ST. FRANCIS BY the Sea Catholic Church - Parishes Online

Page created by Ellen Moody
ST. FRANCIS BY the Sea Catholic Church - Parishes Online
ST. FRANCIS BY the Sea Catholic Church
              A Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston, SC
                                               Established 1984

           45 Beach City Road                                        Mass Schedule Week of
 Hilton Head ISLAND, SOUTH CAROLINA 29926                   Monday, November 7—Sunday, November 13
                                                                              Daily Mass
   Church Hours for Personal Prayer
                                                                    8:30am: Monday through Saturday
     8:00am—3:00pm | Monday through Friday
                                                                          10:00am: Wednesday
                  Confession                                  11:30am: Monday | Tuesday | Thursday | Friday
            15 minutes prior to Daily Mass
  Saturdays from 3:30—4:30pm | or by appointment                        Saturday Vigil Mass
                                                                       4:45pm | 7:00pm En Espanol
                 Daily Rosary
 Prayed each morning at 8:00am, except for Sundays                          Sunday Mass
                                                                  7:30am | 9:00am | 10:30am | 12:00pm
ST. FRANCIS BY the Sea Catholic Church - Parishes Online

               pastor                                                       Parochial Vicar                                                    Parochial Vicar
        Fr. Michael Oenbrink                                                Fr. Christopher Loester                                                    Fr. Max Tria
                 ext. 261                                                           ext. 262                                                              ext. 256

PHONE NUMBERS                                       Welcome to our faith             STAFF
PARISH OFFICE                 843.681.6350          family! We hope you will         Sarah Dempsey, ext. 295                Mitzi Weaver, ext. 248
                                                    feel at home at St. Francis      Finance Administrative Assistant       Director of Religious Education
PARISH FAX                    843.689.5502
                                                    and will share your faith,
                                                                                     Bryan Goll, ext. 289
ANOINTING OF THE SICK                               experience, and talents          Director of Maintenance
                                                                                                                            2023 CALENDARS
If Last Rites are needed after                      with your fellow brothers
                                                                                                                            2023 parish calendars
office hours, please call:                          and sisters in Christ. By        Dion Jenks, ext. 231
                                                                                                                            are available in the
1-843-941-9434                                      worshiping and working           Director of Admin & Finance
                                                    together, may we more
CONNECT WITH US                                     perfectly reflect the glory
                                                                                     Merideth Johnson, ext. 250
                                                                                     Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor
           WEBSITE                                  of God and help bring
                                                                                                                            St. Francis Outreach Ministry
                      about His Kingdom.               Jennifer McGlynn, ext. 266
                                                                                                                            843-681-2112 |
                                                                                     Director of Faith Formation
                                                                                                                            15 Hospital Center Commons, Suite 100E
           stfrancisbytheseacatholi.             CLERGY & DEACONS                    Carolina Rozo, ext. 263
                                                                                     Hispanic Ministry Assistant
                                                                                                                            Diocesan Office of Child Protection Services
                          Monsignor Martin Laughlin,                                                 Louisa Storen, 800-921-8122
                                                                                     Colleen Rzeczycki, ext. 288
           FACEBOOK                                                                  Director of Communications             Immigration & Paralegal Support
           @stfrancishhi                         Gerard Hand, Retired                Parish Safe Environment Coordinator    Mily Choy, 843-785-2200
                                                 Joseph Nazzaro, Retired
           TWITTER                               David Ritter                        Pam Slawson, ext. 267                  Welcome Home Ministry for Inactive Catholics
           @stfrancisbythe1                      Patrick Sheehan, Retired            Finance Office Assistant               Ron Angner, 843-686-6037

                                                 READINGS & INTENTIONS: NOVEMBER 6—13, 2022
 11/6 Sunday                              7:30am                        Joanne Dunn                                    First: Maccabees 7:1-2,9-14
 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time             9:00am                        Barbara Marcinkowski                           Second: 2Thessalonians 2:16-3:5
                                          10:30am                       William McIvor                                 Gospel: Luke 20:27-38
                                          12:00pm                       Robert Nelson 
 11/7 Monday                              8:30am                        Irma Natera                                    First: Titus 1:1-9
                                          11:30am                       Joan Knoetter                                  Gospel: Luke 17:1-6
 11/8 Tuesday                             8:30am                        Edward Pogoda                                  First: Titus 2:1-8,11-14
                                          11:30am                       Bill McCormick                                 Gospel: Luke 17:7-10
                                          7:00pm En Espanol             NO MASS

