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WELCOME CLERGY Fr. James Jankowski, Pastor CONTACT US St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Roman Catholic Church Fr. Joseph Lee, Parochial Vicar 1811 Pueblo Vista Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89128 Deacon Steve Doucet Ph: 702-228-8311 • Fx: 702-228-8310 • Deacon Aruna Silva MASS SCHEDULE STAFF Saturday Vigil: 4 pm Pastoral Associate & Executive Director of Operations, Sunday: 6am, 8am, 10am, Noon, 4pm and 6pm Marcie Wilske, 702-804-8370, Daily Mass Mon-Sat: 8am (9am on pubic holidays) Executive Administrative Assistant, Rosie Arellano 702-804-8312, LIVE STREAM MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: 8am Receptionist, Sandra Tenaglia 702-804-8302, Daily Mass Mon-Sat: 8am (9am on pubic holidays) Pastoral Associate for Liturgy & Sacred Music, Brian Hicks 702-804-8308, TV MASS and on the CW Network Sunday Associate for Liturgy & Sacred Music, Lissy DeJesus 702-826-3750, Morning. Check your local listing. Pastoral Associate for Children & Adult Faith Formation, CHURCH HOURS Helen Silva, 702-804-8351, Sunday: 5am-7:30pm Children & Adult Faith Formation Assistant, Mon-Fri: 7am-5pm Amy Melancon, 702-804-8398, Saturday: 7am-5:30pm Children & Adult Faith Formation Assistant, Jodie Minkin 702-804-8306, MORNING PRAYER Pastoral Associate for Youth & Young Adult Ministry, Mon-Sat: 7:10am Sean Donohue, 702-804-8316, Youth & Young Adult Ministry Assistant, Tyler Ofalsa ROSARY 702-804-8372, Mon-Sat: 7:30am Youth & Young Adult Ministry Assistant, Cathy Sales 702-804-8313, CONFESSIONS Pastoral Associate for Family & Parish Life, Saturday: 8:45am-9:30am Maureen Sisto, 702-804-8321, Pastoral Associate for Human Concerns, EUCHARISTIC ADORATION IN THE Patti McGuire, 702-804-8311, MATER DEI DAY CHAPEL Pastoral Associate for Communications & Stewardship, Temporarily Closed Patty Janura, 702-804-8326, Reopening Soon Director of Financial Services, Kristina Wood 702-804-8320, CHURCH OFFICE Financial Services Manager, Van Dubé Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm; 702-804-8350, Closed 12pm-1pm Saturday: 9am-5:30pm; Financial Services Manager, Krystalyn Pagan 702-804-8305, Closed 12pm-1pm & during 4pm Mass .DLURV*LIW6KRS2ɝFH0DQDJHU6DUDK&DUULHUH 702-804-8301, GIFT SHOP Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm; Closed 12pm-1pm School Principal, Dr. Erica Romero Saturday: 9am-5:30pm; 702-804-8328, Closed 12pm-1pm & during 4pm Mass School Admin. Assist., Donna Fernandini Sunday: 7am-7:30pm; 702-804-8328, Closed 2pm-3pm and during all Masses 6FKRRO2ɝFH0DU\6HNHUDN 702-804-8328, SUNDAY, JULY 4, 2021 | 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME -2-
MERCY FLOWS LOVE REDEEMS Dear Parishioners and Friends, and accompaniment of our merciful God who never abandons us. WELCOME FR. JOSEPH! This weekend we give a warm St. Elizabeth Ann Seton $QGVRΖWKDQN$//2)
WEEKLY PRAYER READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 4, 2021 Sunday: Ez 2:2-5; Ps 123:1-2, 2, 3-4 [2cd]; 2 Cor 12:7-10; Mk 6:1-6a Monday: Gn 28:10-22a; Ps 91:1-2, 3-4, 14-15 ab [cf. 2b]; Mt 9:18-26 Tuesday: Gn 32:23-33; Ps 17:1b, 2-3, 6-7ab, 8b and 15 [15a]; Mt 9:32-38 Wednesday: Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a; Ps 33:2-3, 10-11, 18-19 [22]; Mt 10:1-7 Thursday: Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5; Ps 105:16-17, 18-19, 20-21 [5a]; Mt 10:7-15 Friday: Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40 [39a]; Saturday: Mt 10:16-23 Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a; Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, Welcome, 6-7 [cf. Ps 69:33]; Mt 10:24-33 Fr. Joseph! Next Sunday: Am 7:12-15; Ps 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14 [8]; Eph 1:3-14 or 1:3-10; Mk 6:7-13 OBSERVANCES FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 4, 2021 Sunday: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time; Independence Day Monday: St. Anthony Zaccaria, Priest; St. Elizabeth of Portugal Tuesday: St. Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr Friday: St. Augustine Zhao Rong, Priest, & Companions, Martyrs Saturday: BVM Next Sunday: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time LIVE THE LITURGY Inspiration for the week God never ceases to proclaim His Word. His life-giving presence continues to sustain all things and keep them in being regardless of whether there is the faith to receive or perceive Him. Our personal agendas, preconceived ideas, misconceptions, and expectations can often cause us to be so hard of heart and obstinate that we fail to see what God is trying to do. While God remains ever present, faith is necessary for God’s power to bear fruit. As we celebrate our country’s LQGHSHQGHQFHOHWXVQRWIRUJHWWKHGLHUHQFHEHWZHHQOLEHUWLHVDQG freedom. While the liberties we have are most welcome treasures, only freedom from what blinds, deceives, and weighs us down can bring happiness. God is all about healing, transformation, and hope. In order for God to do what God does best, we have to invite Him in and see Him for who he is. Otherwise, God’s will for humanity will be something at ZKLFKZHVLPSO\WDNHRHQVHDFRPPRQUHDFWLRQZKHQVRPHWKLQJ challenges or unsettles us. ©LPi SUNDAY, JULY 4, 2021 | 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME -4-
WORSHIP & MEDITATION GOSPEL MEDITATION Encourage Deeper Understanding of Scripture It’s all so ordinary that we can easily miss it. The seagulls hunting and GLYLQJIRUPROOXVNVDWWKHEHDFKRHUDGLVSOD\RIGHWHUPLQDWLRQDQG precision as they gather their food for the day. It’s simply what these creatures do. Yet, there’s a magical artfulness and skill to their work that speaks volumes about the One who breathed life into their being. This is pretty much the way it is with God’s presence. God comes in common ways through common things and ordinary people. Sadly, we are so engulfed in our little worlds of order and ideas to notice the beauty and FIRST READING wonder of it all. Many have numbed themselves to the Divine spark at But you shall say to them: the essence of all life because that’s just the way it is. What’s so special Thus says the Lord GOD! about it? A sunset is a sunset and a seagull is a seagull. That’s precisely And whether they heed or resist what they thought about Jesus too. After all, isn’t he just the carpenter’s — for they are a rebellious house — son? What merit can his words possibly have? they shall know that a prophet has been among them. (Ez 2:4-5) If we’re looking for God to come in an event that is so dramatic and LQWHQVHWKDWLWNQRFNVRXUVRFNVRWKHQWKLQNDJDLQ:KHQSRQGHULQJ PSALM God’s relationship with His people and God’s action in our lives, we have 2XUH\HVDUHÀ[HGRQWKH/RUG to go back to the stable and the recurring, creative, unending power of pleading for his mercy. (Ps 123) God’s presence. It was a quiet, run of the mill kind of night. There was nothing spectacular or extraordinary. To the naked eye, a woman gave birth to a child and there wasn’t anything extraordinary to see. We have SECOND READING a hard time understanding God’s ordinary-ness. Jesus grew up in an I will rather boast most gladly of my ordinary town, had neighbors and did normal human things. Perhaps ZHDNQHVVHVLQRUGHUWKDWWKHSRZHURI that’s why we don’t always like the Gospel. It doesn’t dazzle us with Christ may dwell with me. (2 Cor 12:9) H[WUDRUGLQDU\WKLQJVEXWVLPSO\FKDOOHQJHVXVWRWDNHDGLHUHQWORRNDW RXURUGLQDU\VWX7KDWPDNHVXVXQFRPIRUWDEOH:HSUHIHUWKLQJVDV WKH\DUH2XUODFNRIIDLWKFDQHYHQFDXVHXVWRWDNHRHQVHDWZKDW GOSPEL Jesus says and does, dismissing it as folly. -HVXVVDLGWRWKHP “A prophet is not without honor *RGȇVOLIHJLYLQJSUHVHQFHFRQWLQXHVWRVXVWDLQWKDWVHDJXOOLQȵLJKWDQG H[FHSWLQKLVQDWLYHSODFHDQGDPRQJ keep all things in being regardless of whether we have the faith to see his own kin and in his own house.” and understand this. Our personal agendas, preconceived ideas, (Mk 6:4) misconceptions, and expectations can often cause us to be hardened and