Page created by Dwight Alexander
           Step Forward

02   Welcome to NorQuest College
04   NorQuest in numbers
06   Your student journey
08   Student life at NorQuest
10   Ways to learn

14 Business Studies
18 Community Studies
22 Health Studies
28 Additional Programs

32 Academic Upgrading
34 Employment Preparation
36 English Language Training

40 Continuing Education

44   Funding your education
46   How to apply
47   Academic schedule
48   Footnotes
                                  NORQUEST COLLEGE

At NorQuest College, we understand the world is
changing and so is learning. We’re writing a new chapter
as a contemporary academic institution that will have a
lasting impact on Alberta and its people, while creating
opportunities for people from all walks of life.

We are leaders in demonstrating how diversity and inclusion
make our communities not only more tolerant and resilient,
but richer. We deliver education that transforms lives
and strengthens communities in innovative, inclusive, and
responsive ways. We maximize opportunities that others
don’t see and believe a college has to be different to
make a difference.

An inclusive learning experience that champions diversity. Your
uniqueness is what enriches our college, and you will develop
skills in cultural understanding that will ensure your success in
the global community.
A dynamic education that prepares you for your career or next
stage of learning. Our workforce-relevant programs will equip
you with the resources, knowledge, and skills that are highly
desired and valued by employers.
Exceptional faculty who are current and engaged in their
disciplines. Who challenge traditional thinking and methods
of training and education. And, who bring together theory
and practice in innovative and authentic ways.
Accessible and flexible options to welcome you at
any stage of learning. We work to anticipate and respond to
your needs and deliver programs that help meet your career
goals. We’ll meet you where you’re at—if you’re in, we’re in.

                                                      info @   780.644.6000   1.866.534.7218   5


                                             LANGUAGES SPOKEN
                                                ON CAMPUS

                                             COUNTRIES OF BIRTH

                                              17,592                 LEARNERS

                      info @   780.644.6000   1.866.534.7218   7

              No matter what stage of learning you’re at, as a NorQuest College
              student, you will have a unique educational experience in a vibrant
              and supportive environment that responds to your needs.

              Ask anyone at NorQuest—whether a student, instructor, or
              any member of our college community who supports student
              success—and they will tell you there is something special about
              our college. It’s difficult to describe, but you’ll recognize and
              understand the feeling once you’re here.

              Although your academic journey started long before opening
              this viewbook, this is a good place to step forward.

    EXPLORE                                               APPLY
    Your journey begins with research. Explore           Ready to make your move? Take the bold
    programs. Ask lots of questions. Speak with          step forward in your educational journey and
    students (past and present), instructors, and        apply. Our team in the Office of the Registrar
    the amazing student recruiters who are an            will help you discover NorQuest, guide you
    invaluable source of information and can             through the admissions process, and stay in
    often be found at education fairs, community         touch as you collect and submit admission
    events, or around campus! They can tell you          requirements. They will help you in your
    everything you need to know about every              journey to become a student.
    program, including admission requirements,
                                                           Find the admissions process and
    important dates, how to get started, and so
                                                           get ready for the start of term
    much more.
     Let us introduce ourselves

STAY ON TRACK                                                 SUCCEED
Congrats! You are now a student, and our                       At this stage, it might be hard to imagine
dedicated student navigators will ensure you                   graduation or what comes next, but even
have everything you need to be successful.                     after you’ve finished your studies with us,
From academic advising and funding your                        we want to stay connected and help you
education to connecting you with exceptional                   get started in your new career. Student
college services, they’re here to ensure you                   Career and Employment Services does just
stay on track and achieve your educational                     that, and our Alumni Association offers
and career goals.                                              great benefits and services.
 For news, information, and                                     We hope you keep in touch
 key dates around campus                              

                                        info @   780.644.6000   1.866.534.7218   9
           College life isn’t just about classes and studying. Get involved with the campus
               community, meet new people, take part in events—your overall college
                              experience will be that much richer for it.

NorQuest is not a one-size-fits-all kind of college, and we take pride in offering a
unique student experience for all of our learners. With our campus expansion, we have
grown and established new and innovative learning and study spaces, along with spots
to gather, socialize, and refresh. Through these and a range of student services, we’re
here to help you achieve your academic goals and ensure you pause from time to time
to enjoy the journey.

The Learner Centre is home to a range of supports                           Stay nourished and sharp with a delicious assortment

                                                                                                                                              STUDENT LIFE
including a collective of 18 libraries and resources (available             of food choices, including Tim Hortons, Pizza 73, and
in person and online) and the Computer Commons, which                       Subway in the food court. Whether you’re connecting with
provides computer and printer access six days a week.                       classmates, recharging for your next class, or just enjoying
                                                                            the view, bask in the warm sunlight and comfort of the
Tutorial and Academic Coaching Services offers
                                                                            adjoining cafeteria.
professional tutorial support tailored to your specific
academic goals, and the Writing Centre team will help you                   The 1000 Women Child Care Centre offers space for
develop your skills and become a more confident writer.                     children 12 months to five years, and is accessible
                                                                            to NorQuest students, employees, and the general
NorQuest is inclusive and accessible for all students. From
                                                                            community. Its play-based program encourages creativity
sign language interpreters to assistive technology, we offer
                                                                            and learning through hands-on discovery, and the facility
comprehensive supports for students with disabilities.
                                                                            features a natural outdoor playground that connects
Personal well-being is important to academic success,                       children with a sensory-rich environment.
and the Centre for Growth and Harmony offers holistic,
                                                                            From advising and cultural transition support to student
student-centred care, resources, and workshops to
                                                                            activities and events, NorQuest International serves the
support healthy living.
                                                                            unique needs of international students.
NorQuest’s new Indigenous student centre is a multi-
                                                                            NorQuest’s new innovation studio brings together a range
purpose facility that helps First Nations, Métis, and Inuit
                                                                            of expertise and supports research and innovation with
students stay connected to their culture. The centre and
                                                                            industry and community.
its extensive network of supports and services include an
Indigenous student advisor and counsellor, Elder supports,                  ATB NorQuest is now open and offers full-service banking.
Indigenous awards and funding, and a new ceremonial                         Operated by college staff, profits will be used to benefit
room that allows students to engage in prayer, smudging,                    our students.
and ceremonies.
                                                                            The Students’ Association of NorQuest College (SANQC)
From textbooks to t-shirts—find everything you need to                      is not only your student body representative, but your
help with your studies and support your college pride in                    go-to for many exciting opportunities and events around
NorQuest’s cool new Bookstore.                                              campus. Get involved with student clubs and volunteer.
                                                                            Be a leader on student council or represent the college
                                                                            as a student ambassador. Take in the many activities
                                                                            celebrating multiculturalism, international holidays, and
                                                                            customs happening throughout the year.

                                                           info @   780.644.6000    1.866.534.7218      11
         Time is your most valuable commodity, and at NorQuest, we understand you have
             a lot going on in your life. We’ll help you balance personal and professional
                commitments and offer flexible learning options to fit your schedule.

