Page created by Clarence Watts

                                        MARCH 11, 2018
                                        THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT

                                        BE CONFIDENT IN GOD’S MERCIFUL LOVE!
                                        Some of you may remember the old poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, “How do
    616 Reading Road                    I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
    Mason, Ohio 45040                   my soul can reach…”

                                                                     These words try to capture a bit of the all-encompassing
    Phone: 513-398-3821                                              aspect of human love. As much as we love… as much
    Parish Office: ext. 3100                                         as we are loved… as much as we can joyfully count
                                                                     the ways we love others… it all pales in comparison
    School Office: ext. 3108
                                                                     to God’s divine love. All three readings this week
    After Hours Emergency: ext. 3200                                 illustrate God’s merciful love.
    Fax: 513-398-2254
                                        Even though the people of Israel had turned away from God, the natural
                                        consequence was their defeat by enemies, God did not forget them. As soon as
                                        they repented, as soon as they returned to God, they also returned to Jerusalem. In
    Parish Office Hours                 the Gospel we see the full extent of God’s love. The only Son of God was sent into
                                        the world in order to save it. God loves us and seeks to draw us out of darkness
    Monday - Friday:
                                        into light and does whatever is necessary to save us from our sinfulness.
    8:30am - 4:30pm
                                        But why would God do this? Certainly not
                                        because we deserve it or are entitled to it?
                                        God saves us out of mercy. For three weeks
                                        now we have considered various aspects
                                        of our covenant, our unending relationship
                                        with God… and the responsibilities and
                                        privileges that flow from it. Despite our
                                        infidelity, God remains faithful to us; despite
                                        the steps we take to our own destruction,
                                        living only for ourselves, God continues to
                                        offer us a second chance.

                                        But God does not force His love or mercy upon us. God does not force us to
                                        choose to be in relationship with Him. We are free to choose or reject His love.

                                        What will you do? Will you choose to move out your darkness into God’s light?
                                        Will you choose to return to God? Do you see your own transitions and sinfulness
    Bulletin Deadline                   and need for God in your life?
    The deadline for all articles for
    the Sunday bulletin is Friday                                    No matter what we chose in the past… today is a new
    afternoon, (9) days before the                                   day. We are able to make a new choice to live for
                                                                     God… to live for others.
    article appears in the bulletin.
    Please send items, along with                                    God is eager to enfold us in His loving embrace
    the dates they should run, to                                    of mercy and love. Are you eager to choose that for                                       embrace and live in God’s love?

