todos ellos eran débiles. Todos ellos
cometieron errores. Pero, lo que era más importante, todos
ellos tenían corazones sinceros y superaron sus debilidades
al depositar su completa confianza en el Señor. Hermanos y
hermanas, "¿Cómo nos comportaríamos si de repente nos
encontramos en la Presencia del Señor?" Muchos de
nosotros podemos responder con la verdad absoluta. Jesús
está físicamente presente en la Sagrada Eucaristía. En la
presencia física del Señor, ¿Algunos de nosotros hacemos
una genuflexión piadosa ante Él? ¿Hacemos algunos de
nosotros la mitad de una genuflexión como un hábito y
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                         A WAITING HARVEST
                                      Vocation Awareness
 The Sacred Power of Priesthood
                           off! You are burning me!” To the demons the hands of a
  A Sacred Power           priest seared as though still wet from holy chrism. The
                                                                demons were painfully aware of a reality to which we are
    Fr. John Cihak tells this true story that happened to him often blind: these hands are configured to those of the
some years ago when he studying in Rome.                        incarnate son of God, they are His hands, Our Chrismed,
                                                                burning hands reveal the hidden path of the priesthood He
    “Last spring a brother priest came to the Casa to train for has given us. They remind is of who we are”
the ministry of exorcism in his diocese. He asked me at the        Ordination to priesthood is not just an initiation, like
breakfast table one morning to accompany him to a church joining a club or a fraternity. It’s a gift of the Holy Spirit
in the city to observe the work of one of Rome’s exorcists. which permits the presence of Jesus Christ himself through
The priest wanted help translating from Italian so that he his church. The hands of an ordained priest have a sacred
could     would     better     understand     the    exorcist’s power to offer the sacrifice of Christ and to forgive sins in
extemporaneous words, and the words being hissed or the sacraments (CCC #1537-8). Priesthood is not just being
shouted at him. That morning was an extraordinary a preacher and minister, though priests certainly do preach
experience in which my own priestly identity was deepened. and minister to God’s people. It is the administering of a
About twenty minutes into the session, the exorcist asked sacred power!
the five priests in the room to raise their hands from a           The demons know this even better than we do.
distance in a type of epiclesis and to quietly invoke the Holy
Spirt over the victim. The reaction was strong. The demons                                                    From the Book
cursed, writhed, begged, raged, whimpered and threatened.                                       “To Save a Thousand Souls”
A low, sinister voice cried out again and again, “Get them                                            Fr. Brett A. Brannen

          O Jesus,
          Our Eternal Pastor,
          Deign to look with merciful eyes
          Upon this part of your loving flock.
          Lord, we need a large number of priests,
          and men and women consecrated to the
          religious life.
          Multiply vocations,
          And sanctify more and more our priests,                                           This week please pray for
          And those consecrated in the religious life.                                          Oscar Rodriguez.
          We ask you all this through the Immaculate                                        Oscar is from Jerome, ID.
          Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, your sweet and                                         He is a second year Novice
          holy Mother.                                                                     with the Missionaries of the
                                                                                           Holy Spirit in Long Beach,
          Jesus give us priests according to your                                                      CA.
          Jesus, savior of all people,
          save them, save them!
For information on becoming a Religious Priest Missionary of the Holy Spirit or
a Diocesan Priest contact one of the following people:
                                                       Serra Club: Arthur Adams
                                                           Fr. Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S.
                                                            Fr. Jesus Sanchez , M.Sp.S.
                                                               Fr. Jose Ugalde, M.Sp.S.
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                             T y p o l o g y
           There is a Such Thing as a “Happily Ever After” Ending
                                               Kianna Garmanian
              Every year, I wait with great anticipation and excitement for the coming of another season of my
favorite TV show on Netflix. About a week ago, the fifth season of this show came to Netflix and I was thrilled to
watch the eleven new episodes. Each night after I finished my homework (and even when I didn’t), I popped a bag of
popcorn and watched one episode before going to bed.
          With only one more episode left to watch, I brought my laptop, popcorn, and snacks to my bed and was
excited to view the grand finale. There were so many questions to be answered and mysteries to be solved. I couldn’t
wait to see how the fifth season of this Netflix show would conclude!
          YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED NEXT. In the final episode, one of the main characters
(who also is my favorite character) DIES!! I couldn’t believe my eyes! There was no way this could happen! What
would the show be like without him? He brought so much life, humor, and energy to the show. In fact, I am almost
considering not watching the sixth season when it comes out next year. I was so disheartened that I immediately called
my family and spent a long time expressing my anger toward the ending of my favorite show. It just didn’t make
sense… why did the main character have to die? Why couldn’t there have been a happily ever after ending?
           After I got off the phone with my family and was still feeling a little upset, my thoughts turned to Jesus and
our faith. I contemplated on Jesus’ death on the cross and a new inspiration came to me. Think about this… what if
Jesus died on the cross and that was it? What if His death was final and there was no Resurrection? Our entire faith is
based on the Resurrection of our Lord, because through this, Jesus defeated sin, evil, and death once and for all!
Through His rising, we too can rise to eternal life with our Lord forever.
          My brothers and sisters in Christ, how beautiful our faith is! Our faith has no ending and is not marked by
death. Christ did not die to be permanently removed from this world and our lives. In fact, it’s just the opposite! Jesus’
death brought about new life and marked the beginning of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the opening of the gates of
Heaven, and the chance for each of us to grow in a personal relationship with
our Lord.
                                                                                       Kianna has been a parishioner at SEAS
          Dear friends, rejoice and take great hope in our faith! We can live
                                                                                     together with her family since 2007. She
our lives with great courage and joy because our Savior, Jesus Christ, has
                                                                                      is now a junior at St Martin’s University
WON. Therefore, do not be afraid to live your lives for Christ. There is no
                                                                                      in Lacey. After her Confirmation here in
great tragic or upsetting end to Christ’s story, so there will be no disappointing
end to your journey with Jesus by your side. Live for HIM. Believe in HIM.             2014, she was a wonderful addition to
Trust in HIM. He has WON - for you, for me, and for all of eternity! Thanks be       the Fire Team helping bring other youth
to God!                                                                               to Christ. We are delighted to have her
                                                                                            collaboration for this page.

