AWL: Building the future - DIY at home enrichments - Happy Homes OF ANIMAL CARE

Page created by Tim Scott
AWL: Building the future - DIY at home enrichments - Happy Homes OF ANIMAL CARE
Edition 12
Redevelopment Edition

AWL: Building
the future

Happy Homes

DIY at home
AWL: Building the future - DIY at home enrichments - Happy Homes OF ANIMAL CARE
A message from our CEO                                                                           Page 4
                                                                                                                                                   Community Cats                                                                                         &views
    Welcome to the Redevelopment Edition of the By Your Side Magazine and an exciting
    time in the history of the AWL.
                                                                                                                                                   – what can you do?
    I am thrilled to share with you the details of our Animal Care Centre which is due for                                                         Do you know that one cat that is always            If you’ve still come up empty handed, the
    completion by July 2020.                                                                                                                       hanging around your street? You see him            AWL have designed a paper collar that you

                                                                                                        Page 8
                                                                                                                                                   from time-to-time, and then he’ll disappear
                                                                                                                                                   for a few weeks until he returns to lazing
                                                                                                                                                                                                      can print out and place around the cat’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                      neck. This collar will allow anybody else
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Letter to
    As part of a staged Masterplan, the Animal Care Centre is a purpose-built, Australian
    premier facility which will allow the AWL to provide the highest levels of care,
                                                                                                                                                   around on the footpath and yowling the
                                                                                                                                                   house down. What do you think, is he owned?
                                                                                                                                                                                                      in your community who is either feeding
                                                                                                                                                                                                      this cat or who owns him, to record his
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the Editor...
    education and human/animal interaction to more companion animals than ever before.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ownership status and details [read more
                                                                                                                                                   Despite how often you see him or what his          about this on page 15]. During this time you
    This exciting project has been entirely funded by the AWL’s generous major donors and
                                                                                                                                                   personality portrays, he very well could be        can also advertise ‘Found’ posters around

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Let’s g !
    gifts in Wills, so our heartfelt thanks go out to all who have made this possible for the
                                                                                                                                                   owned or semi-owned and just enjoys extra          your neighbourhood and lodge a ‘Found
    thousands of animals who receive our care.

                                                                                                                                                   snacks and company of the neighbours.              Report’ with the AWL.
                                                                                                                                                   So the real question is, what can you do to
    You may also have noticed some changes as part of this Redevelopment, such as                                                                  help him and does he actually need help?           Will you be his owner?
    the closure of the Joy Richardson Centre (the Wingfield Shelter) and the Wingfield                                                                                                                After these first steps have been taken
    Veterinary Clinic. The Wingfield site will still be home to the AWL Pet Boarding                                                               Is he healthy?                                     and no other feeders or owners have been
    Service and Council Dog Reclaims, and all of the AWL core animals services, like
    pet adoptions, will continue throughout the time of the Redevelopment from our
                                                                                                       In this edition                             If he is skinny, sick or injured, please take      found, it’s safe to assume that you may be
                                                                                                                                                                                                      his only carer and the question becomes
                                                                                                                                                   him to a local veterinary clinic or animal
    AWL Edinburgh North site. More details on all services are explained throughout the                                                            shelter. Once you’ve done so, attempt to find      – would you be comfortable becoming his
    magazine, with a Redevelopment feature between pages 8-13.                                         A message from our CEO                  2   his owner with the below steps. If he’s in good    owner? If yes, prioritise feeding, desexing,
                                                                                                       News & Views                            3   health, leave him be and continue to gather        microchipping and confining him to a safe
    The AWL is excited to be building the                                                              Community Cats - what can you do?       3   more information about him. For any kittens,       space. If no, stop feeding him, and if you
    future of animal care, and I am honoured                                                           The latest AWL statistics               3   or cats that you think may be pregnant,            can, please get him desexed so he cannot
    to use this opportunity to share further                                                                                                       please leave them where they are and call the      be responsible for any more unwanted cats        The AWL team are lucky enough to
                                                                                                       DIY at home enrichments for your pet!   4                                                                                                       have a kind community of people
    details on the project with you. We simply                                                                                                     AWL for advice as soon as possible.                born on the streets. You may leave some
                                                                                                       Pet Advice                              6                                                                                                       who love and support animals, and
    could not provide the continued care for                                                                                                                                                          water out for him, but remove the food
                                                                                                       Tango’s Tail                            7                                                                                                       we think that this magazine needs
    thousands of animals in need without the                                                                                                       Is he owned?                                       resource, he will most likely move on. If you
    support of our community – thank you for                                                           AWL : Building the Future of                The first step in helping him is to figure out     do find that he’s still hanging around and is    your touch!
    all that you do to help us in this journey.                                                        Animal Care                       8-12      his ownership status. An act as simple as          losing condition, it may be time to take him
                                                                                                       Where do I go?                      13      door-knocking on your neighbour’s houses           to your local animal shelter. If he’s being a    How do I have
                                                                                                       Community thanks                    14      with a picture and description of this cat         nuisance but is being fed by other people in
                                                                                                       What are temporary cat collars              could be all that it takes. Missing cats without   your street, politely discuss the options that   my say?
                                                                                                                                                   ID are much more likely to return home if left     may be adding to his behaviour, such as
    Richard Mussell                                         Richard & Chilli                           and how can they help?              15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Have you got an animal-related
    Chief Executive Officer                                                                                                                        alone than if brought to a shelter.                desexing and confinement.
                                                                                                       #AWLHappyHomes                   16-17                                                                                                          question? A Happy Home story?
                                                                                                       Fostering Futures for Animals       18                                                                                                          Concerns about animal laws or
          Facebook                                  Instagram                       Twitter            AWL Animal Care Journey             20                                                                                                          community trends that you want
                        @awl_sa                         @awlsa                                                         The latest AWL statistics                                                                           to be discussed? If so, write or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       email into our friendly team for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       your chance to be featured in the
    Animal Welfare League of SA                                            Page 14
                                                                                                                                                       10,140 animals                                 5,308 stray animals                              next edition of the By Your Side
    Edinburgh North                                  Wingfield                                                                                         incoming to the AWL 2017/18                    incoming to the AWL
    Adoptions : Council Reclaims                     Pet Boarding : Council Dog Reclaims

