THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT - DECEMBER 13, 2020 - Parishes Online

Page created by Marilyn Baldwin
THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT - DECEMBER 13, 2020 - Parishes Online
DECEMBER 13, 2020
THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT - DECEMBER 13, 2020 - Parishes Online
This Week                                                                             December 13, 2020 | St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church

           Sunday Mass Schedule                             Daily Mass Schedule                           Confession Schedule
           Saturday 5pm Vigil                               Monday - Friday 7am* & 9am                    Monday*		          6:30-7pm
           Sunday		 7:30am, 9am & 10:30am                   Saturday        9am                           Wednesday          6:30-8pm
           		12pm (Spanish)                                                                               Friday		           6:30-7pm
           		6pm                                            *not on Federal Holidays                      Saturday		         3:30-4:30pm





    RCIA                 Food Pantry             P3 (in-person)              Religious                Morning Coffee         Borromeo Brothers
    7pm                  Handout                 6:30pm Adoration            Education                (in-person)            7:30 - 9am
                         10-12pm                 8pm Meditation              6:15-7:30pm              7:30am                 Coffee Hour
                         Bible Study                                                                  Bible Study            11-12pm
                         7-9pm                   There will be no
                                                 young adult happy
                                                 hour this week.

                                                              Enter the Spirit of Advent
                                                             Our Director of Sacred Liturgy and Music, Erin Bullock, compiled an
                                                             Advent Spotify playlist to help you enter into the spirit of Advent this
                                                    season! Scan the QR code or find the link on our website to start listening!

2                                                        STCHARLESCHURCH.ORG | 703-527-5500 | 3304 WASHINGTON BLVD. 22201
THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT - DECEMBER 13, 2020 - Parishes Online
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church | December 13, 2020

                                  Padre’s Page
         Dear Parishioners,

         I hope and pray that this message finds you and your loved ones healthy and well!
         Here’s what our parish is focusing on this week:

                   Advent Continues
                   • During the first half of Advent we focused on preparing for the Second              Fr. Don Planty, Jr.
                   Coming of Christ. Now we pivot to focusing on his first coming, as we                 Pastor
                   prepare for Christmas. Today is “Gaudete” Sunday, from the first word of
             the Entrance Antiphon in Latin: “Rejoice”! We are filled with joy because the celebration of our Lord’s birth to save
             us is fast approaching…
         •   I encourage you to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance to receive the great gift of Jesus’ mercy during this holy
         •   For other helpful ways to have a spiritually fruitful Advent, and for our Christmas & New Year’s Mass schedules,
             check out the “Advent 2020” link on our website homepage.

                   Catholic Charities Christmas Collection
                   Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington serves thousands of needy families annually with food, rent, and
                   utility assistance, with counseling services, and with much more. This year’s CCDA Christmas Collection will
                   take place in church on December 13–but you can give any time online. To give to this special collection easily,
         electronically, scan the QR code or visit:

         December Return to Full Liturgical Schedule
         •  It’s a good sign that Mass attendance and Confession numbers are ticking up again–while the parish and
            parishioners are all being careful and safe, and will continue to be so. Therefore, please note the following:
         •  Sunday 7:30am Mass will be offered again, beginning December 6.
         •  Monday 6:30pm Confessions will begin again on December 7.

         May God bless you
         Fr. Don Planty

                                                Please pray for our Seminarians

                        Tim Banach             Mike Sampson                Joe Flaherty           Brendan Parlett

STCHARLESCHURCH.ORG | 703-527-5500 | 3304 WASHINGTON BLVD. 22201                                                                        3
Share                                                                         December 13, 2020 | St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church

