AUGUST 1, 2021 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church

Page created by Marshall Boyd
AUGUST 1, 2021 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
AUGUST 1, 2021
AUGUST 1, 2021 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
WELCOME                                                 CLERGY
                                                        Fr. James Michael Jankowski, Pastor
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Roman Catholic Church           Fr. Joseph Le, Parochial Vicar
1811 Pueblo Vista Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89128              Deacon Steve Doucet
Ph: 702-228-8311 • Fx: 702-228-8310            •
                                                        Deacon Aruna Silva
MASS SCHEDULE                                           STAFF
Saturday Vigil: 4 pm
                                                        Pastoral Associate & Executive Director of Operations,
Sunday: 6am, 8am, 10am, Noon, 4pm and 6pm               Marcie Wilske, 702-804-8370,
Daily Mass Mon-Sat: 8am (9am on pubic holidays)
                                                        Executive Administrative Assistant, Rosie Arellano
Sunday: 8am Mass                                        Receptionist, Sandra Tenaglia
Daily Mass Mon-Sat: 8am (9am on pubic holidays)         702-804-8302,
24/7: The Eucharistic Presence of Christ in the         Pastoral Associate for Liturgy & Sacred Music, Brian Hicks
      Tabernacle (except during Mass and when other     702-804-8308,
      activities are happening in the church)           Associate for Liturgy & Sacred Music, Lissy DeJesus
TV MASS                                                 Pastoral Associate for Children & Adult Faith Formation, and on the CW Network Sunday             Helen Silva, 702-804-8351,
Morning. Check your local listing.
                                                        Children & Adult Faith Formation Assistant,
                                                        Amy Melancon, 702-804-8398,
Sunday: 5am-7:30pm                                      Children & Adult Faith Formation Assistant, Jodie Minkin
Mon-Fri: 7am-5pm
Saturday: 7am-5:30pm                                    Pastoral Associate for Youth & Young Adult Ministry,
                                                        Sean Donohue, 702-804-8316,
MORNING PRAYER                                          Youth & Young Adult Ministry Assistant, Tyler Ofalsa
Returning Soon                                          702-804-8372,
                                                        Youth & Young Adult Ministry Assistant, Cathy Sales
ROSARY                                                  702-804-8313,
Mon-Sat: 7:25am                                         Pastoral Associate for Family & Parish Life,
                                                        Maureen Sisto, 702-804-8321,
CONFESSIONS                                             Pastoral Associate for Human Concerns,
Saturday: 8:45am-9:30am                                 Patti McGuire, 702-804-8311,
Also by appointment
                                                        Pastoral Associate for Communications & Stewardship,
                                                        Patty Janura, 702-804-8326,
                                                        Director of Financial Services, Kristina Wood
MATER DEI DAY CHAPEL                                    702-804-8320,
Temporarily Closed - Reopening Soon
                                                        Financial Services Manager, Van Dubé
SUMMER OFFICE HOURS (through Labor Day)
Mon-Thurs: 9am-5pm; Closed 12pm-1pm                     Financial Services Manager, Krystalyn Pagan
Fri: 9am-Noon                                           702-804-8305,
Saturday: 9am-4pm; Closed 12pm-1pm                      .DLURV*LIW6KRS2ɝFH0DQDJHU6DUDK&DUULHUH
SUMMER GIFT SHOP HOURS (through Labor Day)              School Principal, Dr. Erica Romero
Mon-Thurs: 9am-5pm; Closed 12pm-1pm                     702-804-8328,
Fri: 9am-Noon                                           School Admin. Assist., Donna Fernandini
Saturday: 9am-5:30pm;                                   702-804-8328,
        Closed 12pm-1pm & during 4pm Mass
Sunday: 7am-7:30pm;                                     702-804-8328,
        Closed during all Masses and 2pm-3pm

SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 2021 | 18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                            -2-
AUGUST 1, 2021 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
Dear Parishioners and Friends,                                and honor of hosting this great event for our Diocese.
                                                              Hope to see you there!
sacrament of initiation we become members of the              What a joy to be with family and friends these past
Body of Christ and share in the very life of the God          two weeks! My brother and sister-in-law, Lenny and
who created each of us out of unconditional love. That        Ede, were surprised when I showed up for their 50th
unconditional love frees us from original sin and             Wedding Anniversary party! It was planned all along,
incorporates us into a community of faith that has            but I had to be careful about what I said in my
endured throughout the centuries. In the midst of             previous bulletin letter so I wouldn’t let the “cat out of
scandals and divisions, our baptism unites us as one.         the bag!” It worked.
It’s the sacrament of unity in that all who are validly
baptized using water in the Name of the Father, and of        The time away, however, wasn’t enough to see
the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, are all one in Christ. All   everyone I would have liked to see. You know how it
of our sisters and brothers validly baptized in another       is…there’s just never enough time to accomplish
Christian denomination are united with us as                  everything. But, I keep on hearing the words of
members of the Body of Christ! That’s why those who           St. Francis of Assisi: “Brothers (and sisters), while we
discern to become Roman Catholics from another                have time, let us do good!”
denomination have no need to be baptized again…
they’re already one with us in baptism!                       And so, this time away gave me pause to consider how
                                                              I spend my own time. Do I spend my time doing good?
And so, while I celebrated my 60th birthday this past         Or do I dwell on the negative? Do I give thanks to God
July 15, I also celebrated the 60th anniversary of my         each day for the blessings he bestows? Or do I
baptism this past Friday, July 30th! And how beautiful it     complain about all the things that need to be better?
is for me knowing that my parents and godparents are          I know where I need work…what about you?
all in heaven helping me, trying to be the good disciple
I’m supposed to be.                                           As always, please be patient with me this week as I try
                                                              to catch up from being away. Thanks to the
May we never forget the dignity bestowed on us as             WUHPHQGRXVVWD΍DQGP\EURWKHUSULHVWVDQG
children of God in our baptism. And may we live that          deacons, it won’t be too bad! Glad to be back!
dignity out by loving God and everyone else, without
condition, without exception!                                 Peace always,

Several young men have responded to the call of God           Fr. James Michael Jankowski
to discern their vocation as future priests. They are         Pastor
gifts to us from God! So, please join us on Monday,
August 16th for the Diocese of Las Vegas Mass of
Sending Forth for our Seminarians, right here at SEAS.
The Mass begins at 6:00PM and is followed by a
reception where we can meet and greet all of our
seminarians and the new ones beginning their

Your presence at this Mass means so much to our
worth it. From my own days in the seminary, it was
reassuring knowing how many people were
supporting us in prayer. So, please join us in two
weeks when we, as a parish family, have the privilege

-3-                                                              ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, LV
AUGUST 1, 2021 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
Sunday:      Ex 16:2-4, 12-15; Ps 78:3-4, 23-24, 25, 54 [24b];
             Eph 4:17, 20-24; Jn 6:24-35
Monday:      Nm 11:4b-15; Ps 81:12-13, 14-15, 16-17 [2a]; Mt 14:13-21
Tuesday:     Nm 12:1-13; Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 6cd-7, 12-13 [cf. 3a];
             Mt 14:22-36 or Mt 15:1-2, 10-14
Wednesday: Nm 13:1-2, 25—14:1, 26-29a, 34-35; Ps 106:6-7ab, 13-14,
             21-22, 23 [4a]; Mt 15:21-28
Thursday:    Nm 20:1-13; Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9 [8]; Mt 16:13-23
Friday:      Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9 [1a and 9a];
             2 Pt 1:16-19; Mk 9:2-10
Saturday:    Dn 6:4-13; Ps 18: 28, 3-4. 47 and 51; Mk 17:14-20
Next Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:4-8; Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [9a];
             Eph 4:30—5:2; Jn 6:41-51