                                                                                  Nursery Available
                                                                                  The nursery is available for 9:00 and
Monday, March 12                                         PRAY FOR                 11:15am Masses. It is located in the
6:00pm       Rita Wendel                                 THOSE SERVING            Undercroft. Call ext. 3126 or email
                                                         OVERSEAS!       for details.
Tuesday, March 13
                                                         Alex Back
8:15am       Diane Graham                                Jake Denman
                                                                                  Children’s Liturgy of the Word
                                                         Craig Doty
                                                                                  For children in grades K-2, September
Wednesday, March 14                                      Joseph Patrick Fusco
                                                         Thomas Prieve            through May, 9:00 and 11:15am
8:15am       Cristina Kessler                            Justin Schuh             Masses. For details, contact Kristen Tell,
                                                         Christian Sorfnsen
                                                                                  ext. 3135 or
Thursday, March 15                                       James Wernke
                                                         Rachelle Wernke
8:15am       Jean & Jim Carey                            Brandon Wesley
2:30pm       (Mason Christian Village)                   Ryan Whitaker            Spanish Mass
             Intention of the Residents                  Jim Wykoff               A Mass in Spanish will be held at
                                                         Michael Zeller
                                                                                  4:00pm on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of
Friday, March 16                                                                  every month. For details, contact
8:15am       Intention of the Parishioners                                        Karla Eysoldt, (513) 448-8994 or
Saturday, March 17                                       PRAYERS FOR
                                                                                  Misa en español es el segundo y cuarto
8:15am       Margaret Dilley                             THOSE IN NEED
5:00pm       (Fr. Roush)   Edward Abaray                                          domingo del mes a las 4:00pm.
                                                         Judy Babich
                                                         Jack Brady
Sunday, March 18                                         Donna Brown
                                                                                  Parish Membership
                                                         BettyLu Bryan
7:30am       (Fr.   Roush)     Steve Francisco
                                                         Jeffery Burbridge        We joyfully welcome new members of
9:00am       (Fr.   Roush)     Sandy Wilder              Erica Burger             our parish community. Please register
11:15am      (Fr.   Farrell)   Frank Diller              Pam Burger
6:00pm       (Fr.   Farrell)   Robert Jungkunz                                    by calling the Parish Office (513-398-
                                                         Linda Burnside-Heine
                                                         Dolores DiAngelo         3821), or online (
                                                         Tony Dierkers
                                                         Ashley Douglas
                                                         Lucy D’Souza
WEEKEND MASS TIMES                                       John Gavin              Parish Library
Saturday at 5:00pm                                       Peggy Gospodarek        Media can be checked out at any time.
Sunday at 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:15am, 6:00pm                Scott Greisl            Stop by the Parish Office for help.
                                                         Norma Grone
Spanish Mass: 4:00pm the 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month   Scarlett James
                                                         Lyle Jones
                                                                                  Prayer Requests
DAILY MASS TIMES                                         Kimberly Kelly
                                                         Frank Lahrman            If you have people to be prayed for and
Monday at 6:00pm                                         Stephen Lutes            would like to have them in the bulletin,
Tuesday through Saturday at 8:15am                       David Magella            please email and
                                                         Susan Marsh
                                                                                  we will begin publishing them weekly.
HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION                                  Lucas McCrea
                                                         Jeanne Mullett
6:30am, 8:15am, 7:00pm
                                                         Sarah Nadolny
                                                         Philip Nwankpa
RECONCILIATION                                           Chidinma Nwankpa
Monday at 6:45pm and Saturday at 9:00am                  Eloise Pitstick
                                                         Michael Pottner        Divine Healer, God of Wholeness, we place
                                                         Barbie Quinto          these parishioners in Your hands; we ask for
EUCHARISTIC EXPOSITION                                   Joel Rivera            healing, but also for acceptance of their illness
Monday, 6:45 - 9:00pm                                    Doreen Schowalter      and of Your holy plan. Help them and us to
                                                         Wayne Schowalter       embrace whatever You have in mind for them.
                                                         Marie Seuberling       Support them in their anxieties, fears, pains, and
FIRST FRIDAY                                             Nathan Shackleford     the frustrations of their illness. Support them with
After 8:15am Mass Friday to beginning                    Millie Smeltzer        the strength of the Holy Spirit. We ask this in the
of 8:15am Mass Saturday                                  Richard Smith          name of Jesus, compassionate healer of those in
                                                         Rodney Smith           need of health and hope. Amen.
                                                         Paul St. Clair
ROSARY/DEVOTIONS                                         Kelly Stevens
Tuesday through Saturday at 7:30am                       Julia Theil
                                                         Beverly Ward
                                                         Jenny Weibel
                                                         Robert Wiggins                                                            3

    Our Catholic Faith                            LENTEN RECONCILIATION SERVICE
    Are you interested in learning more
    about our beautiful Catholic Faith and        The second of our two Lenten Reconciliation services will be held
    perhaps becoming Catholic? Are you            Wednesday, March 14th at 7:00pm in Church.
    an Adult Catholic seeking Confirmation?
    Then please contact Susan Hack,
    ext. 3169 or

                                                                                                          Music and Reflection by Candlelight
    Baptism Preparation
                                                                                                          Thursday, March 15th from 6:30 – 7:00pm
    All parents desiring Baptism for their
    children should go to the website and fill                                                            All are welcome to come and reflect on the Holy Spirit through song,
    out the registration forms on the website                                                             scripture, silence and prayer.
                                                                     Music & Reflection
    If it is your first child, please feel free                       by Candlelight

    to attend the baptismal class at your         4TH SUNDAY OF LENT, SO DARK!
                                                                         3rd Thursday of the Month

    earliest convenience. Couples may             A All
                                                        are welcome to
                                                     come and reflect
                                                                       of the Man Born Blind
    attend before the birth of their child, but        on the Holy Spirit
                                                   through song, scripture,

    registration must be complete.
                                                      silence and prayer.
                                                  On a starless, cloud-filled night, it is almost impossible to move in safety. That changes when
                                                   Questions? Email Guy Vanasse,

                                                  dawn approaches, when light breaks on the horizon. That is why the dripping wet newly
                                                  baptized (when real thirst is slaked) receive light from the paschal candle. Christ gives us
                                                  light. Christ is light!
Marriage Preparation                              • What are the times I prefer to “be in the dark”?
Please contact the Parish Office no later         • What blinds me from seeing goodness and truth?
than six months prior to the date of              • What mercy work can I do to give light (and heat) to those in need?
intended marriage.

                                                  Are you looking for a Lenten prayer for yourself and your family?
                                                  Walk with the Lord each Friday of Lent at 7:00pm in Church.
                                                  We will pray the Stations of the Cross, walking with Jesus to
                                                  Calvary and opening our hearts to His love and mercy.


