The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church

Page created by Nancy Haynes
The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church
700 44th Street
Rapid City, SD 57702
                              The   Canyon
Office Hours:
Mon-Thurs: 9:00 am—4:00 pm
Fridays: 8:30 am—12:00 pm
                             Parish News

                                           Stay Connected
                                           Pastor Chris’ Letter
                                           Giving
                                           Office Notes/
                                            Financials &
                                            Church Business
                                           Pastor Erik’s Letter
                                           Outreach and
                                            Pastoral Care
                                           Children and Youth
                                           Small Groups
                                           Staying Connected
                                           Calendar
The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church
South Canyon Lutheran Church                                       Daily Devotions
                                                                   Monday through Friday—posted at 6 am each day
                                                         , YouTube, or on Facebook
    SERVICE TIMES:                                                 Pastor Chris, Pastor Erik, and Linda Black share daily devotions.

    Sundays at 9:00 am                                            M.E.N.S (Men Exploring and Navigating Spiritually) Bible Study
       Communion is offered on the 2nd &                           Friday mornings at 6:00 am via Zoom
       4th Sundays with Drive-Thru communion at                    Come and Enjoy Christian (infrequently debate filled) Relationships
       10:15 am                                                    This group meets every Friday morning via Zoom. If you would like to join this early
    Lenten Services:                                              morning group for faith-filled discussion, contact Jim Bishop for the Zoom meeting link.
                                                                   Contact him at 343-8047 or
       - Lenten Wednesdays -12:10 pm in-person and
        live streamed with soup to-go afterwards                   Women’s Bible Study Groups
        6:00 pm in-person service with soup to-go                  Priscilla - Tuesday, Feb. 16, at 7:00 pm via Zoom
                                                                   Ruth/Elizabeth & Eunice - TBD at a later time
    ONLINE WORSHIP SERVICE                                         The women’s Bible study groups meet monthly using the Gather magazine for their stud-
                                                                   ies. There are three different groups that meet at different times of the month. Priscilla
    www.SCLC-RC. ORG                                              Circle meets via Zoom. Call Paula Berg at 431.2546 for link. For now the other groups are
     Watch LIVE during our 9:00 am service on Sundays              not meeting but newcomers are always welcome to get acquainted with the leaders and
     Lenten Wednesdays at 12:10 pm.                                help plan for future studies! Please call the office for more information.

    NEED TO CATCH UP?                                             Carefree Women’s Gathering
                                                                   Monday, March 22 from 6pm to 7:30pm
     Catch all the livestream and videos on our website
                                                                   Koinonia Room
     at any time. All messages are archived for viewing.           Come explore how Christ sets us free. Contact Michelle Baesler with any questions

                                                                   Piecemakers Quilting Group
    SOCIAL MEDIA                                                   Every Thursday at 9:00 am
                                                                   Fellowship Hall
                                                                   The Piecemaker quilters are again meeting every Thursday. You are invited to
        go to our website for direct link                          come and get connected with this fun group. There is sewing, quilting and
                                                                   cutting along with fellowship and devotions. No experience is necessary!
                                                                          Please keep reading for more connections!
       (once you have created an account and verified your email
                                                                          If visiting the church, please remember:
        Search South Canyon Lutheran Church or use
        our website link—click on bell to get

       Spotify - South Canyon Lutheran Podcast

Parish News | March 2021| Page 2                                                                          See, Grow Serve to the Glory of God
The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church
                          Senior Pastor