Sunday:      18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday:      St. Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop;
             St. Peter Julian Eymard, Priest
Tuesday:     ..................................
Wednesday: St. John Vianney, Priest
Thursday:    The Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major
Saturday:    St. Sixtus II, Pope, and Companions, Martyrs;
             St. Cajetan, Priest; Blessed Virgin Mary
Next Sunday: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Inspiration for the week
When we lose our ability to trust, we become afraid. When we are afraid,           DIED IN CHRIST
we may begin to grumble and question whether where we are is where
we need to be. For us who have faith, we even question whether God is         Please remember in your prayers
who God says He is. Trust is so important to our success on our journey.         our loved ones who recently
than we would like to be. As much as we try, the pieces of our puzzle              Maria Antonieta Cabello
experience happiness again. Then, something reminds us that God is                      Funeral Mass
very much present in this mess we call life. God is still bringing hope out    Friday, August 13 at 11:00 a.m.
of despair and life out of death. After all, God is the true bread that
comes down from heaven to give life. All that is necessary is for us to              Virgil Leo Birgen
trust in this truth, even when we may be lacking in some of life’s                     Funeral Mass
essentials. The God who gives life is the same God who sustains it. He is     Saturday, August 14 at 1:00 p.m.
also the same God who assures us that we will not perish.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 2021 | 18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                            -4-
AUGUST 1, 2021 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
              FIRST READING
    Then the LORD said to Moses,
   “I will now rain down bread from                  GOSPEL MEDITATION
  heaven for you. Each day the people                18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
  are to go out and gather their daily               A Deeper Understanding of Scripture
     portion; thus I will test them,
       to see whether they follow my                 “You cannot see the forest for the trees” is a widely known saying that
     instructions or not.” (Ex 16:4)                 can bring wisdom to our understanding of our journey. Often, our
                                                     sight becomes limited to what is immediately before us. We lose touch
                                                     with lessons and experiences from the past and promises and hope
                                                     for the future. As human beings, we have the privilege of being able to
          The Lord gave them bread                   choose things. What I like and don’t like, want, and don’t want can be
            from heaven. (Ps 78)                     major preoccupations of our minds and hearts. Our preferences and
            SECOND READING                           we are matters more than what we are or what we have. If we don’t
    … be renewed in the spirit of your               PRYHEH\RQGWKHH[WHUQDODQGVXSHUȴFLDOVWX΍WRZKDWUHDOO\LVRI
     minds, and put on the new self,                 essence, we risk becoming very unsettled, disorientated, angry, and
  created in God’s way in righteousness              unhappy. We fail to see the bigger picture of hope and promise that
   and holiness of truth. (Eph 4:23-24)              lies ahead and the Divine Presence that has sustained and carried us

                   GOSPEL                            We like it when the “now” time of our lives satisfy us. Even the people
           “I am the bread of life;                  ZKRZLWQHVVHG-HVXVIHHGWKHȴYHWKRXVDQGJRWFRQIXVHGDQG
       whoever comes to me will never                distracted. It felt good when thousands of people were able to eat.
      hunger, and whoever believes in me             They wanted to know what they could do to get this to happen again!
         will never thirst.” (Jn 6:35)               But Jesus quickly reminds them that this is not the point of this sign. As
                                                     much as the now time of our lives is of concern, it is not what is
    Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001,
  1998, 1970 CCD. The English translation of Psalm
  Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981,   and doing, drawing more strength from who we are and who God is
  1997, International Commission on English in the   rather than what is happening around us and the choices we can
       Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.     make. Jesus is the true bread that came down from heaven. Jesus is
                                                     the very incarnate presence of God who sustains life and assures us
                                                     that we will not perish. This is not easy to understand and feel. We
                                                     have to practice being in the presence of ourselves, others, creation,
                                                     and God. We are brought to a holy place when we encounter the
                                                     sacredness of being. This is real prayer.

                                                     Then, we learn to trust. It is when we cease trusting that we start to
                                                     become afraid, uncertain, apprehensive, and doubtful, and overly self-
                                                     concerned. We even start to grumble. God has our back. That is the
                                                     essential powerful message of the living bread come down from
                                                     heaven. God, who is alpha is also omega, the beginning and the end,
                                                     and has everything in between in his care as well. A woman once
                                                     remarked that her most powerful God moment happened when she
                                                     and her husband cuddled with their new baby for a time. Without
                                                     sight and touch, they rested in being with each other. This brought
                                                     them to the sacred, where they realized that a greater Being was with
                                                     them. It was real. They knew that they were part of something bigger,
                                                     intimate, and profound. When we rest in the Living Source of life, we

-5-                                                                      ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, LV
AUGUST 1, 2021 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
LITURGICAL LIFE                                    QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK

    PRESIDER MASS INTENTIONS                       First Reading:
                                                   Early in their Exodus journey, the Israelites expressed fear and
 Saturday      7/31                                frustration to Moses. God heard and responded to their
 8am           Stephanie Edwards                   “grumbling” by sending bread from heaven. When have you
 4pm           † Sybil Leger Horton                experienced God answering your plea for help?

