And Real Space Applications - System Hardening against Upsets CNES

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And Real Space Applications - System Hardening against Upsets CNES
                                                      December 13, 2013

System Hardening against Upsets
  and Real Space Applications

                Michel PIGNOL
                    18 avenue Edouard Belin
                31401 Toulouse Cedex 9 - FRANCE
And Real Space Applications - System Hardening against Upsets CNES
         Rationale for fault-tolerant architectures in the space domain
         ■ Up to now, space computers are mainly developed with rad-hard ICs

         ■ Mainly for performance reasons (not for cost reasons), commercial electronic
           integrated components (COTS ICs) will probably be more and more used
                ! For microprocessors (µP), the performance gap is around 50 (average value)
                   • LEON2 = 100 MIPS peak         PowerPC7448 = 5100 MIPS peak
                ! This gap is growing
                   • PowerPC is superscalar, not LEON2

         ■ Due to the SEE sensitivity of COTS, they must be protected by fault-tolerant
           mechanisms or architectures

         ■ SEE protections = high cost / planning overheads
           => it is important to assess carefully the safety/availability requirements
              of the project to select the optimal fault-tolerant solution
                ! Such solutions could range from very simple mechanisms having limited error
                  detection/recovery capabilities to complete protection with FT archi.
M. Pignol – System Hardening                        TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                CNES
And Real Space Applications - System Hardening against Upsets CNES

         ■ Avionics architecture of a satellite
         ■ SEE – Effects of radiation on digital parts

         ■ 2-A – FDIR overview
         ■ 2-B – Links
               ! Avionics buses
               ! Sensor/actuator links
               ! High speed serial links
         ■ 2-C – Memory units
         ■ 2-D – Processing units
               !   Time replication
               !   Structural duplex
               !   Triplex / Quadruplex
               !   Micro-synchronized triplex
               !   Fault-tolerant trade-off with analysis of theoretical case studies

         3 – REAL CASE STUDIES
         ■ ATV, the ESA Automated Transfer Vehicule
         ■ MYRIADE, the CNES micro-satellite family
         ■ CALIPSO, a Franco-American mini-satellite
         ■ REIMEI (INDEX), a Japanese small satellite

         4 – CONCLUSION
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                           TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13    CNES
And Real Space Applications - System Hardening against Upsets CNES
Acronyms                   CNES     Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, the French Space Agency
                                                          ESA      European Space Agency

     ADC        Analog to Digital Converter                      TC      TeleCommand
     Acq        Acquisition                                      TM      TeleMetry
     ALU        Arithmeric and Logic Unit                        Tx/Rx   Transmitter/Receiver
     ATV        Automated Transfer Vehicule                      µP      MicroProcesseur
     Cmd        Command (actuation)                              µSL     Micro-Satellite
     Cntl       Control                                          VLIW    Very Long Instruction Word (superscalar DSP
     COTS       Commercial Off-The-Shelf                                 having several execution units working in parallel)
     CPU        Central Processing Unit                          WD      WatchDog
     CRC        Cyclic Redundancy Check                          wrt     With Regard To
     CTXT       Context (software variable)
                                                                 DMT  Duplex Multiplexed in Time
     DRAM       Dynamic RAM
                                                                      (time replication at task level, CNES architecture)
     DSP        Digital Signal Processor
                                                                 DT2  Double Duplex Tolerant to Transient
     EDAC       Error Detection And Correction
                                                                      (mini structural duplex at task level, CNES architecture)
     FDIR       Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery
                                                                 N-MR N-Modular Redundancy
     FT         Faut-Tolerant
                                                                 DMR Double-MR = Duplex
     FTC        Fault-Tolerant Computer
                                                                 TMR Triple-MR = Triplex
     GIPS       Giga Instructions Per Second
                                                                 QMR Quad-MR = Quadruplex
     IC         Integrated Circuit
     I/O        Input/Output                                     MBU     Multiple Bit Upsets
     ISS        International Space Station                      SEE     Single Event Effect
     NG         Next Generation                                  SEFI    Single Event Functional Interrupt
     OBC        On-Board Computer                                SEL     Single Event Latch-up
     PARAM      Parameter (software variable)                    µSEL    Micro latch-up
     PF         PlatForm (of a satellite)                        SET     Single Event Transient
     PL         PayLoad (of a satellite)                         SEU     Single Event Upset
     R/W        Read/Write                                       TID     Total Ionizing Dose                                      4
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                 TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                                  CNES
And Real Space Applications - System Hardening against Upsets CNES

                                                                                 MEGHA-TROPIQUES: a
                                                                              French / Indian mission to
                                                                             improve our knowledge on
                                                                            the tropical climate system;
          M. Pignol – System Hardening             TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13               launched
                                                                                          CNES in 2011
And Real Space Applications - System Hardening against Upsets CNES
Nb of input/output interfaces
                                                                                                                                                                                         for small/large satellites:
         Avionics architecture of a satellite                                                                                                                                            Thermistors acq.: 30 to 200
                                                                                                                                                                                         Analog acq.:         30 to 100
                                                                                                                                                                                         Status acq.:          30 to 60
                                                                                                                                                                                         Heater cde:          10 to 100
                                                                                   Image                                                                                                 Bi-level cde:         20 to 50
                                Sensors/Actuators                                  sensor                                                                                                Low rate serial links: 5 to 15
                                                                                                                                                                                         + Additional specific I/O i/f for:
                                                                                      Video electr.               Unregu-          TM/TC
                                                                                                                                           Avionic                                       Pyros, reaction wheels, magneto-
                                                                                                                     lated         links &
                                                                                         (ADC)                     power           reconf.
                                                                                                                                           buses &                                       torquers, gyroscopes, magneto-
                                   PF Mntrg&Cntl                                                                                           other links                                   meters, GPS, thrusters, etc.
               Tx/Rx                                                                              HSSL                 bus         signals

                                                                   PL Mntrg&Cntl
                Nominal             computer        Avionic bus
                                       Nominal                                           Data

              Cross-strapped                                                          compression
              interconnection                                                                     HSSL



                                                                                                                                                 Central Processing Nom.












                                   PF Mntrg&Cntl                                          Mass
               Redundant            computer        Avionic bus                          memory

                                                                                                                                   TM & TC &

                                                                                                                                                                           TM Mass
TM/TC                                                                                             HSSL


                                                                                                                                                                                                       I/O 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I/O 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   I/O 4
                                                                                                                                                                                         I/O 1



 data                                                                                   Video Tx
                                                                                           High rate

          Platform              Sensors/Actuators
                                                              Payload                                                                                                      1 to 10
                                                                                                                                                 Internal links and buses
                                                                                                                                                                                         Main sensitive
                                                                                                                                                                                         elements wrt SEE
                                                                                                   Usual budgets for small satellites                                      Usual budgets for large satellites


                                                      Redundancy:                                  No redundancy                                                           Nominal + Redundant units
                                                                                                   Volume = 3,3 litres / 5 boards                                          Volume = 30 litres / 15 boards
                                                                                   Ex. for

                                                                                                   Mass = 3 kg                                                             Mass = 19 kg
                                                                                                   Power dissipation = 6 W                                                 Power dissipation = 55 W
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                                                    TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                                                                                         CNES
And Real Space Applications - System Hardening against Upsets CNES
                                                                         © ESA / CNES
© CNES / D. Ducros
                                           ALPHABUS, a family of
                                        European Telecom satellites
                                          with a common platform
                                         from EADS ASTRIUM and
                                          THALES ALENIA SPACE

                                                   Max 8800 kg
                                                   Max 18000 W

                                               The 1st launch is
                                                    in 2013

                                Launched                              Launched
                                   in 2002                            in 2005 .
                                3000 kg                                  6000 kg
                                2400 W                                  14000 W
                                5.7x3.1x3.1 m                       7x2.9x2.3 m
                                2x60 km swath                  45 m solar arrays
                                2.5 m resolution             10 m diam. antenna

                                                          INMARSAT 4-F1 for
                                SPOT 5 for                mobiles-to-mobiles
© CNES / P. Le Doare            Earth observation        telecommunications             © EADS ASTRIUM
 M. Pignol – System Hardening                              TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13        CNES
And Real Space Applications - System Hardening against Upsets CNES
EADS ASTRIUM computers
                                           TM & TC & Reconf. board,
                                       including 3 ASTRIUM ASICs:
                                        - TC processing and reconf.
                                         - TM formatting and routing
                                        - Storage control for reconf.

