2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Missal: Year C Pg:842 - cloudfront.net

Page created by Nathaniel Chang
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Missal: Year C Pg:842 - cloudfront.net
2nd Sunday in Ordinary
                                                                                                  Missal: Year C Pg:842

   565 W. Ke ering St., Lancaster, CA 93534 · 661.942.7122 · sacredheartlancaster.org
                                                                                                      January 16, 2022

            Pastor: Fr. Hiếu Trần · Associate Pastor: Fr. Eder Tamara · Associate Pastor: Fr. Jean Ta egrain
        Deacons: Dc. Fermin Herrera, Dc. Dale Reynolds, Dc. Ron Routolo, Dc. Jason Schalow, Dc. Alex Aguilar, Dc. Miguel Zamora
Sunday Masses                                 Daily Masses                                    Bap sms
Saturday Vigil (English): 5:30PM              Monday-Saturday: 8:00AM and 5:30pm              Third Saturday of the Month-12:00PM
Sunday (English): 8:00AM                      Civic Holidays: 8:00AM Only                     Call ORE: 661.948-3011
9:30AM,11:00am, 5:30pm
                                              Holy Days/Dias Santos                           Bau smos
Sunday (Spanish): 12:30PM,2:00PM
                                              (Days of Obliga on)                             El Primer Sabado de Cada Mes-12:00PM
Confessions                                   English (Vigil): 5:30PM                         Llame a ORE: 661.948-3011
Weekdays: 7:30AM and 5:00pm                   English: 8:00AM, 12:00PM, 5:30PM
(20 minutes before Mass)                                                                      Anoin ng of the Sick
                                              Spanish: 7:30PM
Saturday: 4:00PM - 5:30PM                                                                     For those seriously ill or preparing for
                                                                                              major surgery, call the Parish Office at
Funerals                                      Weddings
                                                                                              661.942.7122 to make arrangements to
Call the Parish Office 661.942.7122             By appointment, six-month no ce
                                                                                              be anointed with the Oil of the Sick.
                                              Call the Parish Office: 661.942.7122

                                 Our Parish Website                     Online offering/tithe
                                 El sitio Web de nuestra parroquia En linea/diezmos y ofrendas
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Missal: Year C Pg:842 - cloudfront.net
Page 2                                  Fr. Hiếu’s Message
                                     Miracles don't need to be done
People often ask--why doesn't God make a miracle anymore? Well, the fact is, sometimes or often miracles
are done without any action. In Today's Gospel, we see how Jesus did the miracle--changed water into wine,
without any interaction with the water?

Generally, people often ask us "Father, would you give a blessing?" They asked, when we have just finished
with the Mass, and there, the priest and deacons standing at the front entrance to greet or saying good bye to
the parishioners. I often tell them, "we have just finished with the Mass and you have just received a 'big
blessing' at the end of Mass, already...?" Though, people often want to see or experience an interaction be-
tween the ordained and themselves; however, they usually forget that, just like the story in Today's Gospel,
Jesus did the miracle, but he didn't even say anything or touch anything.

God can do miraculous things for us, if we just trust; like we often saying in the Divine Mercy "Jesus, I trust
in you."
Fr. Hiếu Trần

                                   Los milagros no necesitan hacerse
La gente a menudo pregunta: ¿por qué Dios ya no hace milagros? Bueno, el hecho es que a veces o con fre-
cuencia se hacen milagros sin ninguna acción. En el Evangelio de hoy, vemos cómo Jesús hizo el milagro:
¿transformó el agua en vino, sin ninguna interacción con el agua?

Generalmente, la gente a menudo nos pregunta "Padre, ¿me da una bendición?" cuando acabamos de terminar
la Misa, y allí, el sacerdote y los diáconos de pie en la entrada principal para saludar o despedirse de los feli-
greses. A menudo les digo, "acabamos de terminar con la Misa y acaban de recibir una 'gran bendición' al fi-
nal de la Misa, ¿ya ...?" Sin embargo, las personas a menudo quieren ver o experimentar una interacción entre
los ordenados y ellos mismos; sin embargo, generalmente olvidan que, al igual que la historia del Evangelio
de hoy, Jesús hizo el milagro, pero ni siquiera dijo nada ni tocó nada.