blinded to what God is doing or desiring to do. While God continues to do what he has done for all eternity, faith is needed for God’s ([FHUSWVIURPWKH/HFWLRQDU\IRU0DVV &&'7KH(QJOLVKWUDQVODWLRQRI3VDOP5HVSRQVHV presence to bear fruit. The blinders we wear and the expectations we IURP/HFWLRQDU\IRU0DVV bring to life can often prevent us from seeing graced moments that International Commission on English in the Liturgy radiate with God’s graceful presence. They also prevent God’s &RUSRUDWLRQ$OOULJKWVVHUYHG WUDQVIRUPLQJKHDOLQJDQGKRSHȴOOHGYLVLRQIRURXUZRUOGIURPEHLQJ realized. Without faith, God won’t be able to do much for us either. ©LPi -5- ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, LV
LITURGICAL LIFE QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK Respond to Scripture PRESIDER MASS INTENTIONS First Reading: Today’s reading is an excerpt from the prophetic call Ezekiel Saturday 7/3 received while in exile in Babylon (Ez 1:1-3:27). The Lord 8am † George Beasley commissioned Ezekiel to go and confront the “rebellious house” 4pm The Benedict Family of Israel. How do you imagine the Israelites received Ezekiel’s Living & † Deceased message? Sunday 7/4 Second Reading: 6am † Albert & † John Holland 3DXOOHDUQHGWKDWWKHȊWKRUQLQKLVȵHVKȋWDXJKWKLPWREH 8am † Edmund Krieger humble and dependent upon God’s grace alone. Where do you 10am Janura & Jordan Families see God’s grace most present in your life? Living & † Deceased 12pm † William Werner Gospel: 4pm SEAS Parishioners Jesus was “amazed” at the lack of faith his fellow Nazareans had 6pm † Florena & † Oscar Tuason LQKLPVXJJHVWLQJ-HVXVH[SHFWHGDGLHUHQWUHVSRQVH:K\GR \RXWKLQNWKHYLOODJHUVRI1D]DUHWKȊWRRNRHQVHȋDW-HVXV" Monday 7/5 ©LPi 9am † John “Pinky” McLoughlin Tuesday 7/6 8am † Edmund Krieger Wednesday 7/7 8am † Andy Flaherty WHY DO WE DO THAT? Thursday 7/8 Catholic Life Explained 8am † William J. Meskowski Question: Our Catholic grade school recently did a penance service. Do young children really need to go to Confession? How Friday 7/9 much sin can they really have? 8am Dirk Rodriguez Answer: Ask any mom about her children and see how many Saturday 7/10 would say she has a brood of perfect angels! Parents know that 8am † Geraldine Caropreso kids do things that are wrong … and they often know they’re 4pm † Frank Lavelle doing it! Even toddlers have a sense of right and wrong. The Church recognizes that their minds and consciences are not yet Sunday 7/11 fully developed, however, and typically waits until age seven to 6am † Carmen Bascon Tibajia RHUWKHVDFUDPHQWRI&RQIHVVLRQ$URXQGWKDWDJHDQG 8am † Patricia Ann Park beyond, most young people, when asked, can easily explain why 10am † Andrew & † Casey Osowski something is wrong. 12pm † Remedios Jurado 4pm † Ramon Koh &RQIHVVLRQIRUFKLOGUHQLVDQH[FHOOHQWZD\WRKHOSWKHPUHȵHFW 6pm SEAS Parishioners on their actions and accept responsibility for their behavior. It helps them to grow in their understanding of sin and how it DHFWVRWKHUV7KLVKHOSVWKHPWRIRUPWKHLUFRQVFLHQFHVDQG make better choices in the future. Most importantly, they learn the value of forgiveness, both given and received. Rather than To schedule a Presider’s Mass Intention, VLQJOLQJRXWZKDWȇVZURQJ&RQIHVVLRQRHUVKRSHDQGDQHZ VWRSE\WKHFKXUFKRɝFHRUFDOO start! Children can grow in understanding God’s unconditional 8311. These intentions are prayed for love and develop a sense of inner dignity that transcends their silently by the priest at Mass and are not IDLOLQJV1RWEDGIRUȴYHPLQXWHVDQGDQȊ2XU)DWKHUȋRUWZR announced during Mass. ©LPi SUNDAY, JULY 4, 2021 | 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME -6-
