April 4, 2021 | EASTER SUNDAY - St. Paul of the Cross Church

Page created by Adrian Bowers
April 4, 2021 | EASTER SUNDAY - St. Paul of the Cross Church
April 4, 2021 |   EASTER SUNDAY

                                  Photo credit: Mark Miller
April 4, 2021 | EASTER SUNDAY - St. Paul of the Cross Church
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                                                      CURRENT LITURGICAL SCHEDULE
                                                               Please see our current schedule below
                                                  Masks are required at all mes, covering both mouth and nose,
                                                         and social distancing guidelines will be followed
         Emme Daniel Kennedy
     son of Ma hew and Liza Kennedy                     Monday through Friday      8:30 am (Upper Church)
                                                                    Saturday       4:30 pm (Upper Church) - livestreamed
          Charlie Ann Laga uta                                        Sunday       7:30 am (Upper Church)
     daughter of Nicholas and Michelle                                             9:00 am (Holy Family Chapel)
                 Laga uta                                                          9:30 am (Gym)
                                                                                   10:30 am (Upper Church) - livestreamed
              Donald Elias Neal
                                                                                   12:00 pm (Gym)
          son of Mark and Nora Neal
         Sienna Marie Bongiorno
     daughter of Joseph and Katherine         1st and 3rd Fridays immediately following 8:30 am Mass in Upper Church
                                                          (must register for and a end Mass to stay for Adora on)
                                                                Adora on chapel remains closed at this me

                                                                   Wednesday        3 pm to 4 pm
                                                                     Saturday       8 am to 9 am
                                                                  Monday through Saturday Morning
   I Joseph Rungren/Nicole Leahy                                             WEDDINGS
   I Jeremy Jakiel/Sabrina Marcuccilli                                    Friday and Saturday

   I Eric Krygier/Ashley Wojdyla                                              BAPTISMS

                                                          REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL MASSES
                                                            To register for Mass, call 847-825-7605 or visit
 To learn how to access our livestreamed                     our SignUpGenius registra on pages below:
  Masses and services, go to our website
 (www.spc-church.org), and click on this                                     GYM MASSES
        blue LIVESTREAMS bu on:                       www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0d45afab2da2ff2-gymmass
                                                                         ALL OTHER MASSES
                                                        Registra on opens every Friday for the following week
                                                       Registra on closes 24 hours before the start of the Mass

                     EASTER SUNDAY
                         April 4, 2021
                    I shall not die, but live,
                 and declare the works of the Lord.
                                 — Psalm 118:17
April 4, 2021 | EASTER SUNDAY - St. Paul of the Cross Church
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                  Dear St Paul of the Cross Parishioners,

                    On this day that the Lord has made, I want to wish each and every one of you the joys of this holy season.
                    May we all experience the full life that the Risen Lord brings! Let us con nue to hold our parish community
                    in prayer. We rejoice at Easter because death is swallowed up in victory. Death has lost its s ng and we are
                    assured of eternal life. The sadness and gloom of Good Friday yield to the triumphal joy of Easter morn.
Easter always arrives in spring when nature begins to sprout. This is not a mere coincidence. It reminds us of the profound
significance of this feast. If we are filled with the Easter spirit, we must be full of life.

We rejoice with our brothers and sisters who are receiving this new life through the Easter sacraments. We congratulate our
sojourners who will be bap zed; we applaud those who will receive the Eucharist for the first me; we cheer those who will
be anointed in the sacrament of confirma on; and, we are delighted that some of them will enter into full communion with
the Catholic Church. Our parish is being filled with new life through their faith journeys and we li them up in prayer.

Can you imagine what the apostles were feeling before Jesus appeared to them on Easter Sunday? They probably were
wondering what the Lord would say to them. They had abandoned Him at His crucial hour because they were afraid for their
own lives. Even Peter who had professed his loyalty to Jesus had denied Him three mes. Judas had betrayed Him. Even
though they knew how readily He forgave sinners, they were concerned.

There is an old story that goes like this. A er mee ng the Risen Lord, Mary Magdalene comes to the disciples to bring them
the good news. She says to Peter and the others: “I have good news and bad news. The good news is that the Lord is indeed
alive. I have seen Him. The bad news – Jesus has been asking where all of you have been the last three days.” The behavior
of the disciples during last three days of Jesus’ life showed that they were weak, human beings just like us.

When Jesus finally appeared to them in the upper room, His message was simple. “Peace be with you,” He said. “I give you
peace that the world cannot give.” Jesus offered them peace that comes from forgiveness. He erased their past and invited
them to step into a new future. They could begin again. The Lord once again proved that He is the God of second chances.

