SETON Sunday News - A The Ascension of the Lord May 24 2020 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic ...

Page created by Dave Byrd
SETON Sunday News - A The Ascension of the Lord May 24 2020 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic ...
SETON Sunday News
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - A Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Community

The Ascension
 of the Lord
 May 24 2020
  Volume 6
  Number 26
SETON Sunday News - A The Ascension of the Lord May 24 2020 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic ...
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                                                                                    Dear Brothers and Sisters,
                                                                                    In very fluid and changing circumstances, we urge
             Office Hours & Contact Information                                     you to check the following resources for the most
                                                                                    current situation:
     “STAY HOME, STAY HEALTHY” mandate                                              our website
 All staff working remotely, please contact us via
 email only. We are still working to help and serve                       
 you. Updates will be posted online and in the App                                  myParish app
                                                                                    Facebook page
Priest Administrator ..............
Fr. Jose Ugalde, MSpS .................................... ext. 304                 Instagram @easbothell
Parochial Vicar .........................                   Be assured of our prayers, remember to keep us in
Fr. Jesús Sanchez, MSpS .................................. ext 305                  your prayers. If you need to reach a priest, use
                                                                                    their email addresses shown on the left.
Administrator...........................                                                Fr Jose, Fr Jesus, and Staff
Shannon Everist................................................. ext 303
Secretary ..............................                            SEVENTH WEEK OF EASTER
Veronica Mendez ............................................... ext 301
Facilities .......................................            The Readings this week:
Oscar Mejia ....................................................................
                                                                                   Sun., May 24:     The Ascension of the Lord
                                                                                                   Acts 1: 1-11; Eph 1: 17-23; Mt 28: 16-20
Faith Formation
                                                                                   Mon., May 25: Acts 19: 1-8; Jn 16: 29-33
Stephanie Moran .............................................. ext 311
Interim Youth Minister                          Tue., May 26: Acts 20: 17-27; Jn 17: 1-11A
Br. Jorge Haro, MSpS ....................................... ext 313
                                                                                   Wed., May 27: Acts 20: 28-38 Jn 17: 11B-19
Bilingual Assistant ...................
Eduardo Cardona .............................................. ext 314             Thu., May 28: Acts 22: 30; 23: 6-11; Jn 17: 20-26
                                                                                   Fri., May 29: Acts 25: 13B-21; Jn 21: 15-19
Music Coordinator .......................                     Sat., May 30: Acts 28: 16-20, 30-31; Jn 21: 20-25
Kathy Egashira ........................................ 206-214-5884               Sun., May 31: Acts 2: 1-11; 1 Cor 12: 3B, 12-13;
Liturgy Coordinator ....................                                   Jn 20: 19-23
Marcia Gimenez ................................................ ext 308
                                                                                           Online at
                                                                                    Amazing Parish                                    5
                        Officers and Councils                                       Annual Catholic Appeal                            9
                    The Pastoral Council                                            Daily Readings                                    2
  Gerry Apin, Rolfson Augustine, Paul Gallagher, Francis                            Directory                                         2
  Irudayaraj, Laura Keegan, Jim Krieger, Marco Olivares,
                        Amy Walsh                                                   From Fr Jose’s Desk                               3
                                                                                    Important Updates on Faith Formation              4
                    The Finance Council
     Fr. Jose Ugalde, Shannon Everist, Richard Carlson, Bill                        Ministries                                       10
           Dunnigan, Patty McGoorty, Jon Alejandro                                  Sección en Español                              6y7
                Seton Sunday News Bulletin                                          Vocation Awareness                                8
     Fr. Jose Ugalde, Marcia Gimenez, Eduardo Cardona

Keep in touch
                                                                                                            SCAN ME FOR
                                                                                                               MORE                                                                                             INFORMATION
                                                            MyParish app                   @easbothell
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                      From Fr. Jose’s desk
Meditation:                                                          that Jesus is alive in the heart and soul of the disciple. It’s not
    “I am with you always, until the end of the age”                 about teaching first, but about sharing our experience of God
