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Christ Lutheran News June, 2018 A Father’s Day Poem Author Unknown God took the strength of a mountain, The majesty of a tree, The warmth of a summer sun, The calm of a quiet sea, The generous soul of nature, The comforting arm of night, The wisdom of the ages, The power of the eagle's flight, The joy of a morning in spring, The faith of a mustard seed, The patience of eternity, The depth of a family need. Then God combined these qualities. When there was nothing more to add, He knew His masterpiece was complete, And so, He called it... Dad We will seek God’s will, share God’s love, and serve as Christ’s people.
Worship Information Saturday: Church Office: 836-8291 Contact Information 5:15 pm Saturday Evening Worship with Holy Communion Street Address: 2959 Queen Avenue, Slayton, MN 56172 E-mail: Sunday: Website: 9:00 am Sunday School (September 10—May 6) Dawn Mouw, Office Manager 10:15 am Worship (Holy Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays) Dale Lange, Custodian Broadcasts: Pastor Dawn Quame Sunday, 11:30 am Worship broadcast on Radio KJOE FM 106.1 cell phone: 507-829-7584 Wednesday, 10:00 am Worship on Television Channels 3 & 67 E-mail: Executive Council Mike Stelter, President Lora Hopp-Hansen, Vice President Kathy Behrends, Secretary Prayer Requests Ronda Radke, Treasurer Call the church office at 507-836-8291, or e-mail with your prayer requests. If you would like a pastoral visit or be included in pastoral prayers during worship, please Remember to check out call the church office. Inside this issue: our Mobile Friendly Pastor’s Column 4 Website: Address, Phone & Email Corrections Summary of Council Minutes 7 christinslay- Christ Lutheran maintains a database of all members. If Extending the Table Training 9 you have had any changes to your address, phone num- Faith Lutheran Update 10 ber, marital status, etc. please contact Dawn with your Worship Schedule/Transition Team 11 name and the changes that need to be made. Financial Information 12 National Youth Gathering 13 “Slayton Christ If You Are Ill Lutheran Church” Calendar 14 Hospitals no longer notify churches when their members WCLC 16 are admitted for care. While we feel these laws are im- Prayer Concerns 18 Would you prefer to read portant to maintain your privacy, we would like to sup- port you with prayer and a visit. Please call the church Youth/VBS 19 your newsletter online or by office 836-8291 to keep us informed of your situation. Worship Assistants 22 e-mail? Please e-mail us: Birthdays/Anniversaries 24 slaytonchrist Canews 27 2 3
“For several days he was with the disciples in strange errand by God where he has to touch a blind mur- Damascus, and immediately he began to proclaim From Pastor Dawn’s Desk ... derer for the purpose of healing him and allowing him to go Jesus in the synagogues, saying, ‘He is the Son of on with his life. This isn’t exactly the kind of thing one God.’ All who heard him were amazed and said, ‘Is wishes to do with someone who is so feared and hated by not this the man who made havoc in Jerusalem others. among those who invoked this name?’” ~ Acts 9:19b-21a Ultimately, this is a story about transformation not just for Saul/Paul, but also for Ananias. God would prove them “For by grace you have been saved through faith, wrong about their previous assumptions. Up until now, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God” Saul was very passionate about persecuting Christians. He ~Ephesians 2:8 spent his life threatening and even murdering Christians. This summer, these two verses from Acts and Ephe- People knew about him, including Ananias, who dared to sians will be heard and studied by many of our young talk back to God, reminding God that “people were talking people. At the ELCA National Youth Gathering in Hous- about Saul and how awful he was.” In his wildest dreams, ton, the theme is “This Changes Everything” and it is Ananias could not imagine such a man being transformed based on God’s grace and Ephesians 