Dios puede hacer cosas milagrosas por nosotros, si solo confiamos; como decimos a menudo en la Divina
Misericordia "Jesús, en ti confío".
P. Hiếu Trần

                                            Sunday Collec on
                                Weekly Collec on for Sunday 1/9/2022

             Plate $ 5,842.00         Envelopes $ 6,065,50             Endowment $ 1,889.00
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Missal: Year C Pg:842 - cloudfront.net
                                                   The Happenings                                                         Page

                                           COVID—19 UPDATES
With the current increase of COVID-19 cases in Los Angeles County, the Archdiocese has decided to fol-
low the L.A. County Health Department in requiring everyone to wear a mask indoors at our L.A. Coun-
ty parishes, of ices and schools
effective Saturday, July 16, 2021

Con el aumento actual de casos de COVID-19 en el condado de Los Angeles, la Arquidió cesis ha decidido
seguir a El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Los Angeles al exigir que todos usen una má scara en
el interior de nuestras parroquias, o icinas y escuelas a partir del sá bado 16 de julio de 2021

                                     The FILIPINO MINITRY of
                                         SACRED HEART
                Invites everyone to one of The Philippines’ most beloved traditions.

                                                 SANTO NIÑO
                                             Sacred Heart
                                    Saturday, January 22, 2022.
                           5:30 P.M. - Celebration of the Eucharist
                          Followed by Reception at the Kennedy Hall
  All are invited to bring their statues of the Santo Niño (baby Jesus)

           Abortion, the Bible, and Science: Answering the Hard Questions
    When does life begin?
    How does God view children in the womb?
    Is abortion morally permissible?
    What’s the big abortion case that the U.S. Supreme Court just heard?
    What can I do to help save children from abortion?
Whether you consider yourself “pro-life” or “pro-choice,” this event is a great opportunity to hear answers to those questions—and
ask your own!
    Samuel Green, a pro-life attorney and the founder of Reason for Life, will present a biblical and scientific case for valuing and
         protecting children in the womb. Then he will open up the floor to your hard questions about abortion—the ones you or
         your friends have always struggled to answer. You can learn more about Samuel at ReasonForLife.org/samuelgreen

When: Saturday, February 5, 2022; 3:00 – 4:30 p.m.

Where:Sacred Heart Church (Kennedy Hall)

Who:              All are welcome (no RSVP required), but parents are advised to consider the brutal nature of abortion and the
                  range of questions that may be asked when deciding whether a child is sufficiently mature to attend.
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Missal: Year C Pg:842 - cloudfront.net
Page 4                                  Ministry News

          Welcome to the Confirming Disciples Confirmation process. At Sacred Heart, we strive to provide
           you and your child with a welcoming, quality program. As a quote from David Calavitta states:
         “Ministry should always be quality over quantity. A few warm hearts fill a room better than a ton of
        cold bodies. Souls, not certificates”. Following this as our guide, we look forward to sharing our faith
                                            together and serving your family.

                                                Youth Gatherings
             Youth Night: Monday, January 31, 2022 at 6:30pm in the Kennedy Center

             Sisters of Strength : Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 6:30pm in the Youth House

                           Band of Brothers will not be meeting until further notice!!

       Email us at gcuevas.shc@gmail.com
       Check our Sacredheartlancaster.org website and follow us on our Instagram @ciaym for more
       information and updates.

Quinceañera Policy                                           Polí ca de Quinceañera