                                                                     with the people that God places in our lives. A disciple is a
   This Sunday we celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension           student or follower, somebody dedicated to learn what the
of the Lord. Next Sunday we will celebrate Pentecost, the            teacher wants to teach. In ancient Judaism a young man
coming of the Holy Spirit upon the first Christian community,        wanting to be a rabi would petition a practicing rabi to take
and the birth of the Church.                                         him in as a disciple or student. In the case of Jesus/Teacher
    The Ascension of the Lord to heaven is a foretaste of our        the process is the other way around. Jesus does not wait for
destination. As believers, we know we are not of this world,         people to come to Him, He goes to them. He goes out to
that our destination is in heaven. Jesus was sent by the Father      encounter them and thus becomes their Teacher and their
to the world in order to show us the way home. We come               Way to heaven. As our Teacher, Jesus asks us to read and
from God and we go to God after our pilgrimage on this               reflect on his word, make the message our own, and make it
earth. Jesus came from the Father and returns to the Father.         real in our life. Nowadays we have many teachers, but they
His new mission is to intercede for us before the Father for as      do not teach us to live a real life. Bring to mind who your
long as we remain in this world.                                     teachers are today, what do they teach you, where do they
                                                                     guide you. It’s important to think about this. Our life requires
    The Ascension of the Lord is a celebration of joy and            that we have a practicing Teacher, one who lives what he
great solemnity, because Christ crowns the Father’s work, it         preaches because he knows where he is going. Jesus teaches
is also a precursor to the coming of the Holy Spirit. Jesus had      us that he is the Way, the Truth and the Life. In the case of
told his disciples: “And I will ask the Father, and he will give     Jesus, we know He comes from God, and goes to God. He is
you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of            the sure way to get to the Father and dwell with Him for all
truth, (who) remains with you.” (Jn 14: 16-17). Returning to         eternity.
the Father means that Jesus will be with us in a new way, and
He will dwell in the whole world. When he walked this earth,             “And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the
his physical presence was limited, he could only move within         age.” It is interesting to note that Matthew begins his gospel
his geographical environment. His new reality has no                 with these words: “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and
boundaries. His omnipresent presence is in the whole world,          bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,” which
and in each of our hearts. We can find Him through prayer,           means “God is with us.” (Mt 1:23) and concludes with the
the Eucharist, the sacraments and in each brother and sister.        promise that Jesus will be with us until the end of times. Jesus
                                                                     confirms the fidelity of God in keeping his promises. We will
    Each of the Gospel writers presents different versions of        never be alone. If you are feeling alone at this moment in
the Ascension of the Lord.                                           your life, believe in your heart that you are not alone. God is
   Today Mother Church invites us to reflect on Matthew’s            with you, he dwells within you, in your heart, in your whole
version. What characterizes Mark is introducing the teachings        being. Many times when we are done talking to someone, we
of Jesus, beginning with the Beatitudes, and ending with the         begin talking to ourselves, to our inner selves. In that interior
sending of the disciples to fulfill everything Jesus had taught      life, we find God, and we can talk to Him. We don’t find God
them. The gospel passage this week begins by saying that             just in the outside world, we are more likely to find Him in
there were eleven disciples. Jesus had put together a group of       the internal dialogue. One of Jesus’ teachings about prayer is
twelve, yet we know what happened with Judas. The number             “But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door,
eleven is a mark of imperfection. The Church from its very           and pray to your Father in secret.” (Mt 6:6) Our heart is the
beginnings can be called imperfect because it was formed by          place where we encounter God the Father.
human beings. Yet Jesus trusts that the people he has called             The teaching of the Ascension of the Lord is discovering
will give continuity to His mission.                                 that Jesus’ presence is omnipresent. He is seated at the right
    “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”         hand of the Father, but He also lives among us, because He
This makes reference to Jesus’ Lordship over all the peoples,        promised us “I am with you always, until the end of the age.”
nations and tongues. His Lordship is eternal. God the Father         Our faith in Christ should be a comfort to us these days of the
gave Him authority so He could fulfill his mission of saving         pandemic, we should find solace in knowing we are not
humankind from sin. Now Jesus transmits His authority to             alone. It teaches us that, because we are baptized, our
His disciples so they can continue the mission: “Go,                 destination is heaven. Jesus and Mary Most Holy give us the
therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in      example that, on the day that the Father calls us to His
the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,      presence, we will ascend with the confidence that we are
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” In          returning home. Amen.
