Saint Agnes Cathedral - 533 S. Jefferson Avenue, Springfield, MO 65806 417-831-3565 -

Page created by Elizabeth Gibson
Saint Agnes Cathedral - 533 S. Jefferson Avenue, Springfield, MO 65806 417-831-3565 -
February 13, 2022

Saint Agnes Cathedral
533 S. Jefferson Avenue, Springfield, MO 65806

Saint Agnes Cathedral - 533 S. Jefferson Avenue, Springfield, MO 65806 417-831-3565 -
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

                                  St. Agnes Cathedral
                                533 S. Jefferson Avenue, Springfield, MO 65806
                                                                              Reverend Lewis E. Hejna, Rector
               St. Agnes Cathedral Parish, a                                    Ext: 102
            sacramental community, is sent forth
                                                                       Reverend Allen Kirchner, Associate Pastor
            with compassion to witness to God’s                     - RCIA preparation Ext: 104
               word and loving presence. We
              recognize our responsibilities to            Reverend Michael Quang Do, CRM Vietnamese Chaplain Ext. 106
  Catholic education. We embrace our diversity
   and place in the Springfield community to               Sister Elizabeth Ann Weiler, ASC, Coordinator of Care Ministry
                                                                         -care of homebound, funerals, Seniors
     provide service, especially to poor and                                   Ext: 103
               vulnerable persons.
                                                                  Iris Bounds, Coordinator of Religious Education
                 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE                     -PSR ,Confirmation preparation, Youth Ministry, baptism preparation
                                                                          Ext: 107
                         Saturday 5:00 PM
                          Sunday 8:00 AM                                  Connie McNabb, Office of Accounting
                       9:45 AM (Vietnamese)                                   Ext: 110
                        11:30 AM , 5:00 PM
                                                                                Helen Rapp, Office Manager
                 WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE                                          Ext: 111
                  8:30 AM Monday through Friday                        Kevin Otradovec, Cathedral Music Director
                        8:30 AM Saturday                                    
                  5:30 PM Monday through Friday
                                                                Ryan Villapiano, Director of Bell Choir and Youth Choir
                 RECONCILIATION SCHEDULE                                 
                  4:45-5:20 PM Wednesday and
                               Friday                                     Paige Duda School Principal: 866-5038
                                                                                  Ext: 200 -
                     3:30-4:30 PM Saturday
                      Reconciliation In Chapel                            Parish Office: 831-3565 FAX: 865-0367
         (or ask Father for an appointment)
                                                                     Well of Life (Pantry) 418 S. Kimbrough, 869-2865

                                                                       BAPTISM PREPARATION: Parents who plan to have a child
                                                                       baptized will need to call the parish office to make
        ADORATION: The Blessed Sacrament will be
                                                                       arrangements. A Baptism class is required for new parents who
        exposed in the Chapel on Mondays from 9:00 AM-
                                                                       have never had a child baptized. Arrangements for this class can
        5:30 PM (Rosary at 5:00 PM, followed by Daily Mass be made by calling the parish office. We also offer a special class
        at 5:30).                                                      for parents who may have an older child who desires
                                                                       Baptism. Parents can arrange a Baptism to take place during or
WELCOME!                                                               after a weekend Mass, or after a daily Mass.
We extend our hands and our hearts in Christian fellowship             MARRIAGE PREPARATION: In our diocese the regulations for
to you here, whether longtime residents or newly arrived in the        marriage require that the parish be notified usually six months in
parish. If you are not registered, please fill out the form below      advance of the date planned for the wedding. The importance of
and place it in the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office. this sacrament requires sufficient preparation in a pre-marriage
                                                                       program. Please contact Fr. Lewis at the Parish Office, 831-3565.
NAME___________________________________________                        SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: When facing serious illness,
________________________________________________                       please call Sr. Elizabeth Ann at the Parish Office, 831-3565.
