RisenHE IS - Masses and activities canceled through APRIl 19 Details at st-ann.org

Page created by Angela Guerrero
RisenHE IS - Masses and activities canceled through APRIl 19 Details at st-ann.org
April 12, 2020
The Resurrection of the Lord

R isen                         HE IS

       Masses and activities
     canceled through APRIl 19
       D e ta i l s at s t- a n n . o r g
RisenHE IS - Masses and activities canceled through APRIl 19 Details at st-ann.org
Resurrection Day
                                Long isolation becomes a bond of compassion

“  Morning Has Broken” is a song has been a part of our musical landscape for decades. Itʼs often
   sung at funerals to bring comfort and peace, but today, I invite you to bring it to mind to summon
strength and hope.
   We face a dark night in our nation and world.
But we do so with the firm belief that Christʼs
resurrection brings a new morning. He has come to
tell us that he has broken the chains of fear that have
bound us in loneliness and isolation. He is here to
loosen the shroud of anxiety that has wound our days
in worry. He has conquered the power of eternal death
and will be victorious over every semblance of its
effects still at work in our lives: sin, sickness,
injustice and violence.
   His morning has broken into a world frightened
by the grip of a plague, but he proclaims in
defiance: “You shall not have the final word.” His
resurrection breathes the spirit of life into bodies                                     photo credit: Peter Yund, East Cobb Photo

and souls that long to be healed, to breathe free
and to sing Alleluia from the depths of their hearts.
   This Easter, our divine healer has conquered the sin and soul sickness that have shrouded us. Our long
isolation from God and from one another has been turned into a bond of compassion and caring so strong
that nothing can undo it.
   Yes, my brothers and sisters, as this Easter morning breaks, may it release on each one
of us and on the world the healing and hope we seek.

 bring the message home
 Children: Why is it important to know that Jesus did not stay dead but came back to life?
 Teens: Jesus rose from the tomb. Whatʼs your tomb? What do you need to rise from?
 Adults: The gospel tells us not to be afraid. How can we set aside our fear and embrace the risen Lord?

 Easter vigil READINGS (usccb.org/bible/readings/041120.cfm)
 First reading: Genesis 1:1-2:2                                    Fourth reading: Isaiah 55:1-11
 Responsorial: Psalm 104                                           Responsorial: Isaiah 12
 Second Reading: Genesis 22:1-18                                   Fifth reading: Ezekiel 36:16-17a, 18-28
 Responsorial: Psalm 16                                            Responsorial: Psalm 42
 Third Reading: Exodus 14:15-15:1                                  Epistle: Romans 6:3-11
 Responsorial: Exodus 15                                           Gospel: Matthew 28:1-10

 easter sunday READINGS (usccb.org/bible/readings/041220.cfm)
 First Reading: Acts 10:34a, 37-43
 Responsorial: Psalm 118
 Second Reading: Colossians 3:1-4
 Gospel: Matthew 28:1-10
RisenHE IS - Masses and activities canceled through APRIl 19 Details at st-ann.org
On behalf of the priests, deacons and staff of St. Ann, I wish all of you
a very blessed Easter.

May the resurrection, peace and hope of our Lord bring you and your families a
sense of new life and joy.

I pray that you find strength in Christ's promise and comfort in his presence in
all you do in the days ahead.

                     together in Faith
Ways to help or get help
All are welcome at St. Ann. We believe there is a place for everyone to make a connection and grow
in faith. Now more than ever, the ways to love and serve others are as numerous as the people who
make up our parish family. Here are some ministries and programs that take on greater focus in the
light of the coronavirus pandemic:

St. Vincent de Paul
This ministry supports people who struggle to maintain lifeʼs basic needs through a food pantry,
utility and rent support, a thrift store and car donations. Visit st-ann.org/svdp. Donate online at
st-ann.org and click ‘give online.ʼ

My Brother’s Keeper
Supporting some of the most fragile in our society, this ministry supports the homeless through a
mobile food bank, bicycle donations, temporary shelter and basic needs. Visit st-ann.org/mbk.
Donate online at st-ann.org and click ‘give online.ʼ

Prayer Line
The Prayer Line is composed primarily of parishioners who have volunteered to pray for those who
request it. To submit a prayer request online, visit st-ann.org/prayer-line. If you need Pastoral Care
follow up or would like a prayer intention at Mass, please email Linda Walsh, lwalsh@st-ann.org.