2:8. In addition, at into one of the greatest Christian disciples ever. Shetek Lutheran Ministries, a similar theme is being Indeed, God does change everything, beginning with us. In used, “Jesus Changes Everything” and each day camp- the years I have served here in Slayton and Avoca, I have ers will hear of the different ways that Jesus does appreciated the kindness and hospitality found in our com- change things, including our hearts, our identities, our munities. However, I’m old enough and wise enough to purpose, our community and our perspectives. know that not a single one of us is capable of perfection. With this theme in mind, the story in Acts 9 about the We all have our issues and our complaints and our as- conversion of Saul (whose name in Greek was Paul) gives sumptions about “certain other people.” I’m sure we all us a great example of the surprising ways that Jesus have our lists of those whom “other people are talking about changes our hearts and identities. In this story, Saul is one and how awful they are.” Perhaps we have good reason for of the greatest enemies of Christianity. When God came to our concerns. Maybe we have been hurt or offended in a faithful disciple named Ananias and told him to “go to the some pretty horrific ways. street called Straight” where he would find Saul praying and The point then is not to deny our own suffering or pain. to lay his hands on Saul, you can imagine how Ananias Throughout history, human beings have done some pretty must have felt. He answered, “Lord, I have heard from horrible things to each other. In fact, we still do this. We many about this man, how much evil he has done…” But also listen to plenty of assumptions and rumors about oth- the Lord persisted and Ananias, knowing that God is faith- ers. The phrase, “people are saying” should always be ful, listened. heard as a warning that the following things may or not be Reading this story causes one to wonder who had more true. In fact, most of “what people are saying” is about half- reason to be scared, Saul or Ananias. Saul is now blind, truths or unfair judgments. In the end, when we all fall prey hasn’t had anything to eat or drink in three days and has to these kinds of conversations, nobody wins. People get just come face-to-face with the same God he has been per- hurt, sometimes just because they are caught in the middle secuting. Ananias, on the other hand, is being sent on this of our conflicts. 4 5
Quite often, behind our assumptions and half-truths is a Christ Lutheran Church Council Minutes huge amount of fear. Whether we have good reason to be Summary of Executive Council Special Meeting afraid or not, we try to cover up our fears by pointing fingers April 24, 2018 or placing blame somewhere else. God offers us this won- derful alternative with this story about Saul and Ananias. President Mike Stelter called The T.T. members have been Not only was Saul changed by God when he was blinded the meeting to order. nominated by the congrega- for three days, so was Ananias changed once he followed tion. The council is responsi- God’s commands. Ananias, who could have been killed for Pastor Len opened discussion ble for the appointments. 72 even going near Saul, dared to listen to God when he went on the suggested number of pas- individuals were nominated. and laid his hands on Saul and said, “Brother Saul, the Lord tor/pastor’s per number of con- The council voted three Jesus, who appeared to you on your way here, has sent me gregants. In a church the size times, narrowing down the so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy of ours, approximately 700, two list of nominations. The final Spirit.” pastors are recommended. vote provided 7 potential T.T. Not only did Ananias answer God’s command, he even Christ Lutheran needs to make members with 5 alternates’ called Saul “brother” - a title reserved only for those whom short term changes in order to chosen. one knew as a brother or sister in Christ. Ananias may not continue on with our budget have been convinced