INFANT JESUS Roman Catholic Church 110 Myrtle Avenue Port Jefferson, NY 11777 -
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INFANT JESUS Roman Catholic Church 110 Myrtle Avenue Port Jefferson, NY 11777 founded in 1903 January 9, 2022 Pastor Father Patrick M. Riegger Parochial Vicars Father Francis Lasrado Father Rolando Ticllasuca Rectory Office 631-473-0165 Infant Jesus Chapel at St. Charles Hospital circa 1941
Pastoral Staff Parish Contacts Weekend Assistant Rectory: General Information: 631-473-0165 Father Jack Moore, Retired Fax: 631-331-8094 Hospital Chaplains In Residence E-Mail: Father Henry Vas - St. Charles Hospital Website: Father Matthew Udobi - Mather Hospital Bookkeeping: Dcn. Carlito Roman 631-473-0165 Parish Trustees Facility Manager: Lucy Paplin 631-473-0165 Robert Coughlan Ralph Cerullo Parish Ministries: Permanent Deacons Religious Education: Corinne Addiss 631-928-0447 Deacon Michael J. Byrne Deacon Kenneth J. Clifford Deacon Pat Gerace Deacon Carlito P. Roman Spanish Ministry: Fr. Rolando Ticllasuca 631-473-0165 Deacon Richard E. Waldman Social Ministry \Ç `xÅÉÜ|tÅ ~ Deacon William J. Powers Vicki Rybak 631-331-6145 (Parish Outreach): Weekend Schedule for INTENTIONS Those of you who are unable to attend Mass are encouraged to follow Mass PLEASE VISIT WWW.INFANTJESUS.ORG online or on TV. EWTN ~ Altice-Optimum Ch.135 / Fios Ch.285 : Da ily M a ss a t 8 AM FOR MORE OPTIONS CFN ~ Altice-Optimum Ch.29 / Fios Ch.296: M-F 8:30 AM, 12:30 PM, Sundays 11 AM, 7 PM AND UPDATES!! Saturday, January 8th Saturday, January 15th Christmas Weekday Weekday 1 Jn 5:14-21; Jn 3:22-30 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19, 10:1; Mk 2:13-17 9:00 AM Fr. Henry People of the Parish 9:00 AM Fr. Henry People of the Parish 5:00 PM Fr. Patrick Stephen Senesi 5:00 PM Fr. Rolando Richard Miller Chapel 4:00 PM Fr. Rolando Louis A. Santopietro Chapel 4:00 PM Fr. Patrick Sophie Droscoski Sunday, January 9th Sunday, January 16th Baptism Of Our Lord Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 AM Fr. Henry Noelle Siobhan Krupa 7:30 AM Fr. Rolando Carolee Gavigan 8:45 AM Fr. Rolando Spanish Intentions 8:45 AM Fr. Rolando Spanish Intentions (Spanish Mass) (Spanish Mass) 10:30 AM Fr. Rolando Phyllis McKenna 10:30 AM Fr. Patrick Janet McCormick 12:00 PM Fr. Rolando John Joseph Immel 12:00 PM Fr. Patrick Arlene Droscoski 5:00 PM Fr. Rolando Mildred Oliveri 5:00 PM Fr. Henry Carolee Gavigan Chapel 8:30 AM Fr. Patrick Arlene Droscoski Chapel 8:30 AM Fr. Joseph Brian Flynn Chapel 10:00 AM Fr. Patrick Rose Hughes Chapel 10:00 AM Fr. Rolando Charles Tergino Fr. Henry Fr. Henry Chapel 11:30 AM (Family Mass) Arlene Daly Chapel 11:30 AM (Family Mass) Thomas Clifford Weekday Mass Intentions and Readings 6:50 AM 9:00 AM Readings Monday, January 10th Weekday Ramon Marmol Dorothy Snyder 1 sm 1:1-8; Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday, January 11th Weekday Ramon Marmol Lenna Jankowski 1 Sm 1:9-20; Mk 1:21-28 John & Justina Wednesday, January 12th Weekday Mary Udavchak 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Mk 1:29-39 Senesi St. Hilary, Bishop & Consuelo Ravello Thursday, January 13th Ramon Marmol 1 Sm 4:1-11; Mk 1:40-45 Doctor of the Church Echevarria Friday, January 14th Weekday Ramon Marmol Patrick McGibbon 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10:22a; Mk 2:1-12
January 9, 2022 Page 3 A Message from Deacon Mike Byrne You Are My Beloved Today, we celebrate The Baptism of the Lord. This feast celebrates Jesus as the anointed servant of God and brings the Christmas season to a close. The Season of Advent prepared our hearts to receive our Lord anew. The Season of Christmas, which includes the celebration of Christmas, The Epiphany of the Lord, and The Baptism of the Lord, reveals who God is and who we are to be. Our first reading from Isaiah is the first of four passages traditionally known as the Servant Songs, which describe a mysterious servant of God. In today’s reading, the servant is described as one whom God upholds, as his chosen one with whom he is