Parent Handbook FAITH FELLOWSHIP SCHOOL 2020-2021

Page created by Louis Page
Establishing The Kingdom Of God With A New Generation

    Parent Handbook

               Establishing The Kingdom Of God With A New Generation

Faith Fellowship School is a ministry of Faith Church of the Redlands (FCR)

                           Pastor Vinnie Kelso
                          FCR Board President


                Mr. Glenn Dunn            Mrs. Laura Dunn
                  Principal               Vice-Principal

                             School Hours
                Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays
                          8:15 am to 3:00 pm
                          8:15 am to 2:00 pm

                          School Office Hours
                Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays
                           8:15 am to 3:30 pm
                           8:15 am to 2:30 pm

                      FAITH FELLOWSHIP SCHOOL
                     Establishing The Kingdom Of God With A New Generation

Dear Families,

I want to welcome you to our family of believers who are truly seeking God’s best for you and
your family. We believe that God has allowed us the opportunity to assist you in “training your
child in the way they should go.” (Proverbs 22:6) Also, please know that we are here to serve
you as well. We offer to walk with you and provide spiritual guidance as we seek to lift up the
name of Jesus. If this is your first year with us, I'm looking forward to getting to know you and
your family. I am anticipating the great things that God has in store for us this year!

It is our goal to assist you and your child to determine and develop the gifts and the talents that
they were designed to experience. It is my prayer that our students will be a tremendous impact
for the kingdom of God and the community.


Vinnie Kelso

                    28945 SW 187th Ave. Homestead, FL 33030 (P) 305.246.5534

                     FAITH FELLOWSHIP SCHOOL
                    Establishing The Kingdom Of God With A New Generation

Our Vision
Our goal is to train our students with Bible based teachings to serve others and show leadership,
reaching out to this world and its needs, and to help the students reach their spiritual, intellectual,
physical and social potential.

Our Mission Statement
Faith Fellowship School is a ministry of Faith Church of the Redlands, called by God to serve
our community. We train the students in the way they should go by teaching them God’s
commandments diligently through every opportunity we have in our educational and therapeutic
environment. The teachers and staff teach the students in the knowledge of God, investing and
sharing their gifts, talents, education, and resources with the families of our school in a safe
Christian environment. Our goal is to train our students with Bible based teachings to serve
others and show leadership reaching out to this world and its needs and to help the students reach
their spiritual, intellectual, physical and social potential.

The Bible is the foundation of our ministry and we believe that God called us to be his tools to
partnership with the parents.

Our History
Faith Fellowship School is a vision from God’s heart that flourished as a response to the need of
the families of Faith Church of the Redlands, whom in their commitment to God felt the
responsibility to raise their children in the knowledge and fear of God; to be the light of the
world. Our families have the conviction that God has ordained that parents are primarily
responsible for the education of their children. We believe that God has sent to our organization
suitable people as a result of His calling to partner with the parents in the education of their

Our Statement of Faith
Faith Fellowship School is a ministry of Faith Church of the Redlands; we formulate the
following declaration (Luke 1:1). We pray that there not be harmful or divisive differences of the
belief which may injure any person or create a disturbance of peace and harmony of the church
or any of its ministries, and that we all may be of the same mind and the same judgment,
Speaking the same things in love, with one voice glorifying God, edifying His people and giving
Christian witness to the world. (1 Corinthians 1:10; Acts 2:42).

We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God, and as such, is our final authority in
all matters of faith and doctrine. (2 Timothy. 3:16; Hebrews 4:12; 1 Peter 1:23-25; 2 Peter

We believe in one God manifest in Three Persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Matt. 3:16;

We believe that man, in his natural state, is a sinner, lost, undone, without hope, and without
God. (Rom. 3:23; Ephesians 2:1-2, 12)

We believe the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His
suffering and atoning death through His shed blood, His bodily resurrection and His ascension to
the right hand of God the Father. (Philippians 2:5-12)

We acknowledge the Holy Spirit to be an equal Person of the Godhead, whose work is to convict
of sin, constrain to Christ, confirm in righteousness, and continually indwell the believer. (John
16:8-11; Romans 8:9; 1 Corinthians 12-12-14; 2 Corinthians 3:6; Ephesians 1:13-14)