GSTB-V2 computer (Galileo
System Test Bench; proposal
for Galileo satellites)

© Courtesy of

                   CPU board using                                      Fyber Optic
               ASTRIUM Multi-Chip-                                      Gyro Electr.
               Module (2003) based                                           Module
              on ERC32SC space µP                                        (I/O board)
M. Pignol – System Hardening                           TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13           CNES
And Real Space Applications - System Hardening against Upsets CNES
SEE – Effects of radiation on digital parts
                                               SEE : Single Event Effect

         ■ SEE concerns all effects due to a single particle
                ! SEE in digital ICs = SEL + µSEL + SEFI + SET + SEU + MBU

         ■ SEL – Single Event Latch-up
                !    Local short-circuit
                !    Detection: loss of functionality or over-consumption / Protection: power-cycling
                !    It is a good practice to avoid components which are sensitive to SEL
                !    And if not possible, to limit their usage and to protect them with adequate solutions
         ■ SEFI – Single Effect Functional Interrupt
                ! The component is put in a blocking state and a reset is not always capable to bring
                  it back into an operational state
                ! Detection: loss of functionality (as for SEL)
                ! Protection: reset (optional but recommended) and/or power cycling (mandatory)
         ■ SEU/MBU – Single Event (Multiple Bit) Upset / SET – Single Event Transient
         ■ Goal of faul-tolerant architecture protections
                ! Thanks to DSM technos, more and more COTS parts are compliant with TID (Total
                  Ionizing Dose) and SEL space constraints
                ! But all digital COTS components are sensitive to transients and upsets
                ! The presentation targets    SEFI / SEU / MBU / SET mitigation, mainly on µP                9
M. Pignol – System Hardening                             TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                  CNES
And Real Space Applications - System Hardening against Upsets CNES
■ An ingenious SEL mitigation example (MYRIADE real case):
               minimizing the
               number of parts                  Watchdog Qn      ..                         Vcc
               and, nevertheless, CLOCK           timer     Q1
                                                                  .             ERROR
               implementing both                   Reset    Q0
               detection and both
               mitigation methods

         ■ Whatsoever the 'detection' method is, it is a good practice to have a gradual
           'recovery' process based on several levels, for instance:
               ! First attempt following a detection: a quick 'standard' recovery (i.e. without reset) is
                 tried (in case of simple effect of an SET/SEU/MBU)
               ! Second attempt: if the first attempt is not successful, a reset of the computer is done
                 (in case of more complex effect of an SET/SEU/MBU or in case of SEFI)
               ! Third attempt: if the computer still does not become operational, then a power supply
                 cycling is done (in case of SEFI or SEL)
               ! Such a multi-level recovery process is implemented on CNES MYRIADE
                 micro-satellite: See Section "3 – Real Case Studies"                                           10
M. Pignol – System Hardening                           TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                          CNES
                                              TM & TC & Reconf. board,
                                           including 2 THALES ASICs:
                                           - TC processing and reconf.
                                            - TM formatting and routing
                                               and including 4 THALES
                                                 hybrids for generating
                                                     command signals

SMU-V1 computer (Satellite
Management Unit; platform
computer for SpaceBus4000
Telecom family satellites and
Globalstar2 satellite)

© Courtesy of
  THALES ALENIA SPACE                                               Satellite
                                                              and Interface
                                                                     Unit for
           CPU board using                                          Telecom
   ATMEL ERC32SC space µP                                          satellites
  and COPRES THALES ASIC                                        (I/O board)
M. Pignol – System Hardening                   TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13            CNES

EUCLID: an ESA mission to
map galaxies, to analyse their
distribution and their apparent
deformation under effect of the
dark matter, for a better
understanding of the dark
matter and its influence on the
origin of the accelerating
expansion of the Universe;                                                  12
launch   planned
  M. Pignol – SysteminHardening
                       2020               TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13    CNES
2-A – FDIR overview

M. Pignol – System Hardening            TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13    CNES
The FDIR strategy – Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery

         ■ Main objective of the FDIR strategy
                ! To keep the integrity of the satellite (i.e. its operational capability) in presence of
                        • There is not an universal strategy, it is a case-by-case basis definition depending on the
                          mission and on the considered faulty unit

         ■ Usual FDIR strategies when an anomaly is detected
                " "Satellite survival mode" = minimal mode allowing to keep at an acceptable level the
                  electric pw, the internal temperature and the TM/TC link with the ground cntrl station
                ! Earth observation satellites: To pass in the survival mode and to leave to the ground
                  control station the detection of the source of the anomaly then the selection of the
                  best recovery strategy
                ! Telecom satellites: To reconfigure the avionics architecture to try to passivate the
                  anomaly in order to remain in operational mode as long as possible to comply with
                  the availability requirements; to limit the survival mode usage to exceptional cases
                => Telecom satellites have an higher autonomy than Earth observation satellites
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                   TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                        CNES
The FDIR strategy (cont.)

         ■ Recovery action when an anomaly is detected                                                               sensors &
                ! Only few alarms are highly critical and directly start a recovery action                           actuators
                     => examples of such critical alarms        => and associated recovery action in case of cold redundancy
                       - power falling down                       - switch-off nominal computer and nominal peripheral units
                       - software watchdog                        - switch-on redundant computer and a mini. of redund. periph.
                       - Earth sensor alarm for                   - then start from scratch and put the spacecraft in "attitude
                         some missions                               acquisition & safe hold" mode
                ! For all the other alarms, the general rule is "to try to confirm the alarm before
                  starting a recovery action", thanks to the "anomaly filtering process"
         ■ Some examples of the "anomaly filtering process"
                ! Time redundancy at the system level
                        • when a task (thermal control, attitude and orbit control system, etc.) trigger an alarm during a given
                          iteration, it is checked if the same alarm is still triggered during the next iteration(s) of this task
                ! Comparison between sensors to confirm an incoherent data
                        • coupling with dedicated algorithms of linked data issued from gyro sensors and from the star sensor
                ! Start a BIST (Built-In Self Test) into the intelligent sensor which have issued the
                  incoherent data                                                                                                15
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                       TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                            CNES
2-B – Links

M. Pignol – System Hardening        TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13    CNES
■ Avionics bus: e.g. MIL-STD-1553B data bus
                ! Detection: Parity bit (or checksum, or CRC)
                ! Recovery: It is the responsibility of the higher level (e.g. software
                  application level) to decide the best suited strategy wrt the application
                  context => a "retry" is usual done (i.e. retransmit the message)
         ■ For sensors
                 ! Complex sensor: same as for an avionics bus
                 ! Simple sensor: triplication (e.g. all thermistors on CNES SPOT satellite
                   family), time redundancy
         ■ For some actuators, protection with the "Arm & Fire" concept
                ! Such a command requires a first signal (Arm) then a second signal (Fire)
                  sent by a distinct path, both being ANDed; typically used for pyro elements

         ■ For HSSL (High Speed Serial Link)
                ! For image data, retries are not possible (too much data to bufferize)
                ! Thus, the usual strategy is to select or design HSSL having a very high
                  BER performance (SEE robustness), and no protection is implemented
M. Pignol – System Hardening                       TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13              CNES
2-C – Memory units

M. Pignol – System Hardening           TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13    CNES
Comparison of the efficiency of several protection codes
         Contribution from: A. Peus (CNES - DCT/SB/PS)

                 Detect 1 error      Detect/correct 1 err Detect 2 errors and Detect/correct MBU
                                                            correct 1 error
                        Parity              Hamming            Extended Hamming               Reed-Solomon
                                                                                             Correct 2 symbols
                                                                                             of 4-bits per word

                         32 1               32 + 25      6          32 + 25     7
                          or                                                                       32   16
                                                 Not implemented                      Critical
                                                                                       data        TMR
                                          Other methods for detection only,
                                            mainly usable for protection
                                                 of a block of data:          No
                   8             1                                          critical
                                                     Checksum                data
                                                      Signature                             32    32     2 x 32
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                 TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                                CNES
The 1st generation
                                  of CNES solid-state
                                     mass memory