EVERYDAY STEWARDSHIP PARISH GIVING Recognize God in Your Ordinary Moments The Prophecy of You and Me WEEKLY OFFERTORY Prophet. There’s a heaviness to this word. It’s weighted down with meaning. We think of prophets and we think of Charlton June 19-20, 2021 Heston with wild hair and a booming voice, reaching out his ONLINE $13,365.01 hand to work wonders of nature by the grace of God. We think ENVELOPES/CHECKS $ 8,769.00 of prophets and we think of ancient Biblical history — someone far away, someone so removed from our everyday life. A ANNONYMOUS/CASH $ 3,152.25 prophet is someone who knows something we don’t. MAILED IN $ 4,434.00 TOTAL $29,720.26 :KHQΖOHW\RXLQRQWKLVVHFUHWLWPLJKWVFDUH\RXDWȴUVWLQD way, God is calling you to be a prophet. He is calling me. He is “IN GIVING, WE RECEIVE “ $ 595.00 calling anyone who hears the truth of the Gospel. However, Parish Stewardship gift there is no need for the megaphone and the wild locusts. This to Holy Family Church prophet gig might not be what you’re thinking. :KDWGRHVDSURSKHWGR"+HKHDUVDQGWHVWLȴHVWRWKHWUXWK MAINTENANCE FUND $ 486.00 even when it’s uncomfortable, even when it’s unpopular, even when it results in, as Paul says, “weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions and constraints.” A prophet doesn’t have to be Upcoming Special Collections smart or rich or ordained; heck, he doesn’t even have to be particularly willing. July 11 - St. Therese Center HIV/AIDS Outreach All a prophet has to do is listen to the truth. The truth we July 18 - Unexpected Expenses receive from Christ, through the Gospel and the sacraments, is July 25 - Diocesan Elementary Schools a mighty gift. But it is a gift that we are not meant to simply keep for ourselves. In possessing it, we are compelled to also pass it on, to share it, to let the Spirit set us on our feet. — Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS ©LPi Online Giving Giving online allows you to make one- SEAS Parish Stewardship Program WLPHFRQWULEXWLRQVRUFUHDWHDSURȴOHDQG set up automatic recurring contributions. For the month of July, Christ the King Catholic Church will be Scan the QR Code above or go to the recipient of our parish stewardship program, “It Is In It’s that easy! Giving That We Receive.” The program was conceived by our Parish Pastoral Council to help struggling parishes in our GLRFHVH(DFKPRQWKDGLHUHQWSDULVKLVJLIWHGRIRXU Give by Text ZHHNO\RHUWRU\FROOHFWLRQVIRUWKDWPRQWKΖI\RXZRXOGOLNH Text 702-978-7462 with the amount you to make a donation to Christ the King Church as part of your would like to give. Example: $25. own personal stewardship, send your donation to SEAS, 1811 Make sure to include the dollar sign Pueblo Vista Dr., LV, NV 89128. Make sure to indicate CHRIST before the amount and within seconds THE KING on your donation. Your gift will be included with the you’ll receive a text with a link to register. parish gift that will be disbursed at the end of the month. -7- ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, LV
STEWARDSHIP CATHOLIC STEWARDSHIP APPEAL (CSA) Update as of June 27, 2021 * Parish Goal $323,685.00 * Amount Pledged $354,592.15 * Pledge Payments Received $309,565.15 * Payments Still Needed $ 14,119.85 * Number of Donors 653 Gift Shop News Our gift shop will be closed on Monday, July 5, and will reopen on Tuesday, July 6, just in time for a Christmas in July Sale through July (QMR\RRQVHOHFWLWHPV New items are coming soon! Many thanks for your patronage! SUNDAY, JULY 4, 2021 | 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - 8-
ANNOUNCEMENTS Holiday Hours July 5; VBS Needs You! Mass at 9:00 a.m. Vacation Bible School is about to begin and we need your help In observance of the Independence Day as we get ready to board the Rocky Railway Express! Youth and holiday, Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m. Young Adult Ministry is requesting donations of the following RQ0RQGD\-XO\DQGWKHSDULVKRɝFHDQG items: gift shop will be closed. The church will * Snack foods (NO products containing nuts) close after Mass. Examples: Variety packs of chips, Go-gurts, animal crackers, fruit snacks, Capri Suns * 3M Command Strips - no hooks, just the adhesive strips * Dishwashing sponges * Bottles of water * Painter’s tape * Markers We greatly appreciate your generosity! Donations can be @SEASLV / @SEASCSLV GURSSHGRDWWKH