 11/9 Wednesday                           8:30am                        Amy Lawrence                                   First: Ezekiel 47:1-2,8-9,12
 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica   10:00am                       Cornelia Van Der Bosch                         Second: 1Corinthians 3:9c-11,16-17
                                                                                                                        Gospel: John 2:13-22
 11/10 Thursday                           8:30am                        Intentions of Michael Howard                    First: Philemon 7-20
 St. Leo the Great,                       11:30am                       Claudio DiBartolomeo                           Gospel: Luke 17:20-25
 Pope & Doctor of the Church

 11/11 Friday                             8:30am                        Gerald Weaver                                  First: 2John 4-9
 St. Martin of Tours Bishop               11:30am                       All Veterans, Living & Deceased                 Gospel: Luke 17:26-37
 11/12 Saturday                           8:30am                        Robert Michelmann, Jr.                         First: 3John 5-8
 St. Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr            4:45pm                        Opal Freshman                                  Gospel: Luke 18:1-8
                                          7:00pm En Espanol
 11/13 Sunday                             7:30am                        Mary Federico                                  First: Malachi 3:19-20a
 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time             9:00am                        Stephen Menzies                                Second: 2Thessalonians 3:7-12
                                          10:30am                       Marion & Joseph Thornton                       Gospel: Luke 21:5-19
                                          12:00pm                       Rose Anacleto 

ST. FRANCIS BY the Sea Catholic Church - Parishes Online
STEWARDSHIP                                                       RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
                         WEEKLY GIVING
       Week of October 26—November 1, 2022
 Weekly Offertory Envelopes                                   $14,473
 Online Contributions
                                                               $3,580        Advent Candles, Wreaths & Christmas Card Sale
 All Saints                                                    $3,139        WHEN: Following every Mass on November 5th & 6th
 All Souls                                                       $748
 Christmas                                                        $65        WHERE: The Church Plaza
    Total Offertory                                         $26,496                Christmas Cards (set of 20 cards): $20 per box
                                                                                         Box of Advent Candles: $5 per set
 Repair & Replacement                                             $125                    Gold Metal Advent Wreath: $5

 Envelopes Issued                                                 1322           Proceeds will support the FOCUS Campus Ministry.
 Envelopes Used                                                    477
 Electronic Giving                                                  55                            Donations welcome!
 Percentage of Envelopes                                           40%
    & Electronic Giving                                                                If you have any questions, please contact:
                                                                                      Mitzi Weaver, Director of Religious Education

             November Charitable Giving News
          Charitable Giving represents 10% of the planned offertory

    Family Honor                                            $3,000
    Kairos Prison Ministry                                  $3,000                   St. Francis by the Sea will hold its
    Diocesan Collection—Guatemalan Mission                  $3,000
    SFO                                                     $5,350                         annual Ministry Fair on

Have you recently moved to Hilton Head? Please
visit our website: to register;
or scan the QR code with your smartphone
camera to access our quick and easy registration
form.                                                                          Representatives from many of the parish
                                                                                ministries will be available to meet with
                   For $150, parishioners can contribute to the
                   two altar flower arrangements in memory of a                 and see what their ministry is all about.
                   loved one or in honor of a special                             Please join us in the Family Center
                   occasion. Please contact the Parish Office to
                   make arrangements.                                              to support your parish ministries!
                                                                             SFCS TRUNK-OR-TREAT
BAPTISM                                                                      The Parish Office had fun at the school’s annual Halloween
For additional information about the Sacrament of Baptism for                Trunk-or-Treat! The office had inspiration from the recent
your child, please visit:                                                    parking lot construction and utilized many items from around If you have                campus in their
any questions or would like to schedule a Baptism, please                    décor. Great job!
contact the Parish Office.
Our funeral Mass pre-planning packet is available
online by visiting:
Once you have completed the funeral planning
worksheet that is included, you may submit it online via the
Google form or drop it off at the Parish Office, to remain on file.
The Family Center will be closed on Monday,
November 7th and Tuesday, November 8th.
ST. FRANCIS BY the Sea Catholic Church - Parishes Online
To nurture students’ spiritual and intellectual                                          ANDREA SMITH              MELISSA MARKEY
                                                                                                    SCHOOL PRINCIPAL           SAFE ENVIRONMENT
                growth in an authentically Catholic community                                     COORDINATOR
                committed to academic excellence.                                                                 