WAYS TO STUDY                                                            DUAL CREDIT
Full-time: Registered in at least 60 per cent of a program’s             Eager to get started on your post-secondary
full course load by term.                                                studies? You don’t have to wait to finish high school!
                                                                         NorQuest College offers dual credit experiences so
Part-time: Registered in less than 60 per cent of a program’s            you can earn high school AND college credits at the
full course load by term.                                                same time.

DELIVERY METHODS                                                             If you are interested in dual credit programs,
                                                                             contact your high school administrator or learn
In-person: Courses are delivered in a classroom setting                      more at
with face-to-face instruction and regularly scheduled
class meetings. These can be delivered days, evenings,                   OPEN STUDIES
and/or weekends.
                                                                         Keep your options open while earning credits.
Online: Offered in an online setting. In-person meetings                 Whether you’re looking to get a head start on
may be required for some programs to complete                            your program or take classes for general interest or
laboratory components. Online courses are offered                        professional development, NorQuest’s Open Studies
two ways:                                                                options are a good fit.
    Real-time: Students follow a specific real-time class
                                                                             Learn more at
     schedule and must be available to log in to online
     class meetings or video conferencing. Classes are
     often synced with an in-person delivery, which may
     be delivered during day, evening, or weekend hours
     depending on the program or course.
    Anytime: Students are not required to participate in
     regularly scheduled class meetings, although there
     are specific course start, end, and due dates. Online
     learning is self-directed.

Hybrid: Uses a combination of in-person and online
delivery. Online portions may include real-time and/or
anytime components, depending on the program
and course.

Connecting students’ academic experiences                                “ You are getting hands-on experience and
                                                                           have the opportunity to work with other
at NorQuest with the real world.
                                                                              people outside the classroom setting.
Through dedicated work experience opportunities,                              It’s about being creative.
NorQuest College helps ensure students are career
ready upon graduation. Work-integrated learning (WIL)                         Once you are involved in a work experience
connects students with employers in their chosen                              program you are making reports and putting
field for hands-on experience outside the classroom.                          things into your own words as opposed to
Over 20 NorQuest programs offer WIL and can include
everything from applied research and co-ops to field
placements and volunteering.
                                                                              working straight from the textbook.
                                                                              — TANYA MCPHERSON,
 To learn more, visit
                                                                              Business Administration student

                                                         info @   780.644.6000   1.866.534.7218   13
 Start a new career or prepare for
                                                 BUSINESS STUDIES                 HEALTH STUDIES
 further education with NorQuest’s
 post-secondary programs.                        Accounting Technician            Advanced Education in
 Our business programs offer a                                                    Orthopaedics for LPNs
 solid foundation on which to build              Administrative
                                                 Professional                     Health Care Aide
 a rewarding career, along with
 specializations to help you find your           Business Administration          Health Care Aide Prior
 niche in the business world.                                                     Learning Assessment
                                                 Hospital Unit Clerk              and Recognition (PLAR)
 We’re helping ensure Alberta is
 prepared to meet the growing                    Medical Office                   Medical Device
 demand for skilled workers and for              Assistant                        Reprocessing
 vibrant, healthy, and sustainable               Veterinary Office                Technician
 communities. Our community                      Assistant                        Pharmacy Technician
 studies programs contribute skilled
 and compassionate human services                COMMUNITY STUDIES                Physical Therapy
 professionals who deliver a range of                                             Assistant
 services across the province.                   Addictions Recovery
                                                                                  Practical Nurse
 Our health studies programs focus
                                                                                  Practical Nurse
 on frontline care workers and offer             Community Support
 Alberta’s largest Health Care Aide              Worker
 certificate program and one of the                                               Therapeutic Recreation
                                                 Early Learning and
 largest Practical Nurse diploma                 Child Care
 programs in Canada.                                                              ADDITIONAL
                                                 Mental Health                    PROGRAMS
 Not ready for a university
                                                 Recovery Practitioner
 experience? Enjoy all the perks                                                  Arts and Sciences
 NorQuest has to offer—small class               Social Work
 sizes, personalized study plans, and
 student supports—and complete up
 to 30 credits toward a Bachelor of
 Arts or Sciences degree, or explore
 other university transfer options and
 prepare for university studies.

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     “I am grateful to NorQuest and all the faculty for caring about my education and about me
       as well. They really encouraged me to find my own potential and it developed a level of
       professionalism that I now carry forward. They equip students with both the education
            and personal skills needed to succeed in the workplace and in personal life.”

                         — DOREEN THUNDER, Administrative Professional alumna

ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN                          ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL                       

CREDENTIAL: Certificate                        CREDENTIAL: Certificate

Essential across all industries, accounting    The Administrative Professional
professionals play a key role in               program equips you with the skills
organizational success. This program           and knowledge you need to become
provides the basic theory and technical        an office professional in today’s
skills required to perform a range of          business environment. You will learn
accounting services.                           essential office skills such as basic
                                               accounting, software applications,
CAREER POTENTIAL                               event management, and business
Graduates find employment in small             communication.
business, government, banking,
insurance, manufacturing, health               CAREER POTENTIAL
services, not-for-profit organizations,        Graduates find employment in the
retail, hospitality, oilfield, construction,   public and private sectors, working in
and other industries.                          rapidly evolving administrative support
Length: nine months (including an              roles that include office coordination,
optional 150 hours field experience)           communications, customer service,

                                                                                                                                      BUSINESS STUDIES PROGRAMS
                                               data analysis, and event planning.
Delivery: full-time, part-time
                                               Length: five or nine months
Location: Edmonton, online
                                               (including an optional 150 hours
Term start: fall, winter                       field experience)
Tuition & fees: $6,806.50                      Delivery: full-time, part-time
International tuition & fees: $17,993.50
                                               Location: Edmonton, online
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                         Term start: fall, winter
• 50% in English Language Arts 30-1 or         Tuition & fees: $5,980.50
  English Language Arts 30-2 or 50% in         International tuition & fees: $15,304.50
  ESLG 1898 or equivalent
                                               ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
• 50% in Mathematics 30-1 or
  Mathematics 30-2 or 65% in                   • 50% in English Language Arts 30-1 or
  Mathematics 20-1 or Mathematics                English Language Arts 30-2 or 50% in
  20-2 or equivalent1                            ESLG 1898 or equivalent
• Additional practicum requirements2           • 50% in Mathematics 10C or
                                                 Mathematics 20-3 or equivalent1
• Conditional or provisional admission3
                                               • Conditional or provisional admission3
                                               ELP REQUIREMENTS 4
• CLBA no section score below 7, or
                                               • CLBA no section score below 7, or
• IELTS Academic 6, no section
   score below 5.5, or                         • IELTS Academic 6, no section
                                                 score below 5.5, or
• TOEFL iBT 71, or
                                               • TOEFL iBT 71, or
• C
   ELPIP General 7, no section
  score below 6, or                            • CELPIP General 7, no section
                                                 score below 6, or
• CAEL 60, or
                                               • CAEL 60, or
• M
   inimum 80% in ESLS 7000 or 7100,
  and 80% in ESLW 7000 or 7100                 • Minimum 80% in ESLS 7000 or 7100
                                                 (or ESLG 2101), and 80% in ESLW 7000
                                                 or 7100 (or ESLG 2103)

