Penrith Chatterbus and Outings Calendar - SUMMER2022 - Active Care Network

Page created by Marie Acosta
Penrith Chatterbus and Outings Calendar - SUMMER2022 - Active Care Network

 Chatterbus and                                                 Updates
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 Outings Calendar                                               Chatterbox
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4722 3083 | |
Penrith Chatterbus and Outings Calendar - SUMMER2022 - Active Care Network
CEO Update.

Ben Jackson
CEO | Active Care Network

Hi Everyone                                            Having both COVID vaccination shots is now more
                                                       important than ever. Don’t forget to get all of the
It seems like things are heading in the right          right documentation too! We have already had
direction now that Sydney has reached the 90%          clients turned away from clubs for not having the
double vaccinated target. As I write this Transport    right vaccination certificate. It is very distressing
for NSW has announced we are back at 75%               for everyone but clients especially. If you need help
capacity on public transport as long as we are         then you can call us and ask us to help you get the
still wearing masks. We are looking forward to         right documentation.
December 15th where Active Care Network will
start to fully transition back to full operations on   We had a great response to our first overnighter
our buses.                                             to Floriade, unfortunately with the cancellation
                                                       of Floriade we will have to wait until next year
We spoke to many of you during lockdown and            to see the flowers. We are excited to be offering
we learnt many things. Some people were well           overnighters to the Hunter though. There is also a
supported and had family and friends they could        monthly and fortnightly schedule coming that will
lean on to help during lockdown, others felt           give you opportunities for more overnighters and
alone and distressed and we helped them reach          premium day trips.
out to support from our and other community
organisations.                                         Our Client Advisory Group will start Autumn 2022.
                                                       CAGs, as they are known as, are opportunities to
We also did a Harwood Ask exercise. Four simple        understand the challenges you face on the buses
questions starting with ‘What type of community        or getting in touch with us. Its an opportunity for
do you want to live in?’. You said you wanted a        you to tell us your ideas about how we can improve
safe, connected community where you could be           and for us to test ideas that we think will work for
independent. Most important to you were family         you. Keep an eye out for more details in the next
and friends in a community that looks out for each     Chatterbus.
other. You wanted a good community with a sense
of belonging and access to more activities. If you     Stay Safe and Keep Travellin’
want to tell us more please come to a Community
Conversation, we would love to see you there.          Ben

You will be able to book up to a month ahead for       •   If your chosen outing is cancelled, you may be
any social outings advertised in the January to            offered an alternative local outing in its place.
March outing calendar for 2022.
                                                           Please note however, that the availability
•   However outings may be cancelled by Active             of an alternative outing will be dependent
    Care Network right up to and including the             upon any current NSW Government COVID-19
    day of the scheduled outing.                           restrictions at the time.
Penrith Chatterbus and Outings Calendar - SUMMER2022 - Active Care Network
Community Transport
Updates.                                                                            Community Connections

PREMIUM DAY TOURS AND                                      CANBERRA
OVERNIGHT TRIPS                                            In February/March 2022, we are planning a trip to
By Nigel Mulvery                                           Canberra, where our featured excursion will be a
                                                           visit to Parliament House. We also plan to visit: the
CoVID-19 continues to present challenges in                National Capital Exhibition; the Museum of
developing and running our ‘away trips.’                   Australian Democracy (old Parliament House); the
Subsequently we were not able to run the planned           Australian War Memorial and wrap things up with
trips to Floriade due to travel restrictions and           a cruise on Lake Burley Griffin.
ultimately, the cancellation of the event itself. We
are however planning to run the same itinerary to          Costs are yet to be determined however if you wish
Floriade in 2022.                                          to express your interest please contact me on the
                                                           number below. For further information on any of
HUNTER VALLEY GARDENS AND NELSON BAY                       our ‘away trips’ please contact me (Nigel) on
The other good news is that our two day/one                02 4722 3083.
night trip to the Hunter Valley for the Hunter Valley
Gardens Christmas Lights will more than likely be          Thanks and hope to hear from you soon!
proceeding and we have commenced in taking                 All the best, Nigel.
bookings for this.
Departures for this exiting ‘away trip’ will be as
• Anglicare Retirement Village (The Ponds)
    – depart Monday, 13th December
• Blue Mountains, Penrith and Blacktown Area 2
    – depart Thursday, 16th December
• Blacktown Areas 1, 3 and 4
    – depart Wednesday, 12th January

