COUNTRY Financial, IFB to Deliver Farm Planning Information Webinars - Knox ...

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COUNTRY Financial, IFB to Deliver Farm Planning Information Webinars - Knox ...
VOL. XCVII                             USPS 297-360                                              December 2020

COUNTRY Financial, IFB to Deliver
Farm Planning Information Webinars
    Since 1925, COUNTRY Financial has          supportive information for your 2021
helped protect Illinois farms. In more re-     planning. There, you will find a library of
cent decades, COUNTRY has teamed up            recorded in-depth seminars that you can
with county farm bureaus to deliver plan-      watch from the comfort of your own farm.
ning and protection updates to help Illinois   Topics include:
farmers better prepare for the upcoming            • Farm Bill Updates
planting season and beyond. Even during a          • COUNTRY Financial Private Prod-
national pandemic, farmers across Illinois              uct Updates
and the entire United States are continuing        • COUNTRY Financial Crop Claims
their work to support their families and                Review
feed our country.                                  • COUNTRY Financial Precision
    There is always uncertainty around what             Planning & Drone Technology
spring, summer and fall may bring, but                  Overview
COUNTRY Financial and your local farm              • Agrivisor Market Outlook for 2021
bureau remain ready to assist you through          In addition to making recorded resources
every season, even if it may need to look a
little different to keep everyone safe.
                                               available to assist you, COUNTRY and Il-
                                               linois Farm Bureau staff will also host four
                                                                                                David Serven, District 8
    In mid-December, COUNTRYFinan- will go live and of-
                                               live webinars throughout January and Febru-
                                               ary to provide you updated information and
                                                                                                IAA Board Director Retires
fer a growing menu of presentations and        answer viewer questions in real-time. RFD’s         David Serven                                dent from 2001 to 2006. He participated in
                                               Rita Frazer will host these 90-120-minute live   of St. Augustine in                            a Farm Bureau market study tour of China
                                               meetings, and each session will cover crop/      Knox County was                                in 2001 and Cuba in 2012.
                                               farm bill updates (Doug Yoder, COUNTRY           elected to the Il-                                 He has represented District 5 on the
                                               Financial), legislative updates (Adam Nielsen,   linois Farm Bureau                             Knox County Board. Serven is a past direc-
                                                                                                (IFB) board of di-                             tor for Tompkins State Bank in Avon and
                                               Illinois Farm Bureau) and provide a farm
                                                                                                rectors in 2010 to                             for Riverland FS.
                                               legacy planning overview (Joe Buhrmann,
                                                                                                represent District 8,                              Currently, he serves on the Abingdon-
                                               COUNTRY Financial).                              which includes Ful-                            Avon district #276 school board. Serven is
                                                   When              ton, Knox, Peoria,                             a member of both the Illinois Corn Grow-
                                               binars goes live in mid-December, you will       Warren and Hen-                                ers and Soybean Associations.
                                               also find a link to pre-register and attend      derson Counties.                                   Serven received his bachelor’s degree
                                               these live meetings. Choose the meeting          Serven was a mem-                              in agriculture production at Illinois State
                                               date and time that best fits your schedule:      ber of the Finance Committee and Grant         University. He is a graduate of Agricultural
                                                   • Tues., Jan. 19 at 8:30 a.m. CST            Committee. He served as a trustee on the       Leaders of Tomorrow (ALOT) and of the
                                                   • Wed., Jan. 27 at 11 a.m. CST               IAA Foundation Board and represented           Illinois Ag Leadership Program. He also
                                                   • Tues., Feb. 9 at 4 p.m. CST                IFB on the boards of Prairie Farms Dairy       was the state Young Leader Achievement
                                                   • Thurs., Feb. 25 at 12 p.m. CST             and Illinois Milk Producers Association.       Award winner in 2002 and received the
                                                                                                   Serven operates a diversified grain and     American Farmer Degree from FFA.
                                                   While participants may not all be gath-
                                                                                                livestock farm, and raises corn, soybeans,         Serven and his wife, Barb, have two sons
                                               ered in the same room this year at locations