                                      Y o u t h                        N e w s
                                                                 Date & Time; March 29th—31st
                                                                 Departure from SEAS: 3/29: 5pm
                                                                 Arrival at SEAS: 3/31: 2:30 - 3pm

                                                               Contact the Youth Minister: Roberto Perez
                                                               Phone: 425.481.9358 Ext. 312
                                                                                                 Youth Ministry
   Archdiocese Confirmation Retreat                                                                QR Code
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  an                                                                  With the Heart of Jesus

                             In the Eucharist we find all
                             the good of the Church. In it
                             we have the certainty that
                             God is faithful to His promise
                             and stays with us until the
                             end of time. In our visits and
                             adoration of the Blessed
                             Sacrament, we experience
                             the closeness of the good
                             shepherd, the tenderness of
                             His love, the presence of a
 faithful friend. We all experience this large support in            RAISE THE ROOF!
 our lives provided by faith and our personal and
 intimate dialogue with the Lord in the Eucharist.                          SUPPORT OUR CHURCH
 Come Adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament                         Thank you! As of January 28th, you have
 Monday through Friday from 10am to 9pm.                           generously donated $178,745!
                                                                   Please continue to donate to this project, we only
Adult Faith Formation                                              have $1,254.99 to reach our goal. For more
Women's Fellowship - On Tuesday Feb 12th, We will                  information:
be studying Psalms-School of Prayer session 8 Psalms                       Fr. Gerardo Alberto MSpS / Pastor
of Suffering and Lament-One of the great mysteries in                      Email:
life is the question 'why do we suffer and why is there such
great evil'! These Psalms (read Psalms 13 and 88) help us
to give voice to our pain while turning our eye to God, and
they give us fortitude so as not to despair! Let's go deeper
with Jeff Cavins and Tim Gray on dvd! We meet at 10am
every Tuesday in the Fellowship Hall-All women
welcome and child care is available! For more
information contact Mary Christie 425-776-3967

Bible Study: Has your heart been full of gratitude,
pain, anger, or joy, but empty of words before God? All                         MINISTRY
adults are invited to "Psalms, The School of Prayer" on
Tuesday, February 12, 7:00 pm, in the Fellowship Hall.
Session 3 will offer some practical ways to plant the
psalms in your heart. Come even if you missed sessions 1           Healing Mass
and 2. For further information, call 425-481-9358, ext.                 Jan 25 Friday / 7pm
314. (This is a make-up session for snow day on 2/5)                         After all Masses
                                                                               March 2 - 3
         March 6 2019                                             Mass Linens Ministry
   Mass with Distribution of Ashes
           9am and 6pm, English                                   Every time we celebrate Mass linens are used to set the
                                                                  altar and distribute communion. They need to be laundered
              8pm, Spanish
                                                                  with special care and following specific instructions, but
   Service of the Word with Distribution of Ashes                 this ministry is very fulfilling for those who cannot
                    3pm, English                                  participate in ministries with meetings, or structured
                                                                  People helping launder linens are scheduled once a month
  Envelopes for the Encounter Lent Rice Bowl collection           to take home half the linens used during the week, and
                 will be available this day.                      bring them back mid-week.
     Use the envelope to donate your Lenten sacrifices            Please consider joining the wonderful ladies that do this
        at the end of Lent. This collection benefits              very important ministry at SEAS. Contact Marcia at 425-
            Catholic Relief Services programs.                    481-9358 x308,
SETON Sunday News - C Year - AWS
10 | The SETON Sunday News | Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2/10/2019