Day one will consist of a visit to the Hunter Valley
Gardens during daylight hours, where we will enjoy
a guided tour on board their train ride (subject to        COMMUNITY TAXI CARD
Covid restrictions). We will then check into our
accommodation at the Wine Country Motor Inn at      In partnership with CabCharge, Active Care
Cessnock, have dinner (included) in the adjacent    Network is pleased to offer the Community
Leagues Club and from there return to the Gardens   Taxi Card. The Community Taxi Card allows
to enjoy the spectacular Christmas Lights display!  you greater choice, flexibility and control to
                                                    get around on weekends, evenings, and public
Day two will start the day with a light continental holidays.
breakfast (included) before we set off for Nelson
Bay, via Kurri Kurri. In Kurri Kurri we you will go on a   What are the benefits?
tour of some of the amazing murals that can be             •   It’s like a credit card for taxi travel, used with
found in the streets of this small country town.               companies who take CabCharge.
From there it’s off to Nelson Bay where we will            •   Active Care Network covers the first $20 of your
spend an hour or so cruising the waters of Port                fare, you will then pay the remainder.
Stephen looking out for dolphins and enjoying a            •   Greater flexibility means that you can book a
fish and chip lunch (included) before heading                   taxi when you need it without needing to make
home.                                                          an advance booking through Active Care
The total price for these exciting two day
adventure is $495 per person twin share (double/           If you think the Community Taxi Card is just what
single beds) or $565 if you want a room to yourself.       you need, please contact our Client Care Team on
                                                           4722 3083.
Penrith Chatterbus and Outings Calendar - SUMMER2022 - Active Care Network
CONNECTING WITH COMMUNITIES                           This program brings with it the great potential to;

THROUGH ACCREDITED                                    •   Transform lives.
TRAINEESHIP PROGRAMS                                  •   Create educational and vocational
                                                          opportunities that may otherwise be
Many younger people living in the communities             unrealistic for many of the participants.
in which we serve face the challenge of breaking      •   The opportunity to work in partnership with
down the cycle of disadvantage. Unemployment,             other organisations to achieve high quality
residing in social housing or homelessness impact         outcomes.
heavily on many younger people. Many younger          •   School based Apprenticeships.
people also struggle to find sustainable long term     •   The program is also designed to be
employment.                                               sustainable and brings with it an ongoing
                                                          benefit for participants, other stakeholders as
Active Care Network has for a number of years             well as the general community.
worked on breaking down these barriers through
the establishment of the Employment Training
                                                      THE ‘NEIGHBOURHOOD JOBS’
Program. This program is designed to assist
individuals in the development of the skills          PROGRAM
and confidence that provides them with their
best chance of reaching the goal of long term         In October 2021 Active Care Network transitioned
sustainable employment. This program also brings      ‘Neighbourhood Jobs’ into our training programs.
with it the benefits of physical, emotional, social    This initiative will greatly expand our current
and spiritual growth for program participants.        programs as well as providing a number of
                                                      important opportunities for young people to join
                                                      our program.
EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM                                    Neighbourhood Jobs is a social enterprise that
                                                      was established in 2018. Their mission has been
Active Care Network has also developed a new          to break down intergenerational poverty and
program which sees students transitioning from        unemployment by investing in young people
School to vocational employment. This program         locally. ‘Neighbourhood Jobs’ gardening and
will be undertaken in conjunction with a local High   lawns activities have been absorbed into Active
School.                                               Care Network’s Home Support team. Additionally
                                                      the training programs that support young people
This exciting new program provides;                   to find relevant pathways to employment will form
                                                      part of our new ‘Employment Training Program’
•   Connecting and assisting young people who         function in 2022.
    have complex needs.
•   Targeted industry specific traineeships.           We look forward to the many inspiring stories of
•   Identifying and providing pathways to             hopes realised and lives transformed, as we grow
    employment.                                       this vital community initiative.
•   Engaging with the wider community.
•   6 month work experience placements.
•   Job Placement opportunities (including 12
    month accredited Traineeships).
•   Tailored ongoing support and case
Penrith Chatterbus and Outings Calendar - SUMMER2022 - Active Care Network
Community Transport
                                                                                   Community Connections

HEALTH RELATED TRANSPORT                                  We are we looking for?

