Summer 2021 Activities Brochure - *Masks are required inside City of Dubuque facilities

Page created by Jeanne Arnold
Summer 2021 Activities Brochure - *Masks are required inside City of Dubuque facilities
Summer 2021
Activities Brochure

 *Masks are required inside City of Dubuque facilities*

        (563) 589-4263 |
Summer 2021 Activities Brochure - *Masks are required inside City of Dubuque facilities
2             STAFF CONTACTS                                                      FACILITY PHONE NUMBERS
                      Administration Office/                                              Allison-Henderson Center ..................... (563) 589-4300
                      Park Division/Maintenance                                           Bunker Hill Pro Shop ............................ (563) 589-4261
                      (563) 589-4263 ................
                                                                                          Comiskey Center .................................. (563) 589-4296
                      Marie Ware, CPRP                                                    Eagle Point Park Toll Booth
                                                                                          (not for pavilion reservations) .............................. (563) 589-4216
                      Leisure Services Department Manager
                      (563) 589-4263           Miller Riverview Campground................ (563) 589-4238
                                                                                          Port of Dubuque Marina ....................... (563) 582-5524
                      Dan Kroger, CPRP
                      Recreation Division Manager                                         Multicultural Family Center .................... (563) 582-3681
                      (563) 589-4310 .................          Carnegie-Stout Public Library ............... (563) 589-4225
                                                                                          Five Flags Center .................................. (563) 589-4254
                      Steve Fehsal
                      Park Division Manager
                      (563) 589-4260 ..................         WEATHER RELATED NUMBERS
                                                                                          Flora Pool ............................................. (563) 589-4246
                      Tony Elskamp, CTRS, CPRP
                      Recreation Supervisor (Early Childhood Programs)                    Sutton Pool .......................................... (563) 589-4247
                      (563) 589-4312 ..............            Adult Sports Hotline.............................. (563) 589-4386
                                                                                          Playgrounds Hotline.............................. (563) 589-4386
                      Janna Beau, CPO
General Information

                      Recreation Supervisor (Aquatics & Miracle League)
                      (563) 589-4315
                                                                                          HELPFUL WEBSITES
                      Brian Feldott                                                       Activity Programs & Registration:
                      Recreation Supervisor (Athletics & Field Rentals)                              
                      (563) 589-4316 .................         
                                                                                          Park Pavilion Reservations:
                      Mike Sullivan                                                                      
                      PGA Golf Professional
                      (563) 589-4261 .................         Street Tree Info/Service Requests:
                      Bunker Hill Office Hours: Monday–Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.       Dubuque Marina:

                        HOW TO READ THE SCHEDULE
                                                                                                                                        Class Title
                          Course Number & Fee
                               (R=resident fee,
                          NR= non-resident fee)
                                                              FUNNELS-FUN WITH MR. RYAN
                                                              0550.301 - $69/R, $74/NR
                                                              Age: 2-3 yrs.
                                                              M - Th, September 16 - 19
                                                              10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.                                       SC                              Location
                                     Age or                   Instructor: Mr. Ryan
                          Grade Requirement

                                                                                                                         Program Date(s)
                                                                                                                   Program Time
Summer 2021 Activities Brochure - *Masks are required inside City of Dubuque facilities             3
                                     Safety Measures for Summer
Below are the measures that will be taken to ensure additional safety during the summer for programs
that we offer:

•   Programming will take place outdoors when permissible, pertaining to the weather and type of
•   Staff will, to the best of their ability, adhere to the six foot rule during programs (social distancing).
•   Staff will be wearing masks throughout programs.
•   Participants will have individual equipment and supplies for each program (sharing will not be
•   Facilities, equipment, and supplies will be sanitized before and after programs.
•   Staff and participants that have symptoms of illness or have a temperature above 100.4 are not
    permitted to attend.
•   Class maximums have been reduced in all classes to allow for social distancing.
•   Participants are required to wear a mask for all indoor programs. Participants are encouraged to
    wear masks during outdoor programs when social distancing is not possible.
•   Parents/Caregivers will drop-off/pick-up children at entrance and will not be allowed in program
•   All participants and parents/caregivers are asked to social distance when drop-off/pick-up occurs.
•   Participants will be required to social distance during programs.
•   Drinking fountains at our parks and facilities will not be available this summer.
•   Do not bring personal items to programs other than a water bottle, swim suit or towel when
    appropriate. We ask that you please bring your own filled water bottles.
•   Additional waivers will be required for participation in all indoor programs and pre-
    registered outdoor programs. See page 8 for the waiver form.

             STAY UPDATED
             IN 3 WAYS

                        Notify Me                                Social Media                            Our Website
             Sign-up to be notified of program additions/   Like us on Facebook and check back   All program updates will be added to our
             changes via email or text on our website at    daily for program updates.           website as well. Find them at https://www.

                At any of these locations, you will find updated information regarding Youth Enrichment classes, Adult Athletics/
                     Enrichment, Bunker Hill Golf Course, Port of Dubuque Marina, Miller Riverview Campground, and more!
Summer 2021 Activities Brochure - *Masks are required inside City of Dubuque facilities
REFUNDS                                                       PROGRAM ASSISTANCE
        4             Full refunds may be requested 3 business days prior to        The Leisure Services Department believes that all
                      the start of a program/season. Refunds requested within       individuals should be provided with accessible recre-
                      3 business days prior to the start of a program/season        ation opportunities. Upon request during registration,
                      may offer the potential for proration or a full refund.       individuals with disabilities will be provided accommo-
                      Registrations paid in cash or check will be refunded in the   dations and/or 1 on 1 support to better assist in
                      form of an Activenet credit or city check; city check may     program participation. There is no additional cost to the
                      take up to 30 days. Registrations paid with credit will be    registrant for this service. For more information contact
                      refunded via a personal credit refund or an Activenet         TR Supervisor, Janna Beau at 563-589-4315.
                      credit. The Service Fees and Scholarships will remain
                      Satisfaction Policy: Patrons may request a refund at          VOLUNTEERS NEEDED /
                      any time after the start of a program if they are unhappy
                      with it. These must be submitted in writing or email and
                                                                                    WANT TO HELP?
                                                                                    The Leisure Services Department is always seeking
                      sent directly to the appropriate supervisor. The type of
                                                                                    help in providing improved services to the community.
                      program will determine the amount of refund provided
                                                                                    If you have a desire to volunteer time to assist with a
                      (this may be adjusted due to pre-advertised supplies
                                                                                    program or clean a park, or would like to donate a tree
                      purchased, etc.).
                                                                                    or provide materials or money to improve a certain
                                                                                    facility, please contact the office.