Rachel’s Corner
Hope and Healing After Abortion                                   searching beyond the surface?
“There is only one carpenter who can repair a torn apart
heart. If I’m moved but choose not to respond, won’t my
heart soon harden? Unable to respond? When we touch, we
must reach out or soon we stiffen, and nothing touches us
and we feel nothing.” - Ann Voskamp
Have you felt the tugging on your heart inviting you to
receive God’s healing after having suffered greatly from an
abortion loss? Your Rachel’s Vineyard™ team understands
that need, as well as the fear to reach out for healing. Come
join them on a retreat and let His merciful love touch and
mend your broken heart.
Call for a compassionate, confidential conversation.               SALT is a ministry for Young Adults over the
Registering now for our next healing retreats: March 8-           age of 18. For calendar schedule and updates,
10 and April 5-7, both in English                                  please join our Facebook group: @SEAS.SALT
English: (206) 920-6413                                                           or contact us at
Español: (206)-450-7814                                  Join us in                                          growing in faith and fellowship together!
Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community
You are loved with an everlasting Love!                          Prayer Shawl Ministry
                                                                 SEAS Prayer Shawl Ministry is touching the lives of the
                                                                 suffering and grieving, as well as many of your family
                                                                 members and friends who find themselves alone and
                                                                 isolated from their Church family. A huge thank you to
                                                                 all who have knit or are knitting/crocheting shawls of
                                                                 beauty bringing comfort, support, and blessings to so
        Is Your Marriage in Crisis? There Is Hope!
                                                                 Thanks, too, for
 When marriages are in crisis, couples often feel alone,         your generous
 frustrated and hopeless. But there is hope! Retrouvaille        donations of
 (pronounced retro-vi) has helped tens of thousands of trou-     yarn to help the
 bled marriages. There is always hope, and you are not           ministry.
 alone in your struggle. For confidential information about      Please submit
 Retrouvaille, or to register for our upcoming weekend           names and
 March 22-24, 2019, call 206-706-2608                            addresses of
  or go to                              family or
                                                                 neighbors who
                   All Catholics are invited to attend The Joy   might enjoy a Prayer Shawl for comfort and blessings. E-
                   of Life: Celebrating 50 Years of Humanae      mail or leave a note in the office.
                   Vitae Conference which will be held on
                   Saturday, March 2nd at St. Brendan
  Catholic Church. This event offers "Ted talk" style
  presentations by Bishop Mueggenborg, Dr. Sarah Bartel,
  Jason Kidd, Ashley McCullough and more. Meet and               Please bring in your old Palms from past celebrations of
  network with other Catholics throughout the day at the         Passion Sunday. Those old palms will be ritually
  vendor booths and exhibits. Learn more at         burned to create the ashes for Ash Wednesday. There
  joyoflife or call 253-278-6550                                 will be a receptacle in the vestibule in which you may
                                                                 place your palms. Thank you.
PARA EL BOLETÍN Parish groups/Grupos parroquiales:
Submit your articles/requests to,
two weeks prior to the Sunday desired.                                       Come pray the Rosary for Life with fellow
                                                                             parishioners. All are welcome. We meet by
Dirijan sus peticiones a dos                        the image of the Immaculate Conception
semanas antes del Domingo que desean publicarlo.                             every Tuesday at noon.
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2/10/2019 | The SETON Sunday News | 11