at this point that God was right, but deficit. He stated that the best A letter will be sent to the 7 Ananias was still faithful. Through this act of faithfulness way to do this was to tender his candidates with a phone call and even by boldly calling Saul “brother”, Ananias was resignation. He will fulfill his follow-up to expedite this proc- changed. His attitude towards someone who had once duties through the month of ess. Members in attendance at been an enemy was changed and out of this transforma- May. this meeting will need to sign tion, the Christian church as we know it now, continued to the letter that is sent. grow. Pastor Len’s main priority for next month will be guiding the Meeting was adjourned with the If it hadn’t been for the ways that God changed the hearts Transition Team. He plans to Lord’s Prayer. of Saul and Ananias, we likely wouldn’t have many of the have 15 one hour meetings or 8 New Testament books and letters we have today, including two hour meetings. There will Respectfully submitted Paul’s letters to the Romans and the Corinthians and the be individual projects that the Kathy Behrends Ephesians. We give thanks to God for the ways that hearts T.T. will conduct, such as meet- have been and continue to be changed even today. Amen. ing one on one with the com- See you in church! mittees. Pastor Dawn P.S. Special thanks to Dana Isaacson of Shetek Lutheran Ministries for the inspiration for this column. 6 7
Christ Lutheran Church Women of CLC: Mothers day the number of committees we Summary of Executive Council Minutes event on May 9th, Quilt auction Council Minutes currently have and the expecta- May 8, 2018 at SLM in June, Synod Con- tions placed on the committee vention June 29 and 30 with in- members. The meeting was called to The Worship and Evangelism kind items being collected, one Youth: Betsy reported on the order by Vice President Lora committee has assisted with pul- Baptism quilt provided. successful bowling event that Hopp-Hansen. Motion to ap- pit supply for June 9 and 23. Worship and Evangelism: was held for the confirmation prove the agenda. The secre- Mary Ellen reported that they students. tary’s reports for April 11 and An update was given by the Pas- have been working on Pulpit 24 were distributed. The tors regarding the process of Supply for the dates of Pastor The meeting was adjourned and Treasurer’s report was re- closing Faith Lutheran. Dawn’s absence. They sug- closed with the Lord’s Prayer viewed. Giving in the month gested to have processional of April has greatly improved New Business: The June execu- communion in place of kneel- Respectfully submitted our financial situation.tive council meeting has been ing on the first Sunday of each Kathy Behrends scheduled for Tuesday, June 12. month. Expressed concern on The Pastor’s reports were re- Boards/Committees will begin at viewed. Pastor Len reported that 6:00 with the Executive council the Transition Team is in place. beginning at 7:00 p.m. Discussion was held on the need Extending the Table Training to update our by-laws and consti- Board Reports: tution. This will be a board pro- Fellowship and Service: Served Christ Lutheran Church is working towards offering training ject in the near future. four funerals. and information to all lay people who are interested in being Mission Outreach: Marie re- a part of “Extending the Table” ministry. This involves lay Old Business: The Pastors will ported on the progress of the people bringing “church” to those who are unable to join us make a selection to fill one of the Extended Table Mission, New during our regular worship time. Christ Lutheran has sev- positions on the Personnel Com- Member Sunday coffee pro- eral communion kits available for home communions. In mittee. The council will make a ceeds to VBS, and possible fu- addition, an order of service will be provided that “extends selection for the other open posi- ture projects. the service of Holy Communion by sending ministers from tion. President Stelter will ap- Parish Ed: Nicole