                                                       info @   780.644.6000   1.866.534.7218   17
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION                        ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                    HOSPITAL UNIT CLERK                                 • 50% in English Language Arts 30-1 or
                                                 English Language Arts 30-2 or 50% in
CREDENTIAL: Diploma                              ESLG 1898 or equivalent                 CREDENTIAL: Certificate

Build the skills you need to thrive            • 65% in Mathematics 20-1 or              Hospital unit clerks are the first point
in a dynamic business world. The                 Mathematics 20-2 or equivalent or       of contact for patients and play a vital
Business Administration program has              50% in Mathematics 30-1 or              role in managing communication and
four specializations to choose from              Mathematics 30-2 or equivalent1         information in hospital nursing units.
in the second year: Management                 • Additional practicum requirements2      Learn medical terminology, how to
(entrepreneurship or business                  • Conditional or provisional admission3   process medical orders, communication
operations), Accounting, Human                                                           skills, administrative procedures, and
Resources Management, and General              ELP REQUIREMENTS 4                        computer skills.
Studies. In each, you will develop a core                                                Note: This is a Bring Your Own Device
                                               • CLBA no section score below 7, or
understanding of business fundamentals                                                   (BYOD) program; a PC with Windows,
for any career you choose.                     • IELTS Academic 6, no section
                                                                                         Microsoft Office 2016, and a stable
                                                 score below 5.5, or
Note: This is a Bring Your Own Device                                                    Internet connection are required.
                                               • TOEFL iBT 71, or
(BYOD) program; a PC with Windows,
Microsoft Office 2016, and a stable            • CELPIP General 7, no section            CAREER POTENTIAL
Internet connection are required.                score below 6, or
                                                                                         Graduates may work in acute care and
                                               • CAEL 60, or                             rehabilitation hospitals and extended
CAREER POTENTIAL                               • Minimum 80% in ESLS 7000 or 7100        care and long term facilities.
Graduates find employment in the                 (or ESLG 2101), and 80% in ESLW 7000    Length: four months (including
public and private sectors, small                or 7100 (or ESLG 2103)                  150-hour practicum)
business, government, banking,                                                           Delivery: full-time, part-time
insurance, not-for-profit organizations,
                                                                                         Location: Edmonton, hybrid, online
retail, hospitality, oilfield, construction,
and other industries.                                                                    Term start: fall, winter, spring
Length: two years (including                                                             Tuition & fees: $4,774.50
co-op placement over 16 weeks)                                                           International tuition & fees: $13,114.50
Delivery: full-time, part-time                                                           ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
Location: Edmonton, online                                                               • 50% in English Language Arts 30-1 or
Term start: fall, winter                                                                   65% in English Language Arts 30-2 or
Tuition & fees: $11,786.50                                                                 equivalent
International tuition & fees: $37,322.50                                                 • 65% in MATH 1905 or 50% in
Note: Additional tuition and fees apply                                                    Mathematics 10-3 or equivalent1
for co-op students.                                                                      • Additional practicum requirements2
                                                                                         • Conditional or provisional admission3

                                                                                         ELP REQUIREMENTS 4
                                                                                         • CLBA no section score below 8, or
                                                                                         • IELTS Academic 6.5, no section
                                                                                           score below 6, or
                                                                                         • TOEFL iBT 84, no section
                                                                                           score below 21, or
                                                                                         • CELPIP General 8, no section
                                                                                           score below 7, or
                                                                                         • CAEL 60, no section score
                                                                                           below 60, or
                                                                                         • Minimum 80% in ESLS 8000 or 8100,
                                                                                           and 80% in ESLW 8000 or 8100, or
                                                                                           50% in ESLG 1860 and 1861

18   NORQUEST COLLEGE            VIEWBOOK 2019–2020

CREDENTIAL: Certificate

Considered a valuable asset to the
health-care team, medical office
assistants support physicians and other
health-care professionals with essential
administrative support. NorQuest’s
Medical Office Assistant program helps
you get into the workforce quickly, and
develop skills to perform a variety of
tasks including scheduling, billing, and
communications, in addition to using
current office technology and software.

Graduates find work in medical offices,
physical therapy clinics, diagnostic
imaging labs, hospitals, and community
health centres.
Length: three months (including
                                                 VETERINARY OFFICE                      ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS

                                                                                                                                    BUSINESS STUDIES PROGRAMS
                                                 ASSISTANT                              • 50% in English Language Arts 30-1 or
150-hour practicum)
                                                                 65% in English Language Arts 30-2 or
Delivery: full-time
Location: Edmonton, hybrid, online         CREDENTIAL: Certificate
                                                                                        • 65% in High School Prep
Term start: fall, winter, spring                                                          Mathematics (MATH 1905) or
                                           As a valued member of the team
Tuition & fees: $4,038.50                  in clinical, emergency, or specialty           50% in Mathematics 10-3 or
International tuition & fees: $10,792.50   hospital settings, veterinary office           equivalent1
                                           assistants support veterinarians             • Additional practicum requirements2
                                           and technicians with essential               • Conditional or provisional admission3
• 50% in English Language Arts 30-1 or     administrative and basic veterinary
  65% in English Language Arts 30-2 or     medicine skills. Get into the workforce      ELP REQUIREMENTS 4
  equivalent                               quickly and develop skills in customer
                                                                                        • CLBA no section score below 8, or
• 65% in High School Prep                  service, communications, current office
  Mathematics (MATH 1905) or               technology, and more.                        • IELTS Academic 6.5, no section
  50% in Mathematics 10-3 or                                                              score below 6, or
  equivalent1                              CAREER POTENTIAL                             • TOEFL iBT 84, no section
• Additional practicum requirements2       Graduates find entry-level                     score below 21, or
                                           opportunities in the field of animal         • CELPIP General 8, no section
• Conditional or provisional admission3
                                           sciences and may work in veterinary            score below 7, or
ELP REQUIREMENTS 4                         offices, clinics, or hospitals.
                                                                                        • CAEL 60, no section score
• CLBA no section score below 8, or        Length: three months (including                below 60, or
                                           150-hour practicum)
• IELTS Academic 6.5, no section                                                        • Minimum 80% in ESLS 8000 or 8100,
  score below 6, or                        Delivery: full-time                            and 80% in ESLW 8000 or 8100, or
                                           Location: Edmonton, online                     50% in ESLG 1860 and 1861
• TOEFL iBT 84, no section
  score below 21, or                       Term start: fall, winter
• CELPIP General 8, no section             Tuition & fees: $4,038.50
  score below 7, or                        International tuition & fees: $10,792.50
• CAEL 60, no section score
  below 60, or
• Minimum 80% in ESLS 8000 or 8100,
  and 80% in ESLW 8000 or 8100, or
  50% in ESLG 1860 and 1861

                                                   info @   780.644.6000   1.866.534.7218     19
     “I just have this insatiable appetite for new knowledge,” says 2018 President’s Medal winner
             Dwight Phillips. After arriving in Canada from Jamaica in 2014, Philips kept
              busy volunteering in the community and found an opportunity for formal
                   education in NorQuest’s Community Support Worker program.