    GIVING                                                               PARISH CHARITIES
        Second Collection
                                                                         Parish Charities Donations Needed
        This weekend's second collection is for the                      We continue to need donations! We have been serving over 100
        Catholic Charities Christmas Collection.                         people each week through our food pantry, and the requests for
                                                                         financial assistance have not slowed down.
        Online Giving
                                                                         Ways to donate:
                                                                         • Financially: Online through Faith Direct (visit our website)
                                                                           or by check made out to St. Charles Church (memo: Parish
                                                                           Charities); please mail to the Parish Office.
        Faith Direct makes being generous easy. It only                  • Food donations: Please drop these in the bin at the chapel
        takes 10 minutes to sign up to make all of your                    entrance or during our food pantry hours, Tuesdays 10am-
        contributions to St. Charles electronically.                       12pm. **Also, please try to avoid buying large or oversized
        Visit using the parish code VA681                  jars (especially pasta sauce and peanut butter).**
        Give from Your Stock Assets                                      Canned beans                           Pancake mix (&syrup)
        Consider making a gift of appreciated stock to                   Canned chicken/ tuna                   Pasta
        our parish or diocese. You will receive an income                Canned entrees (chili, ravioli, etc)   Pasta sauce
        tax deduction and avoid capital gains tax on the                 Canned fruit (in its own syrup)        Peanut butter & jelly
        stock appreciation. For more information,                        Canned soup
        please call (703) 841- 3819 or visit:                            Canned vegetables                      Also, please continue to                                             Cereal                                 donate paper bags with
                                                                         Cooking oil                            handles!

                                                                         Other donations: Please contact akaufmann@stcharleschurch.
                                                                         org to find out about other needs.
                                                                         Buying in bulk: If you would be willing to buy in bulk, please
                                                                         contact Anne Marie Kaufmann, akaufmann@stcharleschurch.
                                                                                    To sign up for our weekly newsletter with food
                                                                                    pantry needs, visit:

    Please note that all lay faithful are still dispensed by Bishop Burbidge of the obligation to attend Holy Mass on Sundays
    and Holy Days of Obligation until further notice.

          • Our Weekend Mass schedule is Saturday 5pm, Sunday 7:30am, 9am, 10:30am, 12pm (Spanish), and 6pm.
            The 10:30am and 12pm Masses will be livestreamed.
          • Daily Masses are Monday through Friday at 7am and 9am and on Saturday at 9am.
          • The Chapel remains open daily from Monday through Friday from 6am to 8pm and Saturday and Sunday from
            7am to 8pm for personal prayer in front of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
          • Confessions are offered in the chapel:
                · Mondays 6:30 - 7pm, Wednesdays 6:30 - 8pm, Fridays 6:30 - 7pm, Saturdays 3:30 - 4:30pm
          • People may reach out to the Parish Office by phone or by email between the hours of 9am and 8pm, but the
            office will remain closed to walk-ins.
          • We have a wealth of spiritual resources available on our website and through social media, including televised
            and livestreamed Masses, prayers, streamed content, and other resources.
          • A number of parish gatherings, meetings, and classes are taking place virtually, but we are now open for
            on-site activities at a limited capacity. Please call the parish office to inquire about reserving space.
          • If you need any special assistance, our parish is here to help—call or email the parish office to reach out.
          • If you would like to volunteer to assist the parish and the needy, call or email the parish office.
          • If you would like to make a donation to assist the needy during these challenging times, please mail a check
            to the parish or give electronically by way of this link:
          • All parishioners are encouraged to pray and work especially for the end of the coronavirus outbreak, for those
            suffering from the virus, for the deceased, for our leaders and healthcare workers
    View the latest information from our bishop on the coronavirus at

4                                                   STCHARLESCHURCH.ORG | 703-527-5500 | 3304 WASHINGTON BLVD. 22201
Share                                                                          St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church | December 13, 2020

