Twenty-Sixth Sunday in ordinary time - September 26 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew

Page created by Isaac Carrillo
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in ordinary time - September 26 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Twenty-Sixth Sunday
       in ordinary time

         September 26
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in ordinary time - September 26 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
                                                     Mass AT TH E
                                                     CATH EDRAL
                                 Saturday, Sep 25    12:05pm Daily Mass † Juanetta Sanford
                                                     4:30pm Sunday Vigil Mass † Cathy Eli Stimac
                                 Sunday, Sep 26      10:00am Sunday Mass † Martha Bonczyk
                                                              (ASL interpretation / televised / live-streamed)
                                                     12:00pm Misa domingo en español
                                                              † Antonia Rios y Jose Rangel
                                                     5:30pm Sunday Mass † Mary Schmuck
                                                     7:30pm Sunday Contemplative Mass Parish Family
                                 Monday, Sep 27      12:00pm No Daily Mass due to priest convocation
                                                     5:15pm No Misa diaria due to priest convocation
                                 Tuesday, Sep 28     12:05pm No Daily Mass due to priest convocation
                                                     5:15pm No Daily Mass due to priest convocation
                                 Wednesday, Sep 29   12:05pm No Daily Mass due to priest convocation
                                                     5:15pm No Daily Mass due to priest convocation
                                 Thursday, Sep 30    12:05pm No Daily Mass due to priest convocation
                                                     5:15pm No Daily Mass due to priest convocation
                                 Friday, Oct 1       7:00am Daily Mass † Fr. Lionel Harnish
                                                     12:05pm Daily Mass † Chief Dr. Ákáázúa Múemúe
                                 Saturday, Oct 2     12:05pm Daily Mass † Sommer family
                                                     4:30pm Sunday Vigil Mass † David R. Springett
                                 Sunday, Oct 3       10:00am Sunday Mass † Ann McCoy
                                                              (ASL interpretation / televised / live-streamed)
                                                     12:00pm Misa domingo en español
                                                              † Ramiro Ventura Aragon
                                                     5:30pm Sunday Mass † Virginia Strobel
                                                     7:30pm Sunday Contemplative Mass Parish Family

                                             Confession Schedule
                                                     M-Th following the 12:05pm Mass
                                                     Fridays following the 7:00am & 12:05pm Mass
                                                     Saturdays, 11-11:45am in the Chapel
                                                     (or by appointment)

                                                     Get the bulletin in your email. Sign up on
                                                     Flocknote to get the bulletin and a special
                                                     Sunday letter each week from Father René. Text
                                                     CGR to 84576 or visit cathedralofsaintandrew.

 God bless,
 Very Rev. René Constanza, CSP
 Rector                                      Watch Sunday 10am Mass and
                                           Sunday 12pm Spanish Mass Online
page 2                                     Go to or the Cathedral’s Facebook page
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in ordinary time - September 26 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Scri pture
                                                                                                          Read ing...
                                                                                                         26th Sunday in
                                                                                                         Ordinary Time
                                                                                                         Nm 11:25-29

 Casting a Net
                                                                                                         Ps 19:8,10,12-14
                                                                                                         Jas 5:1-6
                                                                                                         Mk 9:38-43,45,47-

