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     WE'RE BACK!

                            WS 2021/22

                         Stand 21.07.2021
      Prof. Dr. Jochen Baier
      Sprechzeiten: Fr 9 – 10 Uhr
                      (Zoom Meeting nach vorheriger Email-Anmeldung)
      Tel. 07171 983-257, Zi. A 002
      E-Mail: jochen.baier@ph-gmuend.de
      Prof. Dr. Euline Cutrim Schmid (Abteilungsleitung)
      Sprechzeiten:     Di 14 – 15 (Zoom Meeting)
      Meeting ID: 589 690 7306
      Password: 5EQYRn
      Tel. 07171 983-364, Zi. A 005b
      E-Mail: euline.cutrim.schmid@ph-gmuend.de
      Dr. Reiner Kornetta
      Sprechzeiten:     Do 16 – 17 Uhr an der PH / Fr 9 – 10 Uhr
                        bis auf Widerruf telefonisch
      Tel. 07171 983-219, Zi. A 006
      E-Mail: reiner.kornetta@ph-gmuend.de
      Dr. Susan Weitmann
      Sprechzeiten:    Fr 10 – 12 Uhr (Zoom Meeting)
      Meeting ID: 859 1611 5561
      Passcode: 369947
      Tel. 07171 983-219, Zi. A 006
      E-Mail: susan.weitmann@ph-gmuend.de
      Natalie Bornkessel (abgeordnete Lehrerin)
      Sprechzeiten: über Zoom mit Anmeldung via Mail
      Tel. 07171 983-219, Zi. A 006
      E-Mail: natalie.bornkessel@ph-gmuend.de
      Andreas Kullick FuN Kolleg
      Sprechzeiten: Ich biete durchgängig Termine für (Online-)Sprechstun-
                     den nach Absprache an. Zur Terminvereinbarung
      E-Mail an andreas.kullick@ph-gmuend.de

Isabella Crispen (Lehrbeauftragte)
            Sprechzeiten:      nach Vereinbarung
            E-Mail: isabella.crispen@ph-gmuend.de
            Hilal Sahin FuN Kolleg (Lehrbeauftragte)
            Sprechzeiten:      nach Vereinbarung (Zoom Meeting)
            E-Mail: hilal.sahin@ph-gmuend.de

            Maria Müller
            Sprechzeiten:    Mo / Di / Do 13.30 – 15.30 Uhr,
                             Mi 9.30 – 12.00 Uhr, Fr 8.00 – 12.00 Uhr
            Tel. 07171 983-435, Zi. A 110
            E-Mail: maria.mueller@ph-gmuend.de

 Öffnungszeiten: siehe Aushang

            Emily Brehm u. Marvin Scharf
            E-Mail: tutoriat.englisch@stud.ph-gmuend.de

  Dear students of English,

  In order to make life easier and more convenient for you and the English depart-
  ment, it is customary that course enrolment be done via LSF.

  At this time it is not possible for us to designate room assignments for our semi-
  nars and lectures.

  Please make use of our office hours. Email only in case of emergency (if done
  by Stud.IP, indicate your address in your mail).


 // Dozenten ................................................................................................ 3

 // Sekretariat .............................................................................................. 4

 // Im Tutoriat ............................................................................................... 4

 // ANMELDUNG ZU DEN SEMINAREN .................................................... 5

 // Seminarangebot Master siehe Seite 48 ................................................. 5

 // INHALT ................................................................................................... 6

 // Modul 1 ................................................................................................ 10

 Introduction to Linguistics (BA-GS/S1-E-10) ........................................... 10

 Introduction to the Teaching of English ‒ the High Five of Didactics
 (BA-S1-E-11) ........................................................................................... 11

 // Modul 2 ................................................................................................ 13

 English Oral Fluency (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-313) ...................................... 13

 Plurilingualism in the EFL Classroom (Pre-ISP) (TNB) (BA-GS-E-210) .. 14

 Computer Assisted Language Learning (Pre-ISP) (TNB)
 (BA-GS/S1-E-216) ................................................................................... 15

 Let´s Play It Safe – a Teacher´s Guide to Potential Problems of Social
 Media in the Classroom ‒ Pre-ISP: Yes! (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-214) ........ 17

 Beginner’s Course in Film Making (Pre-ISP) (BA-GS/S1-E-217) ............ 18

 Ireland and Ryan Dennis´s Novel The Beasts They Turned Away
 (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-234) ........................................................................ 19

 The Art of Rhetoric (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-294) ......................................... 20

 The American Dream in Tennessee Williams' Plays (TNB)
 (BA-S1/GS-E-51) Online Seminar ........................................................... 21

 Pronunciation (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-32) ................................................... 23

 Teaching Practice ISP (GS) (BA-GS-E-221) Online Veranstaltung ......... 24

Teaching Practice - GS (ISP) Begleitseminar (BA-GS-E-222) ................ 25

Language Teaching Methodologies (Pre-ISP) (TNB)
(BA-GS/S1-E-221) Online Veranstaltung ................................................. 26

History Project UK (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-231) .......................................... 27

“English deh sick! Fair dinkum!” (BA-GS/S1-E-233)................................ 28

Flipped Classroom (TNB, KOMP) (BA-GS/S1-E-211) ............................. 29

Preparing High School Students for EuroKom (Pre-ISP) (KOMP)
(BA-GS/S1-E-215) ................................................................................... 30

Grammar I (PO 2015)/ Grammar II (PO 2011) (TNB)
(BA-GS/S1-E-33) ..................................................................................... 33

Grammar Activities (Pre-ISP) (TNB; KOMP) (BA-GS/S1-E-213) ............ 34

// Modul 3 ................................................................................................ 35

English Oral Fluency (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-313) ...................................... 35

The Art of Rhetoric (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-294) ......................................... 35

The American Dream in Tennessee Williams' Plays (TNB)
(BA-S1/GS-E-51) Online Seminar ........................................................... 35

History Project UK (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-231)
Online Seminar via Zoom ........................................................................ 36

Body Language (BA-GS/S1-E-212) ......................................................... 36

Pronunciation (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-32) ................................................... 36

“English deh sick! Fair dinkum!” (BA-GS/S1-E-233)................................ 37

Grammar I (PO 2015)/ Grammar II (PO 2011) (TNB)
(BA-GS/S1-E-33) ..................................................................................... 37

Essay Writing (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-341) ................................................. 38

Essay Writing (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-341) ................................................. 39

Preparation for Your Module III Translation (TNB) (BA-S1-E-311)
online seminar ......................................................................................... 40

Übung zu Translation (TNB) (BA-S1-E-312) Online ................................ 41

// Modul 4 ................................................................................................ 42