                                                                                                                                                       879 less                                       599 less
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Address: PO Box 1525
    Surrenders : Pet Cremations                      1-19 Cormack Road (Gate C)
    4 Hewittson Road,                                Wingfield SA 5013                                                                                                                                                                                 Port Adelaide SA 5015
    Edinburgh North SA 5113                          P: (08) 8348 1300                                                                                                                                                                                 Email:
    P: (08) 8256 0000                                                                                                                                                    than 2016/17
                                                     Council Dog Reclaims (Gate C):                            Page 7                                                                                 than 2016/17
    Pet Adoptions: 10.00am - 3.00pm | 7 days         Monday - Friday | 9.00am - 4.00pm
                                                     Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays                                                                                                                                                              We look forward
    Pet Reclaims: 10.00am - 4.00pm | 7 days
                                                     1.00pm - 3.00pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to hearing from
                                                                                                                                                       4635 adoptions
    Pet Surrenders: by appointment

                                                                                                                                                                                                      offsite adoptions                                you!
    Pet Services
    AWL Pet Boarding - Wingfield (Gate C)
    P: (08) 8348 1300
                                                     AWL Pet Cremations - Edinburgh North
                                                     P: (08) 8348 1300
                                                                                                                                                       617 more         than 2016/17                  920 more
    Monday - Friday | 9.00am - 5.00pm                8.00am - 5.00pm | 7 days                          Page 18                                                                                                        than 2016/17
    Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays             Dog Training
    8.00am - 12.00pm                                 Check the website for full details -
2      By Your Side I Redevelopment Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                            By Your Side I Redevelopment Edition   3
AWL: Building the future - DIY at home enrichments - Happy Homes OF ANIMAL CARE
DIY at home
    for your pet!
    Enriching the lives of our pets is a vital part of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  upon a
    ownership, and happens through a range of
    different methods and activities.

                                             Dog treat box                                    6.	Rub half of the peanut spread in              Method:                                              use your scissors to make vertical
                                                                                                 different places on the outside of the         1.	Fill the egg carton with your cat’s regular      incisions into one end of the roll. These
       Taking our pets for a walk is         Ingredients:
                                                                                                 box and use this to stick the treats on.          food, evenly dispersed within the egg             incisions should be 2cms long and
       often thought of as the primary       •	1 x empty medium or large box
       way to keep them busy, but                                                             7.	Rub the remainder of the peanut spread           cups.                                             0.5cms apart, continue making incisions
                                                (dependant on your dog’s size)
       playing with your animal or more                                                          in different places on the inside of the       2.	Place a small portion of your cat’s              around the end of the roll until you have
                                             •	2 x tbsp. peanut spread
       explicitly, getting them to play                                                          box.                                              favourite treats in the bottom of two             reached your original cut.

       in a way that gives them a brain      •	4 x small straps of your dog’s favourite
                                                                                              8.	Seal the top of the box using the same           different egg cups within the carton.          3.	Repeat the above step to the opposite

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 upon a
       work-out can be another hugely           jerky-type treat
                                                                                                 method as the bottom flaps, except,            3.	Place a ping pong ball over the top of           end of the toilet paper roll.
       beneficial type of enrichment.        •	2-3 x of your dog’s favourite chew toys
                                                                                                 place the last chew toy between the               each egg cup filled with biscuits.             4.	Push both ends down, so that the strips

       Shop bought enrichment                   (not balls)
       toys can often be expensive,                                                              interweaved flaps, effectively sealing it in   4.	Call your cat for dinner and watch them          splay outwards, perpendicular to the
                                             •	1 x portion of your dog’s favourite meat
       but luckily there are lots of                                                             place.                                            figure out the puzzle!                            toilet roll.
                                                (cut into small pieces)
       affordable and cost-free ways to                                                       9.	Place the box in an area that you don’t                                                         5.	Now loosely stuff hay into the solid
       make your own DIY enrichments         • 1 x box-cutter knife
       for your pets at home.
                                                                                                 mind getting messy and watch your dog          Rabbit rolls                                         middle of the roll with the excess hay
                                             Method:                                             enjoy the puzzle!                                                                                   sticking out of both ends.
                                             1.	Remove all tape, staples and other                                                                                                               6.	Optional step: pierce a small hole into
                                                materials from the box that could be
                                                                                                                                                • 1 x empty toilet paper roll                                                                    2019 LOTTERY
                                                                                              Cat feeder                                        • 1 x handful of your rabbit’s favourite hay
                                                                                                                                                                                                     the toilet roll and thread the length
                                                harmful to your dog.                                                                                                                                 of wool through this. Using the wool,
                                                                                              Ingredients:                                      •	1 x 30cm length of unbleached wool
                                             2.	Seal the box at one end by interweaving                                                                                                             suspend the toy from a stable place so
                                                the flaps of the box.
                                                                                              • 1x six cup egg carton                              (optional)
                                                                                                                                                                                                     it hangs at the height of your rabbit’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1ST PRIZE
                                                                                              • 6 x ping pong balls                                1 x pair of scissors
                                             3.	Safely use the box cutter knife to cut two
                                                                                              •	1 x regular feeding amount of your cat’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                     head.                                        $50,000 CASH
                                                holes into the box the same diameter                                                            Method:                                           7.	Watch your rabbit enjoy their fun
                                                                                                 dry food                                       1.	Ensure that the toilet paper roll is bare
                                                as your dog’s favourite toys. Place these                                                                                                            new toy!
                                                                                              •	2 x small portions of your cat’s favourite        without leftover paper or glue residue.                                                       Change the life of an
                                                holes on separate sides of the box as far
                                                                                                 treat (a dab of wet food works well)
                                                apart from each other as possible.                                                              2.	Holding your toilet paper roll vertically,                                                   animal in need and win
                                             4.	Push one end of your dog’s toy into one                                                                                                                                                         50,000 dollars!
                                                hole (this should be a tight fit), so that
                                                one end is within the box and the other                                                                                                                                                          Buy your AWL Lottery
                                                is hanging outside of the box. Repeat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ticket or book TODAY!
                                                this with the second toy.
                                             5.	Cut smaller slices into the box at various
                                                intervals and place the jerky straps
                                                into these holes (once again the holes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Buy online at
                                                should be the same size as the jerky so                                                                                                                                                 or call
                                                that it’s a tight fit).                                                                                                                                                                          8348 1300!

4     By Your Side I Redevelopment Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                       By Your Side I Redevelopment Edition 5
AWL: Building the future - DIY at home enrichments - Happy Homes OF ANIMAL CARE
Q. H
                                                            ow do I introduce my newly
                                                                                        adopted cat to my
                                                           household cat?