         Parish Charities Volunteer Help Needed
                                                                        THANK YOU
         We need drivers to deliver groceries to families on               Thank you to all who have helped to support our Parish
         Tuesdays at 11am. If you would like more information              Charities outreach.
         on volunteer opportunities, please contact Anne Marie,
                                                                           Number served for the month of November
                  Annual Christmas Giving Tree                             Food pantry: 649 food bags were given out
                   This year the St. Charles Giving Tree will provide      Financial assistance: 7 families were helped with $8,917
                   gift cards to nearly 300 children in our parish.
         Because of the pandemic, we are giving each family                Thank you to everyone who has helped by donating
         3 gifts cards ($25 each) per child in lieu of actual gifts.       food and other items, giving financially, volunteering with
         Please donate toward the purchase of gift cards either            our food pantry on Tuesdays, and delivering food to our
         online through Faith Direct (go to “Give” on the St.              parishioners and neighbors in Arlington!
         Charles website, select one time gift, and click on Giving
         Tree) or by check payable to St. Charles Church, memo:
         Giving Tree. Thank you in advance for your generous
                                                                           Thanksgiving Dinners - Thank you!
                                                                           Thank you to everyone who donated toward the
         donations to support families in need.
                                                                           Thanksgiving Dinners! We prepared meals for 60 families
                  Catholic Charities of the Diocese of                     this past week. Please continue to pray for the families we
                  Arlington Annual Collection                              serve, especially during the pandemic. May you continue
                   Catholic Charities shows the transformative love        to be blessed as we enter the Advent season.
         of Christ and serves tens of thousands of men, women
         and families in dire need annually through more than
         21 programs across 21 counties and 7 cities that make
         up the boundaries of our Catholic Diocese of Arlington.                  Grief Support Group
         Please take advantage of this opportunity for now, more                   Are you grieving the death of a loved one? If so,
         than ever. Your support is needed. To donate, please visit                know that you are not alone. to share a gift        We warmly welcome you to St. Charles' GriefShare weekly
         from your blessings.                                           group to support you in your grief journey. GriefShare will be
                                                                        held on Thursday evenings beginning September 10 from
                  Gift for Life                                         7-9pm. This is a 13-week program, and you are welcome to
                   Please give a Gift for Life this season to help      come to one, some, or all of the sessions. For questions, or to
                   Gabriel Project fund a mother’s maternity care.      join as a participant, please visit
         An expectant mother wrote: “I learned I was pregnant           groups/122121.
         and knew that I needed support and prayer. Gabriel
         Project helped me with rent, and my ‘Angels’ helped with                 Support the Haiti Committee!
         items for the baby and rides… They also provided much                    In lieu of our annual alternative gift fair, the Haiti
         needed support, encouragement and prayer.” For more                      Committee has set up a link with Singing Rooster.
         information and/or to donate, visit: www.arlingtondiocese.     By purchasing through this link:
         org/giftforlife.                                               partner/650, you can shop Singing Rooster directly and the St.
                                                                        Charles Haiti Committee earns proceeds from your purchases.
         Catholic Charities Counselor Will                              Just make sure you use our link!
         Continue Remotely
         Jennifer Barry, LCSW from Catholic Charities’ Family           When you click on the link you'll be taken to the Singing
         Services, is continuing to offer counseling through            Rooster website for Haitian coffee, chocolate, and art. Click on
         teletherapy. Jennifer is a licensed clinical social worker     the green drop down menu at the top and go to Retail Sales.
         who received her Master of Social Work (MSW) from              If you buy gifts for family and friends, or treats for yourself, the
         the Catholic University of America. If you would like to       Haiti Committee will receive a portion of the sales proceeds,
         schedule an appointment with her, please contact Family        and Singing Rooster will ship the goods directly to you at your
         Services at 703-772-4022. To speak with a counselor in         home, or to the address you designate. You can also feel free
         Spanish, call 703-447-9402.                                    to forward this link to others you know who may be interested
                                                                        in ordering Haitian goods.
         I rejoice heartily in the LORD,
         in my God is the joy of my soul;                               Thank you for considering this new avenue to get the Haiti
         for he has clothed me with a robe of salvation                 coffee, chocolate, and art you love and to raise on-line funds
         and wrapped me in a mantle of justice,                         to assist our sister parishes during the Christmas season.
         like a bridegroom adorned with a diadem,
         like a bride bedecked with her jewels.
         As the earth brings forth its plants,
         and a garden makes its growth spring up,
         so will the Lord GOD make justice and praise
         spring up before all the nations. Is 61:10-11

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Learn                                    December 13, 2020 | St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church

                Next Discussion: Monday, December 21, 2020, 8-9pm
                The book selection for our Fall 2020 discussion is Strangers in a
        Strange Land by Charles Chaput.