We believe that salvation of God is received only by undeserved favor (from God) through faith
in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ and is NOT of man's works or efforts. Works are
excluded except as fruit of salvation. (Romans 5:1; Ephesians 2:8-10)

We believe in the two ordinances of the Church:
1. Baptism by immersion, as a testimony of the believer's obedience to Christ, but NOT as a pre-
requisite or requirement for salvation (Acts 8:36-39)
2. THE LORD'S SUPPER (Breaking of bread and communion) to be observed as a memorial of
our Lord's death, burial, and resurrection (Luke 22:14-20)

We believe in an organization known as the Church, which constitutes all true Believers in
Christ: In the priesthood of all Believers; In the gifts of the Holy Spirit to the church; in the fact
that Christ ALONE is the Head Of The Church and is to be given pre-eminence. (Ephesians
5:22-32; 1 Timothy 3:15; 1 Peter 2:9-10; Romans 12:6; Col 1:18).

We believe in the imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ to receive His own people to the
eternal joys of Heaven; and in the ultimate eternal damnation of the souls of all Christ-rejecters
to a lost eternity in Hell. (Acts 1:10-11; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10;
Revelation 1:7)

We believe that it is God's will that we have fellowship with all other Christians of like faith
wherever they may be found, and to receive such into our fellowship, providing there is no
known sin or heresy which would bring the Gospel of Christ into disrepute. Our reception of
such is to be without regard for race, color, nationality, or social position. (Act 2:42-47)

We believe in obeying the Great Commission. Therefore, we will work for evangelism and the
growth of churches at home and abroad. (Matt 28:18-20)

                              POLICIES AND PROCEDURES

Parental Requirements
   ● Faithfully comply with policies, procedures and payments.
   ● Attend the parent meetings (only one parent is required)
   ● Parents are responsible for the cost of curriculum, school supplies, field trips and
      activities in addition to the tuition and registration fee.
   ● Parents should not loiter on campus unless they have a special arrangement. Parents are
      invited to be on campus for authorized and designated purposes.
   ● Parents need to sign a release of liability.
   ● Parents are required to volunteer 20 hours per student or 30 hours if the parents have two
      or more students in FFS. The administration will assign, check and approve the volunteer
      hours. Although we prefer our parents to volunteer at school, we do accept a $10
      donation per hour to the school if the families are unable to volunteer their time.

Volunteer Responsibilities
   ● All full time and part time volunteer parents must be on campus for a specific time and
      duty pre-assigned by the Principal. Your position may be re-assigned according to the
      needs of the school program. Volunteers are not to be on the phone or talking with other
      parents during their volunteer assignment.
   ● Only parents assigned as volunteers may be in a class unless they have prior permission
      from the teacher.
   ● It is the volunteer parent’s responsibility to obtain a substitute in the event of planned
      absences or a last minute emergency.

   ● The volunteer parent needs to notify the vice-principal of any change in their schedule
     that affects their assignment.
   ● The volunteer parent must follow the dress code and the policies of the school at all

Accurate communication is very important for the overall success of our school and students.
FFS has implemented many ways of communication to make sure that our partnership with the
students’ families is effective. It is the parents’ responsibility to access the different ways of
communications that school has available for your convenience. FFS communicates through:
Class Dojo, classroom news/folder/letters/notes, emails, Facebook, flyers and letters, phone calls,
posters, teacher/parent conference, voice messages, website (,
and Wild Bright.

Dress and Conduct Code
We believe that “God is not a God of disorder but of peace” (1 Corinthians 14:33), and we
need to keep a Christian testimony in our appearance, attitudes, speech and behaviors. The Bible
tells us that: "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is
permissible"—but not everything is constructive. Nobody should seek his own good, but the
good of others (1 Corinthians 10: 23-24). For this reason the students, volunteers and staff of
Faith Fellowship School are expected to demonstrate neatness, cleanliness and modesty at all
times. Older children are expected to set an example of proper behavior and speech for the
younger ones.
      ❖ Please note: Students who come to school dressed inappropriately will be sent to the
           office until their parents can bring them the appropriate clothing or be picked up.