NEWS                                                                         UPCOMING EVENTS
THANK YOU FATHER MIKE!                                                       11/7                          Basketball Practice
Thank you to Father Mike for taking the time to teach a religion class       11/8                          Election Day—Don’t Forget To Vote!
with our 7th grade students. The students enjoyed having Father Mike                   3:00—4:30pm         Bake Club
as their teacher for a day and had some pretty good questions for him.                                     Basketball Practice
They are hoping he will come back to teach another class. Thank you          11/09     10:00am             School Mass
again for imparting your knowledge on our students.                                    3:00—5:00pm         Cheer Practice
                                                                                                           Basketball Practice
                                                                             11/10     1:00pm              Zoara the Comfort Dog Visit
                                                                                                           Basketball Practice

                                                                             ALTAR SERVER TRAINING
                                                                             Is your child in 3rd grade or older, and received First
                                                                             Communion?         They are eligible to join the altar
                                                                             server ministry! Please scan the QR code with your
                                                                             smartphone’s         camera      to      complete  the
                                                                             registration form. We will contact you for the next
                                                                             training opportunity, so that they may begin
                                                                             serving in this very important ministry.

                                                                             VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                             SAFE ENVIRONMENT SCREENING
                                                                             To volunteer at St. Francis Catholic School or many of our ministries at
                                                                             St. Francis Catholic Church that have incidental contact with minors,
                                                                             vulnerable adults or money, you will need to complete Screening
                                                                             Paperwork that is required by our Diocese and take the Safe Haven,
                                                                             “It’s Up To You” online class. If your ministry requires you to drive,
                                                                             you are also required to be screened for driving and take a Safe Haven
                                                                             Online Driving course. For questions and registration, please contact
                                                                             Melissa Markey, Safe Environment Coordinator.
                                                                             ST. FRANCIS CATHOLIC SCHOOL
                                                                             2022—2023 ISLAND VALUE DISCOUNT CARD
                                                                             The NEW St. Francis School Island Value Card is available!
                                                                             Present your card at area restaurants and retailers to save, all the while
                                                                             supporting our school! Cards are $20 each and cards are available for
                                                                             purchase in the Parish Office. The new card will expire on April 30,

                                                                             PHONE NUMBERS
                                                                             SCHOOL OFFICE           843.681.6501
                                                                             SCHOOL FAX              843.689.3725
                                                                             CONNECT WITH US

                                                                                 WEBSITE               FACEBOOK                  INSTAGRAM
                                                                               @sfcshhi           @stfranciscatholicschool
                           St. Francis is a Pre-K-4 through 8th grade Catholic School that is fully accredited through
     AdvanceEd & Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. For more information or to tour the school, please contact the School Office.
ST. FRANCIS BY the Sea Catholic Church - Parishes Online
PRAYER & WORSHIP                                                              PARISH NEWS
                                                                                      Election Day is upon us!
                                                                                      "The Gospel of Life must be proclaimed, and
   No one is beyond the help                                                          human life defended, in all places and all
                                                                                      times. The arena for moral responsibility includes
   of the prayer of Christ.                                                           not only the halls of government, but the voting
                                                                         booth as well. Laws that permit abortion, euthanasia and
   St. Leo the Great                                                     assisted suicide are profoundly unjust, and we should work
                                                                         peacefully and tirelessly to oppose and change them...Our
                                                                         nation cannot countenance the continued existence in our
MONTH OF THE HOLY SOULS—BOOK OF THE DEAD                                 society of such fundamental violations of human rights."
The Book of the Dead, a special book of prayer and
remembrance, will be placed on a stand near                              USCCB: "Living the Gospel of Life: A Challenge to American
St. Joseph’s side altar, during the month of November.                   Catholics," #32
Parishioners may write the names of their beloved dead who will
be remembered in the Mass intentions during the month of                        "I have set before you life and death,
November.                                                                      blessing and curse; therefore choose life,
CENTERING PRAYER/LECTO DIVINA                                                  that you and your descendants may live."
New participants welcome! The group offers beginning, ongoing                              Deuteronomy 30:19
instruction and practice in prayer and sacred reading (Lectio
Divina) from the Bible in a group setting. For additional                                             OFFICE OF FAMILY LIFE
information, contact Janet Dobbs at                                               Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat Rachel’s
Sessions take place on Mondays from 11:00am—Noon in the                                               Vineyard Retreat is a supportive,
Family Center.                                                           confidential, nonjudgmental weekend retreat for women and
                                                                         men who have had an abortion experience and would like to
                                                                         encounter God’s love, mercy and forgiveness. The retreats in
The Adoration Chapel is open from 8:00am—4:00pm
                                                                         South Carolina are: December 9-11, 2022—Charleston March 10
everyday until the parking lot is completed. Upon
                                                                         -12, 2023-Greenville For more information or registration Christy
completion of that work, we will be expanding the
                                                                         803-554-6088 Kathy 803-546-6010 .
hours of worship. If you would like to sign up for
Adoration, you may use the link below or you may
scan the QR code with your cell phone.
Every Thursday from 3:00—4:00pm in the church. Confession is
also offered at that time.
Prayed each Friday at 3:00 pm in the church.