        DISCUSSION NIGHTS - 8:00-9:00pm in Benedict Hall
        Monday, December 21, 2020, 8:00pm: Fall 2020 Parish Book Discussion III

                  Mondays, 7pm-8pm
                  Would you like to explore the Catholic faith in an even deeper way? Would
        you like to begin the journey of entering the Church? Then you are invited to join
        RCIA. The Rite of Christian Initiation is not a “sign-up” for becoming a Catholic. It
        is a time of no obligation, during which we pursue the Truth and the Meaning of
        life, answers to eternal questions, and the truths, teachings, and practices of the
        Catholic Church.

                 Online Evening Bible Study & Discussion
                  Weekly discussions Tuesdays at 7pm
                  Join Dr. Tim Gray in this powerful fourteen-part series to discover the
        Gospel of Mark like never before. Open yourself to profound reflection on the
        shortest of the four gospels.
        Visit the bible study page on our website for directions on how to join:

                 Online Daytime Bible Study
                 Fridays 10am-11:30am, October 2 - November 20, 2020
                 Join us as we reflect on the Sunday readings during Advent via Zoom.

                 Men's Group: Borromeo Brothers
                Saturdays, 7:30am-9am
                Men of all ages on pilgrimage together to know and love God striving
        to become whom He has called us to be. Join us each Saturday morning for
        brotherhood and discussion about living out our vocation as Christian men.
        The Borromeo Brothers are currently viewing a new series entitled, Into the
        Breach, a 12-episode video series from the Knights of Columbus that seeks to
        answer what it means to be a Catholic man in today’s world. Inspired by Bishop
        Thomas J. Olmsted’s apostolic exhortation to Catholic men, Into the Breach tells
        men they are made for greatness and challenges them to achieve it by founding
        their lives on God and pursuing heroic virtue. Each episode explores a different
        aspect of authentic Catholic masculinity and features well-known Catholic
        speakers, as well as the personal story of a man who has deeply experienced
        the episode’s topic in his own life.
        Borromeo Brothers meets (via Zoom) each Saturday morning from 7:30-9am for
        fellowship, learning about our faith, and discussion about living out our vocation
        as Christian men.

                 Women's Group: Walking with Purpose
                 2020 Fall Bible Study - Fearless and Free, Tuesdays, 7:30pm-8:45pm
                 At Walking with Purpose at St. Charles Borromeo, we create new small group
                 assignments for each study and ask the Holy Spirit to enter the process. We
        pray that every woman enters the study with an open heart and that they are encouraged
        and excited by the new relationships God has planned for them as they help one
        another grow in faith and love of Jesus Christ. Questions? Please email us - wwp@

6            STCHARLESCHURCH.ORG | 703-527-5500 | 3304 WASHINGTON BLVD. 22201
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church | December 13, 2020

         Learn - Youth

            Yellow: WAY Monthly Fun Nights Sundays 7-9pm
            Purple: Community Service Club Mondays 4-6pm
            Orange: Work Camp 2021

            Community Service Club
            Join us on Mondays for our weekly Community Service Club from 4-6pm. Please
            wear a mask. Community Service Club is changing the time on Mondays to 4-6pm
            which will allow us to continue the club throughout the school year.
            For more details and to RSVP email:

            WAY Fun Night
            Sunday, November 15, 2020, 7-8:30pm in the gym
            We will play games, pray, and eat a pizza dinner together.

            Guys' Biweekly Small Group Bible Study
            Started Monday, October 19, 6:30-7:45pm. - Study of 1 Corinthians. Contact
   to join a small group.

            Girls' Biweekly Small Group Bible Study
            Started Thursday, October 22, 6:30-7:45pm - Study of 1 Corinthians. Contact
   to join a small group.

