A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021 - Campus Improvement Plan 2020-2021 School Year - Palestine ...

Page created by William Walters
A. M. Story Intermediate School

                       Campus Improvement Plan

                             2020-2021 School Year

                       Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:01 PM
Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708
Campus Improvement Plan
                                                     A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

                                          Committee Members - Planning and Decision Making

Name                         Title                                          Campus / District                              Term Ends

Richardson, David             Principal                                      Story Intermediate School                     5-2021

Jones, Laura                  Assistant Principal                            Story Intermediate School                     5-2021

Sheffield, Melissa            Counselor                                      Story Intermediate School                     5-2022

Reed, Sharon                  Curriculum Director                            Palestine ISD                                 5-2021

Thigpen, Rachel               Teacher                                        Story Intermediate School                     5-2021

Carr, Stacey                  Teacher                                        Story Intermediate School                     5-2021

Highsmith, Nicole             Teacher                                        Story Intermediate School                     5-2022

Bacon, Carrie                 Teacher                                        Story Intermediate School                     5-2021

Jackson, Melanie              Dyslexia Coordinator                           Palestine ISD                                 5-2021

Stewart, Heather              Teacher                                        Story Intermediate School                     5-2022

Hart, Morgan                  Teacher                                        Story Intermediate School                     5-2022

Baack, Tyler                  Teacher                                        Story Intermediate School                     5-2022

Turner, Gary                  Teacher                                        Story Intermediate School                     5-2021

Dryden, James                 Parent                                         Story Intermediate School                     5-2021

Meyers, jamie                 Business Representative                        Story Intermediate School                     5-2021

                                            Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:02 PM
                     Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708
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Campus Improvement Plan
                                                     A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

                                           Names of People Responsible For Implementation

Name                                    Title                                                                Campus / District

Richardson, David                        Principal                                                            Story Intermediate School

Jackson, Melanie                         Dyslexia Coordinator                                                 Palestine ISD

Harrison, Jodi                           Nurse                                                                Story Intermediate School

Jones, Laura                             Assistant Principal                                                  Story Intermediate School

Clackley, Shannon                        Assistant Principal                                                  Story Intermediate School

Esparza, Michael                         Assistant Principal                                                  Story Intermediate School

Sheffield, Melissa                       Counselor                                                            Story Intermediate School

Shed, Lolita                             DAEP Instructor                                                      Story Intermediate School

Herring, Carol                           Homeless Liaison                                                     Palestine ISD

Bradley, Bruce                           School Safety Director                                               Palestine ISD

                                            Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:04 PM
                     Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708             Page 1 of 1
Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                              A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021


Grade:4th                    STAAR Writing

                                    2017       2018      2019      2020       2021        2022

*All Students*                        60.00      59.00     51.00      67.33     83.67      100.00

African American                       0.00       0.00     36.00      57.33     78.67      100.00

Economically Disadvantaged            58.00      52.00     46.00      64.00     82.00      100.00

English Learners                      62.00       0.00     42.00      61.33     80.67      100.00

Hispanic                              60.00       0.00     51.00      67.33     83.67      100.00

Special Education                      0.00       0.00     20.00      46.67     73.33      100.00

Two or More Races                      0.00       0.00     50.00      66.67     83.33      100.00

White                                  0.00      66.00     71.00      80.67     90.33      100.00

Grade:4th-6th                All Subjects

                                    2017       2018      2019      2020       2021        2022

*All Students*                        64.00      70.00     67.00      78.00     89.00      100.00

African American                      58.00      62.00     55.00      70.00     85.00      100.00

Asian                                100.00      89.00     92.00      94.67     97.33      100.00

Economically Disadvantaged            62.00      66.00     63.00      75.33     87.67      100.00

English Learners                      61.00      67.00     64.00      76.00     88.00      100.00

Hispanic                              62.00      69.00     67.00      78.00     89.00      100.00

Special Education                     33.00      47.00     38.00      58.67     79.33      100.00

Two or More Races                     64.00      70.00     72.00      81.33     90.67      100.00

White                                 72.00      78.00     76.00      84.00     92.00      100.00

                                                                     Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:05 PM
                                              Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708
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Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                            A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021


Grade:4th-6th                STAAR Mathematics

                                   2017      2018      2019      2020       2021        2022

*All Students*                      72.00      78.00     76.00      84.00     92.00      100.00

African American                    67.00      69.00     62.00      74.67     87.33      100.00

Asian                                0.00      86.00    100.00    100.00     100.00      100.00

Economically Disadvantaged          70.00      76.00     73.00      82.00     91.00      100.00

English Learners                    72.00      79.00     74.00      82.67     91.33      100.00

Hispanic                            71.00      80.00     79.00      86.00     93.00      100.00

Special Education                    0.00      47.00     43.00      62.00     81.00      100.00

Two or More Races                    0.00      72.00     77.00      84.67     92.33      100.00

White                               77.00      84.00     81.00      87.33     93.67      100.00

Grade:4th-6th                STAAR Reading

                                   2017      2018      2019      2020       2021        2022

*All Students*                      61.00      69.00     66.00      77.33     88.67      100.00

African American                    56.00      63.00     56.00      70.67     85.33      100.00

Asian                                0.00       0.00     80.00      86.67     93.33      100.00

Economically Disadvantaged          58.00      63.00     62.00      74.67     87.33      100.00

English Learners                    58.00      63.00     54.00      69.33     84.67      100.00

Hispanic                            57.00      64.00     66.00      77.33     88.67      100.00

Special Education                    0.00      48.00     39.00      59.33     79.67      100.00

Two or More Races                    0.00      72.00     69.00      79.33     89.67      100.00

White                               71.00      80.00     73.00      82.00     91.00      100.00

                                                                   Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:05 PM
                                            Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708
                                                                                                                                                       Page 2 of 3
Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                            A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021


Grade:5th                    STAAR Science

                                  2017       2018      2019      2020       2021        2022

*All Students*                      56.00      60.00     59.00      72.67     86.33      100.00

African American                     0.00       0.00     50.00      66.67     83.33      100.00

Economically Disadvantaged          51.00      55.00     53.00      68.67     84.33      100.00

English Learners                    46.00      68.00     37.00      58.00     79.00      100.00

Hispanic                            52.00      64.00     49.00      66.00     83.00      100.00

Special Education                    0.00       0.00     39.00      59.33     79.67      100.00

Two or More Races                    0.00       0.00     82.00      88.00     94.00      100.00

White                               78.00      70.00     73.00      82.00     91.00      100.00

                                                                   Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:05 PM
                                            Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708
                                                                                                                                                       Page 3 of 3
Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                  A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

                                                                                   About A. M. Story Intermediate

Mission Statement: The mission of A. M. Story is to foster relationships that excite, engage, and empower our students and Community to achieve excellence.

