St. James Catholic Church - St. James ...

Page created by Bob Delgado
St. James Catholic Church - St. James ...
St. James Catholic Church
                                 1275 B Street Davis, CA 95616-2003
                                 Tel: (530) 756-3636 -- Fax: (530)756-5342
                                 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm

              December 5, 2021 | Second Sunday of Advent
Our Mission Statement--St. James Catholic Church is a community united by faith in God and nourished by
Jesus through both the Word and the Eucharist. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we share the message of hope, mercy, and
love. We seek justice and righteousness for all through prayer, faith formation, evangelization, stewardship, fellowship,
and social justice. We welcome all to the joyous celebration of our Faith.

Nuestra Misión.-La iglesia católica de St. James es una comunidad unida por la fé en Dios y nutrida por Jesus por
medio de la Palabra y la Eucaristía. Guiados por el Espíritu Santo, compartimos el mensaje de esperanza, misericordia y
amor. Buscamos justicia para todos por medio de la oración, formación de la fe, evangelización, compañerismo y
justicia social. Invitamos a todos a la alegre celebración de nuestra Fé.


Scan the QR Code below with your
photo app and click on the Mass to
watch live stream.
                 OR                        Friends, as the liturgical year starts anew with Advent let us reflect on
Go to the St. James Church You            the relevance of the mass parts in our own spiritual journey. We begin
Tube Channel and watch the Mass           with the Entrance Song or Antiphon.

   Live stream Mass Schedule                                           Gather Us In
      Sundays 8 AM (English)
         10 AM (English)
                                          God created man on the sixth day, a day that God called very
      Sunday 12 PM (Spanish)              good. However, sin with all its fear and anxiety entered and separated
                &                         man from God but in that separation God’s love promised that some-
Daily Mass Monday through Friday at       day salvation (healing) would come to restore right relationship be-
    7 AM and Saturday at 8 AM             tween God and mankind. This pattern of sin leading to suffering lead-
                                          ing to healing (right relationship) can be seen throughout the Old Tes-
                                          tament as the Holy Spirit prepares mankind for the coming of Christ. It
                                          is Christ who would gather us together again into a single community
                                          in right relationship with the God of Love. Our Entrance song or Anti-
                                          phon at every mass celebrates that relationship. During Advent, the
                                          time of preparation for the coming of the Lord, we reflect on God’s
                                          love by beginning our Mass singing especially loudly, grateful to be
                                          invited into the Presence of the Lord.
 St. Vincent de Paul Society
 Help Line: 530-979-4338                  Deacon Joe
St. James Catholic Church - St. James ...
  Day Intentions for
  12/6    Angelica Mitchell INT
  12/7    Pauline Phaong Bartolini   
  12/8  Mary Ann Lacey                           Weekly Collection
  12/9  Pattie Kelleher                              November 21, 2021
  12/10 Alexandra Gormley INT
                                                      November 28, 2021
  12/11 Antonette Marquez INT
        James P. Gander                                                                 Advent is a time for preparation
                                                                                         and celebration of Jesus’ birth.
  12/12 Robert Phyllis Perry                         DON’T FORGET!!!
                                                You can also mail in donations at
        Bill Vann Family                           anytime! Thank you for               Children’s Faith Formation
        Misa del pueblo INT                         supporting our Church!
                                                                                         (CFF) program will be on
                                                                                         Christmas break 12/19-1/2.
                                                                                         Classes will resume on 1/9/22.
  All the people of St. James and
           around the world.                        Healing Mass                         Continue to practice your
                                                 Anointing of the Sick                   prayers daily and attend mass
                                            10 AM, Saturday, December 11                 weekly.
                                             “Come to me, all who are weary and          Have a warm, blessed and safe
                                              are burdened, and I will give you
                                                   rest.” (Matthew 11:28)                Christmas break!

                                            We invite you to attend this special ser-
                                             vice during the season of Advent and
                                            experience the benefit from this healing
                                             sacrament. The opportunity to receive
                                                                                            God forgives like a mother who
                                             the Sacrament of the Anointing of the      kisses the offense into everlasting
                                             Sick will be available for Catholics as    forgiveness.
                                              well as a blessing of healing for non-

                                            If you have any questions about the
                                            Mass or know of a homebound person
                                            who might benefit from this sacrament,
                                            please email Rita:

                                               STAFF AT ST. JAMES
Fr. Rey Bersabal, Pastor                   Josephine Mislang, CFF            ext. 208   R.C.I.A- Rite of Christian Initiation                           for Adults - Maria Saldana
                                                                                         ext. 207
Fr. Rene Jauregui, Parochial Vicar         Alma Ponce, FF Admin Asst       ext.210                     Barbara Zimmer, Music Minister
                                                                               (916) 813-3166
Deacon Sam Colenzo,            ext. 261    Marcia Berry, Baptism, Marriage &                  Facilities Manager                           PARISH SCHOOL
                                        ext. 202       Office: (530) 756-3946
Deacon Joe O’Donnell,           ext. 212                                                Heather Church, SJS Principal                 Leslie Kuss, Pastoral Care         
                                  (530) 902-0053
____________, Office Manager ext. 200                                                   NEWMAN CENTER
                                           Kathryn Thorpe, Pastoral Care                Vince Nims, Director
Kiana Nava, Youth Ministry     ext. 209
St. James Catholic Church - St. James ...
THIS WEEK AT ST. JAMES                               JANUARY WEDDING
                                               ANNIVERSARIES & BIRTHDAYS                     EUCHARISTIC ADORATION
Monday, December 6                            Do you have a wedding anniversary             Come join us every Thursday eve-
 • Mass, Church, 7am                          or birthday in December ? Fr. Rey             ning from 5-7pm for Eucharistic
 • Knights of Columbus, St. Patrick 7pm       would like to recognize both on the           Adoration in the Church! Come
 • Novenario/Novina, Church 7pm               first Sunday of December, during              spend time with Jesus and with fel-
                                              Mass.                                         low parishioners. Masks are re-
Tuesday, December 7                           For Wedding Anniversaries, email              quired.
 • Daily Mass, Church, 7am                    your information to Marcia at
 • ARISE, St. Ignatius, 7:30 pm                             CONFESSIONS AVAILABLE
 • Novenario/Novina, Church 7pm               For Birthdays, you will be asked to                        DURING
Wednesday, December 8                         stand up for a blessing. please also           EUCHARISTIC ADORATION
 • Daily Mass, Church, 7am                    email Marcia at
                                                                                            From 5-7pm during Adoration, the
 • Mass-Immaculate Conception, 5:30 pm
                                                                                            Sacrament of Reconciliation will be
 • Ascension Press Bible Study Group,                                                       offered or you may call the office
      St. Ignatius, 6:45pm
                                                 Bereavement Ministry Meeting               (530) 756-3636 for a weekday
  • Grupo de Oracion, St. Patrick, 7pm
                                              The Bereavement Ministry will re-             appointment. Masks are required.
  • RCIA, Church, 7pm
  • Novenario/Novina, Church 7pm,             sume its weekly meetings on Thurs-
      followed by Spanish mass                days, at 1:30pm in the St. Clare Room
Thursday, December 9
                                              of the Memorial Center.                       Immaculate
 • Daily Mass, Church, 7am                    If you’ve recently lost someone dear
 • Bereavement Ministry, St. Clare,           to you, we welcome you to join us to
                                              share stories and talk about about cop-         December 8
  • Eucharistic Adoration and Confes-
      sions., Church, 5-7 pm
                                              ing strategies. No one present will be
  • Novenario/Novina, Church 7pm              a professional therapist, just people           Mass @ 7am,
                                              helping and supporting each other                 5:30 and
Friday, December 10                           through a most difficult time. For
  • Daily Mass, Church, 7am                                                                      7pm in
                                              more information please call Barbara
  • Novenario/Novina, Church 7pm              Drushell at 530-753-5730.                        Spanish (after the Novena)
Saturday, December 11                                                                       “May the feast of our Mother help us to
  • Daily Mass, Church, 8am                   PRAYER OF THE WEEK                             make our whole life a ’YES’ to God, a
  • Healing Mass, Church, 10am                Almighty and merciful God, may no              ’YES’ made of adoration of him and a
  • Vigil Mass, Church, 5:30pm                earthly undertaking hinder those who             daily gesture of love and service”
  • Novenario/Novina, Church 7pm              set out in haste to meet your Son, but                                   -Pope Francis
                                              may our learning of heavenly wisdom
Sunday, December 12                           gain us admittance to his company.             We invite you to attend mass at any of
  • Mananitas to Our Lady                     Who lives and reigns with you in the                  the times listed above.
      of Guadalupe Church,                    unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever
      5am                                     and ever.
  •   Mass, Church, 8 am
  •   Mass, Church, 10 am                              PRAY FOR…….                      OREMOS POR…….
  •   Misa en Español,
      Church, 12 pm                           Please keep the following people in your prayers this week: for those suffering
  •   Re-dedication of                        illnesses, infirmity and those in need of our prayers...Recordemos en nuestras
      Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine            oraciones de esta semana a todos aquellos que estan enfermos y por los que
      followed by outdoor mass at 3pm
                                              sufren…..Theresa Montemayor, Mayra Quintana, Victoria Hopkins, and
  •   Newman Center Mass, Church, 5pm
                                              Windy Range
  •   Mass, Church, 7 pm
Please check the calendar on the website or   For the following souls of the departed, that through the mercy of Chirst, they may
call the Pastoral Offices for any changes.    rest in peace…Oremos tambien por todos los fieles difuntos para que a traves de la
                                              misericoria de Dios descansen en paz….Pauline Phaong Bartolini, Mary Ann
                                              Lacey, Pattie Kelleher, James P. GanderRobert Phyllis Perry, Bill Vann Family