                                     Flying on
                                 SPOT 4 satellite and
                                VEGETATION payload

                                Sextant Avionique (now
                               Thales Alenia Space) and
                                 Dassault Electronique
                               (now Thales Aerospace)
                                  development (1995)

16 DRAM / hybrid
8 hybrids / mem board
18 mem boards / unit

4 Mbits / DRAM
512 Mbits / mem board
9 Gbits / unit

Unit = 37 kg
  28 W in hold mode
  50 W in R/W mode
M. Pignol – System Hardening                              TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13    CNES
2-D – Processing units / Fault-tolerant architectures

M. Pignol – System Hardening             TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13     CNES
A general remark
         ■ Comparators and voters are usually implemented in FPGA / ASIC
           either not sensitive to SEE by design (D-FF triplication, etc. => thus
           COTS are usable) or implemented in radiation-tolerant technologies

                         A prototype of a QUADRUPLEX computer
                            from Matra Marconi Space (now EADS
                          Astrium France), development for the ex
                         HERMES European shuttle project (1994)
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                        TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13    CNES
2-D – Processing units / Fault-tolerant (FT) architectures

           #                   ■ Time replication
                                  ! Time replication at instruction level
                                          – Example of Time-TMR from SPACE MICRO Inc.
                                  ! Granularity for CNES FT architectures
                                  ! Time replication at task level
                                          – Example of DMT from CNES

                               ■ Structural duplex
                                          – Example of DT2 from CNES

                               ■ TMR-Triplex & QMR-Quadruplex
                                          – Examples issued from the SHUTTLE, GUARDS and ATV

                               ■ Micro-synchronized triplex
                                          – Example of SCS750 from MAXWELL Tech.

                               ■ FT architectures trade-off
                               ■ Other methods and elementary protection mechanisms
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                 TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13             CNES
Time replication
         ■ Principle
                ! No hardware replication => No extra recurring cost
                ! The same software is processed N-times successively on the same CPU
                ! Detection capability: the results of the different replicas are compared

         ■ Time replication at instruction level
                ! See the talk "Software hardening" by Politecnico di Torino

M. Pignol – System Hardening                     TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13             CNES
■ Time replication at instruction level: real case example of an industrial
         TTMR – Time-TMR (Space Micro Inc. – USA)
      Piece of                                                                                      Piece of
       code          Software instructions          Computer hardware                                code
                                                                                                                         Vote               Line     Line     Line   Single
                    Line       Line    Line            CPU                                                              A1-A2-A3             A3       A2       A1     CPU
                     C1         B1      A1              #1
                                                                                                                        T=4                 T=3      T=2      T=1


                    Line       Line    Line            CPU
                                                                                                                         Vote               Line     Line     Line   hardware
                     C2         B2      A2              #2
                                                                                                                        B1-B2-B3             B3       B2       B1
                    Line       Line    Line            CPU                                                              T=8                 T=7      T=6      T=5
                     C3         B3      A3              #3
                                                                                                                         Vote               Line     Line     Line   Software
                    T=3        T=2      T=1                                                                             C1-C2-C3             C3       C2       C1    instructions

                                                                                                                        T = 12              T = 11   T = 10   T=9
     Time-slots                                                                                    Time-slots

                           TMR architecture                                                                     Time redundancy architecture
                                              instruction              Software instructions                   VLIW DSP Hardware IC
                                                             Vote       Instruct   Instruct    Instruct           ALU
                                                            A1-A2-A3       C1         B1          A1               #1    MMU     Cache

                                                                                                                         Clock     Cntl
                                                             Vote       Instruct   Instruct    Instruct           ALU     cntl    logic
                                                            B1-B2-B3       C2         B2          A2               #2
                                                                                                                         Bus interface                                              …/…
                                                             Vote       Instruct   Instruct    Instruct           ALU    Bus     Parallel
                                                                                                                         cntl      I/O
                                                            C1-C2-C3       C3         B3          A3               #3

                                                             T=4            T=3    T=2          T=1

                                              Clock cycles
    © IEEE – Space Micro Inc.
                                              One TTMR possibility… with weakness
         (adapted from)
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                                                    TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                                                           CNES
TTMR – Time-TMR (Space Micro Inc. – USA) (cont.)

                           Software instructions              VLIW DSP Hardware IC                      Software instructions           VLIW DSP
                                                                                                Not                             Instr
                 Vote       Instruct   Instruct    Instruct      ALU                                                                     ALU #1     Repeat 2 instructions
                                                                                             required                            A1
                A1-A2-A3       B3         C2          A1          #1    MMU     Cache
                                                                                              99% of                    Instr                       100% of time
                                                                                                                                         ALU #2
                                                                                               time                      A2
                 Vote       Instruct   Instruct    Instruct      ALU    Clock     Cntl                          Comp                                Compare A1-A2 100%
                                                                         cntl    logic                                                  Branch #1
                B1-B2-B3       C3         A2          B1          #2                                            A1-A2                               with "free" branch
                                                                        Bus interface                   Instr
                                                                                                                                         ALU #3     When NO match,
                 Vote       Instruct   Instruct    Instruct      ALU    Bus     Parallel                 A3
                                                                        cntl      I/O           Comp                                                complete instr A3
                C1-C2-C3       A3         B2          C1          #3                                                                    Branch #2
                                                                                                A1-A3                                               and additional
                    T=4      T=3       T=2          T=1                                          T=5     T=4    T=3     T=2     T=1

      Clock cycles

                              TTMR architecture                                                         Improved TTMR architecture


    © IEEE – Space Micro Inc.
         (adapted from)
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                                               TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                                             CNES
TTMR pros/cons (cont.)
         ■ Proprietary architecture
                ! Space Micro Inc. patent

         ■ Dedicated to VLIW DSP (Very Long Instruction Word - Digital Signal
                ! Given that the ALUs are generally speaking not all fully used, not too
                  much time is lost due to the time replication

         ■ The TTMR algorithm is coded into a "post-compiler"
                ! All the know-how lies in the "post-compiler": instruction replication + vote
                  insertion + instr.->ALU assignment + instr. reordering to avoid empty slots
                ! The "post-compiler" must be developed for each targetted DSP

         ■ The SEFIs are processed by a patented
           rad-hard watchdog circuit
M. Pignol – System Hardening                      TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13              CNES
2-D – Processing units / Fault-tolerant (FT) architectures

                               ■ Time replication
                                  ! Time replication at instruction level

                                          – Example of Time-TMR from SPACE MICRO Inc.
                                  ! Granularity for CNES FT architectures
                                  ! Time replication at task level
                                          – Example of DMT from CNES

                               ■ Structural duplex
                                          – Example of DT2 from CNES

                               ■ TMR-Triplex & QMR-Quadruplex
                                          – Examples issued from the SHUTTLE, GUARDS and ATV

                               ■ Micro-synchronized triplex
                                          – Example of SCS750 from MAXWELL Tech.

                               ■ FT architectures trade-off
                               ■ Other methods and elementary protection mechanisms
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                 TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13             CNES
Granularity for CNES DMT and DT2 fault-tolerant architectures
                                               ■ Granularity impact deeply the definition and latency/overhead of FT mechanisms
                                               ■ Coarse-grained granularity (macro-granularity) => task operational cycle
                                                  ! the checking procedure runs at the end of each iteration of each task
                                                  ! a low number of data to check => minimisation of overheads
                                                  ! the main fault-containment region
                                                 One iteration
 of a flight software in a platform computer

                                                 of three tasks                       RTC – Real
   Simple example of a static scheduling

                                                  Real time                           Time Cycle

                                                 Task A

                                                 Task B
                                                 Task C                             preemption
                                                 Thermal                                           Task C operational cycle        only all output data
                                                                                                                                    (but not the huge
                                                                                                                                  number of local data)
                                                 Task T                                                                             must be checked
                                                 OBT = On-Board Time ; AOCS = Attitude and Orbit Control System
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                                                         TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                CNES
2-D – Processing units / Fault-tolerant (FT) architectures

                               ■ Time replication
                                  ! Time replication at instruction level
                                          – Example of Time-TMR from SPACE MICRO Inc.
                                  ! Granularity for CNES FT architectures

           #                      ! Time replication at task level
                                          – Example of DMT from CNES

                               ■ Structural duplex
                                          – Example of DT2 from CNES

                               ■ TMR-Triplex & QMR-Quadruplex
                                          – Examples issued from the SHUTTLE, GUARDS and ATV

                               ■ Micro-synchronized triplex
                                          – Example of SCS750 from MAXWELL Tech.