                                                                                                hay and beef cattle. He and his family         and a daughter. They are members of the
                                               throughout the state, COUNTRY and Il-            milked cows until 2009.                        St. Augustine Catholic Church.
                                               linois Farm Bureau staff look forward to            Serven was a member of the Knox                 Knox County thanks David for his years
                                               helping you plan for a successful 2021 crop      County Farm Bureau Board from 1996 to          of service to our organization on a local
                                               year and beyond.                                 2006, was vice president in 2000, and presi-   and state level!
COUNTRY Financial, IFB to Deliver Farm Planning Information Webinars - Knox ...
Knox County Farm Bureau                                                              Page 2                                                                            December 2020
   Members are always welcome
at Knox County Farm Bureau’s                                                                     Our farm family often finds the best       the family.
Board of Director meetings. They                                                              gifts the most useful ones. Lithium              By late November every year, I pull
are held the third Thursday of each                                                           battery-powered tools, air compressors,       out the kids’ Christmas picture books,
month. Please call for times.                                                                 and rubber boots. Deep-well socket sets,      an annual gift from us that they col-
                                                                                              air tools, and a new set of pilot-point       lected through middle school. Several
                                                                                              drill bits in a rugged case. In sarcastic     of the books share farm influences with
                                                                                              wonder, my husband once unwrapped             stories set on tree farms and in barns or
                                                                                              an extension ladder, rung by rung.            stables, including the original Christ-
                                                 Farm influences gifts under the tree            The women often appreciate practical       mas story that pairs with the kids’ nativ-
                                                 When almost 4 years old, our son’s           items that make tasks easier in the garden    ity set.
                                              Christmas wish list included a “tree            and kitchen. The kids receive toy tractors,      The holidays bring another avenue
                                              cutter” (chain saw), a “bin site” (grain        wooden toy barns, farm animal figures,        to express the joy we find in farming. I
                                              storage facility), and a “wiggle tractor,”      and plastic fencing to keep those little      confess to streaming Christmas music
 December 2020                                (his description of a high-horsepower           livestock contained. A few years ago, our     in the grain cart tractor in October to
 No. 12                                       tractor that articulates, or bends, in the
 Published Monthly by:                                                                        son unwrapped a rolling tool chest for        prematurely mix harvest and the holi-
  KNOX COUNTY FARM BUREAU,                    middle).                                        storing Nerf darts and LEGO items in his      days, a couple of my favorite things.
                 Inc.                            To his delight, he received toy ver-         room. For her room redesign, our daugh-       No doubt, farm life will penetrate the
          cooperating with the                sions of all of them.                           ter listed wishes for decorations with        holiday scene again this year. Wrapping
       ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL                     Life on the farm influences the gifts        windmills, chickens, and sunflowers.          paper alone gives away my farm fetish.
            ASSOCIATION                       found under the family tree, often itself
               and the                                                                           A new plat book from the county            The patterned paper with chickens,
      AMERICAN FARM BUREAU                    decorated with ornaments shaped as              Farm Bureau office makes a great cof-         pigs, and cows in Santa hats reveals the
             FEDERATION                       cows, pigs, barns, and corn-consuming           fee table gift for every landowner in the     gift giver before the tag does.
                                              wildlife. I remember the Christmas              family. Single sockets and hand-warmer
 The Knox Co. Farm Bureau Bulletin            when the men received sets of revers-           packets give weight to stockings. And a          About the author: Joanie Stiers’ family
 (ISSN 0892-1156) is published                ible ratcheting wrenches. They excitedly
 monthly                                                                                      set of well-fitting work gloves wrapped       grows corn, soybeans and hay and raises
 with a subscription price of $.50 per        opened two same-shaped packages: one            with a can of whole cashews provides a        beef cattle and backyard chickens in
 year. Periodicals Postage paid at            standard, one metric.                           fail-safe gift idea for most any adult in     West-Central Illinois.
 Galesburg, IL 61401-9998