He certainly gave a second chance to Peter. If He were just like us, He would have said to the first apostle: “Peter, you let me
down. I called you rock but you proved that you were nothing but sand. You are not going to be my vicar. I will give that tle
to John who remained faithful to the end and stood at the foot of the cross.” Instead, all that the Master had to ask His fallen
disciple was a simple ques on: “Simon, son of John, do you love Me?” Fully aware of his own failure, Peter responded with
hear elt sincerity, “Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus persisted in His choice of Peter as the head of the Church.

Easter is all about hope. That hope springs from the constancy of this God’s love that offers us second chances. When the
gospels were wri en, persecu on was already raging against the early Chris ans. Some of them fell away from the faith.
Probably some faithful Chris ans wondered how it was possible that some had denied their faith. The gospel writers offered
hope because even the apostles had failed and yet the Lord had reinstated them.

Next Sunday we will be celebra ng Divine Mercy Sunday. Thanks to Saint Faus na, who is responsible for the spread of
Divine Mercy, we are once again reminded of the boundless ocean of God’s love. During the Easter season let us approach
the Sacrament of Reconcilia on and taste the love of the Son of God Who shed the last drop of His blood in order to win our
hearts. Let us rejoice in our God Who con nues to offer us His mercy and forgiveness. He gives us not only two but many,
many chances. He knows that we are weak and we fall. Let us thank Him for His unfailing love. Let our churches resound
with alleluias because the Lord is risen and we have reason to hope.

May the joy and peace of Easter fill your hearts and homes! I have prayed for you and your loved ones during the Sacred
Triduum and at all my Easter Masses. Please pray for the parish and for your priests!

Yours warmly,
April 4, 2021 | EASTER SUNDAY - St. Paul of the Cross Church
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                               CONGRATULATIONS FR. PETER!

Dear St Paul of the Cross Parishioners,

The last seven years, Fr Peter has been a crucial part of our parish and he has served our community with dedica on,
kindness, and sincerity. Thank God, finally, the archdiocese has recognized his abili es and is invi ng him to take on
greater responsibility for the people of God. Fr Peter has been appointed pastor of St Ferdinand parish in Chicago. He
will begin his pastorate on July 1, 2021 as St Paul will welcome on that day a new associate in addi on to the new
pastor. I am deeply grateful to Fr Peter for all that he has given to us. To me, he has been a younger brother who
willingly did whatever I asked of him. I will miss him. So will the parish. We wish him the best in his ministry and send
him with our prayers and love. Please pray for our parish and for us. God bless!

Fr Bri o
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April 4, 2021 | EASTER SUNDAY - St. Paul of the Cross Church
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                                                                                            with Mark   Miller

                                            EASTER VIGIL 1988
Here are Pictures from the Easter Vigil 1988. Or Pastor was then Father Joe Kinane whom the Kinane Center was named
for. He was a wonderful so -spoken priest who was well loved by our parishioners. He was a big- me White Sox fan.
Father Joe served here from 1983 to 1996 when he re red.
April 4, 2021 | EASTER SUNDAY - St. Paul of the Cross Church
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This Lent, St. Paul of the Cross is partnering with Catholic Extension to con nue to help build a chapel for our brothers
and sisters in the North Shore Community in the Diocese of San Bernardino, CA. Your efforts will assist and sustain this
parish so that they can con nue their spiritual works of mercy and serve this growing community.

We started fundraising for this project last year. Our efforts to help our brothers and sisters in Mecca, CA, came to an
abrupt halt when Coronavirus forced our church doors shut. We did raise $44,000 and sent the amount to Catholic
Extension. However, we would like to redouble our efforts this Lent to help this indigenous community to have a church
of their own.

You may donate either by using the special envelopes at the entrances of our Church or by going to our online Give
Central page at: www.givecentral.org/loca on/133/event/29561

         Go to our website at www.spc-church.org for more informa on and pictures/videos explaining the project.
                                             Thank you for your generosity!
April 4, 2021 | EASTER SUNDAY - St. Paul of the Cross Church
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                                                      APRIL 2, 2021

    During Holy Week, the Gospel readings come to life in a special way as we gather to celebrate the life, death,
    and resurrec on of Jesus. The readings remind us of our special connec on to the land where this great story
    unfolded. Chris ans worldwide have understood the responsibility to support the land where Jesus walked.