reported on the assembly, bearing the gifts of God’s word and sacra- point a member to the Memorial VBS planning. Committee. mental meal to those who are unable to be present in public Property and Management: Keith reported on the church worship. This ministry offers these people a means of par- The temple talks dealing with our grounds clean-up, bids to be ticipating in the worship of the whole assembly, and it helps giving and financial situation obtained for carpet cleaning those who have gathered publicly to recognize their one- were previously put on hold. The and regluing areas of the car- ness with sisters and brothers who are absent.” (“From council’s consensus was to pre- pet, 18 LED lights have been Evangelical Lutheran Worship Pastoral Care: Occasional pare and present these talks. donated for the sanctuary. Services, Readings, and Prayers, copyright 2008. All rights Stewardship: No meeting held, reserved.) President Stelter was able to se- planning a pledge drive in the If you are interested in being a part of this meaningful minis- cure a line of credit at Minnwest fall. try, please contact the church office or Marie Paulzine from Bank. 8 the Mission Outreach committee. 9
“What’s happening at Faith Lutheran?” Worship Schedule Special Congregational Meeting Minutes Saturday, June 9 – Al Kruisselbrink, from Chandler, will Faith Lutheran Church lead worship & preach while Pastor Dawn is at Synod May 20, 2018 Assembly. Church council president Marv Isder called a special meeting of Saturday, June 23 – Heidi Winter will lead worship & the congregation of Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church to order preach. May 20, 2018 at 9:45 a.m. Marv declared a quorum. Beth Cupe- rus and Ann Kirlin were appointed tellers for the vote. Sunday, June 24 – we welcome Pastor Kathryn Skoglund from the Southwest Minnesota Synod staff as guest Sharon Busswitz made the motion, second by Lexi Fransen to preacher at Faith Lutheran and Christ Lutheran. present the resolution for a vote and Marv proceeded to read the Saturday, June 30 – Pastor Dawn will lead worship & resolution, as mailed to the members, aloud, with the suggestion that the council had recommended August 5, 2018 as the final preach at Shetek Lutheran Ministries Chapel at 5:30. date of services. Ballots were distributed. The tellers collected There will not be services held at Christ Lutheran on the ballots and reported that it was a unanimous ballot to pass that evening. the resolution, with 27 votes cast. Linda Pederson from the synod explained that if the synod is made aware of the need for any of the contents of the church, they will pass that along to us. There was also discussion about how the congregation could disperse any church property later in Transition Team Update ... an organized fashion whether through a silent auction or a live The transition team met again on May 23. We are excited to auction. continue to move our process forward. We worked hard to identify our focus groups. We are also developing our dis- Marv stated that the checking account for Faith Lutheran Ceme- cussion outline for these focus sessions. teries should be transferred to the Faith Lutheran Cemetery As- sociation. The goal is to meet with all of the identified focus groups in June. The input from these sessions will be used to develop Marv clarified that with the vote today, the church council has the our congregational profile. The profile is basically a resume’ authority to proceed with the closing of the church. that can be used to help identify the future direction of Christ Lutheran Church. The congregation was informed that Karen Frisk and Pastor Dawn will work with the members to transfer their membership It is important that we get input from as many of you as pos- elsewhere. sible so please try to attend at least one of the focus group sessions. Any of the transition team members are also will- Motion by Jim Jens and second by Lexi Fransen to adjourn the ing to take your input on a one-on-one basis. The team meeting at 10:14 a.m. members are Jerry Moline, Arlyn Stokesbary, Katie Gillette, Marshall Isder, Theresa Nysetvold, Lorna Bader and Neal Respecfully submitted, Everson. Cheryl Thiner, Secretary 10 11