Quinceañeras need to be scheduled within six                 Las quinceañeras deben programarse con seis meses
months in advance. In order to schedule a Mass the           de an cipación. Para programar una Misa la quinceañera
quinceañera must have already received their First           ya debe haber recibido su Primera Comunión antes
Holy Communion before the celebra on and be registered       de la celebración y estar registrada en el programa
in the Confirma on program or already be confirmed. If         de Confirmación o estar ya confirmada. Si no se hubiera
the sacraments have not been received, we would cele-        recibido los sacramentos, celebraríamos la Liturgia
brate the Liturgy of the Word. First Communion or Confir-     de la Palabra.
ma on prepara on will NOT be rushed to accommodate           La preparación para la Primera Comunión o Confirmación
the quinceañera Mass.                                        NO será apresurada para acomodar la Misa de
When we’re scheduling a quinceañera Mass, wedding            la Quinceañera. Cuando estamos programando una
takes precedence over quinceañera masses.                    misa de quinceañera, la boda ene prioridad sobre las
Chris an simplicity needs to be observed; dresses            misas de quinceañera. Es necesario observar la sencillez
must be modest and flowers will be limited to a bouquet       cris ana; Los ves dos deben ser modestos y las
to present to the statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe.         flores se limitarán a un ramo para ofrecer a la estatua
Instruc ons of the theology, meaning and importance          de la Virgen de Guadalupe.
of the quinceañera celebra on must be completed before       Las instrucciones de la teología, el significado y la
the ceremony by the girl, and the parents are strongly en-   importancia de la celebración de la quinceañera deben
couraged to be part of the prepara on process. Rehearsals    ser completadas antes de la ceremonia por la niña, y
will be held the Friday before the scheduled Mass. The       los padres se les recomienda encarecidamente que
family needs to be confessed before the celebra on. Fail-    sean parte del proceso de preparación. Los ensayos se
ure to complete this prepara on will cancel the ceremony     llevarán a cabo el viernes antes de la misa programada.
and refunds will not be granted. Family must arrive on       La familia debe confesarse antes de la celebración.
  me, at least 30 minutes before Mass begins.                No completar esta preparación cancelará la ceremonia
Thank you.                                                   y no se otorgarán reembolsos. La familia debe llegar a
                                                               empo, al menos 30 minutos antes que empieza la
                                                             misa. Gracias.
                                    Ministry NewsNews                                                 Page 5

                                         SACRED HEART SCHOOL

                  Monday January 17 No School—Mar n Luther King Day

                    *2022-2023 applica ons for new students available
                     dschatz@shsav.org or the school secretary at adelacruz@shsav.org

One of the crucial things we do in a Catholic school is to help develop our student's capacity for excellence in
their spirituality, academics, social skills, and emo ons. All of these moments happen when we call them to-
ward heir best effort, goodness, and what leads them to grow into wonderful people. Catholics schools lead
all other educa onal school programs by having the best prepared students entering high schools and col-
leges. Please consider your child receiving a Catholic educa on and contact the school for a tour.

             Box tops, Sacred Heart School is registered with Box Tops for educa on from General-Mills. If
             you would like to donate box Tops, All you need is your phone! Download the Box Tops app,
             shop as you normally would, then use the app to scan your store receipt within 14 days of pur-
chase. The app will iden fy Box Tops products on your receipt and automa cally credit your school’s earn-
ings online. Any ques ons, please contact the school office at 661-948-3613

Did you know? Windows are hidden                       Las ventanas son peligros ocultos ¿Sabía
hazards did you know that windows are                  que las ventanas son uno de los principales
one of the leading hidden hazards in your              peligros ocultos en su hogar? Miles de niños
home? Thousands of young children are                  pequeños se lesionan cada año por caerse de
injured each year from falling out of win-             las ventanas. El Grupo de Trabajo de Seguri-
dows. The Window Safety Task Force rec-                dad de Ventanas recomienda mantener las
ommends keeping windows closed and                     ventanas cerradas y con llave en las habita-
locked in rooms where children may be,                 ciones donde pueden estar los niños, y solo
and only opening windows located out of                abrir las ventanas que estén fuera del alcance
children’s reach. Avoid placing furniture or           de los niños. Evite colocar muebles o estantes
shelves near windows so that children can-             cerca de las ventanas para que los niños no
not climb up to gain access. For more tips,            puedan subirse para tener acceso. Para obte-
visit nsc.org/community-safety/safety-                 ner más consejos, visite nsc.org/community-
topics/child-safety/window-safety.                     safety/safety-topics/child-safety/window-
Page 6
                                      Ministry News

   Faith Formation Classes- Clases de Formación de Fe (Catesismo)
  Our faith community is celebrating with joy and happiness as we welcome our families in Faith For-
       mation for their intentions and desires to continue to journey with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday Sessions, January 24 and 31
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm online
January 30
Monday Sessions, February 7 and 28
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm online
                          All First Reconciliation Candidates (Year 1)
                                  February 12, 2022, Saturday
                                        Parent and child
                                 8:45 am – Sacred Heart Church
                    Parent and Child Retreat/Retiro para padres e hijos
         Please wear a face mask and make sure to sign-in at the vestibule of the church.
            Use su mascarilla y asegúrese de registrarse en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia.