                               ■ FT architectures trade-off
                               ■ Other methods and elementary protection mechanisms
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                 TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13             CNES
DMT - Duplex Multiplexed in Time (CNES – Fr)

             PUC without DMT                 Processing Unit Core with DMT
             Redundant                       Redundant
               Nominal                       computer
               computer                        computer

                                     Mem                     Mem
                                                                                     Redundant computer
                                                                                     Switched-off in
                                                                                     cold-redundancy strategy

                                     Edac                     Edac

                        µP                          µP
                                                                             CESAM allows to segment the
                                                                             memory for monitoring of
                                                                             access rights:
                                                             CC              1/ Avoid fault propagation
                                                                                between virtual channels
                   Companion         CC                       +              2/ Secure context data even if
                Chip (watchdog,
                timers, interrupt                           Cesam               the µP is faulty

                cntl, I/O cntl, …)                                           CESAM works as a Block
                                                                             Protection Unit (of a Memory
                                                                             Management Unit) with
                                 Acq/Cmd                   Acq/Cmd           specific mechanisms

                                 (I/O-Bus)                 (I/O-Bus)
M. Pignol – System Hardening                        TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                              CNES
DMT – Scheduling and fault detection principle
                                                                                   Iteration #i of a given task #T


                                                  Acqui-                                                                                           3
                                                                            Processing + Commands generation                           3
                                          PUC     sitions
                                                     #i                     3                           3                                      3

                                                    1                                         4                               4                        4   t

                                                    If protection of sensors and
                                                    acq. electronics is required
                     2                            Acq Acq ACQ                      Processing                 Processing               Results Results
                     3                    PUC      #i  #i comp                         #i                         #i                    comp generat
                                                  n 1 n 2                             n 1                        n 2                           3 #i
                               With DMT

                                                                           No in-out: all results (CMD, No in-out: all results (CMD,               4
                                                    1       1              CTXT, PARAM) are stored CTXT, PARAM) are stored
                                                                            in VC#1 temporary tables     in VC#2 temporary tables

                                          Virtual VC#1                               VC#1                        VC#2
                                          channel      VC#2
                                                        In phase                       Processing phase                   *            Out phase

       1              4
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                           TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                                                CNES
2-D – Processing units / Fault-tolerant (FT) architectures

                               ■ Time replication
                                  ! Time replication at instruction level
                                          – Example of Time-TMR from SPACE MICRO Inc.
                                  ! Granularity for CNES FT architectures
                                  ! Time replication at task level
                                          – Example of DMT from CNES

           #                   ■ Structural duplex
                                          – Example of DT2 from CNES

                               ■ TMR-Triplex & QMR-Quadruplex
                                          – Examples issued from the SHUTTLE, GUARDS and ATV

                               ■ Micro-synchronized triplex
                                          – Example of SCS750 from MAXWELL Tech.

                               ■ FT architectures trade-off
                               ■ Other methods and elementary protection mechanisms
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                 TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13             CNES
DT2 - Double Duplex Tolerant to Transients (CNES – Fr)

   PUC without DT2                                Processing Unit Core with DT2
  Redundant                                                Redundant computer
    Nominal                                                 Nominal computer
                                     PUC#1                                                  PUC#2
                          Mem                       Mem                         Mem                              Redundant
                                                                                                                 in cold-redun-
                                                                                                                 dancy strategy
                          Edac                      Edac                        Edac

             µP                           µP                                                  µP

                                                    CC                           CC
        Companion         CC                         +          Syclopes          +
     Chip (watchdog,
     timers, interrupt                             Cesam                        Cesam
     cntl, I/O cntl, …)

                      Acq/Cmd     Monitoring
                                  of memory
                                                               Acq/Cmd           1/ Macro-synchronization on each I/O request
                                                                                 2/ Comparator
                      (I/O-Bus)   access rights                (I/O-Bus)         3/ Input/output controller
M. Pignol – System Hardening                           TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                             CNES
DT2 – Scheduling and fault detection principle
                                                                                                                 Iteration #i of a given task #T

                                                      Acqui-                                                                    3                                                                            3

                                                                                                           Processing + Commands generation                                           3
                                           PUC        sitions
                                                         #i                                                3                           3                                                            3

                                                          1                                                                 4                                               4                                     4         t

                                                                                                                                                   results gene.

                                                                                                                                                    Request for
                                                    Request for
                                                                                                                     Processing #i
            1'   1'
                                           PUC#1                                Wait                         No in-out: all results (CMD, CTXT,                                          Wait
            2    2                                                                                         PARAM) are stored in temporary tables

            3    3                                 Input                                                                                     Output
                                                                                   1    1'                 ACK                                                                       2          3                          ACK
                                                 request                                                                                    request                                                      4
                                With DT2




                                                                             Rqust Acqui-                                                                                          & results Results
                                           Syclopes                          comp sitions                                                                                           comp generat
                                                                                     #i                                                                                                             #i

                                                                                        1'                                                                                           2          3

                                                                                                                                                                   results gene.

                                                                                                                                                                    Request for
                                                      Request for

                                                                                                                     Processing #i
                                           PUC#2                                 Wait                        No in-out: all results (CMD, CTXT,                                            Wait
                                                                                                           PARAM) are stored in temporary tables

        1            4                                                                                                                                                                                                      t
                                                               In phase                                             Processing phase                           *                    Out phase
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                                            TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                                                                              CNES
Problem of recovery with a duplex
         ■ A duplex is able to detect                           A duplex is intrinsically
            ! comparison                                        a “fail-stop” architecture

         ■ A duplex is not able to recover
            ! no information is available for determining which is the
              healthy/faulty channel (unlike a triplex architecture)

             !=> Specific mechanisms are required for implementing !
                         recovery with a duplex architecture

M. Pignol – System Hardening                       TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                CNES
Example of a DT2 backward recovery
     ■ Nominal timing for PUC#1 and PUC#2                                                1/ Timing margin
                                             Context                                        for recovery if
                interrupt                                                                       static task
                                   #i-1                     #i                        #i+1      scheduling
                                Cmd'   Cmd Cmd''                 Cmd                     Cmd
                                       #i-1                       #i                     #i+1

     ■ Backward recovery
                                            Context SEU

                  PUC#1                                     #i         #i
                  SYCLOPES                                  NOK        OK

                  PUC#2                                     #i         #i
                                                                       Cmd         4/ No data communication
            2/ Detection         3/ Stop & reset & rollback       signal #i           between PUCs         37
M. Pignol – System Hardening                              TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                     CNES
Two main conditions to recover successfully
         ■ The context data – basis of the recovery – must be healthy
                ! The memory is considered SEE-free, thanks to an EDAC
                ! A completely crashed µP must not be able to errouneously write
                  in the memory zone where is stored all the context data
                        • Thanks to CESAM which checks the memory access rights
                        • The final location of context data is updated only after the comparison
                          of all results, and only if 100 % of results (CMD + CTXT + PARAM) are healthy

         ■ A completely crashed / hanged µP must be detected, and
           a warm-restart must be done on the software
                ! A µP crash or hang will be detected
                        • By several mechanisms, e.g. memory access right monitoring
                        • In the DT2: by the very short timeout monitoring each macro-synchro request
                        • In the DMT: at least by the usual watchdog-timer
                ! A µP reset allows to passivate SEFI
                ! The software warm-restart is possible thanks to the healthy context                       38
M. Pignol – System Hardening                               TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                   CNES
DMT / DT2 pros/cons
         ☺ Agency proprietary architectures
                ! Available for every company
                ! Open and scalable architectures
                        • Possibility to implement evolutions
                        • Possibility to select a subset of the validated mechanisms