ADDRESS_________________________________________                       FUNERALS: For funeral arrangements please call Sr. Elizabeth
________________________________________________                       Ann at the Parish Office, 831-3565.
CITY_________________________ZIP_________________                      CATHOLIC CEMETERIES OF SPRINGFIELD: For
PHONE__________________________________________                        information, please call CATHOLIC CEMETERIES OF
                                                                       SPRINGFIELD: For information, please contact Russ Koeneman,
     New Parishioner         New Address          New Phone            Director, at 417-866-6720
    Moving, please remove from parish census                            Visit us on the web at
                                                                        Springfield Catholic Schools at
Saint Agnes Cathedral - 533 S. Jefferson Avenue, Springfield, MO 65806 417-831-3565 -
February 13, 2022
From the Pastor’s Desk:      :

Not everything goes as planned. This past week January 31 thru February 4 we celebrated, or tried to celebrate across our country,
National Catholic Schools Week, a week set aside by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to celebrate and recognize all
that our Catholic Schools provide. The theme this year was Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Excellence and Service. Our
schools are an added value for our nation. The purpose of a Catholic School is to integrate Catholic, Christian teachings and values
into every aspect of the educational process. Thus, our young people’s education is a journey of faith; it’s not just a standard
education, but one of life-long Catholic teachings and values. Service is another important aspect. The many people in our parishes
that give of their time to minister to the needs of others, they are participating in service. During the school day and after hours, our
Catholic Schools are teaching different types of service. The Catholic School also provides an excellent academic education to help
young people reach their God-given potential and to be responsible citizens. Our Catholic Schools exist to provide an education that
goes beyond preparation for a secular life. It is an education that prepares students for a Christian life. Catholic Schools ASSIST
parents in the education and religious formation of their sons and daughters.
Within the Catholic School, whether a student is Catholic or non-Catholic, each student is required to participate in the religious
education program. The religious education program presents to the student an authentic statement of the teachings and practices of
the Catholic Church. Students are also required to attend prayer services and Mass. Having been a teacher for many years at Notre
Dame High School, I would tell parents, “I do not test the faith of your sons/daughters; I test their knowledge of the Catholic Faith!”
Within a Catholic School, education of our faith is important. I want students to know why we celebrate, how we celebrate and not
just give an answer, “we always do it that way!”
Although each school is different, the curriculum seeks to develop the student’s highest potential through a teaching/learning process
that promotes Language Arts, English, Mathematics, Technology, Science, Social Studies, Fine Arts, Foreign Language, and Physical
Education. In recent years, the curriculum has also grown to include the development of the thinking skills: research, critical thinking
and problem solving, and also analyzing and evaluating–all working together, many times using the latest in technology. Students
are also urged to help others by “giving back to the community,” whether it is within parishes or the community in which they live.
I want to thank every parishioner for their prayers and financial support, which makes it possible for the Springfield Catholic School
System to provide a quality, Catholic Education to any Catholic student.

In your parish envelopes during Feb, you will find a special                                     Lenten Fair!!
envelope: Parish Council of Catholic Women. St. Agnes
                                                                        Mark your calendars for Sunday, Feb 27th. St. Anne's Group
Cathedral PCCW does much work in our parish to help women
                                                                        and the Youth Faith Formation Program of St. Agnes will
meet their spiritual, social and community needs. PCCW does
                                                                        sponsor a Lenten Fair in the St. Agnes Gym from 9:15 AM-
much to assist with community outreach as well such as assisting
                                                                        11:00 AM. We welcome all families to this special event which
with meals at Rare Breed and Harmony House. We sponsor
                                                                        will offer activities and resources to help prepare for the
many events throughout the year for women and families. A
                                                                        Lenten season. Activities will include making Mardi Gras masks,
new event that PCCW and St. Anne's group support is the
                                                                        learning about the saints of Lent, Holy Week activities. playing
Advent Fair and support will also be given to the upcoming
                                                                        some Lenten Bingo and picking up spiritual resources. There is
Lenten Fair.
                                                                        no charge for this event. We welcome anyone who may wish
All women of the parish are automatically members of PCCW &             to help set up or clean up after this event.
all are welcome at events. We try to make sure that we do not           The Knights of Columbus will offer their monthly breakfast on
charge for any event. Any amount that you can place in the              this same day so come enjoy breakfast in the cafeteria and
envelope will be greatly appreciated. If you do not receive             then spend some time at the Lenten Fair. Contact Iris
envelopes, just place your donation in the collection basket on         at to volunteer.