SERVICE CHANGES                                           We want passionate committed individuals who
                                                          want to give back to the community and make a
Important changes coming to clients residing in the
                                                          difference. To achieve this we offer a number of
Penrith and Blue Mountain Local Government Area.
                                                          interesting volunteering roles such as;

The fee to attend subsidised Health Related
                                                          •   Client Support Assistants
Transport services (Dialysis and Cancer treatment)
                                                              You will work with clients to keep them safe,
operating in the Nepean blue Mountains Local
                                                              and supported whilst they attending medical
Health District has undergone a review.
                                                              appointments as well as group social outings.

Therefore from July 2022 the subsidised fee will
                                                          •   Volunteer Drivers
slightly increase from $5.00 to $8.00 (one way or
                                                              Drive our vehicles to safely and reliably
                                                              transport our clients to medical appointments,
                                                              shopping trips and social and group outings.

                                                          •   Phone Reception and Booking Volunteers
                                                              Assist our clients on the phone and input
                                                              bookings into our computer system.

                                                          •   Administration and Co ordination Volunteers
                                                              You will work across one or a number of our
                                                              departments and assist our specialist staff in
                                                              this important work they are undertaking.

                                                          What can you expect whilst volunteering with us?

                                                          As an Active Care Network Volunteer you will
                                                          receive all the support and training you need to
                                                          get the most out of working with us. You will also
ACTIVE CARE NETWORK ARE                                   be reimbursed for any out of pocket expenses you
CURRENTLY RECRUITING                                      have whilst volunteering for us.
                                                          To find out more contact Michelle Atkins
As a not for profit community organisation, we
assist older Australians, people living with disability   on (02) 4708 9435
and people experiencing hardship to live their
best lives. At the same time we make sure that our        or email
staff are enjoying the important work they do.

Our vision is to create an empowered, engaged
and connected community innovating to achieve
independence and wellbeing. In our quest to
achieve this we want to ensure that our clients are
provided with the same opportunities to have
their health, wellbeing and social needs met as
anyone else in the community.
Penrith Chatterbus and Outings Calendar - SUMMER2022 - Active Care Network
Community Transport
Updates.                                                                        Community Connections

TRANSPORT BOOKINGS                                    •     Times provided may vary by up to 30 minutes
                                                            early for inward journeys or up to 30 minutes
Active Care Network wishes to advise you that               late for return journeys. This may be due to
some slight changes will be made to the way you             cancellations, traffic, weather and unforeseen
book transport services. Please take time to read           circumstances.
the following.                                        •     Clients are asked to be ready to leave their
                                                            home when the driver arrives. Please remain
Bookings:                                                   inside in case we need to contact you.
• The Active Care Network office accepts              •     For return journey if you have a mobile phone
   transport bookings between the hours of                  please have it available in case we need to
   9:00am and 4:00pm Monday to Friday.                      contact you.
• A minimum of one weeks notice is
   recommended for all booking requests and           Christmas and New Year closure and updates:
   bookings can be made up to a maximum of            • December 8th 2021 – Client Christmas Party
   one month in advance.                                 (see your outing calendar for details) please
• Active Care Network makes every effort to              note that limited transport services will run on
   accommodate all transport requests, however           this day
   making a booking does not guarantee                • December 14th 2021 – Active Care Network will
   transport will be available.       Transport is       be closed for staff training.
   dependent upon availability of resources,          • December 27th to December 31st our service
   especially for out of area transport.                 will be CLOSED. If you require transport to
• Please advise our office when booking if a             essential medical appointments during this
   support person (i.e. carer, spouse or friend)         period please contact our office so alternate
   is traveling with you, so that seating can be         arrangements can be made.
   correctly allocated.                               • January 3rd 2022 – New Year’s Day – Active
                                                         Care Network will not operate on this day.
Ongoing bookings:                                     • January 26 - Australia Day.
• If it is urgent please call back we will do what
  we can, however we cannot guarantee a               Cancellations and changes:
  booking.                                            Please contact our office as soon as possible if
• Bookings are not automatically renewed by           you (and your support person) no longer require
  staff and generally ‘standing bookings’ will not    transport or need to make changes to your
  be accepted (errors can occur when changes          upcoming booking .
  are made).
• Clients are encouraged to contact our office to     Messages:
  re-book their regular transports on a monthly       When leaving a phone message please clearly
  basis.                                              state your name, phone number and address.
                                                      Your patience and understanding is appreciated.
Late notice – bookings:
• Active Care Network understand that clients
   may occasionally receive late notification from                         STOP PRESS:
   their medical providers or forget to book.
• Every effort will be made to accommodate                 Subsidised Fee Changes effective 1 January, 2022.
   your request. However, services may not be
   provided if the necessary resources are not            Blue Mountains, Penrith, Blacktown Social Outings:
   available.                                                         Weekdays: from $20.00
• Active Care Network will advise you if transport                  Twilight outings: from $25.00
   cannot be provided.                                             Saturday outings: from $30.00