                        EASY WAYS TO REGISTER
General Information

                       PRE-REGISTRATION —                 MAY 5-8, 2021

                      Pre-registration will take place in-person at the Comiskey building (255 E. 24th St.) on Wednesday, May 5th through
                      Friday, May 7th from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., and on Saturday, May 8th, from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. This pre-registration is for
                      income qualifying families looking to apply for scholarships and register for summer programs.

                       ONLINE —        BEGINS MAY 10, 2021

                      Register with a MasterCard or Visa at A small convenience fee is charged by
                      the hosting company. This fee is non-refundable.

                       MAIL, DROP-BOX, E-MAIL, OR FAX —
                       BEGINS MAY 10, 2021

                      1) Mail to Leisure Services Department, 2200 Bunker Hill Rd., Dubuque, IA 52001-3010,
                      2) fill out the forms on pages 6 and 8 and e-mail to,
                      3) fax to (563) 589-4391, or
                      4) drop-off in one of our drop-boxes, located outside the MFC (1101 Central Ave.) and Bunker Hill (2200 Bunker
                      Hill Rd.)
                      *If paying by check, please make checks payable to Leisure Services. To protect your personal information, if you
                      choose to mail in, email, fax, or drop off forms and pay with a credit card, staff will call you at the contact number
                      provided to process payment. Do not write your credit card information on forms.

                       IN-PERSON — TBD
                      See page 9 for in-person location information and follow us for updates.

                          Programs limited to a certain number of participants will be registered on a first-come, first-served basis.
                          Any mail, fax, e-mail, or drop-box registrations received prior to the registration start date, will be input at
                          random starting the next full business day following the registration start date.
                          You will receive a confirmation receipt within two weeks via e-mail or postal mail. Fees may be paid by credit
                          card, cash, or check; make checks payable to Leisure Services Department.
Summer 2021 Activities Brochure - *Masks are required inside City of Dubuque facilities
                                             1500 Loras Blvd.
Allison-Henderson Center (AH)
                                             360 W. 11th St.
Carnegie-Stout Public Library
Multicultural Family Center (MFC)            1157 Central Ave.

Prescott Resource Center                     1151 White St.

Comiskey Park                                255 E. 24th St.

Slattery Center (SC)                         2605 Pennsylvania Ave.
(Dubuque Montressoris School Building)

                                                                                                                                General Information
                                                                         Comiskey Park
                                                                          255 E 24th St

                                                                                          CE N
                                                                                               L A

                                                                           Prescott Resource Center
                                                                                       1151 White St
                                                                       Multicultural Family Center & %
                                                                                 1157 Central Ave & %
                                                               Carnegie-Stout Public Library
                                                                             360 W 11th St                 ST

   &                                                Allison-Henderson Center
   Slattery Center                            %
                                              &     1500 Loras Blvd
   2605 Pennsylvania Ave                      RSITY

                                                                                                       Jule Bus Routes

Summer 2021 Activities Brochure - *Masks are required inside City of Dubuque facilities
City of Dubuque – Leisure Services Registration Form
                                                                       Registration forms may be dropped off during regular business
                                                                       hours at either the Leisure Services Office, 2200 Bunker Hill Rd,
                                                                       Dubuque, Iowa or the Multicultural Family Center, 1157 Central
                                                                       Avenue, Dubuque, Iowa.

Primary Contact/Guardian – Please Print

Name _____________________________________ Address ________________________________________

Phone #1: _____________________ Phone #2: _____________________ Phone #3: ___________________

Email: _________________________________________________________

     Please enroll my account in the City's NotifyMe program to receive Leisure Services Department updates via Cell or Email (circle one)

     I do not wish to receive communications from the Leisure Services Department

     Secondary Contact/Guardian – Please Print

Name: ______________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________

Participant Information

 Last Name,                Birth Date     Gender       Race*     Choice Code         Course Name                        Fee
 First Name                               Identify*                     Number
                                          M/F/T/                        ex: 1000.231

TOTAL FEES DUE: $_____________

Payment Information: If paying by check, please make checks payable to Leisure Services. To protect your personal information, if
you choose to mail in, email, fax, or drop off this form and pay with a credit card, staff will call you at the contact number provided
to process payment. Do not write your credit card information on this form. You can also make a payment using a credit card by
registering online, visiting a registration desk, or calling us at 563-589-4263.

*To provide the most equitable services possible, we would like to know more detailed information on who participates in our
programs. If you choose to provide this information, please use the following codes for this field: W (white), B (Black/African
American), A (Asian), AN (Native American), P (Pacific Islander), M (Mid-Eastern).

Please read the information on the next two pages carefully
and turn in signed form with this registration form.
Summer 2021 Activities Brochure - *Masks are required inside City of Dubuque facilities
Please Read This Information Carefully!

                                                                        CITY OF DUBUQUE COVID-19 RELEASE,
                                                                        WAIVER & HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT

Event/Program Title: ________________________________________________                 Event Date(s): ___________________________

Protocols. While participating in the City of Dubuque Event (“City Event”) described above, the City requires that “social distancing”
be practiced and that face coverings be worn at all times to reduce the risks of exposure to COVID-19. Because COVID-19 is
extremely contagious and is spread mainly from person-to-person contact, the City has put in place preventative measures to
reduce the spread of COVID-19. However, the City cannot guarantee participants, volunteers, partners, or others in attendance
they will not become infected with COVID-19.

In light of the ongoing spread of COVID-19, individuals who fall within any of the categories below should not engage in events. By
attending this City Event, you certify you do not fall into any of the following categories:
   1.   Individuals who currently or within the past fourteen (14) days have experienced any symptoms associated with COVID-19,
        which include fever, cough, and shortness of breath, or other possible symptoms;
   2.   Individuals who have traveled at any point in the past fourteen (14) days either internationally or to a community in the U.S.
        that has experienced or is experiencing sustained community spread of COVID-19; or
   3.   Individuals who believe they may have been exposed to a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 or have been diagnosed
        with COVID-19 and are not yet cleared as non-contagious by state or local public health authorities or the health care team
        responsible for their treatment.

Duty to Self-Monitor. Participants agree to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 (symptoms typically include fever,
cough, and shortness of breath) and, contact  if he/she experiences symptoms of COVID-19 within
14 days after participating in this City Event so other participants can be notified.
Assumption of Risk. I acknowledge and understand the following:
   a.   Participation includes possible exposure to and illness from infectious diseases including but not limited to COVID-19. While
        particular rules and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious illness and death does exist;
   b.   I knowingly and freely assume all such risks related to illness and infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, even if arising from
        the negligence or fault of the City; and
   c.   I acknowledge some of the activities mentioned above may be hazardous. I hereby expressly and specifically assume the
        risk of injury or harm in the activities.