Pastoral Care
Offering support at all stages of life, St. Annʼs Pastoral Care department fosters the health and
well-being of the members of our community. They can reach out to those who are isolated, provide
resources for physical and mental health issues, and take prayer requests to be said at Mass.
Email Linda Walsh, lwalsh@st-ann.org or call x6019.

This ministryʼs tagline is “Got Questions?” And who doesnʼt in a time like this? Small groups explore
the big issues around faith and unpack the basics of Christianity, addressing questions from Who is
Jesus? and How can I have faith? to Why and how do I pray? and Does God still heal today?
Sessions start regularly. Visit stannalpha.com.
RisenHE IS - Masses and activities canceled through APRIl 19 Details at st-ann.org
St. Annʼs
           prayer for strength
       God, you are our light in the darkness.
   You are our strength and ever-present help and
 support as we fight this formidable foe. Shepherd us
            to safety from the coronavirus.

 Jesus, minister to our bodies, souls and hearts as we
                 breathe in your love and
           fill our souls with your presence.

     Spirit of God, bring us your wisdom, patience,
             understanding, reconciliation,
        hope and joy, and let us pass that on
                to others in need. Amen.
                 — Patti Miller, parishioner

                                                                        About our parish
                                                                         Named for Maryʼs mother,
                                                                         St. Ann is staffed by
                                                                         missionaries of Our Lady of
                                                                         La Salette, an order that is
                                                                         dedicated to the ministry of
                                                           reconciliation. Our community is invited
                                                           to bring people together for hospitality
                                                           and prayer, provide support to those in
                                                           need, and share the love of Christ with
                                                           everyone. La Salette missionaries serve
                                                           all over the world, and are called to make
SUnday, April 19                                           the message of Maryʼs grace known to all
second sunday of Easter                                    people. The hammer and pincers on the
Readings (usccb.org/bible/readings/041920.cfm)             La Salette cross, shown here, represent
Acts 2:42-47 | Psalm 118 | 1 Peter 1:3-9 | John 20:19-31   the sins of humanity that put the nails into
Second collection St. Ann Life Teen                        the hands of Jesus and the good actions
Donate online at st-ann.weshareonline.org                  we do that remove the nails from his
or text ccstann to 555888.                                 hands. Learn more at st-ann.org/lasalette.

       The Catholic Church of St. Ann is a La Salette parish family dedicated to reconciliation
                          through worship, word, works and sacrament.
RisenHE IS - Masses and activities canceled through APRIl 19 Details at st-ann.org
A FAith response                                           Resources for
            to the coronavirus                                           parishioners
                    Last week, when the archdiocese canceled
                    Holy Week and Easter Masses, I turned to my
                    son and said, “Easterʼs cancelled.” He said,
                                                                        Virtual church
                                                                        You still can participate in Mass at
                    “How can Easter be cancelled?“ and I thought:       St. Annʼs. A Mass will be recorded
                    Heʼs right. God is bigger than a virus.             each Sunday and made available
                                                                        at st-ann.org/watch-live beginning
                     God is bigger than my fear, my suffering and       at 10:30am.
                     even death. I believe this as a Christian, even
                                                                        Other content is available online
though I will experience all of these, just like Jesus did.
                                                                        for prayer and reflection. Visit our
                                                                        website for details.
Before his arrest, Jesus cried out to God to take away his suffering.
But after a time of prayer, he turned himself over saying, “not my
                                                                        Our staff is working remotely while
will, but yours be done.”
                                                                        the offices and campus are closed.
                                                                        Visit st-ann.org get answers to
The point is, he trusted God and we are called to do the same.          many of your questions and to
But thatʼs much easier to say than to do, especially during difficult   find staff contact information.
and uncertain times. I wish God would take away our suffering and

                                                                        Choose faith
make things better, but the fact is, he has, in the resurrection.