                                                       A. While there are many things to con
                                                                                               sider                         feel comfortable in their own spa

                                                       before adopting, one of the mos                                                                        ce. Be sure
                                                                                       t important                           to only have the solid door open
                                                       factors needs to be how your resi                                                                      while you’re
                                                                                         dent pets                           supervising and do not force the
                                                      will feel about having a new fam                                                                        cats to interact
                                                                                       ily member.                           with each other.

                                                      Introductions of adult cats can take
                                                      guidance and patience to ensure                                         Once you’re comfortable that the
                                                                                         a positive                                                               two cats are
                                                      relationship is forged.                                                 not showing signs of stress whe
                                                                                                                                                                n seeing each
                                                                                                                             other, increase the space of you

                                                                                                                                                                                       Tango’s Tail
                                                       If your cat is known to have beh                                                                         r new cat’s living
                                                                                       avioural or                           area in monitored ‘outings’. Onc
                                                      medical reasons that it cannot inte                                                                       e again, do not
                                                                                         ract with                           force the cat to come out, let it do
                                                      another cat, adopting another pet                                                                            this at its own
                                                                                         may not be                         pace. It can take a week for cats
                                                      the best option for you.                                                                                   to adjust to
                                                                                                                            each new environment, so mak
                                                                                                                                                               e sure to take
                                                     If you’re unsure how your current                                      these steps slowly. If the cats are
                                                                                        cat would                                                                not showing
                                                     interact with a new cat, then with                                     signs of stress, allow the cats to
                                                                                        guidance,                                                              roam together
                                                     separate spaces and monitored                                         within a designated space on sup
                                                                                      interactions,                                                              ervised ‘visits’.
                                                     you may be able to slowly introduc
                                                                                         e your pets to
                                                     each other.                                                           If at any time the cats are showing
                                                                                                                           stress, calmly separate the cats
                                                                                                                                                                   signs of
                                                                                                                                                               and go back a
                                                                                                                                                                                       Hi Everyone,
                                                    When you first get your new cat                                        step. Introductions can be the key
                                                                                        home, set it                                                              to a long-           It’s me Banjo…well, my mum and dad call me Tango, but I don’t         When it’s time for my dinner, I sit nicely and give my paw, and
                                                    up with food, water, a litter tray and                                lasting relationship between you
                                                                                            a bed in a                                                        r pets; or if done       mind. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but on the way home in the        then I eat everything in my bowl. I get treats as well, so I always
                                                    quiet separate space (a spare bed                                     incorrectly, the catalyst for an anim
                                                                                         room is a great                                                          al returning         car, my mum was telling me everything is going to be okay and I       make sure that I’ve got some room left for them. During the day,
                                                    option) and allow it a week to sett                                   to a shelter.
                                                                                        le in.                                                                                         was going to be a very happy boy; well, she was right!                I’m either eating, playing, walking or sleeping… oh yeah, I also
                                                    The next step is to allow the cats                                    Call the AWL team for advice                                                                                                       follow my mum and dad everywhere… well, I’m used to seeing
                                                                                       to see each                                                                                     On the way home, they stopped at the pet shop, and my dad
                                                   other without being able to interact                                   or support.                                                                                                                        everything, so I like to see what they’re doing. When my mum
                                                                                         . Opening                                                                                     and aunty went in and bought me the best bed I’ve ever seen,
                                                   the door to the room that your new                                                                                                                                                                        fills the birdbath or my dad waters the veggie patch I love to play
                                                                                          cat is in                                                                                    it’s so soft and comfy. They also got toys that squeak, and I love
                                                   and separating the cats with a scre
                                                                                         en in the                      Hayley,                                                        playing with them. I even have a harness for when we go walking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             with the water coming out of the hose, it’s so much fun!
                                                   doorway (such as a magnetic fly
                                n                                                     screen) is an                     Animal Care                                                    and some delicious food.                                              When I hear a noise or knock on the door, I bark so that mum
                re info                            easy way to ensure that both cats
         For mo        ats,  d o gs                                                    are able to
                                                                                                                        Coordinator                                                                                                                          and dad know I’m going to look after them just as well as they
                bits, c                                                                                                                                                                The first day was spent seeing everything in the house and
         on rab          , visit                                                                                                                                                                                                                             are looking after me.
                 opting                                                                                                                                                                garden, and I had a few visitors who wanted to see how
          and ad
                  .au                                                                                                                                                                  handsome I am. They all said that I am a good boy and patted          At night I have my comfy bed next to my mum’s side of the bed,
                                                                                                                                                                                       and rubbed my ears… that felt really good. The next day was           but I’m allowed to lay on the carpet too if I want. When my mum
                                                                                                                                                                                       nice and warm, so I had a bath. I got so excited that I ran around    and dad get up in the night I get up too and go with them to
                                ewing my cords an                                                                                                                                      the lawn with the towel in my mouth which made my mum and             make sure they are okay—it’s my job now.
           hy is my rabbit ch
       Q. W
                                I make her stop?!                                                                                                                                      aunty laugh. I was going really fast, and now my coat is really
          carpet and how can                                                                                                              you are unable to rem
                                                                                                                                                                       ove these       fluffy, and I feel so soft, and I smell pretty good too!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             I think I’m going to really like it here, but don’t worry, I haven’t
                                                                                                 the   rab   bit’s environment. If                            e su  ch  as a metal                                                                           forgotten about you guys. You were all so good to me, but if it’s
                                                                   tirely normal,                                                              mething els
                   ies love  to ch  ew! Chewing is an en                                         ite ms    try   covering them with so                             al  tha t you       In the day, we go walking in the morning and afternoon. I pull a      okay with you all, I think I will stay here now… a guys got to get
        A.  Bu  nn                                                     ewing has bo       th                                                      cables, it’s  vit
                  an d en co  ura ge d rabbit behaviour. Ch                                       or  wo   od   en  cover. If the items are                        k.                  bit because I’ve got so much to explore and everything smells so      his own place sooner or later you know!
        healt  hy                                                                        ir                                                                    ris
                                    h benefits for your rab
                                                                     bit and as the                                                ur rabbit is not put at
        behavioural and healt                                                 n  ch ew            cover these so that yo                                                               great that I don’t want to miss a thing, but it wears me out a bit,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Well, bye for now, I will let you know in a few weeks how I’m
                                   growing, it’s vital tha
                                                                t  the  y ca                                                                              u’re still finding that
        teeth are continually                                           ere   are  als o              yo u’v   e  trie d  the  above options and yo                              m
                                                                                                                                                                                       so I have a rest when we get home.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             going again, I’m really happy, and my new family are too!
                                     their teeth trimme        d.    Th                           If                                                ed to remove them fro
        on solid items to keep                              ew   ing   su  ch   as se xu   al      yo  ur  rab   bit  is  chewing, you may ne                             gle area     My new mum and dad play with me in the garden, and we love
                                    that influence ch                                                                                                   them to a sin
         psychological factors                                         rab  bit  sh ou ld                wid    er  en  vir on ment. Try confining                             ed .    to romp on the lawn. Sometimes I get a bit too excited and get
         maturity and age. Sp
                                    aying or neutering
                                    y of the chewing be
                                                                     vio ur.
                                                                                                   or   roo  m    tha  t is fre e of items that you do
                                                                                                                                                           not want
                                                                                                                                               e them with appropri
                                                                                                                                                                         ch ew
                                                                                                                                                                           ate toy s   too rough, but my mum tells me to calm down, and I do because         Love, Tango
         decrease the intensit                                                                      Wh   ile   the   rabbit is here provid                                ha viour     I don’t want to hurt anyone. My mum and dad can’t believe how
                                                                      you should aim                                                                           their be
                                      your rabbit chewing,                                                                          they learn to redirect
          Rather than stopping                                               is  chew  ing          and food to chew so                            the   chew   ed items with new      gentle I am most of the time and I try to be good.
                       the  ch ew  ing   be ha  viour, so the rabbit                                (m   ak  e   su re   tha t you’re replacing
          to redirect                                                 ms. Carpets
                                      t importantly) safe ite                                        fresh items).
          appropriate and (mos                                                    as
                            ha  za rdo  us  ite ms for rabbits to chew                                                                     ur rabbit back into the
           and cords    are
                                                                       d  ca  rpet can               Ev  en   tually reintroduce yo
                                                                                                                                                                                           Would you
                                                         uti on  ,  an
           electrical cords can
                                    cause ele     ctroc                                                                                    supervised visits with
                                                      ted .  Ins  tea  d,  you should be              bro  ader environment on
           cause internal block
                                     ages if   ing es                                                                                         s, over time you
                                                 ng s  tha t  the   y ca  n safely chew               the  ir  favourite chewable toy                          ely
           providing your rabbit
                                       with thi                                                                                      ow them to roam fre
                                                                                                      should be able to all                                                                ... help a terrified and lost         Help us to feed, bathe,
                                                                                                                                              dangerous ms  ite
            such as:
                                                                                         wo   od       ag ain   , just be sure to keep                                                     animal to find its owner?             medicate, reunite, rehome
                                                                      • Non-tox      ic                                               ir reach.
            • Oat hay             • Orchid grass hay                                                   covered or out of the                                                               ... give a lonely and unloved         and love the thousands
                                      Untreated pin      e                                                                                                                                 animal a safe and loving home?        of animals that need our
            • Timothy hay •                                            ingested)
             • Cotton towels     (pr ov  ided that they aren’t                                          Melissa,                                                                           ... feed a starving animal its        support each year.
                                                                                                        Animal Care Coordi
                                                                       ina  pp  rop riatel  y,
                                       rabbit is still chewing                                                                                                                             first meal in weeks?
             If you find that your                                     be   ch  ew ed   fro  m
                                         t you do not want to
             remove the items tha
                                                                                                                                                                                           Start your AWL Kennel or Nursery Sponsorship today and help us to save lives. Call 8348 1300.