order to be able to fulfill the mission, the disciples must obey,
go out, baptize, and teach. Nevertheless, the main mission is
to make disciples. How can they make disciples? The easiest            Fr. Jose Ugalde, MSpS
way to make disciples is through the witness of life as a sign
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                                                                      It has been over a month since we have been able
                                                                      to come together for the celebration of the Mass
                                                                      and even longer since the children met in their
                                                                      Faith Formation groups! Are you worried your
                                                                      child may be losing their connection to the
     FIRST HOLY COMMUNION CELEBRATIONS                                Church? Well, we now have an online Formation
                                                                      Opportunity for Elementary age children. Don’t
It is with great sadness and with much prayer, that the decision      worry. You and your child work on it together!
to postpone our celebrations of First Holy Communion has been         You don’t need to be a teacher or a theologian.
made:                                                                 You watch a video, talk about it and do an optional
                                                                      worksheet. Each session is fun and short. You can
1. The First Holy Communions that were scheduled for April            do it in less than 10 minutes. Go to our website,
   25 and May 2 have been cancelled.                         and click on the Faith
2. The rehearsals/parent meeting set for April 21 and April 28        Formation box.       Then click on the Online
   have been cancelled as well.                                       Formation link. It is just that easy. Check it out!
At this time, new dates have NOT been set for the celebrations,       Stay connected!
but we are looking at dates later in the summer. Once we do set
the dates, you will receive a letter from the parish letting you       FAITH FORMATION FOR YEAR 2020-2021
know the day and time of the new rehearsal and the new                We are working on what our year of faith formation is
celebration.                                                          going to look like. We have to assess all aspects from
If you are planning to move out of the area before August 1,          the current events and also if we get to start a normal
please let me know and I can create a letter for you to give to       Faith Formation program in the fall. At this time,
your new parish so that your child may make their First Holy          dates to begin enrollment have NOT been set. Once
Communion there.                                                      we do set the date we will make them public. Watch
Please know we are looking at dates and as soon as possible we        the bulletin for updates.
will let you know.
Thank you for understanding and I share in your                                     INFANT BAPTISMS
For questions in English:                                             Baptisms have been postponed for the time being.
Stephanie at                               As soon as the new dates are set, we will post them
For questions in Spanish: Eduardo at           in all our information venues. If you have any
                                                                      questions, please contact us at:

                                                                       ¡Padres de familia!
                 PRIMERAS COMUNIONES                                   ¡Hace más de un mes que no hemos podido reunirnos
                                                                       para la celebración de la Misa y aún más desde que
Es con gran tristeza y con mucha oración, que se tomó la decisión      los niños se reunieron en sus grupos de Catecismo!
de posponer nuestras celebraciones de las Primeras Comuniones:         ¿Le preocupa que su hijo esté perdiendo su conexión
1. Las Primeras Comuniones que estaban programadas para el 25          con la Iglesia?        Bueno, ahora tenemos una
   De abril y el 2 de mayo han sido canceladas.                        oportunidad de formación en línea para niños en edad
2. Los ensayos/reuniones de padres fijados para el 21 de abril y el    primaria. No se preocupe. ¡Usted y su hijo/a
   28 de abril también han sido cancelados.                            trabajarán juntos! No necesita ser profesor o teólogo.
                                                                       Miren un video, platiquen sobre él y completen una
En este momento, NO se han fijado nuevas fechas para las               hoja de trabajo opcional. Cada sesión es divertida y
celebraciones, pero estamos viendo fechas más tarde en el verano.      corta. Pueden hacerlo en menos de 10 minutos.
Una vez que fijemos las fechas, recibirán un aviso de parte la         Vaya a nuestro sitio web, y haga
parroquia informándoles el día y la hora del nuevo ensayo y la         clic en el cuadro “Faith Formation” A continuación,
nueva celebración.                                                     haga clic en el enlace “Online Formation” Es así de
Si usted está planeando mudarse de la zona antes del 1 de agosto,      fácil.    Miren de que se trata. ¡Manténganse
por favor hágamelo saber y puedo crear una carta para que usted        conectados!
entregue a su nueva parroquia para que su hijo pueda hacer su
Primera Comunión allí.
Por favor, sepa que estamos viendo las fechas y tan pronto como                    BAUTISMOS de NIÑOS
sea posible se lo haremos saber.