School Uniform is Mandatory. Dress code standards are in effect from the time students arrive
on campus until they leave. Physical Education (P.E.) uniform is Mandatory for third grade
(3rd) through twelfth grade (12th). The students in high school will be exempted after they
complete the two P.E. (2) credits required for graduation.

Daily Uniform
   ● Polo shirt in black, white or teal, embroidered with the school logo.
   ● Black or khaki uniform bottoms (uniform shorts, uniform pants, uniform capris, uniform
   ● Closed-Toed Shoes with laces or Velcro.
   ● Jackets and Sweaters MUST be the same as the school top solid colors (Black, White or

Physical Education Uniform:
   ● Teal T-shirt, printed with the school logo.
   ● Black mesh shorts, printed with the school logo.
   ● Athletic shoes.

Dress Code
   ● All clothing pieces must have a proper fit to the body size, and shall not be oversized or
   ● Jeans, cargo pants, cargo shorts, leggings, and joggings are prohibited.
   ● Jeans are not included in the uniform code.
   ● Crocs, Flip Flops, Slides, Sandals, Open-Toed Shoes, light up shoes, or roller shoes are
       not allowed.
   ● Shorts must be of modest, mid-thigh length for all ages, no exceptions.
   ● Clothing with holes, tears or inappropriate messages are not allowed.
   ● No excessive jewelry or any jewelry associated with rock music, the drug culture or
       playboy culture.
   ● Hair style and hair color should not be in extreme fashion, unusual or distracting styles.
   ● Hair color must be natural color.
   ● Boys must keep their hair short, above the collar, behind the ears, and above the
       eyebrows. Mohawks are not permitted.
   ● Sunglasses, caps, bandanas and hats are not to be worn in the school building.
   ● Makeup and nail polish should not be excessive, distracting, disruptive or inappropriate
       for an educational environment.
   ● Cleanliness of the physical person, consistent with the maintenance of good health, to
       avoid offensiveness to others is mandatory.

Dress Code For Special Events
The school will plan special events and/or extra activities when it is not mandatory to wear
school uniforms. The school will give specific directions about the attire. The students are
expected to follow the school dress code guidelines.

Conduct Code
   ● Follow all instructions given by any of school’s authorities.
   ● Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
   ● Personal Electronic Devices are NOT allowed.
     Students will NOT be allowed to possess or use a cell phone or any other personal
     electronic device, as long as they are on school campus. The cell phone MUST be left at
     home. If a student is found to be in possession or use of a cell phone, the cellphone will
     be confiscated, placed in a labeled envelope, and delivered to the office. The cell phone
     will be held in the office until the end of the school year.
     The students that have been officially and in writing, authorized to walk home will bring
     the cellphone to the office as soon as they arrive to our campus and they will get it back

       right when they are leaving the school. If they are found breaking this procedure, the
       cellphone will be confiscated, placed in a labeled envelope, and delivered to the office.
       The cell phone will be held in the office until the end of the school year.
       We do recognize that cellphones can be a safety/security tool, for that reason parents are
       urged to utilize the school phone to relay any messages that may be urgent in nature to
       their child. We will do our best to relay any urgent information to your child.
   ●   Chewing Gum is not permitted at any time while the students are on campus. Students
       may be charged a fee for infracting this rule.
   ●   Consumption of food, snacks, or drinks including water is not permitted in the
       classrooms, unless it is part of a planned activity scheduled by the teacher or the
       administration. Sodas are NOT allowed.
   ●   Any kind of humiliation, harassment or intimidation such as physical, mental, emotional
       or sexual abuse will be properly addressed by the administration.
   ●   Bodily demonstration of romantic involvement like hand holding, embracing or any other
       physical contact between students on campus is not permitted.
   ●   School computers must be used for educational purposes only. Visiting inappropriate
       websites or downloading inappropriate materials is prohibited.
   ●   Weapons of any kind, or using any item in any way as a weapon, whether harm is
       intended or not, is prohibited.
   ●   Do not use the areas, instruments and utensils that are designated for the exclusive use of
       the church.
   ●   Older students are expected to set an example of proper behavior and speech for the
       younger ones.
   ●   Dress and Conduct Code will be enforced, and the community will be monitored by the
       principal, vice-principal, teachers and staff. “But encourage one another daily, as long
       as it is called today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness”.
       (Hebrews 3:13)

Disciplinary Actions
Faith Fellowship School has established a student code of conduct ensuring that the school
setting is one that feels safe, is conducive to learning, and emphasizes a love for Christ, our Lord,
appropriate positive behavior and academic success. Students are expected to exhibit an
appearance and behavior that will be appropriate and in keeping a Christian testimony in
accordance with Biblical standards.