STCHARLESCHURCH.ORG | 703-527-5500 | 3304 WASHINGTON BLVD. 22201                                                                   7
                                                                            December 13, 2020 | St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church

    SACRAMENTS                                                    MASS INTENTIONS
                                                                  Call Kevin Flynn at the office between 9am and 4pm to have a
    Baptisms, Funerals, and Marriages                             Mass offered at St. Charles for your intentions or any person or
    We continue to schedule Baptisms and Funerals and             persons, living or deceased.
    make appointments for Marriage Formation during this
    time. Please contact the Parish Office at (703) 527-5500
                                                                  Saturday, December 12
    or emailing for
                                                                  9am      † Rose D'Ambrosio by Mario D'Ambrosio
                                                                  5pm      † Luis Alberto Chirines by Marta Ballon
    Confession Schedule                                           Sunday, December 13
    Confessions take place in the chapel.                         7:30am Hannah Bala Herbert by Rachael Herbert Varchetto
    Wednesdays        6:30-8:00pm                                 9am    Caroline Lucy Johnson by Brooke Boyd
    Fridays		         6:30-7pm                                    10:30am The People of the Parish
    Saturdays         3:30-4:30pm                                 12pm † Jose Cabero by Claudia Flores
                                                                  6pm    † Virginia Napoli Eslick by Regina E. Planty
                                                                  Monday, December 14
    OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE                                          9am      Intentions of Friday Bible Study Group
    Help others to attend Mass safely by serving as an usher!     Tuesday, December 15
    Our ushers ensure that everyone can find a physically         7am
    distanced seat and easily maneuver through our modified       9am      Anne McPartland by Susan McPartland
    communion procession. You can serve others and your           Wedesday, December 16
    parish, all while you attend Sunday Mass! Contact Erin        7am
    Bullock to sign up:              9am      Franca Gutierrez by the Gutierrez Family
                                                                  Thursday, December 17
    Please pray for our sick,                                     9am      † Damaso D. Digo by Federico Digo
    Alexandria Musser, Paul Geiger (brother of Becky              Friday, December 18
    Geiger), Paul Duane, Naod Ermias, Jackson Huttman,            7am      † Regina C Finan by Frank Finan
    Rebecca Cataldi, Lani and James Catadli (parents of           9am      Louisa Gutierrez by the Gutierrez Family
    Rebecca Cataldi), Jacqueline Merz, Gregory Dessert            Saturday, December 19
    (nephew of Beth Nicholson), Owen Eickel (nephew of            9am      † Fr. Miguel Melendez by Emily Lane
    Kathleen Talley), Bob Giusti, Alfred Gomez (husband of        5pm      † Chris Gunther by Kathy Gunther
    Rectory Housekeeper, Leonor Herrera), and Susan Currier       Sunday, December 20
    (mother of Meghan Currier), Darlene Cataldi (stepmother of    7:30am
    Rebecca Cataldi), Patrick Oak, Mr. Blake Willi, Patricia      9am    † Ray & Julian Stoffel
    Aybar, Jon McRory, Edward Biddle, Martin Erroa                10:30am The People of the Parish
    Rivas (father of Delmy Enriquez), Beth Powell, Bridgette      12pm † Aurora Arce
    Johnson, Cosmo Carelli, Paul D’Ambrosio, and                  6pm    † Angelo Lionti by the Carr Family
    Chloe Basso.
    And deceased,
    Angela D’Ambrosio, Michen McRory, Jose Andres
    Gonzales (brother of Zonia Iglesias), Anna Grace Wallace
    (mother of Dcn. Forrest Wallace), Mary Jean Rathje (mother
    of Peter Rathje), Joe Russo, Bill Whitesides (resident
    of the Jefferson), and Katherine Ingraham (parishioner),      SUNDAY MASS LIVESTREAM
    Maria Angela Vales (aunt of Mariel Vales).                             We will be livestreaming our Sunday Mass at 10:30am
                                                                           and 12pm (in Spanish) on our YouTube channel! Visit
                                                                  or scan the QR code