Gracias por entender y comparto su sentimiento de decepción.            Los Bautismos de niños se posponen por el
                                                                        momento. En cuanto se fijen las nuevas fechas
Para preguntas en inglés: Stephanie en                                  recibirán un aviso por parte de la parroquia                                              informándoles. Si tienen alguna pregunta
Para preguntas en español: Eduardo en            contáctenos a:
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  St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

  an                                                                    With the Heart of Jesus

Archbishop Etienne invites us to seek the intercession of Our Lady of Seattle :

                                                                 H         oly Mary, we come before you as
                                                                           spiritual children in great need, seeking
                                                                 your intercession, and asking that your mantle of
                                                                 love surround us to console, protect, and lead us to
                                                                 your son Jesus.
                                                                 We entrust all of God’s family, especially the
                                                                 church in Western Washington, into your
                                                                 immaculate hands. With your son Jesus’ gentle
                                                                 power you can undo any knot in our church, and in
                                                                 the lives of believers who entrust themselves to
                                                                 your care.
                                                                 Today I especially entrust to you [mention
                                                                 request / Coronavirus here], and I ask that—
                                                                 through your intercession, and that of St. James,
                                                                 our guardian angels, and the faithful in our
                                                                 archdiocese—we may be free from every spiritual
                                                                 and temporal ill, and be safely led to encounter
                                                                 your son’s merciful, sacred heart.
                                                                 Our Lady of Seattle, Undoer of Knots, pray for us!

                                                                     For the time being, the Chapel will be open for private
                                                                     prayer only during Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday -
                                                                     Friday 10:30am-12:30pm.
                                                                     Daily Mass at 9am, Monday, Wednesday - Friday and
                                                                     Sundays at 9am on Facebook Live only
                                                                     Please continue to practice the recommendations of the
                                                                     CDC for when you have to leave home for essential
                                                                     business only:
                                                                     Stay home if you’re sick or at risk
            ARCHDIOCESE OF SEATTLE                                   Wash hands or use sanitizer upon entering the Church

                 At Home with Faith
                                                                     Practice social distancing
                                                                     Cover your cough or sneeze
 The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is disrupting our lives
 in many ways. Even in these challenging times, God                  Due to the Covid-19 crisis, Two Hearts/Pregnancy
 provides opportunities to grow in our faith. For parents and        Aid in Everett is running really low on new or
 families at home, we recommend the following resources to           gently used children's clothes, sizes infant thru size
 grow closer to God.                                                 5, diapers, formula, etc. They are open for donation
 Ask God for help. Join Archbishop Etienne in seeking the
 intercession of Our Lady of Seattle with this prayer: http://       drops just by making an appointment. Someone will               come out to your car and get your donations. Please
 PrayerCard2-030520.pdf                                              call for a drop off appointment at (425) 252-6444.
 Pope Francis’ Five Finger Prayer Method - great to teach to         The Moms and little ones of Snohomish county will
 children!                                                           be so grateful for your help.
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                                                                S        anta María, venimos a ti como hijos
                                                                         espirituales en gran necesidad buscando
                                                                tu intercesion. Cubrenos con tu manto de amor
                                                                para que encontremos consuelo, proteccion y nos
                                                                guíe a tu hijo Jesus.
                                                                Encomendamos toda la familia de Dios a tus
                                                                inmaculadas manos, especialmente la iglesia del
                                                                Oeste de Washington. Con el suave poder de tu
                                                                hijo Jesus, puedes desatar cualquier nudo en
                                                                nuestra iglesia y en la vida de los creyentes que se
                                                                encomiendan a tu cuidado.
                                                                Hoy especialmente pongo en tus manos mi pedido
                                                                por [mencionar intención / Coronavirus] , y te pido
                                                                que por tu intercesion, la de Santiago, la de
                                                                nuestro angel de la guarda, y de los fieles de la
                                                                arquidiocesis nos liberes de toda afeccion
                                                                espiritual y temporal, y nos guíes al encuentro del
                                                                misericordioso y sagrado corazon de tu hijo.
                                                                Nuestra Senora de Seattle, Desata Nudos, ¡ruega
                                                                por nosotros!

                                                                    Por ahora, la Capilla estará abierta para la oración
 Gracias por su continua ayuda a la Sociedad de                     personal solamente los: lunes, miércoles a viernes de
               St Vincent de Paul                                   10am a 12:30pm.