ANNOUNCEMENTS WWW.LASVEGASDIOCESANCONFERENCE.ORG EARLY BIRD PRICING FOR FULL CONFERENCE (FRI & SAT) $85 IF REGISTERED BETWEEN JULY 1– AUG. 31 $100 IF REGISTERED BETWEEN SEPT. 1-18 FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY: $50 Estas Inviatdo! Sobre el Presentador Conferencia Diocesana 2021, ¡Levantate! Nació en México y emigró a Sesión de Desarrollo Personal en Español EEUU desde mediados de los Cuando la Vida Interior Hace la Diferencia: Una fe que 80’s. En México participó en nos pone de pie Septiembre 18, 2021 los ministerios de Catequesis, Pastoral Juvenil, “Por sobre todas las cosas cuida tu corazón, porque de Música Litúrgica y él mana la vida”, nos enseña el libro de Proverbios Comunidades Eclesiales de (Prov 4, 23). El poder sanador de Jesús, la ternura que Base. Fue ordenado diacono derrama sobre los extraviados y excluidos, sus permanente para la Diócesis Palabras que transforman corazones tienen mucho de Las Vegas en 2011. Ha que ver con su profunda vida interior, con la intimidad colaborado en la formación constante con el Padre que relatan los evangelios. Un de ministros, catequistas y seguidor de Jesús debe alimentar su vida interior si voluntarios en varias parroquias de la diocesis en desea ser fermento de sanación en su familia, su temas de Teología Sacramental, Música Litúrgica, comunidad y su entorno eclesial. Te invitamos a Espiritualidad, Liturgia y Formación Bíblica. descubrir la importancia de la vida espiritual y a descubrir juntos algunos recursos prácticos para alimentarla. SUNDAY, JULY 4, 2021 | 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - 10 -
ANNOUNCEMENTS Take Me Out to the Ball Game Come with Us to Cedar City Join us for an evening at the Las Vegas Ballpark to root This summer we will happily resume our annual day on the Las Vegas Aviators against the El Paso trip to the Utah Shakespeare Festival in Cedar City, Chihuahuas on Friday, July 16, at 7:05 p.m. Our SEAS on Wednesday, July 21. group will be seated on the 3rd base party deck which is in the shade of the Red Rock Hotel. $160 per person includes round-trip bus transportation (leaving immediately after the 8am • $45 for guests 22 and older daily Mass), a sack lunch with snacks on the bus, • $35 for guests 21 and younger tickets for 2 shows and dinner at Milt’s Stage Stop Steak & Seafood Restaurant in between shows. Price includes ticket to the game and all-you-can-eat Liability forms for each guest are required. EXHWGLQQHUDQGGHVVHUWZLWKFDQQHGEHYHUDJHDQG bottled water. Alcohol is NOT included in the price. $140 for priests or clergy. Liability forms for each guest are required. Sign-up, pay and complete the liability form in the SEAS Gift Only 50 tickets are available. Sign up, pay and Shop. Questions? Contact Maureen Sisto at complete the liability form in the SEAS Gift Shop. or 702-804-8321. Questions? Contact Maureen Sisto at (702-804-8321). The Shows: Pirates of Penzance at 2:00 p.m. (in the Randall L. Jones Theatre) — A shipload of sentimental pirates, a gaggle of giggling maidens, and a band of bumbling policemen bring fun and sparkle to one of the most charmingly silly operettas ever to grace the stage. Frederic, our hero, is bound by duty and must abandon his new-found love, Mabel, to join the pirate WUDGH&DQKHȴQGDZD\RXWRIWKLVFRQXQGUXP" A Comedy of Errors at 8:00 p.m. (out-door Engelstad Shakespeare Theatre) — Everywhere Antipholus and Dromio go they seem to have already been there, and everyone they meet seems to know all about them. The more they try to unravel the lunatic events around them, the more farcical their lives become. It’s twice the fun in Shakespeare’s youthful comedy of twins and mistaken identities. Face masks are currently required in the Randall L. Jones Theatre. Please visit to check for updated Covid safety protocols. - 11 - ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, LV