As part of the behavioral aspect of the school, consequences for behaviors will include any of the
following, to be decided upon the severity of the case:
    ● Oral warning to student regarding their actions.
    ● Limitation of normal privileges, such as recesses.
    ● Lunch Detention.
    ● Removal from class.
    ● Detention.

   ●   Saturday Detention
   ●   In-Door suspension.
   ●   Outdoor suspension.
   ●   Probation.
   ●   Expulsion.
   ●   Written report will be placed in student’s file.

Student Referral
The student may be referred directly to the vice-principal’s office for serious offenses. The vice-
principal or designee may administer an array of disciplinary measures ranging from
conferencing to expulsion. Teacher referrals to the vice-principal must specify the offense for
which the student is accused and indicate corrective measures the teacher has already tried. The
principal or designee may choose to involve the student’s parent or guardian in the expulsion

After-School Detention
Detention will be served for one hour after school dismissal. If the students do not serve a
detention, they will be scheduled for an indoor suspension. Detention may be assigned by
teachers and/or the vice-principal. The following specific provisions apply:
    ● Parents or guardians will receive a written notification with the day that the detention
        must be served.

Lunch Detention:
Lunch detention may be assigned and determined by teachers and/or the vice-principal. If the
students do not serve the lunch detention, they will be schedule for an afterschool detention.
Parents will be notified.

Saturday Detention:
Saturday detention will be assigned, determined, and supervised by the principal. If the students
do not serve a Saturday detention, they will be schedule for in-door suspension or out-door
suspension, as the vice principal will determine.
   ● Parents or guardians will receive a written notification with the day that the Saturday
       detention must be served.

Grounds for detention
Grounds for detention may include, but are not limited to:
   ● Violation of the classroom or school rules and regulations
   ● Disrespectful and offensive conduct
   ● Persistent disruptive conduct
   ● Other serious infractions deemed inappropriate by the administration

   ● Being tardy to school three (3) times
   ● Missing assignments in any class
   ● Failing to return papers or notification that need parent signature

Indoor Suspension
IDS is a removal from a classroom for the entire school day to work on assignments delegated by
the administration. Students with in-door suspension will receive a 25% reduction in all the
assignments that are missed during the in-door suspension. The in-door suspension may be
assigned only by the vice-principal.

Outdoor Suspension
ODS is a temporary removal from school and it will be counted as an unexcused absence. The
student works away from school and completes all assigned schoolwork. Students with out-door
suspension will receive a 30% reduction in all the assignments that are missed during the out-
door suspension. The out-door suspension may be assigned only by the vice-principal, and the
following specific provisions apply:
    ● Parents or guardians will be notified to take the student home the day of the occurrence.
    ● If the parents or guardians cannot be notified immediately, the student will be kept in a
       designated area until the close of the school day.
    ● A parent or guardian of the suspended student must meet with school personnel.

Grounds for suspension
Grounds for outdoor suspension may include, but are not limited to:
   ● Lying
   ● Stealing
   ● Cheating
   ● Disorderly conduct
   ● Bullying/Harassment
   ● Persistent violation of the rules and regulations
   ● Infliction of physical harm to any student
   ● Use of profane and abusive language
   ● Damage to or destruction of school property
   ● Commission of any act that is disruptive to the best interest of the school
   ● Other serious infractions deemed inappropriate by the administration

The principal or designee may recommend expulsion if extensive documented attempts to correct
a student’s misbehavior have failed, or the misbehavior persists, or the offense is so serious as to
warrant our most drastic sanction.