    You may give at our online GiveCentral page at www.givecentral.org/loca on/133/event/29950 or by sending
    a check to our parish office with a note in the memo line sta ng “Good Friday Collec on.”

                                              Thank you for your generosity!

                             YEAR OF ST. JOSEPH INDULGENCES
                  GRANTED BY THE HOLY SEE FROM DECEMBER 8, 2020 TO DECEMBER 8, 2021

Below is a summary of how you can receive the special indulgences granted by the Holy See for the Year of St. Joseph.
The plenary indulgence is granted under the usual condi ons (sacramental confession, Eucharis c communion, and
prayer according to the inten ons of the Holy Father) to the faithful who, with a spirit detached from any sin, par cipate
in the Year of Saint Joseph on the occasions and in the manner indicated by this Apostolic Peniten ary:
•   Meditate for at least 30 minutes on the Our Father
•   Par cipate in a spiritual retreat of at least one day that includes a medita on
    on Saint Joseph
•   Perform a corporal or spiritual work of mercy
•   Recite the Holy Rosary in families and between the husband and wife
•   Entrust their work daily to the protec on of Saint Joseph and to all believers
    who invoke with their prayers the intercession of the worker of Nazareth
•   Pray the litany of Saint Joseph (for the La n tradi on), or some other prayer
    to Saint Joseph, typical of the other liturgical tradi ons, for the persecuted
    Church and for the relief of all persecuted Chris ans
•   Pray any lawfully approved prayer or act of piety in honor of Saint Joseph,
    especially on:
        ∗   March 19th (Solemnity of St. Joseph)
        ∗   May 1st (Feast of St. Joseph the Worker)
        ∗   December 26th (Feast of the Holy Family)
        ∗   The Sunday of Saint Joseph (according to the Byzan ne tradi on)
        ∗   The 19th day of every month
        ∗   Every Wednesday (a day dedicated to the memory of the Saint according to the La n tradi on)
April 4, 2021 | EASTER SUNDAY - St. Paul of the Cross Church
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                                          A LOOK AHEAD...
Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15
Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18
Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35
Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48
Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a; Jn 21:1-14
Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21; Mk 16:9-15
Sunday: Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31
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                                 NEW 9:30 am SUNDAY MASS
    We are pleased to announce that we have added one more Mass to our Sunday schedule. At our gym Masses,
    you are seated in circles respec ng social distancing. Each circle can accommodate a family of six. If you come
    alone, you may be seated in the bleachers.

                                             REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.
                                       You may register for our gym Masses on
                                       our SignUpGenius page at the link below.

                                       BLOOD DRIVE
                                       APRIL 1st — 30th

                                       The Holy Family Guild will be coordina ng a virtual blood drive from
                                       April 1st — April 30th. Anyone who would like to par cipate can make
                                       an appointment at one of the many local Vitalant (formerly LifeSource)
                                       donor centers and use our code: RG08.

  All successful dona ons will be tested for the COVID an body! You are also able to donate a er you have been
  Please use the link below to make your appointment since it is connected to the St. Paul of the Cross blood drive:
  h ps://learn.vitalant.org/LP=148?drive_code=RG08&division=NORTHEAST%26%region=CHI
  For more informa on visit www.vitalant.org/Home.aspx or call 847-258-4825. For medical/travel ques ons, call
                            Please contact the blood drive coordinators with any ques ons:
                                            Chris ne Perille: (847) 823-8755
                                                          - or -
                                           Eileen Kaczmarek: (847) 698-4558
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                             EASTER—THE GREAT MESSAGE OF LOVE TO THE WORLD

The dawn of Easter Sunday brings a spiritual glow to Chris ans all over the world. It brings us out of the darkness that
has prevailed over man since Adam’s sin.
Experiencing the three days of the Triduum, one would dwell on the darkness of the Passion and Death of Jesus as a
horrific display of what suffering He endured for us. But from this darkness and dismay, look at what He presented to
us in joy and hope.
Reflec ng on the gi s Jesus gave to us through events of the Triduum, we understand that Jesus presented a
great message of love to the world.