                                                                                                                                                         HELP IS
Go to to                                                                                                                            NEEDED FOR
create your FREE personal log-in.
                                                                                                                                                         EASTER VIGIL
                                                                                                                               The Easter Vigil is Saturday, March 31st and
     ALTAR                                                                                                                     the St. Susanna Community will be receiving
     FLOWER                                                                                                                    eighteen new members into the parish.
                                                               Palm Sunday Weekend
     DEDICATION                                                   March 24th/25th
                                                                                                                               The Vigil Mass is followed by a reception
                                                            5:00pm (Saturday), 7:00am,
                                                                                                                               for these members. Please contact Mary Jo
     You can dedicate                                        9:00am,11:15am, 6:00pm
                                                                                                                               Drohan, or 513-336-
     the placing of
                                                                                                                               9697, if you can contribute finger food,
     flowers at the altar                                     Holy Thursday, March 29th
                                                                                                                               cookies, sandwiches or another food item and/
     in memory of a loved one or to honor                              7:00pm
                                                                                                                               or if you are willing to help with setup and
     a special occasion. The amount is
                                                                                                                               serving that evening. Please help welcome
     $50 to defray the cost of the flowers.                   Good Friday, March 30th
                                                                                                                               these newest members!
                                                             12:00pm, 3:00pm, 7:00pm
     To reserve a date, please contact the
     Parish Office, 398-3821, ext. 3100.                       Holy Saturday, March 31st

                                                               Easter Sunday, April 1st
                                                             7:00am, 9:00am, 11:15am

                                                ADULT FAITH FORMATION
                                                      FAITH FORMATION

March 21st – April 18th: Do
you want to know Christ more                                         PARISH-WIDE LENTEN PROJECT
personally? New Life in the Spirit is
a life-transforming experience where                                 For more than 75 years their mission
you will discover Christ’s personal                                  continues using the gospel of Jesus Christ
and unconditional love for YOU. Listen to dynamic teachings to       as their mandate. They continually seek
help you experience Christ personally and the gifts of the Holy      to help those most in need, providing
Spirit. This program will take place on 5 consecutive Wednesday      assistance on the basis of need, without
evenings from 7-9pm at St. Ignatius Parish in Hilvert Center, 5222   regard to race, creed or nationality.
North Bend Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio 45247. For more info or to
register, call Mary Ann at 513-378-4431 or Lighthouse Renewal        The St. Susanna Parish Community will be collecting financial
Center at 513-471-5483. Visit our web site at          donations February 24th through March 25th (the Lenten Season)
(Suggested donation $5)                                              for Catholic Relief Services.

                                                                     OPTIONS FOR GIVING:
                                                                     School/Preschool/CFP/EC: If you have a child in one of these
                                                                     programs, each class will be collecting for a specific gift – this
MEN’S CRHP 29: MAY 19TH - 20TH, 2018                                 will be at the discretion of the teacher/students.

To The Men of Saint Susanna Parish,                                  Parish at Large: We will be collecting “Rice Bowl” donations
                                                                     which will be given to the Archdiocese CRS to be used where
The 29th retreat for the Christ Renews                               they are needed most.
His Parish (CRHP) weekend will be                                    • Check made out to St. Susanna Parish with “CRS-Lenten
held Saturday, May 19th and Sunday,                                       Giving” on the memo line. Place the check in an
May 20th, 2018. The CRHP retreat,                                         envelope clearly marked CRS-Lenten Giving and drop off at
pronounced “Chirp”, is an overnight                                       the parish office or in the Mass offering basket.
retreat for adult men seeking to deepen their Catholic faith while   • Online donation through St. Susanna online giving site:
expanding their fellowship with other men of the parish.         - choose “Quick Give” and
                                                                          then select “Catholic Relief Services” from the drop-down list.
Attending CRHP has changed many personal, spiritual and              • Cash/Check Donations, which includes the “Rice Bowl” boxes
professional lives over the last 28 years. If you’re reading this,        that can be picked up / dropped off in the Gathering Space
there’s a good chance you should be a part of the weekend.                on Collection Weekends: February 24th- March 25th.
Don’t wait – spaces are filling up fast.
                                                                     For more information on the CRS Rice Bowl Program, go to:
Please consider taking part in an enjoyable and memorable  
weekend of fellowship. All you have to do is listen. CRHP is free
to attend and all meals are provided. Contact Fraser McCurrach       For questions regarding the St. Susanna Lenten Project, please
at for more information, or by phone at        contact Mary Jo Burns, or 398-3821, ext.
(513) 515-7793.                                                      3120 or Nancy Thomas,, 375-7476.