8                                                      STCHARLESCHURCH.ORG | 703-527-5500 | 3304 WASHINGTON BLVD. 22201
Página en Español                                                              St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church | December 13, 2020

         FORMACIÓN RELIGIOSA                                              • Si usted es un padre que ha tenido dificultades para
                                                                            ingresar a la plataforma por favor póngase en contacto al
                                                                            202-215-8612, para ver cómo ayudarle
             “En medio de ustedes hay uno al que ustedes no               • Recuerde que hemos creado los nuevos grupos en
             conocen” En el evangelio de esta semana, tercer                “WhatsApp” si no está recibiendo mensajes por favor por
             domingo de adviento vemos como Juan Bautista va                favor comuníquese directamente con Teresa
             allanando el camino para que Jesús ayuda a la gente
             a estar lista para reconocerlo y esto nos recuerda que
                                                                          • Dado a las circunstancias que estamos atravesando
             debemos ser testigos de la verdadera luz de Jesús.
                                                                            mundialmente con la pandemia este año no tendremos
             Juan anuncia claramente que Jesús venia tras de él, y
                                                                            la celebración acostumbrada a la Virgen de Guadalupe.
             que el no era digno de bautizarlo.
                                                                            Esto no quiere decir que no la veneremos en nuestros
                                                                            hogares y como comunidad. Empezando el sábado 12 de
                                                                            diciembre, rezaremos los 46 rosarios que es un numero
                                                                            simbólico para representar el numero de estrellas en el
         NOTICIAS                                                           manto de la imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe.
                                                                          • Invitamos a toda nuestra comunidad a participar del
         Corona de Adviento                                                 Santo Rosario todos los días, para aquellas personas que
         En esta época es común ver la corona de adviento en la             no se han conectado todavía, les dejamos saber que a
         Iglesias con cuatro velas tres de color morado y una de            las 8:00 PM, estamos escuchando la vida de diferentes
         color rosa. El circulo que una figura geométrica que no tiene      santos, que nos ayudan a formarnos con su ejemplo.
         principio ni fin que nos recuerda la eternidad de Dios y los     • La plataforma Zoom se abre a las 7:30 PM y empezamos
         miles de años de espera en que llegara el Mesías esto desde        a rezar a las 8:00 PM, el ID es: 950 979 98823 si está
         Adán hasta el nacimiento de Jesús, si nos fijamos la corona        interesado a unirse en oración. Para más información
         de adviento esta adornado con pino verde que relaciona con         puede llamar al 202-215-8612
         la virtud de la esperanza, las tres velas moradas simboliza      • No olvidemos de mantener el protocolo al venir a la Santa
         penitencia y humildad. La vela rosada representa el Tercer         Misa que es necesario, es decir manteniendo la distancia
         domingo de Adviento, conocido como “Gaudete”, este                 física, usando la mascaras. Esto también quiere decir que
         color representa la alegría y el gozo porque ya esta cerca el      limita el número de persona que puedan asistir, pero al
         nacimiento de Jesús                                                mismo tiempo tendremos la Misa trasmitida en vivo.
         Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe                                      • Continuaremos con la plataforma Zoom,
         Dada a las circunstancias en la que estamos viviendo en          • Durante el tiempo que no hemos podido asistir a la Santa
         estos tiempos, por la pandemia, no tendremos nuestra               Misa físicamente, lo hemos mantenido en línea como
         celebración anual, pero celebraremos de diferente manera, a        comunidad, ahora también los que no pueden asistir por
         partir del día 3 de diciembre hemos empezado la novena a la        el número limitado de personas, o porque no se siente
         Virgen de Guadalupe a las 8pm por la plataforma zoom, con          cómodo asistir puede unirse por medio de la plataforma
         el código del Santo Rosario                                        y mantener viva y unidad nuestra comunidad.
                                                                          • Si tiene preguntas puede llamar a Teresa
         Preparación Pre-bautismal:                                       • Recordémonos de encomendar a las personas que están
         • Para mantener el horario que teníamos, continuaremos con         en cuarentena debido al virus y dar gracias por las familias
           la preparación Pre bautismal el segundo domingo del mes          que ya están mejoradas, cada que recibimos noticias
           a las 6pm, previa registración                                   de familias que se han salido de la enfermedad, demos
         • La clase para se está realizando por la plataforma Zoom,         gracias a Dios por su infinita misericordia
           si tiene un niño que todavía no ha sido bautizado o si va
           a ser padrino en otra parroquia llámenos para darle más        Inscripciones para la Formación Religiosa
         • Animamos a los padres que tienen hijos sin ser bautizados
                                                                          Para Adultos
                                                                          Y hemos empezado las Inscripciones para la Formación de
           que no dejen pasar el tiempo, para recibir este sacramento
                                                                          Adultos, por favor pasen la voz.
           que nos abre las puertas a los demás sacramentos
         Catequesis:                                                      Grupo de Oración
                                                                          El Grupo de Oración “La Divina Misericordia del Señor”
         • Recordamos a todos los padres, que continuamente vigilen
                                                                          Se reúne todos los sábados a partir de las 5pm por medio
           a sus niños durante las clases de catequesis, para que
                                                                          de la Plataforma Zoom, si necesita mas información puede
           mantengan las cámaras puestas, ya que tienen que ser
                                                                          ponerse en contacto con Zósimo Salome Coordinador, al
           visibles todo el tiempo. Si por algún caso su hijo (a) apaga
                                                                          571-3370013 o con Isela García Sub coordinadora al 571-
           la cámara se le sacara de la clase y sus padres tienen
           que ponerse en contacto con su catequista, para volver a
           ingresar                                                       Jóvenes Adultos
         • Les recordamos que todos los sábados el Rosario es             El grupo de Jóvenes Adultos, que ha empezado en nuestra
           exclusivamente para los niños, con la participación de los     comunidad se reúne por la plataforma Zoom todos los
           mismos y con la enseñanza bíblica al final.                    martes a partir de las 5:45. Para mas información puede
                                                                          llamar al 202-215-8612

