ZION NEWS - Zion Lutheran Church

Page created by Jose Maxwell
ZION NEWS - Zion Lutheran Church
                                    1216 W. 8th Street—Davenport, IA 52802
                                            www.ziondavenport.org                              June
                                  Growing in faith…             ...to reach out in love

      Words from Pastor Clark...
       “We live in a culture in which our first reaction and response to something we don't like or are
       uncomfortable with is to want to change it. We want it to go away...so we want to change it. What we
       have not learned to do is to give ourselves the space and time to simply observe it as it is, to make
       friends with it.”
               Zen Buddhist priest, Rev. angel Kyoto williams in her book, Radical Dharma

I have the fruit of the Spirit on my mind, these days after Pentecost. Especially, patience.

The “Fruit of the Spirit” Christian camp song that I learned listed all of them--love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. And patience was sung like this,

What better way to make the meaning clear than to hold the note and sing it long and slow. Though it’s a
lesson I needed repeated. Or so thought a colleague of mine, when she felt I--as a pastor bringing
confirmation students to camp--was in too big of a hurry. She sang her playful rebuke, “The fruit of the Spirit
are Love, Joy, Peace, Paaaaaatience!”

She was right. Rev. angel Kyoto williams is right too. It’s a practice of patience to give that kind of space and
time. Isn’t it patience to simply observe what we don’t like or are uncomfortable with? Isn’t it more than
patience? How many fruit of the Spirit are involved in making friends with what (or who) we dislike and find
discomforting? All of them?

Several years ago, I was living a life of extreme impatience. My Google calendar from that time is jam packed
with back to back to back meetings and commitments and responsibilities. There’s a song from the hit
musical, “Hamilton,” called “Non-Stop.” One line always catches me with a sting of truth: “Why do you write
like you're running out of time?” Why was I pastoring like I’m running out of time?

I was in such a compulsive autopilot mode that I couldn’t begin to say why. But one day, I woke up to the real
cost. Or I started to. With years of perspective at a slower past, I can see better now how back then, I lost
myself. I lost touch with my family. I lost touch with God. I reached out to a mentor, as God started waking me
up, and she became my spiritual director. Every month for over five years we’ve met via Zoom: she from
upstate New York, me from Iowa. And she asks about my spirit and how the Holy Spirit is moving around me
and within me. She checks in to make sure I’m maintaining a discipline of giving myself space and time to
simply observe what is, to make friends, to let God find me.

“Don’t push the river,” she reminded me just the other day. And then we reminisced about how--for all the
pandemic’s disruption and devastation--the early lockdown phase brought real blessing. The people in my
immediate circles were healthy, and I got a taste of life without a daily 90 minute commute. In no small way, it
opened me to the call to Zion.

So I’m not so eager to “go back to normal.” And I worry about rushing to resume “normal” activities (or
persisting in unsustainable, busy-making COVID adaptations). How can we heed St. Paul’s encouragement
to “Live in the Spirit” and bear the fruit of the Spirit? When is activity just a shallow, compulsive replacement
for what we really need--real community and communion?

Real community and communion are gifts of God. They are not our creations. The fruit of the Spirit are a
byproduct of life lived in God’s gracious rhythms. There’s no shortcuts and no forcing it. Have paaaaaatience!

Thanks be to God.

Pastor Clark Olson-Smith
ZION NEWS - Zion Lutheran Church
Zion News—June 2021                                                                                   page 2