Grade Span:


2020 State Accountability Rating:
Not Rated: Declared State of Disaster

2019 State Accountability Summary:
Overall Accountability Rating: D
 - Student Achievement Rating: D
 - School Progress Rating: C
   - Academic Growth Rating: D
   - Relative Performance Rating: C
 - Closing the Gaps Rating: D

                                                                         Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:08 PM
                                                  Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708
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Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                   A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

                                                                             Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA)

Comprehensive Needs Assessment Process

Review the Needs Assessment with CIP team on 4/26/2018

Campus Improvement Team met to establish goals. Big Plan include:
1. Balanced Literacy
2. Guided Math (Small group workstations)
3. Patterns of Power / Lucy Calkins Writing
4. Project Listo Science
5. Detailed look at Discipline Plan
6. Staffing for student’s needs
7. Instructional materials

Areas of Concern:

1. Demographics
a. Data Sources Reviewed: Monthly by Principal
 * Enrollment
 * Daily attendance
 * Mobility/Stability
 * Special Program Participation
 * Socioeconomic status
 * ESL

b. Summary of Strengths
 * Attendance is a strength and we continue to see an increase in our ESL/Hispanic population’s success

c. Summary of Weaknesses/Needs
 * SPED and stability of our students continues to be a concern.

d. Prioritized list of Needs:
 * SPED support – more inclusion support
 * SPED resources – instructional supplies

e. Possible Actions:
 * Increase in aides for inclusion
 * Additional resources for Reading and Writing with SPED

2. Parent and Community Involvement:
a. Data Sources Reviewed: Monthly by Principal, Parent Involvement committee
 * Volunteering opportunities
 * Open house attendance
 * Frequency of information disseminated
                                                                          Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:09 PM
                                                   Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708
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Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                     A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

* Involvement of parents and community in school decisions
* Types of community partnerships
* Parent training workshops
* Health services

b. Summary of Strengths
* Community and Parent events are a strength at Story. We have parent events every month and most events have an attendance of over 200 parents.
* Newsletter to parents each month.

c. Summary of Weaknesses/Needs
 * We would like to see more meetings to address individual needs of students

d. Prioritized list of Needs
 * RtI parent meetings
 * Phase meetings
 * Report Card Pickup

e. Possible Actions
 * Parent conferences in the Fall and Spring

3. Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
a. Data Sources Reviewed monthly by Principal and RtI Committee:
 * Academic performance – Report Card grades, Student work, Benchmarks, STAAR tests
 * Completion rates –Retention rates, Dropout rates
 * Instructional programs/activities – monitoring, evaluating and modifying programs
 * Instructional materials – Amount/quality of textbooks, Supplemental resources
 * Support personnel – Available professional and paraprofessional staff

b. Summary of Strengths
* 5th /6th grade Math

c. Summary of Weaknesses/Needs
 * Incoming 4th grade Math – Guided Math added
 * Reading – Balanced Literacy added
 * Writing – Lucy Calkins/ Patterns of Power added

d. Prioritized list of Needs
 * Training on the areas listed above
 * Additional staff – Intervention teacher

e. Possible Actions
 * Additional Staff to provide intervention
 * Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI), Ladder up with Writing, Math small group

4. Staff Quality, Professional Development, Recruitment and Retention
a. Data Sources Reviewed monthly by Principal

                                                                            Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:09 PM
                                                     Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708
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Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                    A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

* Qualified and highly effective status of personnel – number of staff specialists, counselors, psychologists, social workers
* Professional development opportunities and resources
* Staff demographics
* Recruitment and retention strategies

b. Summary of Strengths
 * Professional Development - great resources and training on content

c. Summary of Weaknesses/Needs
 * Retention and Recruitment of experienced teachers

d. Prioritized list of Needs
 * Higher salary
 * Opportunities for bonus/advancement

e. Possible Actions
 * Retention Focus group
 * Incentive plan
 * New Teacher Academy by principal.

5. Technology
a. Data Sources Reviewed quarterly by Principal
 * Amount, quality and availability of equipment, software
 * Extent to which teachers integrate technology into instruction
 * Type of computer systems available
 * Barriers preventing effective use of technology
 * Technology professional development opportunities
 * Tech Tuesday

b. Summary of Strengths
 * Resources available – Apple TV, Smartboards, iPads, Macbooks, Document Cameras

c. Summary of Weaknesses/Needs
 * Integration into the classroom

d. Prioritized list of Needs
 * Professional development
 * Modeling of classroom implementation

e. Possible Actions
 * Tech Tuesday
 * Tech specialists into classrooms
 * Professional development

6. School Context and Organization
a. Data sources reviewed quarterly by Principal

                                                                           Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:09 PM
                                                    Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708
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Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                   A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

* Average class size
* School Climate - Quality of student-teacher relationships, student attitudes toward school, teacher job satisfaction
* Discipline referrals, Suspensions, Expulsions, Attendance and Tardiness
* Classroom management and organization
* Extracurricular activities and clubs
* Student, teacher, parents and community perceptions of the school – Surveys and meetings
* Staff and Parent Newletters

b. Summary of Strengths
 * Class sizes
 * Attendance

c. Summary of Weaknesses/Needs
 * Discipline
 * Classroom management

d. Prioritized list of Needs
 * Parent discipline meetings
 * Mentor program
 * Attendance meetings
 * Kagan training

e. Possible Actions
 * Coffee with the principal once a six weeks
 * Parent newsletter – monthly
 * Staff newsletter – weekly
 * Social committee
 * Mentor program
 * Kagan Training for classroom management and discipline

                                                                           Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:09 PM
                                                   Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708
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Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                   A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

                                                                            Federal Requirements - Schoolwide Program

ESSA requires three elements that are essential for effective implementation of a schoolwide program.

In accordance with the revised (07/31/2018) Section 1114(b)(1) of Title I, Part A Statute, a Schoolwide program shall include the following federally required elements:

1. Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment - (SWP CNA) Schoolwide Comprehensive Needs Assessment. (Section 1114(b)(6))
   a. Includes academic achievement of students.
   b. Needs of students who are failing, or are at-risk of failing, to meet State standards.
   c. Barriers for educators, students and parents.

2. Prepare a comprehensive schoolwide plan - (SWP CIP) Campus Improvement Plan. (Section 1114(b))
   a. Provide opportunities for all children to meet the challenging state academic standards.
   b. Instructional strategies that strengthen the academic program in the school.
   c. Increase the amount and quality of learning time.
   d. Address the needs of all students in the school, but particularly the needs of those at risk of not meeting the challenging State academic standards.
   e. Includes the involvement of Parents, Community members, Teachers, Principal, Other school leaders.
   f. Regular monitoring and revision as necessary based on student needs.
   g. Available to the LEA, parents, and the public, in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language that the parents can understand.