pleased, and as the one who shall bring forth justice to the nations. We, as Christians, can clearly see Jesus as the fulfillment of the mysterious servant of God spoken of by the prophet Isaiah. In our second reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we find Peter speaking to a group gathered in the house of Cornelius. Cornelius was a Roman centurion and new convert. And what we find is that Peter was more and more becoming like Christ himself. An observant Jew like Peter would not have entered into the home of a Gentile. Peter has come to the realization that God’s message of salvation that was initially given to the people of Israel was also given for all people. And so we hear him say, “In truth, I see that God shows no partiality. Rather, in every nation whoever fears him and acts uprightly is acceptable to him…” This visit by Peter to the house of Cornelius is just one example of how Peter, as well as Paul and the other disciples, are becoming more and more like Christ and doing more and more the things that Christ did. In our Gospel reading today, we have Luke’s account of the Baptism of the Lord. The event itself is not described. Rather, in Luke’s Gospel account, we have a description of what happened after the baptism occurred. We are told that while Jesus was praying, heaven opened and the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus and a voice came from heaven saying, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” As I write this bulletin column, and as I reflect upon the Baptism of the Lord and our readings for today, I am reminded of a great gift I was given by a priest when I went to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. On that particular day, as I confessed my sins, I confessed a sin that I often struggle with: the sin of not receiving the Eucharist in a manner worthy of what I am receiving. As a deacon, I sometimes find myself thinking more about what I have to do on the altar rather than what I am receiving. And so, I confessed that fact and asked for God’s forgiveness for not receiving his Precious Body and Blood in a manner that is worthy of such an incredible gift. After the priest had given me absolution, he gave me the most incredible penance…one I will never forget. As a penance, he asked me to contemplate words from Holy Scripture that I have heard many times, but they are words I had never heard being spoken directly to me. He said, “As your penance, I want you to go and spend some time contemplating these words which are spoken to you, ‘You are my Precious Body and Blood. You are my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.” Powerful words. Life changing words. Words that are spoken to each of us this day as we celebrate The Baptism of the Lord. May they be words that help us better understand who God is and who we are to be. May they be words that help us grow in holiness. God bless, Deacon Mike
Page 4 January 9, 2022 Reconciliation (Confession) Baptism (Infant & Child) Marriage Prayer Chain—Prayer Requests Scriptural Rosary Please join our mailing list and Spirit Alive Group receive up-to-date information about schedules, events, weather, changes, and more! It’s easy to join: Simply text the word ijemail to 22828 and enter your Oración y Adoración email address. That’s it! Total Contributions As of 1/2/2022 (Includes Weekly, & Mailed donations. 7,937 Does not include holiday/ special collections.) 2021 CMA Parish Goal $112,300 Total Contributions same time in 2021 (Includes Weekly, & Mailed donations. 7,227 Does not include holiday/ special collections.) 1/4/2022: 337 Average Weekly Collection 2022 Donors This Time Last Year: 313 All regular donations since the beginning of the 7,937 new year. (Basket, electronic and mailed) Total Pledges So Far This Year: Average Weekly Collection same time in 2021 All regular donations since the beginning of the fiscal 7,227 Pledges This Time Last Year: $120,874 year. (Basket, electronic and mailed) Percentage of Our Goal This Year: 105% Christmas Collection to date: 107.3% 2021 — $45,140 2020 — $40,956
