Saint George -

Page created by Rick Mcgee
Saint George -
September 19, 2021 / Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

                                                               Saint George
                                                                CATHOLIC CHURCH
                                                                 REV. DAVID BITTMENN, PASTOR
Photo: Bob Parks                                                 Rev. Kelechi Alozie, Parochial Vicar

           CCD Teachers Still Needed for the 2021-2022 School Year
  Saint George Parish is recruiting CCD teachers for the coming school year, September through May. We have several
  grade openings.
                                 Top 10 reasons you should become a Catechist

  10. The best way to learn is to teach. We all are called to continue to grow in our own faith, and the best way to learn is
  to teach. Your own understanding will increase.
  9. Catechists tell the truth. In today’s chaotic world, people are searching for what is real and what isn’t. As a
  catechist, you speak the truth about God, faith and morals.
  8. Sharing the faith is an honor. Fewer than one percent of Catholics are catechists. If approached to be a catechist, you
  are being asked to do something special for God, the church and your fellow Catholics.
  7. Your own faith will come alive. Jesus told us not to put our light under a bushel basket, and that means not hiding it
  behind a missalette either. As a catechist, you will discover prayer, liturgy and your own relationship with God will
  become more vibrant and meaningful.
  6. You become an active part of the most active part of your parish.
  One criticism of Catholic churches is that they don’t offer as much “fellowship.” As a catechist in your parish, you enter
  into a community that will support you, pray for and encourage you in your Catholic way of life.
  5. A catechist is a role model. Role models/heroes for young people are movie and sports stars. They also need
  examples of ordinary people who do the right thing just because it is the right thing. As a catechist, you get to model
  behaviors young people might not learn anywhere else.
  4.You will be practicing stewardship. A catechist is a way of being a good steward, giving a bit of your most precious
  resource — your time. You might not be able to donate as much money as you would like, but we all have time and talent
  to share.
  3.Show your own family that you value religious education. Taking time out of your life to teach the faith shows
  your own family and friends you put a high priority on religious education. You may find you are teaching them as much
  by your example as by your lesson plan.
  2. It’s fun. Spending time with energetic, enthusiastic young people gives you renewed energy and vitality.
  1. It’s what we are called to do. Jesus said: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, … teaching them to
  observe all that I have commanded you.” (Mt 28:19-20) ... teaching the next generation about the Good News may be the
  most important thing you will ever do!

                               Excerpted from Woodeene Koenig-Bricker writes from Oregon.
                                Contact Mariana Lawrentz 435-673-2604 or 720-227-8319

Saint George -
                  Gratitude in Action: Our Way of Life / Gratitud en Acción: Nuestra forma de Vida

‘Greatness’ is something to which we are invited,                   “Grandeza” es algo a lo que estamos invitados, desafiados
challenged to obtain. What determines our level of                  a obtener. ¿Qué determina nuestro nivel de grandeza?
greatness? Better yet, who determines our level of                  Mejor aún, ¿quién determina nuestro nivel de grandeza?
                                                                    El diccionario Merriam-Webster define la grandeza como
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines greatness as                 la cualidad o el estado de ser grande (como en tamaño,
the quality or state of being great (as in size, skill,             habilidad, logro o poder).
achievement, or power).
                                                                    Tenemos fortalezas y debilidades. Hay habilidades con las
                                                                    que hemos sido bendecidos y nuestros esfuerzos pueden
We have strengths and weaknesses. There are abilities
                                                                    lograr resultados superiores. Otras áreas de interés, en las
with which we have been blessed, and our efforts may
                                                                    que nuestras habilidades no son tan fuertes, pueden
achieve superior results. Other areas of interest, in which
                                                                    desafiarnos significativamente. Esto no significa que no
our abilities are not as strong, may challenge us
                                                                    podamos establecer o lograr metas en estas áreas de
significantly. This does not mean we cannot establish or
                                                                    interés. Significa que es posible que no reconozcamos el
accomplish goals in these areas of interest. It means we
                                                                    nivel de logro como otro con una capacidad mayor que la
may not recognize the level of achievement as another with
a greater ability than ours.
                                                                    Aunque nos sentimos atraídos e interesados en algo más
Although we find ourselves drawn and interested in                  desafiante para nuestras habilidades, y quizás no lleguemos
something more challenging to our abilities, and may not            a ser líderes, eso no significa que no podamos participar y
become a leader, it does not mean we cannot participate             disfrutar de nuestro tiempo con los demás. Un enfoque más
and enjoy our time with others. A more positive approach            positivo es ver esto como una oportunidad para crecer y
is to look at this as an opportunity to grow and learn while        aprender mientras compartimos nuestros propios dones y
we share our own gifts and talents God has given us. This           talentos que Dios nos ha dado. Esto se aplica en cualquier
applies at any point in our lives. We should never lose the         momento de nuestras vidas. Nunca debemos perder el
desire to learn, grow, or become all God has called us to           deseo de aprender, crecer o convertirnos en todo lo que
be.                                                                 Dios nos ha llamado a ser.
What does the Bible say about ‘greatness’? I googled the            ¿Qué dice la Biblia sobre la “grandeza”? Busqué en
question, finding the following answer, among 11,900,000            Google la pregunta y encontré la siguiente respuesta, entre
possibilities. I am unable to identify to whom credit should        11,900,000 posibilidades. No puedo identificar a quién se
be given.                                                           le debe dar crédito.