Computer Assisted Language Learning (Pre-ISP) (TNB)
(BA-GS/S1-E-216) Online Seminar via Zoom ......................................... 42

Let´s Play It Safe – a Teacher´s Guide to Potential Problems of Social
Media in the Classroom ‒ Pre-ISP: Yes! (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-214) ........ 42

Beginner’s Course in Film Making (Pre-ISP) (BA-GS/S1-E-217) ............ 42

Language Teaching Methodologies (Pre-ISP) (TNB)
(BA-GS/S1-E-221) Online Veranstaltung ................................................. 43

Preparing High School Students for EuroKom (Pre-ISP) (KOMP)
(BA-GS/S1-E-215) ................................................................................... 43

Flipped Classroom (TNB, KOMP) (BA-GS/S1-E-211) ............................. 43

Body Language (BA-GS/S1-E-212) ......................................................... 44

Grammar Activities (Pre-ISP) (TNB; KOMP) (BA-GS/S1-E-213) ............ 44

// Modul 5 ................................................................................................ 45

The Art of Rhetoric (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-294) ......................................... 45

The American Dream in Tennessee Williams' Plays (TNB)
(BA-S1/GS-E-51) Online Seminar ........................................................... 45

Ireland and Ryan Dennis´s Novel The Beasts They Turned Away
(TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-234) ........................................................................ 45

Language Teaching Methodologies (Pre-ISP) (TNB)
(BA-GS/S1-E-221) Online Veranstaltung ................................................. 46

Grammar Activities (Pre-ISP) (TNB; KOMP) (BA-GS/S1-E-213) ............ 46

“English deh sick! Fair dinkum!” (BA-GS/S1-E-233)................................ 47

// Master .................................................................................................. 48

// MODUL 1 .............................................................................................. 48

American Protest Movements in the US after WW II (KOMP)
(MEd-GS-E-110) ...................................................................................... 48

Inclusion in the EFL Classroom (TNB) (MEd-GS/S1-E-121)
Online Veranstaltung ............................................................................... 49

Reading Proficiency (TNB) (MEd-GS/S1-E-122) ..................................... 50

Teaching Democracy (MEd-GS/S1-E-123) ............................................. 51

Teaching Practice (ISP) (MEd-S1-E-30) ................................................. 52

// MODUL 2 .............................................................................................. 53

Grammar 2 (TNB) (MEd-S1-E-21) ........................................................... 53

TransMA only! (TNB) (MEd-S1-E-22) ...................................................... 54

Vocabulary for Masters (TeilKOMP) (MEd-S1-E-23) ............................... 55

// MODUL 1
 Introduction to Linguistics (BA-GS/S1-E-10)
 Online Vorlesung
 PO 2020: BA-GS-M1.1, 3 ECTS; BA-S1-M1.2, 3 ECTS
 PO 2015: BA-GS-M1.1, 3 ECTS; BA-S1-M1.4, 3 ECTS

 Anmeldung per LSF

 Tuesday 10 – noon o´clock am

 Prof. Dr. Euline Cutrim Schmid

 This course aims to introduce students to the central areas of the English lan-
 guage and linguistics. Starting from our conscious or implicit knowledge of (the
 English) language, you will develop familiarity with the following fields:
 •   phonetics & phonology (How do we say it? – the sound system of English)
 •   morphology (What is in a word? – parts of words and word forms)
 •   syntax (What is in a sentence? – basic structures and rules)
 •   semantics (What do we say? – the meaning both of words and sentences)
 •   pragmatics (What do we intend to say? – the “invisible” meaning of words
     and sentences)

 The acquisition of the major concepts, terminology and representations of
 sounds, words, and sentences will offer you a basis for your future work, both at
 the PH Schwäbisch Gmünd and in the foreign language classroom.
 Textbook: Yule, George (2016) Sixth Edition. The study of language. Cambridge:
 Cambridge University Press.

 Class Requirements:
 –   Regular and active participation
 –   Written end-of-term test

Introduction to the Teaching of English ‒ the High Five of
Didactics (BA-S1-E-11)
Online Vorlesung

Introduction and counselling via Zoom, all-new online lecture, Q & A via Zoom

NOTE: From now on this lecture will be offered each term to make it easier for
you to accomplish your studies and receive your degree more quickly and con-
veniently. That also includes that this part of M1 can be taken separately after
each term (it does not have to be part of a “Bundle” as it used to be!!).

PO 2015: BA-S1-1.4, 3 ECTS
PO 2011: all 1.2, 3 ECTS

Vorlesung über jederzeit zugängliche Videoaufzeichnung, Einleitungs- und Frage-
stunden über Zoom und Quizlets

Anmeldung per LSF

Thursdays 6 – 7.30 o´clock s.t. pm

Prof. Dr. Jochen Baier

The all new online lecture (+ quizzes and accompanying zoom contact, both to
introduce and round off the lecture) will help you to define your role as an edu-
cator and a foreign language teacher– watch the lecture online and use a variety
of materials to prepare yourself for being a great teacher of English.
Content-wise we will look at
–   the basics of English as a subject at school,
–   the various theoretical approaches to ELT (English Language Teaching) from
    the beginnings to state-of-the-art methodology.
–   the steps of practical teaching language (vocab and grammar), cultural stud-
    ies, and literature/text work at the (needless to say) fictitious Realschule
–   the challenge of your M1 finals and how you can cope with that

All in all, this lecture comprises most of the major challenges for you as budding
teachers of English.
The course will be held in English.

Enrol via internet. If you cannot attend the introductory zoom lecture, please
send an e-mail to jochen.baier@ph-gmuend.de

// MODUL 2
 English Oral Fluency (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-313)
 PO 2020/PO 2015: ab Winter 20/21: BA-GS-M3.1, 3 ECTS; BA-S1-M2.1, 3 ECTS; ab Som-
                     mer 2018: BA-GS-M3.1, 3 ECTS; BA-S1-M2.1, M2.3, 3 ECTS
 PO 2011: all M2.3, 4 ECTS, M3.1, M3.2, M3.7, M3.8, 3 ECTS

 Limited to 20 students

 Anmeldung per LSF

 Tuesdays 8 – 10 o´clock am

 Dr. Susan Weitmann

 This seminar will provide a variety of opportunities for students to engage in flu-
 ency activities: conversations, debates, games, presentations, role plays, and so
 on. The goal is to offer students the chance to improve their spontaneous English
 oral skills, along with pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar when are where
 The course will be held in English. Enrol via the Internet. If you cannot attend
 the first lecture, please send an e-mail to susan.weitmann@ph-gmuend.de

 Course Requirements
 –   Regular attendance
 –   Active participation
 –   Short presentations