     POSTMASTER: Send address                 Legislative Update
            changes to:
      KNOX CO. FARM BUREAU                    Still a fraternity of farm families; through peaks and valleys
       180 S. Soangetaha Rd.,
        Galesburg, IL 61401.                     By Rep. Dan Swanson (R-Alpha)
                                                 I want to start by congratulating                                                          show them you care. As we dedicate
         BOARD OF DIRECTORS                   Farm Bureau members from                                                                      ourselves to the land our forefathers
              DISTRICT I                      throughout Illinois for their work                                                            cut from the prairies, we must dedicate
              Jarid Cain                      in the coalition to stop the tax hike                                                         ourselves to our neighbors who are cut
            Drew DeSutter                                                                                                                   from the same cloth, as well. Some of
             Brian Nelson
                                              amendment on November 3. It took
                                              a massive, collaborative effort to                                                            the last to ask for help, lets ensure the
            Monica Stevens                                                                                                                  ask never has to be made because of
                                              accomplish this feat and farmers have
                                              much to be proud of in their work to                                                          our proactive care for one another.
                DISTRICT II
               Matt Hulsizer                  put Illinois on a better fiscal track.                                                           May God’s blessings be on you and
                Lori Engel                       Illinois taxpayers sent a message                                                          your family during this Christmas
                  Jeff Link                   on November 3. It is past time                                                                Season and may God continue to bless
              Terry Boydstun                                                                                                                this land that we love!
                                              for the overspending to end. That
                DISTRICT III                  overspending by Chicago politicians has
              Brett Swanson                   been unfettered as long as they continue                                                               WELCOME
              Tom O’Connor                    to increase the burden on taxpayers to                                                               NEW MEMBERS
            Tara Bohnert Yoder                cover the new spending. In this public
               Nathan Link                    rebuke of the tax-and spend-mentality                                                         The Knox County Farm Bureau
                                              pervasive with Illinois’ ruling class,                                                               would like to welcome the
                DISTRICT IV                   the voters have expressed their sincere                                                            following to our organization
        Matt Hennenfent, Secretary                                                                            Dan Swanson
         Jennifer Beard, Treasurer            desire for a government which lives
        Beck King, Vice President             within its means.                               phone call or check-in may be the
               Phil Goedeke                      I can only imagine the celebration           bright spot for our brothers and sisters        Central Illinois Pest Management, Inc
                                              of this accomplishment that would               experiencing more social isolation              Jennifer Ivie
               DISTRICT V                     be occurring at the annual Illinois             than even farmers are accustomed.               Tad Johnson
               Todd West                      Agricultural Association meetings               Please join me in checking-in with              Ralph C Norman Foundation
              Grant Strom                     traditionally held in Downtown                  one another and talking about the               Eugene Sullivan
          Beau Bewley, President
               Kurt Emken
                                              Chicago during the holiday season.              challenges for this fraternity of farm          Richard Berens
                                              Unfortunately, COVID mitigations                families.                                       Elizabeth Flesher
               Jeff Grody                     have led to the cancellation of this               I ask you to stay safe this holiday          Stephen & Sherry Foster
       Young Farmers Representative           year’s forums and festivities, but I hope       season and winter. There are many               Melody Gilbert
                                              farmers take some solace in this small          challenges ahead and we must lean               Zachary Mitchell
             Farm Bureau Staff                victory, in an otherwise difficult year.        on each other when tough times like             Jennifer Schmidt
    Executive Director - Hailey Weyhrich         It is important, especially with the         this come about. Send an anonymous              Kiera Spilman
      AITC Specialist - Roxanne Green
                                              cancellation of this year’s annual events       care package to a friend. Check in on           Scott Talbert
    Manager, Affiliated Organizations:        that we also check in on our fellow             elderly neighbors and help them with            Zachary Theobald
  Hailey Weyhrich - Mgr. Knox Agri Cen-       farmers. 2020 has been a year unlike            prescription or grocery pickups. Call           Joseph & Brita Wilson
  ter; Haley Weyhrich - Reg. Agent, Knox      any other for our farm families. That           that estranged family member and
      County Farm Bureau Foundation