Warning of Risk: Recreational programs are intended to challenge and engage the physical, mental and emotional resources of
each participant. Despite careful and proper preparation, instruction, medical advice, conditioning, and equipment, there is still
a risk of substantial injury when participating in any recreational program. Understandably, not all hazards and dangers can be
foreseen. Depending on the particular activity, participants must understand that certain risks, dangers, and injuries may exist for
reasons including, but not limited to, inclement weather, slipping, falling, poor skill level or conditioning, carelessness, horseplay,
unsportsmanlike conduct, premises defect, inadequate or defective equipment, inadequate supervision, instruction or officiating,
exposure to contagious illnesses and diseases, and all other circumstances inherent to indoor, outdoor, and water related
recreational programs. It is impossible for the City of Dubuque Leisure Services Department to guarantee safety.

Aquatics: I specifically recognize and acknowledge there are certain risks of physical injury and death existing at aquatic
facilities. I voluntarily assume all risk of any injuries, damages or loss, regardless of severity on behalf of my minor child and
myself due to participation in activities and programs connected with or associated with use of aquatic facilities. I further
acknowledge lifeguards and other aquatic staff are not responsible for supervising my activities or the activities of my minor
child(ren). I am solely responsible for supervising my minor children and/or assessing whether my children are physically fit
and/or adequately skilled for aquatic activities. I agree to always supervise any children ages 7 and under for whom I am the
parent, guardian, or responsible party.

Summer 2021 Activities Brochure - *Masks are required inside City of Dubuque facilities
CONTINUED: Please Read This Information Carefully!

                                                                       CITY OF DUBUQUE COVID-19 RELEASE,
                                                                       WAIVER & HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT

Release, Waiver, and Hold Harmless. In consideration of the opportunity afforded to me to attend and participate in the City Event
described above, I will not make a claim against the City or any or any of its officers, employees, or directors collectively for injury
or death, or damage to my property, however caused, arising from my attendance and participation in a City event, including the
negligence of the City.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, I hereby waive and release any rights, actions, or causes of action resulting
from personal injury or death or damage to my property, sustained in connection with my attendance and participation the City
Event, including those resulting from the negligence of the City. In the event any suit is brought, I agree for myself, executors,
administrators, heirs, and assigns to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City or any of its officers, employees, or directors
collectively or individually, from any and all liability for any sums or damages personally or to property whether such claims are
brought in equity or at law which might arise out of my participation in the City Event described above, including, but not limited to,
death or injury, including attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses, including those resulting from the negligence of the City.


Medical Treatment. I hereby consent to the administration of first aid and other medical treatment in the event of an injury and
agree to pay the costs of any such medical expenses. I hereby release and forever discharge the City from any claim whatsoever
which arises or may hereafter arise because of any first aid, treatment, or service rendered in connection with my participation and
activities in City Event.

Insurance. I understand that I will not be covered by any medical, health, accident, disability, or other insurance coverage provided
by the City and that I will not be eligible for any workers' compensation benefits.

Photographic Release. I hereby consent to the unrestricted use by the City and/or persons authorized by the City, of any
photographs, recordings, interviews, videotapes, motion pictures, or similar visual recording of the City Event.

Other. I understand that I will not be paid for services. In all activities I understand that I am responsible for my own safety.

I hereby state that I have read this agreement carefully before signing, I sign this waiver as my own free act and deed, and I
understand what it means and what I am agreeing to by signing.

Signed this ________________________ day of ______________________________________, 2021.

Signature                                                                                       Date

Printed Name _____________________________________ Phone Number ________________________________________

Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Email _________________________________________________________

Parental Signature if attendee is under 18                                                      Date

Printed Name ______________________________________ Address _______________________________________________
Summer 2021 Activities Brochure - *Masks are required inside City of Dubuque facilities

                                                                                                         General Information
Move to the
Family Center:
Summer 2021!
With renovation and expansion
comes opportunity! In an effort to be
more accessible to the community,
the Leisure Services Department is                              The offices of administrative staff
relocating our reception desk to the                            remain at Bunker Hill. Entrance to
MFC this summer 2021. Here are                                  Bunker Hill adminstration is done by
some things to note:                                            appointment only.

         Our reception desk hours at the new                    All walk-in registrations, pavilion
         location are expanded from                             rentals, etc. will be done at the MFC.
         9 a.m.-8 p.m.* on weekdays, with new                   Registration/rentals can be mailed to
         Saturday hours from 9 a.m.-12 p.m.*                    or placed in drop-boxes at the MFC or
         *Hours subject to change                               Bunker Hill.

 If you have any questions or concerns regarding this relocation,           2200 Bunker Hill Road
 please contact Dan Kroger, Recreation Division Manager, at                 Dubuque, IA 52001
 563-589-4310 or
Summer 2021 Activities Brochure - *Masks are required inside City of Dubuque facilities
                                 Family Scholarship Information
                      What Is It?
                      ● A $125 household credit with Leisure Services which can be used on:
                            ○ full price recreation classes
                            ○ swim fees: lessons, registrations, etc. (not valid for daily admissions)
                            ○ pavilion rental or swimming pool rental
                            ○ Eagle Point Park season pass (purchased at Leisure Services)
                            ○ Pet Park season pass
                      ● This credit may not be used for:
                            ○ pool daily admissions
                            ○ golf fees
                            ○ daily entrance fee to Eagle Point Park
                            ○ any other City of Dubuque services
                            ○ A person not listed on scholarship application
General Information

                      Who Is It For?
                      ● Up to 200 Qualifying low-income families residing within the Dubuque City limits
                      ● A family is defined as 2 or more related people(s) residing at the same address.
                      ● Foster children: If a city resident household is above income level and does not qualify for
                      scholarship but has foster children, an individual application will be accepted for foster child
                      and scholarship monies / credit will be put on computer account of foster child. Scholarship
                      credit may only be used for programs for that child.

                      How Do I Apply?
                      ● Scholarship applications are available online at or by
                      ● Due to the COVID-19 pandemic a fully completed application will only be accepted via
                      email ( or dropped off at either location.
                      ● Only 1 application per family.

                      When Do I Get To Use? (Modified for Summer 2021)
                      ● Applicants may use their credits upon completion of the application process.
                      ● Scholarship funds will expire on June 30, 2022.
                      ● No refunds or computer credit will be issued for programs paid for with scholarship funds
                      if canceled at a later date.

                      Pre-registration will take place in-person at the Comiskey building (255 E. 24th St.) on
                      Wednesday, May 5th through Friday, May 7th from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., and on Saturday, May 8th,
                      from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. This pre-registration is for income qualifying families looking to apply
                      for scholarships and register for summer programs.