 Sunday        8/1                                 Second Reading:
 6am           † Louis Mallory, III                Paul told the Ephesians that as believers in Christ you should
 8am           SEAS Parishioners                   “put away” the bad parts of “your former way of life.” How have
 10am          † Elizabeth Horangic                you done this in your life as a believer in Christ?
 12pm          † Regina & † John Zachary
 4pm           † Arnie Ondoy                       Gospel:
 6pm           † Margaret &                        We hear today the introduction of Jesus’ extended “bread of life”
                  † Harold Schwarm                 discourse. In referring back to the ancient Israelites who ate
                                                   “manna” (bread) in the desert, Jesus tells the crowds: “I am the
 Monday        8/2                                 bread of life.” How would you explain to someone how Jesus
 8am           ȍ$QWKRQ\$OȴHUL                    sustains you?
 Tuesday       8/3
 8am           † Richard Mitchell

 Wednesday     8/4                                 WHY DO WE DO THAT?
 8am           † Ma Salome Alipio,
               † Ozen Kyle Villavicencio,          Catholic Life Explained
               Mara & Cara Villavicencio
                                                   Question: What can I do to help our family practice our faith
                                                   each day?
 Thursday      8/5
 8am           † Souls in Purgatory
                                                   Answer: Some families practice their religion together as just
                                                   another event on their schedule: go to church, observe Lent,
 Friday        8/6
                                                   help at the parish picnic, go to a meeting, volunteer time, make
 8am           † Gene Roose
                                                   your confession, use your envelope... But the focus needs to be
                                                   on who we are—God’s people, in relationship with him, loved,
 Saturday      8/7
                                                   forgiven, and redeemed, and called to live and proclaim the
 8am           † Maryann Buenviaje Simmons
                                                   Gospel. Our awareness of God’s presence and our sense of
 4pm           † Ada & Abel Busque
                                                   mission are supported by the daily rituals, celebrations, and
                                                   traditions that help us stay focused. Sharing our faith
 Sunday        8/8
 6am           Pascua - Sy - Sell
 8am           † John D. Zachary
 10am          SEAS Parishioners
                                                   Daily family practices include time for prayer—before meals,
 12pm          † Jeremy Bice
                                                   before bed, before important meetings and activities. Attend
 4pm           † Charity Piccio
                                                   Sunday Mass together and discuss the homily afterward. Create
 6pm           † Flordeliza & † Bon Paris
                                                   family celebrations for holy days and holidays. Make religion a
                                                   regular part of your discussions. Include others, especially the
                                                   elderly and the less fortunate, in your activities and charitable
 Scheduling an Intention
 Schedule a Presider’s Mass Intention in the       GD\IDLWKEHFRPHVSDUWRIZKR\RXUIDPLO\LVΖWLQȵXHQFHVKRZ
 gift shop or call the church receptionist at      you act towards others, what you value, and how mindful of
 702-228-8311. These intentions are prayed         God you are. Faith is the leaven of life that helps all of us rise to
 for silently by the priest at Mass and are        our calling and dignity as God’s people.
 not announced during Mass.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 2021 | 18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY                                                                   -6-
AUGUST 1, 2021 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
EVERYDAY STEWARDSHIP                                                             PARISH GIVING
       to the

                   C a ll                                                        WEEKLY OFFERTORY
                                                                                         July 17-18, 2021
Practicing Graciousness in the Desert                                      ONLINE                            $14,290.01
                                                                           ENVELOPES/CHECKS                  $ 8,799.00
Looking back over my journey of parenthood, I know there
were days when I traveled the extra mile for my children. I                ANNONYMOUS/CASH                   $ 3,887.69
made their toast the way they like it, let them play in the park           MAILED IN                         $ 8,242.50
an extra ten minutes, or let them go to the movies with their              TOTAL                             $35,219.20
happened: the attitude. The request for the smallest thing from
                                                                           “IN GIVING, WE RECEIVE “         $    705.00
one of them is met with disdain or bewilderment.
                                                                           Parish Stewardship gift
                                                                           to Christ the King Church
Sometimes you can be made breathless with the ingratitude of
another person who takes so much and with so little shame,
                                                                           UNEXPECTED EXPENSES              $ 2,423.00
But if we’re being honest with ourselves, we will admit that we
do the exact same thing to God. Haven’t we all been the
Israelites in the desert at one point or another? God has parted
                                                                                Upcoming Special Collections
our Red Sea in some way. He’s led us out of some great trial,
given us some great blessings. But then we run into a little               August 15 - Assumption of Mary
resistance somewhere along the way and we throw up our                     August 22 -Diocese of Las Vegas
hands. How could you do this to us, Lord? How could you ask
                                                                                      Rural Parish Appeal
this of us? No, I can’t go any further. No, I won’t do any more.