January 9, 2022 Page 5 Around Our Parish... Infant Jesus Even in the winter, our Sacred Heart Statue is as beautiful and welcoming Parish as ever. Jesus is beckoning to us, in Port let us be sure to answer His call! Jefferson has an opening for a P/T maintenance assistant, beginning in February. Please contact Lucy at 631-473-0165, ext. 113, for more information. CMA UPDATE - GOAL REACHED!! We have $117,880 in pledges with almost $114,000 paid! We have until January 31 st to pay all pledges! Thank you again for your generosity! Pledging just got easier! 105% Text the keyword “142infantjesus” Diocese of Rockville Centre Catholic Ministries Appeal 516-678-5800 ext. 296 ~
Page 6 January 9, 2022 Welcome Friends FREE MEAL CURBSIDE PROGRAM Mondays @ 1 PM Christ’s Church Episcopal Barnum Ave, Port Jefferson Tue & Thu @ 1 PM St. Paul’s Church 309 Rt 112, Port Jeff Station Wednesdays @ 1 PM Fridays 3:30-4:30 PM First Presbyterian Church Main & South St., Port Jefferson Food Free Store Food Pantry & Free Pantry Needs Store Hours Needs Tue. & Thu. 10 AM – 12 PM Boys clothing We are in need of : 3 months to 16 Office hours are Mon. - Thu. 10 AM – 2 PM Girls clothing Oil 4t to 12 Donations of seasonal Ketchup clothing and small house- hold items can be donated Household items Mayonnaise Pots, pans, silverware, during office hours. Conditioner linens, washable blan- We no longer place furniture. Baby Wipes kets and comforters and If you have furniture to towels. Healthy Snacks donate, please call: Open Door Exchange Size 3 & 6 Diapers Boys & Girls at 631-751-0176 or Winter coats Hope Springs Eternal at 631-509-1101. The Infant Jesus Parish Social Ministry The Salvation Army bin in sends our heartfelt thanks to all who our side parking lot is for supported us and donated food and other bagged clothing only. Please items during these past several months to help do not leave items make Christmas a little brighter for the needy. outside of the bin. God bless you all for your generosity!
January 9, 2022 Page 7 Around Our Parish... Beginning in January 2022, baptisms will be New held on the first and Mask third Sundays of each Mandate: month. There is a limit The Governor of New York State has of 6 babies for each included houses of worship in her baptism date. There recent directives. Therefore, since the will be no mask requirement, and Church does not require parishioners until further notice, there are no to present proof of vaccination in baptism prep classes scheduled. order to worship God, we ask that all parishioners (two years of age and Note: older) comply with the requirement There will be no baptisms scheduled on to wear masks when participating in the following 2022 dates: May 8, May any activities on parish grounds. This 29, June 19, September 4, October 9, State requirement is currently in effect through January 15, 2022. We and December 25. will continue to adapt accordingly as new information becomes available. O Mary, Mother of Jesus and Mother Your patience and Christian charity of us all, we turn to you today as the towards one another during this one who said "Yes" to Life. "You will conceive and bear a Son," the angel difficult time is appreciated. told you. Despite the surprise and the uncertainty about how this could be, Boys & Girls, are you said yes. "Be it done unto me according to you interested in becoming your word."Mary, we pray today for all mothers an Altar Server? who are afraid to be mothers. We pray for those Or, if you have who feel threatened and overwhelmed by their served in the past, pregnancy. Intercede for them, that God may maybe you need a give them the grace to say “Yes” and the courage refresher on how to serve?? to go on. May they have the grace to reject the For more information, please email Deacon Mike at false solution of abortion. May they say with you, "Be it done unto me according to your word." May they experience the help of Christian The Rectory Office is people, and know the peace that comes from now open until doing God's will. Amen 8 PM on Wednesdays.