                               — Read his story in Community Impact 2018

                                          CREDENTIAL: Certificate
CREDENTIAL: Certificate
                                          This exciting certificate program
This post-diploma certificate builds      provides you with the knowledge and
upon students’ previous training and      skills to serve one of four distinct areas:
experience and provides health and        immigrants and refugees, Indigenous
human services professionals with         Peoples, individuals with disabilities,
the knowledge and skills to work with     and older adults. You will have the
clients experiencing substance use and    opportunity to focus your training to
concurrent disorders.                     support the growth and development
                                          of individuals and families and help
CAREER POTENTIAL                          build stronger communities.
Graduates may enter the field of
addictions recovery or pursue further     CAREER POTENTIAL
education at the bachelor’s and           Graduates are prepared for employment
master’s levels in areas such as social   in frontline human service delivery
work, addictions, mental health,          settings such as immigrant settlement

                                                                                                                                   COMMUNITY STUDIES PROGRAMS
program administration, management,       agencies, Indigenous child and family
and research.                             service agencies, group homes,
Length: eight months (including           ethno-specific community service
15 hours community service learning)      organizations, and emergency shelters.
Delivery: full-time                       Length: nine months (including
                                          200-hour practicum and 45 hours
Location: Edmonton, hybrid
                                          community service learning)
Term start: fall
                                          Delivery: full-time
Tuition & fees: $6,040
                                          Location: Edmonton
International tuition & fees: $15,918
                                          Term start: fall, winter
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                    Tuition & fees: $6,463.50
• Post-secondary diploma or degree        International tuition & fees: $19,485.50
  in health, human services, or social
  sciences; or active licensure in        ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
  Canada with a health or human           • 60% in English 30-1 or English 30-2
  services governing body                   or equivalent or 60% in ESLG 1898
• Additional practicum requirements2        and ESLG 1899
• Conditional or provisional admission3   • Additional practicum requirements2
                                          • Conditional or provisional admission3
• CLBA no section score below 8, or       ELP REQUIREMENTS 4
• IELTS Academic 6.5, no section          • CLBA no section score below 7, or
  score below 6, or                       • IELTS Academic 6, no section
• TOEFL iBT 84, no section                  score below 5.5, or
  score below 21, or                      • TOEFL iBT 71, or
• CELPIP General 8, no section            • CELPIP General 7, no section
  score below 7, or                         score below 6, or
• CAEL 60, no section score               • CAEL 60, or
  below 60, or                            • Minimum 80% in ESLS 7000 or 7100,
• Minimum 80% in ESLS 8000 or 8100,         and 80% in ESLW 7000 or 7100
  and 80% in ESLW 8000 or 8100 or
  50% in ESLG 1860 and 1861

                                                    info @   780.644.6000   1.866.534.7218   21
EARLY LEARNING                                Year 2 Only diploma                        MENTAL HEALTH RECOVERY
AND CHILD CARE                                (for certificate graduates):               PRACTITIONER                              Length: eight months (including  
                                              400 hours of practicums)
CREDENTIALS: Certificate or Diploma                                                      CREDENTIAL: Certificate
                                              Delivery: full-time, part-time
Learn to provide quality child care           Location: Edmonton                         This post-diploma certificate provides
in a variety of settings and plan             Term start: fall, winter, spring           health and human services professionals
appropriate activities for children                                                      with the knowledge and skills to work
                                              Tuition & fees: $5,277
in your care. Knowledge of child                                                         with clients experiencing mental health
                                              International tuition & fees: $14,169
development, family dynamics, play,                                                      and concurrent disorders.
and program planning will equip you           ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
to support the healthy development                                                       CAREER POTENTIAL
of children though child-centred              Certificate, Diploma:
                                                                                         Graduates may enter the mental health
learning experiences.                         • 60% in English 30-1 or English 30-2 or   field or pursue further education at
                                                equivalent or 60% in ESLG 1898           the bachelor’s and master’s level in
The certificate program prepares                and ESLG 1899                            areas such as social work, addictions,
graduates for Child Development
                                              • Additional practicum requirements2       mental health, program administration,
Worker certification, and the diploma
                                              • Conditional or provisional admission3    management, and research.
programs prepare graduates for Child
Development Supervisor certification          Diploma-Year 2 Only:                       Length: eight months (including
from Alberta Human Services.                                                             120-hour practicum and 15 hours
                                              • NorQuest College Early Learning and      community service learning)
CAREER POTENTIAL                                Child Care certificate or equivalent
                                                                                         Delivery: full-time
Graduates have diverse opportunities          • Conditional or provisional admission3
                                                                                         Location: Edmonton, hybrid
to provide child-care services in             ELP REQUIREMENTS 4                         Term start: winter
daycares, day homes, and other
programs. The child-care field is an          • CLBA no section score below 8, or        Tuition & fees: $5,054
above-average growth profession with          • IELTS Academic 6.5, no section           International tuition & fees: $13,136
an increasing demand for employees.             score below 6, or
                                                                                         ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
Certificate:                                  • TOEFL iBT 84, no section
                                                score below 21, or                       • Post-secondary diploma or degree
Length: eight months (including                                                            in health, human services, or social
400 hours of practicums)                      • CELPIP General 8, no section               sciences; or active licensure in
                                                score below 7, or                          Canada with a health or human
Delivery: full-time, part-time
                                              • CAEL 60, no section score                  services governing body
Location: Edmonton
                                                below 60, or                             • Additional practicum requirements2
Term start: fall, winter, spring
                                              • Minimum 80% in ESLS 8000 or 8100,        • Conditional or provisional admission3
Tuition & fees: $5,262                          and 80% in ESLW 8000 or 8100 or
International tuition & fees: $14,154           50% in ESLG 1860 and 1861                ELP REQUIREMENTS 4
Diploma:                                                                                 • CLBA no section score below 8, or
Length: 16 months                                                                        • IELTS Academic 6.5, no section
(including 800 hours of practicums)                                                        score below 6, or
Delivery: full-time, part-time                                                           • TOEFL iBT 84, no section
Location: Edmonton                                                                         score below 21, or
Term start: fall, winter, spring                                                         • CELPIP General 8, no section
Tuition & fees: $10,539                                                                    score below 7, or
International tuition & fees: $28,323                                                    • CAEL 60, no section score
                                                                                           below 60, or
                                                                                         • Minimum 80% in ESLS 8000 or 8100,
                                                                                           and 80% in ESLW 8000 or 8100 or
                                                                                           50% in ESLG 1860 and 1861