                                                                    Misa en Español del día a las 5pm lunes, miércoles a
               La Sociedad de St Vincent de Paul y SEAS             viernes. El domingo a las 10:30am en vivo por
               siguen ayudando a los más vulnerables                Facebook solamente
               durante estos tiempos difíciles y nuestra
                                                                    Continúe    por     favor   usando    las   prácticas
               ayuda es más solicitada que nunca. Les               recomendadas por las autoridades de Salud cuando
               agradecemos sus oraciones y donaciones.              tenga que salir por necesidades esenciales:
               Sus donaciones monetarias las puede
                                                                    Quédese en casa si se siente enfermo o es de alto
               hacer a trevés de Online Giving en la                riesgo
sección de la página web de nuestra parroquia: https://
                                                                    Lávese las manos o use el desinfectante al llegar a la (asegúrese de marcar la opción de SVDP)
o lo puede mandar por correo en el sobre de SVDP. Puede
traer donaciones de comida al cajon de SVDP durante                 Mantenga la distancia social
horas de operación de la parroquia.                                 Cúbrase al toser o estornudar
 ¡Que Dios bendiga abundantemente a usted y a su

                                                                           INTENCIONES PARA MISA
               Aproveche la oportunidad
    Transferencia de Fondos Electrónicos (EFT) para                 ¡Solicite sus intenciones para Misa! Solamente
sus ofrendas automáticas para la parroquia de Sta. Elizabeth
                                                                    mande un correo electrónico a la secretaria de
 Ann Seton. Sus ofrendas son usadas por nuestra parroquia           la parroquia.
para proyectos y mantenimiento de las instalaciones. Usted
  puede hacer una cuenta de EFT contactando a la oficina
       parroquial o por medio de nuestra página web.
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                  Del escritorio del P. José
Meditación:                                                      como garantía de que Jesús está vivo en el corazón y en el
“Yo estaré con ustedes todos los días hasta el fin del mundo”    alma del discípulo. No es la enseñanza primero, sino el
                                                                 compartir la experiencia de Dios con las personas que el
   Este domingo celebramos la Solemnidad de la Ascensión         Señor ponga en nuestro camino. El discípulo es un estudiante
del Señor. El próximo domingo celebraremos la Fiesta de          o seguidor, es una persona dedicada a aprender lo que el
Pentecostés, la venida del Espíritu Santo a la primera           maestro le enseñe. En la cultura judía, un joven que aspira a
comunidad y el nacimiento de la Iglesia.
                                                                 ser rabí le pide a un rabino practicante que lo acepte como
   La Ascensión del Señor al cielo nos enseña nuestro            discípulo o estudiante. En el caso de Jesús-Maestro es lo
destino. Como creyentes, sabemos que no somos de este            contrario. Jesús no espera que las personas vayan a Él, sino
mundo, que nuestro destino es el cielo. Jesús fue enviado por    que Él va a ellas; Él sale al encuentro de las personas y es
el Padre al mundo para enseñarnos el camino de regreso.          entonces que se convierte en Maestro y Camino. Como
Venimos de Dios y a Dios nos dirigiremos en nuestro              Maestro, Jesús nos pide leer y meditar su Palabra, hacer
peregrinar por el mundo. Jesús vino del Padre y regresa al       nuestro su mensaje y vivirlo. Hoy en día tenemos muchos
Padre. Su nueva misión es interceder ante el Padre por           maestros, pero no nos enseñan a vivir la verdadera vida.
nosotros mientras seguimos en el mundo.                          Piensa por un momento, quiénes son tus maestros, qué te
                                                                 enseñan, hacia dónde te dirigen. Es importante reflexionar en
    La Ascensión del Señor es una fiesta de alegría y de gran    este punto. Nuestra vida requiere de un Maestro practicante,
solemnidad, porque Cristo culmina la obra del Padre y es         que viva lo que enseña porque sabe hacia dónde va. Jesús nos
preámbulo para la venida del Espíritu Santo. Jesús había         enseña que Él es el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida. Con Jesús
dicho a los discípulos “Es bueno que yo me vaya para que el      sabemos que Él viene de Dios y va a Dios. Es el camino
Padre envíe al Paráclito, el Espíritu de la verdad, para que     seguro para llegar al Padre y vivir con Él por toda la
esté siempre con ustedes” (Jn 14, 16-17). Regresar al Padre      eternidad.