         ☺ Generic architectures independent from the microprocessor choice
                ! DSP or general purpose µP, single or multi-cores, superscalar or not, VLIW or not
                ! No new development required when used on a new microprocessor

         ☺ A single know-how for a two-fold architecture
                ! Same general principles for DMT and DT2 => one development for two different
                  implementations, compatible with a larger part of potential applications

         ☺ Low cost architectures
         % Error coverage rate less than the one of a triplex architecture …
         ☺ … nevertheless suffisant for payloads
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                  TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13         CNES
2-D – Processing units / Fault-tolerant (FT) architectures

                               ■ Time replication
                                  ! Time replication at instruction level
                                          – Example of Time-TMR from SPACE MICRO Inc.
                                  ! Granularity for CNES FT architectures
                                  ! Time replication at task level
                                          – Example of DMT from CNES

                               ■ Structural duplex
                                          – Example of DT2 from CNES

           #                   ■ TMR-Triplex & QMR-Quadruplex
                                          – Examples issued from the SHUTTLE, GUARDS and ATV

                               ■ Micro-synchronized triplex
                                          – Example of SCS750 from MAXWELL Tech.

                               ■ FT architectures trade-off
                               ■ Other methods and elementary protection mechanisms
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                 TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13             CNES
Redundant channel
                                                                                                          Can be switched-off in
                                                                                                          cold-redundancy strategy
   TMR-Triplex &                           CPU1           CPU2               CPU3             CPU4
                                      Pw        Ck   Pw          Ck      Pw         Ck   Pw          Ck
   QMR-Quadruplex                         Mem             Mem                Mem              Mem
   architecture                            µP              µP                 µP               µP

   ICN = Inter-Channel Network
   BC = I/O Bus Controller
   IO-Bus = e.g. MIL-STD-1553     Voter              V2                 V3               V4
   (N) = Nominal
   (R) = Redundant                 V1                                                                              ICN allows
                                          Voter           Voter              Voter            Voter                several-round
   Pw = Power supply                                                                                               interactive
   Ck = Clock generator
         Can be switched-off
                                           BC              BC                 BC               BC                  consistency
                                                                                                                   exchanges to be
              Options                 Pw        Ck   Pw          Ck      Pw         Ck   Pw          Ck            robust to
                                                                                                                   byzantine faults

                                                                                                           Lot of implementation
                                          IO-Bus                          IO-Bus                           possibilities, depending on
                                            (N)                             (R)                            robustness and mission

   ■ Detection done by the majority vote
   ■ Recovery in two steps
           ! Fault-masking: The channels continue the processing for a short period of time; results
             of the faulty channel are continuously masked thanks to the healthy data issued by
             healthy channels => all commands and actuations will be correct
           ! Channel alignment: The faulty channel is reinserted later because it takes a long time
M. Pignol – System Hardening                              TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                                    CNES
TMR & QMR (cont.)
               Based on publications from the GUARDS European R&D study (LAAS-CNRS, EADS Astrium France, Technicatome, Siemens, etc.),
               the pre-development of the HERMES project (a cancelled European Shuttle project in beginning of 90's) and the ATV development
               Support from: J-P. Blanquart (EADS Astrium France)

         ■ Vote may be distributed to avoid SPF (Single Point Failure)

                ! Multiple voters must look like a single virtual voter
                  => ICN (Inter-Channel Network) for data exchanges between voters

                ! For ICN, a "broadcast bus" allows to avoid the possibility to propagate a
                  common fault (e.g. a "stuck at" at the bus level) on every data (not

                &    In the "Byzantine theory", a "broadcast bus" includes also a protocol allowing the interactive coherency of data
                     to be robust to byzantine faults

M. Pignol – System Hardening                                               TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                                     CNES
! Multiplexed bus generating SPF at bus level

                                  Voter V1                                                            V2                                     V3

                           '00'        '01'        '01'    Rx1 definitive                 '00'        '01'        '01'           '00'        '01'        '01'
                                  Tx          Rx           LSB stuck at '1'                      Tx          Rx                         Tx          Rx

                                                            LSB stuck at '1'
                                                              at bus level
                                                                              => '00' is the correct value
                                                                              => Majority vote result = '01'              %
                ! Broadcast bus

                                  Voter V1                                                            V2                                     V3

                    '00'           '00'            '01'                            '00'           '01'             '00'       '00'       '00'             '00'
                                                           Rx1 definitive
                     Tx                Rx             Rx   LSB stuck at '1'         Tx                Rx             Rx        Tx            Rx             Rx

       ICN                                                   LSB stuck at '1'
                                                                              => '00' is the correct value
                                                                              => Majority vote result = '00'              ☺                                      43
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                                                TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                                 CNES
TMR & QMR (cont.)
                => Nevertheless, some faults are able to corrupt only one received data
                        •   Voltage and clocks at marginal level
                        •   Faulty connectors: trouble at contact level
                        •   Physical damage
                        •   Electrical noise: cross-talk, EMI (Electro-Magnetic Impulse)
                        •   Cosmic rays: upset
                        •   etc.

                => These faults are named "byzantine faults"
                        • L. Lamport, R. Shostak and M. Pease (SRI International), "The Byzantine
                          Generals Problem", ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and
                          Systems, vol. 4, n 3, July 1982, pp. 382-401

M. Pignol – System Hardening                                TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13              CNES
TMR & QMR (cont.)
      ■ Vote may be distributed to avoid SPF
              ! Multiple voters mean multiple decisions! ! !

              => The decisional algorithm must allow for each healthy voter to take the same
                decision, and obviously the correct one
                     • Lof of PhD works and R&D studies

              => Specific decisional algorithms allow to be robust to byzantine faults
                     • Several pb: byzantine agreement, interactive consistency, unitary reliable broadcast
                     • For "f" faults, it requires at least "3f+1" channels, "2f+1" disjoined links, and
                       "f+1" exchange rounds                  For TMR:
                         For QMR:                                  With "1" fault, the problem has a solution with 3 chan-
                         With "f=1" fault, the problem has a       nels, 3 disjoint links (ICN) and 2 rounds only if we add
                         solution with 4 channels, 3 disjoint      an authentication capability which can be: "a relayed
                         links (ICN) and 2 rounds                  message during the 2nd round can't be corrupted with-
                                                                   out the corruption can't be seen" (thanks to a CRC) 45
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                    TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                        CNES
TMR & QMR (cont.)
         ■ Clock generator may be distributed to avoid SPF
                ! It requires voting and resynchronizing the local clocks regularly => thanks
                  to a cyclic exchange of a specific synchronization message through the ICN
                        • Lot of PhD works and R&D studies, lot of algorithms have been proposed
                        • Different implementations: HW, SW, mixed
                ! Example with a mixed HW/SW implementation (cf. HERMES project):
                                       One time per RTC, send a
                                     "synchro message" and date it                Local                   RTC
                                                                                  CLK                   generator
                                             Are all "synchro  No
                                           messages" received?                                             E
                                                       Yes                                                          ICN#1-out
                                 C                                                                            A
                                         Read the datation of each              B             D
                                           "synchro message"                                            Datation

See an example of FT             D                                                       C
algorithm for voting the                 Run the FT algo to select                                                       D
three "synchro messages"                     the "best date"                                                                            …/…
                                                                             Channel#1             Datation
on next slide
                                     Tune the local RTC period with                               Detection of
                                       the difference between the                                 "sync msg"
RTC = Real-Time Cycle                   date of its own "synchro
CLK = Clock                          message" and the "best date"                                                   ICN#3-in
"sync msg" = "synchro message"                                                                                      ICN#4-in
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                          TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                                    CNES
TMR & QMR (cont.)
                        • Compute the difference between the "best date" and the "local physical date" to
                          tune the local RTC period generator => The FT algorithm is the median value

                               Datation of                                                             5
                               "synchro                    8                            3
                               exchanged              A                     B                               C
                               through                                 7            6              2            1
     …/…                       the ICN

                               Median value            4       3   7        B               6               5
                               ("best date")           8                    1
                               issued by the
                               FT algo
                                                                           Allowed jitter period
     Correct values
     (w/o fault)