                      STEWARDSHIP                                    A Lifeline for Married Couples

                                                                     The next program will begin the weekend of April 6-8, 2018.
                                                                     Retrouvaille is a Catholic sponsored, confidential program open
              March 4, 2018    March 4, 2018
                                               Over / (Under)        to all faiths. It offers a chance to rediscover yourself, and your
              BUDGET           ACTUAL             Budget             spouse. It is for couples that have experienced a breakdown
                                                                     in communication, become unloving and uncaring, thinking of
               $52,131          $65,577          $13,466             separation or divorce or who are separated.

               Year to Date    Year to Date                          For further information please visit the website at:
                                               Over / (Under)
              BUDGET           ACTUAL             Budget

             $1,452,771       $1,670,419        $217,648

                                                 ADULT FAITHIN ACTION

                          YOUNG AT HEART                                                        CALLED TO SERVE: CATHOLIC
                          MARCH LUNCHEON                                                        SOCIAL TEACHING FOR
                                                                                                TODAY’S CATHOLIC
                        Join the Young at Hearts group for
                        our monthly luncheon on Wednesday,                                      Wednesday, March 21st, 7-8:30pm,
                        March 21 at 12:00 noon. Our program,                                    in the St. Susanna Meyer Center
“Wooden Shoe Hollow,” will be presented by the Cincinnati
Museum Center. Not all German immigrants settled in “Over                                          Have you heard of Catholic Social
the Rhine.” Those from Westphalia found a fertile valley along                                     Teaching but don’t know much about it?
the Mill Creek where they planted their fruits and vegetables to                                   Has Pope Francis’ call to a “Culture of
be sold in the “downtown” markets. They proudly wore their                Encounter” with our neighbors left you wanting to know more?
wooden shoes as they worked in their gardens.                             The Our Global Family Ministry of St. Susanna is pleased to
                                                                          welcome Pam Long, Newly Retired Regional Director for Catholic
The cost of the luncheon is $12.00, payable by check or with the          Social Action and the Catholic Relief Service’s Diocesan Director,
correct cash in an envelope. Be sure to write YAH luncheon on the         (Cincinnati) to share with us Catholic Social Teaching 101. She
memo line or on your envelope. Either may be put in the Sunday            will also highlight the important global work of Catholic Relief
collection, mailed or taken to the parish office. Reservations            Services, which is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year.
are due no later than Friday, March 16. For questions, contact            Come spend a moment in Lent to learn about our call as Catholics
Gretchen Osner (398-4820).                                                to serve the poor and vulnerable.

                                                                          Please register on the website at
                                                                          ourglobalfamily. For more information, contact Cabrina Attal
It has been said that if you have
possessions that have gone unused for
over one year, they should be discarded.                                                                IHN TRAINING EVENT
If you think that might be a good idea                                                                  Sunday, April 15, 2018,
and are considering a declutter of your                                                                 from 11:30am-12:30pm,
home, please keep in mind that there are                                                                at Heritage Presbyterian Church
many people who would be thrilled to                                                                    (6546 Mason Montgomery Rd)
accept your castoffs.
                                                                          St. Susanna is currently involved with Interfaith Hospitality
St. Susanna Women’s Association has                                       Network of Warren County by providing meals to homeless
scheduled the annual Parish Garage                                        families. Several volunteers will provide a meal for approximately
Sale for June 22 and 23, 2018. While monetary funds are the               20 individuals. The need to provide a meal occurs four to five
direct result of this sale, it is only part of its purpose. The sale is   times a year.
a ministry to our community allowing individuals and families to
stretch their shopping dollars by buying clothing and household           If you are interested in helping to feed homeless families in the
appliances at reasonable and affordable prices.                           Warren County area, additional information can be found at
Please keep the Women’s Association in mind as you begin your    At this website, you can also
decluttering and spring cleaning chores. If you are unable or             indicate your interest in volunteering to help prepare meals.
unwilling to hold your items till June, there are members of the          IHN is offering a training event on April 15th from 11:30am to
Women’s Association who are willing to accept your items to               12:30pm at Heritage Presbyterian Church in the gym (fellowship
store until then. If necessary, they would even consider pick-ups.        hall). Ms. Linda Rabolt (Director of IHN-WC) will be the trainer.
                                                                          Pizza and soft drinks will be served, at no charge to you. There
Proceeds from the sale provide funds to purchase special                  will be a donation basket, if you want to contribute.
items for the Parish and to assist its various ministries. Contact
Christine Phelan at 513-492-7265 or or                To RSVP for the training session (by April 1st) or for additional
Mary Ann Vossler at 513-257-3892 or                  information contact Mary Beth Koenig at
                                                                          or 513-314-7672.