Sundays and mark the envelope PCCW. You can also call the
parish office to make a donation or drop it by the parish               Camp Renewal registration for this summer
office. Your support is greatly appreciated and allows PCCW             will begin in February. Do not wait too long
to continue our work in the parish and in our community.                to register! Spots always fill up
                                                                        quickly. Check out more information about this special summer
PCCW Officer Volunteers needed:
                                                                        activity by checking out the following link;
Our St. Agnes Parish Council of Catholic Women is looking for  You may also contact the
new officers for the upcoming year which ends in July. We               parish office for more information.
invite any woman of the parish to consider this opportunity to
take a leadership role in this wonderful organization that does                     MORNING OF REFLECTION
so much for our parish. Women of any age are encouraged to              St. Martha's Group is hosting a Morning of Reflection for
sign up. Even if you are new to the parish or never attended a          women, Saturday, Feb. 19th. It will begin with the 8:30am
PCCW event, you are encouraged to consider this role. Our               Mass after which we will proceed to the school dining room
current officers have served well and long to keep this                 where Fr. Allen Kirchner will speak. If you cannot make it to
organization flourishing. The current officers will also be on          Mass you are welcome to come for the session (9:15am). A
hand to answer questions and to guide you in your role. Please          soup & salad lunch will be served afterward.
call the parish office and ask for Sister Elizabeth for more            Please call the office, 831-3565, if you plan to attend so that
details.                                                                we will know how many to expect for lunch.
Saint Agnes Cathedral - 533 S. Jefferson Avenue, Springfield, MO 65806 417-831-3565 -
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
              EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATIONS                                               PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK
                  SUNDAY LITURGIES
                                                                         Teresa Smith, Pamela Parker, John Emerick, Jr., Ann
SUN Feb 13   8:00am Parish                                              Goodman, Donna Scheidt, Pat Gabriel, Sarah Stander,
             9:45 am Vietnamese Community                               Delores Emerick, John Harp, Pat Kutz Dierking, Dyatt
             11:30 am Stella Newman+                                    Spicer, Sara Stone, Tammy West, Terry Allen, Ed Weiler,
              5:00 pm Dennis Herbster+                                  Carol Klinger, Bill Hart, Dan Bounds
MON Feb 14    8:30 am Congregation of Mary Queen
              5:30pm Jim Stone+
                                                                                            MINISTRY SCHEDULE
TUES Feb 15   8:30am Teresa Trang Kim Phan +
              5:30 pm Louis & Mary Lou Wieberg
                                                                        Saturday, Feb 19
WED Feb 16    8:30am Lynette Foster (sp int)
                                                                        5:00 PM        Ben Francka, Rita Lipin
              5:30 pm Mike Williams+                                    Sunday, Feb 20
THURS Feb 17 8:30 am Maria Dzung Tran+                                  8:00 AM        Pat Rues, Mary Seibert
              5:30pm Andrew, Bridget & Jacob                            11:30 AM        Nancy Maus, Elizabeth Schatz
                      Dumoulin (sp. Int)                                5:00 PM        Shelley Todd, Volunteer
FRI Feb 18     8:30 am Genevieve O’Brien (sp int)                                               Servers
             5:30 pm John Mc Manus+                                     Saturday, Feb 19
SAT Feb 19    8:30 am Teresa Doan+                                      5:00 PM        Alex Byram, 2 volunteers
              SUNDAY LITURGIES                                          Sunday, Feb 20
SAT Feb 19    5:00 pm Ruth Francka+                                     8:00 AM        Kyson Hauschildt, Griffy Laney, Volunteer
SUN Feb 20    8:00 am Frances & Mary McClernon                          11:30 AM       Andrew Jones, Gus Jones, Landon Lobdell
                       Family                                           5:00 PM        Marcus Johnson, Lucas Todd, Volunteer
              9:45 am Vietnamese Community                                                      Ushers
            11:30 am Jim Stone+                                         Saturday, Feb 19
             5:00 pm Parish                                             5:00 PM        Carolyn Roth, Jeff Roth, Greg Stark,