Persisting in the blindness to the many ways God continues to
protect us is nothing short of a temper tantrum. It robs our
Everyday Stewardship of its graciousness, of our ability to
accept with joy the trials of life because we are also constantly
aware of its blessings.
— Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

                             SEAS Parish Stewardship Program              Online Giving
                                                                          Giving online allows you to make one-
                         St. Christopher Catholic Church will
                         be the August recipient of our “It Is
                                                                          set up automatic recurring contributions.
                         In Giving That We Receive” parish
                                                                          Scan the QR Code above or go to
                         stewardship program. If you would
                                                                 It’s that easy!
like to make a donation to St. Christopher Church as part of
your own personal stewardship, send your donation to SEAS,
1811 Pueblo Vista Dr., LV, NV 89128. Make sure to indicate                Give by Text
ST. CHRISTOPHER CHURCH on your donation. Your gift will                   Text 702-978-7462 with the amount you
be included with the parish gift that will be disbursed at the            would like to give. Example: $25.
end of the month. This program was conceived by our Parish                Make sure to include the dollar sign
Pastoral Council to help struggling parishes in our diocese.              before the amount and within seconds
(DFKPRQWKDGL΍HUHQWSDULVKLVJLIWHGRIRXUZHHNO\                  you’ll receive a text with a link to register.

-7-                                                                 ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, LV
AUGUST 1, 2021 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church

          Update as of July 26, 2021

* Parish Goal                     $323,685.00
* Amount Pledged                  $362,352.15
* Cash / Payments Received        $325,191.15
* Rebate to SEAS So Far           $ 1,506.15
* Number of Donors                       666
Yah!! Enough cash and pledge payments have
exceeded our monetary goal for the 2021 CSA!
Now, all payments and additonal contributions
received will be refunded to our parish! This
diocesan appeal continues throughout the year
so if you haven’t made your 2021 CSA
contribution yet, you can still do so. Each week,
a few more pledges and contributions are
made. Thank you for keeping stewardship as a
way of life!

More New Items in the Gift Shop
Stop by the gift shop and see our new rosaries
and medals. We also have religious CDs
including recordings of The Rosary in English
and Spanish. Also available are the monthly
prayer periodicals Give Us This Day and
0DJQLȴFDW. And to beat the heat, we now carry
$1 bottles of cold water. If we didn’t have
something you were looking for in the past,
make sure to stop back. We have new items
coming out daily. Thank you for your patience
and your patronage!

AUGUST 1, 2021 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
Unless you visit the church during the week, you most
likely won’t notice the work being done to replace the
                                                                         UP ON THE ROOF
damaged and deteriorated original roof over our campus      goal, and $1.6 million of those pledges have been paid in
buildings. Commercial Roofers, Inc., has been working       full. Through campaign contributions and pledge
diligently on the school and parish hall and will soon      SD\PHQWVZHZHUHDEOHWRSD\R΍DQ
begin work on the church.                                   construction loan last year— a goal our parishioners
                                                            ranked as the highest priority of the campaign.
Replacing the roof and irreparable air conditioning units
                                                            Addressing deferred maintenance needs was also a high
throughout our property were two deferred maintenance
                                                            priority, and we are excited to see how well work on the
                                                            roof is progressing.
EMBRACING our FUTURE Capital Campaign, and we are
happy to report the work on these projects is well
                                                            The overall cost of this current project is approximately
                                                            $1.5 million. Your continued pledge payments and
To date, the campaign has generated just over               support of our campaign will help ensure this project can
$2.5 million in pledges toward our original $4.5 million    be paid for without depleting our savings. Thank you for
                                                            your generosity! Stay tuned for more updates!

-9-                                                             ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, LV
AUGUST 1, 2021 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
Baseball and Shakespeare...A New Tradition?                  SEAS FELLOWSHIP
Every July, with the exception of 2020, of course, our
parish attends the Utah Shakespeare Festival. We jump in
a bus and head up to Cedar City for the day to enjoy the
arts and the camaraderie of our fellow parishioners. As
you can see from the pictures below, this past July 21 was
no exception. With Fr. Shawn and Fr. Tom leading the
way, it was an exceptional day!

SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 2021 | 18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY                          - 10 -
SEAS FELLOWSHIP   And There’s More...
                  This year, our Pastoral Associate of Family & Parish Life
                  Maureen Sisto, added another fun outing to the July
                  calendar—a day at the Las Vegas Ballpark! SEAS was
                  well represented, 106 strong, as we watched the LV
                  Aviators defeat the El Paso Chihuahuas on Friday, July
                  16. We hope more of our fellow parishioners and
                  families will join us at future events!

LOOKING AHEAD                                      Backpack & School Supply Donations Due August 1
                                                   Donations of new backpacks and school supplies for youth in
 MONDAY, AUGUST 2                                  need can be placed in the gathering space. Monetary
                                                   donations can be made at
 8am Daily Mass; also live-streamed
 3:30-5pm Volunteers assist in Food Pantry         If your child(ren) need(s) assistance with a backpack or school
 6:30pm Living the Beatitudes Bible Study,         supplies, contact Patti McGuire at or 702-
        parish hall                                804-8311.

 TUESDAY, AUGUST 3                                 Volunteers are needed to prepare and distribute the packs.
 8am Daily Mass, also live-streamed                Families are encouraged to participate. Volunteers 18 years
 3:30-5pm Volunteers Assist with                   DQGROGHUPXVWFRPSOHWHȴQJHUSULQWLQJ &0*WUDLQLQJ
        Backpack Drive, parish hall                BEFORE volunteering. For information on volunteer
                                                   requirements, contact Van Dube at or 702-
 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4                               804-8350.
 8am Daily Mass, also live-streamed
 9:30am Living the Beatitudes Bible Study,         Volunteer to organize and assemble donations
       parish hall                                 • August 3 (3:30pm - 5pm)
 6:30pm Baptism Preparation Class,                 • August 6 (4pm - 5:30pm)
       parish hall
                                                   Volunteer to distribute backpacks
 THURSDAY, AUGUST 5                                • August 7 (9:30am - Noon)
 8am Daily Mass, also live-streamed                Register to volunteer with Access Code 8311 at:
 9:30am-12:30pm Taping of TV Masses      
 8am Mass, also live-streamed
 10:30am Visitation / 11am Funeral Mass
        for Dan Heath                              Baptism Preparation Class
  7KHFKXUFKSDULVKRɝFHVDQGJLIW         Baptism Preparation Class for parents and godparents
   shop close at Noon on Fridays                   requesting the Sacrament of Baptism for infants and children
   through Labor Day                               up to 7 years of age will be held Wednesday, August 4, from
                                                   6:30pm - 8:30pm in the parish hall classrooms. For more
 SATURDAY, AUGUST 7                                information, contact Maureen Sisto at or
 8am Mass, also live-streamed                      702-804-8321.
 8:30am Men’s Prayer Group,
         parish hall conference room
 8:45-9:30am Confessions, church
 9:30-11:30am Food Distribution, parish hall       Taping of Televised Masses
 9:30-11:30am Golden Groceries
         Distribution, parish hall                 Taping of Televised Masses for the sick and homebound will be
 9:30am-12pm Backpack Drive Distribution,          taped on Thursday, August 5. Mass Times are:
         parish hall...volunteers assist           •    9:30am - 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
 4pm Vigil celebrating the                         •   10:15am - 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
         19th Sunday in Ordinary Time              •   11:00am - 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                   •   11:45am - 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                   Your participation in TV Masses (as the congregation) reminds
 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Mass Times:
                                                   our homebound brothers and sisters that they are still an
 6am, 8am, 10am, Noon, 4pm & 6pm
                                                   important part of our faith community. The Sunday Mass on
        (8am Mass is also live-streamed
                                                   television is an outreach of the Diocese of Las Vegas. These
                                                   Masses can be viewed online at and on the CW
 10am-12pm Volunteers help in Food Pantry
                                                   Network every Sunday morning. Check local listings.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 2021 | 18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY                                                              - 12 -
Summer Bible Study “Living the Beatitudes”                              LOOKING AHEAD
Continues the Week of August 2
Topic: “Blessed are the Merciful”
In this beatitude, Jesus challenges us to be people who
extend mercy, love and forgiveness to one another.
The character Jean Valjean (from the movie Les
Miserables) will be our guide as we explore what it
means to be people who can forgive and accept the                      Register today!
forgiveness of others. This class will be held on
Monday, August 2 (6:30pm - 8pm) and repeated on
Wednesday, August 4 (9:30am - 11am). Come to the
parish hall classrooms—no cost, no registration.                            Early Bird Pricing for
Questions? Contact Marcie Wilske at                                         Full Conference (Fri & Sat)
702-804-8370 or                                         $85 if registered by August 31
                                                                            $100 if registered between Sept. 1-18
                                                                            Friday Night Only: $50