                                              Getting To Know Your Farm Bureau Policy
        Joe Youngman - Agency Mgr.
              Country Financial
        Jim McNelly - West Central FS

                Telephone:                    99. COMPENSATION OF                                3. Legislation that would deny all             4. Capping the pension amount that a
             309-342-2036                     PUBLIC OFFICIALS                                state employment-related benefits to          state legislator can receive regardless of
               Office Hours                       We support:                                 any state employee who is convicted           their length of service or the position(s)
            Monday thru Friday                   1. Legislation requiring Congress and        under any federal, state, or local law of     they hold with the state after leaving the
          8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.              the Illinois General Assembly to vote by a      theft, embezzlement, or accepting bribes      legislature.
                                              roll call vote on any legislation that would    in connection with the employees ser-             5. Enabling elected local and state of-
  We reserve the right to reject any or all   increase their pay or pension of its mem-       vice as a state employee. We support an       ficials having access to a 457 plan rather
  news material or advertisements of-         bers.                                           amendment to the Illinois Pension Code        than a taxpayer-funded pension.
           fered to this paper.
                                                 2. Pay and pension legislation being         and/or other current law to the extent            6. Requiring public employees to con-
  YOUR ADDRESS TO OUR OFFICE                  voted on separately and not being tied to       necessary to implement this proposed          tribute a greater amount to their own
                                              unrelated legislation.                          legislation.                                  pensions.
COUNTRY Financial, IFB to Deliver Farm Planning Information Webinars - Knox ...
Knox County Farm Bureau       Page 3                    December 2020

                          Save 25% off Regular Menu
                          Price Orders when you order
                          online at
COUNTRY Financial, IFB to Deliver Farm Planning Information Webinars - Knox ...
Knox County Farm Bureau                                                                                                        Page 4                                                                                      December 2020

8 winter home owner tips you can’t afford to miss
     If you live somewhere with brutal winters,               pressure on the pipes connected to your house                                                                                 city uses on the streets during the winter
                                                                                                                                    cabinet doors open and the faucet dripping
it’s important to take measures to protect                    which could cause them to crack or burst.                             at a pencil-thin stream during extremely cold           months.
your home from freezing temps. We tracked                        2) Keep the heat on. If you plan on being                          temperatures.                                               6) Do not use salt on your concrete. If
down a local builder to find out what the                     away from your home for a long period of                                  3) Shut off your water main if you’re going         you have a concrete driveway or sidewalks,
most important winterization tips are.                        time, do not turn off your heating system.                            away. Some homeowners like to turn off their            do not use salt on them! Salt will pit the con-
     1) Disconnect your garden hoses. If you                  We recommend you set your thermostat at                               water when they’re away from their homes                crete. Sand is the only product guaranteed
leave your garden hoses connected during win-                 65 degrees or higher. This will help prevent                          for a long period of time. You likely have two          not to harm concrete. While sand does not
ter, any water left inside the hose could freeze              pipes from freezing and bursting under ex-                            shut off handles: one before and one after the          melt the ice, it will make your driveways and
and cause the lining to crack. Also, if the main              treme weather and temperature conditions.                             water meter. We suggest you shut off the one            sidewalks easier to walk on.
nozzle on your hose freezes, the ice could put                Additionally, it is a good idea to leave your                         before the meter. Then, relieve the pressure                7) Clean out your gutters. Removing
                                                                                                                                    in the system by opening all faucets in your            leaves and other debris from your gutters