         ear sisters and brothers in Christ,
           One of the persons that was instrumental in my discerning the call to the priesthood          St. Vincent de Paul
           and religious life is a prayerful and cheerful Baptist woman from Bardstown,                  Zec 8:1-8
Kentucky. She was one of my supervisors when I worked as a residence hall director at the                Ps 102:16-23,29
University of Louisville. I maintained a good friendship with her even when I left Louisville            Lk 9:46-50
after finishing my graduate school program in education administration. She was the one who
instinctively knew I needed time away from my job in Belize to spend time discerning God’s
                                                                                                         Zec 8:20-23
voice during a time of confusion and frustration. She invited me to spend some quiet time in
                                                                                                         Ps 87:1b-7
Gethsemane monastery in Bardstown, which I did. I am now a religious priest able to tell this
                                                                                                         Lk 9:51-56
story thanks to my Baptist friend and mentor.
This weekend’s first reading from the book of Numbers and the Gospel according to Saint                  Sts Michael, Gabriel
Mark, drives home a clear message to all believers. God can and does work in usual places                & Raphael
and in usual circumstances, but God also works in ways we least expect, and ways we have                 Dn 7:9-10,13-14 or
yet to imagine. Both Moses and Jesus remind us of God’s presence in surprising places and                Rv 12:7-12ab
persons. They advise acceptance of those outside our circles, those who also manifest the                Ps 138:1-5
Spirit of God. And both leaders serve to re-orient their followers to the addressing of the              Jn 1:47-51
pressing needs of their people by whomever the Spirit has empowered to do so. And the
Spirit continues working through individuals and churches of other denominations and faith               Thursday:
traditions.                                                                                              St. Jerome
                                                                                                         Neh 8:1-4a,5-6,
Allow me to point out a few ways of breaking down potential stumbling blocks that prevent us             7b-12
from being better witnesses of the Holy Spirit’s actions in our world. First: We can highlight           Ps 19:8-11
and appreciate the gifts that the Holy Spirit has sown in our brothers and sisters in Christ             Lk 10:1-12
who are not in full communion with our Catholic Church. What the Holy Spirit sows in other               Friday:
Christians can be a gift to us. Secondly: We can be more open to encounter, accompany and
                                                                                                         St. Térèse of the
engage those who challenge us and take us out of our comfort zone. Thirdly: We can foster                Child Jesus
an “us” mentality and leave behind the ‘us versus them’ paradigm, especially as it relates to            Bar 1:15-22
those outside our Christian faith tradition. In this regard, we can take heed from the Second            Ps 79:1b-5,8-9
Vatican Council’s declaration on the relation of the Church to Non-Christian religions                   Lk 10:13-16
(Nostrae Aetate). The document declares, “The Catholic Church rejects nothing of what is true
and holy in these religions…Although differing in many ways from our own teaching, these                 Saturday:
religions often reflect a ray of that truth which enlightens all men and women…Let Christians,           Guardian Angels
while witnessing to their own faith and way of life, acknowledge, preserve and encourage the             Bar 4:5-12,27-29
spiritual and moral truths found among non-Christians, together with their                               Ps 69:33-37
social life and culture.”                                                                                Mt 18:1-5,10