                                     “In a Strategic Way”
  Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
  Please find on the next page the Strategic Plan 2020. If you recall, we developed this strategic plan
  in 2019, pre-pandemic. Over a year later, I am intrigued to see that many of the things we have ac-
  complished during the pandemic line up with the strategic plan goals and values. See if you can pick
  some of those things out and if you can offer some other ways we can continue living into the spirit
  of this plan. For example, under RELEVANT FAITH FORMATION, Goal 5, this Lent our worship will
  be an intentional contemplative process intended to give us space to listen to God. It might be a new
  process for you but through it we hope you can grab a hold of the spirit of hope in a new way.
  Church council spent some time with the strategic plan during our February meeting to refresh our
  spirits and begin discerning how we MOVE TOWARDS THE FUTURE in whatever new way God is
  To that end, I would offer a number of suggestions drawn from the strategic plan. Instead of a build-
  ing as our identifying image, imagine a picture of you and the other peo-
  ple you have significant relationships with at SCLC. Imagine what God              VALUES of SCLC
  might be calling you to do to live into this strategic plan. (Goal 3 and 4 un-
  der Relevant Faith Formation) Your unique God-given gifts can and will A SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE
  impact the world through the work of God’s spirit in you.
                                                                                 – We embrace creativity and
  This has been a very hard time for all of us, be graceful and gentle with      experimentation while
  yourselves and others. The impact of a global pandemic on our lives, in        celebrating our history and
  this specific case our faith community cannot really be predicted but it
  can be engaged and talked about and through our relationships we will          tradition.
  discover how God is working.                                               A SPIRIT OF HOPE
                                                                             – In the midst of uncertainty
  Church council has set up two task force meetings this next month intend-
  ed to continue guiding us forward in a strategic way. At the right time we and change, we trust that God
  will make space to come together as a whole church body to process the is working.
  effects of the pandemic on our church: things such as: what we have        AUTHENTIC COMMUNITY
  learned; what we have lost; what we have found meaningful and hope to – We will live out the Paul’s
  hold on too; what we hope to let go of; and anything else the Holy Spirit
                                                                             calling in Ephesians 4 (many
  leads us to see.
                                                                             gifts), Colossians 4 (living in
  Peace be with you. You are in my prayers and I look forward to gathering love and binding everything
  together in person with you soon.
                                                                             together in perfect harmony),
  In Christ,                                                                 and Philippians 2 (…having
  Pastor Chris                                                               the same love…and the same                                                   mind in us that was in Christ
   605-999-8068                                                              Jesus

               February 2021
                        2021Page 3
                March 2021|                                            See,
The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church
                                                                                                               A living document created by the church council with input from congregation
                                                                                                               and staff designed to guide our community for the next 3 years. We will use
                                                                                                                                           the strategic plan to
                                                                                                                              AFFIRM AND LIVE OUR VALUES
                                                                                                                             WISELY ALLOCATE OUR RESOURCES
                                                                                                                               MOVE TOWARDS THE FUTURE

                                                                                                     MISSION STATEMENT

Parish News | February 2021|Page 4
                                                                                             TO SEE that the good news of Jesus Christ offers            A SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE –    We embrace creativity and
                                                                                             salvation and hope to a troubled world and constant         experimentation while celebrating our history and
                                                                                             support to our daily life                                   tradition.
                                                                                             TO GROW in our personal faith life and the sharing          A SPIRIT OF HOPE – In the midst of uncertainty and
                                                                                             of the good news of Jesus Christ to people in our           change, we trust that God is working.
                                                                                             community using fully the abundant human and fi-            AUTHENTIC COMMUNITY – We will live out the Paul’s
                                                                                             nancial resources of our members                            calling in Ephesians 4 (many gifts), Colossians 4
                                                                                             TO SERVE recognizing that the whole world is God’s          (living in love and binding everything together in
                                                                                             creation and the object of God’s love                       perfect harmony), and Philippians 2 (…having the
                                                                                             TO THE GLORY OF GOD.                                        same love…and the same mind in us that was in
                                                                                                                                                         Christ Jesus.)

                                         LEADERSHIP TRANSFORMATION                            RELEVANT FAITH FORMATION                                        COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT
                                         We will organize our leaders to have the          The congregation will be equipped for disci-                  We will build relationships with our neigh-
                                       greatest impact in the lives of our members                 pleship in the world today.                           bors in order to respond to the needs of
                                                   and the community.                      Goal: Families will grow in faith together as a                             the community.
                                       Goal: Council members will be recognized as         household.                                                  Goal: We will be a church that is responsive to
                                       leaders within the congregation.                    Goal: New relationships will be created between             the needs of the community.
                                       Goal: Staff members will be empowered and           diverse households / people within the congrega-            Goal: We will use our resources in partnership
                                       equipped to minister to the changing needs of       tion.                                                       with other organizations to maximize our ability
                                       the congregation and community.                     Goal: People will recognize how faith influences            to address community needs.
                                       Goal: Staffing will be aligned to meet ministry     every aspect of their lives.                                Goal: We will leverage church property to have
                                       needs.                                              Goal: People will recognize how their unique God-           the greatest impact upon others.
                                       Goal: Leadership will work to effectively com-      given gifts can impact the world.                           Goal: We will provide leadership in the communi-
                                       municate with the congregation.                     Goal: People will incorporate Spiritual Practices           ty to address root / systematic issues that af-
                                       Goal: Policies and Procedures will be current and   into their daily lives.                                     fect the community negatively.
                                       accessible to the congregation.

See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church
Stay connected to our church wherever you go
                                          by downloading the free Realm Connect app
                                          for iPhone and Android devices. Use it to
                                          communicate with your groups, RSVP to
                                          events, manage your giving, update profile
                                          information, and more. You will need to create
                                          a REALM profile account first. For best results,
                                          keep your browser updated to the latest ver-
                                          sion. We recommend using the latest version
                                          of any of the following internet browsers:
                                          Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Safari
                                          Call the church office if you need help getting it
                                          set up!