      October Board Highlights                                                                                                      home. Leaving the faucets open while you’re
                                                                                                                                    gone is up to your own discretion.
                                                                                                                                                                                            before winter can help prevent ice from
                                                                                                                                                                                            forming inside the gutters. This can
                                                                                                                                        4) Clean out your egress window wells.              potentially prevent “ice damming,” which
    The meeting of the Board of Directors                                                                                           Keeping your window wells clean helps en-               can cause severe damage to the interior of a
                                                                 OLD BUSINESS
of the Knox County Farm Bureau was held                                                                                             sure your drains in the wells are free of any           home.
                                                                 The IAA Annual Meeting was discussed.
on November 19, 2020 in person with some                                                                                            leaves or garbage, allowing for proper drain-               8) Take care of your furnace. When is the
                                                              All delegates will be joining in the virtual
directors joining virtually.                                                                                                        age.                                                    last time you’ve changed your furnace filter?
                                                              Business Meeting and voting on policy at
    Education & Outreach – Tara Bohnert                                                                                                 5) Seal your driveway. Consider sealing             Make sure you are keeping up with your
                                                              home. Due to Tier 3 Mitigations, Directors
Yoder                                                                                                                               your driveway if you haven’t done it before.            filter changes and be sure to call your HVAC
                                                              cannot meet in person.
    Holiday cheese orders are due December                                                                                          Doing this before it gets too cold will help            service provider for your fall service check-
                                                                 The nomination committee will meet
4 and pick up will be December 15.                                                                                                  protect your driveway from the salt the                 up before winter hits.
                                                              to recommend candidates for four director
    Farm Business – Todd West                                 seats for the KCFB Annual Meeting.
    Steve Johnson held a webinar on                              NEW BUSINESS
November 19 in place of our annual                               The 2021 KCFB Budget was approved.
seminar.                                                         The Ag in the Classroom Ag Day for
    Government and Policy – Jeff Link                         Kids event on February 5, 2021 has been
    Staff is organizing a Zoom meeting with                   cancelled and will be moved virtually.
our Adopted Legislator, Representative
Lamont Robinson.
    Member Relations – Matt Hulsizer
    Nothing to report at this time.
    Foundation – Hailey Weyhrich
    The Foundation Board of Directors will
meet on November 24, 2020 to approve the
2021 Budget.
    PrimeTimers – Hailey Weyhrich
    Nothing to report currently.
    Young Farmers – Jeff Grady
    The Cover Crop Project is ongoing.
    KAC – Hailey Weyhrich
    The KAC Condominium Association
Board will meet on November 24, 2020 to
approve the 2021 Budget.

                WHAT’S NEXT:
                                                                                                                                          We would like to join our entire
                                                                                                                                          staff in wishing everyone a very
                                                                                                                                         We  would like to join our entire
                                                                                                                                          Happy Holiday season.
                                                                                                                                         staff in wishing everyone a very
                                                                                                                                              JASON LUMBERRY                 MICHAEL WHITE               PATRICK YOUNG

                                                                               At West Central FS, Inc. our mission
                                                                                                                                         Happy Holiday season.

                                                                                                                                              JOHN RYNER

                                                                                                                                                                             JEREMY KLEINE

                                                                                                                                                                                                         ED JOHNSON
                                                                         statement is to bring long term value and                            309-342-1607                   309-342-3177                309-342-1646
                                                            profitability to our patron owners. This is why for the
                                                      2021 crop season we are pleased to offer you 0% financing
                                                                                                                                        JASON  LUMBERRY
                                                                                                                                           JOE YOUNGMAN                         MICHAEL WHITE                       PATRICK YOUNG
                                                                                                                                            AGENCY MANAGER
                                                                                                                                        309-342-1647                            309-342-3177                        309-342-5316
                                                                               on both seed and crop protection.*                             309-686-7050
                                                                                                                                        JOHN RYNER                              JEREMY KLEINE                       ED JOHNSON
                                This FS Agri-Finance program allows you to book your seed and crop protection                           309-342-1607                            309-342-3177                        309-342-1646
                             needs early and take advantage of prepay discounts without having to write a check.
                                                    We hope you will take advantage of this money saving offer.                         JOE YOUNGMAN
                                                                                                                                        AGENCY MANAGER
    For more information, contact:                                                     *Minimum seed purchase required
    Jennifer M Sparrow
    Agri-Finance Specialist                                            bringing you what’s next ™
                                                                                                M18427 © 2020 GR O WMA R K, I nc.        1118-502HC_D-13581-9/22/2020
COUNTRY Financial, IFB to Deliver Farm Planning Information Webinars - Knox ...
Knox County Farm Bureau                  Page 5              December 2020