6   By Your Side I Redevelopment Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  By Your Side I Redevelopment Edition      7
AWL: Building the future - DIY at home enrichments - Happy Homes OF ANIMAL CARE
AWL : Building
the Future of
Animal Care
The AWL is an animal welfare and care provider recognised for the                                   and community; increased community
                                                                                                    parking spaces; improved enrichment areas
provision and development of services for animals in need. With two
                                                                                                    for animals; and fear-free designs to reduce
sites, the AWL cares for over 10,000 animals each year and looks                                    stress for the animals in our care.
to only improve the level of care offered to each and every animal
that enters the AWL. The team are excited to be building the future                                 How?
of animal care with the AWL Animal Care Centre due to open at
Wingfield in mid-2020.                                                                              Through the generous contributions made
                                                                                                    by our major donors and past and present
                                                                                                    Gifts in Wills, the AWL’s goal to provide high
                                                                                                    levels of care to more animals than ever
Why?                                            mission of ‘connecting people, pets and
                                                                                                    before is becoming a reality.
                                                community’ and will deliver the highest
Built in 1975, the AWL Joy Richardson           levels of care, education and human/                We simply could not provide the care that
Centre, located at the AWL Wingfield site,      animal interaction with companion animals.          we do without the support of our community
has been the temporary home for thousands       The Animal Care Centre integrates leading-          and our sincerest thanks go to the
of lost, abandoned and surrendered animals.     edge designs and features to improve the            thousands of supporters who have helped
Having been built over 40 years ago, this       AWL’s levels of care such as a best-practice        us care for desperate animals in need.
building is now sub-standard and no longer      veterinary clinic, inclusive of infection control
fit-for-purpose which is impacting on the       features and diagnostic imaging services.           When?
AWL’s ability to deliver best practice animal   Other features of the centre include an
health and welfare services and on the          advanced fire safety protection system;             The Joy Richardson Centre and Vet Clinic
efficiency of our operations.                   improved noise and infection control; the           officially closed for service during February
                                                separation of adoption and surrender                and the Animal Care Centre will have its
What?                                           services, as well as species separation;            grand opening in July 2020.
                                                new animal enclosures; new onsite animal
The Animal Care Centre is part of a staged      care services; enhanced education and
masterplan designed to uphold the AWL’s         training; improved safety for staff, animals
                                                                                                        By Your Side I Redevelopment Edition         8
AWL: Building the future - DIY at home enrichments - Happy Homes OF ANIMAL CARE
Diagnostic imaging                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Improved safety