Page 8 January 9, 2022 HOPE HOUSE MINISTRIES Our Mission The Mission of Hope House Ministries is founded in the spirit of St. Louis de Montfort, who had a commitment to the poor and the courage to do what no one else had the courage to do. Hope House Ministries provides compassionate, comprehensive and competent care for the poor, the marginal and the wounded among us. This commitment is woven in the Gospel vision that all life is sacred and every human person is unique and has the right to be respected and protected. Specifically, we are committed to young people and families in crisis, pregnant women and mothers and babies in crisis and all other wounded people within our society, who are seen as abandoned and neglected. Thus, we seek to be men and women of hope in a world of shattered dreams. Focus on Religious Freedom We thank God for the gift of His only Son to free us from our sins. As Americans, we thank God for a nation founded on inalienable rights from our Creator who inspired God-fearing founders to protect freedom of conscience for all faiths. Nativity Displays at State Capitals on the Rise The American Nativity Scene organization, in its 9th year of partnership with the Thomas More Society, a religious-liberty law firm, are helping groups of private citizens across the nation to display Biblical manger Live your best life in love! scenes on government property again this Christmas. This year, 40 state capital sites are participating in a 25% increase from last Christmas and nearly double the number from 2018. Since 2013, with funding from an angel donor, the group has shipped more than 400 Nativity scenes for display at state capitals, city hall buildings and public parks. The group provides two-foot-high figures depicting the baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and an angel. Local groups provide a manger and straw, then work with the staff at the government venues to obtain any needed permits. "The ability to do this is a good response to what has happened in society the last couple of years," said Ed O'Malley, president of the American Nativity Scene in Illinois. "One of the benefits is the people and their enthusiasm with it and their excitement about the opportunity to do something to freely exercise our faith in the public square. That alone, I think, is important for our country and our world that we can do Ready for more growth and that. Not every place in the world can let you do that, but here, that's the First Amendment, the free exercise of religious speech."(1) happiness in your marriage or Residents and visitors to New York City will once again be inspired by a priesthood? Uncover the secrets life-size nativity scene in Central Park, on a piece of public property in to a long lasting, supportive, front of the Plaza Hotel on 5th Ave. The Catholic League has erected transformational marriage! This this display for decades. Their president, Bill Donohue, explained that a public forum, a place that is open to all ideas, concerts, artistic weekend experience helps you exhibitions, etc., cannot stop them from erecting the creche. listen, share and connect more (, 11/20/20;, 12/8/21;, 12/6/21(1); deeply with your spouse., 12/6/21;;, 12/9/21)