     Faulty values
                                                                 => The bounds of the "best date"
                                                           in presence of any configuration of fault, are

                                                                  inside the allowed jitter period

M. Pignol – System Hardening                               TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                                    CNES
TMR & QMR (cont.)
         ■ Recovery – State Restoration (SR)
                ! A full context (content of µP's registers/caches + external main mem.)
                  coming from one of the healthy channels is loaded into the faulty channel
                        • This "transfusion" takes a very long time (several RTC)
                        • Thus, the recovery is not started just after the detection of an error => the
                          masking capability of the TMR/QMR is exploited to wait for an adequate time
                          where it will be possible to switch the computer in a minimal mode
                        • When it is adequate, the SR starts: the computer is switched in a minimal mode
                          (i.e. to run only critical tasks) to have a maximum of bandwidth (buses + µP) for
                          this "transfusion" and to reduce the evolution of the memory content
                        • Such a "transfusion" is not so easy: even if the computer is switched in a
                          minimal mode, the memory content into healthy channels is continuously
                               – Lot of PhD works and R&D studies, lot of algorithms have been proposed
                               – Different implementations: HW, SW, mixed

M. Pignol – System Hardening                                  TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                       CNES
TMR & QMR (cont.)
                ! One real case example (cf. GUARDS):
                        • Example with a mixed HW/SW implementation
                               – Split the memory into K segments (e.g. 1 kb segments), one HW tag (e.g. one D-FF) is
                                 associated to each segment, and a NST (Number of Segments to Transfert) counter
                                 allows to count the number of segments to be transfered
                               – Start SR: reset tags, and preset NST to the total number of segments (= K)
                               – Start the first scan of the memory from the first segment to the last segment K:
                                 transfert one segment, then set its associated tag, then decrement NST, then leave the
                                 application (critical tasks) to write into the memory if required, if not continue the scan
                               – Each time the critical tasks processing write a data into the memory, it associated tag
                                 is reseted and NST is incremented
                               – After the transfert of the last segment having a reseted tag:
                                    - if NST > threshold, then start a new scan to transfert only segments having a
                                        reseted tag
                                    - if NST < threshold, then stop the application (all tasks) in order to complete the
                                        "transfusion" in a single shot; after that, the SR is completed and the normal
                                        processing can be resumed

M. Pignol – System Hardening                                      TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                         CNES
TMR & QMR (cont.)
       Start SR:                 First scan:                                                                           Second scan:                   Complete SR:
       Reset tags                Start scan                                                                            Start scan                     Start last scan
       Preset NST with K
                                                                                                      4 x transfert                   3 x transfert
       Then start scan
                                              6 x transfert           2 x write                       + 1 x write                     + 2 x write                  2 x transfert
           10                         4                           6                          3                                2                            0
       0                         1                            1                        1                               1                               1

       0                         1                            1                        1                               0      write                    1


       0                         1                            0   write                0                               1                               1
       0                         1                            1                        1                               1                               1

       0                         1                            0   write
                                                                  write                0                               1                               1

       0                         1                            1                        1                               0      write                    1
       0                         0                            0                        1                               1                               1


       0                         0                            0                        0      write                    1                               1
       0                         0                            0                        1                               1                               1
       0                         0                            0                        1                               1                               1

                                                                                           At the end of                   At the end of                End of SR
                                                                                           the 1st scan                    the 2nd scan
     10         NST counter = Number of Segments to Transfert                        if NST > threshold                 if NST =< threshold
                                                                                   then start a new scan                 then complete SR
                Segment (M ko) with not yet transfered data

                Segment with yet transfered data                                                                        Stop all the tasks to
                                                                                                                      complete the transfusion
     K = Number of segments in the memory = 10                                                                            in a single shot
     Threshold = 2
     SR = State Restoration
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                                       TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                                                       CNES
TMR & QMR (cont.)
         ■ Miscellaneous issues
                ! Vote can be on a bit-to-bit basis or versus a threshold
                        • Vote done on a bit-to-bit basis (simpler): the acquisition of duplicated/triplicated
                          sensors being done asynchronously by each channel, an alignment of input data
                          is required specifically for analog acquisitions => a two-round interactive
                          consistency exchange over the ICN must be done to find an agreement on bit-to-
                          bit common values (for example the mediane value)
                        • Vote not done on a bit-to-bit basis (more complex): the alignment of duplicated /
                          triplicated input data is not required anymore. This method generates difficulties
                          because data may not be at exactly the same values between channels.
                          > For data checked versus a threshold (e.g. temperature monitoring): even if
                          they are healthy, output data may not reach the threshold value exactly at the
                          same RTC => these values require a time-filtering process of over several RTC
                          > For other data: the =/= between voted data must lie within a defined interval
                ! If SW is very asynchronous, or if some non critical tasks are not triplicated
                  (asymmetrical processing), data to be voted could be not sent in the same
                  order between channels, requiring to stamp the data at the source (by each
                  CPU) and for each voter to re-order data for voting only data of the same
                  kind                                                                         51
M. Pignol – System Hardening                              TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                   CNES
TMR & QMR (cont.)
           ■ One example of a triplex scheduling among others
                                                                                                                                    Channel software:
                                                                                                                                    Data movements:

                                                             Iteration #i of a given task #T                                        Channels #1, #2 and #3 run
                                                                                                                                    the same software, but in an
                               Macro-             Agreement on bit-to-bit                             Macro-                        asynchronous way between
                       synchronization            common values                                   synchronization                   channels => a macro-
                                                                                                                                    synchronization is done on
                                 Acq.        ACQ                                                               CMD     CMD          each I/O request
                                                                     Processing #i
           Channel#1              #i                        No ACQ-in & no CMD-out: all CMD are                       generat       1 Read sensors -> ACQ
                                  1      consolidation           stored in temporary tables                    vote    4 #i         5 Two-round interactive
With TMR

                                                                                                                                       consistency exchange
                                             5                                                             6                           over the ICN

                                                                                                                                    6 Single-round exchange
                                 Acquisi-    ACQ                     Processing #i                             CMD     CMD
           Channel#2             tions #i                   No ACQ-in & no CMD-out: all CMD are                       generat       4 Write CMD to actuators
                                     1    consolidation          stored in temporary tables                    vote    4 #i

                                  Acq.       ACQ                     Processing #i                             CMD     CMD
           Channel#3               #i                       No ACQ-in & no CMD-out: all CMD are                       generat
                                   1     consolidation           stored in temporary tables                    vote   4 #i
                                     In phase                    Processing phase                           Out phase
  M. Pignol – System Hardening                                                   TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                                        CNES
TMR & QMR pros/cons (cont.)
         ■ Specificities / constraints
                ! Architecture pertaining to the distributed computing domain
                ! Architecture requiring the highest level of theoretical analysis
                ! Architecture generating an incredible number of theoretical studies
                  (PhD, R&D, …), and a lot of different implementations depending on the
                  user needs and system requirements

         ■ Pros/cons
                ☺ The best level of error coverage + masking capability (delayed
                  recovery) well suited to some kind of applications
                % Overheads:
                        •   Mass
                        •   Recurring cost (extra ICs)
                        •   Power consumption
                        •   Complexity
M. Pignol – System Hardening                             TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13     CNES
2-D – Processing units / Fault-tolerant (FT) architectures

                               ■ Time replication
                                  ! Time replication at instruction level
                                          – Example of Time-TMR from SPACE MICRO Inc.
                                  ! Granularity for CNES FT architectures
                                  ! Time replication at task level
                                          – Example of DMT from CNES

                               ■ Structural duplex
                                          – Example of DT2 from CNES

                               ■ TMR-Triplex & QMR-Quadruplex
                                          – Examples issued from the SHUTTLE, GUARDS and ATV

           #                   ■ Micro-synchronized triplex
                                          – Example of SCS750 from MAXWELL Tech.