                                               Second Sunday of Advent, December 5, 2021
                                                         God has commanded that every lofty mountain be made low.
                                                                                               — Baruch 5:7
St. James Catholic Church - St. James ...
Second Sunday of Advent

      TODAY’S READINGS                              COVID-19 GIVING TREE WITH A TWIST
First Reading — Stand on the               We want to continue the wonderful tradition of the Giving Tree this year. However,
heights, Jerusalem; see your chil-         with the current pandemic we have had to make a few tweaks. Instead of buying
dren rejoicing that they are remem-        items that are listed on the star, we are asking for gift cards that we can give to the
bered by God. A merciful and just          organizations.
                                           Below are the organizations we are collecting cards for:
God leads Israel in joy
                                             STEAC which provides immediate, short-term emergency aid to families and
(Baruch 5:1-9).                                 individuals with income at or below the federal poverty level who live in Yolo
Psalm — The Lord has done great                 County. Assistance includes providing help with food, rental, utility, and job
things for us; we are filled with joy           readiness. Target and Walmart Gift Cards
(Psalm 126).                                  Yolo Crisis Nursery offers voluntary and free, nurturing childcare for ages birth
Second Reading — May your love                  through five years, 24 hours per day 365 days per year. Equally important are
increase in knowledge to discern                the Yolo Crisis Nursery’s wraparound services that help parents resolve the
what is valuable that you may be                problems that brought them to our door. Target, Walmart, Costco, Grocery,
blameless for the day of Christ                 and Gas Gift Cards
(Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11).                    Empower Yolo provides safe shelter for victims of domestic violence/sexual
                                                assault/human trafficking, crisis line, restraining orders, family legal services,
Gospel — John proclaims a baptism
                                                therapy , housing referrals, food referrals & distribution, health insurance by
of repentance for the forgiveness of            appointment, emergency clothing, hygiene products, diapers, case manage-
sins. All flesh shall see the salvation         ment, and other services as needed. Grocery Outlet, Safeway, Target and
of God (Luke 3:1-6).                            Gas Gift Cards and Bus Passes
                                              IRWS provides shelter to the homeless in Davis through the colder months.
  READINGS FOR THE WEEK                         In & Out Burger, Dollar Tree, Starbuck’s, Peets, Target, Grocery Outlet,
Monday: Is 35:1-10; Ps 85:9-14;                 Safeway Gift Cards
Lk 5:17-26                                   SPERO, formerly Pregnancy Support Group, promotes the sanctity of all hu-
Tuesday: Is 40:1-11; Ps 96:1-3,                 man life, born and unborn, by providing life-affirming services – including
                                                spiritual, educational and medical -- which empower mothers to choose
10ac, 11-13; Mt 18:12-14
                                                life. By earning points through participation in our programs, Moms
Wednesday: Gn 3:9-15, 20; Ps                    “purchase” much-needed supplies such as diapers, wipes, clothing, etc. to pro-
98:1-4; Eph 1:3-6, 11-12; Lk 1:26-              vide for their babies and young children. Costco, Target Gift Cards
Thursday: Is 41:13-20; Ps 145:1, 9         To avoid confusion please put the gift cards in an envelope with the organization’s
-13ab; Mt 11:11-15                                      name written on the front. The envelopes can be put in the collection
                                                        baskets, dropped off at the office or mailed to the office.
Friday: Is 48:17-19; Ps 1:1-4, 6;
                                               If you have any questions or concerns please call the office at 530-756-3636.
Mt 11:16-19
Saturday: Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Ps 80:
2ac, 3b, 15-16, 18-19; Mt 17:9a, 10                        THE VINCENTIAN CORNER
-13                                       In today’s Gospel John the Baptist urges us to “Prepare the way of
Sunday: Zep 3:14-18a; Is 12:2-3,          the Lord.” This, after all, is what Advent is all about. Let us pre-
4, 5-6; Phil 4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18            pare the way of the Lord by making the real meaning of Christmas
                                          come alive in our own hearts and reach out to those in need
     SAINTS AND SPECIAL                   Advent heralds the beginning of the season of giving. Our special gifts
        OBSERVANCES                       to those in need are a wonderful way to celebrate the birth of Our Lord, but we must
                                          keep in mind that the poor in our community are in need throughout the year. In
Sunday: Second Sunday of Advent
                                          Blessed Antoine Chevrier’s, powerful words, “As long as the great ones of the earth
Monday: St. Nicholas                      enrich themselves, as long as the world’s wealth remains locked in the greedy hands
Tuesday: St. Ambrose; Pearl               of the few who search for it, so long will poverty increase.” Millions of people around
Harbor Remembrance Day                    the globe live in extreme poverty. Here, the wealthy have prospered during the pan-
Wednesday: The Immaculate                 demic. The richest person in the United States, has a fortune which, were it divided by
Conception of the Blessed                 2000 hours (fifty 40-hour weeks. . . with a two-week vacation!) would equal an hourly