                                            Visit online at to use our
                                            giving website directly. Click on the “Give
                                            Now” button and follow the steps to give one
                                            -time donations or set up recurring giving.

     South Canyon
    Lutheran Church                        To give via text, send SCLC $75 (or any
                                           amount) to the phone number 73256. You’ll
            700 44th Street                receive a text message in response with your
        Rapid City, SD 57702               next steps. After you give one time, your
                                           payment method is saved, so you can quickly
           605.343.4887                    give again from your phone.
        for more information.

 Thank you for your                        Visit our church office and use our drop box
 continued financial                       located inside the church entry; use the offer-
                                     ing basket at our services; or make your donations
 support to South Canyon Lutheran    at the kiosk located in the Narthex. You can also use
                                     your offering envelopes with your giving number on
 that enables us to “See, Grow and   it—if you did not receive offering envelopes and you
                                     would like some, please call Cindy at the church
 Serve to the Glory of God.”         office.

Parish News | March 2021|Page 5                    See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church
                    UP FOR RECURRING GIVING
  Name of the organization: South Canyon Lutheran

   FOR OFFICE USE ONLY                               ENVELOPE/DONOR #                                         DATE

   Effective date of authorization: _____/_____/_____

   Type of authorization:               New authorization                        Change donation amount                     Change donation date
                                        Change banking information               Discontinue electronic dona-

   Last Name                                                                          First Name


  City                                                                                                             State                 Zip

  Email Address

  DATE OF FIRST DONATION:                  FREQUENCY OF DONATION:                       FUNDS:                                AMOUNTS:

  _______/_______/_______                      Weekly – Mondays                            SCLC/Operating Only              $_____________

                                               Semi-Monthly – 1st and 15th                 General/Operating                $_____________

                                               Monthly on the 1st                          Building Fund                    $_____________

                                               Monthly on the 15th                         Mission of the month             $_____________

                                                                                                                  Total       $_____________

   H                                                                                     Routing Number: ____________________________
   E      Please debit my donation from my (check one):
                                                                                         Valid Routing # must start with 0, 1, 2, or 3
   K         Savings Account (contact your financial institution for Routing #)         Account Number: ____________________________
   G         Checking Account (attach a voided check below)


   A      I authorize the above organization and Vanco Services to process debit entries to my account. I understand that this authority
   V      will remain in effect until I provide reasonable notification to terminate the authorization.
   I      Authorized Signature:_______________________________________________________ Date:________________

   C      Please charge my donation to my (circle one) :           Visa         MasterCard         American Express             Discover Card
         Credit Card Number: __________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ___________________
   i     Name on Card: _______________________________________________________________________________________
         Billing Address (if different from above): ____________________________________________________________________
   C     I authorize the above organization and Vanco Services to charge my credit card in accordance with the information above:
   d     Signature (as it appears on the credit card): ______________________________________________Date: ______________

Parish News | March 2021| Page 6                                                                             See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church
Important 2021 Updates:
For questions or concerns regarding the following, please reach out to
                                                                                             Cindy Dressler
   Financial statements will not be mailed out quarterly in 2021. Instead they
    will be mailed out at the beginning of the new year (which you should have
    already received for 2020 contributions). If you would like one mailed to
    you sometime throughout the year, please call the church office. You may also access your fi-
    nancial statement by logging into your Realm account (our church management system). If
    you do not have a Realm account, call the church office for an invite and we will walk you
    through the process. 605.343.4887.
   Newsletters will be published every other month starting in April. The next newsletter that
    will be mailed to you will include April/May. In between months, we will post important in-
    formation, reminders and calendar items at our website and email to those with email ad-
    dresses we have on file. If you do not receive our email, please contact Cindy at the church
    office. We may not have your current email.
   Office Hours: Please note the change in our church office hours - We are open for church
    business: Monday through Thursday 9am to 4pm and Fridays 8:30am to 12:00pm. Call for an
    appointment, if needed.

 THANK YOU for your continued financial giving to South Canyon
 Lutheran that enables us “to See, Grow, and Serve to the Glory of

Faith-filled giving impacts lives forever

As of January 31, 2021:
Actual Contributions:………………………………………..…………….… $ 59,345
Actual Expenses: …………………………………………………………...…. $ 73,333
Net: ……………………………………………………………………….….… $ (13,988)
                                           Compared to year to date in 2020:                50,798

Please note that $19,300 of the actual expenses fulfilled our benevolence giving to Woyatan and the Synod for
2020, but was not paid until January 2021, resulting in our expenses being higher than our contributions for
the month.