22   NORQUEST COLLEGE              VIEWBOOK 2019–2020
SOCIAL WORK                               ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                            • 60% in English Language Arts 30-1
                                            or equivalent
                                          • Documentary evidence (i.e., a letter
NorQuest’s Social Work diploma              from the agency involved) of having
program has a unique multicultural          completed at least 100 voluntary
focus to best prepare you to help           and/or paid work hours in the
your clients. In addition to learning       human services field
the foundations of social work,           • Additional practicum requirements2
this program emphasizes the value         • Conditional or provisional admission3
of human diversity and teaches
the practice of social work within        ELP REQUIREMENTS 4
a supportive and empowering
                                          • CLBA no section score below 8, or
                                          • IELTS Academic 6.5, no section
CAREER POTENTIAL                            score below 6, or
Graduates are employed in government      • TOEFL iBT 84, no section
and non-government settings in areas        score below 21, or
such as child and youth protection,       • CELPIP General 8, no section
addictions counselling, family support,     score below 7, or
and other related fields.                 • CAEL 60, no section score
Length: two years (including                below 60, or
700 hours of practicums)                  • Minimum 80% in ESLS 8000 or 8100,
Delivery: full-time                         and 80% in ESLW 8000 or 8100 or
Location: Edmonton                          50% in ESLG 1860 and 1861
Term start: fall
Tuition & fees: $12,681
International tuition & fees: $38,109

                                                   info @   780.644.6000   1.866.534.7218   23
      Simulation enhances safety in the health-care field, and NorQuest embraces this as a key
     learning strategy with technology and innovation in our Interdisciplinary Simulation Centre.
       Students in health and community studies programs bridge the gap between theory and
               practice with experiential and reflective learning in a safe environment.

ADVANCED EDUCATION IN                     HEALTH CARE AIDE                                ELP REQUIREMENTS 4
ORTHOPAEDICS FOR LPNS                                            • CLBA no section score below 7, or
                                          CREDENTIAL: Certificate
                                                                                          • IELTS Academic 6, no section
CREDENTIAL: Certificate                                                                     score below 5.5, or
                                          NorQuest’s Health Care Aide program             • TOEFL iBT 71, or
This post-diploma program prepares        is among the largest in Canada and              • CELPIP General 7, no section
licensed practical nurses with the        prepares you to be a part of a                    score below 6, or
knowledge and skills for a specialized    health-care team in a variety of
career in orthopaedics. It consists                                                       • CAEL 60, or
                                          different settings, providing frontline
of three courses and a 300-hour           care to clients in need of assistance.          • Minimum 80% in ESLS 7000 or 7100
practicum. Further your understanding                                                       (or BHCA 1100 or equivalent), and
of anatomy and physiology in relation     CAREER POTENTIAL                                  80% in ESLW 7000 or 7100 (or BHCA
to orthopaedics and orthopaedic           Graduates find work in continuing                 1101 or equivalent)
radiology, assessment, and trauma.        care institutions, home care agencies,
                                          group homes, assisted or supportive
CAREER POTENTIAL                          living, day programs, specialized care
Graduates are prepared to work in         centres and programs, acute care
emergency departments, cast rooms,        hospitals, and private care.
and orthopaedic patient care areas.       Length: 23 weeks (including
Length: varies                            200 hours of practicums)

                                                                                                                                     HEALTH STUDIES PROGRAMS
Delivery: full-time, part-time            Delivery: full-time, part-time
Location: online                          Location: Edmonton, Drayton Valley,
Term start: monthly                       Wetaskiwin, online, workplace
Tuition & fees: $2,017.50                 Term start: fall, winter, monthly
International tuition & fees: $4,641.50   Tuition & fees: $3,767.50
                                          International tuition & fees: $9,617.50
                                          Workplace tuition: $1,025
• Active registration with a college
                                          (If you are interested in the
  for licensed practical nurses
                                          workplace delivery option,
• Minimum of 3,600 hours                  consult your employer)
  (approximately two years) current
  acute care experience as an LPN         ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
• Informal interview with the             • Minimum of English Language Arts
  program instructor                        10-1 (or provincial equivalent) or
• Additional clinical practice              successful completion of NorQuest
  requirements2                             College academic assessment
• Conditional or provisional admission3   • For workplace admission: the
                                            requirement listed above, and
                                            you must be currently employed
                                            as a frontline caregiver with a
                                            participating agency
                                          • Additional practicum requirements2
                                          • Conditional or provisional admission3

                                                     info @   780.644.6000    1.866.534.7218   25
HEALTH CARE AIDE PRIOR                    MEDICAL DEVICE                            PHARMACY TECHNICIAN
AND RECOGNITION (PLAR)                                                                          CREDENTIAL: Diploma
                                          CREDENTIAL: Certificate
CREDENTIAL: Certificate                                                             In this nationally accredited diploma
                                          Learn to perform the critical work        program, you will acquire the
This certification process is for         of sterilizing, packaging, and storing    knowledge and skills needed to
individuals with directly related         surgical and medical instruments in       work in this fast-paced and highly
work experience from the past three       order to prevent and control the          respected occupation. This includes
years, but who do not currently have      spread of infection. You will be          dispensing prescriptions, compounding
a certificate that is recognized in       prepared to write the Medical Device      medications, preparing sterile products,
Alberta. You will receive an individual   Reprocessing Technician certification     and providing patient care.
learner plan for self-study and skills    exam through the Canadian
assessment to achieve the level of        Standards Association.                    CAREER POTENTIAL
proficiency required for the Health                                                 Pharmacy technicians work for
Care Aide certificate.                    CAREER POTENTIAL                          hospitals, community pharmacies,
Length: four months                       Graduates find work in medical device     pharmaceutical companies, and
                                          reprocessing departments of hospitals     insurance companies.
Delivery: part-time
                                          and health providers. This field is       Length: two years (including
Location: online                          growing steadily with an increasing       320 hours of practicums)
Term start: fall, winter                  demand for well-trained technicians.
                                                                                    Delivery: full-time
Note: Tuition and fees are based on
individual learner plans.
                                          Length: 27 weeks (including               Location: Edmonton
                                          400-hour practicum)                       Term start: fall
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                    Delivery: full-time                       Tuition & fees: $12,444
• Minimum of English Language Arts        Location: Edmonton                        International tuition & fees: $32,364
  10-1 (or provincial equivalent) or      Term start: fall                          Note: Additional fees apply for
  successful completion of NorQuest       Tuition & fees: $5,668                    optional courses.
  College academic assessment             International tuition & fees: $15,765
• 600 hours of experience in the last                                               ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
  three years as a health-care worker,    ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                    • 6 0% in English Language Arts 30-1 or
  documented with a proof-of-             • 60% in English Language Arts 30-1 or       70% in English Language Arts 30-2
  employment letter from                    70% in English Language Arts 30-2 or       or equivalent
  your employer(s)                          equivalent                              • 60% in Mathematics 30-1 or
• Conditional or provisional admission3   • Additional practicum requirements2        Mathematics 30-2 or equivalent1