“Greatness in the Bible was never determined by how                 “La grandeza en la Biblia nunca estuvo determinada por
much money someone had or how much influence or power               cuánto dinero tenía alguien o cuánta influencia o poder
they claimed to have. Greatness was always given to the             afirmaba tener. Siempre se le dio grandeza al que era un
one who was a servant. Greatness is serving, and God is             sirviente. La grandeza es servir, y Dios nos llama a cada
calling each of us to serve, not to be great.”                      uno de nosotros a servir, no a ser grandes”.
                                                                    Hoy, tenemos el desafío de ser siervos de los demás. Jesús
Today, we are challenged to be servant to others. Jesus
                                                                    siempre le dio vuelta a las cosas, al revés en la forma de
always turned things around, upside down in the world’s
                                                                    pensar del mundo. No primero, estamos llamados a ser,
way of thinking. Not first, are we called to be, but rather
                                                                    sino al final. Es más gratificante para nosotros, a los ojos
last. It is more rewarding for us, in God’s eyes, to serve
                                                                    de Dios, servir a los que están entre nosotros en silencio,
those among us silently, faithfully. We may never attain
                                                                    con fidelidad. Es posible que nunca logremos un
any particular recognition as servants from men and
                                                                    reconocimiento particular como siervos de hombres y
women among us, or achieve a level of ‘greatness’ in their
                                                                    mujeres entre nosotros, o que alcancemos un nivel de
eyes, but God sees everything, and He is our Judge!
                                                                    “grandeza” a sus ojos, pero Dios lo ve todo, ¡y Él es
                                                                    nuestro Juez!
“Jesus gave up his power in heaven to live as a poor
outcast on earth. … he led with mercy over judgment,                Jesús renunció a su poder en el cielo para vivir como un
justice over greed, reconciliation over exclusion, and              pobre marginado en la tierra. ... condujo con misericordia
humble service … announcing a kingdom turned upside                 sobre el juicio, la justicia sobre la codicia, la
down in which the last shall be first and the first shall be        reconciliación sobre la exclusión y el servicio humilde ...
last.                                                               anunciando un reino al revés en el que los últimos serán
                                                                    los primeros y los primeros serán los últimos.

                                              Continued on Page 7                                             Continúa en la página 7
Saint George -