Parish News | March 2021| Page 7                                            See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church
Church Business:                                                       Transitions:
                                                                        February 6: Bryer Cole Fritz, son of Travis & Kaitlyn
             South Canyon Lutheran Church                                (Carda)
         Congregation Council Meeting Highlights
                    January 12, 2021                                   Deaths:
                                                                        January 15: Francis (Bud) Olson
Members Present: Pastor Chris Baesler, Pastor Erik Thone, Paula         January 28: Marilyn Olson
Berg (Treasurer), Caitlyn Bosch (Stewardship), Janet Carter             February 9: Jerry French
(Secretary), Ed Dreyer (President), Greg Eisland (Vice President),
                                                                        February 11: Hiltrud Nixon
Gary Evensen (Property and Grounds), Stacy Huether (Budget and
Finance), Joel Petersen (Personnel), Ann Hast (Youth and Family)        February 22: Albert Daniels II
President Ed Dreyer called the meeting to order.                       In Our Prayers:
Opening Prayer: Led by Pastor Chris                                     Jerry & Marilyn Severson
                                                                        Cheryl Ruggeri-Gillings
 December Minutes: Minutes from the December council meeting
                                                                        Del Beck
 were presented. Greg Eisland moved to approve the minutes.             Mary Malik
 Caitlyn Bosch seconded the motion                                      Marcia Fines
 Financials: December income was higher than expenses. For the          Andrea McCandlish (Maddox)
 2020 year, income exceeded expenses by about $51K. $3750 a             Warren & Lois, P. Erik’s grandparents
 month is given to Synod. We continue to support Woyotan at             Goldie, sister of Gladys Storm
 $1000 per month. God has blessed us with a very generous
                                                                        Howard & Shirley, friends of Gladys Storm
 congregation and we are in good financial shape.
                                                                        Randy, friend of Heidi Bell-Gease
 Review of Christmas Eve worship: It felt good to be in church          Family of Al Daniels
 on Christmas—nice to see people again. Favorite service was the        Neil, friend of MaryAnn Myers
 outdoor service and may make that a tradition.

 Lent and Easter Services: Planning on services but not sure what
 that will look like. Perhaps will have drive up ashes. Have not
 worked on logistics of Wednesday services but will make sure that
 there is something going on during Lent.

 Bookkeeper: – Andrea Wager with Greg Hollibaugh, CPA firm in
 Spearfish is helping to manage bookkeeping services.

 Council Reports: Council members previously submitted reports
 via e-mail. They include the senior pastor’s report, associate
 pastor’s report, treasurer’s report, property and grounds report,
 budget and finance report, and stewardship report. The council
 reviewed and discussed various reports as needed. Copies of these
 reports can be found at the church office.

 Additional items:
 As described in Pastor Erik’s report, beginning in February, the
 children’s ministry, Middle and High School will have some sort of
 regular weekly gathering.

   Pastor Erik pointed out in his report the desire and plan to
    open the Koinonia Kafe as a coffee shop in Fall of 2021 to
    create a space after school (particularly for Stevens students).
    The goal is to create a safe space where relationships can
    begin growing. Current balance in the Thrivent Trust fund
    designated for youth account is $43K. Motion made by Gary
    Evensen to purchase equipment now ($10,000 to cover equip-
    ment plus some additional improvements).

Closing Prayer: The council meeting closed with a reading and
prayer from Pastor Chris.

Respectfully submitted by Janet Carter, council secretary.

Parish News | March 2021| Page 8                                                         See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church
                           Associate Pastor