3. Conduct outreach to parents and family members and implement programs, activities, and procedures for the involvement of parents and family members in programs – (SWP
SPFE) School Parent and Family Engagement Requirements. (Section 1116(b-c))
   a. School Parent and Family Engagement Policy.
   b. Shared Responsibilities for High Student Academic Achievement.
   c. Building Capacity for Involvement.

                                                                          Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:10 PM
                                                   Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708
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Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                 A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

                                                                    Federal Requirements - Schoolwide Program Elements

A. M. Story Intermediate conducts a Title I Schoolwide Program on the campus. The Schoolwide Elements are addressed in the Campus Improvement Plan under the following goals.

1. Conduct a Schoolwide Comprehensive Needs Assessment (SWP CNA).
 • Goal #1: Campus Performance Objectives Strategy
 • Goal #1: Foundation Program Strategy
 • Goal #1: Accelerated Instruction Strategy
 • Goal #2: Professional Development Program Strategy

2. Prepare a Comprehensive Improvement Plan (SWP CIP).
 • Goal #1: Accelerated Instruction Strategy
 • Goal #2: Professional Development Program Strategy
 • Goal #2: Recruitment and Retention Initiatives Strategy
 • Goal #3: Safe Schools Initiatives Strategy
 • Goal #3: Counseling Responsive Services Strategy
 • Goal #5: Career Guidance and Counseling Strategy

3. Conduct outreach to parents and family members and implement programs, activities, and procedures for the involvement of parents and family members in programs. (SWP
 • Goal #4: Parent and Family Engagement Strategy
 • Goal #4: Shared Responsibility for High Student Academic Achievement Strategy
 • Goal #4: Building Capacity for Involvement Strategy

                                                                        Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:11 PM
                                                 Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708
                                                                                                                                                                                Page 1 of 1
Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                   A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

                                                                                     Needs Assessment Summary

Story Intermediate received a State Accountability Rating of Not Rated: Declared State of Disaster for 2020 to recognize that the closure of schools, in response to the COVID-19
pandemic, during the state’s testing window inhibited the ability of the state to accurately measure district and campus performance.

Story Intermediate received a State Accountability Rating of D from TEA in 2019.

Student Strengths and Needs (2019 STAAR Results):

Reading/ELA: 66% of All Students met the passing standard in Reading. Passing rates for other subgroups ranged from 80% for Asian students to 39% for Special Education

Math: 78% of All Students met the passing standard in Math. Passing rates for other subgroups ranged from 100% for Asian students to 43% for Special Education students.

Writing: Fourth grade students participated in the STAAR Writing test. 51% of All Students met the passing standard in Writing. Passing rates for other subgroups ranged from 71%
for White students to 20% for Special Education students.

Science: Fifth grade students participated in the STAAR Science test. 59% of All Students met the passing standard in Science. Passing rates for other subgroups ranged from 82%
for students of Two or More Races to 39% for Special Education students.

Interventions: Story Intermediate students having difficulty are provided with supplemental instructional support. Tutorials are also available for students who need additional

Faculty and Staff: Professional development is encouraged for the staff, particularly focusing on areas where students are performing below district expectations. Both local and
supplemental funds are available to provide opportunities for participation in professional development.

                                                                           Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:13 PM
                                                   Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708
                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 1 of 1
Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                                            A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

  Goal: 1             Educate, empower, and communicate with all stakeholders to increase STAAR scores and provide a solid foundation in the core academic areas with an emphasis on
                      math/science and cross curricular writing skills to increase state assessment measures. (SWP CNA, CIP) [TEC §4.001(b)(3)(4)(7)]
       Objective(s): 4th-6th             We will structure the process of RtI (Response to Intervention) and deepen the understanding for parents and teachers.

       Implementation: Reform                           TimeLine                       Person(s)                     Resources / Allocation                   Formative Evaluation           Expected Outcome             Summative Evaluation
     Methodologies, Strategies and                                                    Responsible

Campus Performance Objectives                  8/2020 - 5/2021                Principal - David                Local Funds - Time                      Informal Assessment           The campus performance          Criterion-Referenced Test
(SWP CNA) - The Superintendent                                                Richardson                       Contributions of Committee              :Classroom Assessments-       objectives will support the     :STAAR Tests- 05/21: The
and Chair of the DPDMC will assist                                                                             Members                                 12/20: Increased academic     needs of the district and the   percent of students who
the Story Intermediate SBDMC with                                                                                                                      achievement on Benchmarks.    immediate needs of the          meet standard in Math and
guidance in setting the campus'                                                                                                                                                      campus.                         Reading will increase by 2%.
performance objectives. Districtwide
performance objectives are based on
data available through the
comprehensive needs assessment

After each benchmark (middle, and
end of year), data will be analyzed
and targeted intervention will begin.
Intervention will be provided by
special and general education
teachers and highly qualified

A. M. Story Intermediate will adopt
performance objectives reflective of
their students' unique needs.

Federal and State Mandated Testing             1/2021 - 5/2021                Principal - David                Local Funds - Assessment                Informal Assessment           Increased student               Criterion-Referenced Test
Program - A. M. Story Intermediate                                            Richardson                       Resources                               :Classroom Assessments -      achievement.                    :STAAR Tests- 05/21: The
participates in the State-Developed                                           Counselor - Melissa                                                      12/20: Increased academic                                     percent of students who
Testing Program that is consistent                                            Sheffield                                                                achievement on Benchmarks.                                    meet standard in Math and
with the regulations of Every Student                                                                                                                                                                                Reading will increase by 2%.
Succeeds Act (ESSA).

The State of Texas Assessments of
Academic Readiness (STAAR) tests
will measure Math and Reading
(grades 4 – 6), Writing (grade 4), and
Science (grade 5).

The STAAR program is aligned with
the State-Adopted Curriculum, the
Texas Essential Knowledge and
Skills (TEKS). Students will be
administered the appropriate
grade-level and subject-area STAAR
tests in line with the state issued
Student Assessment Calendar.

                                                                                                    Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:14 PM
                                                                     Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708                                                             Page 1 of 33
Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                                              A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

  Goal: 1              Educate, empower, and communicate with all stakeholders to increase STAAR scores and provide a solid foundation in the core academic areas with an emphasis on
                       math/science and cross curricular writing skills to increase state assessment measures. (SWP CNA, CIP) [TEC §4.001(b)(3)(4)(7)]
       Objective(s): 4th-6th               We will structure the process of RtI (Response to Intervention) and deepen the understanding for parents and teachers.