THE WEEK AHEAD MONDAY, JULY 5 INEPENDENCE DAY OBSERVED* 8:30am-12:30pm VBS, parish hall 9am Daily Mass; also live-streamed &KXUFKRɝFH JLIWVKRSFORVHG the church will close after Mass 7KHFKXUFKSDULVKRɝFHDQGJLIWVKRS TUESDAY, JULY 6 close at Noon every Friday through 8am Daily Mass, also live-streamed Labor Day. 8:30am-12:30pm VBS, parish hall 6pm Bible Study: Living the Beatitudes, parish hall classrooms 6pm Men’s Club, parish hall conference room WEDNESDAY, JULY 7 8am Daily Mass, also live-streamed 8:30am-12:30pm VBS, parish hall 9:30am Bible Study: Living the Beatitudes, parish hall classrooms 6:30pm Baptism Preparation Class for parents & godparents, church 6:30pm GriefShare, Children’s Faith Formation parish hall conference room We are currently taking registrations for the 2021-2022 year for Children’s Faith Formation THURSDAY, JULY 8 age 3 through grade 8. Register at under the Faith Formation tab - Children Age 3 8am Daily Mass, also live-streamed WKURXJK*UDGH&RQWDFWRXURɝFHIRUPRUH 8:30am-12:30pm VBS, parish hall information, or 702-804-8306. FRIDAY, JULY 9 8am Mass, also live-streamed 8:30am-12:30pm VBS, parish hall SATURDAY, JULY 10 8am Mass, also live-streamed 8am Men’s Prayer Group, parish hall conference room 8:45-9:30am Confessions, church 4pm Vigil celebrating the We b Need YOU For Children’s Faith Formation 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Would you like to take part in the great privilege of forming the hearts and minds of future generations in SUNDAY, JULY 11 the Catholic faith? Our parish faith formation program 15TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME relies on the dedicated and generous service of Mass Times: volunteers who serve as catechists and assistants. 6am, 8am, 10am, Noon, 4pm & 6pm We provide the support and education for all new (8am Mass is also live-streamed) catechists. If you wish to inquire about being a catechist, ȴOORXWWKHDSSOLFDWLRQXQGHUWKH)DLWK)RUPDWLRQIRU Children Age 3 through Grade 8 tab at )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFWRXURɝFHDW 702-804-8306 or SUNDAY, JULY 4, 2021 | 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - 12 -
MORE PARISH INFORMATION We Invite You to Register at Our Parish In order that we may better serve you, please register with the parish by visiting or downloading the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton App. Registration forms are also available in the gathering space of the church. Anointing of the Sick &DOOWKHSDULVKRɝFHDWLI\RXQHHGWRUHFHLYHWKH Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick at home or in a hospital. For assistance after hours or on Sundays, call the answering service at 702-388-9571.$SULHVWZLOOEHQRWLȴHGDQGZLOOFRQWDFW\RXGLUHFWO\ 7KH6DFUDPHQWLVDOVRRHUHGFRPPXQDOO\ZLWKLQWKH0DVV Watch the bulletin for upcoming Anointing of the Sick Masses, scheduled on a quarterly basis. SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Holy Communion for the Sick Please show your support for our ΖQFDVHRIKRVSLWDOL]DWLRQLQIRUPWKHKRVSLWDOVWDWKDW\RXDUH parish by also supporting our Catholic and would like to receive Communion. advertisers. We woudn’t be able to bring you our bulletin at no cost every week without them. When Funeral Ministry you shop with them, let them In the event of a death of a loved one, please contact the Funeral know where you saw their ad and Ministry at 702-403-8416 BEFORE making arrangements with any of give them a big SEAS Thank You! the professional services. Pre-planning is also available. Sacrament of Baptism 3OHDVHFRQWDFWWKHSDULVKRɝFHDW Sacrament of Matrimony Jesus said to them, A 6 month minimum time period is needed to complete the preparation required for the Sacrament of Matrimony. For more “A prophet is not without information, contact Pastoral Associate for Family and Parish Life, honor except in his native Maureen Sisto at (702-804-8321). place and among his own kin Vocations Vocations please consult with one of the priests. and in his own home.” So he was not able to perform any Parish Chest of Prayers To have the names of loved ones as well as special intentions for mighty deed there, apart from inclusion in Masses and prayers in our Parish Chest of Prayers, visit our website at and click on the Parish Chest of curing a few sick people by Prayers tab in the menu bar. Fill out and submit the form and we will make sure your intentions are placed in the prayer chest. You can laying his hands on them. DOVRFDOOWKHFKXUFKRɝFHDW - MK 6:4-5 Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass (c) 2001, 1998, 1970 CCD - 13 - ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, LV