Virgin Mary                               “wage” of $100.5 million dollars. Contrastingly, the national minimum wage, $7.25
Thursday: St. Juan Diego                  per hour, hasn’t changed since 2009. This inequity is a scandal in the world’s richest
Friday: St. Francis Xavier                nation. We Christians are called to work for the common good of all our brothers and
Friday: Our Lady of Loreto                sisters, regardless of their place in society. In your prayers, consider asking the Lord
                                          to help you find ways to encourage our political leaders to solve the devastating in-
Saturday: St. Damasus I
                                          come equality that plagues our society.
St. James Catholic Church - St. James ...
CELEBRATION IN HONOR OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE                                                 Emergency Shelter Update
Bilingual novena in the Church                                                              HEART of Davis (formerly IRWS) is
Saturday, Dec. 4 —7pm                                                                       opening an Emergency Shelter at the
                                                                                            Davis Migrant Center November 29
Sunday, Dec. 5 —1pm
                                                                                            to March 17. Congregations are
Monday, Dec. 6 —7pm                                                                         being invited to provide dinners for
Tuesday, Dec. 7 —7pm                                                                        guests. St. James will be scheduled
Wednesday, Dec. 8 —7pm,                                                                     for the week of February 7 – March
  followed by spanish mass                                                                  5. This week will tie in with the
Thursday, Dec. 9 —7pm                                                                       beginning of the Lenten season, a
Friday, Dec. 10 —7pm                                                                        great time to reach out. Individuals
                                                                                            or ministry groups are invited to sign
Saturday, Dec. 11 — 7pm
                                                                                            up for a night to provide din-
                                                                                            ner. Please contact me if you or
                                                                                            your group can help at
        December 12th                                                             
       Mananitas @ 5am
       Join our singing                                                                     Other ways to help include
                                                                                            donations of: Warm clothing,
                                                                                            toiletries, bike locks or Monetary
         Re-dedication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine                                      support for a transportation van and
          3pm with Biligual mass outside by the Shrine                                      rapid covid tests

                                                                                            HEART is continuing The Bridge
                          ALL ARE INVITED!                                                  Program at the apartments for 30
                                                                                            individuals. This is currently funded
                                                                                            until August, 2022. The goal is to
                                                                                            help these guests to go on to
Only after the Last Judgment will Mary get any rest; from now until then, she
                                                                                            permanent supportive housing. So
is much too busy with her children.                                                         far eight individuals have found
                                                                                            permanent housing through this
A DEEP CHANGE OF HEART                                                                      program.
     When John proclaimed a baptism of repentance, as today’s Gospel relates,               Updates will follow as we have more
he called people to a deep change of heart. For John the Baptist, repentance                details on these programs. Please
was not simply regret for past failings, but a commitment to orient life around             pray for God’s blessings on these
God’s desires and purposes. What might living in alignment with God’s desires               programs and success for all the un-
look like? Our readings offer some clues. Baruch indicates that when mercy                  housed people here in Davis.
and justice are embraced like a royal garment, we may see the fruits of repen-
tance. Paul notes how the Holy Spirit has been active within the church in Phi-
                                                                                             Reflection question:
lippi, forming them to live in a loving and united community of faith, so they
                                                                                            What earthly undertakings do I
may witness to the love of God. And John himself suggests that a repentant
                                                                                            need to set aside so that I can set
heart clears a path for God to enter, leveling the mountains and valleys of our
                                                                                            out to meet God’s Son?
resistance, so that God might dwell within.