     NAME _______________________ DATE ___________ EMAIL _______________________

     STREET ADDRESS __________________________________________________________
     CITY ______________ STATE _______ ZIP CODE ________ PHONE # _______________

     1.     Including yourself, how many RELATED people are living in your household?
     same line, same line to the right of the number you circled, circle one of the four ranges
     that shows the amount of your combined household income.

     Family Size           A                                      B                                    C                                 D
          1 ............ 0 – 17,400    ...............   17,401 – 29,050 ....................   29,051 – 46,450 .................   above 46,450
          2 ............. 0 – 19,900   ...............   19,901 – 33,200 ....................   33,201 – 53,050..................   above 53,050
          3 ............. 0 – 22,400   ...............   22,401 – 37,350 ....................   37,351 – 59,700 .................   above 59,700
          4 ............. 0 – 24,850   ...............   24,851 – 41,450 ....................   41,451 – 66,300 .................   above 66,300
          5 ............. 0 – 26,850   ...............   26,851 – 44,800 ....................   44,801 – 71,650 .................   above 71,650
          6 ............. 0 – 28,850   ...............   28,851 – 48,100.....................   48,101 – 76,950 .................   above 76,950
          7 ............. 0 – 30,850   ...............   30,851 – 51,400 ....................   51,401 – 82,250 .................   above 82,250
     8 or more ...... 0 – 32,850       ...............   32,851 – 54,750 ....................   54,751 – 87,550 .................   above 87,550
          If you circled “above” range (Column D) and/or are non-resident, you pay fee for all programs.

                                                                                                                  RACE                 Ethnicity:
                                                             Date of                  Male or             (list ONE from list          Hispanic or
                    Name                        Relationship Birth                    Female            below for EACH name)           Non-Hispanic
     2.     Is participant from home where there is a female head of household?  yes  no
     3. Is the person you are applying for a member of a household using the Housing
     Choice Voucher (Section 8) rental assistance program?  yes  no
     4. Is the person you are applying for a member of a household on the waiting list
     for the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) rental assistance program?  yes  no

                  WARNING:      Whoever, knowingly and willingly makes or uses a document or writing containing
                    any false fictitious or fraudulent statement or entry may be subject to federal prosecution.
General Information

                      TABLE OF PROGRAM CONTENTS

                      ► Neighborhood Programs ............... 13                ► Boys & Girls Club Meal Sites ........ 24

                      ► Youth Enrichment Classes ............ 14                ► Multicultural Family Center ........... 25

                      ► Playground .................................... 15      ► Carnegie-Stout Public Library ...... 26

                      ► Aquatics .................................... 16-18
                                                                                For information regarding programs/
                                                                                services not listed in this brochure,
                      ► Youth Sports ............................. 19-21        such as Youth Enrichment, Bunker Hill
                                                                                Golf Course, Port of Dubuque Marina,
                                                                                Rec & Roll, Carnegie-Stout Library,
                                                                                the MFC, etc., visit our website, like us
                                                                                on Facebook, or sign up to receive
                      ► Parks ......................................... 22-23   emails/texts via Notify Me.                       13
                          Summer CLASSES offered in partnership
                            with Dubuque County ISU Extension
ART ATTACK – 4700.316 - $21/R, $25/NR OR                                   UNDER THE SEA! – 4700.387 – $21/R, $25/
FREE                                                                       NR OR FREE
Age: 6-10 yrs.                                                             Age: 6-10 yrs.
Monday, June 14                                                            Wednesday, July 7
9 – 3:00 p.m.                         Prescott Resource Center             9 – 3:00 p.m.                        Prescott Resource Center
Art is a BLAST when you have the opportunity to discover your              Do you ever wonder why the ocean is blue or why the ocean is
creative side! Explore the five elements of design as we do                salty? This is the place to be! We will learn about the three groups
experiments with color and get crafty. Wear washable play clothes.         of marine animals that live in the ocean! We will be making a live
Free Lunch and Drink Provided.                                             fishbowl so you will have a little bit of the “ocean” to take home
                                                                           with you! Free Lunch and Drink Provided.

– $21/R, $25/NR OR FREE                                                    FIZZ BUBBLE GOO – 4700.383 – $21/R, $25/
Age: 10-14 yrs.                                                            NR OR FREE
Monday, June 21                                                            Age: 6-10 yrs.
9 – 3:00 p.m.                         Prescott Resource Center             Monday, July 12
Be the sitter every parent wants to call! Learn all the responsibilities   9 – 3:00 p.m.                        Prescott Resource Center

                                                                                                                                                  Neighborhood Programs
that go along with babysitting, including safety and first aid. Learn      Have you ever wondered….”What makes an Alka-Seltzer fizz?”
how to plan fun and age appropriate activities for kids, too! Free         Have you ever made a huge dry ice bubble? Come and explore
Lunch and Drink Provided.                                                  the wonders of science by designing and implementing many
                                                                           experiments. Learn how to make Glurch and Ooblick and discover
TO INFINITY AND BEYOND! – 4700.384 – $21/R,                                what “mystery compounds” are in your house! Free Lunch and
                                                                           Drink Provided.
Age: 6-10 yrs.
Monday, June 28
9 – 3:00 p.m.                         Prescott Resource Center
Have you ever dreamed of going to outer space? Learn about the
planets, comets, stars, rockets, the night sky and harness the power
of the sun to create a tasty snack. Free Lunch and Drink Provided.

                                             Four Mounds Adventure Day Camp
                                             A week-long adventure takes place in four great locations throughout Dubuque.
                                             Fun-filled activities include the Four Mounds Challenge Ropes Course, canoeing on
                                             Catfish Creek at Mines of Spain, ecosystem adventures at Swiss Valley Nature Center
                                             and the EB Lyons Interpretive Center. Campers will also enjoy swimming,
                                             creek-stomping, hiking, team building exercises, arts and crafts, and games.

                                             Camp Details: Camp runs Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with an
                                             option of before- and after-care, extending hours from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Children
                                             are required to bring a sack lunch. All other supplies and safety equipment are provided
                                             by the camp, including life vests. Convenient pick-up and drop-off locations will be
                                             announced. For all activities, we provide at least one highly-trained staffer for every
                                             five campers. Campers need no special skills and participate at their own comfort level.
                                             Cost: $145 per camper each week or free to income-qualifying families that are
                                             residents of Dubuque. Children may register for one week only.

        Activity #                Dates                          Ages
        3100.310                  June 14 -18                   11-13
        3100.320                  June 21- 25                   8 - 10
        3100.330                  July 5 - 9                     7-9
        3100.340                  July 12-16                   10 - 12
        3100.350                  July 19 - 23                  9 - 11
        3100.360                  July 26 - 30                   7-9
        3100.370                  August 2- 6                  11 - 13

                       READY TO

Youth Enrichment

                          New Collaboration!
                               The City of Dubuque Leisure
                               Services and the City of Asbury
                               are collaborating to offer some
                               great summer fun in Asbury Park!