        Implementation: Reform                            TimeLine                       Person(s)                     Resources / Allocation                    Formative Evaluation          Expected Outcome        Summative Evaluation
      Methodologies, Strategies and                                                     Responsible

Foundation Program (SWP CNA) -                   8/2020 - 5/2021                Principal - David                State and Local Funds - Time              Informal Assessment          Increased student         Criterion-Referenced Test
Teachers and staff implement                                                    Richardson                       Contributions of Foundation               :Classroom Assessments-      achievement.              :STAAR Tests- 05/21: The
scientifically research-based                                                                                    Staff                                     12/20: Increased academic                              percent of students who
instructional strategies, activities and                                                                                                                   achievement on Benchmarks.                             meet standard in Math and
initiatives to increase the amount                                                                                                                                                                                Reading will increase by 2%.
and quality of learning time, promote
accelerated instruction and provide
educational enrichment to all
students. The educational system is
grounded in the state’s TEKS that
ensures the curriculum vertically
aligns and supports the
state-adopted assessment program.
This will provide opportunities for all
students to meet the state’s
proficient and advanced levels of
student performance.

  Local Assessments Instruments                  8/2020 - 5/2021                Counselor - Melissa              Federal - Title I, Part A -               Informal Assessment          Increased student         Criterion-Referenced Test
  (SWP CNA) - Students in 4th                                                   Sheffield                        Counseling                                :Classroom Assessments - -   achievement.              :STAAR Tests - - 05/21: The
  through 6th grade are given                                                                                    Resources/Assessments                     12/20: Increased academic                              percent of students who
  pre-assessments to determine if                                                                                                              $2,093.00   achievement on                                         meet standard in Math and
  they are performing on grade                                                                                                                             Benchmarks.                                            Reading will increase by 2%.
  level. These include the BOY,
  MOY, and EOY Benchmarks with
  a performance level of 70% and
  STAR Reading and Math; 5th
  STAAR Science passing rate of
  58 and 4th grade STAAR Writing
  passing rate of 56 indicate grade
  level performance.

  Throughout the year, formative
  assessments are given to
  students. These include
  Benchmark tests given twice a
  year, STAR Reading and Math
  given once a year and classroom
  assessments given every six

                                                                                                      Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:14 PM
                                                                       Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708                                                        Page 2 of 33
Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                                             A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

  Goal: 1             Educate, empower, and communicate with all stakeholders to increase STAAR scores and provide a solid foundation in the core academic areas with an emphasis on
                      math/science and cross curricular writing skills to increase state assessment measures. (SWP CNA, CIP) [TEC §4.001(b)(3)(4)(7)]
      Objective(s): 4th-6th              We will structure the process of RtI (Response to Intervention) and deepen the understanding for parents and teachers.

       Implementation: Reform                           TimeLine                       Person(s)                     Resources / Allocation                   Formative Evaluation          Expected Outcome        Summative Evaluation
     Methodologies, Strategies and                                                    Responsible

Accelerated Instruction (SWP CIP) -            8/2020 - 5/2021                Assistant Principal -            Local Funds - Time                                                    Increased student         Documents :School
Palestine ISD uses the student                                                Laura Jones                      Contributions of Staff                                                achievement.              Records- 05/21: 100% of
performance data resulting from the                                                                                                                                                                            At-Risk students are
basic skills assessment instruments                                                                                                                                                                            identified in a timely manner
and achievement tests to design and                                                                                                                                                                            and appropriate programs
implement appropriate                                                                                                                                                                                          and interventions
compensatory, intensive, or                                                                                                                                                                                    implemented.
accelerated instructional services for
students that enable them to be
performing at grade level at the
conclusion of the next regular school

Students receiving assistance under
SCE are identified using the State
criteria defined under TEC Section
29.081 – Revised 2019 or local
criteria that have been approved by
the school board.

Students receiving assistance under
Title I, Part A are those students
failing or most at-risk of failing to
meet the state’s academic
achievement standards. Schoolwide
programs meet the educational
needs of all children, particularly
those identified as having the
greatest needs.

                                                                                                      Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:14 PM
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Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                                         A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

Goal: 1             Educate, empower, and communicate with all stakeholders to increase STAAR scores and provide a solid foundation in the core academic areas with an emphasis on
                    math/science and cross curricular writing skills to increase state assessment measures. (SWP CNA, CIP) [TEC §4.001(b)(3)(4)(7)]
     Objective(s): 4th-6th            We will structure the process of RtI (Response to Intervention) and deepen the understanding for parents and teachers.

     Implementation: Reform                          TimeLine                       Person(s)                     Resources / Allocation                   Formative Evaluation          Expected Outcome        Summative Evaluation
   Methodologies, Strategies and                                                   Responsible

Supplemental Activities - Story             8/2020 - 5/2021                Principal - David                Federal - Title I, Part A -             Informal Assessment           Increased student         Criterion-Referenced Test
Intermediate provides several                                              Richardson                       Supplemental Instructional              :Classroom Assessments - -    achievement.              :STAAR Tests - - 05/21: The
supplemental activities to support                                                                          Resources                               12/20: Increased academic                               percent of students who will
students who are at risk.                                                                                                              $34,780.85   achievement on                                          meet or master grade level in
                                                                                                                                                    Benchmarks.                                             Reading will increase from
These include daily 30 minute                                                                                                                                                                               39% to 42% and in Math will
supplemental pullout classes.                                                                               State - State Compensatory                                                                      increase from 49% to 52%.
These classes are for students                                                                              Education (SCE) - Time
who are below grade level in                                                                                Contribution of Instructional
Reading. They will continue to                                                                              Support Teacher
receive services until they attain                                                                          FTE:          1.00
one grade level improvement.                                                                                                         $63,337.86

Supplemental computer assisted
instruction is available in Reading                                                                         State - State Compensatory
and Math for 4th through 6th                                                                                Education (SCE) - Time
grade students for 30 minutes a                                                                             Contributions of Tutorial
day throughout the year.                                                                                    Teachers
Programs used include iStation,                                                                                                      $51,100.00
Education Galaxy, Online
textbooks, Benchmark Universe,
Khan Academy and one-one use
of iPad Minis.

Supplemental STAAR support
classes are available in Reading
and Math for students in fourth
grade through sixth grade who
have failed a STAAR test. These
classes will meet daily for 30
minutes and provide individualized
instruction to students who are
experiencing difficulty and need
supplemental assistance prior to
the administration of the STAAR

A Tutorial program is available to
students in grades 4 – 6 who are
performing below grade level
Tutorials are available to students
in Reading and Math for one hour
before school and after school.

                                                                                                Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:14 PM
                                                                  Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708                                                       Page 4 of 33
Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                                            A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

  Goal: 1             Educate, empower, and communicate with all stakeholders to increase STAAR scores and provide a solid foundation in the core academic areas with an emphasis on
                      math/science and cross curricular writing skills to increase state assessment measures. (SWP CNA, CIP) [TEC §4.001(b)(3)(4)(7)]
       Objective(s): 4th-6th             We will structure the process of RtI (Response to Intervention) and deepen the understanding for parents and teachers.