                         Mass of Sending Forth                 Sponsor, Exhibitor and Program Book
                         for Seminarians                       Advertising Submissions Due August 1
                            Bishop Thomas and the            Would you like to advertise in the conference
                            9RFDWLRQV2ɝFHLQYLWH\RXWR    program book, become a sponsor or set up a booth
                            our annual Mass of Sending       at the conference in the exhibitor hall? If so, contact
                            Forth for the Diocese of Las     our Pastoral Associate for Stewardship &
                            Vegas Seminarians right here     Communications Patty Janura at 702-804-8326 or
                            at SEAS on Monday, August 16 for assistance. You can also
                            at 6:00 p.m.                     visit
We will also be celebrating the Rite of Candidacy—an
important step toward Holy Orders—with two of our
seminarians! Afterward, there will be a reception in the
parish hall. All are invited. And, as always, please
continue to pray for all of our seminarians and all who
                                                                                       Are You 60 or Better?
are being called to vocations in our diocese.                                          St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
                                                                                       Church, in partnership with
                                                                                       Three Square Food Bank, is
                                                                                       happy to provide the Golden
                                                                                       Groceries program.
NEW Bible Study Coming in September:                                                   The program provides
Women in the Old Testament                                                             complimentary, delicious,
                                                            healthy, supplemental groceries to individuals who are
While the men of the Old Testament often garner the         60 or better. Golden Groceries are distributed monthly
most attention, the women of the Old Testament also         with the next distribution scheduled for Saturday,
have much to share. They are mothers and wives,             August 7, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the parish
queens and slaves, prophets and warriors, powerful          hall. Call 702-804-8317 to make an appointment to
women and victims—each playing a powerful role in           receive this monthly distribution of healthy food to
God’s story of salvation found in Sacred Scripture.         people 60 and better!
Sessions for this 10-week study begin the week of
Septmeber 13, and will be held Mondays (6:30pm-8:00
pm) and repeated Wednesdays (9:30am-11:00am) in
the parish hall classrooms. Wednesday sessions will
also be live-streamed. The cost of $25 includes a
commentary and study guide. Register at or
in the gift shop. For more information, contact Marcie
Wilske at or 702-804-8370.

- 13 -                                                         ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, LV
Altar Servers; Sacristans............Terry Biles 702-672-4933,
Eucharistic Ministers; Lectors;
Ministers of Hospitality..............Brian Hicks 702-804-8308,
Music Ministry.............................Brian Hicks 702-804-8308,
Funeral Ministry..........................702-403-8416
                                           Vicki Adams,
                                           Pat Torino 702-528-5004,