Plurilingualism in the EFL Classroom (Pre-ISP) (TNB) (BA-GS-E-210)
Online Seminar via Zoom
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1, M2.3, 4 ECTS
PO 2011: GS-M2.2, M2.4, 4 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited to 25 students

Tuesday 2 – 4 o´clock pm

Hilal Şahin (Lehrbeauftragte)

Migration processes during the last decades have contributed to increasing mul-
tilingualism and to the development of multicultural identities in Germany. This
context creates challenges as well as pedagogical opportunities for English teach-
ers. The goal is no longer to only develop English language skills, but also to pro-
mote plurilingual and pluricultural competence (PPC), which is understood as the
ability to use one’s linguistic and cultural resources both for (intercultural) com-
munication and for the learning of languages. In this course, we will examine so-
ciolinguistic, psycholinguistic and educational aspects of learning English as a
third language in primary schools in Germany. The central questions that guide
this course are the following: a) Why is multilingualism important in the context
of (foreign) language teaching? b) Which specific abilities do multilinguals bring
to the task of language learning? c) How can teachers use (migration-based) mul-
tilingualism as a resource that can be useful for all learners in the English as a
foreign language classroom?
Students will also be involved in the design, implementation and evaluation of
language learning tasks that support the development of pupils’ PPC.
This course is part of a PhD project. The sessions will be recorded for analysis.
The course will be held online via Zoom.
If you cannot attend the first session, please send an e-mail to hilal.sahin@ph-

Course Requirements:
–   Regular attendance, active participation, learning journal
–   Oral presentation (if mark is needed)

Computer Assisted Language Learning (Pre-ISP) (TNB)
PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1, 3 ECTS; BA-S1-M4.1, M4.2, M4.3, 4 ECTS
PO 2011: all M2.2, 4 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited 25 students

Tuesday 10 – noon o´clock am

Andreas Kullick

This course introduces you to computer-assisted language learning (CALL), the
use and study of computers and technology in second-language teaching and re-
search. The essential questions that guide this course are the following: a)
Why/When/How should we use CALL in the language learning classroom? b) How
can the integration of practice and research in CALL contribute to the improve-
ment of teaching/learning processes and their outcomes?

This semester, the students will participate in a virtual cooperation project with
teachers and students across Europe. The aim of the project, which will be inte-
grated into the seminar and last several weeks, is to use digital technologies for
professional cooperation and to enhance virtual cooperation and communica-

In this exciting and practice-oriented course, the students will be given the op-
portunity to gain hands-on experience using CALL resources, designing CALL
teaching and learning activities, and trying them out. Moreover, they will make
new European acquaintances.

Here are some of the topics that are going to be covered in the course:
–   Principles of CALL
–   Virtual cooperation and communication
–   Interactive whiteboard technology
–   Tablets & mobile devices
–   Apps
–   Language learning software

The course will consist of synchronous and asynchronous parts. The synchro-
nous sessions will presumably be held online, e.g. via Zoom.

The course will be held in English. Enrol via LSF. If you cannot attend the first
session, please send an e-mail to andreas.kullick@ph-gmuend.de.

Course Requirements
–   Regular attendance
–   Active participation
–   Interest in exchange and cooperation with teachers and student teachers
    from other European countries
–   Readiness for self-study (blended learning)
–   Oral presentation
–   Additional assignment (if mark is needed)

Let´s Play It Safe – a Teacher´s Guide to Potential Problems of
Social Media in the Classroom - Pre-ISP: Yes! (TNB)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1, 4 ECTS; BA-S1-M4.1, M4.2, M4.3, 4 ECTS; Medienbild-
                 ung: BA-S1-MED-

Please note: Die Veranstaltung findet nur an der PH face to face statt, wenn dies
wegen Covid nicht möglich ist, entfällt die Veranstaltung.

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited to 20 students

Thursday 2 – 4 o´clock pm

Dr. Reiner Kornetta / Dr. Axel Blessing

Important! Please note! This seminar is in collaboration with my colleague Dr.
Axel Blessing (Department of IT). We will have a close look at the relationship
between computer science and society and how they interrelate when it comes
to school. Here are the main topics we will cover:
– Digital divide: Noobs and Nerds – Participation in Society: IT Crowd: Yester-
  day’s Jam.
– Surveillance by the State/ Security vs. Freedom: The Simpsons: Nedtropolis
– Social Media: The Simpsons: The D’oh-cial Network
– Miming: South Park: Faith Hilling
– Addiction or what: South Park: Over Logging
– Computer Games: South Park. Make Love, not Warcraft
– Online Businesses: AGBs: The Simpsons: My pods and Boom sticks
– Cyber Bullying: South Park. Bass to Mouth
– Touchy Subjects: Right Wingers, Pornography, etc.
– Legal aspects: Copyrights, Data Protection, etc.

The course will be held in English. Please, enrol via LSF. If you cannot attend the
first lecture, please send an e-mail to reiner.kornetta@ph-gmuend.de

Course Requirements:
–   Active participation (you will be given a grade for that!)
–   Homework
–   Presentation

Beginner’s Course in Film Making (Pre-ISP) (BA-GS/S1-E-217)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1, 4 ECTS; BA-S1-M4.1, M4.2, M4.3, 4 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Thursday 2 – 4 o´clock pm

Andrea Kratzer (Lehrbeauftragte)

Over the last couple of years, it has become increasingly common for teachers to
create their own clips to be used in class or during homeschooling as well as to
help students make their own clips themselves in school (project-based learning).

This course is designed for both primary and secondary level. Its purpose is to
turn you into a filmmaker by giving you step by step instructions on filming your
own clips – telling stories, explaining grammar, introducing English to beginners,
producing your own late-night show or coming up with a crime story, to name
just a few. This course focuses on providing theoretical input as well as allowing
you to put it into practice in class. You will learn all about developing and outlining
an idea as well as shooting and editing clips in class. By the end of the course, you
will also know how to use your knowledge to help your own students in school to
become filmmakers themselves.

Sign up if you are eager to acquire the know-how of film making, actively partici-
pate in class as well as produce your own clips.

The course will be held in English. Enrol via LSF. If you cannot attend the first lec-
ture, please send an e-mail to kratzer@sjga.de .

Course Requirements
–   Regular attendance
–   Active participation in class (research, discussion, producing clips in groups)
–   If mark is needed, producing your own clip + short written assignment (ex-
    plaining your clip)

Ireland and Ryan Dennis´s Novel The Beasts They Turned Away
(TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-234)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.3, 4 ECTS; BA-S1-M5.1, M5.3, 4 ECTS

Limited to 15 students

Anmeldung per LSF

Dr. Reiner Kornetta

Ryan Dennis who once worked at the PHSG for the English Department wrote his
very first novel: The Beasts They turned Away. We are going to read, interpret
and analyze this really amazing and spectacular novel in class and have Ryan Den-
nis as a special guest in January 2022 in Gmünd as the author of The Beasts They
Turned Away. He is going to read some chapters out of his novel on a Friday night.
The Saturday following a workshop is scheduled.