       Implementation: Reform                           TimeLine                       Person(s)                     Resources / Allocation                   Formative Evaluation                 Expected Outcome           Summative Evaluation
     Methodologies, Strategies and                                                    Responsible

  Summer Program - Summer                      June 2021                      Principal - David                Local Funds - Time                                                          Increased student             Informal Assessment
  school is available in Reading and                                          Richardson                       Contributions of Summer                                                     achievement.                  :Classroom Assessments - -
  Math to students who have either                                                                             Summer School Staff                                                                                       06/21: Successful
  failed a STAAR test or a core                                                                                                                                                                                          completion of 4 week
  subject area class. The Summer                                                                                                                                                                                         summer session.
  session is four weeks long and will
  provide Individualized instructional
  assistance to students, making
  every effort to ensure that
  students fulfill requirements for
  advancement to the next grade
  level. The staff will use
  re-teaching strategies, including a
  multi-sensory approach to
  enhance the regular program of

Special Education Program - Special            8/2020 - 5/2021                Principal - David                State - Special Education               Documents :Student Records-         Students with disabilities    Informal Assessment
education services shall be provided                                          Richardson                       Block Grant - Time                      12/20: 100% of the students         have every opportunity to     :Classroom Assessments-
to eligible students in accordance                                                                             Contributions of Special                with disabilities will be meeting   meet their full educational   05/21: 100% of the students
with all applicable federal law and                                                                            Education Staff                         their mastery percentages, as       potential.                    with disabilities will be
regulations, state statutes, rules of                                                                                                                  dictated by their IEPs.                                           meeting their mastery
the State Board of Education                                                                                                                                                                                             percentages, as dictated by
(SBOE) and commissioner of                                                                                                                                                                                               their IEPs, and will pass the
education, and the State Plan under                                                                                                                                                                                      State required assessment
Part B of the Individuals with                                                                                                                                                                                           instrument at the end of the
Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).                                                                                                                                                                                       school year.

                                                                                                   Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:14 PM
                                                                     Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708                                                                  Page 5 of 33
Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                                           A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

Goal: 1              Educate, empower, and communicate with all stakeholders to increase STAAR scores and provide a solid foundation in the core academic areas with an emphasis on
                     math/science and cross curricular writing skills to increase state assessment measures. (SWP CNA, CIP) [TEC §4.001(b)(3)(4)(7)]
     Objective(s): 4th-6th              We will structure the process of RtI (Response to Intervention) and deepen the understanding for parents and teachers.

     Implementation: Reform                            TimeLine                       Person(s)                     Resources / Allocation                   Formative Evaluation          Expected Outcome        Summative Evaluation
   Methodologies, Strategies and                                                     Responsible

Special Education Assessment -                8/2020 - 5/2021                Principal - David                State and Local Funds -                                               Increased student         Documents :School Records
A student will be referred for a full                                        Richardson                       Assessment Instruments                                                achievement.              - - 05/21: 100% of all
and individual initial evaluation for                                                                                                                                                                         referrals for Special
possible Special Education                                                                                                                                                                                    Education services have
Services when there is sufficient                                                                                                                                                                             proceeded through the
documentation that the student                                                                                                                                                                                process in compliance with
continues to experience difficulty                                                                                                                                                                            federal regulation and
in the general classroom after the                                                                                                                                                                            Commissioner Rules.
provision of intervention strategies
and activities. If a student is
unable to speak and comprehend
English, a member of the
Language Proficiency
Assessment Committee (LPAC)
participates in a pre-referral.

The referral may be initiated by
school personnel, the student's
parents or legal guardian, or
another person involved in the
education or care of the student.
School personnel will complete
the referral in accordance with
Texas Education Code (TEC)
§29.004, related to the 45
calendar day time line.

Evaluation instruments will be
unbiased by gender, ethnicity,
country of origin, socio-economic
factors, language or hearing

Evaluations include:
 * Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children (WISC V)
 * Kaufman Test of Educational
Achievement, Third Edition
 * Wechsler individual
Achievement Test Third Edition
 * Woodcock Johnson IV
Cognitive, Oral Language,
Achievement Tests
Reevaluation will occur no less
than every three years. The ARD
Committee will meet to review
existing data and determine the
scope of the reevaluation.

                                                                                                  Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:14 PM
                                                                    Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708                                                     Page 6 of 33
Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                                          A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

Goal: 1             Educate, empower, and communicate with all stakeholders to increase STAAR scores and provide a solid foundation in the core academic areas with an emphasis on
                    math/science and cross curricular writing skills to increase state assessment measures. (SWP CNA, CIP) [TEC §4.001(b)(3)(4)(7)]
     Objective(s): 4th-6th             We will structure the process of RtI (Response to Intervention) and deepen the understanding for parents and teachers.

     Implementation: Reform                           TimeLine                       Person(s)                     Resources / Allocation                   Formative Evaluation          Expected Outcome        Summative Evaluation
   Methodologies, Strategies and                                                    Responsible

Special Education Modifications -            8/2020 - 5/2021                Principal - David                State and Local Funds - Time            Informal Assessment           Increased student         Informal Assessment
Palestine ISD provides a range of                                           Richardson                       Contributions of Special                :Classroom Assessments - -    achievement.              :Classroom Assessments - -
educational programs and                                                                                     Education Staff                         12/20: 100% of the students                             05/21: 100% of the students
different instructional                                                                                                                              with disabilities will be                               with disabilities will be
arrangements for students with                                                                                                                       meeting their mastery                                   meeting their mastery
disabilities. The appropriate                                                                                                                        percentages, as dictated by                             percentages, as dictated by
instructional setting will be                                                                                                                        their IEPs.                                             their IEPs, and will pass the
determined for each student by                                                                                                                                                                               State required assessment
ARD committees.                                                                                                                                                                                              instrument at the end of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                             school year.
Life Skills classes and Resource
classes are available for students.
Mainstreamed students are
monitored by the Special
Education teachers. Each regular
education teacher is provided a
copy of their students’ IEPs. If the
ARD Committee deems it
advantageous, students with
disabilities are ARDed into
Special Programs classes, i.e.,
State Compensatory Education
and Title I, Part A. The “Least
Restrictive Environment” required
for academic success is always a
main consideration.

Students receiving Special
Education services in grades 4 - 6
will participate in the Texas
Assessment program. The
individual student's ARD
committee will determine which
assessments will be appropriate.

b) STAAR Alternate 2- an
alternate measurement for
students with significant cognitive
disabilities who meet participation

                                                                                                 Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:14 PM
                                                                   Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708                                                        Page 7 of 33
Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                                            A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

  Goal: 1             Educate, empower, and communicate with all stakeholders to increase STAAR scores and provide a solid foundation in the core academic areas with an emphasis on
                      math/science and cross curricular writing skills to increase state assessment measures. (SWP CNA, CIP) [TEC §4.001(b)(3)(4)(7)]
       Objective(s): 4th-6th             We will structure the process of RtI (Response to Intervention) and deepen the understanding for parents and teachers.