               Jesus was present to people society had marginalized, condemned, and cast out. Lenten Reflection: Have you encountered
               Jesus in the poorest of the poor? How does human suffering encourage you to build God’s kingdom of justice and peace?

                                               ADULT FAITHIN ACTION

ST SUSANNA PARISH FISH FRY!!                                           YOUNG AT HEART RED’S GAME
March 16th Special - New England Clam Chowder
                                                                       Please join us for a Cincinnati Red’s ball game
The Fish Fry is underway! Our Signature                                on Thursday, May 24th vs the Pittsburgh Pirates
Salmon is back, along with weekly                                      (12:35 pm game time). The cost is $35 per
specials. We will offer our freshly                                    ticket, which includes the ticket, and $10 toward food and/
prepared beer-battered cod and shrimp!                                 or drink plus the bus. Please make the check payable to “St.
For those that crave a bigger portion,                                 Susanna Parish” and put “Reds Game” on the memo line. Take
we will be offering a Supersized meal                                  or mail the check to the parish office. Deadline is May 15th. Sign
option that includes 2 pieces of fish, a                               up now, seating is limited to the first 40 fans. Have questions,
double order of Shrimp or one of each. SENIORS! The YOUNG              please call Jim Valento at 513/379-3823.
AT HEART ROOM is back offering tableside service and a quiet
atmosphere! And for those on the run, we offer DRIVE THRU
SERVICE!! FINALLY, don’t forget our famous DESSERT TABLE
offering a variety of HOMEMADE goodies to round out your
dinner! The Fish Fry is held each Friday through March 23rd at the
Meyer Center from 5pm to 8pm. Come give us a try!

                                       CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION

PRESCHOOL OPENINGS                                                     ST. SUSANNA SCHOOL COMMISSION
FOR THE 2018 – 2019
                                                                                           The St. Susanna School Commission seeks
SCHOOL YEAR!                                                                               several new members to serve three-year terms
                                                                                           beginning this Fall. The purpose of the School
It’s not too late to register!!! If you are                                                Commission is to advise and collaborate with
looking for a nurturing environment for                                                    school administrators and the pastor about
your little one with a variety of opportunities to learn & play, all                       issues related to the school. Current focuses
while discovering God’s wonderful world, St. Susanna Preschool                             include supporting the academic mission of
is the place for you! We have limited openings in our 2s Class as      St. Susanna School, identifying and addressing the needs of the
well as our 3s, 4s and Pre-K afternoon sessions, so don’t delay…       school and parish community, maintaining and improving school
call today! For additional information or to schedule a tour,          facilities, and improving communication with current and prospec-
please contact Joette Ewing, Preschool Director, at 513- 398-          tive school families.
3821 ext. 3131, or Thank you!
                                                                       If you are interested in being considered for a position, you will
                                                                       need to provide a resumé and provide answers in writing to a set
ATTN: NURSERY FAMILIES                                                 of questions by April 8th. Details of the application process can
                                                                       be found online at:
St. Susanna Nursery is implementing                                    Questions? Contact Sarah McClain at 513.225.7093 or
a new communication system called                            
RainedOut. The purpose is to notify
families of closures to the nursery due
to lack of staff, sickness, or holiday closures via mobile phone
SMS text messages. You will not receive any spam or unsolicited        BOOSTERS NEWS
content - all messages will be sent from the administrator of St.
Susanna Nursery (Kate Sylvester).                                      Boosters is seeking candidates for the following:

To sign up, go to, search for St. Susanna Nursery        • Non-Parent Coach for Varsity Football Team
(St. Susanna parish nursery in Mason, Ohio) Category: religious          (7th/8th Grade)
and enter your phone number. You will receive a confirmation           • Coordinator for Boys Basketball - Youth (3rd-5th Grades)
code to confirm. Once the code is entered, you’re all set to
receive notifications. If you have any questions, please contact       For more information, please contact Mark Cravens at
Kate Sylvester via email at:                     (859) 916-6161 or

                   June 25th - 29th from 9:00am-Noon

                   To register a participant or as a volunteer visit:

    Early Childhood 2017-2018                                       CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 195 NEWLY
    Faith Formation for 3, 4, pre-K 5-year-
                                                                    CONFIRMED CATHOLIC TEENS OF ST. SUSANNA!
    olds and kindergartners meets on
    Sunday mornings at 9:00am. For more                              As believers in Jesus Christ, pray that they are open to the call to a new
    information, contact Rebecca Sackrider,                          life and to make moral choices that keep them united with God. With
    ext. 3126,                             the help and grace of the Holy Spirit, that they will choose ways to act
                                                                     to grow in their relationship with God, to help other people, and to fulfill
                                                their prophetic mission to be witnesses to Christ in all circumstances. May the peace and
    Preschool                                   light of Jesus accompany and guide them. Let them realize how deeply loved and precious
                                                each of them are in God’s eyes.
    Weekday Preschool is available for ages
    2-5 in the Undercroft of church. For more
                                                Go forth and let your light shine!
    information, contact Joette Ewing, ext.
    3131 or