   Deadline for Bulletin announcements: Noon Monday                     Sunday, Feb 20
    Please include contact name and phone number.                       8:00 AM        Marilyn Fare, Steve Fare, Daniel Pham,
           Priority is given to parish activities.                                     Bruce Bodine
        Please send to: hrapp@sta-cathedral,org                         11:30 AM       Susan Hiett, David Hiett, Jared Lobdell,
                                                                                       Pat Mithelavage
                                                                        5:00 PM        Jim Grier, Darlene Henne, Gretchen
            THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH                                                    Gambon, Mark Gambon
 SUN Feb 13    9:30 am Adult Ed –DR
                                                                                Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
              10:00 am PSR –CL
                                                                        Saturday, Feb 19
              11:00 am Vietnamese PSR –CL
                                                                        5:00 PM        Ellen Finch, Michael Finch, Volunteer
              11:30 am CLOW
                                                                        Sunday, Feb 20
MON Feb 14    6:30 pm RCIA –C                                           8:00 AM        George Johnson, Tim Keller, Erwin Mantei
TUES Feb 15   7:00 pm K of C mtg -BR                                    11:30 AM       Cathy Moore, Jim Moore, Michael
WED Feb 16     6:30 pm Bell Choir                                                      Pittman, Marjory Ray
               6:30 pm Bingo –Bingo Emporium                            5:00 PM        3 Volunteers
THURS Feb 17 6:30 pm Adult Choir
SAT Feb 19     9:30 am PCCW Morning of Reflection
SUN Feb 20     9:00 am K of C Breakfast -C                              Our Parish Bulletin is FREE to the Parish because of the
                9:30 am Adult Ed –DR                                    advertisements placed on the back of the bulletin. PLEASE take
              10:00 am PSR –CL                                          time to look at the ads and THANK the businesses for their
              11:00 am Vietnamese PSR –CL                               donation.
              11:30 am CLOW

                    KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS
UPR: Upstairs Conference Room       C: Cafeteria
CLOW: Children’s Liturgy of the Word     DR: Dining Room
                                                                            Heidi Smith, wife of Tom, mother of Kate,
PSR: Parish School of Religion      BR: Band Room                                           parishioners
KCB: Knights of Columbus Bingo Emporium LIB -Library                    “Tex” Schlachter, died on January 30, 2022 son of
CL - Classrooms                                                          Margaret , brother of Eric Schlachter, parishioners
  Please turn off cell phones when you come into the Church for Mass.
Saint Agnes Cathedral - 533 S. Jefferson Avenue, Springfield, MO 65806 417-831-3565 -
February 13, 2022
** Springfield Catholic Schools System is accepting                       STEUBENVILLE YOUTH CONFERENCE
applications for Substitute Teachers.                            Plans are already being made for the Steubenville
This is a great opportunity for parents, grandparents, aunts     Conference July 15th-17th, 2022. Steubenville is open to
and uncles to help out at their child(ren) school.               students who will have just completed 8th grade to those
60+ credit hours, VIRTUS certification (the school               who have just graduated from high school. The conference
provides) and a background check is required for                 will feature nationally known speakers, dynamic music and
employment.                                                      opportunities for young people to participate in the
To submit an application, go to click “About”        Eucharist, Reconciliation and Adoration. The theme for this
and “Employment Opportunities” and then select                   year will be "Fearless" and will be held on the campus of
substitute.                                                      MSU. St. Agnes Cathedral offers financial assistance to our
**Catch the excitement and make an appointment to                parish families. There are also scholarships available
tour our schools today! Springfield Catholic Schools are         through the Diocese. Please contact Iris by Feb. 10th,
open for five-day seated instructions, from 8:00 to 3:00.        2022 at if you have further
                                                                 questions or wish to sign up. You can also check out the
Although space is limited, there are still openings in select
                                                                 Steubenville Conference website for more
classes. One of these openings could be for you! Come            information.