January 9, 2022 Page 9 Get In- “FORMED” Do you and your family members like ONLINE MOVIES? E-BOOKS? AUDIOBOOKS? If you do...SIGN UP FOR FORMED! This is a FREE GIFT from our Parish and Diocese to YOU! AVAILABLE ON FORMED NOW! MOVIES, DOCUMENTARIES, AUDIO BOOKS, AU- DIO DRAMAS, VIDEOS & TALKS TO BETTER UNDERSTAND OUR FAITH, HISTORY & CULTURE, GREAT CONTENT FOR ADULTS, YOUNG ADULTS, CHILDREN !! These titles are only a fewof hundreds that are offered for your listening and reading pleasure Log in or register at THINKING OF BECOMING A CATHOLIC? The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is the official Rite of the Roman Catholic Church for adults who wish to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and/or Confirmation. The RCIA Program is for any adult who: •Was baptized in the Catholic Church but is uncatechized and has not received the Sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation. •Was baptized in another Christian denomination and wishes to be received into full communion in the Catholic Church. •Was never Baptized and wishes to become a Catholic. For additional information, please call Infant Jesus Rectory at: (631) 473-0165
Page 10 January 9, 2022 N Thursday January 20th at 6 PM O is the special parent/child T Grade 3 time with Jesus at E Chapel at St. Charles N N Grade Level 1 (First Holy Communion 1) O Grade Level 3 (N-Z) O Parent/Child meet on one Monday every month. The T Family Mass T next meeting is on February 14th. Parent and child will E January 16, 2022 ~ 11:30 AM at Infant Jesus Chapel E read short chapters each week at home together. Religious Ed ~ Resumes the Week of January 17th Monday, January 10 Tuesday, January 11 Wednesday, January 12 Thursday, January 13 First Holy Communion—Grade 1 (Montfort Hall) Saint Nick visited our 4:30-5:30 PM 6:00 -7:00 PM First Holy Communion Class 2 Grade Level 4:30-5:45 OnePMparent/ 5:30-6:45 PM Mr. Dexter’s Class 5:30-6:45 PM Grades 6 (B) child gathering4:30-5:45 PM in 5:30-6:45 PM SS1 / SS2 December 5:30-6:45 PM Confirmation Level 1 & 2 6:15-7:30 PM 5:30-6:45 PM
January 9, 2022 Page 11 Respect For LiFe Rally In solidarity with the annual March for Life Rally in Washington DC Friday, January 21st 11:30 AM Mass at Infant Jesus Church Rosary ~ Speakers ~ Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Sponsored by: Infant Jesus, St. Louis de Montfort and the Knights of Columbus Joan of Arc Council 1992 There is a call within each Catholic man to become the man God made him to be. In a world full of challenges, the Knights of Columbus equips men to answer that call to lead with faith, serve others, protect our families, and promote our values. For more info about becoming a Knight, please email All are Welcome Join us to Pray and to Observe National Freedom of Religion Day Sunday, January 16, 2022 St. Therese Lisieux R.C. Parish Pastor Fr. Liam McDonald 67 South Essex St. (Corner of S. Essex and Montauk Hwy.) Montauk, NY 11954 and Catholics for Freedom of Religion Observe National Freedom of Religion Day Saturday, February 5, 2022 ~ 9 AM — 12 Noon Holy Mass at 10:30 AM INFANT JESUS PARISH PORT JEFFERSON NY MONTFORT HALL Benediction at 12:00 noon THERE WILL BE AWARDS & PRIZES FOR THE WINNERS. PARTICIPANTS MUST BE AGE 9-14 (AS Of JAN. 1, 2022). Followed by a Eucharist Procession through COPY OF BIRTH CERTIFICATE REQUIRED TO REGISTER! EVENT Montauk while reciting the Rosary for America STARTS AT 9 AM ~ LAST REGISTRANT ACCEPTED @ 11:30 AM. in observance of our First Amendment and For questions or to pre-register, please contact religious freedom in America. Mike Malinowski 516-317-9608 or email Light refreshments and fellowship to follow in ~ Walk-ins are welcome! the Upper Room of the school.