When emergency prayers are needed, or if you are
interested in being a member of the Prayer Chain Team, please
contact Kathy Sheehan at 843-422-3565 or

               GOSPEL REFLECTION
Gospel: Luke 20:27-38
“They can no longer die, for they are like angels; and they are
the children of God”

Gospel Teaching:
The Sadducees denied that there was a resurrection, so they try
to test Jesus on the law by using a question that applied the
Mosaic Law to the “life after death.” Jesus see their attempted
test. Jesus lets them know that the laws of the earthly world do
not apply to the heavenly world. He uses the quote above to
indicate that things are different there. Further, he uses a quote
from Moses to show that Moses was told
by God at the burning bush that he was
being sent by “God of Abraham, the God
of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,” and that
God “is not God of the dead, but of the
living, for to him all are alive."

ST. FRANCIS BY the Sea Catholic Church - Parishes Online
FELLOWSHIP SUNDAY                                                                      John Paul II Catholic School president, John
          Fellowship Sunday will take place                                            McCarthy, will be visiting St. Francis on
          on Sunday, November 6th. Join                                                November 13 to speak to the congregation during
          us for coffee and donuts, as well                                            the 9am and 10:30am Masses. Mr. McCarthy will
          as the Ministry Fair, following                                              share the Good News of our school which was
          9:00 and 10:30am Masses!                                                     recently voted the “Best Of” in the Lowcountry for
                                                                                       high school, middle school, and private school! To
SHARING THY BOUNTY                                                                     learn more about John Paul II Catholic School, the
As we prepare to give thanks with our families,                                        fastest growing private school in SC, visit the
let us make sure to keep in mind those in                               school website at or schedule a private
need.     The November collection, 5-6th will                           tour by contacting Admissions Coordinator Anne McClure at
support the clients of the Pregnancy Center of                          843-645-3838 or Applica-
the Low County. It’s a time of year when the need                       tions for the 2023-24 school year are available online now. Early
increases and they are in need of cereal (we are                        admissions deadline is December 1.
empty), oatmeal, powdered milk, apple juice,
black beans, rice, macaroni & cheese,                                   HEALING PRAYER NIGHT AT ST. PETER’S
pasta & sauce, canned fruit/vegetables, peanut butter/Jelly, soup       Come and join St. Peter’s for “Healing Prayer
and snacks. Thanks in advance of your support of this critical          Night” which occurs on the second Sunday
ministry!                                                               of each month. This evening is a miniature
                                                                        version of one of the nights of the healing
BEREAVEMENT GROUP                                                       mission held in May, with Eucharistic
The St. Francis by the Sea Bereavement Group will meet in the           Adoration, singing, and prayer. You will have
Family Center on Sunday, November 6th at 1:00pm. All who are            opportunities to ask God for healing or to
dealing with loss issues are welcomed to participate in an              ask others to pray with you. Please invite
atmosphere of love and support. If you would like to attend or          your friends and family; all are welcome! The next gathering will
for further information, please contact Georgeanne Schopp at            be on Sunday, November 13 from 6:00 to 7:30pm at Saint
912-658-6728 or                             Peter’s Catholic Church, 70 Lady’s Island Drive, Beaufort, SC