and be a part of the Irish Tradition! Go to our website at to submit an inquiry form,
select “Admissions” and “New Families” or you can call           Information is now available for the 2022 Diocesan Youth
our schools St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 417-887-6056, St.            Conference. This is open to youth in grades 7-12. We
Agnes 417-866-5038, Immaculate Conception 417-881-               have an opportunity to attend the day long event which
                                                                 will be held in Carthage on Saturday, March 26th. We
7000, Springfield Catholic High School 417-887-8817.             also have the opportunity to share a bus with SEAS par-
                                                                 ish. If you are interested in attending this event or would
               COLD WEATHER SHELTER                              like more information about getting a group from St. Ag-
Sacred Heart Church would like to invite you to join us          nes to attend this event, please contact Iris at 831-3565 or
helping the homeless this winter in Springfield. We will         at We are looking for par-
offer a cold-weather shelter (open on any night that is 32       ents to attend as well to help in chaperoning this event.
degrees or below) on Mondays and Wednesdays for 24
men. Guests arrive at 7pm and will leave at 7am. If you                    PARISH HEALTH MINISTRY
cannot volunteer for the full 12 hours, we will also take        Signs of a Stressful Lifestyle - skipping meals or
volunteers in 6 hour shifts (7p-1am and 1am-7am) We will         eating on the run due to lack of time, often feeling run-down
offer training and support for anyone who is interested,         and/or too tired to exercise, frequent illness, trouble falling
please contact Fr Ray at Sacred heart at 417 869 3646            asleep or staying asleep, difficulty saying "No", eating,
and we thank you for helping our brothers in need.               drinking, or smoking when you are nervous, feeling your life is
                                                                 out of control.
As further information, we will offer an evening snack and       Manage your stress levels through a healthy lifestyle and simple
breakfast for our guests. We will have a minimum of 2            tension-reducing strategies, such as - talk things out, don't hold in
                                                                 feelings of anger, joy, hurt, sadness, and excitement, exercise
volunteers each evening and after the men are asleep,            regularly - aim for 30 minutes a day, five days a week.
volunteers will have a separate area to rest as well. If         Taken from ©2021 Positive Promotions, Inc 1 TP-53 "Caring is
someone or a group want to come in to assist with the            Always in Season" 2022 Monthly Planner
breakfast or evening snack that is another option for folks.
                                                                                 PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS
            OFFICE VOLUNTEERS WANTED                             Lord Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father and Mary
Office hours are 8am to 4:00pm. Generally volunteers are         Immaculate, grant to our young people the
asked to choose morning or afternoon hours and indicate          generosity necessary to follow Your call and the
areas of interest (answering phones and doors, filing,           courage required to overcome all obstacles to their
shredding, census work, preparing mailings, etc.). If you        vocation. Give the parents faith, love and spirit of
have time available to help out at the office, please call       sacrifice which will inspire them to offer their children
Helen at 831-3565. You are needed!                               to God’s service and rejoice whenever one of their
                                                                 children is called to the priesthood and religious life.
                   MINISTRY SCHEDULE                             Let your example and that of your Blessed Mother
Please let me know if you have any weekends that you are not     and Saint Joseph encourage both young people and
available to be a minister at Mass during the months of March    parents and let Your grace sustain them. Amen.
and April. Please call the office at 831-3565 or send me an e-   -From the diocese of Sioux Falls and Rapid City
mail - by February 13, 2022.
Saint Agnes Cathedral - 533 S. Jefferson Avenue, Springfield, MO 65806 417-831-3565 -
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

   February Income Report                                    .
