Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY

Page created by Sean Buchanan
Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY
Parish STAFF

    28-47 43 Street, Astoria, NY 11103
  Phone: (718) 278-1611
Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
           Mass Schedule                                           August 22, 2021
Saturday, August 21: St. Pius X                          As for me and my household, we will serve the
8am:   Lydia Aponte                                                        Lord.
5pm:   Grace & Peter Pipia, Fallon & Losty Family,                                                         — Joshua 24:15b
       Lauriano Polino                                DECISIONS
Sunday, August 22: Twenty-First Sunday in             There is an axiom that states, “Not to decide is to
Ordinary Time                                         decide.” This saying was popular in the turbulent times
7:45am:  Danny Antonelli Jr                           of the Vietnam War. It urged us not to allow others to
9:00am:  Alberto Russo, Giovanni Dellpolla,           answer the moral questions raised by our nation’s
         Maria Esther & Jose Antonio Moscoso          involvement in that terrible conflict, but to decide for
         Sabina & Sixto Marzana,                      ourselves. Making such choices is never easy. Avoiding
         Carmen Sanchez (Special Intention)           them is common. Jesus, for his part, was not only a
10:30am: Enrique Cevallos, Florencia Brown            gallant risk-taker, but a clear decision-maker. As he
12:00pm: Albert Harrison                              pursued the mission to which the Father called him, he
                                                      continually decided for us and for the Father. He
Monday, August 23: St. Rose of Lima                   worked hard to lay out a scenario that would enable
12:00pm: Bertyl Emilio Balbas                         others to make similar choices. Never did he make
Tuesday, August 24: St. Bartholomew                   decisions for others or force others into decisions, even
                                                      decisions that had eternal ramifications. Jesus is inviting
8:00am:    Luis & Antonio Marsigan &
                                                      us to make such decisions today. We won’t be
           Family (special intention)
                                                      absolutely sure. What is sure, however, is the command
Wednesday, August 25: St Louis; St.                   that issues from God’s word: Take the risk. Decide!
Joseph Calasanz
12:00pm:    Anna Gulmini, Xubert Family,
                                                      READINGS FOR THE WEEK
            Rev Msgr D Joseph Finnerty                Monday:   1 Thes 1:1-5, 8b-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b;
                                                                Mt 23:13-22
Thursday, August 26                                   Tuesday: Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18;
8:00am:    Bolivar Ramos                                        Jn 1:45-51
                                                      Wednesday:1 Thes 2:9-13; Ps 139:7-12ab; Mt 23:27-32
Friday, August 27: St. Monica                         Thursday: 1 Thes 3:7-13; Ps 90:3-5a, 12-14, 17;
12:00pm: Luigi Scopaz                                           Mt 24:42-51
Saturday, August 28: St. Augustine                    Friday:   1 Thes 4:1-8; Ps 97:1, 2b, 5-6, 10-12;
8am:   Marie Franco                                             Mt 25:1-13
5pm:   Rosa Chiaramonte, Donato Biasi,                Saturday: 1 Thes 4:9-11; Ps 98:1, 7-9; Mt 25:14-30
       Guadalupe Flores, Epifania Pisan               Sunday:   Dt 4:1-2, 6-8; Ps 15:2-5; Jas 1:17-18,
                                                                21b-22, 27; Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Sunday, August 29: Twenty-Second                      ***********************************************************************
Sunday in Ordinary Time                                           Sanctuary Lamp for the weekend of
7:45am: Mass Intention Available                                  August 21st—22nd will burn in loving
9:00am: Giordano Vlacich, Olga Galosic                            memory of James Carmody.
10:30am: Alberto Gallardo Espinoza,                               As requested by his wife Agnes Carmody.
         Enrique & Miguel Garcia
12:00pm: Agostino deGouvȇa                                            Bread & Wine for the weekend of
                                                                      August 21st—22nd will be consecrated in
                                                                      loving memory of James Carmody.
                     The Sick and the Homebound                       As requested by his wife Agnes Carmody.
                          Maria Carmen Rosa,
                            Gregorio Avila,                           Bread & Wine for the week of
                          AnaPoola N Garcia,                          August 23rd—27th will be consecrated in
                           Patricia Freeman                           memory of Kenny DiLauro (Birthday).
                                                                      As requested by Linda & Joe DiPietro.
                             Those Who Have Entered
                                 into Eternal Life                    Bread & Wine for the weekend of
                                   Corrado Bicari,                    August 28th—29th will be consecrated in
                                  Robert Anzalone,                    memory of John Fabijanic.
                                  Rocco Gentilella,                   As requested by the Fabijanic Family.
                                    Olga Galosic,
                               Irene Michelle Ward
Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY
Message From The Pastor
This past week we celebrated the Solemnity of the Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary. In Italy this is a very big Feast day. Many of the
girls in Italy are called “Assunta,” after this Feast day. I have a very big devotion to the
Blessed Virgin Mary. My last parish was Our Lady of Grace. In that parish I had a 8 foot
painting commissioned of the Assumption of our Lady into Heaven. Today August 22nd, we
typically celebrate the “Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary.” It was on this day almost
twenty years ago that I heard Jesus call me to the Priesthood. Our Blessed Mother has been
with me every step of the way. In this month of August where we celebrate these two beau-
tiful days dedicated to the mother of Jesus, let us always turn to her. Our Lady will never
let us down nor fail to help us in times of need.
In Christ,
Father Vincent Chirichella
                           Thank you…
I would like to thank everyone who made the Mass of Saint Rocco
such a special one for our parish, and the Society of Saint Rocco. It
was beautiful to have Bishop DiMarzio with us this year! I would
like to thank the society members, and most especially the Presi-
dent of the society Vincenzo Carpinelli. I would like to thank Jo-
seph, Pasquale, and Antonietta for the beautiful music. As we con-
tinue to walk together, as a parish family let us love one another.
In Christ,
Father Vincent

Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY
Vigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo                                                            Food Pantry
                Ordinario                                                  Our Food Pantry is open every Thursday from
           22 de agosto de 2021                                            8:00 to 10:00am, to assist any parishioner that is in need
 En cuanto a mí toca, mi familia y yo serviremos al                        of food. To register please bring a NYC Benefit card.
                      Señor.                                               Please Note: The Secure Food Deposit Box…
                                                       — Josué 24:15b
************************************************************************   Located in the front lobby of our church on the Rectory
LA TOMA DE DECISIONES                                                      side. Please deposit all dry food (pasta,
Hay un axioma que dice “No decidir es decidir”. Este                       rice, beans, cans and bottles) there. This
dicho fue muy popular en los turbulentos tiempos de la                     will assist us in securing that your food
Guerra de Vietnam. Nos instaba a no permitir que otros                     donations go directly to the needy.
respondieran a las cuestiones morales planteadas por la                    Please do not donate expired food.
participación de nuestro país en ese conflicto terrible, sino
decidir por nosotros mismos. Esa clase de decisiones
nunca es fácil. Evitarla es común. Jesús, por su parte, no                 On August 22nd we will be taking
solo era un valiente arriesgado, sino un claro tomador de                  registration for Religious Education
decisiones. Al buscar cumplir la misión a la que el Padre                  after the 9am, 10:30 am, and 12 noon
lo había llamado, continuamente tomó decisiones por
nosotros y por el Padre. Trabajó duro para establecer                      in the Gathering Space. Registration
condiciones que permitieran a los demás tomar decisiones                   for 1 child is $100, 2 children is $150,
similares. Nunca tomó decisiones por los demás ni forzó a                  and 3 or more children is $200.
nadie a tomarlas, incluso las decisiones que tenían
ramificaciones para la eternidad. Jesús nos invita a tomar                 El 22 de agosto estaremos registrando
estas decisiones hoy día. No estaremos absolutamente                       para Educación Religiosa después de
seguros. Lo que es cierto, sin embargo, es el mandato que                  las 9 am, 10:30 am y 12 del mediodía
sale de la Palabra de Dios: arriésgate. ¡Decide!                           en el espacio de reunión. La
FIESTA DE LA FE                                                            inscripción para 1 niño cuesta $100, 2
Santo es el Señor                                                          niños cuesta $150 y 3 o más niños
Durante la Plegaria Eucarística hay una aclamación que                     cuesta $200.
toda la asamblea canta: el Santo. Con esta aclamación, nos                 Estamos vendiendo boletos
unimos a las “potestades celestiales” al reconocer la total                para una rifa, la misma que
santidad de Dios y no sólo confesamos que es santo, sino
que lo repetimos cantando. Esta aclamación está tomada
                                                                           nos ayudará on el costo del
de Isaías 6:3, a quien la gloria y santidad de Dios se le                  arreglo del aire
revelan. Esta misma alabanza a la santidad de Dios se ha                   acondicionado.
combinado con el “Hosanna” que, traducida directamente
del hebreo significa “da salvación, por favor”. El                                        Tenemos 3 Premios
Evangelio de Mateo le atribuye este término a Jesús:                       1er Premio—$1,500
“Hosanna al Hijo de David, bendito el que viene en                         2nd premio—$1,000
nombre del Señor. Hosanna en las alturas”. Esta alabanza                   3er premio—$500
se hace no sólo en reconocimiento de su divinidad, sino de
la salvación que nos trae. Por eso cantamos la santidad del                La rifa se llevará a cabo el día 12 de Septiembre.
Dios trinitario, que es Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. Esa                  Arriesgue y ayude a nuestra parroquia al mismo tiempo
misma santidad es la vocación universal de toda la                         Esperamos contar con su ayuda.
comunidad de creyentes; estamos llamados a ser el pueblo
santo de Dios y lo que celebramos ha de transformar                        We are selling tickets for a
nuestra vida para que también seamos santos, porque                        raffle to help us with the cost
nuestro Dios es santo.                                                     of fixing our air
EL CAMINO                                                                  conditioning.
Es difícil preparar a un niño de una manera que los padres
no lo hagan ellos mismos.                                                                   We have 3 Prizes
                                                             —Anónimo      1st Prize—$1,500
                                                                           2nd prize—$1,000
BENDECIDO                                                                  3rd prize—$500
Si tienes visión estás bendecido. Si tienes intuición estás
bendecido mil veces más.                                                   The raffle will take place on September 12th.
                                                             —Anónimo      Come by the parish office to purchase your tickets!
Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY
The Annual Catholic Appeal seeks to raise a minimum of $8 mil-
                                            lion to provide programs and ministries throughout the Diocese
                                                    and support the local efforts of parishes like ours.
                                                      The goal at St. Joseph’s Church is $50,048.

          As of August 9th, 99 families have pledged $42,991. The ACA has received $39,754.32.
Once we exceed our goal, we will then receive 100% of all funds raised above this figure directly back to
                                                our parish.

         For questions regarding the Annual Catholic Appeal, please contact the Parish Office at
Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY
Se hace ropa a la medida y                                                                                                   Grow in your faith,
                                              alteraciones en general.                                                                                                     find a Mass, and
                                                     Se Habla Español
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                                                                                                                                Call us today at 860-399-1785 or email                  Your Will.
                                                                                                                                         For further information,
                                                                                                                                          please call the Parish Office.
453100 St Joseph Church                                                                                                            For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY
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