Grounds for Expulsion
The following serious offenses, though not exhaustive, are potential grounds for expulsion:
   ● Defiance or direct confrontation with school faculty, staff, or administration.
   ● Chronic violations of school rules not corrected by lesser measures.
   ● Possession, use of, or transmission of a weapon or any other prohibited article
   ● Possession, use of, or transmission of a substance capable of modifying mood or behavior
       (Narcotics, alcohol, or cigarettes)
   ● Using any article as a weapon or in a manner to threaten any person.
   ● Assault or threat to school faculty, staff, administration, or other individuals.
   ● Bullying/Harassment
   ● Fighting or other dangerous and/or disruptive behavior.
   ● Defacing or vandalism of school property.
   ● Igniting any flammable substance.
   ● Activities outside the school which call for law enforcement intervention.

Security Cameras
FFS has equipped our campus with an updated security camera system, for the security of our
students, faculty, and staff. These cameras are recording, and it may also be used also for
disciplinary purpose in the investigation of improper behaviors on school campus.

Illness or Accidents
Parents will be notified immediately in case of sudden illness or an accident. Emergency
numbers are an absolute necessity. Procedures followed to aid injured children are:
    ● Teacher will send the child to the office if the injury is minor.
    ● Teacher will notify the office if the child should not be moved.
    ● Office personnel will notify a parent and describe the injury.
    ● For minor injury office personnel will make the decision about removing the child from
    ● Emergency contacts will be called if we are unable to reach a parent.
    ● Emergency rescue will be called for injuries requiring first aid, which cannot be
        administered by school personnel.
    ● An accident report will be completed and filed in the event of an accident.
     ❖ Parents must be sure that the teacher and office are aware of any medical conditions
                    or allergies that could affect the health and safety of the child.

Contagious Disease
If your child contracts a contagious disease or pediculosis (head lice), please keep your child at
home and give them the needed treatment, and/or take him to the doctor. Also contact the school
office so that we may alert others who might be affected. Children are not allowed in school with
active head lice or nits. The child cannot return to school until treatment is obtained and there is
no evidence of lice or contagious disease, we may require a doctor clearance to return.

Illness During School Hours
From time to time, children may develop symptoms of an illness while at school. All children
displaying a fever above 100 degrees F, rashes, itchy, red eyes, excessive colored nasal
discharge, diarrhea, prolonged headache, severe/prolonged stomach ache, repeated vomiting, and
nausea must be picked up from school.

Emergency Contact Information
Please notify the school office if you move or if your telephone number is changed, so that the
student records may be kept accurate and up to date. It is important to advise the school office if
the names and numbers given for the emergency contact have changed. In the event that neither
parent nor the emergency contact can be reached during an emergency, Miami-Dade County
Rescue Department will be called.

Necessary Articles
Teachers will inform parents about necessary school supplies. All uniforms, lunch boxes,
backpacks, books, jackets, umbrellas and other personal items need students’ names on them.
Please buy a permanent marker and label all articles so lost items may be returned to your child.

Unnecessary Articles
Students are NOT allowed to bring personal toys, sports equipment, electronic devices, or pets to
school, only with a teacher’s permission and for educational purpose. Items that interfere
with instruction will be removed and returned to parents. The popular portable book bags with
string handles are considered a safety hazard and are not recommended.

Technology Use
The school makes available to the students electronic or computerized technology (laptops,
iPads, internet, promethean boards, etc...). This technology is intended to facilitate and support
the educational objectives of the school. The students must always get permission from their
teacher prior to using any electronic or computerized technology. The school prohibits the
transmission of any materials protected by trade secret, which violate local, state, and federal law
or regulation, as well as the use of the internet for any purpose other than educational.

Your child must be in regular attendance in order to benefit the most from school. Absences may
affect your child’s academic performance. Florida State law mandates a minimum number of
instructional hours for all students. Florida Law states, “Each parent of a child within the
compulsory attendance age shall be responsible for such child’s attendance as required by law.”
The students will have no more than five (5) unexcused absences in a semester. The student will
have no more than ten (10) unexcused absences in a school year. Any student missing more than
10 unexcused days in a single year is subject to being retained at the same grade level for the
following school year. The Florida State Law about absences and tardiness applies to every class
in middle and high school.