Additionally, and for a better understanding of his novel, we need to read Hem-
ingway´s The Old Man and the Sea and watch Shakespeare’s King Lear.

Only sign up if you are interested in Ireland, farming, hardship, strange kids and
bizarre old men!

You must attend the “Lesung” and the workshop in January. No lame excuses!

Thursday 6 – 7.30 o´clock s.t. pm

The course will be held in English. Enrol via. If you cannot attend the first lecture,
please send an e-mail to kornetta@t-online.de

Course Requirements:
–   Read Old Man and the Sea
–   Watch King Lear
–   Read The Beasts They Turned Away
–   Participate in class

The Art of Rhetoric (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-294)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.3, 4 ECTS; BA-GS-M3.1, 3 ECTS; BA-S1-M2.1, 4 ECTS; BA-
                    S1-M5.1, M5.3, 4 ECTS
PO 2011: all M2.3, 4 ECTS; M3.1, M3.8, 3 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited 20 students

Thursday 8 – 10 o´clock am

Dr. Susan Weitmann

Rhetoric is the study and art of communicating well and persuasively. It encom-
passes both writing and speaking, but this course will focus exclusively on
speeches. You will learn about how to develop sound and convincing arguments,
consider Aristotle’s triangle of speaker, audience, and subject, and make appeals
to logos, pathos, and ethos. In order to be able to create and deliver your own
persuasive and riveting speech, we will also try out rhetorical devices that can
affect the audience in important and varying ways. To be a great speaker, it is
helpful to have read and heard some soaring speeches. Therefore, we will exam-
ine famous English-language speeches throughout history to see what strategies
the speakers employed. Being able to communicate and persuade is necessary to
being an effective teacher; moreover, it is an increasingly important (and forgot-
ten) skill in our democratic society in which citizens’ voices are necessary to com-
municate our needs and desires in an open society. Here’s an opportunity for you
to practice.

The course will be held in English.

Please, enrol via internet. If you cannot attend the first lecture, please send an
e-mail to susan.weitmann@ph-gmuend.de

Course requirements
–   regular and attendance (no more than two absences)
–   homework
–   a final speech (for a grade)

The American Dream in Tennessee Williams' Plays (TNB)
(BA-S1/GS-E-51) Online Seminar
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-S1-M5.1, M5.3, M2.1, 4 ECTS; BA-GS-M2.3, 4 ECTS, M3.1, M3.2,
                    3 ECTS
PO 2011: all M2.1; M2.2, M3.1, M3.2, M3.7, 3 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited to 30 students

Thursday 2 – 4 o´clock pm

Prof. Dr. Jochen Baier

Tennessee Williams‘ plays The Glass Menagerie, A Streetcar Named Desire or Cat
on a Hot Tin Roof and many others are among the most successful American dra-
mas ever. They are constantly staged at German theatres, and are valuable re-
sources for teaching language and literature at German middle schools.
Maybe you have watched some of the old Tennessee Williams movies starring
Elisabeth Taylor, Marlon Brando or Paul Newman (nice body in a white shirt) but
probably that is one of the few things you know about the playwright’s great –
and very American – dramatic world. Here are some basic facts – in order to get
to know more, you will have to join the course and take part in our discussions

Important personal note:
This type of course is especially for those who are really interested in reading
and discussing literary texts – and who consider them a valuable source of joy
and also of learning ... others are not welcome. For this reason you are expected
to have read all the books on the agenda before the semester starts – in the
second session there will be a reading comprehension test, which you will def-
initely pass if you have fully read the books and definitely fail if you have not.

Course Requirements
– Reading comprehension test
– Regular attendance and active participation
– Term paper for “benoteter Schein”

The course will be held in English.

Enrol via internet. If you cannot attend the first session, please send an e-mail
to jochen.baier@ph-gmuend.de

Compulsory Material
Williams, Tennessee. Orpheus Descending. New York: New Directions, 1958. (or
      any later edition)
Williams, Tennessee. “Sweet Bird of Youth“. In Browne, E. M. (ed.) Tennessee
      Williams: Sweet Bird of Youth [...] Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. (oale)
Tennessee Williams. Vieux Carré. New York: New Directions, 1979. (oale)
Williams, Tennessee. The Glass Menagerie. Stuttgart: Reclam, 2000.
Williams, Tennessee. Cat On a Hot Tin Roof. Stuttgart: Reclam, 2002.

Not for test:
Baier, Jochen. The Long-Delayed But Always Expected Something. [...] Trier:
     WVT, 2001.

Pronunciation (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-32)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M3.2, BA-S1-M2.2, 3 ECTS
PO 2011: all M3.7, 3 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited to 25 students

Thursday 2 – 4 o´clock pm
Friday 8 – 10 o´clock am

Natalie Bornkessel

The idea of this course is to have you get rid of your thick (German) accent and
make your English sound more authentic in terms of pronunciation of single
sounds and words as well as speech melody.

Together we’re going to take a look at what kind of pronunciation mistakes espe-
cially German speakers of English make and reduce them by doing a range of pro-
nunciation exercises (which will also give you an idea of how to teach pronuncia-
tion to your own students later on).

Furthermore, we’re going to compare pronunciation and spelling and get to know
techniques that’ll help you find out the correct pronunciation of a word rather
than just guessing it (knowledge of International Phonetic Alphabet required).
All material will be provided on StudIP.

The course will be held in English.

Enrol via the internet. If you cannot attend the first lecture, please send an e-
mail to Nbornkessel@aol.com.

Course Requirements
–   regular attendance (no more than two absences)
–   active participation (caution: you’ll be required to talk in class)

Teaching Practice ISP (GS) (BA-GS-E-221) Online Veranstaltung
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.2, 3 ECTS
PO 2011: GS-M2.5, 6 ECTS

Limited 25 students

Anmeldung per LSF

Friday 8 – 10 o´clock

Prof. Dr. Euline Cutrim Schmid

In this course we will discuss general aspects of teaching English as a foreign lan-
guage in the primary school. We will also discuss the lesson plans for lessons
taught during the semester.

Course requirements
–   Regular attendance and active participation
–   Weekly readings and homework

Teaching Practice - GS (ISP) Begleitseminar (BA-GS-E-222)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA- GS-M2.2, 3 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Friday Noon – 2 pm o´clock pm

Dr. Reiner Kornetta

This “get-together” offers you the opportunity to present your ideas and thoughts
concerning good teaching to a greater but, nevertheless, comparatively small au-
dience. We will plan and examine your lessons carefully, try to assist with “clever”
ideas and evaluate what you have come up with. But don’t forget: it is you who
has to do most of the work. I expect you to be willing and eager to work in small
groups and to share your ideas with us.