       Implementation: Reform                           TimeLine                       Person(s)                     Resources / Allocation                   Formative Evaluation           Expected Outcome        Summative Evaluation
     Methodologies, Strategies and                                                    Responsible

  Related Services - The ARD                   8/2020 - 5/2021                Principal - David                State and Local Funds - Time                                           Increased student         Documents :Student
  committee assures that the need                                             Richardson                       Contributions of Related                                              achievement.               Records - - 05/21: 100% of
  for related services is considered                                                                           Services Personnel                                                                               the students with disabilities
  for each student with disabilities                                                                                                                                                                            are receiving Related
  and there is evidence of the link                                                                                                                                                                             Services, as dictated in their
  between the need for the related                                                                                                                                                                              IEPs.
  service and educational benefit to
  the student.

  Related Services are provided to
  all students for the time specified
  in their IEPs, with gaps in services
  made up in a timely manner.
  These services may include
  Occupational Therapy, Physical
  Therapy, Speech Therapy,
  Visually Impaired Services,
  Assistive Technology Specialist,
  Orientation and Mobility Specialist,
  Parent Trainer, Autism Specialist
  and Transportation.

English Learner Program - Story                8/2020 - 5/2021                Principal - David                State and Local Funds - Time            See Activities Below.         Increased student          See Activities Below.
Intermediate offers an ESL program                                            Richardson                       Contributions of ESL Staff                                            achievement.
whose goal whose goal is to enable                                            Counselor - Melissa
English Learners (EL) to become                                               Sheffield
competent in the comprehension,
speaking, reading, and composition
of the English language through the
integrated use of second language
methods. The ESL program shall
emphasize the mastery of English
language skills, as well as
mathematics, science and social
studies, as integral parts of the
academic goals for all students to
enable EL to participate equitably in

                                                                                                    Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:14 PM
                                                                     Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708                                                           Page 8 of 33
Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                                        A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

Goal: 1            Educate, empower, and communicate with all stakeholders to increase STAAR scores and provide a solid foundation in the core academic areas with an emphasis on
                   math/science and cross curricular writing skills to increase state assessment measures. (SWP CNA, CIP) [TEC §4.001(b)(3)(4)(7)]
     Objective(s): 4th-6th           We will structure the process of RtI (Response to Intervention) and deepen the understanding for parents and teachers.

     Implementation: Reform                         TimeLine                       Person(s)                     Resources / Allocation                   Formative Evaluation          Expected Outcome             Summative Evaluation
   Methodologies, Strategies and                                                  Responsible

EL Assessment - Within four                8/2020 - 5/2021                Principal - David                Local Funds - Assessment                Informal Assessment           Significant increase in ELs'   Informal Assessment
weeks of a student’s enrollment, a                                        Richardson                       Resources                               :Classroom Assessments - -    oral, verbal and written       :Classroom Assessments - -
home language survey (HLS) is                                             Counselor - Melissa                                                      12/20: Increase in the        language proficiency, as       05/21: 90% of students
conducted to determine the                                                Sheffield                                                                number of students passing    assessment results help LPAC   passing formal and informal
language normally used in the                                                                                                                      formal and informal           determine appropriate ESL      assessment instruments.
home and by the student. The                                                                                                                       assessment instruments, as    placement.
HLS is filed in each student’s                                                                                                                     well as computer-adapted
permanent record folder.                                                                                                                           assessments, as the
                                                                                                                                                   assessment and intervention
Identification assessments are                                                                                                                     process is refined.
administered to students to
provide information needed for
identification, placement and
re-designation of ELs. LAS Links
(listening, speaking, reading, &
writing components) is
administered to students in 4th
through 6th grade.

The Language Proficiency
Assessment Committee (LPAC) –
comprised of a professional
bilingual educator, a professional
transitional language educator, a
parent of an EL who is not
employed by the district, and a
campus administrator – prescribes
the appropriate ESL or Bilingual

Modifications for EL students -            8/2020 - 5/2021                Principal - David                State and Local Funds - Time            Informal Assessment           Students exiting EL            Criterion-Referenced Test
Story Intermediate offers a                                               Richardson                       Contributions of ESL Staff              :Classroom Assessments - -    designation by LPAC.           :STAAR Tests - - 05/21: The
content-based ESL program,                                                                                                                         12/20: Increase academic                                     percent of students who
which is an English program that                                                                                                                   achievement on                                               meet standard in Math and
                                                                                                           Federal - Title III, Part A ELA -
serves EL in English only by                                                                                                                       benchmarks.                                                  Reading will increase by 2%.
                                                                                                           Supplemental ESL Reousrces
providing full-time ESL certified
teachers to provide supplementary
instruction for all content area

The LPAC prescribes the
academic achievement test that
will be administered to each
* STAAR Spanish
* STAAR Alternate 2.

                                                                                                Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:14 PM
                                                                 Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708                                                            Page 9 of 33
Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                                         A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

Goal: 1            Educate, empower, and communicate with all stakeholders to increase STAAR scores and provide a solid foundation in the core academic areas with an emphasis on
                   math/science and cross curricular writing skills to increase state assessment measures. (SWP CNA, CIP) [TEC §4.001(b)(3)(4)(7)]
     Objective(s): 4th-6th            We will structure the process of RtI (Response to Intervention) and deepen the understanding for parents and teachers.

     Implementation: Reform                          TimeLine                       Person(s)                     Resources / Allocation                   Formative Evaluation          Expected Outcome        Summative Evaluation
   Methodologies, Strategies and                                                   Responsible

Program Exit Criteria - Exit                8/2020 - 5/2021                Principal - David                State and Local Funds - Time            Informal Assessment           Students exiting EL       Criterion-Referenced Test
criteria are applicable to students                                        Richardson                       Contributions of ESL Staff              :Classroom Assessments - -    designation by LPAC.      :STAAR Tests - - 05/21: The
in grades 4 – 6 who are identified                                         Counselor - Melissa                                                      12/20: Increase academic                                percent of students who
as Bilingual, ESL or Parental                                              Sheffield                                                                achievement on                                          meet standard in Math and
Denials. A parent and/or guardian                                                                                                                   benchmarks.                                             Reading will increase by 2%.
must sign the exit
notification/parent permission form
before a student is exited from the
ESL program.