                           “It is good that one should wait quietly”
                                                                                     Join Pastor Erik for:
 “Thus says the Lord… In quietness and in trust shall be your strength.” (Isaiah
 I haven’t always been comfortable with silence. Correction: I am still, frequent-
 ly, uncomfortable with silence. Most recently, I’ve squirmed under the extra
 awkwardness of silence in conversation when it’s taking place over Zoom. I
 have learned, however, to appreciate silence when it comes to prayer. In fact,
 most of my personal prayer time is spent in silence with nothing more than a
 simple phrase (e.g. “This is my child, the beloved, with whom I am well
 pleased”) repeating in my mind to keep my thoughts from wandering too
 much. Sometimes I unload on God and it all comes pouring out, but, mostly, I
 try and rest in quietness, trusting that God is doing something in that silence even if it’s not clear what.
 It feels like doing nothing and, because of this, it’s terribly counter-cultural. Our culture tells us we should
 always be doing something productive; doing nothing doesn’t seem productive. On top of this, the phones in
 our pocket are available to fill every spare moment; silence and stillness can be avoided entirely. As a result,
 quietness is both unfamiliar and frowned upon. This is true even in our worship spaces. Our liturgy is filled
 with words. How much space is there for silence? How do you feel when there is more than a few seconds of
 silence in the service? My guess is that most of us get a little anxious and start feeling like something must be
 wrong, something’s supposed to be in the silence.
 Our Wednesday Lenten services will be offering a space of quietness. Whether you tune into the livestream (or
 watch the recording) over your lunch-break or join us in the evening, we hope you’ll take advantage of this
 opportunity to pause in the middle of your day, check-in with yourself, and listen for God’s voice in the silence.
 If some sort of silent meditation isn’t part of your normal routine, it may feel strange. It may be uncomfortable
 at first, as new things often are. Quietness is very counter-cultural and you may feel that tension, but heed
 scriptures encouragement: “It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord” (Lamentations
                                                            3:26). It may take a bit of practice, but commit to the
                                                            quiet and you’ll soon find that the wall of discomfort
                                                            comes down. You may find that silence and stillness is
                                                            a welcome refuge from the noise and busyness of our
                                                            daily lives. Lent is a good time to find out.
                                                           In Christ,

                                                           Pastor Erik

Parish News
Parish News || March
               February 2021
                     2021| Page 9                                               See,See,
                                                                                     Grow, Serve
                                                                                         Grow,   to the
                                                                                               Serve    Glory
                                                                                                     to the   of God
                                                                                                            Glory of
The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church
Opportunities to Serve                                                              CHURCH RESPONSE
                                                                                     The food that we collect in our gro-
                                                                                     cery cart is taken to Church
                                 Woyatan Lutheran Church                             Response every month, as well as
                                                                                     some of the other items collected in our
                         One of the ways we are supporting Woyatan is                Giving Center.
                         by attending worship once a month and serving
                                                                                            Things are looking a little low!
                         walking tacos following the service. All are
                                                                                      Help us restock the GIVING CENTER!
                         invited to come, worship, and help out with food.
                         This month we will be attending on March 14th               Some of the things we collect are: diapers,
                         at 11:00 for food preparation and worship at                shampoo & conditioner, toothbrushes and
    Linda Black                                                                      toothpaste, lotion, soap, yarn, hearing aids     11:30 am. Let Linda Black know if you would
                                                                                     and eyeglasses. We also collect receipts
     651-470-6901        like to know more about this ministry or would
                                                                                     from Family Fare and Family Dollar.
                         like to help support Woyatan.

         Cornerstone Rescue
            Mission Meal
 Our monthly meal of chili, cornbread, fruit salad,
 milk, and dessert will be served at Cornerstone
 Rescue Mission on Thursday, March 18th. If
 you are able to furnish some bars or cookies,
 have them to the church by 3:00pm on the 18th.
                                      Thank you!

                                          Remember all the donations you made last spring and fall for school kits?
                                          Well, we finally got to pack all the items into kits! In February, the middle
                                          school students packed 21 personal care kits and 40 school kits that will be
                                          delivered to a warehouse in Minneapolis and then shipped to locations all
                                          around the world. Thank you for helping out with this great ministry!

                                                                                        Many Thanks!
                                                               For the donations made for the young woman we are
                                                               supporting through Lutheran Social Services. The baby will
                                                               be here soon and she is so grateful for the help that she has
                                                               received. We want to continue our support of her and her

Pastoral Care
                                                               daughter moving forward. If you would like to help, diapers
                                                               are always needed, she appreciates meals, and I hope we can
                                                               provide some books and toys as her daughter grows.

                  Good Grief Group…………….. Every Thursday at 1pm in the Mercy Room
                       This is a chance to share your journey of grief with others who are on their own grief journey and
                       find support in each other.
                  Soup Sisters …………………….. Thursday, March 11 at 6:30pm
                       Soup Sisters! Plan to meet in the kitchen to prepare a large batch of soup for the freezer. Also, plan on
                       taking a bag of soup with you for delivery!
                  Caregiver Lunch ……………… Friday, March 19th at 12pm
                       Caregiver lunch is open to all those who are caregivers now and those who were caregivers in the
                       past. We gather for lunch at 12 noon. Let Linda know by March 17th if you will be attending for food

Parish News | March 2021| Page 10                                                       See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
Valentine Delivery Notes:
    On Valentine’s day weekend, the coldest weekend in years, 20 drivers
    from our congregation delivered gift bags to 150 members of SCLC . The
    gift bags contained a Lenten devotional book, chocolates, and homemade
    cookies baked by 15 members of the congregation. Not only have we
    missed seeing so many of you these past months, but we truly appreciate
    all you have done and given to
    SCLC over the years.