I pray to God for it to be so!                                                                           Sunday:
                                                                                                         27th Sunday in
In Christ’s peace and unity,                                                                             Ordinary Time
                                                                                                         Gn 2:18-24
                                                                                                         Ps 128:1-6
Very Rev. René Constanza, CSP                                                                            Heb 2:9-11
Pastor/Rector                                                                  Fr. René Constanza, CSP   Mk 10:2-16 page 3
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in ordinary time - September 26 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Th is Week
         Events and Activities
Saturday, September 25
8:30am     Diocesan Assembly 2021
9:30am     Bautismos
1:30pm     Wedding
5:30pm     St. Raphael Singles Group
                                                                       Celebration Sunday
Sunday, September 26                                                     September 26
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00am    Sunday Televised Mass with Bishop           Bishop Walkowiak is presiding at our 10am televised Mass to
           for celebration of OSOF campaign.           celebrate, for the whole diocese, the success of the Our
11:00am    Parish Religious Ed at CCHS                 Shepherds Our Future capital campaign. Each parish in the
1:15pm     Social Action Team                          diocese will be celebrating this great accomplishment in
2:00pm     Lake Shore Academy Cathedral Tour           their own way. Your generosity has made sure that the
                                                       Catholic faith will remain alive and well in West Michigan
Monday, September 27                                   into the future.
No Daily Masses/Priests at Diocesan Convocation
7:00pm     YA Team Planning meetings                   CATHEDRAL OF SAINT ANDREW: Wave II
                                                       Total pledged:    Parish: $731,023
Tuesday, September 28                                                    Diocesan-wide: $35,609,851
No Daily Masses/Priests at Diocesan Convocation        Number of Donors: Parish: 385
7:00pm     Catholic Inquiry at the CIC                                   Diocesan-wide: 13,837
Wednesday, September 29                                Thank you to our OSOF PARISH AMBASSADORS
No Daily Masses/Priests at Diocesan Convocation        Lou Solis, Mike Long, Erin Zacek, Chris Hain, John Czachorski,
9:30am     CCHS Mass                                   Lois Jandernoa, Kathleen Marmon, Maureen Downer, Nancy
10:00am Prayer Blanket Ministry                        D’Amico, Clelia Muñoz, Cesarina Grullón, Louralee Gonzáles,
5:30pm     Youth Ministry & Confirmation Program       Oscar Morales, Juan Vázquez, José Becerra, Raúl García, Nico
                                                       Solís, Isabel Solís, Enid Benedict, Orlando Benedict, Rafael
Thursday, September 30                                 Hernández, Ana Reyes.
No Daily Masses/Priests at Diocesan Convocation
Friday, October 1
3:30pm     Wedding Rehearsal                           Daily Mass Attendees
5:00pm     Wedding Rehearsal                           The Paulist Fathers will be away next week Monday through
6:30pm     Latino Youth Group                          Thursday for the annual Diocesan Clergy Convocation. Make
7:00pm     Amigos de Jesus                             note that there will be no daily Masses or Confessions
                                                       during that time. The daily Mass schedule resumes Friday,
Saturday, October 2                                    October 1.
10:00am    Wedding
1:30pm     Wedding
5:30pm     St. Raphael Singles Group
5:30pm     Blood Pressure Screening
Sunday, October 3
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Joy of the Gospel Second Collection                            Experience the convenience of Online
Blood Pressure Screening after Masses (except 7:30p)          Giving. Visit
Paulist Campaign Kick-off
11:00am Parish Religious Ed at CCHS
11:00am Flu Clinic (parish center or outside)                           STEWARDS H IP
1:30pm      Comité Hispano
                                                          Week ended September 19                   $ 22,384.11
     When you come to Mass,                                Same week last year                      $ 10,763.88
   check-in to the Cathedral on
  Facebook. It's a simple way to                          Weekly need                               $ 14,038.46
    share your faith with your
page 4
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in ordinary time - September 26 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Annual Cathedral Flu Clinic
       Next Sunday, October 3, 11am-2pm
Free shots will be available for those without insurance. A variety
of insurance will also be accepted. Depending on the weather we
will either be in the parish center or outside. Please bring a mask.