              In the days when computer towers were the          En los días en que los ordenadores domésticos eran más
              latest thing, a very young boy sat playing on a    grandes, un niño muy joven se sentaba a jugar en una
              rug. He saw one of his parents turn the            alfombra. Vio a uno de sus padres encender la
              computer tower on and a green light appeared       computadora y apareció una luz verde junto al botón. Se
              next to the button. That caught the boy’s          maniobró hasta el botón y estaba listo para empujarlo, pero
              attention. He maneuvered himself to the            fue recogido y llevado de vuelta a la alfombra con todos sus
button and was ready to push it, but he was picked up and        juguetes. En algún momento más tarde, cuando sus padres
brought back to the rug with all his toys. Sometime later        estaban en la habitación de al lado, volvió a maniobrar
when his parents were in the next room, he again                 hacia el ordenador y presionó el botón. Veinte minutos más
maneuvered himself to the computer tower and pushed the          tarde sus padres lo encontraron presionando el botón para
button. Twenty minutes later his parents found him               encender la luz verde e inmediatamente presionando el
pushing the button to turn the green light on and                botón para apagar la luz verde. El ordenador no
immediately pushing the button to turn the green light off.      funcionaba bien después de su sesión de 20 minutos con el
The computer didn’t work well at all after its 20 minute         niño.
session with the toddler.
                                                                 Hay días en los que nuestros botones se pulsan
There are days when our buttons are pushed liberally and         generosamente y después de un periodo de tiempo no
after a period of time we do not work well. We are               funcionamos bien. Estamos debilitados y entonces la
weakened and then temptation insists upon anger and              tentación insiste en la ira y la impaciencia como respuestas
impatience as viable and justifiable responses to what we        justificables a lo que experimentamos. También nos son
experience. Also thrown at us are those things this              arrojadas esas cosas que la segunda lectura de este fin de
weekend’s second reading cautions us against: “jealousy          semana nos advierte en contra de: “celos y ambición
and selfish ambition;” “disorder and every foul practice;”       egoísta”; “desorden y todas las prácticas injuriosas”;
“passions that make war within your members;” coveting;          “pasiones que hacen la guerra dentro de sus miembros”;
killing; and envying. Temptation hits us when we’re down         codiciar; matar; y envidiar. Sin advertencia, la tentación
and in a blink of an eye things get out of hand.                 nos ataca cuando somos débiles y en un instante la vida es
At times like this, the trials of one person can spread to
other people and things may get out of hand on a larger          En momentos como este, las pruebas de una persona
scale. Be that as it may, community is still what is needed      pueden extenderse a otras personas y la vida empeora. Sea
to bring things to order but not just any community will do.     como fuere, la comunidad sigue siendo lo que se necesita
The community cannot accept the rationalizations for             para poner las cosas en orden, pero no cualquier comunidad
anger, impatience, etc. that temptation provides. Groups         lo hará. La comunidad no puede aceptar las
that use these things as tools in their organization are         racionalizaciones por la ira, la impaciencia, etc. que la
self-defeating. Communities rejecting anger, impatience,         tentación proporciona. Por esta razón la Iglesia es
etc. are better. Better yet are communities that offer ways      importante. A través de la oración, los sacramentos, las
to overcome anger, impatience, and their allies. Enter the       buenas acciones, el servicio, el buen consejo y el cuidado
Church. Through prayer, sacraments, good deeds, service,         mutuo, se ayuda a la gente en el camino. Las personas no
good counsel, and care for one another, people are helped        son expulsadas o despedidas cuando son demasiado
along the way. People are not cast out or fired when they        capturadas por una de las racionalizaciones de la tentación.
are too captured by one of temptation’s rationalizations.
                                                                 La tentación sabe todo esto, por lo que contraataca. Sus
Temptation knows all of this so it counterattacks. Its tactics   tácticas son muchas. A veces convence a los feligreses de
are many. Sometimes it convinces parishioners that they          que necesitan ser perfectos antes de poder ser miembros de
need to be perfect before they can be members of the             la Iglesia. Las personas en la Iglesia necesitan ser expertas
Church. People in the Church need to be experts at all the       en todas las cosas que la segunda lectura recomienda:
things the second reading recommends: “wisdom from               "sabiduría de arriba" que es "pura, luego pacífica, gentil,
above” that is “pure, then peaceful, gentle, compliant, full     obediente, llena de misericordia y buenos frutos, sin
of mercy and good fruits, without inconsistency or               inconsistencia ni falta de sinceridad". Otras veces la
insincerity.” Other times temptation tells people that since     tentación dice a la gente que ya que todos los miembros de
all the members of the Church are not perfect, that the          la Iglesia no son perfectos, que la Iglesia no vale la pena
Church is not worth joining. From time to time temptation        unirse. De vez en cuando la tentación usa el egoísmo para
plays off of egoism and argues that the Church can’t make        argumentar que la Iglesia no puede hacer demandas o
demands or judgments.                                            juicios.

Computers can be repaired easier than people, but Christ         Las computadoras se pueden reparar más fácilmente que las
has patience.                                                    personas, pero Cristo tiene paciencia.
Saint George -
Please visit our website for more announcements or email us at for questions or submissions.