quiere decir que Jesús estaría con nosotros de una forma
nueva y en todo el mundo. Su presencia física durante su vida        “Sepan que yo estoy con ustedes todos los días hasta el
terrenal era limitada; sólo se movía entorno a su mundo          fin del mundo”. Es interesante que Mateo inicia su evangelio
geográfico. Su nueva realidad no tiene límites. Su presencia     diciendo, “La virgen quedará encinta y tendrá un hijo al que
omnipresente está en todo el mundo y en el corazón de cada       pondrán por nombre Emanuel, que significa, Dios con
uno de nosotros. Lo podemos encontrar a través de la oración,    nosotros” (Mt. 1,23) y termina con la promesa de que Jesús
la Eucaristía, en los sacramentos y en cada hermano y            estará con nosotros hasta el fin del mundo. Jesús confirma la
hermana.                                                         fidelidad de las promesas de Dios. Nunca estaremos solos. Si
                                                                 en este momento de tu vida te sientes solo o sola, cree en tu
    Cada uno de los evangelios presentan diferentes versiones    corazón que no estás solo o sola. Dios está contigo, vive
de la Ascensión del Señor. La Iglesia nos pide reflexionar       contigo en tu corazón, en todo tu ser. Sucede que cuando
este domingo la versión de san Mateo. Lo característico de       terminamos de hablar con alguien empezamos a dialogar con
san Mateo es presentar las enseñanzas de Jesús, comenzando       nosotros mismos en nuestro interior. Es allí en el interior
con las bienaventuranzas y culminando con el envío de los        donde encontramos a Dios y dialogamos con Él. A Dios no
discípulos a cumplir todo lo que Jesús les enseñó. El            sólo lo encontramos en el exterior, más bien lo encontramos
evangelio inicia diciendo que eran once discípulos. Jesús        en el diálogo interno. Una de las enseñanzas de Jesús sobre la
había formado un grupo de doce; sabemos la historia de           oración es, “cuando ores, entra en tu cuarto, cierra la puerta y
Judas. Once significa imperfección. La Iglesia desde sus         ora a tu Padre en secreto” (Mt. 6,6). El corazón es el lugar de
inicios será imperfecta por el hecho de ser humana. Sin          encuentro con Dios Padre.
embargo, Jesús confía en las personas que ha llamado para
que le den continuidad a su misión.                                 La enseñanza de la Ascensión del Señor es descubrir que
                                                                 la presencia de Jesús es omnipresente. Está sentado a la
   “Se me ha dado todo poder en el cielo y en la tierra”.        derecha del Padre, pero también vive entre nosotros, porque
Esto quiere decir el Señorío de Jesús, que tiene poder sobre     es promesa de Él: “yo estaré con ustedes hasta el fin del
todos los pueblos, naciones y lenguas. Su Señorío es eterno.     mundo”. En estos días de pandemia nos conforta nuestra fe
Dios Padre le dio autoridad para que llevara a cabo la misión    en Cristo Jesús porque nos consuela saber que no estamos
de salvar a la humanidad del pecado. Ahora Jesús transmite       solos en esta situación incómoda. Nos enseña a ver que como
su autoridad a los discípulos para que continúen con su          bautizados nuestro destino es el cielo. Jesús y la Virgen María
misión. “Vayan, pues, y hagan discípulos a todos los pueblos,    son el ejemplo para nosotros de que el día que el Padre nos
bautizándoles en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu    llame a su presencia, ascenderemos con la confianza de saber
Santo y enseñándoles a cumplir todo cuanto yo les he             que regresamos a casa. Amén.
mandado”. Para cumplir la misión, los discípulos deben
obedecer, ir, bautizar y enseñar. Sin embargo, la misión
primordial es hacer discípulos. ¿Cómo hacer discípulos? La            P. José Ugalde, MSpS
manera sencilla de hacer discípulos es el testimonio de vida
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                   A WAITING HARVEST
                                   Vocation Awareness
     Signs of a Vocation to Priesthood
     and Characteristics of a Good Candidate
  12. A good candidate for diocesan priesthood          religious life. Many convents of the Missionaries of
  should be joyful and have a good sense of humor. Charity have a sign on the wall with a quote from
  Part II .                                             Mother Teresa “Joy is the infallible sign of the
                                                        presence of God.”