         The future is here...                                                            services
                                                                                          Internal imaging machines will allow
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Increased green
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       space for dog
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         aspects for staff,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         volunteers and the
                                                                                          the AWL vets to diagnose ailments
                                    Improved infection                                    for the animals in-care efficiently in
                                    control                                               a stress-free environment. Previously                                                                                                                                                                                                                          A safe working environment will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Allocated dog walking space                                                       help to support the health and
                                                                                          animals requiring x-rays were
                                    Infections and diseases spreading                     transferred off-site to external vets when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Enhanced education                     will allow the dogs in our care to                                                mental wellbeing of staff and
                                    throughout shelters can be lethal                     already sick, injured and stressed.                                                                                                   and training spaces                    receive increased mental and                                                      volunteers. This will also create
                                    for many of the animals in care,                                                                                                                                                                                                   physical stimulation                                                              a safer and more welcoming
                                    especially the very old and young.                                                                                                                                                          The new Animal Care Centre has                                                                                           environment for community
                                    Infections as simple as ringworm                                                                                                                                                            been designed with the purpose                                                                                           members and supporters alike.
                                    or cat flu can spread throughout a                                                                                                                                                          of community education in mind
                                    shelter quickly, and beyond causing                                                                                                                                                         and will utilise spaces to train and
                                    deaths, can extend the length of stay                                                                                                                                                       teach community groups, university
                                    for animals in shelters and decrease                                                                          Fear-free design features                                                     students and school groups on best
                                    their adoptability.
                                                                                                        Advanced fire                                                                                                           animal care practices.
                                                                                                        protection system                         Fear-free concepts are increasing in use across not only
                                                                                                                                                  animal shelters, but also in human healthcare spaces such
                                                                                                        This system will be used in the           as hospitals. The designs used in the Animal Care Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Cat Studios
                                                                                                        case of an emergency to keep the          are specifically chosen for their fear-free features such as the
                                                                                                        fire from spreading to the animal         colour palette and noise reducing features. These features will                                                                                           The Cat Studios are custom-built
                                                                                                        enclosures and to contain                 assist in reducing stress for the animals in-care at the AWL.                                                                                             and designed to ensure the best
                                                                                                        the blaze.                                                                                                                                                                                          environment for the cats in-care at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            AWL. Features include natural lighting,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            air ventilation and full air-conditioning.

                                                                                                                                                Improved noise
                                                                                                                                                As part of the fear-free design
                                                                                                                                                aspects, improved noise control
                                                                                                                                                will improve the welfare of the
                                                                                                                                                animals in the care of the AWL.

                                                                                                                                                                                              Increased community parking                                                                                                                                   Interaction Rooms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The Interaction Rooms allow for
                                                                                                                                                                                              Increased community parking allows safer access to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            individuals to meet, greet and
                                                                                                                                                                                              the Animal Care Centre. Previously, customers were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            interact with a prospective pet to
                                                                                                                                                                                              often forced to park on busy roads due to lack of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            gather a better understanding of
                                                                            Separation of services and species                                                                                accessible parking.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the animal and whether it is the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Fly through                          right fit for their home. Adopters
                                                                            The Joy Richardson Centre at Wingfield had no separation of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            who take time to bond with their
                                                                            services. The lack of separation often proved extremely stressful
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            new pets are less likely to bring
                                                                            for community members visiting the AWL for sensitive matters, as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the animal back to the AWL.
                                                                            well as for ill, elderly or vulnerable animals.

                                                                            The new Animal Care Centre offers separate spaces and entries
                                                                            dependent on both the service required and also the species of
                                                                            animal. This will assist to reduce the stress on animals entering
                                                                            the AWL and also on community members who are visiting.

9   By Your Side I Redevelopment Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               By Your Side I Redevelopment Edition   12
AWL: Building the future - DIY at home enrichments - Happy Homes OF ANIMAL CARE
Where do I go?
   It is business as usual at the AWL for all core pet services. Find the location
     of each service below. The AWL team invite all community members who
    are interested in learning about our Redevelopment to read more online at
          or to call our team on 8348 1300.

AWL Adoptions and Surrenders                                    AWL Pet Boarding
AWL Edinburgh North Adoptions: 7 days | 10.00am-3.00pm          AWL Pet boarding will continue providing peace-of-mind
                                                                for the many owners who choose to book their pets into
Pet adoptions will continue as normal from the AWL Edinburgh
                                                                our trusted and high-level pet accommodation.
North, all metro PETstock locations and For Pet’s Sake in
Angaston. The addresses are:                                    Address: 1-19 Cormack Road,
                                                                Wingfield, SA 50131 Ph: 8348 1300
Cats and rabbits
• PETstock Melrose Park: 1089 South Road,                       Opening Hours:
  Melrose Park, SA 5039 Ph: 8121 3339                           Monday – Friday | 9.00am - 5.00pm
  PETstock Allenby Gardens: 612 Port Road,
•	                                                             (by appointment outside of these hours)
  Allenby Gardens SA 5009 Ph: 8121 3337                         • Check In between 12.00pm and 5.00pm
  PETstock Prospect: 96 Main North Road,
•	                                                                (fees apply before 12.00pm)
  Prospect SA 5082 Ph: 8121 3341                                • Check Out between 9.00am and 12.00pm
  PETstock Parafield: Main North Road,
•	                                                               (fees apply after 12.00pm)
  Bunnings Complex, Parafield SA 5107 Ph: 8121 3338             Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays | 8.00am -
  PETstock Munno Para: Shop 3, Munno Para Shopping City,
•	                                                             12.00pm (by appointment outside of these hours)
  600 Main North Road, Smithfield SA 5114 Ph: 8155 6060
  PETstock Burnside: 286-288 Greenhill Road,
  Glenside SA 5066 Ph: 8120 0944
  PETstock Sefton Park: 7/259 - 269 Main North Road,
•	                                                             AWL Pet Cremations
  Sefton Park SA 5083 Ph: 8465 5009
                                                                The AWL Pet Cremations team will continue supporting
  PETstock Noarlunga: 2 Seaman Road,
                                                                our community throughout the difficult time of
  Noarlunga Centre SA 5168 Ph: 8121 3340
                                                                farewelling beloved pets.
  For Pet’s Sake Angaston: 24 Murray Street,
  Angaston SA 5353 Ph: 8564 3320                                Ph: 8348 1300
                                                                Contact hours: 8:00am-5:00pm

Pet surrenders                                                  Emergency enquiries and collections outside of normal
                                                                business hours, weekends and public holidays can be
Pet surrenders are only available by appointment. Please call   made by calling our team on 0403 051 928.
our team on 8348 1300 to discuss your options and how we
can best support you and your animal.                           Ask your vet to use AWL Pet Cremations.