                               ■ FT architectures trade-off
                               ■ Other methods and elementary protection mechanisms
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                 TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13             CNES
Micro-synchronized triplex architecture ("lock-stepping")
                                                                                                           Redundant computer
                                                                                                           Switched-off in cold-
                                                                                                           redundancy strategy
                                      µP         µP        µP              µP         µP         µP
   BC = I/O Bus Controller
   IO-Bus = e.g. MIL-STD-1553                Voter                                  Voter
   (N) = Nominal
   (R) = Redundant                         Mem        BC     CB                 Mem         BC
   Pw = Power supply             Pw                           RCk     Pw                              Ck
   Ck = Clock generator
         Switched-off module

                                                  IO-Bus                               IO-Bus
                                                    (N)                                  (R)

         ■ All the µPs execute the same instruction at exactly the same clock cycle
         ■ It requires to have a µP having a lock-stepping capability (e.g. synchro-
           nization of internal clock generators, bus comparators, …)
                • Very old µP: Intel Pentium & i960, IBM RH6000, Atmel three-chip ERC-32
                • Old µP:      IBM PowerPC740/750
                • Recent µP: ARM Cortex-R family (dual-core)
M. Pignol – System Hardening                               TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                                CNES
Micro-synchronized triplex (cont.)
                                                                                  SEU                                  Fault
              Reg         Cache                                                                                     propagation

                  µP              µP       µP             µP              µP            µP              µP             µP             µP
                  S       T    S       T   S       T      U       Y   U       Y
                                                                              W     U       Y           X       Y     Z
                                                                                                                      X       W       X       Y
                                                                                                                                                  (few ms)
                      S            S           S              U           U             U                   Y             W               Y

              Voter                                      Voter                                         Voter
                              S                                       U                                                   X       Y   Healthy µP
                              Mem                                     Mem                                             Mem             context mirrored

             Nominal processing                        SEU, then processing                          Error detect => Start
                  phase                                  before detection                          recov: Flush reg/caches…

     Invalidate               (few ms)
                  µP              µP       µP             µP              µP            µP              µP             µP             µP
                  X       Y    Z       W   X       Y      X           X             X                   X       Y     X       Y       X       Y

              Voter                                      Voter                                         Voter
                                   X   Y                                  X    Y                                          X   Y
                              Mem                                     Mem                                             Mem

           …+ invalidate caches                        …+ load reg/conf reg…                                …+ resume
             + reset faulty µP…
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                              TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                                               CNES
Micro-synchronized triplex (cont.)
         ■ When an error is detected on 1 of the 3 µPs, a recovery phase is started
                ! Flush all the registers / caches of the µPs to the single main memory
                        • Thanks to the masking capability of the voter, the data set written back in main
                          memory is 100 % healthy => a full and healthy µP context is saved into memory
                ! Then invalidate the caches (i.e. reset the caches)
                        • To force the µP to read back the main memory for all data without exception
                ! Then reset the faulty µP
                ! Then load the faulty µP registers (including configuration registers)
                ! Then start again the processing phase
                        • The three µPs must read all their data in the main mem. (due to cache invalidat )
                        • So the faulty µP will be "aligned" on the two healthy ones thanks to the healthy
                          context mirrored into the external memory

         =>           µP alignment in 3 steps:                 Alignment performance:
                      & Flush = Ctxt mirrored                  & Flush = few ms
                      & Cache invalidation                     & µP reset = few ms
                      & Resume: alignment is inherent          & Resume: processing is slowing
                                                                 down (cache empty)                          57
M. Pignol – System Hardening                              TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                 CNES
Micro-synchronized triplex (cont.)
         ■ Real case example of an industrial development

         SCS750 - Super Computer for Space (Maxwell Tech. – USA)

                        SCS750P Prototype Model

      7 – 25 W (typ) depending on clock rate
                                             © Maxwell Technologies              SCS750F Flight Model   58
M. Pignol – System Hardening                            TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                  CNES
Micro-synchro. triplex pros/cons
         SCS750 (cont.)
         ■ SCS750 is selected on one major space program and one mini-satellite
                ! Large satellites: GAIA (Europe)
                ! Mini-satellite: GLORY (USA)
                        • NASA Earth sciences mission, 545 kg, lifetime 3 years (5 years goal), failed launch in 2011

         ■ SCS750 is a proprietary product

         ■ µ-synchro. archi. is dedicated to µP having a lock-stepping capability

         % This capability is becoming obsolescent due to deep submicron techno
                !    TID effects => asymmetric modif. of internal propagation delays between µPs
                !    Fully deterministic timing is less and less feasible
                !    Low-level fix-up routines to tolerate timing violations and soft-errors
                !    Multiple and complex clock trees
                                                               Nevertheless …
                !    etc.                                                                     59
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                   TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                       CNES
Micro-synchro. duplex

         … Nevertheless

         ■     Recent automotive safety norm: ISO26262 (adaptation of IEC61508)
                ! "Functional safety standard" which stipulates regulations for HW and SW
                  in electronics control systems to manage the risk of hazardous events
                ! ARM Cortex-R is oriented "Real-Time" for deeply embedded systems
                        • with a focus on fast/deterministic response to interrupts, determinism (tightly-
                          coupled memories) and safety/dependability (memory protection unit, ECC/parity,
                        • dual-core µP allowing implementation of a lock-step configuration to ease the
                          compliance with ISO26262
                        • Texas Instr., LSI, Infineon, Fujitsu, Toshiba, Broadcom, …
                        • on the other hand, the processing performance of the ARM Cortex-R family is
                          significantly lower than the one of e.g. the PowerPC family

M. Pignol – System Hardening                               TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                    CNES
2-D – Processing units / Fault-tolerant (FT) architectures

                               ■ Time replication
                                  ! Time replication at instruction level
                                          – Example of Time-TMR from SPACE MICRO Inc.
                                  ! Granularity for CNES FT architectures
                                  ! Time replication at task level
                                          – Example of DMT from CNES

                               ■ Structural duplex
                                          – Example of DT2 from CNES

                               ■ TMR-Triplex & QMR-Quadruplex
                                          – Examples issued from the SHUTTLE, GUARDS and ATV

                               ■ Micro-synchronized triplex
                                          – Example of SCS750 from MAXWELL Tech.

M. Pignol – System Hardening
                               ■ FT architectures trade-off
                               ■ Other methods and elementary protection mechanisms
                                                             TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13             CNES
Fault-tolerant architectures trade-off
         ■ There is not an universal solution …
                ! Optimization is predominant over standardization
                        Real cases of COTS-based computers:
                        • UCTM-C/D (ARIANE 5, first launch 1996) = Double structural duplex, recovery without context
                        • ARGOS (launched in 1999) = EDDI / Time replication at instruction level
                        • BIRD (2001) = Double structural duplex, specific recovery mechanisms
                        • MYRIADE (2004) = Mix of elementary protection mechanisms
                        • REIMEI (2005) = Macro-synchronized triplex with a single voter
                        • ROADRUNNER (2006) = TTMR / Time-TMR at instruction level
                        • CALIPSO (2006) = Lock-stepping quadruplex with a redundant voter
                        • GLORY (2011) & GAIA (2013) = Lock-stepping triplex with a single voter
                        • Shuttle (first launch 1981) = "4+1"-MR (QMR + 1 backup)
                        • ATV (2009) = Triplex + Duplex
                        • DMS-R (on ISS) = Triplex

         ■ … the final choice of the best suited architecture for a given project is
           application dependent
                !    Only 'detection', or 'detection and recovery'
                !    Hardware and software cost overhead
                !    Development and recurring cost overhead
                !    Power consumption overhead
                !    The time required for the recovery process                                                                  62
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                         TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                              CNES
Redundant computer
                                                                                                           Switched-off in
                                                                                                           cold-redundancy strategy

          Fault-tolerant architectures trade-off (cont.)
   DMT                                                                                            DT2
   Mem       Mem                     a = Nb of main items µP + Mem + Asic => Mass                 Mem1 Mem2         Mem1 Mem2
                                     b = Nb of main items ON => Power consumption
    µP        µP                                                                                   µP1     µP2       µP1     µP2
                                     c1 = Computing pwr available (detection only)
   Cesam    Cesam                                                                                 Cesam1+Cesam2 Cesam1+Cesam2
                                     c2 = Computing pwr available (detect +recov.)                  +Syclopes     +Syclopes
                                     d1 = Availability
                                     d2 = Correct actuations