Notifications:                                                   Blue Mountains Food Services:
• You will receive an automated call advising of          Community Meals transport will increase to: $10.00
   your pick and return time, on the working day                       (one way or return)
   prior to your booking.
• If your answering machine is not working or you                      Blacktown Shopping:
   have not received a call please contact the                 Group shopping trips will be reduced to:
   office after 2:00pm if you wish to check timing.                  $10.00 (one way or return)
Penrith Chatterbus and Outings Calendar - SUMMER2022 - Active Care Network
Chatterbox.                                                                               Local Community

Our Chatterbox feature this edition                     working in Community Transport, there was so
is with Rebecca Roach who is Active                     much to learn, I had no idea what I was doing!
Care Network’s new Indigenous                           However, I was welcomed by the staff and
Transport Project Officer.                              received lots of support luckily. I am a pretty quick
                                                        learner so it didn’t take too long to pick it up!

           “Hi Rebecca, thank you for agreeing to       As far as what I have done at Active Care
be our ‘chatterbox’ for this edition!”                  Network, I have worked in the bookings
                                                        department, in administration and assisted in
RR: “Thanks and it’s great to have the opportunity      Client Care team. My most recent role was as a
to speak about this exciting new project”.              transport scheduler”.

          “Can you tell me who this project
benefits and what areas are included?”                               “Thank you Rebecca and I wish you
                                                        well with your new role I am sure you will do great
RR: “The funding covers Aboriginal and Torres           things for Active Care Network and the Aboriginal
Strait Islander people who reside in those three        people who you will assist.”
local government areas, these include Nepean,
Inner west and Western Sydney”.

           “What are you enjoying most about
your new role and why?”

RR: “Helping people, reaching out to the
community and finding gaps in current services
and how we can improve upon our current

          “What are some of the barriers you
have to overcome in your role, and how do you
overcome these?”

RR: “Having a presence in the community to build
relationships and trust. It is about finding the right
community leaders to support and enable me to
reach out to the wider community”.

             “How did you become interested in
this type of work?”

RR: “Our CEO believed I had potential regarding
this new role. I have also lived in the area and
could see that this was a great opportunity to
develop my skills”.

          “How long have you worked for Active
Care Network and in what capacity?”

RR: “I started working at Active Care in 2012,
before then I was concentrating on bringing up
my children. It was a shock to me to begin with
Penrith Chatterbus and Outings Calendar - SUMMER2022 - Active Care Network
Home Care.
                                                                                Gardening & Maintenance
                                                                                          Home Support

HOME SUPPORT SERVICES                                   •   Specialised detailed cleaning including
                                                            shampooing and steam cleaning
Our Home Support Services continues to grow. Our        •   Preparing homes for sale and end of lease
friendly and experienced Team are able to provide           cleans
a wide range of quality services, whether it is a       •   Contaminated cleaning
one-off, fortnightly or monthly based service. Our      •   Spring cleaning and de-cluttering services
team is here to meet our client’s needs and help        •   Window cleaning (internal and external)
them to remain independent and living at home.
                                                        Our promise to our Clients is that 100% of all surplus
A well-maintained garden creates an excellent           funds go towards our Community Connections
impression for your business and home. Whether          programs that are designed to support older
it is mulching, planting, hedging, or fertilising we    Australians and vulnerable marginalised people.
can create a customised package for your needs
                                                        ACTIVE CARE AND REPAIR
•   Garden rejuvenation
                                                        Many of our Clients continue to express the need
•   Landscaping projects
                                                        for help with their gardens and lawns during
•   General gardening such as pruning and
                                                        the ongoing restrictions caused by this awful
•   Lawn care – mowing, edging, fertilizing
                                                        After the initial Active Care and Repair Program
•   Clean ups and rubbish removal
                                                        that was operating last year, we continue to offer
•   Garden maintenance for Real Estate and
                                                        the program to our clients. This important program
    Commercial Properties.
                                                        both helps those in need with their gardens and
                                                        provides a social connection to this service which
Whether it’s mounting a picture on the wall
                                                        may be as simple as spending time with clients
or something a little more complex, our Home
                                                        over a cup of tea and listening to what is important
Support Services Team have got you covered. We
                                                        to them.
can provide a range of services such as:

•   Home modifications including step
    modifications, widening doorways, ramps, and
•   General building maintenance such as light
    bulb changes, door lock repairs and minor
•   External building gutters, walls, and window
•   Bathroom modifications including grab rails,
    handheld showers, and lever taps
•   Repairs to fences, gates, and paths
•   Repairs to flooring, patching, and painting
•   Plumbing and electrical services
•   Internal grabrails and external handrails

Our friendly team will ensure your space is cleaned
professionally, efficiently, and cost effectively. We
can provide a range of cleaning services to suit
your needs including:
                                                        Happy Active Care and Repair Clients Alison and Russell
                                                        Johnson with Active Care staff members Pat and Stephen.
Community.                                                                       Community Connections

ACTIVE GARDEN CLUB                                     The key components of the Active Care Gardening
                                                       Club include the following:
Regrettably due to the ongoing impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic on Greater Sydney, the launch        1.   The Active Gardening Club will initially operate
of our Penrith Active Garden Club was postponed             1 day each week from November on Friday
to early 2022. Our objective is to launch the Active        mornings from 10:00am to 1:00pm.
Garden Club after Australia Day in later January.      2.   Location: Penrith City Council Nursery at 2151A
Once launched, the Active Garden Clubs weekly               Castlereagh Road, Penrith.
program will include the following:                    3.   All of our clients and members of the local
                                                            community are welcome to join the Active
1. Regular weekly Gardening Club meetings at                Gardening Club.
   the Penrith City Council Nursery, located at        4.   There will be a mix of activities at the Nursery
   2151A Castlereagh Road, Penrith.                         and at other locations which will be set out on
2. Monthly Wellbeing and Education programs                 the 6 monthly timetable.
   facilitated by internal and external facilitators   5.   The Active Gardening Club will be led by
3. Gardening Club outings to local Gardens and              a qualified Horticulturalist and the weekly
   Parks and other places of interest.                      programs facilitated by experienced volunteers
                                                            with regular input from the staff of Active Care
                                                            Network and Penrith City Council.
Outings Calendar.

   SUMMER 2022

    4722 3083

Consistent with NSW Health advice, Active          So what does this mean?
Care Network is doing everything to ensure
that all of our staff and clients remain COVID
                                                      Day trips may be shorter or we will not
safe. All necessary precautions will be adhered
                                                      be going as far
to as updates become available to make sure
you have a safe trip and enjoy your day out.          You can Bring Your Own Lunch
This may also result in outings being cancelled,
postponed or modified to suit the current             Lunch can be purchased from a takeaway
climate. Active Care Network will advise you if       or café and eaten in a park
your booking is affected and your outing
confirmation notification will be updated               If clubs and other eateries are open then
                                                      this provides us another choice
accordingly. Please take time to listen to these
messages for relevant updates. We appreciate
                                                      Closer to the date lunch venues may be booked
your understanding and support during these
uncertain times and are endeavouring to               Some flexibility is required to have a
continue our outings as safely as possible.           great day out

Numbers on buses:                                  If you have any questions or concerns please
                                                   don’t hesitate to contact us. We would like to
   Social Distancing Requirements mean             welcome you back and joining your friends to
   larger buses are limited to carrying fewer      getting out and about and being socially active
   people to keep you safe                         again. Please give us a call on 4722 3083 option 2
                                                   to speak to the social outing bookings team.
Check which area you’re in to match it with the colour coded bar             appearing along-side
the date in each social outing.
As your health and safety is our main concern Active Care Network has made some changes to the way
we host social outings. We need to reduce the number of clients on each bus and ensure everyone
has opportunity to access our outings. We have separated suburbs into: East and West for Penrith,
Upper and Lower for Blue Mountains. Just check below which suburb you reside in and pick one of the
corresponding days on the social outings calendar.