We will also have a closer look into some secondary sources, which should help
you to plan and teach your perfect lesson.

The course will be held in English and in German. Enrol via StudIP. If you cannot
attend the first lecture, please make sure and send an e-mail to kornetta@t-

Course requirements
–   Very regular attendance
–   Active participation
–   Group preparations of upcoming lessons
–   Oral and written presentations of your lesson plan are mandatory

Group work is expected during the semester

Language Teaching Methodologies (Pre-ISP) (TNB)
(BA-GS/S1-E-221) Online Veranstaltung
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1; M2.3, 4 ECTS; BA-S1-M4.1, M4.2, M4.3, M5.2, 4 ECTS
PO 2011: all M2.2, M2.4, 4 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited 30 students

Friday 10 – noon o´clock am

Prof. Dr. Euline Cutrim Schmid

This course links theories of second language acquisition (SLA) to their practical
application in foreign language teaching. We will start by discussing the stages
children go through in acquiring their first language. We will then consider some
influential theories of SLA and examine the main similarities and differences be-
tween first and second language acquisition. As the course progresses, we will be
considering the implications of what we have learned for foreign language teach-
ing. Students will learn about several language teaching methodologies (for pri-
mary and secondary levels) and their applications in the school context. By the
end of this course students should be able to a) name and summarize major the-
ories in the development of research on SLA b) evaluate SLA theories and re-
search critically, and c) apply SLA theories to classroom language teaching.

Course Requirements
– Regular attendance and active participation
– Oral presentation (if mark is needed)

History Project UK (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-231)
Online Seminar via Zoom
PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.3, 4 ECTS; M3.1, M3.2, 3 ECTS; BA-S1-M2.1, 4 ECTS, M2.2, M2.3, 3
         ECTS, M5.3, 4 ECTS
PO 2011: all M2.3, M3.1, M3.2, 4 ECTS, M3.7, 3 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited to 60 students

Friday 10 – noon o´clock am

Prof. Dr. Jochen Baier

This course is for those who are interested in the UK and its history, especially in
how the past left its stamp on both the people and the countryside: the sun never
sets on the British empire….Working on the topic will be based on creative ap-
proaches, that will help you to easily memorize much more than usual (here:
about Kings and Queens and the Brits today and back then) and show you how to
handle project phases at school later: we will be drawing and painting and doing
other kinds of artwork such as sculpturing and songwriting, as well as creating
collages, video clips or role-play material etc.. Discover the artist and/or the his-
torian ‒ or both ‒ in your teacher's personality…..
Reading material (please buy beforehand)

Burns, William. A Brief History of Great Britain. London: Facts on File (Ge-
   bundene Ausgabe – 15. Januar 2010)

–   Regular attendance and active participation
–   Assignments: 5 quizzes, minimum 5 projects

“English deh sick! Fair dinkum!” (BA-GS/S1-E-233)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.3, 4 ECTS; M3.1, M3.2; 3 ECTS; BA-S1-M2.1, 4 ECTS;
                    M2.2, 3 ECTS, M5.2, M5.3, 4 ECTS
PO 2011: all M2.3, M2.4, 4 ECTS; M3.1, M3.7, M3.8, 3 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Friday 10 – noon o´clock am

Natalie Bornkessel

If you’re still trying to figure out the meaning of the title, you should definitely
take this seminar and find out yourself!

Used by native and non-native speakers around the world, numerous varieties of
the English language can be found, some of which even seem to be a language of
their own. In this course we’ll examine a selection of these modern varieties in
terms of historical development, characteristics, meaning, and use to fully under-
stand the global impact and importance of the English language.

The course will be held in English. Enrol via LSF. If you cannot attend the first
lecture, please send an e-mail to Nbornkessel@aol.com.

Course Requirements
–   Regular attendance
–   Active participation
–   Oral presentation on one variety of English (recommended source:
    Siemund, Peter, Davydova, Julia, and Maier, Georg. 2012. The Amazing World
        of Englishes. A Practical Introduction. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mou-

Flipped Classroom (TNB, KOMP) (BA-GS/S1-E-211)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1, 4 SWS; BA-S1-M4.1, M4.2, M4.3, 4 ECTS
PO 2011: all M2.2, 4 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited to 20 students

The course will be held on the following dates:
Term: 23.09.21, 13-18 Uhr, 24.09.21, 8-17 Uhr, 25.09.21, 8-12 Uhr

Natalie Bornkessel

In this seminar we will not turn the classroom upside down, but rather inside out.
What does that mean? Flipped classroom is a teaching strategy that more or less
exchanges the traditional roles of homework and teaching learning content,
meaning that learning content is adopted at home and exercises are done at

You will be provided with a theoretical insight into the teaching strategy and into
the production of educational videos and suitable exercises. Eventually you will
produce your own material (which may also come in handy in another pan-

The course will be held in English. Enrol via LSF. To produce videos and exer-
cises, it is mandatory to bring your own device (laptops, tablet computers; pref-
erably with cameras). Should that be impossible for you, send an e-mail to

Course Requirements
–   Regular attendance
–   Active participation
–   Bring your own device

Preparing High School Students for EuroKom (Pre-ISP) (KOMP)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1, 3 ECTS; BA-S1-M4.1, 4 ECTS

Anmeldung direkt bei kornetta@t-online.de bis 19.09.2021

Term: September 29th., 30th. and October 1st. and October 4th. Dreißental-
schule Oberkochen

Dr. Reiner Kornetta

The EUROCOM oral exam at Realschulen is the final exam for pupils before grad-
uating in grade 10. This compact is designed to help and prepare the pupils in
very small groups, sometimes, and at its best, in a one to one environment/sur-

This is what/whom I need: Motivated students willing to communicate with the
pupils. You should also have the capacity (or be willing to get it) of analysing what
the pupils produce, help them to make improvements and offer them some sort
of strategy for oral presentations. Correcting mistakes once they have finished
their presentations is crucial, too. But most importantly: You need to be patient,
cheerful sometimes, offer advice and help and give your pupils the feeling that
they can get the job done.

We will meet at the Dreißentalschule in Oberkochen; there might be a pre-&
prep- meeting before, I will let you know in due time. This seminar is good as a
PRE ISP Seminar.

Course Requirements: SEE ABOVE
IF you want to be a part of the team, send me a mail!