                The Women of St. Francis would like you to
                continue bringing your cell phones to the Parish
                Office or to the WOSF General Meetings in the
                Family Center on the second Monday of each
                month. Any questions, please contact Janet
                Dobbs at

                                                                        WE NEED YOUR HELP!
                                                                        On any given weekend the need for
                                                                        volunteers increases exponentially. In order
                                                                        to fill all positions, 92 volunteers are needed
                                                                        to cover all 5 Masses. Here is a per position
                Kyle Slagle & Julianne Reese                            4 Ushers x5 = 20
                     Married: October 22, 2022
                                                                        3 Altar Servers x5 = 15
                                                                        4-6 Ems x5 = 24
            Peter Savarese & Megan Wieseman                             2 Lectors x5 = 10
                     Married: October 29, 2022                          1 Cantor x5 = 5
                                                                        3 Sacristans = 3
                                                                        2-3 Greeters x5 = 15
                                                                        TOTAL: 92
                                                                        With approximately 5,000 registered parishioners, it would
                                                                        seem to not be a problem. Yet, it is. If you are coming to
                                                                        Mass, why not give a few minutes before and/or during Mass?
                                                                        Given we have 200 students, third grade and above, plus 20
                                                                        who attend religious education filling altar server positions
                                                                        should not be an issue, yet sadly it is. At many Masses we may
                                                                        have one or no students. What better way to attend Mass than
                                                                        to serve? On November 6th is the St Francis Ministry Fair.
     “May the Lord bless you and protect you”                           come to the Family Center and sign up for any of these
                          Numbers 6:24                                  important ministries or you can call the Parish Office.

   Charlie Ann Kennett         Saturday, November 5, 2022               With Much Gratitude,
   Colt Howard Kennett         Saturday, November 5, 2022
    Lucy Rae Ellers            Sunday, November 6, 2022
                                                                        Jan Halstead
ST. FRANCIS BY the Sea Catholic Church - Parishes Online
Bulletin Deadline: email announcements to by Friday noon, 9 days before the Sunday issue

  Bart Bubnell                          Army                     Deacon Joe Nazzaro               Army
  Thomas Byrnes                         Navy                     Marty O’Brien                    Army
  George Carr                           Air Force                James O’Brien                    Army
  Thomas J. Cavanaugh                   Navy                     Richard A. O’Donnell             Air Force
  Terry Conway                          Air Force                Allen G. Oechsner                Navy
  William Cotter                        Air Force                Fr. Michael Oenbrink             Navy
  Rick D’Arienzo                        Air Force                Carmen Oliver                    Coast Guard
  Terence Davies                        Air Force                Julius Parrella                  Marines
  Sebastian De Angelis                  Navy                     James Platt                      Army
  John J. Dunn, Sr.                     Marines                  Joseph Quinn                     Marines
  Patrick Falciglia                     Army                     Richard Regan                    Marines
  Joseph J. Fanning                     Army                     Walt Richard                     Marines
  John W. Fitzgerald II                 Army                     Bill Roff                        Army
  Bryan P. Ford                         Air Force                George Salemi                    Army
  Ken Gardner                           Army                     Larry Sauer                      Navy
  Thomas Gloven                         Army                     Brad Simpson                     Air Force
  Rick Graff                            Army                     Ronald Smetek                    Air Force
  Robert Greenly                        Army                     Joseph Smith                     Navy
  Gerard Hand                           Army                     Robert Smith                     Navy
  Richard Harrison                      Army                     Bob Soltys                       Navy
  Tim Johnson                           Navy                     Laird Spencer                    Army
  James Karaman                         Army                     Aurel Stuart                     Army
  Edmund W. Keeley, Jr.                 Army                     Aurel Stuart, Jr.                Army
  Dennis Kiely (deceased)               Army                     James (Jack) Surrusco            Navy
  Robert Kuhn                           Army                     Miriam Terry                     Army
  Msgr. Martin Laughlin                 Army                     William Terry                    Army
  David F. McMullen                     Navy                     Hal Wieland                      Army
  Fred McNamee                          Navy                     Jack Wilfore                     Army
  Daniel G. Merkel                      Navy                     Robert Yasenka                   Air Force

ST. FRANCIS BY the Sea Catholic Church - Parishes Online
   Sponsored by the Women of St. Francis!