On this page you will find a brief overview of the 2018 ELCA National Youth Gathering Update month’s offerings. It is our goal to provide you Financial Information with actual, updated information about Christ On June 24, 2018 a group of seven youth and two adults Lutheran’s financial status. Following our annual from Faith and Christ Lutheran Churches will board a bus meeting, the congregation voted on the 2018 budget. The headed to the ELCA National Youth Gathering in Houston, budgeted amount for general offerings breaks down to TX. They will travel with groups from Ortonville and Morris, $24,133.67 each month to cover our anticipated ministry MN, staying overnight several nights on their way to and expenses. 3% of your offerings each month will be sent to from the gathering. There will be a special blessing and the Synod office to meet our Synod Mission Support goal. sending during worship on Sunday, June 24, 2018 during ~Ronda Radke, Treasurer worship at 10:15 am at Christ Lutheran Church. Please & Dawn Mouw, Office Manager pray for these young people and adults as they travel and experience this gathering with nearly 30,000 other Luther- Here’s a look at where we ended April: ans. If you wish to support this group in other ways, please con- Beginning Balance: $ (7,611.71) sider donating one or more of the following items. You may Receipts: $ 35,517.02 drop your donations off at Christ Lutheran the week of June Expenses: $ 3826,928.48 17-24. Thank you. Ending Balance: $ 976.83 Suggested Youth Gathering Donations: The gray bar shows our actual offerings through May 31. Bottled Water Chips The black bar is our budgeted offering total. Licorice Apples Fruit Snacks Oranges Cookies Hard Candy Individual drink mixes 9 rain ponchos Crackers Small bottles or tubes of sunscreen and hand sani- tizer 12 13
14 Christ Lutheran’s Calendar for June 2018 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Pastor Worship 5:30 Wedding 9:00 Yarn & Yak Dawn Quame Service is Rehearsal broadcast every 3:00 Wedding Cell Phone # Sunday morning @ 507-829-7584 11:30 am on KJOE 5:15 Worship E-mail: 106.1 FM w/Holy dawnquame@ Communion 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8:45 Worship @ Faith Pastors’ Day Off 9:00 WCLC Board 10:00 Worship on 5:15 WCLC Bible 5:15 Worship 10:15 Worship @ 1:30 Staff Meeting Channels 3 & 67 Study Leaders Christ with Commun- 5:30—8:00 VBS ion; Coffee 5:30—8:00 VBS 5:30—8:00 VBS 5:30 VBS 7:00 VBS Program 2nd Sunday after Synod Assembly, Redwood Falls Pentecost 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8:45 Worship @ Faith Pastors’ Day Off 9:00 Comm @ Sun- 9:30 Peace Circle 7:00 Faith Council 5:15 Worship 10:15 Worship; Cof- rise 10:00 Worship on w/Holy fee 7:00 Love Circle 10:15 Comm @ Lin- Channels 3 & 67 Communion denwood 1:30 Faith Circle 1:30 Staff Meeting 7:00 Committees 8:00 Council 3rd Sunday after Pentecost 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 8:45 Worship @ Faith Pastors’ Day Off 1:30 Staff Meeting Newsletter Deadline Wedding Rehearsal Wedding 10:15 Worship w/ 10:00 Worship on Holy Comm; Coffee Channels 3 & 67 Quilt Auction at Shetek Lutheran Ministries 5:15 Worship 4th Sunday after Pentecost 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8:45 Worship @ Faith Pastors’ Day Off 1:00 Quilting 10:00 Worship on 5:30 Worship 10:15 Worship; Cof- 1:30 Staff Meeting Channels 3 & 67 w/Holy fee 1:00 Quilting Communion at Shetek Lutheran Ministries 5th Sunday after Women’s Synodical Convention National Youth Gathering 15 Pentecost