      Sometimes the man will say, “But Father, this is
  just who I am. I am an intense person.” And I will        Pope Benedict XVI recently said, “The greatest
  say, “No! This is not just who you are. The priest is poverty   in the world is the inability to live our lives
  not his own. If you want to be a priest of Jesus      with   joy.”  And Blessed Julian of Norwich once
  Christ then you will have to change who you are in    wrote:   “The  greatest honor and glory you can give
  this regard, with God’s grace. You have to learn to to almighty God, greater than all your sacrifices and
  relax and smile.” A dour man will not be offerings, is to live your life happily, joyfully,
  approachable to people in the parish unless he learns because of the knowledge of his love.”
  to look at people around him, smile, laugh, and           In the seminary, we watch our men to see if they
  show that he has the joy of Christ. This is what a laugh, if they smile often, and if they show joy. In
  truly human person does. I remember the famous light of the aforementioned psychological and
  documentary about Blessed Mother Teresa of emotional pain, some men will have a more difficult
  Calcutta created by Malcom Muggeridge-the film
  that first made Mother Teresa famous. At one point, time doing this than others. Nonetheless, laughter is
  it showed Mother Teresa getting into a car as she good medicine.
  was leaving one of her convents. She rolled down
  the window, pointed at a certain sister and said,                                                 From the Book
  “Somebody make that sister laugh!” She certainly                                   “To Save a Thousand Souls”
  understood the importance of joy in living the                                              Fr. Brett A. Brannen

  O Jesus,
  Our Eternal Pastor,
  Deign to look with merciful eyes
  Upon this part of your loving flock.
  Lord, we need a large number of priests,
  and men and women consecrated to the
  religious life.
  Multiply vocations,                                                                      This week please pray for
                                                                                                 Simon Stehr.
  And sanctify more and more our priests,
                                                                                        He is Originally from Chehalis
  And those consecrated in the religious life.                                           and is a seminarian with the
  We ask you all this through the Immaculate                                             Archdiocese of Seattle. He is
                                                                                         taking College III Classes at
  Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, your sweet and holy
                                                                                           Bishop White Seminary.
  Jesus give us priests according to your heart.
  Jesus, savior of all people,
  save them, save them!
 For information on becoming a Religious Priest Missionary of the Holy Spirit or
 a Diocesan Priest contact one of the following people: Serra Club: Arthur Adams
                                              Priests:       Fr. Jose Ugalde, M.Sp.S.
                                                           Fr. Jesus Sanchez, M.Sp.S.
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          . we all know, the “social distancing” practices
      and suspension of gathering for Mass have created
      unique challenges to the way we practice our faith.
         Nothing is more important than all of us taking the
      necessary steps to protect and ensure the health and
      well-being of our families, friends, neighbors, as well
      as our parish.
         Although we are physically separated from the
      Eucharist---our church is alive and still on mission.
         This year our parish share of the Appeal is
      $151,672. If we exceed this goal, all excess payments
      received will come back to us and we will put that
      towards recovery of lost offertory donations.
          In addition, this year 10% of all the funds collected
      through the ACA (excluding our rebate) will be placed
      into a special Parish Solidarity Fund at the
         In this way, your donations will help us, but will
      also help other parishes recover.
          The reality is that many of your fellow parishioners
      may not be able to participate this year, so your support
      is more important than ever.
         Be assured of my gratitude for your gift –whatever
      the amount— and of my continuing prayers for you and
      your loved ones!