 IO-Bus      IO-Bus                                          a=        6              10          IO-Bus                    IO-Bus
    N           R                                            b=        3               5             N                         R
                                                       c1 / c2 =    0.5 / 0.3       1 / 0.7
                                                       d1 / d2 =   0.95 / 0.99       0.99

   Micro-synchronized triplex                                a=        10            12         Triplex/quadruplex
                                                             b=        5              9
    µP1     µP2     µP3        µP1    µP2      µP3     c1 / c2 =      1*             1*         Mem1     Mem2      Mem3     Mem4

           Voter                      Voter            d1 / d2 =     0.995          0.999        µP1       µP2      µP3      µP4

       Mem                       Mem                               * = Requires time for        Voter1   Voter2    Voter3   Voter4
                                                                       computers alignment

              IO-Bus                          IO-Bus                                           IO-Bus             IO-Bus
                 N                               R                                                N                  R
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                          TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                          CNES
Fault-tolerant architectures trade-off (cont.)
       ■ If we are designing a COTS computer for a payload of a micro-satellite (100 kg)
               ! We could choose e.g. a time replication architecture:
                      • Some of the most constraigning requirements are power consumption, and sometimes mass
                      • The computing power requirement is, generaly speaking, not too high

       ■ If we are designing a COTS computer for a man-manned spacecraft (very hypo-
         thetical!) as the Shuttle one, focusing on the short but critical re-entry phase
               ! We could choose e.g. a 4-MR (Quadruplex) architecture:
                      • Human life issue: the best availability capability is, the best suited is
                      • During the re-entry phase, there is no possible contact with the ground station: an architecture with
                        masking capability is very well suited to the shortness of this very critical phase

       ■ If we are designing a COTS computer for a payload of a large scientific mission
         (1000 kg)
               ! We could choose e.g. a duplex with (or without) recovery capability or a micro-
                 synchronized triplex:
                      • The computing power requirement could be very high, requiring several payload computers
                      • PowerPC7448 = 30 W max => a computer could reach 100 W => Several computers in parallel
                        could reach 1000 W … instead of 30 – 40 W for an usual computer! Thus, there is a power issue           64
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                     TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                            CNES
2-D – Processing units / Fault-tolerant (FT) architectures

                               ■ Time replication
                                  ! Time replication at instruction level
                                          – Example of Time-TMR from SPACE MICRO Inc.
                                  ! Granularity for CNES FT architectures
                                  ! Time replication at task level
                                          – Example of DMT from CNES

                               ■ Structural duplex
                                          – Example of DT2 from CNES

                               ■ TMR-Triplex & QMR-Quadruplex
                                          – Examples issued from the SHUTTLE, GUARDS and ATV

                               ■ Micro-synchronized triplex
                                          – Example of SCS750 from MAXWELL Tech.

                               ■ FT architectures trade-off

M. Pignol – System Hardening
                               ■ Other methods and elementary protection mechanisms
                                                             TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13             CNES
Other methods and elementary protection mechanisms
         ■ ABFT – Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance

         ■ BIST – Built-In Selft Test

         ■ WDP – WatchDog Processor (signature analysis)

         ■ Wrappers

         ■ etc.

         ■ Mix of different elementary protection mechanisms
                ! For protection at component level: ASIC
                        • e.g. ERC32 and LEON European space microprocessors
                ! For protection at the system level
                        • e.g. The CNES MYRIADE micro-satellite => See Part III
M. Pignol – System Hardening                            TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13     CNES
© CNES / D. Ducros

                                                                             PICARD: a CNES mission on a MYRIADE
                                                                            platform to take precise measurements of
                                                                                          the Sun and of its variability;
             M. Pignol – System Hardening          TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                            launched
                                                                                                       CNES in 2010
ESA Automated Transfer Vehicle
                                         servicing the ISS
                                        (1st launch in 2008)
                                                                    The ATV example (with rad-hard ICs)
                                                                                  Triplex + Duplex

                                                                       Duplex goal: tolerance to software bugs
                                                                    Implementation mainly for
                                                                    failure robustness, but also
                                                                    usable for SEE robustness

  The main monitoring
  and control computer
  FTC (triplex)

                                                                                                                  © ESA / D. Ducros
  The checker computer
  MSU (duplex) monitoring
  the critical docking phase
  (collision avoidance)
    M. Pignol – System Hardening                                     TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13            CNES
MYRIADE: a CNES µSL family developed mainly with COTS
         Contribution from: J-L. Carayon (CNES - DCT/TV/AV)

         ■    TID: Switch-off sensitive ICs when not used
         ■    Protons: The Transputer µP is protected with a 2 mm tungsten shield
         ■    SEL: Serial resistors on power supply tracks or current limiter
         ■    SET: Filtering of analog acquisitions
                ! Time redundancy + average value computation
         ■ SEU: Protection of link/bus data exchanges
                ! Checksum/CRC and recovery protocols
         ■ SEU-SET: Flash and FRAM are protected
                ! Redunded data, checksum or CRC
                ! Flash and FRAMS are switched-off after the boot of the flight software
         ■ SEU: FPGA with critical registers implemented in with a TMR structure
         ■ SEU-MBU: TMR for critical data stored in the Transputer memory
                ! For flight software memory (4 Mbytes), not for TM memory (120 Mbytes)
         ■ SEU: Monitoring of some µP internal critical registers (timers, …)
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                  TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13    CNES
MYRIADE (cont.)
         ■ SEU-SEL: Watchdog (WD) implemented with several levels
                !    Note: Each I/O block is constituted by a PIC nanocontroller and i/f ICs
                ! Internal PIC WD set to 100 ms: protection of PIC itself against SEL/µSEL
                  or software hang due to a SEE (SEFI)
                ! Global WD for each I/O block set to 250 ms
                ! Local WD for Transputer CPU set to 500 ms
                ! Global WD for computer set to 1 sec with four levels of actions having
                  deeper and deeper effect on the computer
                        •   Transputer reset
                        •   Transputer Off/On (in case of SEL)
                        •   CPU board Off/On (at this level, the Transputer memory content is lost)
                        •   Computer Off/On (in order to passivate any residual SEL)

         => MYRIADE is a typical example of a computer developed with
            commercial components and protected by a mix of elementary
            mechanisms for a mission without high availability requirements                                70
M. Pignol – System Hardening                                  TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13               CNES
MYRIADE (cont.)

                                                                                                       MYRIADE computer (CNES and
                                                           MYRIADE platform during integration         Steel Electronique development)

                                                                                           MYRIADE CPU board
© CNES / D. Ducros

                      DEMETER: 1st mission based on a
                     MYRIADE platform (launched in 2004)

M. Pignol – System Hardening                                               TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                          CNES
CALIPSO: a US fault-tolerant COTS-based space computer
         developed by GDAIS (General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems)
         ■ CALIPSO is a Franco-American payload on a CNES PROTEUS mini-
           satellite platform for cloud-aerosol and infrared observations,
           launched in 2006                              Voter 1
                                                                        PowerPC 603r
                                                                           ASIC     PowerPC 603r
  & COTS µP = Freescale PowerPC603r                                                PowerPC 603r
                                                                        Voter 2   PowerPC 603r
                                    SDRAM array                          ASIC      with cache
  & 4-MR architecture                128/64 MB

  & Voter is not a SPF                                      Memory
  & Micro-synchro. /                                         ASIC

                                                                                       © SPIE
                                                                                   (adapted from)
M. Pignol – System Hardening                      TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                 CNES
REIMEI (INDEX): a Japanese fault-tolerant COTS-based space
         computer developed by ISAS/JAXA + University of Tokyo
         ■ REIMEI is a small satellite for aurora observation and technology
           demonstration, launched in 2005
                                                         VOTER      CPU
  & COTS µP = Hitachi SH-3                                                ROM

  & TMR architecture
  & Voter is a SPF (Single
    Point Failure)
  & Macro-synchro.
  & Reinsertion phase = stop
    the computer for 2 sec

                                                                                 © IAF
                                                                             (adapted from)
M. Pignol – System Hardening               TORRENTS 2013, Dec. 13                  CNES
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