The LPAC reviews each student’s
progress at the end of the school
year in order to determine future
appropriate placement. The
following criteria will be used to
determine whether a student is
academically successful:
   * English Language Proficiency:
Grades 4 – 6: Score Advanced
High on TELPAS in Listening,
Speaking, Reading, and Writing.
   * Grades 4 – 6: Meet passing
standard on the STAAR Reading
  * the results of a subjective
teacher evaluation using the
state’s standardized rubric.

The LPAC will monitor students
who exit the ESL program for two
years. The scores from state
approved achievement test(s) - if
administered, criterion-referenced
tests in reading and/or writing,
local assessments, English
proficiency tests, teacher
observations, parental viewpoints
and records noting academic
progress will be used. If the
student demonstrates inadequate
English proficiency at any time
during the two year monitoring
period, the student will be
readmitted to the ESL program as
prescribed by the LPAC.

                                                                                                 Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:14 PM
                                                                  Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708                                                     Page 10 of 33
Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                                            A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

  Goal: 1             Educate, empower, and communicate with all stakeholders to increase STAAR scores and provide a solid foundation in the core academic areas with an emphasis on
                      math/science and cross curricular writing skills to increase state assessment measures. (SWP CNA, CIP) [TEC §4.001(b)(3)(4)(7)]
      Objective(s): 4th-6th              We will structure the process of RtI (Response to Intervention) and deepen the understanding for parents and teachers.

       Implementation: Reform                           TimeLine                       Person(s)                     Resources / Allocation                   Formative Evaluation            Expected Outcome        Summative Evaluation
     Methodologies, Strategies and                                                    Responsible

Dyslexia Program - The district                8/2020 - 5/2021                Dyslexia Coordinator -           State and Local Funds - Time            Documents :Student Records-     Increased student         Criterion-Referenced Test
Dyslexia Coordinator coordinates the                                          Melanie Jackson                  Contributions of Staff                  12/20: 100% of all students     achievement.              :STAAR Reading Test-
identification of students with                                                                                                                        will have made appropriate                                05/21: The percent of
dyslexia with the individual                                                                                                                           progress through the Dyslexia                             students who will meet or
campuses. Children are given                                                                                                                           program, as reflected in                                  master grade level in
several assessments that measure                                                                                                                       student grade reports.                                    Reading will
the level of phonological awareness,                                                                                                                                                                             increase from 39% to 42%.
the knowledge of letter names and
sound, the ability to read and decode
single words in isolation,
understanding of what they read,
understanding of what is read to
them and how well they are able to
organize and sequence thoughts in
writing. Assessments used include
Comprehensive Test of Phonological
Processing (CTOPP), Gray Oral
Reading Test, Woodcock Reading
Mastery Tests, Third Edition (WRMT
III), and Test of Written spelling 5th
Edition (TWS – 5).

The Section 504 Committee receives
the results of the evaluation and
determines the most appropriate
instruction program for the child, and
develops an individual education
plan for him/her that will include any
modifications or accommodations
that may be needed. 504 meetings
are held yearly and parents are
welcome to attend.

                                                                                                   Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:14 PM
                                                                     Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708                                                      Page 11 of 33
Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                                          A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

Goal: 1             Educate, empower, and communicate with all stakeholders to increase STAAR scores and provide a solid foundation in the core academic areas with an emphasis on
                    math/science and cross curricular writing skills to increase state assessment measures. (SWP CNA, CIP) [TEC §4.001(b)(3)(4)(7)]
     Objective(s): 4th-6th             We will structure the process of RtI (Response to Intervention) and deepen the understanding for parents and teachers.

     Implementation: Reform                           TimeLine                       Person(s)                     Resources / Allocation                   Formative Evaluation          Expected Outcome        Summative Evaluation
   Methodologies, Strategies and                                                    Responsible

Dyslexia Modifications - At Story            8/2020 - 5/2021                Dyslexia Coordinator -           State and Local Funds - Time            Informal Assessment           Increased student         Criterion-Referenced Test
Intermediate, students who are                                              Melanie Jackson                  Contributions of Staff                  :Classroom Assessments - -    achievement.              :STAAR Reading Test - -
identified as having dyslexia are                                                                                                                    12/20: 80% of students will                             05/21: The percent of
provided a reading intervention                                                                                                                      demonstrate improved                                    students who meet standard
                                                                                                             State - Dyslexia Allotment -
program that is individualized to                                                                                                                    reading and comprehension                               in Reading will increase by
                                                                                                             Dyslexia Resources
meet the unique learning needs of                                                                                                                    skills.                                                 2%.
the student.

Monitored students not
progressing in line with their peers
may be recommended for
reevaluation; and if necessary a
more intensive specialized
program will be prescribed.

The program that is used is the
Multisensory Teaching Approach
(MTA). It is a sequential program
designed specifically for student to
develop their language skills.

Identified students in grades 4 - 6
participate in a daily 35 minute
Pullout Program.

                                                                                                 Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:14 PM
                                                                   Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708                                                     Page 12 of 33
Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                                           A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

  Goal: 1             Educate, empower, and communicate with all stakeholders to increase STAAR scores and provide a solid foundation in the core academic areas with an emphasis on
                      math/science and cross curricular writing skills to increase state assessment measures. (SWP CNA, CIP) [TEC §4.001(b)(3)(4)(7)]
      Objective(s): 4th-6th             We will structure the process of RtI (Response to Intervention) and deepen the understanding for parents and teachers.

       Implementation: Reform                          TimeLine                       Person(s)                     Resources / Allocation                   Formative Evaluation          Expected Outcome        Summative Evaluation
     Methodologies, Strategies and                                                   Responsible

504 Program - Students classified             8/2020 - 5/2021                Counselor - Melissa              State - State Compensatory                                            Increased student         Documents :Counseling
as 504 are those who have a                                                  Sheffield                        Education (SCE) - Time                                                achievement.              Records- 05/21: 100% of the
physical or mental impairment which                                                                           Contributions of Counselor                                                                      students identified as 504
limits a major life activity such as                                                                                                                                                                          have had their individual
learning, self-care, walking, seeing,                                                                                                                                                                         needs diagnosed
hearing, speaking, breathing,                                                                                                                                                                                 appropriately and are
working and performing manual                                                                                                                                                                                 receiving timely and
tasks, as well as an academic need.                                                                                                                                                                           appropriate assistance, per
Assessments are administered if                                                                                                                                                                               counselor records.
students are demonstrating chronic
difficulties unresponsive to
intervention strategies to determine
need for ARD or 504 determinations.

The educational program for a
Section 504 student will be modified
to meet the individual needs as
identified by assessment data.

Testing accommodations may
include the following: Individual or
small group administration,
projection devices, manipulating test
materials, supplemental aides,
Oral/signed administration, extra
time, large print and other
accommodation per Section 504
Committee decisions.

Environmental accommodations may
also be made for students. These
may include: Change student
seating as needed for the situation,
early release from class, adapt
environment to avoid distractions,
alter supplies for easier access,
other accommodations per Section
504 Committee decisions.