We have enjoyed the many kind words and thank-yous!

 Parish News | March 2021| Page 11                                  See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
Writing Back Event:
                     We had our first
              Writing Back Event
                         in February!
    We have nearly forty seniors and youth
    involved in writing letters back and
    If you are registered for the spring
    session of Writing Back, our second
    event for elementary students is
    March 21st at 10:15 am in the
    Koinonia Kafé.
                                                    Little Free Library:
    Interested in being paired up with a
    cross-generational pen pal? Email               We have a great group of volunteers
    Taylor or call the church office. Pairs         coming together to build a Little Free
    will be made on a rolling basis.                Library at SCLC this spring! We are look-
                                                    ing for volunteers on a once monthly
                                                    basis to refresh the Library with new
                                                    books, canned food, and other essentials
                                                    from a supply at South Canyon. Would
                                                    you enjoy spending some time outside to
                                                    help care for our neighborhood? Please
                                                    let us know or register on Realm.

                                Contact Taylor to
                                stay connected !

                              Looking for volunteers to
          Taylor Wiese      help organize VBS!

Parish  News| |February
                March 2021| Page
                        2021|    1211
                              Page                              See,Grow,
                                                               See,  Grow,Serve
Summer 2021 Registration Open!
 We are so excited to welcome you back to the camps of Lutherans Outdoors for summer camp in 2021!
 Camps are beginning to fill up, we hope you can join us too! Remember to visit to register for a wonderful faith-
 filled experience at a Lutherans Outdoors camp for the summer of 2021. All registrations are done online
 at Register now!
 You can view and share our digital brochure online. And watch our summer 2021 camp video. If you have any questions
 please contact Erica, our registrar, who will gladly walk you through the process.
 Safety protocol and information will be released as we get closer to summer. Our Year-round staff are currently putting
 together protocol following the guidelines of the American Camp Association.
 Lutherans Outdoors in South Dakota welcomes ALL to explore and experience Christ's love in community and creation.
 Let the countdown to the return to camp this summer begin!
 With excitement and hope,
 Lutherans Outdoors Year-round Staff

A Message from our Council CYF Member:
          Dear South Canyon Lutheran Families,                  1. What do you see as the most important features
                                                                   of youth programming? (some examples: fellow-
           Hello church family! I am Ann Hast, the                 ship, faith development, biblical studies, discus-
           current Children, Youth and Family                      sions on faith in the realm of contemporary is-
representative on the Church Council. It has been a                sues, full family involvement, camps/trips/
long, difficult time since we have been able to gather             conventions, fun activities, etc.) Answer for each
the youth for programs at the church. The staff has                grade level your children are in (elementary,
been creative in finding ways to connect as we were                middle, high school)
all in quarantine, but they are now ready to look to
the future and a new and exciting time of evaluation            2. In light of this time of isolation and reflections,
and development of these offerings.                                what do you and your family need from the
As your council representative, I would like to gather
input from as many of the families as I can to make     3. How do you envision the programs being
sure your voice is part of the discussions. If you have    delivered? All possibilities are considered, and we
not received an email from me and would like to be         are not limited to the way that things have always
contacted, please send me your name at                     been done. In the meantime, I would
greatly appreciate your response on the questions       4. Would you like to be a part of this ministry in
below. Email me with your answers or comments.             some way? (teacher, mentor, driver, food
If you have other questions or comments, please feel       provider, chaperone, speaker) No need to commit
free to email me at this address or call me at 605.209-    to a particular job, just asking if you have interest.

Parish News | March 2021| Page 13                                                      See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
Middle & High School Youth
                                                                                                 Caring Convos
                                                                                       Find time in your schedule to
                                                                                       Zoom with me and check in! I
                                                                                       would love to hear about what’s
                                                                                       going on in your life and lift up
                                                                                       any prayer requests that you
                                                                                       might have. Email me to set up
                                                                                       the invite!

   Emanuel Herrera
                                                                          What’s Happening!
Hello Friends!

The month of February was a success for the new and fresh
Wednesday night program! It was so nice to be able to see many of
our youth back at the church and hanging out together.
The Affirmation of Baptism has been an incredible experience not
just with 9th graders but older people of our congregation as well.
This is a reminder that affirming our faith is an every day job! Thanks
to those that are participating in the program!