Excused Absences
The following instances are considered excused absences:
   ● Student illness: Students missing 5 or more consecutive days of school due to illness or
       injury are required to provide a written statement from a health care provider. The
       written statement must include all days the student has been absent from school. If a
       student is continually sick and repeatedly absent from school due to a specific medical
       condition, he or she must be under the supervision of a health care provider in order to
       received excused absences from school.
   ● Medical appointment: If a student is absent from school due to a medical appointment a
       written statement from a health care provider indicating the date and time of the
       appointment must be submitted to the school administration.
   ● Death in the family
   ● Observance of a religious holiday acknowledged by a majority of the faith
   ● School-sponsored event or educational enrichment activity that is not a school-sponsored
       event, as determined and approved by the principal or principal’s designee: The student
       must receive advanced written permission from the principal or the principal’s designee.
       Examples of special events include: public functions, conferences, and regional, state
       and national competitions.
   ● Subpoena by law enforcement agency or mandatory court appearance.
   ● Other individual student absences beyond the control of the parent/guardian or student, as
       determined and approved by the principal or the principal’s designee. The principal shall
       require documentation related to the condition.
   ● Students with special circumstances should have their parent contact school
       administration. In some instances, this may enable the student to receive a permissible
       excuse to do the work assigned in advance.
   ● All suspensions are considered excused absences.
   ❖ The students are responsible to make up their work within 48 hours after they return to

Unexcused Absences
The following instances are considered unexcused absences:
   ● Any absence that does not fall into one of the excused absence categories will be
       considered unexcused.
   ● Absences due to vacations, personal services, local non-school event, program or sporting
   ● Absences due to older students providing day care services for siblings.
   ● Absences due to illness of others.
   ● Absences due to non-compliance with immunization requirements (unless lawfully
        ❖ A student will receive a zero for all assignments and tests during an unexcused

Students may be officially dropped off at 8:05. Supervision will begin at 8:05. Doors will open to
enter building at 8:15. Unaccompanied students on campus prior to 8:05 without express
permission or designated purpose will be considered trespassing.

Plan with your child the time he/she should leave home in order to arrive to school by 8:15 a.m.
Encourage promptness in arriving at school. Children miss morning announcements and the
sense of beginning the day when they are tardy to school. We urge you to help your child
develop the personal characteristics of punctuality. Tardies are included on a student’s
attendance record. We must eliminate tardiness in order to use our time wisely and to have the
best opportunity for achievement.
Students who are tardy to school must report to the office with a parent or legal guardian to sign
in the student. Three (3) or more late arrivals may result in loss of privileges, detention, parent
conference, and/or suspension. Three (3) late arrivals will be accrued and count as one (1)
unexcused absence, in regards to the absence limits.

Early Pick Up
Students cannot be released within the last 30 minutes of the school day unless authorized by the
principal and/or vice-principal designee. Exceptions can only be made in case of emergencies or
Each student must report to the office to be signed out. No child will be dismissed to anyone
whose name has not been cleared through the office. Students who drive to school must have
parents’ permission to leave early and must sign themselves out in the school office. Students are
NOT allowed to leave the school with other students without written parent consent. Three (3)
early pick ups will be accrued and count as one (1) unexcused absence, in regards to the
absence limits.

Snack and Lunch
FFS does NOT provide snack or lunch for students. Please make sure your child brings healthy
snack and lunch to school that does NOT need to be heated up. Students must NOT bring sodas
to school.

Anyone entering the building, at any time, should first check with the assigned person in the
office before entering the school. All visitors, including parents, must obtain a visitors’ pass from
the office upon arrival and before visiting the classroom. Parents are NOT allowed to talk to
teachers during drop off, school hours, and pick up hours, unless there is a scheduled
appointment. This ruling is for the safety and protection of our students and teachers.

Classroom Visitations
If your child forgets his/her lunch, or other items, and you find it necessary to bring them to
him/her, please come and leave the lunch in the office. Office personnel will see that they are
delivered to your child. This eliminates interruptions to the instructional program.

Extended Care School Care Program
Faith Fellowship School offers extended care. An application is required for extended care.
Students Must bring snack for After Care. Parents are required to sign in/out on the provided
form when they drop off and pick up students from Before and After School Care. For liability
purposes, students are not allowed outside/inside school grounds without supervision by school
staff or parents. Aftercare service will not be offered on half days (noon dismissal).