                          Asbury Park Sports Camps – $38                                                                Fun in the Sun - 3200.300
                                                                                                                        – $86
                          Age: 6-12 yrs.                                  Volleyball, T/Th, June 15, 17, 22 & 24
                          Location: Asbury Park, located on Asbury                                                      Age: 5-12 yrs.
                          Road at the intersection of Springreen Drive    3200.301 – Beginner, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.       M/W/F, June 14 – July 23 (no program July 5)
                          and Asbury Road                                                                               9:30 - 12:00 p.m.
                                                                          3200.302 – Intermediate, 11:00 – 12:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                        Location: Asbury Park, located on Asbury
                          Each two-week sports camp offers                                                              Road at the intersection of Springreen Drive
                          2 sessions:                                     Basketball, T/Th, June 29, July 1, 6 & 8
                                                                                                                        and Asbury Road
                          · Beginner Camps will focus on learning basic   3200.303 – Beginner, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
                                                                                                                        This very popular program focuses on a wide
                          skills and rules of the games with a strong                                                   range of activities for children age 5 to 12 yrs.
                          emphasis on having fun, teamwork and good       3200.304 – Intermediate, 11:00 – 12:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                        Kids will be grouped based on age. Activities
                          sportsmanship.                                                                                include games, crafts, sports, and special
                                                                          Tennis, T/Th, July 13, 15, 20 & 22
                                                                                                                        days of learning/events with lots of fun!
                          · Intermediate Camps will work on refining                                                    Please apply sunscreen and bring a water
                          existing proficiencies and learning more        3200.305 – Beginner, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
                          advanced skills. Campers will also learn
                          more about scoring and proper terminology       3200.306 – Intermediate, 11:00 – 12:00 p.m.
                          while playing the game.             15


            Learning continues at Dubuque playgrounds this summer through
                   a partnership with AmeriCorps Partners in Learning.
   Trained leaders will plan, organize and direct Playground Explorations in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art
   & Music, Math, Reading or Writing! Activities may include team building challenges; story times; hands-on
   learning experiences and fun, recreational activities. It will be like nothing you’ve experienced before—explore
   at the playgrounds this summer! To ensure safety this summer, staff will be cleaning/sanitizing any supplies/
   equipment used in between users, and wearing masks and gloves when necessary. Restrooms will not be
   available at any of the parks.
                         This is a FREE drop-in program, Monday-Friday, for children ages 6-14

 ALL DAY                                       MORNING ONLY                            AFTERNOON ONLY
 June 14 – August 13                           June 14 – August 6                      June 14 – August 6
 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.                        9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.                 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
 Allison-Henderson (1500 Loras Blvd.)          Murphy Park (1700 S. Grandview)         Eisenhower School (3170 Spring Valley Rd.)
 Flora Park (Wilbright Ln. & Flora Park Rd.)   Jackson Park (Main St. & 15th St.)      Hoover School (3259 St. Anne Dr.)
 Comiskey Park (255 E. 24th St.)               Orange Park (1800 Washington St.)       Marshall School (1450 Rhomberg Ave.)

         *These above playground sites offer a FREE breakfast, lunch and/or dinner for children offered in
          partnership with the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Dubuque and U.S. Department of Agriculture.

   VOLUNTEER PROGRAM: Teens 13-15 years of age may volunteer to assist with the Playground programs. Application
   forms and job descriptions will be available at the Leisure Services office beginning on May 1st, and must be returned by
   Tuesday, June 1st.

                                                              Tentative Opening Day
                                                                            Tuesday, June 1st
                            The full operating schedule/hours, including open swim and adult swim, along with pool fee options, will
                            be posted at a later date on our website. How and when each pool will be open will be determined by
                            staffing levels. Once posted, the pool schedules will be subject to change. Due to open swim schedule
                            uncertainty, and reduced capacity level, pool passes will not be sold this summer.

                            Actions in Response to COVID-19:
                            In accordance with the Iowa Department of Public Health, the Center of the Disease Center and the City of Dubuque, the
                            following precautions will be implemented in effort to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19:
      Sports & Fitness

                            General Safety Precautions:
                            •   If you have been sick in the last two weeks or have a cough, fever or other flu-like symptoms, stay home for the health
                                and safety of yourself and others.
                            •   Follow social distancing standards of a minimum of six feet between you and others.

                            •   Wear a mask when you enter a building or are walking around outdoors and unable to maintain a minimum social
                                distance of six feet.
                            •   Practice good hygiene - Wash hands with soap and water; use hand sanitizer (especially after touching surfaces);
                                Avoid touching face, and sneeze or cough into a tissue.
                            •   Individuals 65 years of age and older, or those with underlying medical conditions, are strongly encouraged by the
                                Governor of Iowa to limit their activities outside of their home to avoid potential exposures.

                            In addition to the General Safety Precautions

                            Open Swim:
                            •   Flora and Sutton Pools will be operating with reduced capacity patron load based on the IDPH calculation. Reduced
                                capacity for Flora Pool is 486 patrons, Sutton Pool is 386 patrons. Admission will be first come, first serve.
                            •   Masks are required to wear on pool grounds unless in water.
                            •   Entry will not be permitted without a mask.
                            •   Directional arrows and markers will be placed upon entering and throughout the facility to assist with social distancing.
                            •   Gathering on the deck and grass areas are discouraged unless within family units.
                            •   Lawn chairs will not be provided.
                            •   Lockers are available within the pool enclosure; however, you are encouraged to bring minimal belongings to reduce
                                time spent in locker rooms.

                            Swimming Lessons:
                            •   Arrive dressed to swim, 5 minutes prior to lessons. Swimmers will enter through admission station and exit side gate.
                            •   To limit physical contact between instructor and student, swimmers in Aquatots, Preschool, Advanced Preschool and
                                Beginner 1 classes, must be accompanied by a parent, sibling, or guardian age 14 or older. This person must be
                                always in the water.
                            •   The instructor will be teaching from the deck, providing in-water examples at a social distance.
                            •   Masks will be worn as you enter the building and removed when in the water.