PENRITH EAST                                          PENRITH WEST

Agnes Banks                     Kemps Creek           Badgerys Creek                  Luddenham
Berkshire Park                  Kingswood             Caddens                         Mulgoa
Castlereagh                     Kingswood Park        Claremont Meadows               Orchard Hills
Cambridge Park                  Llandilo              Emu Heights                     Penrith
Cambridge Gardens               Londonderry           Emu Plains                      Penrith South
Colyton                         Mt Vernon             Glenmore Park                   Regentville
Cranebrook                      Oxley Park            Jamisontown                     Wallacia
Erskine Park                    St Clair              Leonay
Jordan Springs                  St Marys
                                St Marys North
                                Werrington County    Important social outing information
                                Werrington Downs
                                                       Be prepared and ready however please wait
                                                       inside in case we need to call you.
                                                       Please listen to instructions from drivers and
                                                       carers regarding the order of the day, return times and
                                                       meeting places.
                                                       Make sure you have everything you need for the
                                                       day, medication, glasses, mobility aids, water, appropriate
                                                       clothing and comfortable shoes.
                                                       Remember to pack adequate supplies and
                                                       medication in case of delays.
Payment & Booking                                      If you can, try to have exact money or
                                                       as close to as possible.
   Call us on 4722 3083 to book your trips.            Remember to bring your sense of adventure.
   You can pay on the day, except where a pre          Ensure you bring your seniors or concession card.
   payment is asked for in the ad. Please have         All clubs need this for you to enter their premises
   exact change if possible.                           or for discount.
                                                       You will receive an automated message the day
   You can pay for your outing via online payment.
                                                       before your outing to advise you of your pick up time.
   Go to our website and
   select online payment. Select pay with a card.      Bookings are accepted on a “first come, first served” basis.
                                                       Once places are filled, a waiting list
   Call our finance team on 4722 3083 to pay
                                                       is maintained. If you need to cancel, please do so
   using your credit or debit card.

   You can pay by cheque, mail it to                   to someone on the waiting list.
   Active Care Network, PO Box 124, Lawson 2783        Active Care Network is unable to provide a carer for those
   To pay by EFT or at the bank (quote your name       who need individual support.
   and the trip date as reference) Commonwealth        Subsidised costs published for all social outings are
   Bank BSB 062 589 Account 111 101 96                 applicable to eligible clients and their carers.
Bonsai Nursery Tour
                WEST   WED 12TH JAN        EAST   THU 13TH JAN
                There is a well-established Bonsai Nursery set on 5 acres in Dural with    Bus - $20
                passionate staff wanting to answer all your questions about growing

                and looking after Bonsai. They have everything you need to start off
                and free advice and talks to help you along the way. This shop is
                accessible for all to come along. Lunch will be nearby.

                Seacliff Bridge Scenic Drive
                ALL AREAS   THU 27TH JAN
                Some may be familiar with this well – known destination and it never       Bus - $20
                seems to disappoint. First we call into Stanwell Tops where we get our
                first glimpse of the stunning coastline and Stanwell Park Beach below.
                Hopefully you will see the hang gliders in action today. We continue
                on past Coalcliff and across the Sea Cliff Bridge to stop for lunch at a
                lovely beachside location.

                Markets – Glenbrook Rotary Market
                ALL AREAS   SAT 5TH FEB
                Glenbrook Rotary Markets is held on the first and third Saturday of          Bus - $30
                each month. The market features handicraft, plants, fruit and veg,          Entry is Free
                delicious homemade food, clothing, soaps and personal items along
                with unusual handmade treasures, food outlets and coffee with live

                The Australiana Pioneer Village (Resheduled from July and November)
                ALL AREAS   WED 9TH FEB

                We have been lucky enough to rebook and secure a date as we have            Bus - $20
                missed out twice now. Join us for a trip back in time where they are        Entry - $6
                ‘Proud to Preserve the Past’ and share with you in a tour & talk today.     (includes Talk & Tour)
                You can bring your lunch today (or pre-order by Mon 31st Jan). Note:        Lunch - $15
                Tea & coffee is only included with the pre-ordered lunch but can be         (Set Menu)
                purchased in addition if you bring your own lunch. When you book for
                                                                                            Pay to the driver
                this day out, please tell us if you are ordering lunch and what your        on the day
                choice is.
                Lunch must be pre-ordered: (All meals come with cake & ice-cream,
                tea & coffee).
                • Chicken Schnitzel Chips & Salad
                • Beer Battered Fish Chips & Salad
                • Fish Cocktails, Garlic Prawns Chips & Salad