  Hailey’s Manager
                                                    The Education
                                                  & Outreach Task
                                                   Force Holiday
                                                    Cheese Sale
                                                   orders will be
                                                  available for pick
                                                  up on December
                                                      15 at the
       I hope you have a very Merry
    Christmas and Happy New Year!                     Knox Agri
    I am excited to see what 2021
    brings and optimistic life will be                 Center!
    somewhat back to normal!
COUNTRY Financial, IFB to Deliver Farm Planning Information Webinars - Knox ...
Knox County Farm Bureau                                                              Page 6                                       December 2020

                                                                                              Coming Soon
Tips For A Safe and Healthy Holiday                                                           S c h o la r sh ip A p p li c a t io n
    The holidays are a great opportunity
to enjoy time with family and friends to
                                                 port can help reduce stressful feelings
                                                 and symptoms.
celebrate life, to be grateful, and to reflect       Home Heating
on what’s important. They are also a good            Have your heating system, water
time to take care of yourself.                   heater, and any other gas, oil, or coal
    Here are some holiday tips to support        burning appliances serviced by a quali-
your efforts for health and safety during        fied technician every year to keep your
the season.                                      family safe from carbon monoxide (CO)
    Eat Healthy and Be Active                    poisoning. Install a battery-operated or
    It can be challenging to eat healthy and     battery backup CO detector where it will
stay active during the holidays. Healthy         awaken your family at night if the alarm
eating is all about balance and modera-          is triggered.
tion. Holiday meals may tempt us away                See if your family qualifies for the
from our healthy eating habits. Allow            Home Energy Assistance Program
yourself to have your favorite foods but         (LIHEAP). LIHEAP is a state and feder-
stick to smaller servings and balance            ally funded energy assistance program
them with healthier options. Choose              that provides one-time benefits to
fresh fruit as a festive and sweet substitute    eligible households to help with winter
for candy.                                       energy bills and for reconnection of en-
    Staying active can help you keep a           ergy service. A single-person household
healthy weight during the holiday season.        can qualify with a gross (before taxes)
Look for opportunities to work physical          monthly income of up to $2,127; a two-
activities into your holiday: Go for a stroll    person household up to $2,873; a fam-
after a family meal, play game of hide n         ily of three can earn up to $3,620; and
seek outside, or dance to your favorite          a family of four can earn up to $4,367
holiday music. It’s important to move            Benefits are paid directly to energy ven-
more and sit less.                               dors on behalf of eligible households.
    Get Your Flu Vaccination                     The exception is households whose heat-
    Influenza (flu) is more than a cold, or      ing costs are included in their rent. Call
even a “bad cold.” It can result in seri-        309-344-2224 to see if you qualify or to
ous health complications. Few people             make an appointment.
get vaccinated against flu after the end of          Food Safety
November even though flu activity peaks              Food poisoning can ruin even the
between December and February and can            most festive celebrations. Each year, an
last as late as May. If you didn’t yet get       estimated 1 in 6 Americans get sick from
a flu vaccination this season, it’s not too      eating contaminated food.
late! CDC recommends that everyone                   Take simple steps to protect your
age 6 months and older get vaccinated            family’s health when you prepare and
now if they have not already been vacci-         serve holiday meals such as:
nated this season.                                   Wash your hands and work surfaces
    Flu vaccination can reduce your risk         before, during, and after preparing food,
of getting sick with flu and can prevent         and before eating.
serious flu complications. Flu vaccine has           Keep raw meat, poultry, seafood, and
other benefits, too, including being life        eggs separated during preparation.
saving for children, protecting pregnant             Cook food at the right internal tem-
women and their babies, and reducing             perature to kill harmful germs. Use a
the risk of heart attack in people with          food thermometer to check.
heart disease.                                       Refrigerate perishable foods, includ-
    Cope With Stress                             ing leftovers, within two hours of buying
    Everyone—adults, teens, and even             or cooking.
children – experiences stress from time              For more information on flu vaccines,
to time. Feeling emotional and nervous           food safety or how to apply for LIHEAP
or having trouble sleeping and eating            please call your Knox County Health
can all be normal reactions to stress.           Department at 309-344-2224. Happy
Learning healthy ways to cope with               Holidays from all of us at the Knox
stress and getting the right care and sup-       County Health Department!