This coming month, we are tweaking some details for the
Middle School Program:
 We will keep offering a free study time and a small meal to
     middle schoolers that want to hang out at church or do their
     homework from 3:15 to 4:55 pm. Small group activities will
     NOW follow from 5 to 6 pm. I encourage kids to stay for Lenten
     services at 6 pm.
         MS will meet on these days: March 3rd, 17th, & 31st
High School Program:
 HS will stay with the same schedule of study time and meal
    from 4 to 6 pm for those who want to hang out or do their
    homework before small group activities. Youth are invited to
    stay for Lenten service at 6 pm, as well. Small group activities
    will be from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.
        HS will meet on these days: March 10th & 24th

                                Please pick up your child after
                                      activities on time!

                         We have a service project coming up!
                         We are looking for 10 volunteers to
                         participate in a FSD packing on March
 20th at 8:30 a.m. Let Emanuel know if you are interested.

Parish News | March 2021| Page 14                                            See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
Kids Against Hunger Pack
 Ash Wednesday—To-Go Ashes & Lunch                      with National Honor Society Youth

          Middle and High School Youth Group

                                    Pueblo de Dios Special Offering

Parish News | March 2021| Page 15                               See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
M.E.N.S. Early Morning Study:
  Hello All,
  I am prayerfully hoping to expand Christ's influence through Community. With that in mind, please accept
  my humble invitation to Come and Enjoy Christian (infrequently debate filled) relationships driven largely
  by good old Lutheran high test coffee.
  If this sounds like something the Holy Spirit is nudging you towards, then consider the lighter look at what I
  think is Paul's most expansive Book - Romans. "Reformers Reading Romans" Bible study is from the North
  Carolina Synod and what we will be exploring over the next couple of months in M.E.N.S. group. For a copy
  of the discussion readings, log-in to Realm and go to M.E.N.S Friday Morning Group and download the pdf
  in the Resources section, on the church website, or pick up a copy at the church office.
  The first meeting which took place on February 12th went well. We covered Chapter 1 through Chapter 5
  but newcomers are always welcome to join in and easily catch up on the readings.
  I am hoping we will then discuss our overarching views of the Book of Romans and how it speaks to us as
  'humans' facing what often times feels like conflicts between our needs and what God may want for us be-
  fore we close Friday's meetings (where the rubber meets the road in our Christian walk.)
  Until these 'socially distant' times are finally in the rear-view mirror, our group continues to meet from the
  comfort of our homes through ZOOM. Call me if you are intimidated by this application of technology and I
  am confident that we can work the bugs out.
  One thing I ask is that you send me an email indicating to include you. This will enable me to send you an
  'invite' to the meeting.
  As of now there are seven active members in the (altogether too early) Friday at 6 AM M.en E.xploring &
  N.avigating S.pirituality group, but would love to expand this number.

  May we All remember to present the Grace Christ has given Us to our Neighbor,
  Peace & Love to You & Yours,
  Additional contact info:
                                                                  Puzzle Pieces

   Welcome to Puzzle Pieces
  Like to put puzzles together?
  Then we have the perfect place
    for you! Located in the Koi-
   nonia Kafe, you’ll find a cozy
   corner and a puzzle waiting
      for you to put together.
    Have a puzzle you’d like to
       donate or swap for?
   Drop off a puzzle and pick up a
              new one.

Parish News | March 2021| Page 16                                             See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
Find us on Facebook and these announcements:

Parish News | March 2021| Page 17   See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God

                                                                     Ministries of the
 On March 8, it will be International Women’s Day! This
 is a wonderful time for your congregation to celebrate                  Month
 women leaders around the world while doubling your
 impact for the next generation.
 The ELCA celebrates this day by uplifting the Interna-
 tional Women Leaders (IWL) program. On the Sunday
 before International Women’s Day on Monday, March 8,
 your congregation can take an offering for IWL that will
 go twice as far. Thanks to generous IWL supporters, your
 congregation’s gifts will be matched dollar for dollar
 until we reach $50,000. Your support makes it possible
 for emerging women leaders from our companion
 churches to study at ELCA colleges and universities,
 ELCA seminaries, and other institutions around the
 Thank you for investing in the future of women leaders!

 40 Days with our Neighbors
This season of Lent, are Journeying Together in Christ with our Neighbors in Solidarity. Neighbors in Solidarity
are our ministries in the South Dakota Synod where we intentionally seek mutual relationships with one another
in Christ’s name. Being a Neighbor in Solidarity means seeing and experiencing one’s own well-being as connect-
ed to the well-being of others and the communities to which they belong. This act of neighborly love often
involves people aligning themselves with others who do not have the same experiences. As a baptized member
in the body of Christ, we are compelled to respect the lived experience of all our siblings. Solidarity encourages
us to share in our neighbor’s suffering and to participate in their liberation.