 Council Animal Reclaim                                         AWL Wingfield
                                                                (Enter via Gate C)
 The AWL sites will continue acting as facilities for           1-19 Cormack Road, Wingfield, SA 5013
 impounded dogs.                                                Ph: 8348 1300
 Owners looking to reclaim their dog from their local           Monday – Friday | 9.00am - 4.00pm
 council must first contact their council to arrange the        Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays | 1.00pm -3.00pm
 reclaim and then visit the AWL to collect their animal.        AWL Edinburgh North
 Monday - Friday | 9.00am - 4.00pm                              4 Hewittson Road, Edinburgh North, SA 5113
 Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays | 1.00pm - 3.00pm         Ph: 8256 0000
                                                                7 Days | 10.00am - 4.00pm

                                                                                     By Your Side I Redevelopment Edition   13
AWL: Building the future - DIY at home enrichments - Happy Homes OF ANIMAL CARE
What are temporary
      Community thanks!
                            Oh, snap – a picture really can say ten          What a cool donation!
                            thousand words!

                            The Photographyroom have outdone
                                                                             The hottest day on record in SA meant one
                                                                             thing for the AWL – hot animals with no                     cat collars and how can
                            themselves yet again with their continued
                            fundraising efforts and have officially raised
                            $10,000 for the animals in the care of the
                                                                             way to cool down. Nor was it in our favour
                                                                             that the hottest day of the year was part of
                                                                             a week-long heat wave with no reprieve.
                                                                                                                                         they help?
                            AWL – wow!
                                                                             The AWL team were doing all that we could
                                                                                                                                         Did you know that only 2% of all cats brought into the AWL                                                           Why should my cat
                            Through his snap-tacular Pet Sessions,           to keep the animals in our care cool and                    are able to be reunited with their owners due to missing or                                                          have ID?
                            Mark Trumble—named three-time SA Pet
                            and Animal Photographer of the Year—has
                                                                             rested, but luckily our kind and generous                   outdated identification?
                                                                             community came to our assistance in the                                                                                                                                          Reasons you should provide your cat
                            donated the $20 cost of each Pet Session         most effective way – ICE DONATIONS!                         Cats are often brought into the AWL by              concern is that the cat may not be desexed                       with multiple forms of ID, inclusive of
                            to the AWL. While capturing the beautiful
                                                                                                                                         members of the community who mistake                and can further increase the number of                           a microchip and quick-release collar:
                            and quirky personalities of pets, Mark           With hundreds of bags of ice donated by                     the animal as ‘stray’. Commonly this results        stray cats. Please contact the AWL for advice                    •	Microchips are a legal requirement
                            has been helping the AWL to care for lost,       individuals and businesses during the                       in the cat and owner being separated with           in this situation.                                                  for all owned cats in South
                            abandoned and surrendered animals in             multiple heatwaves, the animals at the                      no means to reunite the pair.                                                                                           Australia.
                            need.                                            AWL were able to beat the heat and enjoy                                                                        How to use the collar:                                           •	If the cat is lost, it can be reunited
                                                                             a cool treat – thank you!                                   Due to the successes of similar international       1. Print out the template                                           with its family.
                            Thank you, Mark and the
                                                                                                                                         programs, the AWL have developed                    2.	Complete the contact details you are                         •	Owners can be more easily
                            Photographyroom! Your years of support,          Our community’s kindness has left our                       printable paper cat collars in an effort to             happy to provide                                                contacted if anything unexpected
                            kindness and tireless fundraising efforts        hearts AND our donation bins full!                          help community members to distinguish               3.	Cut around the outline of the marked                            was to happen.
                            have helped many animals to find loving
                                                                                                                                         between owned and unowned cats in their                 circles appropriate to the size of the                       • If stolen, the cat can be identified
                            and safe homes.
                                                                             The Christmas period can be a lonely and                    community, and to provide better welfare                cat’s neck.                                                  •	Community members can visibly
                                                                             challenging time for the animals at the                     outcomes for cats.                                      •	Fitting a collar: A collar for a cat                         see that the cat is owned.
                            Off-site Adoptions are out of this world!
                                                                             AWL, and while our kind team do all that                                                                               should be fitted to allow for 2 fingers
                                                                             we can to bring joy throughout the shelter,                 These paper collars will allow people                      comfortably between the collar and
                            Animal lovers from Adelaide and surrounds        it is our community who brought the                         interacting with an unknown cat in their                   the neck. The cat may tense when you                       • How long has it been hanging around?
                            will be overjoyed to know that AWL animals       Christmas spirit to the AWL this year!                      community to make contact with others who                  put it on so recheck the fit after a few                   •	Has it entered a neighbours house or
                            are now available for adoption from more                                                                     may either be interacting with the cat or are              minutes and adjust if necessary.                              backyard?
                            locations than ever before!                      The AWL was lucky enough to receive                         the owners of the cat. Once a connection            4.	Place the collar around the cat’s neck                    3.	Ask Lost Pets of South Australia (LPoSA)
                                                                             thousands of donations and gifts for the                    has been made, constructive conversations               (ensuring the writing is visible) and insert                  to scan the cat for a microchip.
                            With off-site adoptions allowing cats,           animals in our care. Our community                          can begin about the outcomes for the cat.               the rounded end into into the hole you’ve                 4.	Take the cat to a vet clinic or shelter to
                            kittens and rabbits in need of loving            helped to not only fund the food, shelter,                                                                          already cut, securing the collar.                             scan for a microchip ONLY if you can
                            homes and second chances more                    medication and training that the animals                    What type of cat can these collars be                                                                                 safely transport the animal to the vet or
                            exposure than ever before.                       need but also to give each and every                        used on?                                            IMPORTANT: It is important to provide as                          shelter (preferably in a carrier or cage).
                                                                             animal a special Christmas gift.                            This collar is designed to be used when a           much information as you feel comfortable
                            From the Noarlunga PETstock to For Pet’s                                                                     member of the community is concerned for            sharing as this will open communication                       If you have tried all of these steps, but
                            Sake in Angaston, the AWL animals are            The massive amount of donations meant                       an unknown cat with no means of ID.                 avenues and help to provide positive                          no owner can be found, the cat could
                            now available for adoption from a total of       that the AWL’s donation bins filled up in no                                                                    outcomes for cats in communities.                             potentially be unowned.
                            ten sites (eight PETstock locations, For         time at all and are currently still closed as               IMPORTANT: Do not approach or attempt
                            Pet’s Sake in Angaston, and the AWL              we sort through the vast amount of goods.                   to put a collar on a cat that is unwilling          What to do if there is no response:
                            Edinburgh North).                                Thank you to each and every person who                      to approach you or is displaying distance           1.	Try this collar method at least three
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Visit the AWL website or call our
                                                                             has given to the AWL over the years and                     increasing behaviours.                                  times. It is possible for the collar to fall
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               team for more information on
                                                                             for your kind thoughts.                                                                                             off, or to be removed by the cat’s owner
                              Our sincerest thanks go out to our                                                                                                                                                                                               unowned cats and cat collars via
                                                                                                                                         A cat that is not safe to approach but looks            or the cat itself.
                              adoption partners, PETstock and For                                                                                                                                                                                     or 8348 1300.
                                                                             If you would like to donate to the AWL                      healthy (no visible signs of cat flu or hair        2. Talk to your neighbours
                              Pet’s Sake, for the support in finding
                                                                             and the animals in our care, our team                       loss, no significant injuries, not underweight)         •	Has anyone else seen this cat hanging
                              thousands of animals their happy
                                                                             desperately need pet treats, pet toys and                   is most likely not at risk. The most prevalent             around?
                              homes – thank you!
                                                                             monetary donations.