                   MASS INTENTIONS
                                                                                      Our Lady of Grace
Saturday, 09/18
     5:00 pm         U   Alfred Jankus                                                     Candle
                     U   Phyllis Vandervort                                            burns this week
                     U   Coach Ray Odette by Family
                     U   Michael Nevin                                                  in memory of
                         Memorial to the Unborn
Sunday, 09/19
    9:00 am              Memorial to the Unborn
                         Nora Escatel
                                                                                     Erin Vanderclief
                     U   Irene Ortiz
                     U   Al Rivera
     11:00 am            Memorial to the Unborn                                         Take My Hand
                     U   Marilyn Wienczorkowski
                                                                               Beyond Earth's veil I cannot see
                     U   Donnie Alexander by Perla Pine                      but my faith is strong, I trust in Thee.
                     U   Al Rivera                                               I know in time I'll understand.
     1:00 pm             Para el monumento a los no nacidos                  Until then Lord, please take my hand.
Monday, 09/20                                                                  My purpose here, may I fulfill,
     8:00 am    U        Bert Facciotti by George Facciotti                     and in all things do Thy will.
Tuesday, 09/21                                                               The trials of life may I withstand.
                                                                            Walk with me Lord and take my hand.
     8:00 am    U        Azel Bernabe
Wednesday, 09/22                                                             Then when I breathe my final breath
     8:00 am    U        Robert Kowalski                                      and close my eyes in earthly death,
Thursday, 09/23                                                                may I not leave this world alone.
                                                                            Lord, take my hand and walk me home.
     8:00 am    U        Edgar Facciotti by George Facciotti
Friday, 09/24                                                                                             by Ron Tranmer ©
     8:00 am    U        Chris Doetsch
                                                                             Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

                                                                                       Tuesday - Friday
                                                                                         9 am - 3 pm