On Holy Thursday, at the Last
Supper, Jesus ins tuted the Holy
Eucharist giving to us His Body
and Blood in the form of bread
and wine to be received as food
for our salva on, to be the object
of physical adora on, and to
provide His constant physical
presence in our lives.
On Good Friday, Jesus died for
us and opened up the gates of
heaven allowing us to seek our
salva on. Through His suffering
and death, Jesus gave us the
cleansing comfort of His
forgiveness and changed the
darkness of His death into the
brightness of hope for mankind.
On Easter Sunday, Jesus rose
from the dead, proving to
mankind that He was truly the
Son of God, the second Person
of the Blessed Trinity. It was like
a sign of approval for this great
message of love to the world.
God, through His forgiveness, was
displaying His love to His sinful
children. It is up to us to nurture
a loving rela onship we develop
with God by sharing the blessings
He bestows on us with others. It
is the venue that brings out His
love in us to be an example that                                Save us, Savior of the world,
can change the lives of others.                   for by your Cross and ResurrecƟon, you have set us free.
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St. Paul con nues to experience a reduc on in giving during this pandemic. We are taking many measures to reduce
our expenses at this me. Your dona ons con nue to be cri cal in helping us to func on.

•   Text donate to 847-865-8370
•   Sign up for online giving at www.givecentral.org/loca on/133/allevents
•   Mail your gi to the parish office: 320 S. Washington St., Park Ridge, IL 60068
•   Return the completed enrollment form below to our office at 320 S. Washington, Park Ridge, IL 60068

First Name _________________________________        Last Name_____________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
City_________________________________________________________              State____________________        Zip ______________
Phone (home) _________________________________________              Phone (cell) ________________________________________
Email (required) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Payment Informa on Credit Card Type (circle one):     MasterCard         Visa       Discover      American Express
Credit Card Number________________________________________________              CVC________      Exp Date__________________
                                                           - OR -
Bank Account Bank Name___________________________________________               Account Type (circle one)   Savings   Checking
Rou ng Number_____________________________          Account Number_______________________________________________
Signature____________________________________________________________               Date________________________________
Dona on Amount $______________        Payment Frequency (circle one):    Annual    Monthly     Bi-weekly    Weekly    One- me

                                         Contact Sandy Labouvie with any ques ons:
                                                    847-825-7605, x2249
Page 16

   WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS                                        PRAY FOR OUR SICK
                                                                                      Frank Agos no
 Monday, April 5 — Monday within the Octave of Easter                              Vincent Albachiaro
   8:30 am UP Robert Marshall, Rita, Anna and William Parilla,                             J. Albert
                                                                                      Sco Andrews
                 Jolanta Bialobrzewski and Jan Bialobrzewski, Albina Evans,            Delaney Bartz
                 Bronslaw and Czeslawa Szymanski                                         Laurie Berg
                                                                                        John Brunke
 Tuesday, April 6 — Tuesday within the Octave of Easter                           Michael Campanelli
   8:30 am UP Christopher Paserri, Meredith O'Regan, Frank Stanisz,                   Bryan Charnot
                 Gorden Mayo                                                              Paul Clark
                                                                                       Joseph DiCola
 Wednesday, April 7 — Wednesday within the Octave of Easter                              Holly Finan
                                                                                      Connie Gallius
   8:30 am UP Daniel Stanek, Dockery Family, Thomas and Mary Cooney,                  Maggie Gotski
                 Sean Ryan, Irena Mikolajewska, Poor Souls in Purgatory           Chris ne Grabowski
                                                                                   Mary Jane Gregory
 Thursday, April 8 — Thursday within the Octave of Easter                             Sunny Greinke
   8:30 am UP Joe and Joey Ligas,                                                    Patricia Heenan
                 SPC Priests, Deacons and Religious Voca ons                         Ma hew Hickey
                                                                                          Paul Hinz
                                                                                       Robert Horan
 Friday, April 9 — Friday within the Octave of Easter                              The Horon Family
    8:30 am UP Poor Souls in Purgatory, Gerry Ryan, Ray Novak                         Karen Johnson
                                                                                         John Keane
 Saturday, April 10 — Saturday within the Octave of Easter                           Therese Kodner
    8:30 am UP Frank Tomasiewicz, Dominick Sharkey, Rosemary Cwik,                Dolores Komornicki
                                                                                     Mary Kurkowski
                 Kathleen Downes, Anthony Bertronski, Dr. Joseph Strzyz                 Harold Lake
                                                                                  Jacqueline Lastovich
 Sunday, April 11— Second Sunday of Easter — Divine Mercy Sunday                        Mark Lawrin
    7:30 am UP Baby Emma Birch                                                       Catherine Lynch
   9:00 am HFC Anne Barry, Vicente Llanes, Sr.                                      Kathy McLaughry
                                                                                      Jim McMahon
  9:30 am GYM People of the Parish                                                      Irene Musur
   10:30 am UP Shirley Huening, John and Janet Kuchta, James Fakult,                Genevieve Novak
              Ray Novak, Bobby Murillo, Michael Merz, Michael Murphy,           Baby Zahrabelle Pulickal
                                                                                    Mary Gail Reding
              Rose Angiolo, Healing and Blessings for Jadwiga Desimone,                 Leo Rizze o
              Summer Coronado                                                     Edward Scannicchio
 12:00 pm GYM Barbara Ann Morgenstern                                             Michael Scannicchio
                                                                                      Albert J. Schick
                                                                                       Gerald Schorr
   APRIL 10/11 LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE                                          Kimberly Smith
                                                                                    Thomas Stefanski
   Day and                                  Eucharis c            Altar                   Paul Suter
                Presider     Lector                                              Christopher Szymanski
    Time                                     Ministers           Servers          Patricia Taglialavore
                                                                                          Tom Troy
 SATURDAY                                                                             Amanda Velez
                                                                                        John Vi allo
 4:00 pm UP     Fr. Nick       NOT AVALAILABLE AT THIS TIME                          John Vi allo, Sr.
                                                                                       Owen Walker
 SUNDAY                                                                                Mar n Walsh
  7:30 am UP    Fr. Peter                         NOT                                 Peter Wasyliw
                                                                                         Jeff Welton
                                              AVALAILABLE                            Carole Williams
 9:00 am HFC    Fr. James
 9:30 am GYM    Fr. Peter
                               NOT AVALAILABLEATAT
                                                 THIS TIME
                                                   THIS TIME                           Irene Zimmer