                                     Rachel's Vineyard
                                       Retreat weekend
                              For Healing after Abortion
Rachel's Vineyard retreat is for men and women struggling with the emotional and spiritual
pain of abortion. The retreat is designed to help participants work through repressed grief
and anger in a safe, nonjudgmental setting and come to acceptance, healing, and hope for the
future. Developed in the Roman Catholic Tradition, it utilizes spiritual exercises and rituals to
help grieve the loss of unborn children and to accept God’s forgiveness. All inquiries and regis-
trations are confidential.
                                     January 28-30, 2022
                      Poverello of Assisi Retreat Center, San Fernando, CA
                                    Cost: $250.00 per person
              For confidential registration or more information please call or email:
                                 Roseanne Becker 661-510-8258
Ministry News                                                       Page 7

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles recommends that all
members of the Catholic community who can receive
                                                          La Arquidiócesis recomienda que todos los miembros de la co-
a COVID-19 vaccine should do so. The Archdiocese
is not providing individuals with religious exemption     munidad católica que puedan recibir una vacuna contra el CO-
letters to avoid vaccination against COVID-19. Please     VID-19 lo hagan. La Arquidiócesis no está proporcionando car-
see the information and links below to understand         tas de exención religiosa a los individuos para evitar vacunarse
why the Archdiocese does not consider the COVID-19        contra el COVID-19. Por favor, vea la información y los enlaces
vaccine to be morally objectionable and why it en-        que aparecen a continuación para entender por qué la Arquidió-
courages all the faithful to get vaccinated. “Receiving   cesis no considera que la vacuna COVID-19 es moralmente ob-
one of the COVID-19 vaccines ought to be understood
as an act of charity toward the other members of our      jetable y por qué sugerimos a todos los fieles que se vacunen.
community. In this way, being vaccinated safely           “Recibir una de las vacunas para el COVID-19 debe entenderse
against COVID-19 should be considered an act of           como un acto de caridad hacia los demás miembros de nuestra
love of our neighbor and part of our moral responsibil-   comunidad. De esta manera, ser vacunado contra el COVID-19
ity for the common good.” -USCCB, Moral Consider-         debe ser considerado un acto de amor a nuestro prójimo y parte
ations Regarding the New COVID19 Vaccines The             de nuestra responsabilidad moral por el bien común”. -USCCB,
following links might be helpful in understanding the
                                                          Consideraciones morales en relación con las nuevas vacunas del
morality of receiving the vaccine: https://
www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/          COVID-19. Los siguientes enlaces podrían ser útiles para enten-
documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20201221_nota-                der la moralidad de recibir la vacuna: https://www.vatican.va/
vaccinianticovid_en.html https://www.usccb.org/           roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/
news/2021/us-bishop-chairmen-doctrine-and-pro-life-       rc_con_cfaith_doc_20201221_nota-vaccinianticovid_en.html
address-use-johnson-johnson-covid-19- vaccine             https://www.usccb.org/news/2021/us-bishop-chairmen-doctrine-
https://www.cacatholic.org/CCC-vaccine-moral-             and-pro-life-address-use-johnson-johnson-covid-19- vaccine

                                                                           Healing Mass
                                                                  Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic

                                                                  Saint Kateri proudly announces our First
                                                                  Healing Mass of 2022 on Wednesday, Feb-
                                                                  ruary 2nd! Services will begin with the recita-
                                                                  tion of the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 6:20 pm,
                                                                  followed by Holy Mass at 7:00 pm, and the
                                                                  Healing Service following Mass, Praise and

                                                                  The Celebrant for the evening will be Father
                                                                  Robert Garon, Pastor at St. Didacus, with our
                                                                  Pastor, Fr. Vaughn Winters Con-Celebrating.
                                                                  The focus will be on the Healing of the
                                                                  Memory! A MUST ATTEND EVENT!!!