Page 12 January 9, 2022 CPT Daniel Armstrong Army SGT Steven Balfoort Army • New To Our Parish? PFC Jesse Bernstein PFC Ethan Bernstein Army Army • Have You Been A Part PFC Richard Bestafka Army Of Our Parish, But Spc. Nicholas J. Bohm Army CPT Connor Britt Marines Never Registered? PVT Patrick John Buckley PO Jenna Burton Army Navy • Are You A Long Time Please call the rectory at 631-473-0165 or e-mail to have someone listed. LCPL Edward Callan Marines Parishioner, But CPL Ryan Caltabiano Marines SSG Collin Cash Army Have Never Gotten SFC Nang Cash Army PO Richard Chappel Navy Around To Updating Your Contact SGT Ricardo Combariza Army and Household Information? CPO August Delledonne Navy 2LT Mark A. Duffy Army WE INVITE YOU TO REGISTER YOUR MASA Justin Edwards Navy CSM Michael A. Eiermann Army FAMILY WITH OUR PARISH SSG Justin Eminhizer Army MAJ Brett Erland Army We have also been having issues with the Post Office not SSGT Andrea S. Evangelista Air Force delivering mail to some of our parishioners. Sadly, we often can PVT Daniel Fey Marines not tell if you have moved, or if there is an issue with your SN Christian T. Freda Navy SGT Sammy Guerrero Army address and contact information. If you have registered with us, PFC Thomas Grau Air Force but are no longer getting regular mailings, please contact the PFC Dean Grau Marines rectory @ 631-473-0165, or contact us through our website. 2LT John Hewitt Army CPO Thomas J. Joyce III Navy Both the Registration & Family-Update Form and the Rectory PFC Donald J. Kelly Army PVT Ryan D. Kelly Marines Contact Form can be found at: CPL Brian Kolarik Marines WWW.INFANT JESUS.ORG MAJ Ryan T. Krebsbach Marines Under the ‘OUR PARISH’ menu item LT Mary Kruse Navy PVT Thomas Christopher Lennon Marines CDR Jeffrey Lessard Navy LCPL Stephen James Lyzak Marines IRA CHARITABLE PFC Kenneth MacAlpin E3 Matthew Malpartida Marines Air Force ROLLOVER = GREAT SN Edward Marbot Coast Guard OPPORTUNITY UNDER SN Ronald Martiny PFC Brenden McCabe Navy Marines NEW TAX LAWS CPL Andrew Meyer Marines …….. LCPL Bruce Moeller Marines PO1 Jared Mills Navy CPT Lintner Monroy Army HN Connor O’Keefe Navy SGT Melissa Perez Army SSG Maximilian Perez Army PSC Paul Piotrowski Marines LCPL Sean Piotrowski Marines PVT Ryan W. Powers Marines PFC David Ramos, Jr. Army HM2 Samantha Reilly Navy CPL Matthew Romonoyske-Bean Marines PFC Paul Russo Army LT Andrew Sebastiano Navy LT Diane Kruse Sebastiano Navy LCPL Chris Seijido Marines MAJ Warren Sheprow Army LT Brian J. Shields Coast Guard SFC Craig Smolenski Army SGT Jason Spence Army SGT Shane Spence Marines LTCMDR David Still (Retired) Navy PVT Daniel Sullivan Army SGT Jason Tulowilzki Marines 31st PVT Derek Warsaw Army HN Timothy Wieland Navy MSGT Christopher Wilson Air Force PFC Thomas Yacopino Army
January 9, 2022 Page 13 Attention Shoppers! Weekly Memorials Please visit Hope Springs Eternal - Second Chance Boutique in Port Jeff Station! All proceeds benefit Hope House Ministries in Port Jefferson. For the past 40 years, HHM (Founder Father Francis Pizzarelli) has provided a safe haven of support and recovery for thousands of Long Islanders struggling with poverty, addiction, homelessness, family conflicts and more. The Boutique sells high-quality new and gently-used goods including fine crystal and china, glassware, furniture, handbags and name brand clothing. There are all kinds of treasures, large and small with something for everyone on your holiday shopping list. We are featuring a special GIFT department featuring brand new items, many of January 10th them still ticketed! Visit us today and tell your friends! Bread & Wine Hope Springs Eternal At Infant Jesus Church Second Chance Boutique was donated in loving memory of 19 Chereb Lane, Port Jefferson Station Joe Winters Hours of Operation: Monday through Saturday from 11 AM to 5 PM For more information about donating and to view items for sale, visit: Or Call 631-509-1101 Pro-lifers are invited to help restore the right to life for preborn children by joining the Long Island Coalition for Life for the Roe v. Wade Anniversary Memorial Face the Truth, a pro-life event on Saturday, January 22, 2022, from 2:00 - 3:30 PM. This peaceful public witness will be held on the sidewalk in front of Nassau University Medical Center. (2201 Hempstead Turnpike, East Meadow) Be a positive sign for LIFE! Signs provided. Rain or shine. Sponsored by: LICL 631-243-1435
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