                                                                                                                                                                       This cat has been visiting me, is it owned by someone?                              YES      NO

                                                                                Lasting Footprints                    I LEGACY PROGRAM
                                                                                                                                                                       This cat has been visiting me at                        , is it owned by someone?     YES    NO
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Insert street name
                                          Find out how your gift                                                                                                       Please leave your number and I will contact you. Ph
                                                                                     A                             A
                                          can make a difference to                                 YOUR
                                                                                                                 SUM OF      YOUR
                                          thousands of animals in                   GIFT
                                                                                                                 MONEY       PETS
                                          need, call the AWL today.                                                                                                    This cat has been visiting me at                        , is it owned by someone?     YES    NO
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Insert street name

                                                                                                                                                                       Please call me if you have any questions. Ph
                                                                       I 08 8348 1300

14   By Your Side I Redevelopment Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                      By Your Side I Redevelopment Edition          15
AWL: Building the future - DIY at home enrichments - Happy Homes OF ANIMAL CARE
                                                                                                                                                                # AWLHappyHomes




                                                                           Tilly                                                   Luna                                         Nakita
                              Solo & Molly                                                                                         “Luna has settled in pretty well – we had    I just want to let you know Pumba, now                                      ily holiday in Pt
                                                    s only been with us
                                                                            “It’s so lovely to have
                                                                                                    Tilly as part of our fam       a big hole after having to say goodbye to                                                    “Greetings from our fam
                              “Dorito (now Solo) ha                                                                          ily                                                named Nakita, is loving her new home and                              tled in  well & we love
                                                  d has already bonded
                                                                           and we can’t thank
                                                                                                  you all enough and               our William in January, but Miss Luna is     her Russian Blue brothers, she rules the        Elliott. Carli has set
                              a couple of hours an                         tireless work you all                        for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                having her with us.”
                              with Molly.” – Ephr
                                                   iam & Gina                                     do at the AWL.”                  making a big difference. Thanks so much!”    roost. We just love her and are so happy we
                                                                           – Natasha , Co
                                                                                                  l, /saac & Ava                   – Mel                                        adopted her.” – Alison                           –   Kulas family

                            Jack & Caterina                                                        his new home, he                Atticus & Lily                               Minnie                                        Ruby, Oscar & Martin
                                                                               “Mocha is enjoying                                                                                                       in September
                                                                                                     around and has                                                             “Minnie was adopted
                             Thank you AWL for
                                                all the work that you          is having a great run                                “All three of my fur-babies are adopted –
                                                                                                                                                                                                       d in well. She’s a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              “My thanks for the opportunity to take
                                                                      do                           to our knees! He is                                                          2017 and has settle
                            and thank you for the                              even jumped up on                                    Atticus and the dog Ziggy are from AWL.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       loves exploring in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              on these ratties. They are well and very
                                                   opportunity to bring                               and sought her out                                                        sweet little dog who
                            these two back to the                               very taken with mum                                 You guys do amazing work and I know my
                                                                                                                                                                                                         out the ducks in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              active, gaining weight fast. They love
                                                 ir furever home with                                  for your kind care.”                                                     the garden, ch   ecking
                            us. We just adore an
                                                d love them both.”              immediately. Thanks                                 home wouldn’t be the same without you.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        with her squeaky
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              to burrow in my old jacket and are very
                            – Tania & Josie                                     – Barb & John                                       Thank you.” – Rebecca                        the park and playing                         friendly! ” – Ben
                                                                                                                                                                                                        tch!” – Glenys
                                                                                                                                                                                 toys. It’s a happy ma

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        By Your Side I Redevelopment Edition   17
AWL: Building the future - DIY at home enrichments - Happy Homes OF ANIMAL CARE
Your pet’s final journey is your choice               Accredited with Highest Honour

                                                                                                                                                       When the time comes to say goodbye, ask your          The International Association of Pet
                                                                                                                                                       vet to use the AWL Pet Cremations service. The        Cemeteries and Crematories (IAOPCC) have
                                                                                                                                                       AWL team are here to support you and your             awarded the AWL Pet Cremations team with
                                                                                                                                                       pet through this devastating time and are just a      the highest honour and accreditation from

     Fostering Futures for Animals                                                                                                                     phone call away.

                                                                                                                                                       Have your pet’s final memory bring hope to
                                                                                                                                                                                                             the industries first, and only Accreditation