Wedding Anniversary Mass                                                Paulist Fathers Hope for the
RSVP! Each year, the Bishop honors the faithful                         Future Campaign
witness to your vocation of marriage and celebrates                     Next weekend, we will be kicking off Hope for
with you at the Wedding Anniversary Mass. All                           the Future, a comprehensive campaign for the
couples celebrating milestone anniversaries (25, 30,                    Paulist Fathers. Fr. Eric Andrews, C.S.P., president
40, 50+) in 2021 are invited to the Sunday, October                     of the Paulist Fathers, will invite everyone to be a
10, 10am Mass. A simple reception will follow.                          part of this historic effort. The campaign is a won-
Anniversary couples, please RSVP by calling or emailing the             derful opportunity to solidify the Paulist Father’s
parish office with your names and number of years married.              future for many years to come. Fr. Eric will invite
                                                                        each family to consider a suggested three-year
                                                                        pledge amount. These requests are not expecta-
                    Our Next Holy Hour for the                          tions, but suggestions to assist parishioners in be-
                                                                        ginning their discernment of a meaningful gift.
                    Year of St. Joseph
                    Wednesday, October 6, 7:00 pm                       The request amounts for your consideration are
                    All are welcome. For October, we extend a           based, in part, on support to your parish, past sup-
                    special invitation to all newlywed couples          port to Paulist causes, a review by the pastor and
                    from the past three years, along with those         the Paulist Office of Mission Advancement, and
                    currently preparing for marriage, to join us.       other information including whether you took part
                                                                        in the planning study. Our pastors certainly don’t
                     If you are able to help greet at the door, or if   know anyone’s financial situation – especially in
                     you are interested in assisting the presider for   light of COVID-19 – but Fr. Eric’s approach will be
this service, please contact Lynnae Jarrell: Wedding                    to ask every family to make a meaningful and sacri-
Coordinator 616-456-1454 ext 1901                                       ficial gift. What’s most important is that we                                       achieve a high participation rate!
                                                                        There are many methods of giving depending on
Care for Creation Prayer Service                                        your current circumstances. The campaign offers
Join us on Monday, October 4, at 7pm on the                             flexible arrangements for when to give and how to
Piazza in front of the Cathedral. It will be an                         give. Each family is asked to pray about what an
evening of prayer, song, & reflection on the                            appropriate sacrifice would be to provide meaning-
Feast of St. Francis as we thank God for the                            ful support to the campaign and then complete an
blessing of creation and renew our commit-                              intention form.
ment to care for it.
                                                                        Our parish will have a team of ambassadors who
                                                                        are helping with the campaign. They will be availa-
Join the Liturgical Ministries Team!                                    ble to provide information, answer questions and
Whether participation is through “behind the scenes” preparation        assist you in completing your pledge form.
or through a ministerial role of service within the Mass,               Fact sheets are available in the church or your bul-
parishioner volunteers help our liturgies to be truly life-giving and   letin email, with the answers to many common
moving celebrations of faith.                                           questions.
If you feel called to ministry, reach out for more information by       “When you give, give generously and not with a
filling out the inquiry card in the pews and drop in the collection     stingy heart; for that, the Lord, your God, will
box, email or call her at              bless you in all your works and undertakings.”
616.288.0219.                                                           –Deuteronomy 15:10                           page 5
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in ordinary time - September 26 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Do you enjoy music and want to support our
                                                                      music ministry? We are looking for volunteers to
                                                                       assist with weekly administrative tasks for our
                                                                       music ministry. This includes simple computer
                                                                       work and office work for a couple hours each
                                                                       week. Contact Matthew Jakubisin, director of
                                                                         music, if you are interested in helping out.
           Upcoming Young Adult Events
September 27, 6:30p                October 3, 8:30p                                           You can be a
Team Planning Meetings             Say Hello to Fr. Michael
                                                                                              reflection writer
                                                                                              for our annual
                                Celebrating the                                               Advent book
                               Covenant between                                               You're invited to
                                    Lauren Szilagyi                                           participate in an
                                                                                              Ecumenical Effort of the
                                   and Kevin Manser
                                                                                              church communities of
                                  September 17, 2021                                          the Cathedral of Saint
                                     Leah Vicini                    Andrew, Bethlehem Lutheran and St. Mark's
                                and Andrew Campbell                 Episcopal. Might this be the year for you to spend
                                 September 18, 2021                 some time with an Advent or even Lent scripture
                                                                    assignment and share a reflection and a brief
                                                                    prayer as it touches your heart? Is it your time to
                                                                    say, "Here I am"?
Mass of Christ the Healer
The Diocese annual Mass of Christ the                               The seasons may seem far off, but deadlines
Healer will be celebrated on the feast of                           needed to create the Advent booklet are fast
St. Luke, Monday, Oct. 18 at 5:30pm.                                approaching. The assignments will be distributed
at the Cathedral. All who work in health                            the first week of October with a three-week
-care, including physicians, nurses,                                deadline for an Advent reflection and a date early
dietary staff, administrative staff,                                January for the Lent publication.
maintenance staff, etc. are invited to                              Please contact or
join Bishop Walkowiak for this                                      616.485.6957 to sign up or learn more. We always
celebration of grace and in gratitude for                           welcome new writers willing to share their
your service, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Limited      personal reflections.
seating will be available for those who wish to attend in person.
The Mass will be livestreamed on the diocese website,, and on Facebook (Diocese of Grand Rapids).           Mass Intentions for our New Daily
                                                                    Masses We now have more Mass times availa-
                                                                    ble for those who want to schedule an Intention.
    The Diocese of Grand Rapids Catholic Cemeteries wants to        If you would like to have a Mass said for someone,
  remind everyone that any decoration or basket on your loved       and/or include a card as a special gift, call the Ca-
 ones grave must be removed and all vases must be turned down       thedral Office and talk to Eliana, 616-456-1454
  by October 15. Any decorations remaining will be disposed of.     x1909.