                            Failure to abide by these requirements may result in dismissal from programs and facilities. A refund will not be issued.                   17
                                          Swim Lessons
GROUP LESSONS – $25/R, $30/NR                                          PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS
Per Two-Week Session                                                   Four (4) thirty-minute lessons: $64/R, $76/NR
Lessons are held in two-week sessions, Monday - Friday the first       Eight (8) thirty-minute lessons: $128/R, $153/NR
week and Monday - Thursday the second week (the second                 Lessons may be scheduled at Flora or Sutton Pools between the
Friday will be used as a make-up day if needed). Lessons are           hours of 12:00 and 1:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, or
held rain or shine; however, if severe weather exists, there may       between the hours of 10 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. on Saturday and
be a need to cancel. Please contact the pools, Flora: 563-589-         Sunday. Private lessons may require the instructor to have
4246 or Sutton: 563-589-4247, or visit the Dubuque Leisure             physical contact with the swimmer. If a guardian chooses, they
Facebook page for weather cancellations. No refunds are given          may be in the water with the child and receive verbal instruction
due to weather.                                                        from the teacher. Please complete the registration form and
                                                                       submit. The Lesson Manager will contact you to schedule dates
                                                                       and times.
–$25/R, $30/NR
Adapted Swimming Lessons are provided to individuals with
physical and cognitive disabilities. The swimmer will be taught
swimming and lifesaving skills based on their ability and goals.
Adapted Lessons coincide with the existing swim lesson
schedule, and may require the instructor to have physical contact
with the swimmer. If a guardian chooses, they may be in the
water with the child and receive verbal instruction from the
teacher. The Leisure Services Department’s goal is to provide a

safe and comfortable environment for you and your child. In order
to understand the needs and expectations of both the guardian
and swimmer, please complete the Adapted Swim Lesson form
completely (,
and submit with your registration.

If there are specific concerns prior to the start of lessons, please
contact Janna Beau, Aquatics Director, at jbeau@cityofdubuque.

                                                                       Beginner II - Stroke readiness. Swimmers will learn to front and
To minimize physical contact with beginner                             back glide with kick the length of the pool, and be introduced to
swimmers, Aquatots, Preschool Beginner,                                beginner crawl, back crawl and elementary back stroke.
Advanced Preschool Beginner and Beginner
1 will be taught as a child/guardian class.                            Advanced Beginner I - Stroke development. Students will be able
                                                                       to complete 25 yards of the front crawl, back crawl and
The adult must be in the water with the child                          elementary backstrokes. Deep water exploration will be
as they follow the cues from the instructor.                           encouraged with deep water dives, swims and treading water.
Guardian must be 14 years of age or older.
                                                                       Advanced Beginner II - Stroke refinement. Swimmers will
                                                                       demonstrate alternate rhythmic breathing, deep water bobs and
Preschool Beginner - For swimmers ages 3-5 years old, not              diving from board. 50 yards of continuous swims will be
accompanied by an adult. Children in this level will become            performed for both front and back crawls, as well as 25 yards of
comfortable to submerge head, jump into pool by self, and              breaststroke, sidestroke and elementary backstroke.
complete front and back glides, floats and supporting arms.
                                                                       Intermediate - Skill Proficiency - These advanced swimmers will
Advanced Preschool Beginner - For swimmers ages 3-5 years              perform each stroke continuously for 100 yards without breaks,
who are confident and comfortable in the water. This class will        using flip turns. Pike and tuck dives will be introduced, as well as
focus on bobbing, rhythmic breathing, front and back floats with       basic water rescues and safety.
kick and jumping into deeper water with assistance.
                                                                       Swimmer - Advanced Skills - Students in this level are at the
Beginner I - Child must be at least 6 years of age. Primary skills     most advanced stage. During this session they will be expected
are taught to include water exploration, front and back floats,        to swim 200 yards front crawl, 100 back crawl, 50 side stroke
rhythmic breathing, glides with kicks and jumping into deep            and become introduced to the Butterfly.
water with assistance.
                                        Session 1 Lesson Schedule
                                               June 14th - June 24th
                                         9:00-      10:00-     11:00-     5:00-      6:00-
                                         9:40 am    10:40 am   11:40 am   5:40 pm    6:40 pm

                         Preschool       7800.310   7800.311   7800.312   7800.313   7800.314
                         Adv Pre         7900.310   7900.311   7900.312   7900.313   7900.314
                         B1              8000.310   8000.311   8000.312   8000.313   8000.314
                         B2              8100.310   8100.311   8100.312   8100.313   8100.314               Session 2 Lesson Schedule
                         AB1             8200.310   8200.311   8200.312              8200.314                        June 28th - July 8th
                         AB2                                              8300.313
                         Intermediate                          8400.312              8400.314                  9:00-      10:00-     11:00-     5:00-      6:00-
                         Swimmer                    8500.311                                                   9:40 am    10:40 am   11:40 am   5:40 pm    6:40 pm
             & Fitness

                                                                                                Preschool      9800.321   9800.322   9800.323   9800.324   9800.325
                          Classes shaded in this color will be taught as a child/               Beginner
                          guardian class. The guardian must be in the water with                Adv Pre        9900.321   9900.322   9900.323   9900.324   9900.325
                          the child as they follow the cues from the instructor.                Beginner
                                                                                                B1             9200.321   9200.322   9200.323   9200.324   9200.325

                                        Session 3 Lesson Schedule                               B2             9300.321   9300.322   9300.323   9300.324   9300.325
Youth Sports

                                                                                                AB1            9400.321   9400.322   9400.323              9400.325
                                                July 12th - July 22nd
                                                                                                AB2                                             9500.324
                                                               FLORA                            Intermediate                         9600.323              9600.325
                                         9:00-      10:00-     11:00-     5:00-      6:00-
                                                                                                Swimmer                   9700.322
                                         9:40 am    10:40 am   11:40 am   5:40 pm    6:40 pm

                         Preschool       7800.330   7800.331   7800.332   7800.333   7800.334
                         Adv Pre         7900.330   7900.331   7900.332   7900.333   7900.334
                                                                                                            Session 4 Lesson Schedule
                         B1              8000.330   8000.331   8000.332   8000.333   8000.334
                                                                                                                   July 26th - August 5th
                         B2              8100.330   8100.331   8100.332   8100.333   8100.334
                         AB1             8200.330   8200.331   8200.332              8200.334
                                                                                                               9:00-      10:00-     11:00-     5:00-      6:00-
                         AB2                                              8300.333
                                                                                                               9:40 am    10:40      11:40 am   5:40 pm    6:40 pm
                         Intermediate                          8400.332              8400.334                             am
                         Swimmer                    8500.331                                    Preschool      9800.341   9800.342   9800.343   9800.344   9800.345
                                                                                                Adv Pre        9900.341   9900.342   9900.343   9900.344   9900.345
                          AQUATOTS – $25/R, $30/NR                                              Beginner
                          Session 1 (June 14-24)               Session 2 (June 28-July 8)       B1             9200.341   9200.342   9200.343   9200.344   9200.345
                          8710.333                                             8710.336
                                                                                                B2             9300.341   9300.342   9300.343   9300.344   9300.345
                          Sutton Pool                                          Flora Pool
                          5:00 – 5:40 p.m.                              5:00 – 5:40 p.m.        AB1            9400.341   9400.342   9400.343              9400.345
                                                                                                AB2                                             9500.344
                          SATURDAY AQUATOTS – $25/R, $30/NR                                     Intermediate                         9600.343              9600.345
                          June 26-Aug 14
                                                                                                Swimmer                   9700.342
                          Flora Pool
                          9:00 – 9:40 a.m.     19
      YOUTH &
6101.315                                               6101.316
Age: 5-7 yrs.                                     Age: 8-11 yrs.
8 – 8:45 a.m.                                      9 – 9:45 a.m.
Fridays, June 18 – July 30
Flora Park
Focus on fundamentals and basic technique. This program uses
shorter court dimensions and specialized equipment (provided).
Rained out lessons are not rescheduled.