                                                     Stephen Ministry
                                          Christ caring for People through People
                                         Walking with Others during Troubled Times
                                             Saint George Catholic Church
 Healing a hurt is a process and takes time. You may feel lost and not know what direction to go in or steps to take to feel
 better. This is when a Stephen Minister can help! While listening, empathizing, and validating your feelings and
 experiences, a Stephen Minister can help you work through a difficult time and serve as a trustworthy companion as you
 make progress toward growth and healing. Your Stephen Minister will not judge you, will keep everything you say
 confidential, and direct you to additional resources, if and when necessary. If you think you may benefit from this
 Ministry but are not sure, call the office at 435-673-2604 and speak with Father Dave or Carole. They will be more than
 happy to determine if a Stephen Minister is a good fit for your needs.
                                                                                                       Diane Gutierrez
Saint George -
                   Church Office                                              MASS SCHEDULE
           157 North 200 West / PO Box 188                                            Weekends
                 St. George, UT 84771                                  Saturday....5:00 pm; (7:00 pm Spanish)
          Ph:435-673-2604 / Fax:435-688-2704                       Sunday .....9:00 am, 11:00 am; (1:00 pm Spanish )
        Website:                     Monday - Friday 8:00 am; (7:00 pm Spanish)
                    Office Hours                                         First Saturday .........8:00 am
                                                                           Holy Day of Obligation Masses
          Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
                                                                       8:00 am, 6:00 pm; (8:00 pm Spanish)
            Closed from 12 noon-1:00 pm
Clergy…………….673-2604                                                   Saturday ................. 3:30 - 4:30 pm
                                                                    Scanlan Office Building or by appointment
Pastor ....................... Rev. David Bittmenn
Parochial Vicar……..Rev. Kelechi Alozie
Retired……………… Rev. Glenn Dare
Office……….……..673-2604                                              Mission Churches Mass Schedule
Business Manager .... Don Drake                                                 Saint Paul’s - Hurricane
    (                                                         (171 S. Main)
Bookkeeper ................. Kelli Callister                                   Sunday Mass—12:30 pm
    (                                       San Pablo Mission - Beryl Junction
                                                                                 (721 S. Highway 18)
Receptionist………...Nora Escatel
    (                                                   Sunday Mass—4:00 pm
                                                                            Saint Christopher’s - Kanab
Pastoral Assistant and Community Outreach                                        (39 West 200 South)
Carole Drake…435-673-2604 Ext 104 or 435-668-9202              Daily Mass - 8:00 am, Saturday - 5:00 pm, Sundays - 9:00 am
                             (                           Zion Park - Springdale
Maintenance……… Call Office                                          (Canyon Community Center, 126 Lion Blvd.)
                                                                              SCAP…Sundays at 8:00 am
Religious Education Coordinator                                          Palm Sunday through December 1st
Mariana Lawrentz …720-227-8319 or 435-673-2604
                     (        Parish Events
Newman Catholic Club                                    Monday
Veronica Gonzales:    10:00 am Everyday God (every other week) Kuzy Hall - Rm 3
Online Giving Link …….please visit our website           7:00 pm RCIA                              Scanlan - Fl 2
Bulletin Ministry………             3:30 pm Holy Rosary                       Hurricane
Thrift Store (Jackie Rickman)………673-1029                Tuesday
                                                        9:00 am Marian Hour - Our Lady of Peace Church
Gift Shop (Sharon Rawlins)………688-1948                   6:00 pm CCD                                Scanlan
Parish Council ……         7:00 pm Neo Catechumenal Way               Kuzy Hall - Rm 3
Safe Environment…Carole Drake, Local DSE                First Tuesday
               435-673-2604 or   6:30 pm Knights of Columbus                Kuzy Hall - Rm 1
                                                        6:30 pm Women’s Group                      Kuzy Hall - Rm 3
                                                        Second Tuesday
Baptism Preparation                                     1:00 pm Women’s Group Lunch at Harmons
English: Call the Parish Office to register             Wednesday
Spanish: 1st & 2nd Sat., 2:00 pm (Scanlan)               6:00 pm Holy Spirit Prayer Group          Kuzy Hall - Rm 3
Baptism                                                  7:00 pm Clases Biblicas CERS              Scanlan - Fl 2
English: 4th Saturday at 9:00 am                        Thursday
Spanish: 3rd Saturday at 9:00 am                        6:00 pm CCD                                Scanlan
Marriage Preparation                                    Second Thursday
English: Contact the Parish Office                      1:30 pm Mass at Sterling Court, St. George 324 N 1680 E
Spanish: Contact a Deacon                               Third Thursday
Deacons                                                 6:30 pm 4th Degree K of C                 Kuzy Hall - Rm 1
Rigoberto Aguirre ...................... 628-9107       Saturday
Rogaciano Tellez ........................ 652-9219      7:00 pm Neo Catechumenal Way               Kuzy Hall - Rm 3
Jesse Robles (…909-953-0240     Sunday
Anointing of the Sick                                     9:00 am CCD                              Scanlan
First Friday during 8:00 am Mass                        11:00 am CCD                               Scanlan
                                                          5:00 pm Rosary                            Church
Call Parish Office for home/hospital anointing

                     Bulletin Submissions for October 3 Due September 22 -
Saint George -
Please visit our website for more announcements or email us at for questions or submissions.

                  Knights of Columbus Food Collection                Weekly Collection Report
                              This weekend                           Collection (09/12)...…..……...........................$ 11,630
                  We always need canned meats, cereal, canned        Capital Improvement Project (August)
              fruit, spaghetti and pasta noodles, cooking oil, and   Building Fund Saint George……………….. $ 2,010
                                                                     Building Fund Washington Fields………….. $ 7,464
    Caballeros de Colón Recogida de Alimentos                               ****************************************
                    esta fin de semana                               Diocesan Development Drive - DDD (August)
   Siempre necesitamos carnes enlatadas, cereales, frutas            Online Giving, Checks, Cash……… $ 6,065
  enlatadas, fideos con pasta y espagueti, aceite de cocina y         Diocesan Quota…………………..$110,600
                          mayonesa.                                   Diocesan Payment thru 9/01……$ 46,952
                                                                      DIOCESAN QUOTA DUE……….. $ 63,648
                  Next weekend’s 2nd collection benefits
                  the Diocesan Development Drive (DDD)                                     It's Here
                                                                             Our new online giving platform is here.
                  If you have DDD envelopes, you may use
                  them for this collection. You may also             STEP 1: Go to our website
                  contribute to DDD through our Parish online By clicking on the
                  giving.                                            link Online Giving it will take you to our new page. If
  By Lee Haslam
                                                                     you have been giving with the old platform, you will
                          Washington Fields Building                 not be able to sign in with your old account. Please
                                    Fund                             create a new account. If you are new to Online Giving,
                                                                     please create an account.
                  This weekend’s second collection is for the
                  construction of a new Catholic Church              Once you have created your account, there are
              at 2500 South Washington Fields Road.                  additional methods by which you may donate. They
 Thank you for your support of this project to benefit our           are:
 Catholic community.
                                                                     Text sgcc to (435) 500-2366. You will receive a text
        Fondo de Construcción de Washington                          with a link, click on the link, it will take you to our new
                       Fields                                        online giving program.