          Fr. Jose Ugalde MSpS
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               MINISTRIES & GROUPS                                Please keep the sick among us in your prayers, especially:
           Alpha, Roger Ditto and Lisa Nelson
  Altar Servers, Jane McKenzie and Veronica Cardona              Dorathy Ambrozic      Tom Gresczyk            Herb Schafer
        Apostleship of the Cross, Marcia Gimenez                 Salvador Andrada      Richard Gross          Gladdis Schafer
            Bible Study in English, Julie Jones                     Rudy Aviles      Virginia Guzman          Sharon Schafer
         Bible Study in Spanish, Marcia Gimenez
                                                                    Tom Bender          Dee Holiday-             Jim Sloane
Catholic Social Teachings Min, Jane Smoke/Karyn Sullivan
      Coffee & Donuts, Roger Ditto and Lisa Nelson                   Don Bender           Osborne               Judy Sloane
       EMEs, Ana May Apin and Cuquita Cardona                       Jane Bentley    Louise Hundertmark          John Sloane
    Encuentro Matrimonial, Raquel y Antonio Ramírez               Janet Paul- Boers    David Hurtado         Leticia Solorzano
            Eucharistic Adoration, Kimie Mori                      Shawna Boger         Steve Jasmer           Fran Sphung
         Funeral Committee, Marianne Iwamoto                        Tyler Brown      Rosemary Jesmer         Harry St Nicholas
              Good Samaritans, in transition
                                                                   Sharyl Buehler      Steven Jesmer          Adrienne Steuer
         Guadalupe Committee, Carmen Ramos
        Homebound Ministers, Marianne Iwamoto                       Cindy Burby       Helen Johnston          Francis Sullivan
             Hospitality Team, Tony Fletcher                         Rick Burns       Alfredo Lazaga          James Sullivan
       Lectors, Niki Gagner and Elvira Hernandez                     Tom Burns         Arcely Lazaga         Michael Trupiano
                 Linens, Marcia Gimenez                              Ian Bridges     Christopher Leon          Peter Valdez
 “Luz y Vida” Prayer Group, Jose & Angelica Velazquez               Ruth Carpizo        Jennie Leyva          Alexa Vazquez
            Music Coordinator, Kathy Egashira
                                                                    Claire Carter     David McDaniel         Neveha Velazquez
       Pastoral Council, Paul Gallagher/Gerry Apin
            Prayer Shawl Ministry, Joan Kluck                      Eulalia Castillo   Elisa Mogollan         Evelio Villalobos
               Prayer Team, Rolf Augustine                       Jason Consolacion       Jim Moran            Vladimir Vozar
              Pro-Life Ministry, Karen Salvati                    Magaly Cristerna     Maria Muniz-          Rosemary Wentz
                 Rise, Kianna Garmanian                                Ed Crull          Valdovinez              Barb West
              Sacramentors, Scott Occhiuto                          Gary Darnell    Yolanda Noblezada           Tami Wyatt
                Simbang Gabi, Gerry Apin
                                                                    Sharyl Davis     Selena Oceguedal-         Jorge Zepeda
        Stavros, Jim Krieger and Marcia Gimenez
         Symbolon, Roger Ditto and Lisa Nelson                      Mary Deering         Hernandez             Beatrice Zorzi
Velankanni Community, Johnson Andrews & Benson Babu              Alex De Leon Diaz      Teresa Paris
           Women’s Fellowship, Mary Christie                          Saul Diaz        Elamar Perez
                                                                  Billie Dougherty    Margarita Perez
                                                                     Anna Epps       Margaret Quigley
           Cascade Serra Club, Ken Christie                      Devlynn Ferguson     Michael Quigley
           Catholic Daughters, Kathy Taylor                         Fran Fielden         Ritzy Rafer
           Knights of Columbus, Frank Celli
                                                                    Jason Gagner      Teresita Ramos
         St. Vincent de Paul     425-355-3504                      Ricardo Garcia      Arnold Rivera
                                                                    Annie Gillen        Joyce Rosas
                                                                     Rebecca Go     Florentine Ruhland
  Contact for all ministries                  Lupita Gonzalez    Jesus Sanchez Sr.
     Mention the ministry in the subject line.
                                                                       May the Father bless you, the Son heal you and
                                                                             the Holy Spirit comfort you. Amen.
      Counseling    425-257-2111 or 888-240-8572                  To add/remove someone on this list, please contact
                                                                  Eduardo Cardona (425) 481-9358 ext 314 or email:
                                                         Si quisiera añadir/remover a
                                                                  alguien a esta lista, comuníquese a la oficina parroquial.

                                                                                  Harvey Funeral Home
              You may take advantage of                                          Catholic Owned and operated
       Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) for
 automatic gifts to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church.                 Our bulletin is published at no cost to the parish as it is
                                                                    supported by the ads on the back. Please consider using
     Gifts to our home parish are used for parish                 their services and tell them you saw their ad in our bulletin.
  projects and for the upkeep of our facilities. You
may set up for EFT by contacting the Parish Office or
              through our parish website.
The Ascension of the Lord, 05/24/2020 | SETON Sunday News | 11
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