This year the paschal mystery may seem more real than it has            Take, Lord, and receive all my
before. Remember that there may be suffering but there always           liberty,
will be new life because of Christ’s sacrifice.                         my memory, my understanding,
                                                                        and my entire will,
As we celebrate Holy Week and Easter at home together, I hope           all I have and call my own.
you know that God is bigger than a virus. Letʼs use this time of        You have given all to me.
isolation to build up our families in faith, to renew our church and    To you Lord, I return it.
change the world through Godʼs grace. When we come back                 Everything is yours;
together, our faith will be stronger, and we will show others that      do with it what you will.
God is still present.                                                   Give me only your love and your
                                                                        that is enough for me.
We are praying for you and miss you.
                                                                                    — St. Ignatius of Loyola
Stephanie Holden
Programming & ministry formation coordinator, Encounter
                                                                        Help neighbors
                                                                        Donate online to our outreach
                                                                        ministries like St. Vincent de Paul
                     • Reflect on the questions on page 2.              and My Brother's Keeper, who are
                     • Plug in to our online faith formation            actively helping those impacted
                     resources listed on page 7.                        by reduced access to assistance.
                                                                        They need your help now more
                     • Sign up for our newsletter at st-ann.org.        than ever. Click ‘give onlineʼ at
                                                                        st-ann.org to learn more.
RisenHE IS - Masses and activities canceled through APRIl 19 Details at st-ann.org
THanks for your support
  St. Annʼs is a strong financial parish and we will continue to pay our regular staff for normal
       working hours throughout this situation. Please help us meet these and all of our
    obligations. Text or click the graphic above to use our virus-free online giving methods.

March 2020
Monthly offertory*              $ 227,110
Year-to-date collected          $2,428,554
Year-to-date budgeted           $2,522,847
Difference                      $ (94,293)
*includes in-pew and electronic contributions
Prior to the weekend of March 8, the offertory
collection was running a $11,388 surplus. Thank
you to those who have continued to contribute
online and by sending envelopes. Our staff is
committed to keeping you informed of our
financial status in a timely manner.

Parish office
Monday, April 13
St. Annʼs parish office
will be closed for Easter
Monday. Staff will be
online again April 14.
RisenHE IS - Masses and activities canceled through APRIl 19 Details at st-ann.org
                                        St. Ann’s faith formation team strives to develop strong Catholic values in our
                                        entire faith community through prayer, lifelong learning, service and discipleship.
Activities are being shared online
          to do at home.
  Be on the lookout for teacher
 story times and class meetings.
   2020-2021 school year and
summer camp registrations open

 Resources are posted on the
webpage. Look for emails full of
  faith-based activities to do
with kids. Vacation bible school
      registration is open.

   Middle School Ministry
  Digital resources are on the
 webpage. Parents can look for
emails with faith-based resources
  for your middle schoolers.

   Look for resources on the
   webpage and social media.
    Leaders are conducting
  Zoom calls and online events.                                No Greater Love
                                                       Wednesdays, April 29-May 27
                                                       9:30am online sessions
                                                       This five-session study is a biblical guide
                                                       through the last hours of Christʼs life,
        st-ann.org/encounter                           shedding light on the mystery of his suffering
Look for a variety of resources on                     and death, and giving us a deeper under-
   Encounterʼs webpage and         standing of Godʼs immeasurable love. For book information and
         Facebook page.            meeting details, visit st-ann.org/no-greater-love-study.
RisenHE IS - Masses and activities canceled through APRIl 19 Details at st-ann.org
           VTim BaDour
     son of Chris and John BaDour      Offering support at all stages of life, the Pastoral Care team fosters the
      VMarilyn Jean Hickey             well-being of our community through the integration of faith and health.
        mother of Ken Hickey
VFather Thomas Kapingala, MS           In accordance with guidelines set forth by the archdiocese and
        Missionary of La Salette       the Centers for Disease Control, in-person visits to the home-
        VGloria Pengelly               bound and elderly have been discontinued for the time being.
       mother of Ramona Kenny
                                       This includes visits to healthcare, nursing and assisted living facili-
                                       ties. Please call x6019 for details.
     VJohn Harold Roberts
    father of John Timothy Roberts     To add or remove names to/from the prayer list, call x6018.