                                                NURSERY HELP NEEDED
    CFP                                         The youngest members of our parish are in need of your service
    Grades 1-8 (2017-2018)
    Faith Formation for elementary students     The nursery is seeking individuals with experience and interest in caring for multiple children
    will be Sundays, 10:30 -11:45am, and        birth to 4 years old to join our staff. The position requires a commitment of Sunday mornings
    Mondays, 6:15 - 7:30pm. For more            8:30-12:30 twice a month with flexible scheduling and some compensation.
    information, contact Kristen Tell,          If interested please contact Kate Sylvester by phone (513)226-5717, email
    ext. 3135 or  or the Parish Office.

    Saint Susanna School
    The parish school provides a Catholic
    education for Grades K-8.                                   FAITH ALIVE                                     LIFE
    For more information, contact the                           If you would like updates                       If you would like updates
    School Office, ext. 3108.                                   texted to you, please text                      texted to you, please text
                                                                @328637 to 81010.                               @life20172 to 81010.

                                                  March 11th, 4:00-5:45pm                           March 11th, 7:00-9:00pm
    Faith Alive                                   “F is for Friends”                                “Reconciled and Free”
    Grades 6-8 (2017-2018)                        What is a true friendship? How can we             At LIFE we will have guest speakers from
    Sundays at 4:00pm to 5:45pm                   build our relationships around Christ?            St. Susanna’s Kairos ministry. Listen to
    in the St. John Bosco Youth Room.             Find out at Faith Alive!                          their experiences as we spread our love
                                                                                                    to those cast out of society!
    For more information, contact
                                                  March 18th, 4:00-5:45pm
    Gabbi Montavon, ext. 3195 or
                                                  “Cast Lots”                                       March 18th                      The soldiers cast lots for Jesus’ clothes.        No LIFE! Please come to our Spring
                                                  Our clothes give us all a sense of                Retreat this weekend! Information can be
    To get Faith Alive text updates, you can      security and comfort. Learn how we                found on our website or you can email
    join by texting 517-910-6127 and text         can we provide ourselves with security  
    the message @stsue.                           and comfort in today’s world!
                                                                                                    March 25th
                                                  March 25th                                        No LIFE! In reverence of Palm Sunday,
                                                  No Faith Alive! In reverence of Palm              please join us for the 6:00pm Mass on
    LIFE                                          Sunday, please join us for the 6:00pm             Sunday!
    Grades 9-12 (2017-2018)                       Mass on Sunday!
    Sundays at 7:00pm in the St. John Bosco                                                         April 1st
    Youth Room. For more information,             April 1st                                         No LIFE! Happy Easter!
    contact Gabbi Montavon, ext. 3195 or          No Faith Alive! Happy Easter!                                                                        April 8th, 7:00-9:00pm
                                                  April 8th                                         “Resurrected!”
                                                  No Faith Alive! Please come to our                We all have our crosses to bear. Jesus
    To get LIFE text updates, you can join by
                                                  Spring Retreat this weekend! Information          carried his and defeated death! Come to
    texting to the number 81010 and text          can be found on our website or you                LIFE as we share our crosses, leave them
    the message @stsuelife.                       can email                at the foot of Jesus’ cross and resurrect
                                                                                                    in Him!

MISA EN ESPAÑOL                                                     NOTICIAS
Segundo y cuarto Domingo del Mes 4:00pm                             •    Grupo de Oración para adultos en Español todos los Martes
                                                                         a las 7:30pm en el cuarto de St. Jerónimo abajo de la
ORACIÓN TAIZE Y CORONILLA DE LA MISERICORDIA                             Iglesia.
Tercer Jueves del mes a las 6:30pm                                  •    No se les olvide registrarse a la parroquia! Cualquier
                                                                         programa que quieran participar, cartas de la Iglesia, hacer
                                                                         algún sacramento, tienen que estar registrados.
                                                                    •    Para más información o si tiene alguna pregunta por favor
Con dos Misas al mes en Español, necesitamos ayuda. Ministros
                                                                         comuniquese con la Iglesia. El número de teléfono en Español
de Eucaristía, Ujieres, Lectores, Monaguillos. Se provee
                                                                         de St. Susanna es: (513) 398-3821 Ext. 3202 por favor deje
Para el Coro contactar a: Nicolas Ortiz
                                                                    El Ministerio Hispano Católico los invita al:

GRUPO DE JOVENES!!!!                                                RETIRO DE PAREJAS
                                                                    El 28 de Abril del 2018 de 8:30am-4:00pm
FAITH ALIVE: Domingos de 4-5:45pm en el cuarto de St.               Iglesia de St. Susanna en Mason
Jerónimo en el sótano de la Iglesia para jovenes de 6-8 grados.
                                                                    Se aceptan parejas que vivan en unión libre, parejas
LIFE: Domingos de 7-9pm en el cuarto de St. Jerónimo en el          preparandose para Matrimonio y parejas que estén casadas por
sótano de la Iglesia para jovenes de 9 a 12 grados.                 lo civil ó por la iglasia. Registro necesario con Karla Eysoldt al
Para más información contacte a Gabbi Montavon en la oficina        (513) 448-8994 o
de la iglesia.
                                                                    DEPARTAMENTO DE SERVICIOS LEGALES DE
                                                                    Ofrecerá consultas gratuitas sin cita en St. Susanna el 15 de
                                                                    Marzo del 2018 de 10am a 4:30pm. Para más información
El Sábado 31 de Marzo para la Vigilia Pascual.
                                                                    comuniquese con Karla Eysoldt.
Necesitamos donaciones de comida para celebrar a los
nuevos miembros de la Iglesia. Para más información por favor
comuniquese con Karla Eysoldt.
                                                                    ¿CONOCE A ALGUIEN A QUIEN EL ALCOHOL Y LAS
                                                                    DROGAS REPRESENTAN PROBLEMAS EN SU VIDA?
SERVICIO DE RECONCILIACION                                          Grupo Oxford tiene sesiones: Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes
El Servicio de Penitencia de Cuaresma es el:                        de 7 a 9 PM
Miércoles 14 de Marzo a las 7:00 p.m. en la Iglesia.                Grupos de Familia Al-Anon, Jueves y Viernes de 7-9:00pm.
                                                                    Para más información por favor llame a:
Alentamos a todas las familias a venir a la confesión y a recibir   (513) 614-8784 (513) 390-3825
la reconciliación, especialmente a las familias de los niños
preparandose para recibir su Primera Comunión. Habrán
sacerdotes que hablan español.
                                                                                     ¿HA PENSADO USTED EN LA MEJOR
                                                                                     EDUCACIÓN PARA SUS HIJOS?
Todas las jovencitas que quieren                                                   Las escuelas católicas ofrecen una enseñanza
tener celebraciones de Quince años                                                 superior en un ambiente de fe, valores y
en St. Susanna tienen que participar                                               disciplina. Venga a visitarnos y no se arrepentirá.
en un retiro que se da sola- mente                                                 ¡Las inscripciones ya están abiertas! Tenemos
una vez al año. Y hay otra formación y requisitos para ayudarles    becas y ayuda financiera disponible. Para más información,
en esta etapa de madurez tan importante. Llame a Karla Eysoldt      por favor comuníquese con Mayra Wilson– Coordinadora de
cuando su hija cumpla 14 años y ella puede avisarle de todos los    Relaciones Hispanas al (513) 421.3131 ext. 2718.
requisitos. Próximo retiro será el 17 de Marzo del 2018.

                                                                    GRUPO DE APOYO PARA SOBREVIVIENTES DE
SU CASA SE HA MUDADO                                                VIOLENCIA DOMÉSTICA.
La nueva dirección es: Mid Pointe Tower                             Todos los Martes de 5:30-7pm. Llame al (513) 381-5610 para
7162 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, Ohio 45237.                            mas información y lugares. Hay cuidado de niños.
Tel 513-761-1588.
Para Servicios Legales de Inmigración: (513) 672-3746
                                                                    El programa de ABLE ofrece clases de Inglés.
                                                                    Para más información comuniquese al (513)
                                                                    695-2987. Clases en Lebanon en las tardes.
March 11, 2018
                                                                                                         Fourth Sunday of Lent (B)
                                                                                                         2 Chr 36:14–16, 19–23
                                                                                                         Eph 2:4–10
                                                                                                         Jn 3:14–21

 Healed Through His
 Wounds                                                                        God’s grace to transform self-limiting attitudes and