ELP REQUIREMENTS 4                        • Conditional or provisional admission3   • 60% in Biology 30 or equivalent

• CLBA no section score below 7, or                                                 • 60% in Chemistry 30 or equivalent
                                          ELP REQUIREMENTS 4
• IELTS Academic 6, no section                                                      • High school diploma, GED,
                                          • CLBA no section score below 8, or
  score below 5.5, or                                                                 or equivalent
                                          • IELTS Academic 6.5, no section
• TOEFL iBT 71, or                                                                  • Successful completion of NorQuest
                                            score below 6, or
                                                                                      College Pharmacy Technician
• CELPIP General 7, no section            • TOEFL iBT 84, no section                  program arithmetic assessment
  score below 6, or                         score below 21, or
                                                                                    • Additional practicum requirements2
• CAEL 60, or                             • CELPIP General 8, no section
                                                                                    • Conditional or provisional admission3
• Minimum 80% in ESLS 7000 or 7100          score below 7, or
  (or BHCA 1100 or equivalent, and 80%    • CAEL 60, no section score
  in ESLW 7000 or 7100 (or BHCA 1101        below 60, or
  or equivalent)
                                          • Minimum 80% in ESLS 8000 or 8100,
                                            and 80% in ESLW 8000 or 8100, or
                                            50% in ESLG 1860 and 1861

26   NORQUEST COLLEGE          VIEWBOOK 2019–2020

                                                                                                                                     HEALTH STUDIES PROGRAMS
• IELTS Academic 6.5, no section score                                                   • 60% in English Language Arts 30-1 or
  below 6, or                                                                              70% in English Language Arts 30-2
                                           CREDENTIAL: Diploma                             or equivalent
• TOEFL iBT 91, no score below:
  21 listening, 23 speaking, 22 reading,   The Physical Therapy Assistant diploma        • 50% in Mathematics 10C or
  25 writing, or                           program prepares you with the                   equivalent1
• MELAB 81, no score below: 80             theoretical knowledge and therapeutic         • 60% in Biology 30 or equivalent
  listening, 3+ speaking, 83 reading,      skills needed to assist patients in           • Additional practicum requirements2
  80 writing, or                           overcoming physical injury or disability.
                                                                                         • Conditional or provisional admission3
• CanTEST no score below: 4.5              Note: The Physical Therapy Assistant
  listening, 4.5 speaking, 4.5 reading,    program is under review and exciting          ELP REQUIREMENTS 4
  4 writing                                changes are anticipated for 2019-20.
                                                                                         • CLBA no section score below 8, or
• Graduation from an approved              See website for up-to-date information.
                                                                                         • IELTS Academic 6.5, no section
  Canadian high school with at least                                                       score below 6, or
                                           CAREER POTENTIAL
  three consecutive years of full-time
                                           Graduates find work in rehabilitation         • TOEFL iBT 84, no section
  academic study and satisfactory
                                           hospitals, acute care centres, physical         score below 21, or
  completion of Grade 12 English
  or equivalent. The high school's         therapy clinics, continuing care centres,     • CELPIP General 8, no section
  language of instruction must be          specialized care facilities, schools, and       score below 7, or
  English. A GED is not acceptable.        home care programs.                           • CAEL 60, no section score
• Successful completion of a               Length: 16 months (including 480 hours          below 60, or
  recognized Canadian undergraduate        of practicums)                                • Minimum 80% in ESLS 8000 or 8100,
  degree program at a post-secondary       Delivery: full-time, part-time                  and 80% in ESLW 8000 or 8100, or
  institution where the language of        Location: Edmonton, online                      50% in ESLG 1860 and 1861
  instruction is English
                                           Term start: fall
Note: Language proficiency standards
                                           Tuition & fees: $9,457
are established by the Alberta College
                                           International tuition & fees: $25,393
of Pharmacists and NAPRA. No other
evidence of ELP will be accepted.
See website for details.

                                                    info @   780.644.6000   1.866.534.7218     27

                                                                                       CREDENTIAL: Diploma

                                                                                       If you are a former Canadian-educated
                                                                                       practical nurse or internationally
                                                                                       educated nurse, acquire your license
                                                                                       to work as a licensed practical nurse
                                                                                       through a combination of transfer
                                                                                       credit, prior learning and recognition
                                                                                       portfolio, challenge exams, and
                                                                                       part-time online learning.

                                                                                       CAREER POTENTIAL
                                                                                       Upon completion, you will be prepared
                                                                                       to work in acute care hospitals,
                                                                                       continuing care centres, community
                                                                                       care settings, client homes, clinics, and
                                                                                       doctors’ offices.
                                                                                       Length: up to five years (including
                                                                                       465 hours of practicums)
PRACTICAL NURSE                             ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                     Delivery: full-time, part-time                              • 60% in English Language Arts 30-1 or     Location: online
                                              70% in English Language Arts 30-2 or     Term start: fall, winter, spring
CREDENTIAL: Diploma                           equivalent                               Note: Tuition and fees are based on the
One of the largest in Canada,               • 60% in Biology 30 or equivalent          number of courses taken.
NorQuest’s Practical Nurse program          • 60% in Mathematics 20-1 or 70%
will prepare you to play a vital,             in Mathematics 20-2 or 50%               ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
frontline role in providing high-quality      in Mathematics 30-1 or 60% in            • Graduate of a Practical Nurse
care to clients in a variety of               Mathematics 30-2 or equivalent             program in Canada, or graduate of
health-care settings.                         (Grade of 60% in MATH 1524) 1              an RN/Bachelor of Nursing program
                                            • Additional practicum requirements2         outside of Canada
                                            • Conditional or provisional admission3    • Documentation from the College
Licensed practical nurses are employed                                                   of Licensed Practical Nurses
in acute care hospitals, continuing care    For online delivery:
                                                                                         of Alberta or other provincial/
centres, community care settings, client    • All requirements noted above               national professional association
homes, clinics, and doctors’ offices.       • A minimum of C- in ANPH 1001 and           verifying you were licensed with a
Length: two years (including                  ANPH 1002                                  professional body
680 hours of practicums)                    Note: Additional requirements apply        • Additional practicum requirements2
Delivery: full-time, part-time              for Practical Nurse for Health Care Aide   • Provisional admission may be offered
Location: Edmonton, Wetaskiwin,             applicants. See website for details.         to applicants with lower English
online, hybrid                                                                           Language Proficiency levels. See
                                            ELP REQUIREMENTS 4                           website for details.
Term start: fall, winter, monthly
                                            • IELTS Academic no score below:
Tuition & fees: $13,385.50                                                             ELP REQUIREMENTS 4
                                              7.5 listening, 7 speaking,
International tuition & fees: $40,131.50
                                              6.5 reading, 7 writing, or               • IELTS Academic no score below:
                                            • TOEFL iBT 94, or                           7.5 listening, 7 speaking, 6.5 reading,
                                                                                         7 writing, or
                                            • CELBAN no score below: 10 listening,
                                              8 speaking, 8 reading, 7 writing, or     • TOEFL iBT 94, or
                                            • Minimum 50% in ESLG 1860 and 1861        • CELBAN no score below: 10 listening,
                                                                                         8 speaking, 8 reading, 7 writing, or
                                                                                       • Minimum 50% in ESLG 1860 and 1861
                                                                                       Note: If you receive provisional
                                                                                       acceptance, you will be required to
                                                                                       complete the five ESL Practical Nurse
                                                                                       Refresher program language courses.
                                                                                       Successful completion of these courses
                                                                                       will allow you to continue in the program.