WELCA Synodical Convention Our Mission: Women of Christ Lutheran Church To mobilize women to act boldly on Bethlehem Lutheran Church, St Cloud their faith in Jesus Christ. Friday & Saturday, June 29-30 Registration begins at 11:00 am Convention begins at 12:15 pm June Visitation/Bingo: Peace Circle Theme: Outlaw Christian Theme Verse: “Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be cou- Bible Study Leaders rageous, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” Thursday, June 7 at 5:15 pm ~1 Corinthians 16:13-14 Peace Circle Contact Amy Nepp by June 6 if you are interested in attend- Wednesday, June 13 at 9:00 am ing. Cost is $80 for 2 days and $50 form 1 day—WCLC will Join us at 9:00 am for Coffee and Conversation pay for 1/2 of your registration. Scholarships are available for new attendees. with Lorna Bader from the Transition Team. Bible Study—the May Lesson—will follow Shoes, Socks and ChapStick Bible Study Leader: Laurel Nelson The WCLC is collecting new, white men’s socks and Chap- Hostess: Evelyn Schreier Stick for the VA Hospital in St Cloud and any and all used shoes for Soles 4 Souls. Shoes can be left in the entry way Faith Circle and the socks and ChapStick can be put in the box in the Fel- Wednesday, June 13 at 1:30 pm lowship Hall. Faith Circle is invited to join Peace Circle at 9:00 am for Coffee & Conversation with Lorna from Radio Broadcast Ministry the Transition Team. The next available dates are June 10, July 8 and 15. Hostess: Maxine Skouge Checks ($65) can be made out to Christ Lutheran with “Radio Broadcast” in the memo or you can pay online by Love Circle visiting our website. June 11 at 7:00 pm Bible Study Leader: Lila Anderson Hostess: Carolyn Gillette Ongoing Ministry Projects: Yarn & Yak—Saturday, June 2 at 9:00 am in the Chapel Quilting Lounge Monday, June 25 and Quilting—Monday, June 25 and Tuesday, June 26 at Tuesday, June 26 at 1:00 pm 1:00 16 17
Bill Baune, Vera Chmela, Bernice Crompton, Sheldon Great Bible Apps & Judy Dean, Lori DeGreeff, Robert Domina, Kenley Prayer Concerns Finke, Elayne Finke, Bob Gass, Allison Grieme, Orv The NIV Adventure Bible is the Bible is what we give to 3rd Grieme, Les Hakeneis, Laurie Hardekopf, Scott Heg- graders. This app is FREE in the two lite versions avail- stad, Evelyn Herder, Marilyn Hoffman, Iris Idler, Irene able for Ipad and Iphone. The lite version is designed for Bible memory; you can do verse scrambles, choosing easy, Johnson, Julia Johnson, Amie Rowden-Kidd, Saman- medium or hard levels. The full version of the app costs tha Kirchner, Lynn Knutson, Randy Koll, Alan Kramer, $1.99 Marlene Larson, Bob & Betty Like, Carl Lindberg, Elsie Lindberg, Kristin Martin, Monica Morgan, Laurel Nel- Superbook Kids Bible App from CBN has great content and graphics. This app contains games, Bible trivia, videos, and son, Kim Nesmoe, Avalon Paulson, Lynda Petersen, cool sections for your children to mark their favorites. The Carolyn Quame, Floyd Schadt, Carl Schreier, Robert graphics are EXCELLENT and it’s FREE! Available on Sellman, Maxine Skouge, Opal Soderholm, Jeff Spartz, Itunes AND NOW Android! How awesome is that?! Super- Mary Ann Suedbeck, Charles Swan, & Harold Yotter. book also has a wonderful online free game center for kids. The American Bible Challenge is a Bible trivia game show Continue to remember in prayer ~ on the Game Show Network. This app works like the trivia Those dealing with cancer and other long-term illnesses. game played on the show. Although the app does not indi- cate that it is designed for kids, the instructions are easy to Members who are shut-in follow for older elementary students. Available for FREE on Service men and women Itunes and Android. Those who mourn the loss of loved ones The Beginner’s Bible App is designed for children ages 2-6 and the first “story pack” is FREE (a great way to try out the app and enjoy the features, determining if it works well for your children.) This awesome app includes coloring pages, puzzles, and games. Each story pack contains 6 stories. The in-app purchases of $1.99 each can be made for addi- Thank God for Little Things tional story packs. Available for Ipad only. By Helen Steiner Rice The Word Search is a fun Bible game app based on sto- Thank You, God, for little things that often come our way - ries and themes in the Bible. With four levels of