                 MINISTRIES & GROUPS
     Altar Servers, Jane Baer and Veronica Cardona
                                                                                      PHONE/EMAIL DIRECTORY
        Apostleship of the Cross, Marcia Gimenez
Catholic Social Teachings Min, Jane Smoke/Karyn Sullivan                                   Staff and Clergy
              Coffee & Donuts, Kelly Cooley                          Alberto, Fr. Gerardo       425-481-0303 x306
       EMEs, Ana May Apin and Cuquita Cardona
    Encuentro Matrimonial, Raquel y Antonio Ramírez                  Cardona, Eduardo          425-481-9358 x314
            Eucharistic Adoration, Kimie Mori                        Egashira, Kathy            206-214-5884
          Faith Formation for Adults, Julie Jones                    Everist, Shannon          425-481-0303 x303
          Funeral Committee, Marianne Iwamoto
           Good Samaritans, Ann Marie Shields                        Moran, Stephanie 425-481-9358 x311
          Guadalupe Committee, Marco Olivares                        Perez, Roberto           425-481-9358 x312
        Homebound Ministers, Marianne Iwamoto
                                                                     Sanchez, Fr. Jesus         425-481-0303 x305
             Hospitality Team, Tony Fletcher
       Lectors, Niki Gagner and Elvira Hernandez                     Ugalde, Fr. Jose        425-481-0303 x304
                 Linens, Marcia Gimenez
 “Luz y Vida” Prayer Group, Jose & Angelica Velazquez                                       Volunteer for Hispanic Ministry
            Music Coordinator, Kathy Egashira                        Gimenez, Marcia           425-481-0303 x308
            Nimble Fingers, Jacqueline Aurox
       Pastoral Council, Paul Gallagher/Gerry Apin
            Prayer Shawl Ministry, Joan Kluck
                Prayer Team, Sherri Mack
              Pro-Life Ministry, Karen Salvati                           Please keep the sick among us in your prayers, especially:
               Sacramentors, Scott Occhiuto
    SALT, YA Group in English, Paul and Erin Dellino
                Simbang Gabi, Gerry Apin                                Salvador Andrada          Louise                      Leticia Solorzano
        Stavros, Jim Krieger and Marcia Gimenez                          Roberta Autron       Hundertmark                       Fran Sphung
Velankanni Community, Johnson Andrews & Benson Babu
                                                                           Tom Bender        David Hurtado                    Adrienne Steuer
            Women’s Fellowship, Mary Christie
                                                                           Jane Bentley    Rosemary Jesmer                    Harry St Nicholas
             COLLABORATORS IN MINISTRY                                    Shawna Boger       Helen Johnston                   Francis Sullivan
              Cascade Serra Club, Ken Christie                            Sharyl Buehler    Patricia Kramer                    James Sullivan
              Catholic Daughters, Kathy Taylor                              Tom Burns      Christopher Leon                    Kaye Swartzell
             Knights of Columbus, Steve Mueller                             Rick Burns        Jennie Leyva                    Michael Trupiano
         St. Vincent de Paul          425-355-3504                         Ruth Carpizo         Jim Moran                     Fernando Varela
                                                                           Claire Carter     Lynn Mosman                      Evelio Villalobos
   Contact for all ministries                        Eulalia Castillo     Sandra Noble                     Vladimir Vozar
      Mention the ministry in the subject line.                               Ed Crull    Yolanda Noblezada                   Rosemary Wentz
                                                                           Gary Darnell      Scott Occhiuto                      Barb West
          CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES                                   Alex De Leon Diaz      Teresa Paris                      Tami Wyatt
                                                                             Saul Diaz        Elamar Perez                     Beatrice Zorzi
      Counseling      425-257-2111 or 888-240-8572
                                                                         Billie Dougherty  Michael Quigley
                                                                            Anna Epps      Margaret Quigley
                Kunthara Auto License                                      Fran Fielden        Ritzy Rafer
        Servicing the Great Seattle area for over 20 years                 Bill Flanagan     Teresita Ramos
  Our bulletin is published at no cost to the parish as it is             Elliot Gausch      Arnold Rivera
  supported by the ads on the back. Please consider using                Peter Gilmartin       Joyce Rosas
their services and tell them you saw their ad in our bulletin.             Annie Gillen   Florentine Ruhland
                                                                         Lupita Gonzalez   Jesus Sanchez Sr.
                     A Call to Share…                                      Dee Holiday-   Benita Schumacher
                                                                              Osborne       Jim Schumacher
                              Week of Jan 26-27

  Sat. 5pm     $2,997.00
      9 am     $3,75200                                                        May the Father bless you, the Son heal you and
    11 am      $2,551.00      EFT Contributions         $10,428.50                   the Holy Spirit comfort you. Amen.
      1 pm     $1,687.00      Misc                      $ 6,103.50
       5pm     $2,786.00
                              Total Offering            $30,304.50
                                                                        To add/remove someone on this list, please contact
                                                                        Eduardo Cardona at (425) 481-9358 ext 314 or email at:
   Average Weekly Offerings of $30,000                         Si quisiera añadir/remover a
   are needed to run the parish              Thank you...               alguien a esta lista, comuníquese a la oficina parroquial.
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