                                                                  Sponsored by Sint Kateri’s Healing Prayer Team
                                                                  22508 Copper Hill Drive, Santa Clarita, Ca. 61350
Page  6
Page 8                                   Our Parish Family
                                               Tile Pledge
 Our Donor Wall is getting close to completion! If you want to have a memorial tile of a loved one, living or
         deceased, or furnishing for the new church, pew or chairs please call us at 661-942-7122

¡Nuestra pared de azulejos está casi terminada! Si desea tener un azulejo en honor de un ser querido, vivo o
fallecido, o muebles para la nueva Iglesia, banca o sillas, llame al 661-942-7122

           Sacristans Ministry                                Monday January 17,2022
There is a need for Sacristans at the Sat-                  All Parish Offices will be closed!!
urday 5:30pm and Sunday 5:30pm Mass-
es Please contact the office for more in-                              No 5:30pm Mass
formation Thank you
                                                               Lunes 17 de Enero ,2022
                                                    Todas las Oficinas Parroquiales estaran cerradas!!
              Dear Parishioners
 we all deserve a clean parish! Please make sure               No habra misa de las 5:30pm
 all trash goes in the Trashcan in the Vestibule.
 In order to stay in the Church we must keep it             Hardcover Bilingual Missals are
 clean and organized. Thank you!
                                                          available for purchase at the weekend
             Queridos feligreses                             Masses or call the Parish Office
 les pedimos de la manera mas atenta por favor                       at 661-942-7122.
 de no dejar nada de basura en las bancas favor
 de depositela en los botes de basura en el ves-       Los Misales bilingües de cobertura dura están dis-
 tibulo, Nosotros y Dios merecemos una Iglesia         ponibles para su compra durante las Misas del fin
 Limpia y ordenada Gracias por su ayuda.               de semana o hable a la oficina de la  Parroquia

 PRAYER OF THE WEEK                                                  Readings for the week
 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
 Almighty ever-living God,                               Monday: 1 Sm 15:16-23; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23;
 who govern all things,                                  Mk 2:18-22
 both in heaven and on earth,                            Tuesday: 1 Sm 16:1-13; Ps 89:20-22, 27-28; Mk 2:23-
 mercifully hear the pleading of your people             28
 and bestow your peace on our times.                     Wednesday: 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-
 Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,                10;
                                                         Mk 3:1-6
 who lives and reigns with you                           Thursday: 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7; Ps 56:2-3, 9-13;
 in the unity of the Holy Spirit,                        Mk 3:7-12
 God, for ever and ever.                                 Friday: 1 Sm 24:3-21; Ps 57:2-4, 6, 11; Mk 3:13-19
                                                         Saturday: 2 Sm 1:1-4, 11-12, 19, 23-27; Ps 80:2-3, 5-7;
                                                         Mk 3:20-21, or any of a number of readings
Reflection question:                                     for the Day of Prayer
What can I do to help to bring about God’s               Sunday: Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; Ps 19:8-10, 15;
peace?                                                   1 Cor 12:12-30 [12-14, 27]; Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21
Masses for the Week                                                                      Page 9
                                                        Please remember in your prayers the sick of our
            January 15 –21, 2022                        parish: Enrique Fernandez Jr, Esparza Family, Chris-
                                                        tian Alcala, Andrew Serafin, Jeffrey Wojciechowski,
 Saturday     Jan 15                                    Suki Muraga, Andy Wojciechowski. Bernie Gaudi
             8:00am All Souls in Purgatory
                       J. Robert P. Olague RIP          Rest in Peace: Side Flores, Clifford Viera,
             5:30pm Heriberto & Janet Figueroa LIV      Bernardo Gonzalez Olmedo, Manuel Ruiz,
                       Michael Terrible RIP             Rocio Tafolla, Helen Belbill
 Sunday       Jan 16   Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
             8:00am    All Souls in Purgatory                           Parish Informa on
                       Michaela Diaz LIV
                       Eusebio Fonacier Jr. RIP            Deaconate Formation                 Priesthood Formation
             11:00am   Maria Rosa Sanchez RIP                                                      St. John’s Seminar
                       Antonio Lomeli & Consuelo        Rafael Avina
             12:30pm                                    Robert Nemila                                David Zamora
                       Rosales RIP
             2:00pm Josefina Sura RIP
                                                        Parish Office - (661) 942-7122
             5:30pm All Souls in Purgatory                Fax: (661) 945-4255
 Monday       Jan 17   Martin Luther King Jr.             Email: sacredheartchurchAV@gmail.com
                                                          Facebook: Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Lancaster-CA
                       Mayie Maitia RIP                   Hours: Mon - Fri: 10:00AM - 5:00PM (Closed 12:00pm - 1:00PM)
                       Jose Menjivar RIP
                       Jocelinda Meneses RIP            Sacred Heart School - Principal: Mr. David Schatz
                       Crista Maria Alassi RIP
                       Week of Prayer for Christian       Phone: (661) 948-3613             www.shsav.org
 Tuesday      Jan 18                                      Hours: Mon - Thurs: 7:30AM - 3:30PM; Fri: 7:30AM - 2:00PM
                       Unity begins
                       Valerie Copeland RIP             Religious Education - Rose Anna Cruz                 (661) 948-3011
             8:00am Andy PenanoRIP                        www.sacredheartore.weebly.com; App: Sacred Heart ORE
                    Eugenia Rosales RIP                  Hours: Mon - Fri: 9:00AM - 4:30PM (Closed 12:00 - 100PM)
             5:30pm Jose Menjivar RIP
                                                        Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) -          (661) 948-3011
                 Julian Calendar Theophany                Deacon Ron Routolo & Deacon Jason Schalow
Wednesday Jan 19
                 (Epiphany)                             Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos (RICA)
                                                         ORE                                           (661) 948-3011
                    Salvador Fernandez RIP
                    Mayie Maitia RIP                    Youth Ministries and Confirmation -                    (661) 9427122
                    Crista Maria Alassi RIP             Gloria Cuevas
                    Jose Menjivar RIP
                                                          Catholics in Action & Confirming Disciples            (661) 942-7122
Thursday     Jan 20 St. Fabian St. Sebastian
                                                        Filipino Ministry - Rommel De Paz                       (661)429-5265
                    Dennis Martin Byrnes RIP            Safeguard the Children– Anna Cruz                       (661)948-3011
                    Mayie Maitia RIP                    Building Campaign -                                     (661) 942-7122
             5:30pm Jose Menjivar RIP                   Perpetual Adoration -
                                                           Sunday 6PM to Saturday 7AM
  Friday     Jan 21    St. Agnes                        If you can serve, call The office                 (661) 942-7122
                    Dennis Martin Byrnes RIP            Novena - Tuesday evening in the Church after the 5:30PM Mass
             8:00am Jennifer Escobedo Mills RIP         Legion of Mary -                               ( 661470-1447)
                    Julio Escobedo RIP                  Liturgy of the Hours -
             5:30pm Jose Menjivar RIP
                                                          Morning Prayer: 7:30AM; Evening Prayer : 5:00PM
                                                        Gift Shop -      Saturday: 4:30PM - 6:30PM
                                                                         Sunday: 7:30AM - 5:30 PM (Closed during Masses)
                                                        St. Vincent de Paul Our Lady of Charity Conference -