Join us these 40 days as we liste to and learn from our Neighbors in Solidarity ministries. Follow our journey on
Facebook or Instagram.

 Parish News | March 2021| Page 18                                             See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
MARCH 2021
 Sun                   Mon              Tue                Wed                     Thu                 Fri               Sat
                       1                2                  3                       4                   5                 6
 Office Hours:         1 pm Staff mtg                      3:15—5pm Youth Hang     9am Piecemakers     6am M.E.N.S via
                                                           out time                                    Zoom
                                                           5 pm Middle School      1 pm—Good Grief
  9am– 4pm                                                 Youth Group

 Fridays:                                                  12:10 Lenten Service

  8:30 -12pm                                                In-person &

 79am Worship          8                9                  10                      11                  12                13
 In-person &           1 pm Staff mtg                      12:10 Lenten Service    9am Piecemakers     6am M.E.N.S via    Spring
 Streamed                                                                                              Zoom
                       International                         In-person &
                       Women’s Day
                                                                                   1 p.m.-Good Grief                       your
                                                           6pm Lenten Service
                                                           5:25-5:55 p.m. Ele-
                                        6 pm Council       mentary Round-up        6:30 p.m. Soup                         before
 6 p.m. Piano con-                      mtg                                        Sisters

 14                    15               16                 17                      18                  19                20
 9am Worship/          1 pm Staff mtg                      12:10 Lenten Service    9am Piecemakers     6am M.E.N.S via
 Communion &                                                                                           Zoom
                                                             In-person &
 Streamed                                                                                                                8:30am
 10:15 Drive thru                       7pm Priscilla BS
                                                           5 pm Middle School                                            Feeding SD
 communion                                                 Youth Group             1 p.m.-Good Grief
 11 am Woyatan                                             5:25-5:55 p.m. Ele-
 worship                                                   mentary Round-up                            12pm Caregiver
 4pm Messy Conver-                                                                                     Lunch
                                                           6pm Lenten Service

 21                    22               23                 24                      25                  26                27
 9am Worship &                                             12:10 Lenten Service    9am Piecemakers     6am M.E.N.S via
 Streamed                                                                                              Zoom
                                                             In-person &
 10:15 am Writing                                          Streamed
                       1 pm Staff mtg
 back event                                                5-7:30 pm High School
                                                           Youth Group             1 p.m.-Good Grief

 11:30am Little Free
 Library                                                   5:25-5:55 p.m. Ele-

 28                    29               30                 31                      April 1             2

                                                                                                       Good Friday
 9am Palm Sunday
 Worship/                                                                          Maundy Thursday
 Communion &           1 pm Staff mtg                      5-6 p.m. Game night
 Streamed                                                  for MS students
 10:15 Drive thru

 4pm Messy Conver-

Parish News | March 2021| Page 19                                                            See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
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  February 2021 Parish News
  See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God!

         South Canyon
        Lutheran Church                                                                        Marsha Mertes, Pianist
              700 44th St.
        Rapid City, SD 57702                                                          Mary Weidenbach, Choir Accompanist
                                                                   Lori Brey, Nursery Attendant
       The office is open M-Th,                                                                     605-399-9695
            9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
       Fridays 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.           Kristi Wellendorf, Administrative Asst.              Mark Meier, Custodian
                                                   Worship Coordinator                            605-341-4717
                                                                                              Logan Horsley, Custodian
                                           Linda Jensen, Kitchen Coordinator                       605-787-2535
    Chris Baesler, Senior Pastor                    Ken Weybright, Computer Consultant
           605-999-8068                                                                         605-721-7650
                                          Andrea Wager, Interim Bookkeeper
                                          Emanuel Herrera, Youth Coordinator             Friend-Ship Preschool
    Erik Thone, Associate Pastor          605-858-1702                      Phone: 605-343-4887
           612-545-7363                                                                          Fax: 605-355-0435              Ellen Shirley, Director of Worship &         
  Cindy Dressler, Parish Administrator      605-791-1272             Cindy Dressler, Preschool Director
   605-390-7690                                                        605-348-8280 or 605-390-7690
                                            Taylor Wiese, Children’s Ministry
      Linda Black, Pastoral Care            605-517-9786            Rana Holland, Preschool Teacher
       and Outreach Coordinator                                                        Julie Kokesh, Preschool Teacher
    651-470-6901              Audrey Fenner, Organist               Sabrina Raush, Preschool Teacher
                                                    202-547-1140                      Jenna Whitman, Preschool Teacher
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