COUNTRY Financial, IFB to Deliver Farm Planning Information Webinars - Knox ...
Knox County Farm Bureau                                                      Page 7                                                                                                                      December 2020

                                                                                 To place ads in the Bulletin or on the website, you must be a Knox
                                                                                 County Farm Bureau member. Call 309-342-2036 or email us at
                                                                        by the second to last Friday of each month to
       December 1940                                                             place your ad.

                                                                                 HAY FOR SALE: First, Second, and Third                                                     303-0034
                                                                                 cutting of grass and grass and alfalfa. Round                                              FOR SALE: Walnut, 440 Board Feet, 3/4”
                                                                                 bales- $60-$80/bale; Small square bales- $5-                                               thick, PRICE REDUCED- $1.50/board foot.
                                                                                 $7/bale. Call 309-368-0561                                                                 Call 309.344.3159
                                                                                 FOR SALE: 1,000 gallon aluminum tank on                                                    FOR SALE: 1964 Classic Chevy C-10
                                                                                 tandem trailer with pump. $2,100. Call 309-                                                Pickup. Dark blue, chrome wheels with white
                                                                                 303-0034                                                                                   lettered tires; 350 cu. in. Chevy motor. 4
                                                                                 FOR SALE: Mayrath 10”x70’ SWA/swing-                                                       bbl. carb, 4-speed tans, Hurst shifter. Cloth
                                                                                 away Auger. $1,500. Call 309-303-0034                                                      bucket seats. Tilt wheel, radio, and heater.
                                                                                 FOR SALE: Unloading auger for 36’ grain bin                                                $11,500.00 Firm. Call 309-368-2733 8/20
                                                                                 complete with sweep auger. $500. Call 309-
                                                                                  If you sell your items, please contact the Knox County Farm Bureau office
                                                                                  at 309-342-2036 or email, so we can provide our
                                                                                  readers with up-to-date information.

      “Another year of successful cooperative effort by Illinois farmers
   in the field of casualty insurance comes to a close this month. More
   than 80,000 automobile, farmer employers liability, 4-H Club Calf and
   accident policies are now in force… total assets of the company exceed
   $2,325,000…the auto policy has been further broadened and improved to
   give Farm Bureau members added protection at no additional cost.”

                          PrimeTimers News
 The committee did not meet in November and will not meet in December.

                    OF THE MONTH                                                      EXTEND LIFE & VALUE WITH A
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                               The Knox County Farm Bureau would like
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                            sentative John Ryner as the top membership                  Case IH parts installed by Birkey’s
                                                                                      √ Job Priority in Season
                            recruiter in October. John signed 3 new asso-
                                                                                      √ Reduce downtime by identifying components
                            ciate members. Call your COUNTRY Repre-                     that may fail
                            sentative for all your insurance and financial            √ PLUS MORE BENEFITS

                            needs.                                                    SCHEDULE YOURS TODAY!
                                                                                                                                                              664 US Highway 150 E • Galesburg, IL 61401
                                                                                                                                                              (309) 341-4360 •

                                                                                      All rights reserved. Case IH is a trademark registered in the United States and many other
                                                                                      countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates.
COUNTRY Financial, IFB to Deliver Farm Planning Information Webinars - Knox ...
Knox County Farm Bureau                            Page 8   December 2020

      Justin McKeown
       SPECIALIST              Cell-309-221-9780

                Brett Goodwin
                Katie Sturtewagen
                Bryan Manny
COUNTRY Financial, IFB to Deliver Farm Planning Information Webinars - Knox ... COUNTRY Financial, IFB to Deliver Farm Planning Information Webinars - Knox ...
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