6200.320 - $25
Age: 7-14 yrs.
                                                                          YOUR SAFETY IS OUR

                                                                                                                   Youth Sports & Fitness
6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday & Thursdays, June 15 - July 29             Murphy Park
Enjoy the summer evenings as they cool off on the tennis courts
at Murphy Park. Boys and girls, beginners only. Class size is         • Lessons will be offered, but the
limited. Rained out lessons are not rescheduled. Tennis racquets
are not provided but may be requested.                                  number of people able to sign up
TENNIS CAMP AND SWIM - $35                                              for each class will be limited. We
6100.310                                              6100.320          will only allow 4 participants per
Age: 7-14 yrs.                                   Age: 7-14 yrs.
1:45 – 4:30 p.m.                               1:45 – 4:30 p.m.         tennis court (16 kids max per class).
June 14 – 24                                         July 5 – 15      • Instructors will be wearing masks
Mon.-Thurs.                                        Mon.-Thurs.
Flora Park Tennis Courts                                                and will be cleaning/sanitizing any
Seventy-five minutes of beginner tennis instruction followed by up
to two hours of free recreational swimming at the Flora Park            equipment that is borrowed by the
leisure pool. Tennis racquets are not provided but may be
requested. Tennis instructors will provide supervision while at the

Age: 7-14 yrs.
10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Fridays, June 18 – July 30                       Comiskey Park
Our beginner group lessons will focus on fundamentals and basic
technique. Tennis racquets are not provided but may be
requested. Rained out lessons will not be rescheduled.

ADULT TENNIS LESSONS – 6530.310 - $25
Age: 16 yrs.+
5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Tues./Thurs., June 15 – July 29                    Murphy Park
For beginners only. Adult lessons will focus on basic
fundamentals and techniques. Tennis racquets are not provided
but may be requested.

                                TRADITIONAL MORNING TENNIS LESSONS
                          Traditional morning lessons offers three levels of instruction to teach the fast paced game of tennis! Mon/Wed/Fri
                          lessons will meet three days per week and Tue/Thu lessons will meet twice weekly from June 15 through July 31. Tennis
                          racquets are not provided, but may be requested. Rained out lessons will not be rescheduled. Additionally, we are only
                          allowing four participants per tennis court (sixteen per class).
                          On the chart below, please select the skill level, day and time offered and use that activity number on the registration
                          form in the back of the brochure.
                           BEGINNER                                                         ADVANCED INTERMEDIATE
                           •   Individuals with little or no tennis experience.             •   On the first day of lessons, students should have
                           •   All 5-10 year olds must register as a beginner and               previously completed the intermediate class and/or
                               may be moved depending on skill level.                           be capable of:
                           •   Class will focus on introducing basic tennis skills          •   Exhibit command of the skills such as forehand,
                               and rules of play.                                               backhand, volleys and serving.
                                                                                            •   Ability to rally ten consecutive balls against
                           ADVANCED BEGINNER                                                    opponent controlling direction and speed of shots.
                           •   Individuals that have taken lessons before but still         •   This class will work to teach match play and match
                               working to develop their skills.                                 strategy.
                           •   Class will continue to work on basic skills and work
                               to develop ball control and swing consistency.               ADVANCED
Youth Sports & Fitness

                                                                                            •   On the first day of lessons, advanced students
                           INTERMEDIATE                                                         should have previously completed the intermediate
                           •   On the first day of lessons, intermediate students               lessons and be capable of:
                               should be capable of:                                        •   Having 75% serving accuracy.
                           •   Returning ten consecutive balls tossed alternately           •   Rallying ten consecutive balls against opponent
                               to their forehand and back hand.                                 controlling direction and speed of shots.
                           •   Serving ten balls to each service court; at least five
                               in each court must be good.
                           •   Understanding rules and scoring.
                           •   Rally back and forth with opponent.

                                         FLORA PARK (MON/WED/FRI: JUNE 14 - JULY 30)
                                         5900.321       8:15-9:00 a.m.              Beginner                (Age 5-10)         $25
                                         5900.322       9:00-10:00 a.m.             Advanced Beginner       (Age 9-14)         $30
                                         5900.323       10:00-11:00 a.m.            Intermediate            (Age 9-14)         $30
                                         5900.324       11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.       Advanced Intermediate   (Age 10-14)        $30
                                         5900.325       12:00-1:00 p.m.             Advanced                (Age 10-14)        $30

                                         FLORA PARK (TUE & THU: JUNE 15 - JULY 29)
                                         5900.331       8:15-9:00 a.m.              Beginner                (Age 5-10)         $20
                                         5900.332       9:00-10:00 a.m.             Advanced Beginner       (Age 9-14)         $25
                                         5900.333       10:00-11:00 a.m.            Intermediate            (Age 9-14)         $25
                                         5900.334       11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.       Advanced Intermediate   (Age 10-14)        $25
                                         5900.335       12:00-1:00 p.m.             Advanced                (Age 10-14)        $25                       21
                                                                    GIRLS INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED
                                                                    SOFTBALL BY DRBA– 5700.328 - $35
                                                                    Age: 10-13 yrs.
                                                                    9 – 10:00 a.m.
                                                                    Tues./Thurs., June 15 - July 22
                                                                    Dubuque Sports Complex
                                                                    This program is run by professional instructors from Dusty Rogers
                                                                    Baseball/Softball Academy. Participants should be able to
                                                                    perform basic skills. This combined instructional program will
                                                                    place emphasis on hitting, throwing, fielding, stealing, base
                                                                    running, and pitching. Instructors will do some pitching and girls
                                                                    desiring to attempt this skill will be encouraged to do so. Situation
                                                                    scrimmages and games will also be included in the program.