GET INVOLVED PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL LITURGICAL MINISTRIES -H%RXJKUXP&KDLUPDQ Altar Servers; Sacristans............Terry Biles 702-672-4933, Vice Chairman - TBA Eucharistic Ministers; Lectors; Ann DeClouette, Secretary Ministers of Hospitality..............Brian Hicks 702-804-8308, Richard Augulis Music Ministry.............................Brian Hicks 702-804-8308, Vida Braganza Funeral Ministry..........................702-403-8416 Larry Brown Vicki Adams, Tom Carroll Pat Torino 702-528-5004, Sharon Cusumano Carl Scarbrough OTHER MINISTRIES & CONTACTS ([2ɝFLR0DUFLH:LOVNH Adoration in the Chapel.............Brian Hicks 702-804-8308, Bible Study (Parish).....................Marcie Wilske 702-804-8370, PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Bulletin Advertisements.............Kjirsten Finnegan 402-312-9955, Margo Lamuraglia, Chairwoman NȴQQHJDQ#/3LFRP John Dube Bulletin Announcements............Patty Janura 702-804-8326, William McCarthy Busy Hands Crafters.................. Lynette Bearer 702-485-3774, Mary McElhone Valerie Murzl GriefShare....................................Maureen Sisto 702-804-8321, Heidi Pope Human Concerns (Outreach).... Patti McGuire 702-804-8311, Greg Puliz Indonesian Ministry.....................Yudi Kurnia 909-581-5491, ([2ɝFLR0DUFLH:LOVNH Justice, Peace, Respect Life.........Nancy Finley 702-292-9175 Tony Moreno 702-604-1612, Mary & Martha Guild...................Layna Woods 702-360-6689, SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL Men’s Club....................................Tony Derhake 313-549-1503, Fr. James Jankowski, President 0HQȇV3UD\HU*URXS-H%RXJKUXPMERXJKUXP#FR[QHW Angela Rock-Segler, Chairwoman Mental Health & Wellness..........Laura Jensen 702-498-0871, Cathy DeCastroverde Nevadans for Common Good....Carl Scarbrough 702-408-6876, Ted Egerton RCIA............................................... Helen Silva 702-804-8351, Michele Flaherty Rosary Makers..............................Juliana Co 702-655-0992, Mary Guido Andrew Kano Seton Singles (over 50)................Kathy Lorenzo 702-647-1807, Brendan Keating Sick & Homebound Ministry.......Patti & Tom Stava 702-586-8093, Michael Kennedy Joseph Novotni Welcome Home............................Helen Silva 702-804-8351, Adrina Ramos-King Women of Grace..........................Pat Thompson 702-541-6311 Susan Roger Karen Sagisi Roger West NON-AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS ([2ɝFLR0HPEHUV Bible Study (Fr. McShane’s).......Fr. McShane 702-807-4677 Dr. Erica Romero Cub Scouts..................................Duane & Adrina King 702-900-7576, Marcie Wilske Brownies......................................Jill Gronowski 702-371-0277, Girl Scouts...................................0DJJLH*ULɝWK JULɝWKP#JPDLOFRP Knights of Columbus.................Bob Sotelo 702-278-2005, KofC Squires...............................Don Woods 702-682-8658, Marriage Encounter..................Steve & Terri Sharp 702-589-0068 Retrouvaille (Re-tro-vi)...............Josh & Alma Carey 702-812-8873, Victim Advocacy is available for any individual who has been sexually and/or physically abused. Call 702-235-7723. SUNDAY, JULY 4, 2021 | 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - 14 -