 a segunda colecta del esta fin de semana es para la                 You may also donate with the app ConnectNow
 construcción de una nueva iglesia católica en 2500 South            Giving by ParishSoft. You can get the app in the
 Washington Fields Road. Gracias por su apoyo a este                 Apple Store or Google Play. Download the app to your
 proyecto en beneficio de nuestra comunidad católica.                phone. The organization name is St. George Catholic
                                                                     Church or you can add the zip code 84770. Click on
                     Monday Church Tours                             our Church, then sign in.
  Call Sharon Paetzke at 435-656-4618 to schedule. This
  tour is an informative activity for parishioners and their         If you have any questions, please call Kelli Callister in
  guests.                                                            the Parish Office @ (435) 673-2604 Ext 105

                                  Scripture Readings for the Week of September 19th

Sunday:      Wis 2:12, 17-20/Ps 54:3-4, 5, 6-8 [6b]/Jas 3:16—4:3/Mk 9:30-37
Monday:      Ezr 1:1-6/Ps 126:1b-2ab, 2cd-3, 4-5, 6 [3]/Lk 8:16-18
Tuesday:     Eph 4:1-7, 11-13/Ps 19:2-3, 4-5 [5]/Mt 9:9-13
Wednesday: Ezr 9:5-9/Ps/Tb 13:2, 3-4a, 4befghn, 7-8 [1b]/Lk 9:1-6
Thursday:    Hg 1:1-8/Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b [cf. 4a]/Lk 9:7-9
Friday:      Hg 2:1-9/Ps 43:1, 2, 3, 4 [5]/Lk 9:18-22
Saturday:    Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a/Ps/Jer 31:10, 11-12ab, 13 [cf. 10d]/Lk 9:43b-45
Next Sunday: Nm 11:25-29/Ps 19:8, 10, 12-13, 14 [9a]/Jas 5:1-6/Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48
Saint George -