Body Language (BA-GS/S1-E-212)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1, M3.1, 4 ECTS; BA-S1-M4.2, M4.1, M2.1, 4 ECTS
PO 2011: all M2.1, M2.2, M2.3, 4 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF; Note that this seminar will only take place if the PH can assign
rooms that allow for sufficient distancing according to the Covid regulations. If
maskless teaching is not possible (unlike now) dealing with body language does
not really make too much sense. However, for those who need the Schein and for
the sake of your studies I promise to then come up with an alternative format ….

Limited to 30 students

Term: 19.02.2022 (10am – 5 o´clock pm, 21.02.-23.2. 2022, (8am – 4 o´clock pm)

Prof. Dr. Jochen Baier

Approximately 80 per cent of all communication is said to be accomplished by
body language, which is both surprising and important for teachers of English. In
the course of the seminar we will try to identify and practice (!!) useful commu-
nicative patterns – for school-life this mainly includes ways to show and improve
upon the teacher’s status in (front of) the group, to attract and direct attention,
to motivate and discipline as well as to create a friendly relationship with the
Please note that video analysis may be a fundamental part of this course...

The course will be held in English.
Enrol via the Internet. If you cannot attend the first lecture, please send an e-
mail to jochen.baier@ph-gmuend.de

–   Regular attendance and active participation
–   Oral presentation
–   Term paper (if mark is needed)

Compulsory Material
Baier, Jochen. Körpersprache – ein Trainingsbuch. Offenbach: GABAL-VERLAG;

Recommended extra material
–   Argyle, Michael. Bodily Communication.
–   Boal, Augusto: Games For Actors and Non-Actors. London: Routledge, 1992.
–   Bruno, Tiziana and Adamczyk, Gregor. Körpersprache. Stuttgart: Haufe,
–   Faust, Julius. Body Language.
–   Johnstone, Keith. Impro: Improvisation and the Theatre. London: Methuen
    Drama/ A & C Black, 2007.
–   Havener, Thorsten. Ich weiß, was Du denkst. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 2010.
–   Molcho, Samy. Alles über Körpersprache. München: Mosaik, 2001.
–   Navarro, Joe and Karlins, Marvin. What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI
–   Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading people. New York: Harper Collins, 2008.
–   Neal, Sam and Caswell, Chris. Body Language for Competent Teachers.
–   London/ New York: Routledge, 2006.
–   Pease, Allan and Barbara. The Definitive Book of Body Language [...].
–   London: Orion Books, 2004.
–   Pease, Allan and Barbara. Die kalte Schulter und der warme Händedruck.
–   Berlin: Ullstein, 2005

Grammar I (PO 2015)/ Grammar II (PO 2011) (TNB)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS/S1-M3.3, 3 ECTS
PO 2011: all M2.4, 4 ECTS, M3.5, 3 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited to 30 students

Monday 10 – noon o´clock

Dr. Susan Weitmann

This grammar course can be taken as a follow-up to Grammar I (if you are PO
2011) or as a stand-alone course (PO 2015). It covers grammar topics such as pre-
sent and past perfect (simple versus continuous forms), conditional, future forms
(continuous, perfect and perfect continuous), active and passive, gerund and in-
finitive, punctuation, and practice of verbs with prepositions. To receive credit for
attendance, you will have to pass a final test at the end of the semester.

The course will be held in English. Enrol via the Internet. If you cannot attend
the first lecture, please send an e-mail to susan.weitmann@ph-gmuend.de

Course Requirements
–   Regular attendance
–   Active participation – which will include homework
–   Final Test (you just need to pass it in order to get a Teilnahmeschein)

Grammar Activities (Pre-ISP) (TNB; KOMP) (BA-GS/S1-E-213)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1, M2.3, 4 ECTS; BA-S1-M4.1, M4.2, M4.3; M5.2, 4 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited 20 students

22.02.22, 9.30 am – 5.30 o´clock pm,
23.02.22, 9.30 am – 5.30 o´clock pm,
24.02.22, 9.30 am – 5.30 o´clock pm,
25.02.22, 9.30 am – 5.30 o´clock pm,

Dr. Susan Weitmann

This is not a traditional grammar course and DOES NOT take the place of Gram-
mar I. Rather, its purpose is to provide a forum for us to brainstorm and collect
good grammar activities that can be used in your classrooms to introduce, prac-
tice, and/or revise some key grammatical structures.

Our goal is to create a grammar activities collection with ideas that you can use
and reuse in your own classrooms. The quality of the ideas depends upon YOUR
creativity and work. We will discuss and try out most of them, see what works
and why.

Come if you’re prepared to actively participate in the project!

The course will be held in English. Enrol via the Internet. If you cannot attend
the first lecture, please send an e-mail to susan.weitmann@ph-gmuend.de

Course Requirements
–   Regular attendance
–   Active participation – research, group work, discussion

// MODUL 3
 English Oral Fluency (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-313)
 PO 2020/PO 2015: ab Winter 20/21: BA-GS-M3.1, 3 ECTS; BA-S1-M2.1, 3 ECTS; ab Som-
                     mer 2018: BA-GS-M3.1, 3 ECTS; BA-S1-M2.1, M2.3, 3 ECTS
 PO 2011: all M2.3, 4 ECTS, M3.1, M3.2, M3.7, M3.8, 3 ECTS

 Limited to 20 students

 Anmeldung per LSF

 Tuesdays 8 – 10 o´clock am

 Dr. Susan Weitmann
 (Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

 The Art of Rhetoric (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-294)
 PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.3, 4 ECTS; BA-GS-M3.1, 3 ECTS; BA-S1-M2.1, 4 ECTS; BA-
                     S1-M5.1, M5.3, 4 ECTS
 PO 2011: all M2.3, 4 ECTS; M3.1, M3.8, 3 ECTS

 Anmeldung per LSF

 Limited 20 students

 Thursday 8 – 10 o´clock am

 Dr. Susan Weitmann
 (Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

 The American Dream in Tennessee Williams' Plays (TNB)
 (BA-S1/GS-E-51) Online Seminar
 PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-S1-M5.1, M5.3, M2.1, 4 ECTS; BA-GS-M2.3, 4 ECTS, M3.1, M3.2,
                     3 ECTS
 PO 2011: all M2.1; M2.2, M3.1, M3.2, M3.7, 3 ECTS

 Anmeldung per LSF

 Limited to 30 students

 Thursday 2 – 4 o´clock pm

 Prof. Dr. Jochen Baier
 (Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

History Project UK (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-231) Online Seminar via Zoom
PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.3, 4 ECTS; M3.1, M3.2, 3 ECTS; BA-S1-M2.1, 4 ECTS, M2.2, M2.3,
         3 ECTS, M5.3, 4 ECTS
PO 2011: all M2.3, M3.1, M3.2, 4 ECTS, M3.7, 3 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited to 60 students

Friday 10 – noon o´clock am

Prof. Dr. Jochen Baier
(Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

Body Language (BA-GS/S1-E-212)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1, M3.1, 4 ECTS; BA-S1-M4.2, M4.1, M2.1, 4 ECTS
PO 2011: all M2.1, M2.2, M2.3, 4 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF; Note that this seminar will only take place if the PH can assign
rooms that allow for sufficient distancing according to the Covid regulations. If
maskless teaching is not possible (unlike now) dealing with body language does
not really make too much sense. However, for those who need the Schein and for
the sake of your studies I promise to then come up with an alternative format ….