                          St. James Church now has software called Parish SOFT Giving! This is a convenient and secure way to
                          make a one-time or recurring donation. Getting started is easy – just visit our website,
                 and click on the “DONATE NOW” button. You will be allowed to manage your
                          own account online, set up gifts on a schedule that you choose, and all of this can be set up with a credit
                          card, debit card, checking or savings account!
Online giving has proven to be a cost-effective way for our parish to receive your generous donations. When you participate, your
gift will transfer directly into the parish bank account. Just think, you won’t have to remember to write a check or stop by the ATM
on Sundays! We are most grateful for your support!
St. James Catholic Church - St. James ...
5 de diciembre de 2021                    CELEBRACION EN HONOR A LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE
   Segundo Domingo de
                                                                                        NOVENARIO BILINGÜE
        LECTURAS DE HOY                                                                  EN LA IGLESIA
Primera lectura — Sube a la altura,
Jerusalén; contempla a tus hijos                                                        Sábado, Dic. 4 —7pm
gozosos porque Dios se acordó de ellos.                                                 Domingo, Dic. 5 —1pm
Un Dios misericordioso y justo guía a                                                   Lunes, Dic. 6 —7pm
Israel con alegría (Baruc 5:1-9).
Salmo — El Señor ha estado grande
                                                                                        Martes, Dic. 7 —7pm
con nosotros, y estamos alegres                                                         Miércoles, Dic. 8 —7pm,
(Salmo 126 [125]).                                                                        Misa después del rosario
Segunda Lectura — Que su amor                                                           Jueves, Dic. 9 —7pm
siga creciendo más y más y se
traduzca en un mayor conocimiento y                                                     Viernes, Dic. 10 —7pm
discernimiento de lo que vale la pena                                                   Sábado, Dic. 11 — 7pm
para que lleguen irreprochables al día
de Cristo (Filipenses 1:4-6, 8-11).
Evangelio — Juan proclama un                                                                  Domingo
bautismo de arrepentimiento para el
perdón de los pecados. Todos podrán
                                                                                          12 de Diciembre
ver la salvación de Dios (Lucas 3:1-6)
                                                        Mañanitas a la Virgen, 5 am, en la Iglesia
Lunes: Is 35:1-10; Sal 85 (84):9-14;
                                                             Ven y acompaños a cantarle
Lc 5:17-26
Martes: Is 40:1-11; Sal 96 (95):1-3,                       Re-dedicación del Santuario de
10ac, 11-13; Mt 18:12-14
Miércoles: Gn 3:9-15, 20; Sal 98                           Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
(97):1-4; Ef 1:3-6, 11-12; Lc 1:26-38             3:00 pm con misa bilingüe, en frente del santuario
Jueves: Is 41:13-20; Sal 145 (144):1,
9-13ab; Mt 11:11-15
Viernes: Is 48:17-19; Sal 1:1-4, 6;                                TODOS ESTAN INVITADOS!
Mt 11:16-19
Sábado: Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Sal 80
(79): 2ac, 3b, 15-16, 18-19; Mt 17:9a,      UNA MADRE OCUPADA
10-13                                       María podrá descansar solamente des-
Domingo: Sof 3:14-18a; Is 12:2-3, 4,        pués del juicio final; desde ahora y has-
5-6; Fil 4:4-7; Lc 3:10-18                  ta ese momento, está muy ocupada con
                                            sus hijos.
Domingo: Segundo Domingo de                 PERDÓN
Adviento                                    Dios perdona como la madre que besa
Lunes: San Nicolás                          la ofensa en un perdón sin fin.
Martes: San Ambrosio; Día para
Recordar Pearl Harbor
Miércoles: La Inmaculada                    Segundo Domingo de Adviento
Concepción de la Virgen María               Dios ha ordenado que se abajen
                                            todas las montañas y todas las colinas,
Jueves: San Juan Diego
                                            que se rellenen todos los valles
Viernes: Nuestra Señora de Loreto
                                            hasta aplanar la tierra. —Baruc 5:7
Sábado: San Dámaso I