Register Your Child
If your child is planning on receiving
their sacraments in the Spring, they
                                                                    B       ecause the CDC has raised
                                                                            the risk level for several
                                                                            counties in our diocese,
                                                                    including Kent county, we at the
                                                                    cathedral are strongly
must be registered for Religious                                    recommending that all
Education. Classes have started, so                                 individuals, regardless of
get your registration forms filled out                              vaccination status, wear a mask
and returned to the Cathedral office.                               in the church. Hand sanitizer
You can get a form from an usher or                                 remains available by the entrances and we
download forms at                                                   continue sanitizing the church regularly to ensure a                                         safe environment. We also want to encourage all to
page 6                                                              receive their COVID vaccine.
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in ordinary time - September 26 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Fall at the CIC

                                                                                                                    Catholic Information Center
                                                                  Let the Catholic Information Center
                                                                  help you Learn, Celebrate, Live and
         This week, let us honor St. Joseph                             Pray your Catholic faith.
           with our love and this prayer:                        View all your opportunities for a 2021
   Dear St. Joseph, mirror of humility and                          filled with spiritual purpose at
           obedience, pray for us.
                                                            Artist Exhibition through September
                                                            Come to the Catholic Information Center
Catholics in Recovery                                       (second floor of Diocese) during September to
First and Third Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30pm
                                                            view art by Sister Francetta McCann, OP.
Facilitated by Jonathan Hicks
Catholic in Recovery seeks to support those participating   Integral Ecology as the Beating Heart of
in twelve-step groups who are suffering from substance      Catholic Discipleship
abuse and other addictions. Using scriptural reflection     Thursday, Oct. 14, 7-8:30pm with Catherine
and the sacramental love and mercy provided through         Wright, M.Div., Ph.D. In-person or Zoom. Explore
the Catholic Church, this small group promotes healing      both the theological richness of integral ecology
and a deepening relationship with Jesus Christ, the giver   presented in Laudato Sí and how caring for creation
of new life.                                                is a profoundly faithful way to be Catholic.
For more information, visit
meetings or contact Jonathan at 717-706-7052 or
                                                            Walking Together: Pope Francis’ Vision                                        for a Synodal Church
                                                            Wednesday, Oct. 20, 7-8:30pm with Amanda C.
                                                            Osheim, Ph.D. In-person or Zoom. Pope Francis is
                                                            encouraging the Church to journey together as the
Got Questions?                                              people of God by becoming a more Synodal
Catholic Inquiry Has                                        Church. This presentation is an introduction to
                                                            synodality and what it means in practice for the
Answers                                                     Catholic Church.
This 10-week program is designed
for both seekers who wish to                                2021 Annual Gallagher Talk
learn more about the Catholic
faith and those who are already
                                                            The Life and Message of Sister Thea
Catholic who have questions.                                Bowman: Let Your Light Shine
Specific topics are presented and                           Thursday, Oct. 28, 7-8:30pm with Brother
discussed each week. Visit catholicinformation              Mickey McGrath, OSFS. In-person or Zoom. to sign up for any session.                      Franciscan Sister Thea Bowman (1937-1980)
                                                            integrated her Catholic faith and African American
Tuesdays, 7:00 to 8:30pm at the                             pride as a beacon for a diverse and inclusive
Catholic Information Center                                 Church. Brother Mickey paints, writes, and tells
9/28 – Jesus the Christ – God’s Son, Messenger, & Mes-      stories. So, whether you are interested in art,
sage                                                        diversity, culture, or faith, this event is for you.
10/5 – The Church – Sacramental Presence of Christ on
                                                            The annual Gallagher Talk honors the life and work
                                                            of Father Joseph V. Gallagher, CSP (Catholic
10/12 – The Sacraments – General Principles, Sacra-
                                                            Information Center Director, 1978-1982). Father
ments of Initiation: Baptism & Confirmation
                                                            Gallagher believed that creating a “future brighter
10/19 – Sacraments of Initiation: Holy Communion
                                                            than any past” would demand ministries that
(Eucharist) & the Mass
                                                            reached beyond local churches into the market-
10/26 – Death & the Afterlife
                                                            place at the nexus of culture and faith. The event is
11/2 – Morality – Sin & Grace, Virtue & Vice
                                                            free. Donations to the Gallagher Fund will be
11/9 – Sacraments of Healing – Reconciliation &
Anointing of Sick
11/16 – Saints, Holiness & Missionary Discipleship –          If you enjoy our programming please
Why It Matters                                                    consider making a donation at
                                                                                                                    page 7
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in ordinary time - September 26 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Infant Baptisms
Please contact the
Cathedral office 456-
1454 x1909.
Adult Baptisms &