                             NOVEMBER 19th
                                   in the
                               Family Center

                         THE MOVIE IS FREE
                           – JUST PAY FOR
                              PIZZA SLICES:
                                  $. 50


Veterans Day Donation Drive for
Veterans & Active-Duty Military

                    Saturday, November 12th
                     Sunday, November 13th

There will be a collection box in the Narthex at
all Masses on the weekend of November 12—
13th, and will be collecting the following items
for men and women:

Body wash & soaps                   Playing cards
Toothpaste & toothbrushes           Crossword Puzzles
Body & hand lotion                  Stationary
Foot & body powders                 Hot sauce
Bug spray                           Steak sauce
Women’s hygiene products            Condiments
Disposable razors & shaving cream   Peanut butter
Deodorant                           Crystal Light
Hair clips                            flavor packets

 A sincere thank you from the military troops
        that serve and protect all of us!
ST. FRANCIS BY the Sea Catholic Church - Parishes Online
Carolina Rozo, Hispanic Ministry Assistant                                  MEDITACIÓN DEL EVANGELIO – ALENTAR
Teléfono: 843-681-6350, ext. 263                                            UN ENTENDIMIENTO MÁS PROFUNDO DE
Email:                                              LA ESCRITURA
Sitio Web:                  6 de noviembre de 2022
Horas de Oficina: Lunes—Viernes, 8:00am—12:00pm                             ¿Has pensado alguna vez sobre cómo
                                                                            será cielo? ¿cómo será todo allá? Te has imaginado el reencuentro con
           El próximo martes 8 de noviembre NO tendremos misa en            tus seres queridos. ¡Qué gran felicidad! Todo será mejor que esto, de
           español. Por favor esté atento a las actualizaciones del         acuerdo a la promesa de Jesús. Tenemos reservada una morada en la
           boletín electrónico en caso de algún cambio.                     vida eterna. La lectura del libro de los Macabeos nos da ejemplo de la
                                                                            forma de pensar de los siete hermanos. Es de admirarse su valentía y
                                                                            esperanza en la vida eterna. Estaban convencidos que la muerte física
                                                                            los prepararía para la resurrección. “El segundo hermano, estando
                                                                            para morir, dijo: ¡No eres más que un criminal! Nos quitas la vida
                                                                            presente, pero el Rey del Universo nos resucitará a una vida eterna” (2
            St. Francis by the Sea tendrá su                                Macabeos 7,9). Vivir con desapego de las cosas del mundo es un
                                                                            verdadero arte, y aún más tenerlas y saberlas compartir, sabiendo que
                Feria Anual de Ministerios                                  nada nos llevaremos al morir es una verdadera gracia. ¿Conoces a
                                                                            alguien que viva así? Son esas personas que tienen muchos
                                                                            posesiones y dinero y pareciera que no les importara, son
                                                                            desprendidos y bondadosos. “Jesús le da un giro a esta perspectiva y
                                                                            afirma que nuestra peregrinación va de muerte a la vida: la vida plena,
                                                                            nosotros estamos de camino, en peregrinación hacia la vida plena, y
                                                                            esa vida plena es la que ilumina nuestro camino” (Papa Francisco).
                                                                            Jesús, en la última frase del Evangelio lo afirma así: “Él no es un Dios
                                                                            de muertos, sino de vivos, y todos viven por él” (Lucas 20,38). Ojalá
                                                                            que entendamos este mensaje de la vida eterna. ©LPi

 Miembros de muchos de los ministerios de                                   CAPILLA DE ADORACIÓN
                                                                            La Capilla de Adoración estará abierta de 8:00am a
la parroquia estarán disponibles para dar a                                 4:00pm mientras se termina la construcción del
     conocer más sobre sus ministerios.                                     estacionamiento. Cuando se haya finalizado, se
                                                                            ampliarán las horas de adoración. Si está interesado en
                                                                            registrarse para la adoración, puede escanear el código
                                                                            QR con su teléfono celular o llamar a la oficina del
                                                                            Ministerio Hispano, o visite:
                                                                            Estamos buscando niños o jóvenes que hayan recibido su Primera
                                                                            Comunión y quieran servir a Dios como monaguillos en la Eucarístia.
                                                                            Por favor, contáctenos para programar su entrenamiento. “Su
                                                                            compromiso en el altar no es sólo un deber, sino un gran honor, un
                                                                            auténtico servicio santo.” St. Juan Pablo II
                                                                            El padre Max estará haciendo confesiones de 6:30 a 7pm antes de la
                                                                            Eucaristía de los Sábados.