                                                                                                                                                       thousands of animals in need as all proceeds are      Pet owners can feel more confident than ever
         How fostering has changed Kate’s life.                                                                                                        used to support the animals in the care of the AWL.   before that their pet’s are treated with love,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             respect and dignity on their final journey.
     The AWL Foster Care program is ever-             the people I know have even been inspired         to see a kitten or puppy that you could hold
                                                                                                                                                       Our services and keepsakes
     growing as more and more Good                    to adopt or to foster themselves which is         in the palm of your hand grow into a loved
     Samaritans raise their hands to help the         touching,” smiles Kate.                           family member is an incredible journey to              Memorial services                                    Ask your Vet about
     AWL in fighting the good fight; and last year                                                      be a part of.
                                                                                                                                                               Grief counselling                                    AWL Pet Cremations or go to
     the program hit a new high by fostering
     1,323 animals in just 12 months. This            Having cared for over 72 animals                  Everyone in my family loves the little                 Cremation viewing
     massive number of animals were cared for                                                           characters that come through our home,
                                                      in her time as a Foster Carer at
     by only 119 registered Foster Carers who                                                           even our resident pets get excited when                Home collection
                                                      the AWL, Kate has earned herself
     opened their homes and hearts to these                                                             they see me setting up the spare room
     desperate animals in need.                       a reputation amongst neighbours,                  and the foster pens. Each one of our pets
                                                                                                                                                               Exquisite urns and keepsakes
                                                      family and friends alike as the                   will take their turn to come and meet the
     While the Foster Care Program has grown          “animal whisperer”.                               fosters as we slowly do each introduction,
     in leaps and bounds, it wasn’t always so                                                           but without a doubt it’s Sabu (our elderly
     extensive and has taken attention and TLC                                                          blue heeler) who loves the fosters most.
     from the wonderful carers and team to            Reflecting on her years as a foster carer,        Whenever we have kittens she will carefully
     expand into the lifesaving support network       Kate explains the impact that the animals         toilet and wash them one at a time,
     that it now is.                                  have had on her life and those that she           regardless of whether I’ve just done it or
                                                      remembers most.                                   not; it’s so sweet,” Kate smiles.
     Kate Basham, long-time Foster Carer for
     the AWL has been a registered member of          “While every animal that comes through            As a neonatal kitten specialist, Kate has
     the team since 2015 and she has seen the         your home leaves a paw print on your              a knack for saving and rehabilitating the                                                                                 The purpose-built AWL Pet Boarding facility has
     program transform over the past four years.      heart, there are some that leave a bigger         youngest residents at the AWL and helping                                                                                 been operating for almost 30 years, with our
                                                      mark than others. I’m not afraid to say that      them go on to live full and happy lives.                                                                                  trustworthy and reliable team offering owners
     “When I first started foster caring for the      I’ve had a couple of foster fails in my time.                                                                                                                               the peace of mind that their pets are in safe and
     AWL there were only a handful of animal          They just end up finding their forever home       “While I’m happy to foster any type of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  loving hands in their home away from home.
     lovers who were keen to take on animals          with us,” Kate laughs.                            animal, there are just so many cats and
     that needed a little extra attention and love.                                                     kittens that come into the AWL, so I like to                                                                              Our reliable team provide the highest levels of love and
     Back then there wasn’t as much training,         “We’ve got a bit of a zoo at home with four       focus on helping the littlest ones on their                                                                               attention to each and every animal in our care. All of our
     but now the foster team do such a great          dogs and five cats, plus we’ve just recently      journeys through the AWL and into the big                                                                                 guests receive one-on-one care with our highly trained
     job with training and support that I think       lost our beloved little rabbit, who we’re all     wide world.                                                                                                               animal attendants and veterinary staff who provide the
     anyone who has the time and love could           missing. My first foster fail was Claire, she                                                                                                                               personalised support and attention your animal needs to
     become a foster carer,” Kate says.               was the first kitten that I had to bottle feed,   “There are no words to express how much                                                                                   ensure their health, happiness and wellbeing.
                                                      and she just won my heart from the start.         foster caring has changed my life or my
     “I actually became a foster carer so that my                                                       family’s lives, but I know that every single                                                                              From going on a holiday to renovating the house, or even
                                                      Next, there was Whinnie who followed me
     daughter could learn about caring for pets                                                         animal who has come through our home                                                                                      an extended stay in hospital; there are many reasons as
                                                      like a lost little lamb. Usually, the foster
     and could build strong connections and                                                             has given us back double whatever love                                                                                    to why pet owners need to board their beloved pets, but
                                                      animals follow my daughter around, but for
     bonds with animals. I didn’t realise at the                                                        and kindness we’ve shown them.”                                                                                           it is the high-quality, reliable and compassionate service
                                                      some reason, Whinnie and I just bonded.
     time that it would become such a large part                                                                                                                                                                                  that the AWL team provides that keeps owners choosing
     of our lives and of our family.                                                                                                                                                                                              AWL Pet Boarding.
                                                      “Beyond the ones that never left my home,
                                                      it’s generally the animals who I get updates          To become an AWL Foster Carer
     “Whenever anyone we know finds a stray or        about that I find the most memorable and              find out more online via                                                                                                  Call the AWL team on 8348 1300 to book your
     abandoned animal they always call me for         rewarding. Seeing an animal go from a        or call the friendly                                                                                           pet’s next holiday with us today!
     advice and will often bring the animal to our    timid, fearful creature and blossom into a            team on 8348 1300.
     house if it needs some extra care. Some of       gorgeous, loving pet is always fulfilling, or

18      By Your Side I Redevelopment Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                             By Your Side I Redevelopment Edition   19
AWL Animal Care Journey

                                                    Animal strays or                                              Member of public / council
                                                    is lost                                                       brings animal to the AWL

                                                                                                            On average,
                                                                                                          25 animals are
                                                                                                          brought into the
                                                                                                          AWL every day!                                                             $42 is
                                                                                                                                                                                   spent per
                                                                                                                                                                                    week to
                                                                                                                                                                                   shelter for
                                                                                                                                                                                   one lonely
                         An individually tailored                                                                                                 Shelter and Bed
                         Behaviour Modification                                                                                                                                    dog or cat.
                         Program for a single dog
                          costs the AWL $257.


                                                $66 is spent to provide one dog or
                                                cat with a basic medical check-up
                                               inclusive of worming treatment and
                                               vaccination with an AWL vet nurse.

                                                                                Basic Veterinary                              In the case of any urgent medical
                                                                                                                             needs, the animal is provided with
                                                                                Services                                       the necessary medical attention
                                                                                                                             which can cost upwards of $1,000.

                                                                                                                                                                  Urgent Medical
                                                                                                        Desexing and microchipping one
                                                                                                        dog or cat costs the AWL $208.

                             Bath and                                          Microchipping
                              Bath and
                             Grooming                                          and Desexing

                                                                                            Adoption rates have
                                                                                             increased by 15%

       On average, AWL
     volunteers contribute               Foster Care
       a total of 51,675                                                                                                                                     REHOMING
      hours, equal to over
     $1.4 million dollars.

                                                                                                   Facebook                                           Instagram                      Twitter
AWL on Social Media                                                                                                       @awl_sa                        @awlsa

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                                            sponsors & supporters:
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