difficulty and 32 puzzles for each level, this word search game is The things we take for granted but don't mention when we pray - great to challenge through age 7 and entertain through The unexpected courtesy, the thoughtful, kindly deed - adult. Available for free on Iphone and Ipad, A hand reached out to help us in the time of sudden need. The Jesus Calling for Kids devotional app. This is not Oh, make us more aware, dear Lord, of little daily graces strictly a “Bible app”, but it is still a Bible education app, as That come to us with 'sweet surprise' from never-dreamed of are many of the above-mentioned apps. This devotional app is the exact same quality of the book. You can check places. out the lite version for FREE for IOS users or you can pur- chase the full devotional for $9.99. Also available on Kindle! From: 18 19
VBS Service Project We will be collecting books and money to purchase books for Christ Lutheran's youth to take along to Houston for the National Youth Gathering. There is a very specific list of books that are needed. These books will be given to the Houston School District to share with the economically dis- advantaged students in their district. You can find a list of the books on our webpage— vbs. Can You Help? We are currently seeking donations of the following items for craft projects for Bible school: Coffee cans buttons June 4-7, 5:30—8:00 pm tin cans (no lids) bottle caps/lids gems/sequins tin foil small pom poms Monday—Thursday evenings medium width rubber foam craft sheets bands googley eyes to glue on for pre-school (potty trained) through 6th Grade felt pipe cleaners Cost: Freewill donation duct tape straws Register online at: There is a box in the narthex for your donations. Thanks for you help!! VBS Program: 7:00 pm Thursday, June 7 Contact Megan Schryvers or Brittany Schneider with questions 20 21
Acolytes Lector Greeters Communion Usher Video Power Point Worship Assistants for June 2018 Saturday 6/2 Luke Schneider Luke & Brittany Jim & Joan Kluis Katie Gillette 5:15 PM Schneider Sunday 6/3 Carli Moline Lorie Kruse Ushers Dave & LeAnn John Swart, Jim Johnson Neal Everson Grace Moline 10:15 AM VanMeveren, Acolyte Dave & LeAnn VanMeveran Saturday 6/9 Linda Wing Dean & Sue Streff Jan Cuperus 5:15 PM Sunday 6/10 Rylan Behnke Karen Torbert Ashlee Sykora Clayton & Karen Torbert Linda Nelson Leon Kruse 10:15 AM Dee Behnke Travis & Randi Stoel Saturday 6/16 Linda Thovson Marshal Isder Ralph & Bev Knapp Rossow family 5:15 PM Bev Knapp Sunday 6/17 Drew Wittrock Brenda Whitehead Doug & Lynette Cal & Kathy Wurpts Tom & Brenda Whitehead Jon Hoyme Drew Wittrock 10:15 AM Sieve Acolyte Cal Wurpts, Jim Johnson Saturday 6/23 Luke Schneider Mike & Deb Schreier Kathy Behrends 5:15 PM Sunday 6/24 Brooke Nielson Pam Schreier Twilla Sellman Pam Scheier, Jim Johnson Tim Lange Lauren Stoel 10:15 AM Sheila Sundahl Travis & Randi Stoel Saturday 6/30 Worship at Heidi Winter Heidi Winter Scott Winter 5:30 PM Shetek Lutheran Al Husfeldt Brandon Winter Ministries Bread Bakers: Karen Julius, Linda Wing DVD to City Hall: Karen Torbert Thank you to everyone who is helping during worship services at Christ Lutheran Church this month. If you cannot fulfill your ministry responsibilities, please find your own substitute and let the office know of your replacement. Thank you!!! 22 23
1 John Swart 17 Lorie Kruse Sheldon Dean Blake Schmahl 2 Jayson Estum Owen Wittrock Keith Rossow 18 Cornelius Smit 3 Dave & Judy LaBoda (1989) Shannon Leysen 19 Brenda Boese 4 Larry & Debbie Meyer (1977) Karissa Hurd LeRoy Johnson 5 Clifford & Nancy Olson (1971) 3 Jeremy Johnson Lisa Johnson Judy Lange Camdyn Kluis 8 Jon & Ruth Hoyme (1969) Chyanne Crowley Lacey Rachuy Dustin & Ashlee Sykora (2013) Mary Engbarth 20 MacKenzie Reith 9 Heath & Angela Landsman (2001) 4 Riley Boese 21 Nancy Boerboom Del & Sheri Hoefker (1966) Faith Bose 22 Barbara Hill 16 Dale & Linda Nelson (1979) Pat Onken Tom Klein Henry Hamilton Jeremy Steinle Brad & Pam Hovdet (1984) 5 Susan Isder 23 Judy Schreier 17 Ed & Vicki Hoffmann (1972) DeeDee Behnke McKaden Danneman Jim & Joan Kluis (1967) 6 Avalon Paulson 24 Weston Hill 19 Luther & Pat Onken (1971) 8 Noah Boerboom Rebecca Holmes Travis & Randi Stoel (2004) Nichole Boese Harold Nelson Cari Schreier 25 Kyle Cochran 20 Eldon & Elvera Nelson (1957) Axel Lindberg Tyler Groves 22 Eric & Sarah Dahlgren (1991) Jack Zens Jordyn Larson 23 Ralph & Beverly Knapp (1956) 9 Bridget Prahm Jim Gillette Craig & Dawn Christensen (1990) Richard Peterson Michael Johnson Craig & Kelly Gillette (1995) Dean Schreier 26 Gary Busse LeAnn Van Meveren Kati Bobeldyk 25 Luke & Brittany Schneider (2005) Briana Gertsema Andy Anderson 26 Steven & Vicki Hansen (1971) 10 Steve Telkamp Ashlee Bonnstetter Craig & Amy Gertsema (1993) 11 Patricia Cabinboy 27 Karen Julius Joshua & Ashley Bonnstetter (2010) Austin Steinle Mitchell Larson Jason & Mandy Carlson (2004) Brenner Schryvers Marilyn Robillard 12 Brian Hanson Amy Jo VanEck Patrick & Colleen Freeman (2015) Donna Knapp 28 Luke Schryvers 27 Christina & Vernon Walker (2009) Brennly Plotz Tyler Wasberg 28 Mylan & Terry Larson (1975) Vance Thooft Karlie Schuur 30 James & Connie Berglund (1984) 13 Colton Fransen Konnor Rakowski 14 Jim L Johnson 29 Wayne Estum 15 Megan Doeden Emma Schuur Jaida Carlson Dennis Doeden Rylan Behnke 30 Brielle Haken 16 Hilda Grieme Please contact the office if you notice a mistake or omission on Steve Haugen the Birthday or Anniversary lists. Thanks for your help! Travis Skindelien 24 Wendy Danneman 25
14 Keeley Island Dr Do you have a job in this church and this June 2018 Slayton, MN 56172 community … or do you have a ministry? 507-763-3567 There is a difference! If you are doing it because no one else will, it’s a job. If you’re doing it to serve the Lord, it’s a ministry. If you are doing it just well enough to get by, it’s a job. If you’re doing it to the best of your ability, it’s a ministry. Shetek Lutheran Ministries If you’ll do it only so long as it doesn’t interfere with Where Christ Renews and Empowers other activities, it’s a job. If you’re committed to staying with it even when it means letting go of other things, it’s a ministry. Mark Your Calendar If you quit because no one praised you or thanked you, June 10 – First day of CAMP! Come and Join us it was a job. If you stay with it even though no one June 18 - XX Golf Fundraiser this summer for seems to notice, it’s a ministry. June 22 – Quilt Auction Preview Saturday Night June 23 – 32nd Annual Quilt Auction If you do it because someone else said that it needs to Worship. Shetek June 23 – 5k Pelican Walk/Run be done, it’s a job. If you are doing it because you are Lutheran Minis- convinced it needs to be done, it’s a ministry. July 17— Donor Picnic tries Christ Center July 29—Summer Toddlers & Trees June 9— August It’s hard to get excited about a job. It’s almost impossi- August 24-26 – Young at Heart Retreat 11, 5:30 p.m. ble not to get excited about a ministry. For more information go to or If your concern is success, it’s a job. If your concern in Call 507-763-3567 faithfulness, it’s a ministry. Help send Kids to camp…Become a Pelican/Timber member today. For more information call 763-3567 or Shetek Lutheran Ministries 32nd Annual Quilt Auction will be held Saturday June 23rd 10:30am at the SLM Activity Center. Quilt Previews will be Friday June 22nd 6:30 – 8:30pm & Satur- day June 23rd 8:30-10:00am. NEW this year Brats and Burgers Picnic Friday 5:30 – 7:30 along with Pontoon rides on beautiful Lake Shetek. Please join us and help us make this year’s 32nd annual quilt auc- tion a big SUCCESS!! 26 27
28 Published 11 times a year Volume 2018, Issue #4 May 31, 2018 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION US Postage Paid Permit #4 Slayton MN 56172-1513 CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH 2959 QUEEN AVENUE SLAYTON MN 56172 Phone: 507-836-8291 Fax: 507-836-8789 Email: RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED God’s work. Our hands. Visit us on the web at ...
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