                Manly Dam & Clontarf Beach
                WEST   WED 23RD FEB        EAST   THU 24TH FEB
                Who knew there was a Dam in Manly? Well today we are going to visit         Bus - $20
                and see for ourselves. With its lovely picnic areas and water views we
                call in for a peak. Lunch will be nearby with ice-cream on Clontarf
                Beach to finish off.
Markets – Cobbitty Markets
              ALL AREAS   SAT 5TH MAR
             Experience a true country market day with many stalls selling an exciting Bus - $30
             and wide range of craft, hand made goods, gifts and wares. The market Entry is Free
             is in the grounds of Cobbitty Public School with lovely shade trees, some
             covered walkways and the delightful country atmosphere of Cobbitty
             town. Please Note: The school grounds are somewhat uneven in places so
             care needs to be taken while here.

             Centennial Park & Beach
             WEST    WED 9TH MAR        EAST   THU 10TH MAR
             Today we head back for a lovely drive around Centennial Park. Take the Bus - $20
             time to stretch our legs, maybe feed the ducks or see some horses. Lunch
             will be nearby today and we couldn’t possibly miss a visit to the beach
             when it’s just so close up the road.

             Community Conversations
              ALL AREAS   WED 16 & THU 17TH MAR
             Active Care Network has a goal to speak with every one of our clients in Bus is Free
             the next year. In having a conversation with us you will have an
             opportunity to talk about the community you want to be a part of and,
             importantly, you will also have a longer-term influence on how we better
             deliver our service and programs.

             Our preference is to have a friendly, in-person conversation with you and
             so we have organised free events that you can participate in. The
             transport will be free and there will be some lunch specials available at
             the venues so you can grab a bite before or after the event.

             Please join us and have your say.

             Rail Museum – Thirlmere
              ALL AREAS   WED 23RD MAR
             Home to Australia’s largest collection of working and static rolling stock,     Bus - $20
             NSW Rail Museum tells the story of our history with a significant collection     Museum Entry $10
             of rail heritage items that is now a major tourist attraction. Please join us   Pay to driver
             today as we receive a talk and tour to remember the past time with              on the day
             steam trains.

 INDIVIDUAL TRANSPORT (from one address to one destination) – Covering all suburbs within LGA
                                                                  Hours 7am to 4.30pm
 PENRITH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA                                      ONE WAY OR RETURN

 Single client                                                              $15.00
 Couple*                                                                    $20.00

 INDIVIDUAL TRANSPORT - Next LGA within ACN’s Service Area. Hours 9am to 3pm
 BLACKTOWN, BLUE MOUNTAINS                                          ONE WAY OR RETURN
 Single client                                                             $20.00
 Couple*                                                                   $25.00

 OUT OF AREA TRANSPORT - Limited services available – 9am to 3pm sharp!
                                                                    ONE WAY OR RETURN

 Single client                                                             $30.00
 Couple*                                                                   $35.00

                                                                    ONE WAY OR RETURN

 Single client                                                             $45.00
 Couple*                                                                   $50.00

 GREATER SYDNEY AREA TRANSPORT - Limited by volunteer availability – 9am to 3pm sharp!
 CONCORD, RYDE, HORNSBY                                             ONE WAY OR RETURN
 Single client                                                             $60.00
 Couple*                                                                   $65.00
 SYDNEY                                                             ONE WAY OR RETURN
 Single client                                                             $90.00
 Couple*                                                                   $95.00
 NORTHERN SYDNEY                                                    ONE WAY OR RETURN
 Single client                                                             $120.00
 Couple*                                                                   $125.00

 INDIVIDUAL TRANSPORT - Health Related Transport (Penrith/Blue Mountains Hospitals)
                                                                    ONE WAY OR RETURN

  TRANSPORT TO DIALYSIS/CHEMO ONLY                                         $5.00


* Couple rates are applicable when only one person is attending an appointment.
** Weekdays $20pp, Twilight $25pp, Saturday $30pp.
Please Note: Prices are subject to change without notice

Weekly shopping services run to the following centres. Please use the estimated arrival and
departure times when booking. Subsidised fares for all shopping buses are $10.00 per person.
Limit of 4 environmental shopping bags per person.