                                                                                Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
  Sept 25       A Taste of Carmel: Carmelite Spirituality
                2:15 - 4:00 pm Scanlan 2nd Floor                             Last Friday (September 24) 9am-3pm, after
                                                                           7pm Mass thru Saturday 6am - Mass will Follow
  Sept 25       Pastoral Congress 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
                Kuzy Hall
  Sept 27       Everyday God 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Kuzy Hall                       Adoración del Sagrado Sacramento
                2nd floor
                                                                                 El viernes pasado (24 de septiembre)
  Sept 28       Palliative Care 6:00 pm Kuzy Hall                                   9 a.m. a 3 p.m., después de las
                                                                                7 p.m.Misa-Sábado 6am - Misa seguirá
                                  On October 8
                               Give Blood, Give Life
                                                                                        If you are a fearless child or young
                         The Knights of Columbus are                                    person, who likes adventures and
                         sponsoring a Red Cross blood drive                             learning new things, or think you
                         on Friday, October 8, from                                     can do something different
 1:00 to 6:30 pm in Kuzy Hall.
                                                                                          This notice is for you!
 Sign up for an appointment after weekend Masses on
 September 25-26 or October 2-3. You can also sign up by going   Registration is open for the Ministry of Arts. Here you can
 online at (sponsor keyword is                  sing and participate in a choir, dance and be part of the
 "stgeorgeknights"). Or, contact Tom Witt at                     dance group, act and be part of the theater or do it all and or 435-619-5046.                             be part of our end-of-the-year musical. Those who play a
                                                                 musical instrument or who like to paint and craft are also
                                                                 welcome. You can register at the end of each Mass in the
       BLOOD DRIVES ARE ESSENTIAL                                vestibule thru September. The payment? It will be a big
              PATIENTS CAN’T WAIT                                smile or if you prefer you can give a chocolate.
                                                                 Si eres un niño o un joven valiente, al que le gustan las
Continued from Page 2                                            aventuras y aprender cosas nuevas, o cree que no puede
 … Jesus Christ came … showing that greatness is not             hacer algo diferente
 found in power, wealth, and prestige, but in weakness,                               ¡Este aviso es para ti!
 poverty, and humble service to the lost and forgotten.”1
                                                                 Las inscripciones están abiertas para el Ministerio de las
 Called: What Happens After Saying Yes to God by Casey           Artes, aquí puedes cantar y participar en un coro, bailar y
 Cole, OFM                                                       ser parte del grupo de baile, actuar y ser parte del teatro o
                                                                 hacer todo eso y ser parte de nuestro musical de fin de
                                                ⁓Carole Drake    año . También serán bienvenidos quienes toquen un
                     Pastoral Assistant and Community Outreach   instrumento musical o les guste pintar y hacer artesanías.
                                                                 Durante todo este mes de septiembre, puedes inscribirte al
                                                                 finalizar cada misa, habrá una persona para inscribirse. ¿El
Continúa de la página 2
                                                                 pago? será una gran sonrisa o si lo prefieres puedes
                                                                 regalar un chocolate.
 … Jesucristo vino… mostrando que la grandeza no se
 encuentra en el poder, la riqueza y el prestigio, sino en la
 debilidad, la pobreza y el servicio humilde a los perdidos y          PARISH MISSION STATEMENT
 olvidados ”1.                                               We are one community nourished and transformed by the
   Called: What Happens After Saying Yes to God by Casey                              Eucharist.
 Cole, OFM                                                  As the body  of Christ, we are led by the Holy Spirit to know,
                                                                        love and serve God and one another.
                                             ⁓Carole Drake
                   Asistente pastoral y alcance comunitario  Somos una comunidad alimentada y transformada por la
                                                            Como cuerpo de Cristo, somos guiados por el Espíritu Santo
                                                                 para conocer, amar y servir a Dios y unos a otros.
Saint George -
                                     SAINT GEORGE CATHOLIC CHURCH
                                              PARISH OFFICE

                                                    Administrative Clerk
                                                Responsible to Pastoral Assistant
                                               Part-time, non-exempt, paid position

Actively Practicing Catholic

Working Knowledge of:
• Word
• Excel
• Adobe Acrobat Reader
• Publisher (a plus)

Attention to Detail and Accuracy; Time Management awareness
Creates Professional-quality Correspondence, Documents, Meeting and Event Notices
Ability to timely and accurately record data entry material into parish records
Ability to Manage Variety of Work Projects
Interacts Professionally


Please forward resume to Carole Drake, Pastoral Assistant at, or deliver in a sealed envelope to
the parish office, Attention: Carole Drake, during regular business hours.

                                           Diocesan Pastoral Congress 2021
With a theme of “Know Christ, Live Christ, Lead Others to Christ,” the Diocesan Pastoral Congress, which will be held
locally for our English-speaking community, Saturday, September 25 from 9:00am to 1:00pm in Kuzy Hall, will embrace
a new format that will make its message more accessible to the faithful across the diocese. The Spanish-speaking
community of our parish will meet Saturday, October 9 from 9:00am to 1:00pm in Kuzy Hall for this Diocesan Pastoral
Congress. Lunch will be provided for each gathering.
In previous years, the Diocesan Pastoral Congress was held at one location where the faithful joined together to hear
speakers offer live presentations. This year, Catholics will gather in parishes and missions with their pastors and lay
leaders to pray together, hear a prerecorded message from Bishop Solis, and see video presentations from Brother
Loughlin Sofield, ST and Father Sergio Serrano, O.P.
After hearing Bishop Solis’ message and listening to the video presentations, parishioners will participate in local
discussion groups that will address key questions provided by the presenters.
If you would like to attend the local Diocesan Pastoral Congress on either September 25 or October 9, please call and
leave a message for Father Dave at (435) 673-2604, or email him at