Nuestra próxima sesión de la Escuela de la Fe será el Lunes 14 de
Noviembre a las 7:00pm en el salón familiar de San Francis.
Seguiremos aprendiendo sobre el Antiguo Testamento. Los esperamos!
Estamos buscando personas comprometidas con nuestra Iglesia que
quieran servir como ujieres o proclamadores de la palabra en nuestras
Eucaristías en Español. Contáctenos para más información. “Del
mismo modo, el Hijo del hombre no vino para que le sirvan, sino para
servir y para dar su vida en rescate por una multitud.” Mt 20:28
El próximo martes 8 de Noviembre a las 7pm en el salón familiar,
tendremos una reunión de seguimiento en la planeación de la
celebración de la Virgen de Guadalupe y de las posadas navideñas.
Todos los servidores y voluntarios están cordialmente invitados.

ST. FRANCIS BY the Sea Catholic Church - Parishes Online                                                     Since 1981
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                     3-A-4-3             For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •                                                                   16-0373
Zach Pickering
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      Suites 1 & 2                                                                                                                   
 Hilton Head, SC 29926   e:                                                                                        Pete O’Reilly, Owner/Diocese Parishioner

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                                                                      843-689-5771                                         63 Arrow Road • Hilton Head
                                                                                                            | 843.715.4584
 Sarah Huie, CFP®                                                      70 Main St., Ste 400
                                                   Parishioner        Hilton Head, SC 29926

                         3-A-4-3           For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •                                                                                                      16-0373
MacDONALD BROS. Ent., Inc.
          Residential Builders & Remodelers                                                                                    • Service
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                                        about the
Boutique Service At Reasonable Prices   benefits of
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                                        or villa.
           Parishioner                   M ike M anesiotis , BIC                                                                                                Dr. Kevin Hardy - Parishioner
                                                                                                                                                                Now Accepting New Patients
      Residential/Commercial                  48 Pennington Dr. Unit B
                                                 Bluffton, SC 20910                              Parishioner for 33 years                                       25 Hospital Center Blvd. Ste. 102
                                                843-815-5130               For Appointments call 843-681-6682                                                   Hilton Head Island
                                               “Locally owned & operated       or Visit us on our website at                                                    843-689-5500
                                                      since 1996”
                                                                                                                                     We are here
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                                                                                                                                    Dental Needs!
                                                                              Hilton Head Dental
                                                                             Daniel P. Lawless, D.M.D.
                                                                                St. Francis by the Sea Parishioner,
                                                                               Iraq War Veteran & Proud New Dad
                                                                                      222 Pembroke Dr. • Suite 102
                                                                                   next door to bishop eye, indigo run

  Kelly & Sons Plumbing, Inc.
                     Hilton Head • Bluffton • Sun City
                                                                                                                                                                            Lucy’s Friends Pet
                 SINCE 1988
                                                                                                                            4380 Bluffton Pkwy                                 Sitting, LLC
                                                                                                                          Inside Timeless Interiors
                                                                                                                                                                        Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
                                                           Dr. John Pion,                                                   843-815-3031                             Est. 2003 • Certified, Insured & Bonded
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                                                                                                                                                             | 336-508-2643
                                                                                                                       Save 55%-80% everyday
                                                                                                                                                                    Hilton Head
                                                                                                                                                                 576 William Hilton Pkwy

                                                • Total Family Care                  Se Habla Español                                                                  Bluffton
                                                • Dental Emergencies                                                                                                  19 Promenade
                                                • Adult/Children Orthodontics
                                                • Denture & Implant Services                                                                                           815-4343
                                                • Sedation Available                                                                                                                           Dr. Catherine Darling
                                                    James Canham DDS                                                                     • Complete Eye Exams
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     FAMILY DENTISTRY                                                                                                                    • Outstanding frame selection
     15 Lafayette Place, Suite E                 (843) 686-5526
   Conveniently located at the intersection        Parishioner
    with Walgreens and Bank of America
               at Indigo Run                                                                                  
                            3-A-4-3                 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •                                                                                                        16-0373
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