CENTRE               DAY               ARRIVAL TIMES                       DEPARTURE TIMES
                                       (estimated time and client areas)   (estimated time and client areas)

Nepean Square        Monday            10.00 am (All Penrith areas)        12.00 pm (All Penrith areas)

                                       8.45 am (Tench Ave Nepean Shores)   10.45 am (Tench Ave Nepean Shores)
Nepean Square        Tuesday
                                       9.45 am (Mulgoa Rd Mtn View)        11.45 am (Mulgoa Rd Mtn View)

Penrith Plaza        Wednesday         10.00 am (All Penrith areas)        12.00 pm (All Penrith areas)

                                       9.00 am (W'ton-St Marys)            11.00 am (W'ton-St Marys)
St Marys Shops       Thursday
                                       10.15 am (St Clair-Erskine Park)    12.15pm (St Clair-Erskine Park)

Nepean Square        Friday            10.00 am (All Penrith areas)        12.00 pm (All Penrith areas)


CENTRE               DAY                ARRIVAL TIMES                      DEPARTURE TIMES
                                        (estimated)                        (estimated)
                                        8.45 am (Kingswood, Penrith)       10.45 am (Kingswood, Penrith)
Nepean Square        Monday
                                        10.30 am (G'Park, Regentville)     12.30 pm (G'Park, Regentville)

Nepean Square        Tuesday            9.30 am (All Penrith areas)        11.30 am (All Penrith areas)

Emu Plains Lennox
Centre Shops         Thursday           9.00 am and 10.00 am               11.00 am and 12.00 pm

First Working MONDAY of the Month

CENTRE                        DAY             ARRIVAL TIMES                   DEPARTURE TIMES
                                              (estimated)                     (estimated)

Homemaker Centre              Monday          9.15 am or 10.45am              12.15 pm or 1.45 pm
(Includes: Chemist
Warehouse, Spotlight,

Please note:
Some flexibility with times may be required for all shopping services.
All shopping services are still being reviewed and will be available as soon as possible.
Please watch this space.
Help Line
Information.                                                                                    Feedback

Mental health assistance                              Aged Care Rights and Resources
Beyond Blue - 1800 512 348                            The Aged Care Rights Service
Lifeline - 13 11 14                                   Aged Care Information Line – 1800 500 853
Head to Health -
                                                      LGBTI Services
Counselling support - Free ongoing counselling        Programs and Resources for LGBTI Ageing
support contact your Doctor to discuss your           ACON –
needs and they may be able to refer you to see a
mental health professional. These sessions may be     Local Council contacts
covered under a subsidy through Medicare.             Blacktown Council - (02) 9839 6000
                                                      Penrith Council - (02) 4732 7777
Telecross                                             The Blue Mountains Council - (02) 4723 5000
The Australian Red Cross is able to set up a daily
check in phone call. To qualify you need to be        Using technology to contact family and friends.
living alone, and you need to be currently assisted   This is a well-established service in the UK, for
through the NDIS or My Aged Care. Please call the     information links and advice (see the website
number below to check on your eligibility.            details below).
Call 1300 885 698                           
Physical Health and exercise
Heart Foundation Walking – Active Mind Active         Further information
Brain. Call 1300 36 27 87.                            If you would like any further information on                    anything written here or if you would like to book
                                                      transport or gardening services through Active
Elder Abuse Help Line                                 Care Network please call us on (02) 4722 3083.
1800 353 374. However, please note: if you are
feeling unsafe or concerned you or someone else       ACTIVE CARE NETWORK
or may be harmed, call – 000.
                                                      ANNUAL CLIENT SURVEY
Where English is not you’re first language call
Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.      Active Care Network is committed to continuously
                                                      improving and developing the services that we
Planning Ahead Tools for future legal, health and     offer to our community.
financial decisions
NSW Office for Ageing and NSW Public Guardian         As part of this process over the next few weeks,
1300 887 529                                          we will be launching our Annual Client Survey. One
                                                      of our friendly staff will call you and ask a series of
My Aged Care: Coronavirus information and             questions to better understand your views on the
support for older Australians
                                                      services that we provide to you.
For older people at risk of COVID-19, how to
arrange support with personal care, meals and
                                                      We will also be asking for your feedback in
home support in emergency situations.
Call 1800 200 422                                     regard toany improvements to our servicesthat
Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and               you wish to suggest. We would be very grateful if
Saturday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.                         you would be willing to participate in the survey.           Our objective is to speak to as many of you as
support                                               possible in order to identify and meet your needs.

                                             4722 3083 |
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