REMEMBER IN PRAYER Support group meetings
Anna Adkins, Jesse Alfaro, Sable
Alfaro, Sister Suzanne Anglim,   suspended until further notice
Marie Aquino, Lee Ashby, Jr., Julie    Bereavement, divorced and separated groups on hold
Bankovich, Chad Beard, Bob             Contact Anne Birth at abirth@st-ann.org or x6018 for details.
Bradfield, Lynn Brandt, Patty
Brewster, Jaclene Broson, Liz
Burke, Steve Butler, Julie Camuso,
Ken Carlson, Jennifer Chiarulli,
                                       An Easter memory and a long lost poem
John Ciak, Eileen Coalson, Sister      Easter is a special time to remember those who have passed on before
Patrice Colletti, Lynn Courtwright,    us, especially those who planted the seeds of our faith. For me, it was
Peter Dapremont, Tommy Dotson,         my parents and grandparents.
James William Dowling, Mae Mae
Dunn, Jim Eddlemon, Harper Faith       I can remember my grandparents volunteering in a variety of church
Fry, Father Ron Gagne, Michael         ministries, working at church dinners and decorating for the
Garcia, John Guldner, Linda            holidays. My father was a tenor in the choir until illness took his strength
Hawkins, Kristin Hertel, Jean          away. And my mother was my first religious education teacher in
Homer, Whitney Jutzin,Kevin Kelly,     preschool. She inspired me to do the same for
Ko Kelly, Tom Kerber, Paula Knight,
                                       my children.
Elliot Lawes, Anthony Magnetti,
Rosalyn Maloy, JoAnn Mattox,
Loretta Mazur, Tom McAuley, Mary       Recently, I found a poem my mother wrote many years
Reilly McGuire, Debbie McKenna,        ago that no one even knew existed until just now.
Harriet Moody, Bruce Moulds, Billy     I consider it a little blessing from those we love who are         Linda Walsh,RN
Moyer, Maura OʼBrien, Carmella         spending Easter with Jesus. Iʼm privileged to share it             Parish Nurse
Papavasiliou, Anne Pilcher, Mary       with you:
Elizabeth Powell, Jayme Price,
baby Eleni Rademacher, Paul            May he who makes the flowers grow, and gives the sun its
Rehm, Father Tom Reilly, Jan           golden glow;
Roberts, Mary Sabaski, Donna           May he who guides the birds in flight, and lights the stars that cheer
Salyer, Isabella Seckington, Marie
                                       the night;
Siwek, David Slezak, Carol Smith,
                                       May he whose love shines over all, and gives us blessings great
Jason Smith, Dave Sobek, Sr.,
John Phillip Staffey, Owen Sullivan,   and small;
Father Bob Susann, Elmo Tamayo,        May he, our Lord, the risen king, fill all your days with lifeʼs good things.
Barbara Todaro, Amy Valley,            Bless you at Easter and always!
Michael Warechowski,                                                                       — Jeanne (my mother)
Gilbert Warner, Louise
Wszulkowski, Emilce Zamora             Wishing everyone a blessed and healthy Easter.
RisenHE IS - Masses and activities canceled through APRIl 19 Details at st-ann.org
St. Annʼs schedules Mass intentions a year in advance.
Due to the office being closed, we did not start booking
April 2021 Mass intentions on April 1 as we normally would.
                                                                           Catholic Church of St. Ann
Provided we are allowed to return to a normal schedule, our        4905 Roswell Road, Marietta, Georgia 30062
receptionists will happily take your April and May 2021                 770-552-6400 | www.st-ann.org
intention requests beginning May 1. Please stop in the office
                                                                RECONCILIATION: suspended until further notice
to make your requests.
                                                                EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: suspended until further notice
                                                                BAPTISM: Call x6010 or email tkay@st-ann.org.
            Monday, April 13                                    FIRST RECONCILIATION/FIRST COMMUNION:
                                                                Launch Children’s Ministry, x6039
            VAnthony Desrouleaux                                CONFIRMATION: Edge middle school ministry, x6042
            (The St. Urbain & Desrouleaux families)             MARRIAGE: Call x6010 or email weddings@st-ann.org.
            Tuesday, April 14                                   Wedding guidelines are online at st-ann.org/sacraments.
                                                                ORDER OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (OCIA):
   9:00am   VCatherine Baker (Rich Flaherty)                    Call x6026 or email sharris@st-ann.org.
                                                                NEW PARISHIONERS: You are most welcome to join our
            Wednesday, April 15
                                                                community. To register, visit the parish office or register after any
   6:30am   VLottie Haase (Barbara Yaeger)                      weekend Mass at our welcome desk in the church narthex.
                                                                MEETING SPACE RESERVATIONS: Call x6010 or email
   9:00am   VJames Atterbury (JoAnn Mattox)                     tkay@st-ann.org.
            Thursday, April 16                                  ALTAR FLOWERS: Parish office, x6001
                                                                PRAYER REQUESTS: Pastoral Care, x6018
   9:00am   VPete Dudek (The Dudek family)                      ST. VINCENT DE PAUL: Food and financial assistance, x6105
                                                                AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY NUMBER: 770-557-2690
            Friday, April 17
   6:30am   VAlison Bauer & Cathy Daugherty (Coleen Hosack)