Extended Care Fees:
      Before Care: 7:00 am - 8:15 am        Monthly $40.00                  Weekly $15.00
     After Care: 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm          Monthly $90.00                  Weekly $25.00
     Extended Care                          Monthly $120.00                 Weekly $40.00
                       ****Wednesdays from 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm****
      ❖ If student is not enrolled, hourly rate applies for daily pick up. Hourly rate: $8.00.
                                  Late Pick-up fee: $1.00 a minute.

Under NO circumstances will non-prescription drugs such as Benadryl, Tylenol, Pepto Bismol,
etc. be administered to any child. If your child requires prescribed medication, Emergency
Epipen, or Inhaler, please provide the completed medication form with the doctor’s prescription,
and bring them to the office before your child attends school. The school highly recommends the
parents to plan dosages according to school hours or to come and personally give it to the
          ❖ Parents must complete the Medication Authorization Form and meet all the
                                      requirements for this matter.

Standardized Testing
FFS tests every student annually with the MAPS standardized test, approved by the DOE. The
results are available online. The school will provide the login information and distribute the hard
copy as soon as received.

Online Reports
FFS teachers post all the grades and reports on Wild Bright, a website system that can be
accessed by parents. Parents will receive an email with the information about how to access the
system, in the beginning of school year. Parents are responsible to check this system often to
follow the child’s progress, and to be able to help the child in case the child is failing.

Interim Progress Reports
Interim Progress reports are sent to all parents at the middle of each report period.

Report Cards
Report cards will be sent home at the end of every quarter with the students. Parents are required
to sign and return the envelope within the next two (2) school days after distribution.

Grading Scales

Grading Scale for Kindergarten:
Report cards for Kindergarten students will reflect their individual progress in Phonics,
Handwriting, Math, Bible, PE, and Drama for the entire school year. The first and second
semester will also include Social Studies, whereas the third and fourth semester will reflect
Spelling, Reading and Science.

The Grading Scale for these subjects is:
E - Excellent Progress
S - Satisfactory Progress
W- Working in Progress
I - Improvement Needed
N - Not Presently Evaluated

The Skills Scale will be evaluated each grading period using the following:
1- Outstanding
2- Satisfactory
3- Needs Improvement
Grading Scale for Elementary, Middle, and High School:
Academic grades for students in elementary, middle and high school shall be A, B, C, D, or F.
A-     A grade of “A” (90-100%) indicates that the student demonstrated excellent achievement
       in the subject and/or skill area.
B-      A grade of “B” (80-89%) indicates that the student has demonstrated good but not
       outstanding achievement in the academic area.
C-      A grade of “C” (70-79 %) indicates satisfactory academic achievement.
D-      A grade of “D” (60-69%) indicates a minimal acceptable level of mastery of skills.
F-     A grade of “F” (0-59%) indicates a level of academic performance that is unsatisfactory.

Effort Grades
1-     Outstanding
2-     Satisfactory
3-     Needs Improvement

Conduct Grades
Conduct grades are used to communicate clearly to students and their parents the teacher’s
evaluation of the student’s behavior and citizenship development. These grades are independent
of academic and effort grades.
E-     Excellent
G-      Good
S-     Satisfactory
N-     Needs improvement
U-     Unsatisfactory

Academic Awards
   ● AB Honor Roll: students must earn A’s and B’s for all subjects
   ● A Honor Roll: Students must earn A’s for all subjects
   ● Principal’s Award: Students must earn A’s for all subjects, E (Excellent) for conduct, and
     1 for effort.

Academic Standards for High School Graduates
24 Credits Required
English Credits                                           4
Math Credits                                              4
Science Credits                                           3
Social Studies/History Credits                            3
Physical Education                                        0.5
Health/Life Skills                                        0.5
Electives (includes Bible classes required by F.F.S.)     6
Practical Art                                             1
Foreign Language                                          2

In addition FFS requires:
Algebra, Biology, and History EOC Assessments
Two Labs
100 community service hours in high school
1 Virtual Class

*** F.F.S. offers a number of ways to acquire your community service hours. Check with the
           school office if your are interested in earning your hours at F.F.S. ***

Admissions Policies
Faith Fellowship School is open to all families that are committed to the education of their
children, and agree with our statement of faith, procedures, standards and policies.