                             Arrojando la Red
Becoming Catholic
Please contact Sean
Donovan 616-456-1454
(Confession) For the
confession schedule,
                             Q      ueridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,

                                     Una de las personas que fue fundamental en mi discernimiento del llamado al sacerdocio y
please refer to page 2.      la vida religiosa es una amiga bautista, alegre y orante de Bardstown, Kentucky. Ella era una de
For special situations,      mis supervisoras cuando trabajaba como director de residencias en la Universidad de Louisville.
please contact the           Mantuve una buena amistad con ella incluso cuando dejé Louisville después de terminar mi
Cathedral office 616-456-    programa de posgrado en administración de educación. Ella fue la que instintivamente supo que
1454 x1909 to make an        necesitaba un tiempo fuera de mi trabajo en Belice para dedicar tiempo a discernir la voz de Dios
appointment with one of      en un momento de confusión y frustración. Me invitó a pasar un rato tranquilo en el monasterio
our priests.                 de Getsemaní en Bardstown, lo cual hice. Ahora soy un sacerdote religioso capaz de contar esta
                             historia gracias a mi amiga bautista.
First Communion is
prepared for through the     La primera lectura de este fin de semana del libro de Números y el Evangelio según San Marcos
Religious Education          nos da un mensaje muy claro a todos los creyentes. Dios puede y trabaja en los lugares habituales
program. Contact Sean        y en las circunstancias habituales, pero Dios también obra de la manera que menos esperamos y
Donovan at the               que todavía tenemos que imaginar. Tanto Moisés como Jesús nos recuerdan la presencia de Dios
Cathedral office             en lugares y personas sorprendentes. Aconsejan la aceptación de aquellos que están fuera de
456-1454 x1913.              nuestros círculos, aquellos que también manifiestan el Espíritu de Dios. Y ambos líderes sirven
Confirmation for 8th         para reorientar a sus seguidores hacia las necesidades apremiantes de su pueblo que necesitan
graders is prepared for      ser atendidas por quien sea que el Espíritu les otorgue el poder para hacerlo. Y el Espíritu
through the Religious        continúa trabajando en individuos e iglesias de otras denominaciones y tradiciones religiosas.
Education program.
Contact Sean Donovan         Permítame señalar algunas formas de derribar los posibles obstáculos que nos impiden ser
at the Cathedral office      mejores testigos de las acciones del Espíritu Santo en nuestro mundo. Primero: Podemos resaltar
456-1454 x1913.              y apreciar los dones que el Espíritu Santo ha sembrado en nuestros hermanos y hermanas en
Baptized adults can          Cristo que no están en plena comunión con nuestra iglesia católica. Lo que el Espíritu Santo
register for Adult           siembra en otros cristianos puede ser un regalo para nosotros. En segundo lugar: podemos estar
Confirmation prep            más abiertos a encontrarnos, acompañarnos y comprometernos con aquellos que nos desafían
classes. Contact Sean        y nos sacan de nuestra zona de confort. En tercer lugar: podemos fomentar una mentalidad de
616-456-1454 x1913.          "nosotros" y dejar atrás el paradigma "nosotros contra ellos", especialmente en lo que se refiere
                             a los que están fuera de nuestra tradición de fe cristiana. En este sentido, podemos prestar
Weddings                     atención a la declaración del Concilio Vaticano II sobre la relación de la Iglesia con las religiones
Please contact Lynnae in     no cristianas (Nostrae Aetate). El documento declara: “La Iglesia Católica no rechaza nada de lo
the Cathedral office 616-    que es verdadero y santo en estas religiones ... Aunque difieren en muchos aspectos de nuestra
456-1454, x1901.             propia enseñanza, estas religiones a menudo reflejan un rayo de esa verdad que ilumina a todos
Anointing of the Sick        los hombres y mujeres ... Dejemos que los cristianos, mientras dando testimonio de su propia fe y
Please call the Cathedral    forma de vida, reconocer, preservar y fomentar las verdades espirituales y morales que se
office 456-1454 x1909 if     encuentran entre los no cristianos, junto con su vida social y cultura”.
you are in the hospital or
home-bound and would         ¡Ruego a Dios que así sea!
like Anointing or
Communion. For after         En la paz y la unidad de Cristo,
hour emergencies dial
option 6 and one of our
priests will be paged.       Muy Reverendo René Constanza, CSP
page 8                                                                                                     Padre René Constanza, CSP
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in ordinary time - September 26 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Clínica anual de la gripe
                           de la catedral
                           El próximo domingo 3 de
octubre, de 11am a 2pm. Habrá vacunas gratuitas para
quienes no tengan seguro. También se aceptará una
variedad de seguros. Dependiendo del clima estaremos en
el centro parroquial o afuera. Por favor use mascarilla.