   9:00am   VMichael Geisler (The Walsh family)
                                                                                PARISH OFFICE HOURS
            Saturday, April 18                                               Monday-Thursday 9:00am-5:00pm
                                                                                 Friday 9:00am-2:00pm
   4:00pm   VCatherine Baker (Fran & Tom Cramer)
   5:30pm   VBarbara Fritsch (St. Annʼs Pastoral Care staff)                        PRIESTS AND DEACONS
            Sunday, April 19
                                                                Rev. Raymond Cadran, MS x6002 rcadranms@st-ann.org
   7:00am   VLottie Haase (Gail & Michael Storin)               SENIOR PRIEST
                                                                Rev. Joseph Aquino, MS     x6004 jgams@st-ann.org
   8:30am   VPeggie OʼNeill (Theresa Foster)                    ASSOCIATE PASTORS
  10:30am   VDanita Grant (St. Annʼs Pastoral Care staff)       Rev. John Gabriel, MS      x6021 jgabrielms@st-ann.org
                                                                Rev. Robert Zaw Lwin, MS x6005 robertms@st-ann.org
 10:30 FM   VLeslie Sherman (Fran & Marty Lyons)                DEACONS
  12:30pm   VSuzanne Giaimo (The Woodruff family)               Thomas K. Badger                 Bobby A. Jennings
                                                                Edmund M. Grabowy                J. Nicholas Morning
   6:00pm   VTim Caskey (The Caskey family)
                                                                                             PARISH STAFF
                                                                Parish administrator           Jim Herrel                  x6006
                                                                Encounter adult ministry       Stephanie Holden            x6028
                                                                Dir. of communications         Susyn Ahern                 x6022
                                                                Director of music              Ed Bolduc                   x6017
                                                                Dir. of parish engagement      Christina Hood              x6032
                                                                Facilities manager             Liam Farrelly               x6014
                                                                Finance office                 John Callozzo               x6015
                                                                Parish nurse/Pastoral care     Linda Walsh, RN             x6019
                                                                Parish office manager          Linda Field                 x6011
                                                                Parish secretary               Teena Kay                   x6010

                                                                       Remaining staff & departments are at st-ann.org.
                                                                    Staff emails are the individual’s first initial and last name
RisenHE IS - Masses and activities canceled through APRIl 19 Details at st-ann.org
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                                                                                                                                               both cohabitating persons must attend and complete presentation together. Participants must
                                                                                                                   include cost of material.     have a photo ID, be able to understand English, and be legally able to enter into a contract.
                                                                                                                    Offer expires 3/31/20.
                                                                                                                                                   The following persons are not eligible for this offer: employees of Company or affiliated          leaves, pine needles, and debris
 the church bulletin and 68% of households surveyed when making a choice between                                                                companies or entities, their immediate family members, previous participants in a Company
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                                                                                                                                                customers. Gift may not be extended, transferred, or substituted except that Company may
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 businesses are inclined to choose the one who advertised in the church bulletin.                                                               substitute a gift of equal or greater value if it deems it necessary. Gift card will be mailed to     to clean clogged gutters
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                                                                                                                                                 form. Not valid in conjunction with any other promotion or discount of any kind. Offer not         • Durable, all-weather tested system not
   Learn More About Advertising In Your Parish Bulletin                                                                                                                                                                                               a flimsy attachment
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                                                                                                                                                                                  reservation. Expires 3/31/20.

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