     Jesus refers to the story that Michelangelo painted
      into a corner of the Sistine Chapel. It is about the
 time the Chosen People were attacked by serpents
                                                                               habits into virtues.
                                                                                  Even if you feel dead in your transgressions now,
                                                                               Jesus has already secured your path to life. Grace
 and many were dying. God instructed Moses to place                            awaits you. The first step is to accept the love from he
 two serpents on a staff and lift it up over the people.                       who is lifted up with arms outstretched to receive you.
 All they had to do was look at the serpents to be                                                                 —Fr. Mark Haydu, LC
 miraculously healed of their bite wounds.
    We have all been bitten by sin. This can be our own                            For Reflection
 self-destructive choices and attitudes, or we can be
                                                                                   Do I have any unspoken beliefs that, in some way, I
 victims of other’s sins. Yet sin and suffering doesn’t
                                                                                   I amunlovable?
 need to have the last word. We can overcome if we
 choose to look at Christ crucified and learn his lesson                           Do I need to repent from whatever attitudes or
 of love. Jesus teaches us to not be defined by our ugly                           actions distance me from that love?
 choices or the wounds
 we suffer. Our wounds
 and weaknesses can
 become the place of
 our healing. Jesus
 wants to heal us. That
 is why he let himself
 be lifted up!
    To embrace this
 healing is simple yet
 challenging. First it
 requires simple faith
 to believe you are
 loved by the Father, no
 matter what. Second
 we need a constant,
 often-denied effort on          Piece: The Brazen Serpent, 1508-1512
 our part to sincerely           Artist: Michelangelo
                                 Location: Sistine Chapel
 repent and work with

                 [Jesus said,] “Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert,
                             so must the Son of Man be lifted up.”
                                                                   John 3:14
                                                  © 2018 Liguori Publications • Liguori, MO 63057-9999
PARISH STAFF                                       ORGANIZATION                 CONTACT
        Contact: 398-3821 • Parish, ext. 3100 • School, ext. 3108
                                                                                    Boosters                     Mark Cravens, 770-4278
                                                                                    Caregiver Support Group      Sharon Kipfer, 509-3278
Fr. Robert Farrell (Pastor) ext. 3101,
Fr. Eric Roush (Parochial Vicar) ext. 3106,                    Festival                     Brenda Stier,

Lou Wong (Deacon) ext. 3137,                                    Finance Commission           Shannon Benvenuti, 398-3821
                                                                                    Fish Fry                     Scott Kososki, 461-9098
    PASTORAL STAFF: YOUTH AND CHILDREN’S FORMATIONS                                 Health & Wellness            Laura Barbetta, 847-1849
Rebecca Sackrider (DRE, Early Childhood, VBS) ext. 3126,
                                                                                    Knights of Columbus          George Denman, 939-9022
Lauren Zinnecker (CFP 1-4) ext. 3400,
                                                                                    Men’s Prayer Group           Bill Bross, 518-9594
Kristen Tell (CFP 5-8, First Communion) ext. 3135,
                                                                                    Moms Group                   Katie Fortener, (248) 515-8895
Gabrielle Montavon (Youth Minister) ext. 3195,
Melissa Capella (Young Adults, Confirmation) ext. 3149,      Natural Family Planning      Tom & Colleen O’Rourke, 398-3116
                                                                                    Prayer Network               Kathy Mussman, 777-5981
                 PASTORAL STAFF: ADULT FORMATION                                    PTO                          Ann Roda,
Susan Hack (Faith Formation, RCIA) ext. 3169,                   Risen Life                   Roberta Brunck, 777-1476
Chloé Fasano (Faith Formation, RCIA) ext. 3110,
                                                                                    School Commission            Sarah McClain, 225-7093
Mary Jo Burns (Peace & Justice) ext. 3120,
                                                                                    Schuh Center                 Teresa Bolte, 779-8965

                        SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION                                       St. Vincent de Paul          Mary Jo Burns, 398-3821

Joette Ewing (Preschool) ext. 3131,                            Women’s Association          Mary Ann Mushaben, 504-7181
Daniel Albrinck (Principal) ext 3109,                       Young at Heart               Dottie Linton, 754-0114

                              ADDITIONAL STAFF                                      PTO 365 DAY RAFFLE WINNERS
Shannon Benvenuti (Business Manager) ext. 3121,
                                                                                                          2/25    Ruth Tinker              $100
Nikki Dickson (Parish Receptionist) ext. 3100,
                                                                                                          2/26    Bob Cross                $40
Karla Eysoldt (Hispanic Ministry) 513-448-8994,                           2/27    Bruce Patterson          $40
Teresa Johns (Communications Director) ext. 3104,                                    2/28    Angie Smith              $40
Doug Popp (Facilities) ext. 3154,                                                     3/1     Frank Borke              $40
Guy Vanasse (Music & Liturgy) ext. 3105,                                           3/2     Wayne Meyer              $40
                                                                                                          3/3     Lynn Fread               $40

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