STAAR requirements do not provide
for exemptions of Section 504
students from mastery of the TEKS.

                                                                                                   Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:14 PM
                                                                    Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708                                                    Page 13 of 33
Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                                               A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

  Goal: 1              Educate, empower, and communicate with all stakeholders to increase STAAR scores and provide a solid foundation in the core academic areas with an emphasis on
                       math/science and cross curricular writing skills to increase state assessment measures. (SWP CNA, CIP) [TEC §4.001(b)(3)(4)(7)]
       Objective(s): 4th-6th                We will structure the process of RtI (Response to Intervention) and deepen the understanding for parents and teachers.

        Implementation: Reform                             TimeLine                       Person(s)                     Resources / Allocation                   Formative Evaluation               Expected Outcome        Summative Evaluation
      Methodologies, Strategies and                                                      Responsible

Gifted and Talented (G/T) Program -               8/2020 - 5/2021                Counselor - Melissa              State and Local Funds - Time            Documents :Student Records-        Increased student         Informal Assessment
Palestine ISD has adopted a process                                              Sheffield                        Contributions of Staff                  12/20: All students referred for   achievement.              :Classroom Assessments-
for identifying and serving G/T                                                                                                                           consideration have completed                                 05/21: 100% of the G/T
students who are defined as a child                                                                                                                       the process in a timely manner                               students will achieve scores
or youth who performs at or shows                                                                                                                         and those identified as G/T are                              within the 95% to 100%
the potential for performing at a                                                                                                                         offered the opportunity to                                   range on assessment
remarkably high level of                                                                                                                                  participate in the program, per                              instruments administered at
accomplishment when compared to                                                                                                                           Counselor Records.                                           the end of the year.
others of the same age, experience,
or environment and who: 1) exhibits
high performance capability in an
intellectual, creative, or artistic area;
2) possesses an unusual capacity for
leadership; or (3) excels in a specific
academic field.

  G/T Assessments - New students                  8/2020 - 5/2021                Counselor - Melissa              State - State Compensatory                                                 Increased student         Documents :School Records
  and current students are identified                                            Sheffield                        Education (SCE) - Time                                                     achievement.              - - 05/21: 100% of students
  in the fall, while transfer students                                                                            Contributions of Counselor                                                                           nominated for gifted and
  will have their data from the                                                                                                                                                                                        talented have been screened
  previous district reviewed.                                                                                                                                                                                          and if identified, receive
  Students go through a nomination                                                                                                                                                                                     services commensurate with
  and assessment process for G/T                                                                                                                                                                                       their abilities.
  identification that includes a
  minimum of 3 appropriate criteria
  that include both qualitative and
  quantitative measures. Final
  selection of students for services
  is made by a committee of at least
  three local district or campus
  educators who have received
  training in the nature and needs of
  gifted students (19 TAC §89.1).

  Criteria include teacher
  recommendations, parent
  nominations and community

  Coordinator’s records indicate all
  students referred for consideration
  have completed the process in a
  timely manner.

                                                                                                       Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:14 PM
                                                                        Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708                                                           Page 14 of 33
Campus Improvement Plan
                                                                                                          A. M. Story Intermediate School 2020-2021

  Goal: 1            Educate, empower, and communicate with all stakeholders to increase STAAR scores and provide a solid foundation in the core academic areas with an emphasis on
                     math/science and cross curricular writing skills to increase state assessment measures. (SWP CNA, CIP) [TEC §4.001(b)(3)(4)(7)]
       Objective(s): 4th-6th           We will structure the process of RtI (Response to Intervention) and deepen the understanding for parents and teachers.

       Implementation: Reform                         TimeLine                       Person(s)                     Resources / Allocation                   Formative Evaluation             Expected Outcome        Summative Evaluation
     Methodologies, Strategies and                                                  Responsible

  G/T Modifications - G/T students           8/2020 - 5/2021                Counselor - Melissa              State and Local Funds - Time            Documents :Counseling            Increased student         Criterion-Referenced Test
  are served by an Honors Launch                                            Sheffield                        Contributions of Staff                  Records - - 12/20: All           achievement.              :STAAR Tests - - 05/21:
  class. The program provides a                                                                                                                      students referred for                                      100% of the G/T students
  differentiated curriculum and an                                                                                                                   consideration have                                         will achieve scores within the
  array of learning opportunities                                                                                                                    completed the process in a                                 95% to 100% range on
  emphasizing content in the four                                                                                                                    timely manner and those                                    assessment instruments
  major core areas. Pre AP classes                                                                                                                   identified as G/T are offered                              administered at the end of
  are available for 6th grade                                                                                                                        the opportunity to participate                             the year.
  students.                                                                                                                                          in the program, per
                                                                                                                                                     Counselor Records.

Ancillary Services - Palestine ISD           8/2020 - 5/2021                Principal - David                State and Local Funds - Time                                             Increased student         Criterion-Referenced Test
provides Ancillary Services or                                              Richardson                       Contributions of Ancillary Staff                                         achievement.              :STAAR Tests- 05/21: The
“related services to all students to                                                                                                                                                                            percent of students who
ensure that variables beyond their                                                                                                                                                                              meet standard in Math and
control do not compromise academic                                                                                                                                                                              Reading will increase by 2%.
performance or compel them to drop
out of school.

  Counseling Services - The School           8/2020 - 5/2021                Counselor - Melissa              State - State Compensatory              Documents :Counseling            Increased student         Criterion-Referenced Test
  Counselor provides the following                                          Sheffield                        Education (SCE) - Time                  Records - - 12/20: The           achievement.              :STAAR Tests - - 05/21: The
  services:                                                                                                  Contributions of Counselor              Counselor’s records indicate                               percent of students who
  * 1:1 and small group counseling                                                                           FTE:          1.00                      that students referred for                                 meet standard in Math and
  sessions,                                                                                                                                          assistance have been                                       Reading will increase by 2%.
  * Focused informal groups -                                                                                                                        contacted and as
  behavior, attendance,                                                                                                                              appropriate, received
  * Assistance with testing                                                                                                                          assistance. The Counselor
  coordination,                                                                                                                                      has completed the Calendar
  * STAAR presentations,                                                                                                                             of Events and Activities for
  * Parent Training, and                                                                                                                             the first semester and has
  * Individual student planning.                                                                                                                     appropriate evaluation data
                                                                                                                                                     to measure the effectiveness
                                                                                                                                                     of each major activity or
                                                                                                                                                     and/or intervention.

                                                                                                  Generated on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 1:55:14 PM
                                                                   Copyright © Attila Software Productions 1996-2020 PO Box 2157 – Manchaca, TX 78652 – Phone: 866-451-9708                                                         Page 15 of 33
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