702.897.0800 Contact Kjirsten Finnegan 80 N. Pecos Rd., Ste. G • Henderson, NV to place an ad today! PALM MORTUARY | SUMMERLIN Green Valley Lock & Safe, Inc. is a locally owned & operated or (800) 950-9952 x2659 702-464-8484 locksmith company servicing SEAS & surrounding areas 7400 W CHEYENNE LV, NV 89129 Kathia Quirós Pereira 702-737-7717 Reuel Aspacio, M.D., Board Certified Dermatologist 702.243.4501 General Dermatology: Cosmetic Services: Acne • Psoriasis Botox® Cosmetic Skin Cancer Dysport® • Xeomin® SUMMERLIN Skin Exams Laser Treatments Speedy Sprinkler Repair Warts • Moles Wrinkle Treatments Prevent Water Waste & Fines DERMATOLOGY Rashes • Pediatrics Sculptra® Drip Irrigation • Time Clocks Skin Surgery Chemical Peels Control Valves • Main Shut Offs We Accept Ethnic Skin • Vitiligo Facial Treatments Most Insurances Please Call Nick or Barbara 8310 W. SAHARA AVE., LAS VEGAS, NV 89117 702-524-1461 Celebrating 29 Years Blooming in Las Vegas! 5 Years in a Row! Family Owned 6510 N. Buffalo Dr. Citywide Delivery Custom Cakes & Sweet Shop 10260 W Charleston Blvd #4 702-255-0209 702-407-8686 | Parishioner Owned & Operated 2227 N. Rampart Blvd 702-315-2828 9670 W. Skye Canyon Park Dr. #150 702-396-0605 Nevada’s highest rated Funeral Home Buy 1 Entree - Get One FREE and a trusted friend of St. Elizabeth Ann w/ purchase of 2 beverages (M-F, up to $8 value) Seton Catholic Community. | (702) 485-6500 Call us for you Advance Planning, Burial, Aquamation, Cremation, or Transfer needs. 3975 S. Durango Drive, Suite 104 • Las Vegas, NV 89147 Garage Doors Repaired or Replaced Openers Repaired or Replaced (702) 873-6416 For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Las Vegas, NV B 4C 05-1284
RAY & MANDI AUTHENTIC CUISINE authentic taste Playing every Friday & Saturday 6-9pm Centennial Hills Location | 7070 N. Durango Dr. Contact Kjirsten Finnegan to place an ad today! $35 or (800) 950-9952 x2659 25 Years Full Time Lic.# BS.37024 Judith “Judy” Boughrum Kenneth Shaw - Parishioner (702) 600-9180 9406 Del Webb Boulevard Solar & Energy Efficient Upgrades Nevada Properties Las Vegas, NV 89134 Quality Solar Services Built on Honesty & Integrity EXPERIENCE MATTERS SERVING GREATER LAS VEGAS • 702.496.0659 PAINTING 10% of net commissions earned, from any transaction completed through this ad, will be contributed to SEAS or a charity of your choice. (702) 798-5262 INTERIORS & EXTERIORS Facials & Waxing (702) 860-3573 702-900-5220 6920 S Cimarron Rd, Suite 200 Mark Anthony – Award Winning Painting Contractor Jennifer Cobarrubia - Parishioner Summer Special NV LIC. 0076752 LICENSED-INSURED-BONDED $25 Mini-Facial Competitive Multi Services LLP Tax Preparation & Bookkeeping Services DR. JENNIFER MALLINGER-MCCORMICK JOSE PINEDA, OWNER License#P1686910 Randall Kumabe - Enrolled Agent, Parishioner Opto o mp ett roi smt –e Pt ar r ii ssh ito n e r Residential and Commercial 702-562-1210 p 70 2 . 2 4 0 .p 2 1 . f 70 2 . 2 40.5858 2 1702.240.2121 702-823-6310 7465 W. Lake Mead Blvd., Suite 100 1930 1 930 VILLAGE V I LLA CENTER GE C ENT CIRCLE ER C I R C . LALAS LE # 1 0 #10 VEGAS, S V EGA S , N ENV 89134 V AD A 89134 House/Office Cleaning, Landscaping, Tile, Wood & Carpet (Located behind US Bank) MALLINGEREYECARE.COM M A LLI NG E R E Y E C A R E . C O M 10% FREE OFF Service Call Cindy Samuels 8430 W. Lake Mead Blvd #100 • Las Vegas Thomas & Jones Affordable Funeral Home 702.582.9644 702-485-4191 Insurance Broker Medicare, Life, Retirement Planning SPECIALIZING IN DIGNIFIED SERVICES Funerals • Memorial Services • Cremations Health Insurance Enrollment until CALL FOR YOUR FREE “If we are not your first choice let us give you a free honest second opinion” August 15th PERSONAL PLANNING GUIDE License bonded insured NV CL#0 077979 702-384-7600 • 2457 N. Decatur Blvd. Licda. Carolina Ivonne Lopez Garcia Abogado Y Notario Republica de El Salvador 702-494-9506 Asesorias y realizacion de todo tipo de documentos notariales con efectos en El Salvador Daniel Kokilananda Realtor®, Parishioner S.0178335 (702) 353-0373 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Las Vegas, NV A 4C 05-1284
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