 From the Deacon...
 Food Pantry News: Excitement abounds for and at the food pantry! Activity is
 returning slowly but surely. Over the past month a dedicated group of folks have
 been gathering to plan for the pantry reopening. There has been throwing out-
 dated food away due to the Covid-19 closing, cleaning and organizing shelves,
 taking inventory, and looking forward to a reopening date. The group is looking
 at a possible opening at the end of June. In the meantime, we need to restock
 supplies that are not available at the Food Bank so we are looking to you for help.
 Here are a few of the items the pantry needs:
 toilet paper           margarine
 dish soap              can openers
 clean grocery bags
 If you would like to donate any of these items, please drop them off at the church and they will get to the
 pantry. If you have questions or are interested in volunteering please talk with Janine.
 Neighborhood Ministry is in continuing conversation with Churches United about the return of the
 meal site to our facility. We are focusing on possible ways to serve the meals so all will be safe and remain
 healthy. Along with the use of the building Zion in the past has provided a meal once every other month. A
 reminder to all, Zion provides the facility and Churches United coordinates the meals and provides staff.
 We look forward to the time when we will again share in this ministry of food.
 Zion, activity is increasing and becoming more visible so I encourage you to listen to where God might be
 calling you to serve.
 God’s peace. Deacon Janine
 Vacation: Deacon Janine will be on vacation from May 31-June 12. She will be traveling to visit with family
 and to enjoy the energy and beauty of Lake Superior.

  The ZLCW Board is regrouping after a year-long break. Gabi Machalek will continue
  as ZLCW President through December 2021.
     Our first meeting will convene Saturday, June 5th at 9:30am at Zion.
     Please attend if you are an executive board member or circle chair/

                       We are looking forward to seeing everybody again!
                          Direct any questions to Gabi at 309-472-9815
ZION NEWS - Zion Lutheran Church
Zion News—June 2021                                                                                  page 3

               RE-GATHERING                                  UPDATE

 The Regathering Task Force’s May 6th meeting resulted in two recommendations to Council:
  Remain in Phase II for the next month with all protocols in place and continuation of online worship.
  Approve small group usage of Fellowship Hall with clear communication of Phase I and Phase II
   protocols to any group requesting use.
 These recommendations followed the group’s review of the current regional Covid-19 positive case data.
 Both Scott and Rock Island Counties’ number of positive cases fell slightly from an early April high and
 remained relatively steady throughout the remainder of the month. Scott County’s positivity rate fell from
 an April high of 11.2% to 7.4% by the end of the month. The number of vaccinated people throughout the
 region continued to increase through the month of April. The community’s health system continues to
 have sufficient capacity to provide care as needed.
 The task force also discussed small group gatherings within the church building outside of the worship set-
 ting. After significant discussion the group agreed to recommend that small group gatherings be allowed
 with clear communication of Phase I and Phase II protocols provided to the group(s) before they gather.
 We reviewed the latest CDC guidance regarding safe activities for vaccinated and unvaccinated individu-
 als. This guidance factored into our recommendation to council and is attached for your information.
 Note: CDC recently updated this guidance which we’ll consider at our next meeting.
 The task force meets again on Thursday, June 3rd.
 Members of the task force include: Steve Klecker, Steve Howland, Amy Petersen, Keith Haan, Mike
 Shields, RoxeAnn Ford, and Kris Tucker.

          Piece-Corp Quilting                                 June Senior Birthdays
                                                          6/01    Gerald Rome
                                                          6/05    Anita Hagen
                                                          6/07    Christian Lorenzen
                                                          6/08    Marian Stroupe
         The quilters will meet on
                                                          6/13    Margaret Dau
            Thursday, June 10th                           6/14    Robert Blomgren
                      at 9:30am                           6/21    Sherry Koens
             in Fellowship Hall                           6/27    Sandra Jurgens
                                                          6/27    David Seitz
ZION NEWS - Zion Lutheran Church
Zion News—June 2021                                                             page 4

CAMPERSHIPS for EWALU are                           Food Pantry meeting June
available. Zion will pay one-half of                9th at 1:00 at Zion. Please
the registration fee plus $10 to                    contact the office to RSVP as
spend at the Canteen. Brochures                     we continue to follow the
are available at church or you may                  COVID-19 building protocols.
                                                    If you have any questions
register at ewalu.org
                                            feel free to contact Kris Tucker.