Faith Fellowship School believes that God called us to be light to the world practicing Christian
like behaviors in our daily life, and on behalf of this responsibility, the administration reserves
the right to take whatever action is needed that includes, but it is not limited to, the denial of
enrollment or removal from enrollment of any individual or family.

Enrollment Procedure
   1. Administrative interview
   2. Completing the application packet
   3. Registration Fee and Financial Agreement

Scholarship Payments Procedures
McKay scholarship and Step Up for Students scholarship send four checks per students during a
school year, every quarter. The checks need to be endorsed by the parent or legal guardian, with
their signature on the back of the check. This endorsement must be done within one (1) week
after the school receives the checks, and the parents are notified by the principal through an

School Payments
Parents support and commitment to the child’s education and to their contractual financial
agreement/obligations to the school are a big part of our success. Parents are responsible for
timely payment of any fees accrued at FFS in order for your child to maintain enrollment. The
annual school fees are based on a 10 or 12 month payment plan, as it is stated on the financial
agreement. The monthly payment must be paid within the first 9 days of every month. A $30.00
payment penalty may be automatically applied to your account, if your payment is paid on or
after the 10th of each month. The bank fees that are charged by the different banks for returned
checks, will be automatically applied to the correspondent school account. Understand that not
fulfilling the financial obligations to the school may result in losing re-enrollment privileges for
the following school year. Progress reports, report cards, and/or standardized test results will be
held on all overdue accounts. Accounts that are overdue in excess of 30 days or more may result
in children not being able to return to school until the account is made current, unless there is a
new written agreement with the business manager (this includes regular monthly payment
charges, late payment or returned checks penalties, late pickup charges, extra curricular activity
fees or any money from fundraising events).

Withdrawal Procedures
   1. Notify the school office at least three days in advance for the paperwork to be processed.
   2. All the fees and balances MUST be paid in full.
   3. Sign and pick up the withdraw form.
     ❖ These procedures are required before the school releases any paperwork to parents
                                        and/or other institutions.

Traffic and Parking Procedures
FFS is always working on behalf of the security of our students, for that reason we have
established a traffic and parking procedure. Please follow these procedures with kindness,
patience and respect to avoid accidents, misunderstandings, and quarrels.

The parking lot is ONLY ONE WAY during drop off and dismissal; please drive around when
leaving the campus, even if you parked. In the mornings and afternoons you enter through the
north entrance of the school. Follow the directions posted and painted on roadway. Use only
crosswalks to cross roadways. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS OF THOSE DIRECTING
WILL BE FIRMLY CONFRONTED AND POSSIBLY FINED. (Report any traffic violations to
the office immediately. Cameras are also aimed at parking lot)

Emergency Procedures
FFS follows the Miami-Dade County Public School emergency procedures for closures,
dismissal, and re-opening of the school, in case of any catastrophes (hurricanes, tropical storms,
eclipses, etc) and/or lock downs.

Statement of Nondiscrimination
Faith Fellowship School admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin, to all rights,
privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the
school. FFS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in
administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs,
and athletic and other school-administered programs.

Violation of this policy may lead to the immediate expulsion of a student or the termination of a
faculty member.

The purpose of our policies, procedures and statements is to create an organized
and safe environment.

                Establishing The Kingdom Of God With A New Generation

                  Acknowledgement of responsibility

Each parent/guardian of a student and each student enrolled in Faith Fellowship School must
sign and return this page to Faith Fellowship School to acknowledge receipt of the Parent
Handbook. The school will maintain records of the signed statements.

As a parent, I acknowledge receipt of the Parent-student Handbook and I have read it in its
entirety. I understand that I must support all the policies of Faith Fellowship School through my
actions and words, and I must require that my child(ren) comply with all the policies in actions
and word. I agree to do so in order to partner with Faith Fellowship School in the education of
my child(ren) and I pledge my full cooperation.

____________________________________                                      __________________
       Parent/Guardian’s Signature                                              Date

     Parent/Guardian’s Printed Name
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