                                          Congreso Pastoral Diocesano 2021
Con el tema "Conozca a Cristo, Live Christ, guíe a otros a Cristo", el Congreso Pastoral Diocesano, que se llevará a cabo localmente
para nuestra comunidad de habla inglesa, el sábado 25 de septiembre de 9:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. en Kuzy Hall, adoptará un nuevo
formato que hará que su mensaje sea más accesible para los fieles en toda la diócesis. La comunidad de habla hispana de nuestra
parroquia se reunirá el sábado 9 de octubre de 9:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. en Kuzy Hall para este Congreso Pastoral Diocesano. Se
proporcionará almuerzo para cada reunión.
En años anteriores, el Congreso Pastoral Diocesano se celebró en un lugar donde los fieles se unieron para escuchar a los oradores
ofrecer presentaciones en vivo. Este año, los católicos se reunirán en parroquias y misiones con sus pastores y líderes laicos para orar
juntos, escuchar un mensaje pregrabado del obispo Solís y ver presentaciones en video del hermano Loughlin Sofield, ST y el padre
Sergio Serrano, O.P.
Después de escuchar el mensaje del Obispo Solís y escuchar las presentaciones en video, los feligreses participarán en grupos de
discusión locales que abordarán preguntas clave proporcionadas por los presentadores.
Si desea asistir al Congreso Pastoral Diocesano local el 25 de septiembre o el 9 de octubre, llame y deje un mensaje para Father Dave
al (435) 673-2604, o envíele un correo electrónico a
                                                                                                          Excerpt from Intermountain Catholic
Saint George -
Registro Parroquial Ó Actualización de Información
                               Saint George Catholic Church
                                         P.O. Box 188
                                    St. George, Utah 84771

Información de familia



Ciudad: _______________________________________ Estado: _____Código Postal: ______

Teléfono Principal: (_____)_______________Teléfono de Emergencia: (_____)____________

Dirección de Correo Electrónico:_________________________________________________

Fecha de Registro: ____________Sobres: S/N _____ Donaciones en Linea: S/N__________

Información del Miembro (1):

Primer Nombre: ____________________________________

Dirección de Correo Electrónico: ______________________teléfono Celular: (____)________

Fecha de Nacimiento: ____________________Lugar de Nacimiento_____________________

Fecha de bautismo: ________________Fecha de Matrimonio Católico: __________________

Fecha de Confirmación: ____________Fecha de Primera Comunión:_____________________

Información del Miembro (2):

Primer Nombre: ____________________________________

Dirección de Correo Electrónico: ______________________teléfono Celular: (____)________

Fecha de Nacimiento: ____________________Lugar de Nacimiento_____________________

Fecha de bautismo: ________________Fecha de Matrimonio Católico: __________________

Fecha de Confirmación: ____________Fecha de Primera Comunión:_____________________
Saint George -
Información del Miembro (3):

Primer Nombre: ____________________________________

Dirección de Correo Electrónico: ______________________teléfono Celular: (____)_________

Fecha de Nacimiento: ____________________Lugar de Nacimiento______________________

Fecha de bautismo: ________________Fecha de Matrimonio Católico: ____________________

Fecha de Confirmación: ____________Fecha de Primera Comunión:______________________

Información del Miembro (4):

Primer Nombre: ____________________________________

Dirección de Correo Electrónico: ______________________teléfono Celular: (____)_________

Fecha de Nacimiento: ____________________Lugar de Nacimiento______________________

Fecha de bautismo: ________________Fecha de Matrimonio Católico: ____________________

Fecha de Confirmación: ____________Fecha de Primera Comunión:______________________

Información del Miembro (5):

Primer Nombre: ____________________________________

Dirección de Correo Electrónico: ______________________teléfono Celular: (____)_________

Fecha de Nacimiento: ____________________Lugar de Nacimiento______________________

Fecha de bautismo: ________________Fecha de Matrimonio Católico: ____________________

Fecha de Confirmación: ____________Fecha de Primera Comunión:______________________

Información del Miembro (6):

Primer Nombre: ____________________________________

Dirección de Correo Electrónico: ______________________teléfono Celular: (____)_________

Fecha de Nacimiento: ____________________Lugar de Nacimiento______________________

Fecha de bautismo: ________________Fecha de Matrimonio Católico: ____________________

Fecha de Confirmación: ____________Fecha de PrimeraComunión:_____________________
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