                      Please register for
                      Camps by June 15th
                                                     Pastoral Care
                      and be sure to let     When you have a need for pastoral care
                                             at any time, please don’t hesitate to call
                      the office know!                 Pastor Clark either at
                                                   the church (563-322-3533)
                                                    or his cell (563-271-6176)
Zion members may apply for a college
scholarship of $500 to go towards
full-time enrollment in a two or four
year undergraduate college. Please
call the office for an application or
email to: office@ziondavenport.org

                                                  A MEMORIAL LUNCHEON
                                                         for Bud Kelley is
                                                 Sunday, June 20, 2021 at 12pm
                                                     at the Harrison’s house

                           New arrival!         (2609 Avalon Drive—Bettendorf)

Oakley Rae was born to Mindy &               There will be a brief service followed by
Jesse Werner on May 7, 2021 at 6lbs
                                                           a luncheon.
2 oz.
Family members include big brother           Thanks to all that remembered Bud and
Oliver, grandparents Kathy & Gary              his family with cards, memorials, and
Morris, and great-grandparents Jim
                                             love especially within the last few years!
& Sherry Koens. Congratulations!
ZION NEWS - Zion Lutheran Church
Zion News—June 2021                                                                                  page 5

                                        Katey Harrison’s graduation party open house
                                        is on Saturday, June 19, 2021 from 2pm-5pm at
                                                     the Harrison’s House
                                             (2609 Avalon Drive Bettendorf, IA)

             Council Highlights
          From the May 10, 2021 meeting
Property—Existing ceiling materials were tested and no
asbestos was found. Roof is in good shape. Ceiling to be
repaired from water damage—recommended to install
suspended ceilings in Dengler Lounge, nursery, wom-
en’s restroom and second office.
Re-Gathering Task Force— Zion to remain in Phase II
for the next month wil protocols in place. Approve small
group usage of Fellowship Hall.
Worship & Music—The addition of a children’s message
to on-line worship has been well received.
New Business—Check for $500 to be sent to Churches                Zion Lutheran Church Staff
United for ministry support. Consideration given to
                                                            The Rev. Clark Olson-Smith, Pastor
holding a Council “meet and greet” with Pastor Clark.       pastor@ziondavenport.org
Zion to provide camperships equal to one-half of the        Deacon Janine Johnson, Outreach Ministries
registration fee plus $10 for canteen account.              deacon@ziondavenport.org
                                                            Keith Haan, PhD, Organist /Adult Choir Director
Support Zion’s full-time students enrolled in two or four
year colleges with a scholarship of $500 for the 2021-      Jonathan Turner, Accompanist
2022 school year.                                           Rosie Bates, Childrens’ Choir & Handbells Dir.
Next council meeting will be Tuesday, June 22nd at          Colleen Peterson, Office Administrator
6:30pm at Zion. (Note day & date change) Steve              office@ziondavenport.org
Howland will offer opening devotions.                       Ken Stoltenberg, Custodian
ZION NEWS - Zion Lutheran Church
Zion Lutheran Church
    Davenport, Iowa

Sun             Mon          Tue            Wed            Thu            Fri   Sat

                             1              2              3              4     5
Reservations required for                   6:30pm         7pm                  9:30am
    in-person worship:                      Worship &      Re-Gathering         ZLCW Board
                                            Music (Rm 8)   Task Force           Mtg at Zion
     563-322-3533 or                                       (Zoom)
6               7            8              9              10             11    12
PENTECOST 2                                 1pm Food       9:30am
                                            Pantry mtg     Piece-Corp
9am worship                                                Quilting
10:30 worship

13              14           15             16             17             18    19
PENTECOST 3                  6pm Faith
Worship time                 Room 8

20              21           22             23             24             25    26
PENTECOST 4                  630pm Church
Worship time                 Council
pending                      (note Day
                NEWSLETTER   change)
Father’s Day    DEADLINE
Summer begins

27              28           29             30
                                                               Online worship available
Worship time
                                                                     on website:
ZION NEWS - Zion Lutheran Church ZION NEWS - Zion Lutheran Church
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