                                                                            FEBRUARY DONATIONS
                                                             St Vincent de Paul/Pantry……….……...…....215.00
   February     Week 1      February        Still Needed     Eastern Europe………………………………....25.00
    Income                   Budget                          The Mirror………………………..…………….849.00
                                                                                            Total $ 1,089.00
Weekly           6,720.00    26,924.00          20, 204.00
Plate              838.00      2,231.00           1,393.00
Maintenance      2,193.00      7,500.00           5,307.00                    HOLY TRINITY CHAPEL
                                                                               ~Perpetual Adoration~
Utilities          650.00      2,725.00           2,075.00                     will be held in the Nave
                                                             In life today, often noisy and dispersive, it is more
                                                             important than ever to recover the capacity for inner
                                                             silence and recollection. Eucharistic adoration permits this,
                                                             not only centered on the "I" but more so in the
                                                             company of that "You" full of love who is Jesus
Online donations are super easy to make by scanning this     Christ…Pope Benedict XVI
QR code or visiting our website and selecting the
MYEOffering tab. If you were using the OneParish app,        Consider signing up for a weekly hour of Adoration. In
this has been discontinued and we encourage you to set       your busy, hectic lives, it is a special opportunity to spend
up an account with MyEOffering or contact Connie             uninterrupted prayerful and silent time with Jesus and
McNabb for alternative donation options.                     experience the “we time” of just you and Him.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SCHOLARSHIPS                             Call Marilyn Gibson at 417-224-4043 to find an hour
                                                             that works best for you. We are grateful to those who
  The Knights of Columbus Council # 698 will award 3         can do the more difficult hours, but realize that what is
educational scholarships for the 2022-23 school year. The    difficult varies with each person.
   scholarship guidelines and application form may be
 downloaded by going to and clicking
     the button News & Announcements. Scholarship                                       BINGO...
applications should be post marked by Monday April 18,           Join us every Wednesday at the K of C Bingo Emporium
     2022 to be considered. Mail the application to:                          2340 W. Grand, 2nd parking lot
                   Scholarship Chairman                               All “Events” and Bingo Sales begin at 4:30 PM
                                                                                 Bingo begins at 6:30 PM
                Knights of Columbus #698
                   3294 E Palisades Dr.                                        Like us on Facebook!
                  Springfield MO 65807                       Bingo Springfield Missouri Wednesday St. Agnes Cathedral

                                                                              GIFT/PURCHASE CARDS
Please consider becoming a St. Agnes Bingo Volunteer!
100% of the earnings are used for St. Agnes Cathedral        St. Agnes Cathedral has gift/purchase cards (SCRIP)
and School related needs. Bingo Volunteers are St. Agnes     available in the parish office during business hours
parishioners who agree to work at least one Wednesday        Monday through Friday.
evening each month throughout the year.                      These cards are full value and good up to two years or
For more information or to express your interest, please     longer. Proceeds go toward our tuition assistance
contact the St. Agnes Cathedral office at 417-831-3565       program for deserving children in Catholic grade or high
or Jim Nixon at 417-988-9550.                                school. There is no extra cost or fees when you purchase a
                                                             card. We have cards for several restaurants, businesses,
                                                             and hotels as well as Visa, Discover, and American
                                                             Express cards. Buy them for gifts or purchase for your
 Welcome to St. Agnes Cathedral.                             own use. Cards we don’t have in our inventory must be
Join us on our St. Agnes Cathe-                              ordered by Mondays at 8:00am to receive that same
dral Facebook Group and our                                  week. Contact our front desk volunteers with any
website                                questions.
Saint Agnes Cathedral - 533 S. Jefferson Avenue, Springfield, MO 65806 417-831-3565 -
February 13, 2022
Reading 1                              Jer 17:5-8       Reading 2                              1 Cor 15:12, 16-20
Thus says the LORD:
        Cursed is the one who trusts in human           Brothers and sisters:
                  beings,                               If Christ is preached as raised from the dead,
                  who seeks his strength in flesh,      how can some among you say there is no resurrection
                  whose heart turns away from the       of the dead?
                        LORD.                           If the dead are not raised, neither has Christ been
        He is like a barren bush in the desert          and if Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain;
                  that enjoys no change of season,      you are still in your sins.
        but stands in a lava waste,                     Then those who have fallen asleep in Christ have
                  a salt and empty earth.               perished.
        Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD,      If for this life only we have hoped in Christ,
                  whose hope is the LORD.               we are the most pitiable people of all.