Limited to 30 students

Term: 19.02.2022 (10am – 5 o´clock pm, 21.02.-23.2. 2022, (8am – 4 o´clock pm)

Prof. Dr. Jochen Baier
(Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

Pronunciation (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-32)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M3.2, BA-S1-M2.2, 3 ECTS
PO 2011: all M3.7, 3 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited to 25 students

Thursday 2 – 4 o´clock pm
Friday 8 – 10 o´clock am

Natalie Bornkessel
(Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

“English deh sick! Fair dinkum!” (BA-GS/S1-E-233)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.3, 4 ECTS; M3.1, M3.2; 3 ECTS; BA-S1-M2.1, 4 ECTS;
                    M2.2, 3 ECTS, M5.2, M5.3, 4 ECTS
PO 2011: all M2.3, M2.4, 4 ECTS; M3.1, M3.7, M3.8, 3 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Friday 10 – noon o´clock am

Natalie Bornkessel
(Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

Grammar I (PO 2015)/ Grammar II (PO 2011) (TNB)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS/S1-M3.3, 3 ECTS
PO 2011: all M2.4, 4 ECTS, M3.5, 3 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited to 30 students

Monday 10 – noon o´clock

Dr. Susan Weitmann
(Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

Essay Writing (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-341)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M3.4, 3 ECTS, BA-S1-M3.2, 4 ECTS
PO 2011: all M3.3, 3 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited to 20 students

Tuesday 10 – noon o´clock am

Dr. Susan Weitmann

This course is devoted to helping prepare you to write academic essays. We will
learn about how to structure an English academic essay – and yes, there are some
major differences between it and what you may be used to. We will also look at
academic register and appropriate stylistic devices.

With the Module 3 exam in the back of our minds, we will work on analysing the
essay question, brainstorming, structuring, writing, refining and proofreading.
You will have ample opportunity to practice writing in class.

You will be asked to purchase an essay writing textbook for this course: Alice
Oshima’s Longman Academic Writing Series 4: Paragraphs to Essays, fifth ed.
White Plains: Pearson Education, 2014. (ISBN 10: 0-13-291569-3; ISBN 13: 978-0-
Please purchase this before class begins!!

The course will be held in English. Please, enrol via internet. If you cannot at-
tend the first lecture, please send an e-mail to susan.weitmann@ph-

Course requirements
–   Active participation
–   Regular attendance
–   Homework

Essay Writing (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-341)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-3.4, 3 ECTS, BA-S1-3.2, 4 ECTS
PO 2011: all M3.3, 3 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited to 20 students

Thursday 4 – 6 o´clock pm

Natalie Bornkessel

This course is devoted to helping prepare you to write academic essays. We will
learn about how to structure an English academic essay – and yes, there are some
major differences between it and what you may be used to. We will also look at
academic register and appropriate stylistic devices.

With the Module 3 exam in the back of our minds, we will work on analysing the
essay question, brainstorming, structuring, writing, refining and proofreading.
You will have ample opportunity to practice writing in class.

You will be asked to purchase an essay writing textbook for this course: Alice
Oshima’s Longman Academic Writing Series 4: Paragraphs to Essays, fifth ed.
White Plains: Pearson Education, 2014. (ISBN 10: 0-13-291569-3; ISBN 13: 978-0-
Please purchase this before class begins!!

The course will be held in English. Please, enrol via internet. If you cannot at-
tend the first lecture, please send an e-mail to natalie.bornkessel@ph-

Course requirements
–   Active participation
–   Regular attendance
–   Homework

Preparation for Your Module III Translation (TNB) (BA-S1-E-311)
online seminar
PO 2020: BA-S1-M3.2, 4 ECTS
PO 2015: BA-S1-M3.1, 3 ECTS
PO 2011: all M3.6, 3 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited to 30 students

Wednesday 2 – 4 o´clock pm

Isabella Crispen (Lehrbeauftragte)

This course will prepare you for your Module III exam by building your translation
skills for German to English and English to German. Attending this course is nec-
essary to know what to expect and how to master the translation portion of the
M3! We will be translating material from past exams as well as current news ar-
ticles and sentences from the Ten Sentences format. Lively discussions, exciting
topics, and the joy of seeing your skills improve await! Needless to say, homework
and active participation are required.

The course will be held in English. Enrol via LSF. If you cannot attend the first lec-
ture, please send an e-mail to isabella.crispen@ph-gmuend.de

Exam candidates are given preference. No preparation necessary before the se-
mester begins.

Course Requirements
–   One translation per week at home
–   Presentation of one of your translations
–   Regular attendance
–   Very active participation

Übung zu Translation (TNB) (BA-S1-E-312) Online
PO 2015:
PO 2011:

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited to 25 students

Wednesday 4 – 6 o´clock pm

Isabella Crispen (Lehrbeauftragte)

Ready to boost your translation game to the next level?
This class will help you practice DE-E/ E-DE translation by enhancing your vocab-
ulary and buffing up your language skills. The main goal here is to help you de-
velop and hone the skills necessary to tackle the M3 exam's required newspaper
article and Ten Sentences in the translation section. This will be achieved through
specialized exercises and discussions surrounding things like connotation, nuance
and sentence structure. We talk translation techniques, touch on grammar, and
dive into idioms and basic vs. advanced vocab. Current affairs and U.S. focused
politics as well as dissections of previous exams form the base of this interactive

By the end of the semester, you'll be able to transfer meaning from English to
German and vice versa with much greater ease than before.

The course will be held in English. Enrol via LSF. If you cannot attend the first lec-
ture, please send an e-mail to isabella.crispen@ph-gmuend.de

Exam candidates are given preference. No preparation necessary before the se-
mester begins.

Course Requirements
–   One translation per week at home
–   Presentation of one of your translations
–   Regular attendance
–   Very active participation

// MODUL 4
 Computer Assisted Language Learning (Pre-ISP) (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-216)
 Online Seminar via Zoom
 PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1, 3 ECTS; BA-S1-M4.1, M4.2, M4.3, 4 ECTS
 PO 2011: all M2.2, 4 ECTS

 Anmeldung per LSF

 Limited 25 students

 Tuesday 10 – noon o´clock am

 Andreas Kullick
 (Kommentierter Tesxt siehe Modul 2)

 Let´s Play It Safe – a Teacher´s Guide to Potential Problems of
 Social Media in the Classroom - Pre-ISP: Yes! (TNB)
 PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1, 4 ECTS; BA-S1-M4.1, M4.2, M4.3, 4 ECTS; Medienbild-
                  ung: BA-S1-MED-

 Please note: Die Veranstaltung findet nur an der PH face to face statt, wenn dies
 wegen Covid nicht möglich ist, entfällt die Veranstaltung.