 10:30 am UP    Fr. Bri o
                                                                              IN LOVING MEMORY
                                                                                   Sophie Dobek
  12pm GYM      Fr. Nick                                                         Mark James DuBrock
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000102 St Paul of the Cross Church (A)                                                         www.jspaluch.com                                         For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
                                        frbri o@spc-church.org
                              REV. PETER GNOINSKI, ASSOCIATE PASTOR
                              REV. NICK CAVALLARI, ASSOCIATE PASTOR

  ST. PAUL OF THE CROSS PARISH                                             SCHEDULE
                320 S. Washington
                                                     Monday through Friday 8:30 am (upper church)
               Park Ridge, IL 60068
                                                                 Saturday 4:30 pm (upper church)
              phone: 847-825-7605
                                                                   Sunday 7:30 am (upper church)
                                                                           9:00 am (HFC)
           DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS                                          9:30 am (gym)
  Sandy Labouvie: sandylabouvie@spc-church.org                             10:30 am (upper church)
              847-825-7605 x2249                                           12:00 pm (gym)
                                                          Register for Mass online through SignUpGenius:
    ST. PAUL OF THE CROSS SCHOOL PRINCIPAL           www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0d45afab2da2ff2-massdaily
 Erika Mickelburgh: emickelburgh@spc-school.net                             ADORATION
      (847) 825-6366 / www.spc-schoool.net                  1st and 3rd Fridays immediately following
                                                                  8:30 am Mass in Upper Church
            DIRECTOR OF CATECHESIS                     (must register for and a end Mass to stay for Adora on)
Anna Mae Parkhill: annamaeparkhill@spc-church.org                        CONFESSION
    (847) 692-2758 / www.spc-catechesis.net                         Wednesday 3 pm to 4 pm
                                                                      Saturday 8 am to 9 am
              OFFICE MANAGER                                            FUNERALS
Madeleine McCoy: madeleinemccoy@spc-church.org                Monday through Saturday Morning
         DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRY                                         WEDDINGS
  Edward J. Eicker: edwardeicker@spc-church.org                         Friday and Saturday
                                                           Call the parish office at least 6 months in advance
               (847) 825-7605 x2253
    DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL SERVICES MINISTRY                                      Sunday
  Adrienne Timm: adrienne mm@spc-church.org           If this is your first child, bap sm prep class is required and
                                                       provided on the fourth Thursday every month at 7:00 pm.
                (847) 692-6767
                                                    Currently the classes are being scheduled through Zoom. Please
                                                          contact the parish office to register at 847-825-7605
                                                              NEW PARISHIONER REGISTRATION
   (847) 825-7605 x2237 / rcia@spc-church.org
               BULLETIN EDITOR                                      ANOINTING OF THE SICK
           spcbulle n@spc-church.org                                        TBA
                                                            COMMUNION FOR THE HOMEBOUND
                  CALENDARS                                     Please call 847-825-7605
              virtus@spc-church.org                          PULPIT ANNOUNCEMENT DEADLINE
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