28   NORQUEST COLLEGE            VIEWBOOK 2019–2020
THERAPEUTIC RECREATION                     Diploma:                                    ELP REQUIREMENTS 4                             • 50% in English Language Arts 30-1 or      • CLBA no section score below 8, or
                                             70% in English Language Arts 30-2 or      • IELTS Academic 6.5, no section
CREDENTIALS: Certificate or Diploma          equivalent                                  score below 6, or
Learn how to enhance your clients’         • 50% in Biology 30 or equivalent           • TOEFL iBT 84, no section
quality of life through leisure            • Completion of the certificate               score below 21, or
activities. The certificate focuses on       program or equivalent and/or              • CELPIP General 8, no section
the knowledge and skills required            permission from the program chair           score below 7, or
to plan, implement, and evaluate           • Additional practicum requirements2        • CAEL 60, no section score
individual and group therapeutic
                                           • Conditional or provisional admission3       below 60, or
recreation and social activities.
                                                                                       • Minimum 80% in ESLS 8000 or 8100,
The diploma focuses on the concepts,
                                                                                         and 80% in ESLW 8000 or 8100 or
theory, and practical experiences
                                                                                         50% in ESLG 1860 and 1861
related to leadership and critical
thinking, and prepares graduates
to work more independently. The
diploma program allows students to
meet the requirements for professional
membership in the Alberta Therapeutic
Recreation Association and continue
on to pursue a university degree.


                                                                                                                                  HEALTH STUDIES PROGRAMS
Graduates are qualified to work
in continuing care, assisted living,
hospitals, lodges, and day
program settings.
Length: one year certificate (including
320-hour practicum), two year diploma
(including 640 hours of practicums)
Delivery: full-time, part-time
Location: Edmonton, online
Term start: fall, winter, spring
Tuition & fees: $6,214.50
International tuition & fees: $16,423.50
Tuition & fees: $11,515
International tuition & fees: $30,439

• 50% in English Language Arts 30-1 or
  70% in English Language Arts 30-2 or
• 50% in Biology 30 or equivalent
• Conditional or provisional admission3

                                                  info @   780.644.6000   1.866.534.7218    29
      “Our new Arts and Sciences program provides an exciting opportunity at NorQuest—for
      students to begin their coursework toward an Arts or Sciences degree. Plus, we have great
               student supports in place, small class sizes, and fantastic instructors!”

                                     — LEIGH DYRDA, Program Chair

ARTS AND SCIENCES                  • PSYC 1050                                          ourses listed under Arts and
NEW                     Foundations of Human Behaviour                    Sciences can be taken individually
                                         • PSYC 1060                                         for university transfer through
CREDENTIAL: Course credits                 Psychology for Health-Care                        Open Studies.
Begin your post-secondary journey
at NorQuest College with our new         • PSYC 2010
Arts and Sciences university transfer      Developmental Psychology:
program. Complete up to 30 credits,        Human Life Span
which can be transferred to the second   • PSYC 2450
year of a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor     Abnormal Psychology - Psychiatric
of Sciences degree, or towards             Conditions and Interventions
completion of a NorQuest health or       • SOCI 1000
community studies program.                 Introduction to the Study of Society
Our student advisors will help you       • SOCI 2025
design your own program of study and       Criminology
build an academic plan that will help
                                         • WMST2010
you achieve your goals.
                                           Women's and Gender Studies
                                         Length: eight months
• ANTH 1000                              Delivery: full-time, part-time
  Introduction to Anthropology

                                                                                                                                       ADDITIONAL PROGRAMS
                                         Location: Edmonton
• ARTH 1002
                                         Term start: fall
  Introduction to Art History
                                         Tuition & fees: $5,571
• BIOL 1007
                                         International tuition & fees: $14,841
  Introduction to Cell Biology
                                         Note: Tuition costs listed are based on
• BUSD 1002                              five three-credit courses. Your tuition and
  Microeconomics                         fees may vary depending on the number
• BUSD 1008                              of credits and courses taken.
                                         ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
• CHEM 1001
  Introduction to Chemistry              • 65% in English Language Arts 30-1 or
• CLTR 2228
  Comparative Literature and             • Conditional or provisional admission3
  Popular Culture
                                         ELP REQUIREMENTS 4
• COMM 1001
                                         • CLBA no section score below 8, or
  Introduction to Communications
                                         • IELTS Academic 6.5, no section
• ENGL 1011
                                           score below 6, or
  Introduction to Literary Analysis
                                         • TOEFL iBT 84, no section
• ENGL 2510
                                           score below 21, or
  Scientific and Technical Writing
                                         • CELPIP General 8, no section
• ENGL 2550
                                           score below 7, or
  Introduction to Composition
                                         • CAEL 60, no section score
• HEED 1000
                                           below 60, or
  Health Education: Individual Health
  and Wellness                           • Minimum 80% in ESLS 8000 or 8100,
                                           and 80% in ESLW 8000 or 8100, or
• INST 1000
                                           50% in ESLG 1860 and 1861
  Introduction to Indigenous Studies
• POLS 1010
  Canadian Politics: Institutions
  and Issues
• PSYC 1040
  Introduction to Psychology

                                                   info @     780.644.6000     1.866.534.7218    31
   At NorQuest College, we see potential
                                                       ACADEMIC UPGRADING
   in students where others may see
   barriers. We are recognized and valued              Academic Upgrading
   for our foundational programming,
   which equips hundreds of learners each              Foundations
   year with the skills to move forward                for Learning
   and succeed, either by furthering their             Youth in Transition
   education or entering the workforce.
   We are a leader in academic upgrading               EMPLOYMENT
   and English language training with                  PREPARATION
   expertise in intercultural education to
   help new Canadians begin successful                 Apprenticeship Prep
   careers and lives in Canada.                        Day Home Provider
   For over 50 years, we have worked
                                                       Transitions to
   to eliminate barriers of language and               Employment
   lack of workplace skills and provided
   education that opens doors for people               ENGLISH LANGUAGE
   from all walks of life.                             TRAINING

                                                       ESL Intensive
                                                       Language Instruction
                                                       for Newcomers to
                                                       Canada (LINC)

        info @   780.644.6000   1.866.534.7218   33
      “It is important to help the youth because we know they are the future,” says YIT student
        Mekdes Tadesse, 25, who moved to Canada from Kenya in 2014. She plans to use YIT
       the way it was intended: finish the program, advance to academic upgrading, and then
              move on to post-secondary studies. She wants to become a social worker.