 Anmeldung per LSF

 Limited to 20 students

 Thursday 2 – 4 o´clock pm

 Dr. Reiner Kornetta / Dr. Axel Blessing
 (Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

 Beginner’s Course in Film Making (Pre-ISP) (BA-GS/S1-E-217)
 PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1, 4 ECTS; BA-S1-M4.1, M4.2, M4.3, 4 ECTS

 Anmeldung per LSF

 Thursday 2 – 4 o´clock pm

 Andrea Kratzer (Lehrbeauftragte)
 (Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

Language Teaching Methodologies (Pre-ISP) (TNB)
(BA-GS/S1-E-221) Online Veranstaltung
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1; M2.3, 4 ECTS; BA-S1-M4.1, M4.2, M4.3, M5.2, 4 ECTS
PO 2011: all M2.2, M2.4, 4 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited 30

Friday 10 – noon o´clock am

Prof. Dr. Euline Cutrim Schmid
(Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

Preparing High School Students for EuroKom (Pre-ISP) (KOMP)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1, 3 ECTS; BA-S1-M4.1, 4 ECTS

Anmeldung direkt bei kornetta@t-online.de bis 19.09.2021

Term: September 29th., 30th. and October 1st. and October 4th. Dreißental-
schule Oberkochen

Dr. Reiner Kornetta
(Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

Flipped Classroom (TNB, KOMP) (BA-GS/S1-E-211)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1, 4 SWS; BA-S1-M4.1, M4.2, M4.3, 4 ECTS
PO 2011: all M2.2, 4 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited to 20 students

The course will be held on the following dates:

Term: 23.09.21, 13-18 o´clock pm, 24.09.21, 8am-17 o´clock pm r, 25.09.21, 8am-
noon o´clock pm

Natalie Bornkessel
(Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

Body Language (BA-GS/S1-E-212)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1, M3.1, 4 ECTS; BA-S1-M4.2, M4.1, M2.1, 4 ECTS
PO 2011: all M2.1, M2.2, M2.3, 4 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF; Note that this seminar will only take place if the PH can assign
rooms that allow for sufficient distancing according to the Covid regulations. If
maskless teaching is not possible (unlike now) dealing with body language does
not really make too much sense. However, for those who need the Schein and for
the sake of your studies I promise to then come up with an alternative format ….

Limited to 30 students

Term: 19.02.2022 (10am – 5 o´clock pm, 21.02.-23.2. 2022, (8am – 4 o´clock pm)

Prof. Dr. Jochen Baier
(Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

Grammar Activities (Pre-ISP) (TNB; KOMP) (BA-GS/S1-E-213)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1, M2.3, 4 ECTS; BA-S1-M4.1, M4.2, M4.3; M5.2, 4 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited 20 students

22.02.22, 9.30 am – 5.30 o´clock pm,
23.02.22, 9.30 am – 5.30 o´clock pm,
24.02.22, 9.30 am – 5.30 o´clock pm,
25.02.22, 9.30 am – 5.30 o´clock pm,

Dr. Susan Weitmann
(Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

// MODUL 5
 The Art of Rhetoric (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-294)
 PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.3, 4 ECTS; BA-GS-M3.1, 3 ECTS; BA-S1-M2.1, 4 ECTS;
                     BA-S1-M5.1, M5.3, 4 ECTS
 PO 2011: all M2.3, 4 ECTS; M3.1, M3.8, 3 ECTS

 Anmeldung per LSF

 Limited 20 students

 Thursday 8 – 10 o´clock am

 Dr. Susan Weitmann
 (Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

 The American Dream in Tennessee Williams' Plays (TNB)
 (BA-S1/GS-E-51) Online Seminar
 PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-S1-M5.1, M5.3, M2.1, 4 ECTS; BA-GS-M2.3, 4 ECTS, M3.1, M3.2,
                     3 ECTS
 PO 2011: all M2.1; M2.2, M3.1, M3.2, M3.7, 3 ECTS

 Anmeldung per LSF

 Limited to 30 students

 Thursday 2 – 4 o´clock pm

 Prof. Dr. Jochen Baier
 (Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

 Ireland and Ryan Dennis´s Novel The Beasts They Turned Away
 (TNB) (BA-GS/S1-E-234)
 PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.3, 4 ECTS; BA-S1-M5.1, M5.3, 4 ECTS

 Limited to 15 students

 Anmeldung per LSF

 Ryan Dennis who once worked at the PHSG for the English Department wrote his
 very first novel: The Beasts They turned Away. We are going to read, interpret
 and analyze this really amazing and spectacular novel in class and have Ryan Den-
 nis as a special guest in January 2022 in Gmünd as the author of The Beasts They

Turned Away. He is going to read some chapters out of his novel on a Friday night.
The Saturday following a workshop is scheduled.

Additionally, and for a better understanding of his novel, we need to read Hem-
ingway´s The Old Man and the Sea and watch Shakespeare’s King Lear.

Only sign up if you are interested in Ireland, farming, hardship, strange kids and
bizarre old men!

You must attend the “Lesung” and the workshop in January. No lame excuses!

Thursday 6 – 7.30 o´clock s.t. pm

Dr.Reiner Kornetta
(Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

Language Teaching Methodologies (Pre-ISP) (TNB)
(BA-GS/S1-E-221) Online Veranstaltung
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1; M2.3, 4 ECTS; BA-S1-M4.1, M4.2, M4.3, M5.2, 4 ECTS
PO 2011: all M2.2, M2.4, 4 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited 30 students

Friday 10 – noon o´clock am

Prof. Dr. Euline Cutrim Schmid
(Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

Grammar Activities (Pre-ISP) (TNB; KOMP) (BA-GS/S1-E-213)
PO 2020/PO 2015: BA-GS-M2.1, M2.3, 4 ECTS; BA-S1-M4.1, M4.2, M4.3; M5.2, 4 ECTS

Anmeldung per LSF

Limited 20 students

22.02.22, 9.30 am – 5.30 o´clock pm,
23.02.22, 9.30 am – 5.30 o´clock pm,
24.02.22, 9.30 am – 5.30 o´clock pm,
25.02.22, 9.30 am – 5.30 o´clock pm,

Dr. Susan Weitmann
(Kommentierter Text siehe Modul 2)

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