                                                          45058 Trevor #B, Lancaster, CA 93534                  (661) 942-3222

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Building Our New Sacred Hea                                                               Church

Dear Parishioners we are glad to communicate that we have reached the last step needed to start building
our Church! We are very thankful for those families that have and con nue to help since the start of this
campaign, may God con nue to bless you all. We would like to take this opportunity to inform you the en-
 re final step needed. There are about 7000 parishioners registered, if each family were to pledge $700 we
will meet the final mark of the $3 million needed in our balance to start our building!
Es mados feligreses, ¡nos complace comunicarles que hemos llegado al úl mo paso necesario para comen-
zar a construir nuestra Iglesia! Estamos muy agradecidos por aquellas familias que han ayudado y con -
núan ayudando desde el inicio de esta campaña, que Dios con núe bendiciéndolos a todos. Nos gustaría
aprovechar esta oportunidad para informarle sobre el paso final necesario. Hay alrededor de 7000 feligre-
ses registrados, si cada familia prome era $700, ¡alcanzaremos la marca final de los $3 millones necesarios
en nuestro saldo para

-— ---------------------------------------------------Cut Here--------------------------------------------------------— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
If you would like to contribute please fill the por on below and send it or take to the Parish Office
Check Payable to Sacred Heart Church

One Payment of $700.00                                     Two Payments of $350.00

Name / Nombre                                 Last Name / Apellido

Address/ Domicilio Apt Number / Unit - número de Apartamento/ Unidad

Telephone / Telefono Home /Casa Cell / Movil
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