                          Acto de comunión Spiritual
 Jesús mío, creo que estás presente en el Santísimo Sacramento. Te amo sobre todas
 las cosas y deseo recibirte en mi alma. Como en este momento no puedo recibirte
sacramentalmente, Ven al menos espiritualmente a mi corazón. Te abrazo como si ya
    estuvieras ahi. Y unirme totalmente a ti. Nunca permitas que me separe de ti.
St. James Catholic Church - St. James ...
                                                                                          AL GRUPO DE ORACIÓN
                                                                                              VERBUM DEI.
                                                                                      Cuando: Miércoles
                                                                                      De: 7pm-8:30pm.
                                                                                      Lugar: Salón St. Patrick., en el
                                                                                      Centro Memorial de St. James

                  UN PROFUNDO CAMBIO DE CORAZÓN                                       Todos están invitados al grupo
Cuando Juan proclamó un bautismo de arrepentimiento, así como lo relata el            semanal guiado por las Hermanas
Evangelio de hoy, él llamó a las personas a un cambio profundo de corazón.            Misioneras Verbum Dei y el equipo
Para Juan el Bautista, el arrepentimiento no era simplemente un remordimiento         Apostólico Verbum Dei de la parro-
de las flaquezas, sino un compromiso a orientar la vida en torno a los deseos y       quia de St. James.
propósitos de Dios. ¿Cómo podría ser una vida adecuada con los deseos de
Dios? Nuestras lecturas ofrecen algunas pistas. Baruc indica que cuando la            La dinámica del grupo es muy
misericordia y la justicia se abrazan como un ropaje majestuoso, podemos ver          sencilla, y se acompaña con eventos
los frutos del arrepentimiento. Pablo señala cómo el Espíritu Santo ha estado         sociales, retiros de un día o fines de
activo dentro de la iglesia de Filipos, formándola para vivir en una comunidad        semana y formaciones teológicas -
de fe amorosa y unida, para que pueda dar testimonio del amor de Dios. Y el           humanas. ¡Ven cuando puedas!
mismo Juan sugiere que un corazón arrepentido limpia un camino para que
Dios entre, emparejando los valles y montañas de nuestra resistencia, para que        Para más información:
Dios pueda habitar en el.                                                             Josefina Villanueva
                                                                                      (530) 750-9383
                                                                                      Adela Navarro
  ORACIÓN DE LA SEMANA                                                                (530) 400-3723
Segundo Domingo de Adviento                                                           Facebook:Verbum Dei Sacramento
Dios omnipotente y misericordioso,
haz que ninguna ocupación terrena
sirva de obstáculo a quienes van
presurosos al encuentro de tu Hijo,
antes bien, que el aprendizaje de la
sabiduría celestial, nos lleve a gozar
de su presencia. Él, que vive y reina
contigo en la unidad del Espíritu
Santo y es Dios por los siglos de los

                                                                                      En preparacion para la celebracion
                                                                                      del nacimiento de Jesus.

                                                                                      El programa Children’s Faith
                                                                                      Formation (CFF) tomara un
                                                                                      descanso de Navidad del 12/19 al
                                                                                      1/2. Regreso a classes al dia
         PRAY FOR…….                      OREMOS POR…….                               1/9/22.

Please keep the following people in your prayers this week: for those suffering       Acomana a tu nino/s a practicar sus
illnesses, infirmity and those in need of our prayers...Recordemos en nuestras        rezos diariamente y ve con ellos a
oraciones de esta semana a todos aquellos que estan enfermos y por los que            misa los domingos. Recuerda
sufren…..Theresa Montemayor, Mayra Quintana, Victoria Hopkins, and                    que el major ejemplo de nuestra Fe
Windy Range                                                                           para tu nino/a eres tu.
For the following souls of the departed, that through the mercy of Chirst, they may   Que tengan un bendecidad Navidad
rest in peace…Oremos tambien por todos los fieles difuntos para que a traves de la    y Prosperon Ano Nuevo.
misericoria de Dios descansen en paz….Pauline Phaong Bartolini, Mary Ann
Lacey, Pattie Kelleher, James P. GanderRobert Phyllis Perry, Bill Vann Family
St. James Catholic Church - St. James ...
Serving real estate needs of our community
                                                                                 If you are thinking of buying or selling a
                                                                               property in Davis, Woodland or nearby areas!
                                                                                            Contact me at (530) 220-3723
                                                                                  I will donate a portion of my commission to a charity of your choice.

                                                                                            Soumia Jose
                                                                                            Realtor®, Parishioner
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