ACADEMIC UPGRADING                        FOUNDATIONS FOR LEARNING                     YOUTH IN TRANSITION                                      

CREDENTIAL: Course credits                CREDENTIAL: Course credits                   CREDENTIAL: Course credits

NorQuest College operates as an           Delivered in partnership with                Designed to increase academic and
accredited high school and offers         Community Adult Learning Programs            personal communication skills for
courses that follow the Alberta           (CALPs) throughout our region,               English as a Second Language (ESL)
Education curriculum and prepare you      Foundations for Learning includes a          youth ages 17–25, this full-time program
to continue your studies at NorQuest      range of 12-week online courses that         will prepare you to transition into
or another post-secondary institution.    allow you to strengthen your academic        further post-secondary education and
Length: varies dependent on               skills in your home community. Take          offers small class sizes and a supportive
learner needs                             courses online with in-person support        learning environment.
                                          at your local CALP.                          Length: 4–30 months dependent
Delivery: full-time, part-time
                                          Length: varies dependent on                  on learner needs
Location: Edmonton, Drayton Valley,
                                          learner needs                                Delivery: full-time
Wetaskiwin, Whitecourt, online
                                          Delivery: full-time, part-time               Location: Edmonton
Term start: fall, winter, spring
                                          Location: online                             Term start: fall, winter
Tuition & fees: $2,792.79

                                                                                                                                   ACADEMIC UPGRADING PROGRAMS
                                          Term start: varies                           Note: There are no tuition or fees
International tuition & fees: $6,272.79
(based on three five-credit courses)      Note: Tuition and fees vary by course        for eligible students.
                                          load taken.
Note: Tuition and fees vary by course
                                                                                       ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
load taken.
                                          ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                       • NorQuest College academic
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                    • Recommended that applicants take             skills assessment
                                            a NorQuest College placement               • First language other than English
• Alberta Education high school
                                            assessment to determine the
  transcript current within the last
                                            appropriate levels of study                ELP REQUIREMENTS 4
  five years or NorQuest College
  placement assessment                                                                 • CLBPT or CLBA no section score
                                          ELP REQUIREMENTS 4
                                                                                         below 5, or
ELP REQUIREMENTS 4                        • CLBA no section score below 5, or
                                                                                       • IELTS Academic 5, or
• CLBPT or CLBA no section score          • IELTS Academic 5, or
                                                                                       • TOEFL iBT 40, or
  below 5, or                             • TOEFL iBT 40, or
                                                                                       • CELPIP General 5, or
• IELTS Academic 5, or                    • CELPIP General 5, or
                                                                                       • Minimum 80% in ESLS 5000 or 5100,
• TOEFL iBT 40, or                        • Minimum 80% in ESLS 5000 or 5100,            and 80% in ESLW 5000 or 5100
• CELPIP General 5, or                      and 80% in ESLW 5000 or 5100
• Minimum 80% in ESLS 5000 or 5100,
  and 80% in ESLW 5000 or 5100

                                                  info @   780.644.6000     1.866.534.7218   35
            “NorQuest helped me a lot. As a newcomer to Canada I didn’t know how to
          communicate with others effectively here. Now, my education has given me a lot
                        of experience and knowledge to succeed in business.”

                                — SAMINA YASMIN, Day Home Provider

APPRENTICESHIP PREP                          DAY HOME PROVIDER                            TRANSITIONS TO EMPLOYMENT                                     

CREDENTIAL: Certificate                      CREDENTIAL: Certificate                      CREDENTIAL: Certificate

Develop the knowledge and skills you         This program focuses on both academic        Our program is designed to provide
need to prepare for the trade entrance       and occupational skills through the          employment preparation training
exam and entry into any one of 45            content of early childhood training.         for adults with mild cognitive
designated trades. The focus of the          Learn programming, job presentation          developmental disabilities.
program is on upgrading, practical trades    skills, and how to run a home-based day      Through a combination of classroom
training, and facilitated work experience.   home business.                               and workplace instruction, students will
Length: seven months (including              This program is designed for English         acquire training on current equipment,
365 hours field experience)                  language learners.                           an understanding of current workplace
Delivery: full-time                                                                       practices, and increased self-confidence
                                             CAREER POTENTIAL                             while receiving ongoing, intensive
Location: Edmonton
                                             This certificate will prepare you to         support and mentoring from staff.
Term start: fall, winter                     become a self-employed day home
Tuition & fees: $16,236                      provider or work in a child-care centre.     CAREER POTENTIAL

                                                                                                                                      EMPLOYMENT PREPARATION PROGRAMS
International tuition & fees: $47,676        Length: 10 months (including 110 hours       Graduates may find jobs in a variety
                                             field experience)                            of fields, including food service,
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                                                                    warehousing, and other service
                                             Delivery: full-time
• Grade 8 English Language Arts and                                                       industries.
  Mathematics or equivalent                  Location: Edmonton
                                                                                          Length: 10 months (including 450 hours
                                             Term start: fall                             work experience)
                                             Tuition & fees: $13,730.50                   Delivery: full-time
• CLBPT or CLBA no section                   International tuition & fees: $38,498.50
  score below 5, or                                                                       Location: Edmonton

• IELTS Academic 5, or                       ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                       Term start: fall

• TOEFL iBT 40, or                           • Grade 5 in reading and writing or          Tuition & fees: $12,720.99
                                               equivalent                                 International tuition & fees: $34,693.49
• CELPIP General 5, or
                                             • Police Information Check
• Minimum 80% in ESLS 5000 or 5100,                                                       ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
  and 80% in ESLW 5000 or 5100               • Intervention Record Check
                                                                                          • History of special education (school
                                             • Additional practicum requirements2           records, standardized testing, etc.)
                                             ELP REQUIREMENTS 4                           • Admission interview with a
                                                                                            NorQuest College counsellor
                                             • CBLT or CLBA no section
                                               score below 4, or                          • Ability to participate in a group
                                             • IELTS Academic 4, or
                                                                                          • Ability to function independently in
                                             • TOEFL iBT 32, or
                                                                                            class and at the work site
                                             • CELPIP General 4, or
                                                                                          • Readiness for employment
                                             • Minimum 80% in ESLS 4000 or 4100,
                                               and 80% in ESLW 4000 or 4100

                                                     info @   780.644.6000     1.866.534.7218   37
You can also read