Adoration in the Chapel.............Brian Hicks 702-804-8308,
Bible Study (Parish).....................Marcie Wilske 702-804-8370,
                                                                                                    PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL
Bulletin Advertisements.............Kjirsten Finnegan 402-312-9955,
Bulletin Announcements............Patty Janura 702-804-8326,
                                                                                                    Vida Braganza, Vice-Chairman
Busy Hands Crafters.................. Lynette Bearer 702-485-3774,
                                                                                                    Ann DeClouette, Secretary
                                                                                                    Richard Augulis
GriefShare....................................Maureen Sisto 702-804-8321,
                                                                                                    Larry Brown
Human Concerns (Outreach).... Patti McGuire 702-804-8311,
                                                                                                    Tom Carroll
Indonesian Ministry.....................Yudi Kurnia 909-581-5491,
                                                                                                    Sharon Cusumano
Justice, Peace, Respect Life.........Nancy Finley 702-292-9175
                                                                                                    Carl Scarbrough
                                                    Tony Moreno 702-604-1612,
Mary & Martha Guild...................Layna Woods 702-360-6689,
Men’s Club....................................Tony Derhake 313-549-1503,
                                                                                                    PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL
                                                                                                    Margo Lamuraglia, Chairwoman
Mental Health & Wellness..........Laura Jensen 702-498-0871,
                                                                                                    John Dube
Nevadans for Common Good....Carl Scarbrough 702-408-6876,
                                                                                                    William McCarthy
RCIA............................................... Helen Silva 702-804-8351,
                                                                                                    Mary McElhone
Rosary Makers..............................Juliana Co 702-655-0992,
                                                                                                    Valerie Murzl
                                                                                                    Heidi Pope
Seton Singles (over 50)................Kathy Lorenzo 702-647-1807,
                                                                                                    Greg Puliz
Sick & Homebound Ministry.......Patti & Tom Stava 702-586-8093,
Welcome Home............................Helen Silva 702-804-8351,
Women of Grace..........................Pat Thompson 702-541-6311                                   SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL
                                                                                                    Fr. James Jankowski, President
                                                                                                    Angela Rock-Segler, Chairwoman
                                                                                                    Cathy DeCastroverde
Bible Study (Fr. McShane’s).......Fr. McShane 702-807-4677
                                                                                                    Ted Egerton
Cub Scouts..................................Christina Frasquillo 702-997-4974,
                                                                                                    Michele Flaherty
                                                                                                    Mary Guido
Brownies......................................Jill Gronowski 702-371-0277,
                                                                                                    Andrew Kano
Girl Scouts...................................0DJJLH*ULɝWK
                                                                                                    Brendan Keating
                                                                                                    Michael Kennedy
Knights of Columbus.................Bob Sotelo 702-278-2005,
                                                                                                    Joseph Novotni
                                                                                                    Adrina Ramos-King
KofC Squires...............................Don Woods 702-682-8658,
                                                                                                    Susan Roger
                                                                                                    Karen Sagisi
Marriage Encounter..................Steve & Terri Sharp 702-589-0068
                                                                                                    Roger West
Retrouvaille (Re-tro-vi)...............Josh & Alma Carey 702-812-8873,
                                                                                                    Dr. Erica Romero
                                                                                                    Marcie Wilske
Victim Advocacy is available for any individual who has been
sexually and/or physically abused. Call 702-235-7723.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 2021 | 18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY                                                                               - 14 -
2227 N. Rampart Blvd


                                                                                                                                                                                   9670 W. Skye Canyon

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                                                                                                                                                                      Buy 1 Entree - Get One FREE
 Green Valley Lock & Safe, Inc. is a locally owned & operated                           and a trusted friend of St. Elizabeth Ann                                     w/ purchase of 2 beverages
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                   Contact Kjirsten Finnegan
                     to place an ad today!
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                                                                                                                            Garage Doors Repaired or Replaced
                                                                                                                               Openers Repaired or Replaced
             Angela Ahlers
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		                                        For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                          St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Las Vegas, NV                            B 4C 05-1284

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                                                                                                                 Contact Kjirsten Finnegan
                                                                                                                   to place an ad today!
                       $35                                                                                          or (800) 950-9952 x2659

                                                                                                     25 Years Full Time                         Lic.# BS.37024
                                                                                                                         Judith “Judy” Boughrum                                        Kenneth Shaw - Parishioner (702) 600-9180
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                                                                                                                                                                                             Solar & Energy Efficient Upgrades
                                                                                                  Nevada Properties            Las Vegas, NV 89134                                     Quality Solar Services Built on Honesty & Integrity

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                        PAINTING                                                                    10% of net commissions earned, from any transaction completed
                                                                                                 through this ad, will be contributed to SEAS or a charity of your choice.
                                                                                                                                                                                             (702) 798-5262
                      INTERIORS & EXTERIORS
                                                                                                                     Facials & Waxing

                    (702) 860-3573                                                                                   702-900-5220
                                                                                                                    6920 S Cimarron Rd,
                                                                                                                         Suite 200
        Mark Anthony – Award Winning Painting Contractor
                                                                                                  Jennifer Cobarrubia - Parishioner
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              Competitive Multi Services LLP
                                                            Tax Preparation & Bookkeeping Services                                             DR. JENNIFER MALLINGER-MCCORMICK
                      JOSE PINEDA, OWNER
                              License#P1686910              Randall Kumabe - Enrolled Agent, Parishioner                                              Opto
                                                                                                                                                         o mp ett roi smt –e Pt ar r ii ssh ito n e r
                         Residential and Commercial         702-562-1210                                                                                p 70 2 . 2 4 0 .p   2 1 . f 70 2 . 2 40.5858
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 “If we are not your first choice let us give you a free honest second opinion”                              August 15th                                                                PERSONAL PLANNING GUIDE
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                                     Daniel Kokilananda
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               Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated

		                                                        For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                               St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Las Vegas, NV                                   A 4C 05-1284
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