BOYS T-BALL BY DRBA – 5700.322 -                                    BOYS INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED
$25                                                                 BASEBALL BY DRBA – 5700.330 - $35
Age: 5-8 yrs.                                                       Age: 10-13 yrs.
10 – 11:00 a.m.                                                     9 – 10:00 a.m.
Mon./Wed., June 14 - July 26                                        Tues./Thurs., June 15 - July 22
Dubuque Sports Complex                                              Dubuque Sports Complex
This program is run by professional instructors from Dusty Rogers   This program is run by professional instructors from Dusty Rogers
                                                                    Baseball/Softball Academy. Participants should be able to

                                                                                                                                            Youth Sports & Fitness
Baseball/Softball Academy. An introductory level program that
teaches throwing, catching, hitting and base running (where is      perform basic skills. This combined instructional program will
first base?). This program is designed to teach kids the basics     place emphasis on hitting, throwing, fielding, stealing, base
and to also provide them with the enjoyable experience to gain or   running, and pitching. Instructors will do some pitching and boys
expand interest in America’s greatest pastime. Instruction and      desiring to attempt this skill will be encouraged to do so. Situation
scrimmages will be conducted using a batting tee.                   scrimmages and games will also be included in the program.

GIRLS T-BALL BY DRBA – 5700.320 - $25
Age: 5-8 yrs.                                                       LIL' REDS T-BALL BY DRBA -
10 – 11:00 a.m.                                                     5700.334 | Cost: $35
Mon./Wed., June 14 - July 26                                        Age: 3-5 yrs.
Dubuque Sports Complex                                              10 – 10:45 a.m.
This program is run by professional instructors from Dusty Rogers   Tues./Thurs., June 15 - July 22
Baseball/Softball Academy. An introductory level program that       Dubuque Sports Complex
teaches throwing, catching, hitting and base running (where is
first base?). This program is designed to teach kids the basics     5700.332 | Cost: $20                       5700.333 | Cost: $20
and to provide them with an enjoyable experience to gain or         Age: 3-4 yrs.                                     Age: 5-6 yrs.
expand interest in America’s greatest pastime. Instruction and      10 – 10:45 a.m.                                11 – 11:45 a.m.
scrimmages will be conducted using a batting tee.                   Saturdays, June 19 - July 17
                                                                    Dubuque Sports Complex
BOYS BEGINNER BASEBALL BY DRBA –                                    This program run by professional instructors from Dusty Rogers
                                                                    Baseball/Softball Academy will introduce your child to the basics
5700.326 - $35
                                                                    of baseball and softball. Instructors will help parents work
Age: 8-10 yrs.
                                                                    one-on-one with their child teaching them the fundamentals of
9 – 10:00 a.m.                                                      the game such as throwing, catching, fielding, base running and
Mon./Wed., June 14 - July 26                                        hitting. Children should attend each session with their parent(s) or
Dubuque Sports Complex                                              another significant adult.
This program is run by professional instructors from Dusty Rogers
Baseball/Softball Academy. Participants should have participated
in the T-Ball program previously. Emphasis will be on the           YOUTH BASEBALL/SOFTBALL CLINIC BY
fundamentals of hitting and fielding, situations and game IQ.       DRBA – 5550.372 - FREE
                                                                    Age: 8-14 yrs.
GIRLS BEGINNER SOFTBALL BY DRBA –                                   6 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                    Wednesday., June 9, 16, 23, 30
5700.324 - $35                                                      Comiskey Park
Age: 8-10 yrs.                                                      Join the coaches of the Dusty Rogers Baseball/Softball Academy
9 – 10:00 a.m.                                                      for an hour of baseball skills and drills! These FREE sessions will
Mon./Wed., June 14 - July 26                                        introduce the game to beginners and enhance the skills of current
Dubuque Sports Complex                                              players in a fun and safe setting. Walk-ins are welcome, or
This program is run by professional instructors from Dusty Rogers   register early!
Baseball/Softball Academy. Participants should have participated
in the T-Ball program previously. Emphasis will be on the
fundamentals of hitting and fielding, situations and game IQ.
Par k s      23

                                   Par k s

                                                                       Sponsored by Boys & Girls Club of Greater Dubuque
                                                                     USDA Summer Food Service Program, United Way of Dubuque Area Tri-States,

                                                                        Dubuque Community School District, City of Dubuque Leisure Services,
                                                                                  St. Mark Enrichment Center, and AmeriCorps.

                                                                                         ( All Sites Closed July 5th)
                                                                                  Leisure Services Sites open June 14th to August 13th
             Club& Meal

                                                                            Boys & Girls Club Sites (Grab-N-GO)open June 1st to August 20th
                                                                             Boys& Girls Club/Leisure Service site June 14-August 13th
                                                                                     Located at Boys & Girls Club 1299 Locust

                                                                                  Open to all children 18 & under

                                                                                   NO Enrollment--- NO Cost!!!
                                                                                (Some sites may have age restrictions & no infants at any sites)
     & Girls

                                                          Open Community Sites serving Monday through Friday!!!
                                         BREAKFAST SITES:                                                    DINNER SITES

                                         All congregate sites-Eat at site                                    Grab-N-Go/Parents may also pick up
                                         Boys & Girls Club                  7:45 -11:00                    Comiskey Park
                                         Allison- Henderson                 10:00 -10:30                   24th Washington
                                         B Branch 24th & Elm                10:00 -10:30                   3:30-4:15
                                         Flora Park                          9:30 -10:00
                                         Jackson Park                                                      Terrace Hts.
                                                                             9:30 -10:00                   3:30-4:30
                                         Murphy Park                         9:00 - 9:30
                                         Orange Park                                                       4001 Peru Rd.
                                                                            9:00 – 9:30                                                Congregate Dinner
                                                                                                           B Branch
                                                                                                                                       Sites-Eat at site
                                        Lunch Sites                                                        21st/Kniest/Elm
                                        All congregate sites-Eat at site                                                               Hoover School
                                                                                                           Montessori                  3:00-3:30
                                        Boys & Girls Club                    11:15 -1:00
                                                                                                           School Lot
                                        Allison Henderson                    1:15 -1:45
                                                                             12:30 -1:00                   2605 Pennsylvania           Eisenhower School
                                        B Branch 24th & Elm
                                        Flora Park                           11:15 -11:45                  5:15-6:00                   3:00-3:30
                                        Jackson Park                         11:15 -11:45                  Marshall
                                        Murphy Park                          11:30 -12:00                  School
                                        Orange Park                          11:30 -12:00                  1450 Rhomberg
                                                                                                           4:15-5:00    25

                                                 ks    Center
    Par k Stout
Carnegie  s
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