        He is like a tree planted beside the            But now Christ has been raised from the dead,
                  waters                                the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.
                  that stretches out its roots to the
                  stream:                               The Word of the Lord
        it fears not the heat when it comes;
                  its leaves stay green;
        in the year of drought it shows no distress,    Gospel                                     Lk 6:17, 20-26
                  but still bears fruit.                Jesus came down with the Twelve
                                                        and stood on a stretch of level ground
The Word of the Lord                                    with a great crowd of his disciples
                                                        and a large number of the people
                                                        from all Judea and Jerusalem
Responsorial Psalm              Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6
                                                        and the coastal region of Tyre and Sidon.
R Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.                And raising his eyes toward his disciples he said:
Blessed the man who follows not                                  “Blessed are you who are poor,
          the counsel of the wicked,                                      for the kingdom of God is yours.
                                                                 Blessed are you who are now hungry,
nor walks in the way of sinners,                                          for you will be satisfied.
          nor sits in the company of the                         Blessed are you who are now weeping,
insolent,                                                                 for you will laugh.
                                                                 Blessed are you when people hate you,
but delights in the law of the LORD                                       and when they exclude and insult
          and meditates on his law day and              you,
night.                                                                    and denounce your name as evil
R Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.                                  on account of the Son of Man.
                                                        Rejoice and leap for joy on that day!
He is like a tree                                       Behold, your reward will be great in heaven.
          planted near running water,                   For their ancestors treated the prophets in the same
that yields its fruit in due season,                    way.
          and whose leaves never fade.                           But woe to you who are rich,
                                                                          for you have received your
Whatever he does, prospers.                             consolation.
R Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.                         Woe to you who are filled now,
Not so the wicked, not so;                                                for you will be hungry.
                                                                 Woe to you who laugh now,
          they are like chaff which the wind                              for you will grieve and weep.
drives away.
For the LORD watches over the way of the                Woe to you when all speak well of you,
                                                                          for their ancestors treated the false
just,                                                   prophets in this way.”
          but the way of the wicked vanishes.
R Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.                The Gospel of the Lord
Saint Agnes Cathedral - 533 S. Jefferson Avenue, Springfield, MO 65806 417-831-3565 -
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                                                                 connect with your                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Take your FAITH ON A JOURNEY.
    Download Our Free App or Visit
                                                                Catholic Community
                                                                   with OneParish!
                                                                                                                           weekly bulletin                                                                                                                                                                                                                Call us today at 860-399-1785 or email
                                                                                                                           delivered by                                                                                                                                                                                       
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                                                      $19.95 a month                                                                               Year Sale!                                             Consumer Disclosure/Award Rules: All participants who attend an estimated 60-90 minute in-home product
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 ✔Friends/Family FREE Shipping                                                                                                                 75% OFF                                                    This offer is valid for homeowners over 18 years of age. If married or have a life partner, both cohabitating persons
                                                                                                                                                                                                          must attend and complete presentation together. Participants must have a valid photo ID, understand English, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                          be legally able to enter into a contract. The following persons are not eligible for this offer: employees of LeafGuard
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      pine needles, and debris
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Eliminates the risk of falling off a ladder to
                              FREE Activation
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                                                                                                                                                                                                          extended, transferred, or substituted except that LeafGuard may substitute a gift card of equal or greater value if it
                                                                                                                                                                                                          deems it necessary. Gift card and terms and conditions (
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      clean clogged gutters
                                                                                               This Button SAVES Lives!                       Offer does not include cost of material. Discount applied
                                                                                                                                                                                                          of such gift card will be mailed to the participant via first class US Mail within 21 days of receipt of promotion form
                                                                                                                                                                                                          provided at consultation. Not valid in conjunction with any other promotion or discount of any kind. Offer not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Durable, all-weather tested system not a
                                                                                                     As Shown GPS,                                 by representative at time of contract execution.
                                                                                                                                                               Offer ends 12/31/2021.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          sponsored or promoted by Darden Restaurants and is subject to change without notice prior to reservation. Offer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      flimsy attachment
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ends 12/31/2021. **FOR BALT/DC GIFT CARD AMOUNT IS $25**

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008100 St Agnes Cathedral                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-855-685-5703
Saint Agnes Cathedral - 533 S. Jefferson Avenue, Springfield, MO 65806 417-831-3565 - Saint Agnes Cathedral - 533 S. Jefferson Avenue, Springfield, MO 65806 417-831-3565 -
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