Pedir una Intención para nuestras nuevas
misas. Ahora tenemos más horarios de misa disponibles          Campaña: Esperanza para el Futuro
para aquellos que quieran programar una intención. Si          El próximo fin de semana lanzaremos Hope for the Future, una
desea pedir la intención para alguien en una misa y / o        campaña para los Padres Paulistas. P. Eric Andrews, C.S.P.,
incluir una tarjeta como regalo especial, llame a la Oficina   presidente de los Padres Paulistas, invitará a todos a participar.
de la Catedral y hable con Eliana, 616-456-1454 x1909.         La campaña asegura el futuro del los Padres Paulistas para
                                                               muchos años. P. Eric alentará a todas las familias a considerar
                                                               una cantidad sugerida de compromiso de tres años. Estas
                                                               solicitudes no son expectativas sino sugerencias para ayudar a
        ¡Nuevo! Misa diaria en español                         las familias a decidir su regalo.
         Todos los lunes a las 5:15pm                          ¡Lo más importante es que todos participen!
                 En la capilla
                                                               Nuestra parroquia tendrá un equipo de embajadores para la
                                                               comunidad hispana que están ayudando con la campaña.
                                                               Estarán disponibles para brindarle información, responder
                   ¿Quieres saber más de                       preguntas y ayudarlo a completar su formulario de compromiso.
                                                               Gracias por orar acerca de cómo apoyará a los Padres Paulistas.
                   nuestra Fe? ¿Necesitas el
                   Sacramento de Bautismo o
                   1ra Comunión o                              Reflexión Dominical del Padre Bill
                   Confirmación?                               Con demasiada frecuencia escuchamos el grito “¡Esos
                    El 24 de octubre de 2021,                  inmigrantes se están quitando nuestros trabajos! ¡Esos
                    comenzaremos el tiempo de preguntas        solicitantes de asilo están amenazando nuestra seguridad! ¡Esas
                    y consulta para aquellos adultos que       personas de otras religiones son una amenaza para nuestros
quieren recibir estos Sacramentos y formación a través         hijos! Si dejamos que esas personas de color entren en nuestros
del proceso de RICA.                                           vecindarios, el valor de nuestras propiedades bajará!" Los
                                                               discípulos dieron un grito similar. “Jesús, ese hombre que no es
Recuerda el pasaje Bíblico de Juan                             parte de nuestra compañía está echando demonios en tu
2:3-10 en el cual nuestra Madre
                                                               nombre. ¡Detenlo! " Su queja no era que no estuviera siguiendo
María le dice a Jesús,” No tienen
                                                               a Jesús. Su queja es que no está siguiendo a los 12 discípulos.
vino” y luego continúa diciendo
“Hagan lo que Él les diga” El pasaje
termina con las palabras “Tú has                               Jesús les recuerda a ellos ya nosotros que si alguien no está en
guardado el mejor vino hasta este                              contra de Jesús, está con nosotros. Incluso si la persona no es
momento” Si tienes 18 años o más                               católica, podemos tratarla con gran respeto y escuchar sus
y necesitas los Sacramentos de                                 ideas. Jesús recomienda bondad y misericordia. Debemos darle
Bautismo, 1ra Comunión o                                       una taza de agua fría a uno de estos más pequeños. Eso significa
Confirmación, recuerda que Jesús                               extenderles un salvavidas en este mundo. Una taza de agua fría
te llama y te espera. Él ha guardado                           en el desierto es la diferencia entre vida y muerte. Seguramente
el mejor vino para ti.                                         podemos ayudar a una persona que es extranjero a nosotros a
                                     “No tienen vino”          evitar la muerte.
Responde al llamado de Jesús y       “Hagan lo que Él les
nuestra Madre María. El equipo de diga” “Tú has dejado
RICA estará en la parte de atrás de el mejor vino hasta             The diocese is seeking a temporary, full time legal
la Iglesia al final de la Misa       este momento”                  assistant to cover a maternity leave from October-
Hispana, durante el mes de                  - Juan 2:3-10             December. We are also looking for a full time
septiembre y octubre para que te
inscribas y recibas información. Los miembros del equipo             Admissions Advocate for our schools. Both jobs
son Enid Benedict, Cesarina Grullón, Orlando Benedict,                require Spanish/English speaking skills. More
Giovanna Cruz y Angela Velasquez y ellos están ansiosos                  information can be found on the diocesan
por ayudarte.                                                               website:

                                                                                                                         page 9
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in ordinary time - September 26 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
       Th e                                                                                215 Sheldon SE
                                                                                       Grand Rapids, MI 49503

  We give the Word of God a                                                            M-Th 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  voice in pulpits and print,                                                           F 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
  on radio and television, on                              MOST REVEREND DAVID J. WALKOWIAK
  the web and the wide                                       Bishop of Grand Rapids / Obispo
  screen. We search out
  those who have no church
  home, and welcome home                             VERY REV. RENÉ CONSTANZA, CSP      REV. JOACHIM LALLY, CSP

                                 Paulist fath ers
  those who have been away.                          Rector (Párroco) ext. 1905         Senior Ministry
  We share the passion of                                                               REV. CHARLIE BRUNICK, CSP
  Paul for unity in faith and                        REV. BILL EDENS, CSP               Senior Ministry
  solidarity in mission among                        Associate Pastor ext. 1906
  all the baptized in the body                       fatherbill@cathedralofsaint
  of Christ. We build bridges              
  of respect and collabora-
  tion with people of other                          REV. MIKE CRUICKSHANK, CSP
  world religions.                                   Associate Pastor ext. 1914
  In our parishes and campus
  worshipping communities
  we welcome people of di-                          Cathedral staff                  LYNNAE JARRELL ext. 1901
  verse racial and cultural                                                          Wedding Coordinator
  backgrounds. The gospel        BARB FOSS ext. 1902
                                 Business Administrator                    
  we preach calls for all the
                                            ANTHONY LEARY ext. 1917
  children of God to be treat-
  ed with dignity and justice.   SEAN DONOVAN ext. 1913                              Facilities Maintenance
                                 Director of Religious Education and
  We claim Isaac Hecker as       Faith Formation
  our founder, the Holy Spirit                       Other numbers
  as our primary guide, St.                                                          BULLETIN EDITOR/DESIGN
                                 ELIANA GONZALEZ ext. 1909                           Eulene Freeland, 456-1454 ext. 1904
  Paul as our patron, and lai-   Administrative Assistant/Receptionist               Send announcements via email only by
  ty as our valued partners in                   previous Monday to
                                 MATTHEW JAKUBISIN, ext. 1911
     We are Paulists.            Director of Music                  CATHEDRAL OUTREACH CENTER
                        Open Tuesdays & Thursdays
       Missionaries                                                 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Closed July-August
                                 EULENE FREELAND, ext. 1904
    to North America.            Director of Communications         PRAYER CHAIN

                                 DEACON DENNIS RYBICKI, ext. 1903                    CATHEDRAL FAX: 616-456-5110
                                 Baptism & Homebound Ministry
                                 deacondennis@cathedralofsaint                       Cathedral proper open to the public:
                                                                 Weekdays: 6:30am to 6pm
                                                                                     Saturdays: 9am to 6:30pm
                                 JULIE BARTHOLOMEW ext. 1912                         Sundays: 9am to 9pm
                                 Liturgy Coordinator                                 Please coordinate with the office for
page 10
                                           group tours or visits.
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