STCHARLESCHURCH.ORG | 703-527-5500 | 3304 WASHINGTON BLVD. 22201                                                                           9
Contact                                                                     December 13, 2020 | St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church

     Pastor                                                         Sign up to stay informed of the latest parish
     Rev. Donald J. Planty, Jr.                                     news and activities.

     Parochial Vicar                                                St. Charles Challenge
                                                                    Tips and reminders for spiritual growth
     Rev. Keith Cummings
                                                                    text “scchallenge” to 84576

     Operations Manager                                             St. Charles Weekly Bulletin
     Nicole Rizzolo                                                 The parish bulletin delivered electronically                                   text “stcharlesweekly” to 84576

     Receptionists                                                  St. Charles Alerts
     Alvaro Chavez, Kevin Flynn, & Vicky Parada                     Holy Days, weather closings, & urgent news
                                                                    text “stcharlesalerts” to 84576
     Director of Parish Charities & Justice Advocacy
     Anne Marie Kaufmann                                            Social Media                                  @stcharleschurch

     Director of Religious Education
     Katie Wilson                                                               Please reigster in the parish online at:                                        

     Director of Evangelization & Adult Faith Formation
     Adam Arehart

     Assistant Director of Evangelization & Media
     Bulay Miñano

     Director of Hispanic Ministry
     Teresa Reyes

     Director of Sacred Liturgy & Music
     Erin Bullock

     Maintenance Director
     George Reyes

     Maintenance Assistants
     Hugo Perez
     Bill Roche

     St. Charles Early Childhood Education Center
     Director: Amy Fry (703) 527-0608

     Assisting Clergy
     Rev. Francisco Mendez de Dios (Retired)
     Rev. Anthony Giampietro, C.S.B. (Catholic University of America)
     Rev. Edward Horkan (In residence)
     Dominican Friars from the Dominican House of Studies in D.C.
     Deacon Matthew Collins (transitional deacon from the Archdiocese
     of Hartford studying at Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary)

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