BASKETBALL: MEN'S - Crossroads League

Page created by Bill Duncan
 All business conducted by sport committees must be submitted as recommendations to the Administrative Committee.

  I.    Regular Season
           A. Schedule
               1.Crossroads League schools will play each other twice during the basketball season.
                 One game is a home game, and one game is an away game. The team with the best
                 won-lost record at the end of regular season play will be declared the league

                 2.The Crossroads League men’s basketball schedule for 2020-21 will begin on Saturday,
                   November 21, 2020.

                 3.Starting time of the games – Crossroads League varsity games will begin at 7:00 pm
                   on weekdays and 3:00 pm on Saturdays, unless both coaches and both athletic
                   directors agree to change the starting time.
                 4.During Crossroads League games, each league institution will recognize media
                   timeouts at the 16-minute mark and 8-minute mark of each half while retaining the full
                   complement of timeouts allowable per contest (four full timeouts and two 30-second
                   timeouts). Media timeouts should be 60 seconds in length unless the media present
                   requests a maximum of 75 seconds.
                 5.Teams are required to schedule Saturday doubleheaders. Order of games will be a 1:00
                   pm women’s game and a 3:00 pm men’s game. All mid-week doubleheaders must be
                   scheduled on a Wednesday evening. An exception to the mid-week doubleheader rule
                   (playing on Wednesday) will be allowed for the Tuesday/Wednesday before
                   Thanksgiving. Doubleheaders will be allowed on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.
                 6.During all league doubleheaders, the court must remain available during halftime of
                   the first game for teams from the second game to warmup on.
                 7.During all league doubleheaders, a minimum time of 30 minutes will be between
                   games to allow for warmup for the second game. That period could last longer if the
                   first game ends early. The second game will not begin prior to 3:00 pm.

            B. Cancellation and Postponement Policy
                 1.League games may not be cancelled.
                 2.If a game is postponed due to inclement weather the following communication process
                   will apply:
                            a. Verbal contact should be made between both coaches
                            b. Both coaches agree on the status of the game
                            c. Both athletic directors should be informed and involved in the decision.
                            d. Home coach will notify via e-mail (and phone call) the Supervisor of
                               Officials to advise of the change.
                            e. Home coach will attempt to contact the officials for the game.

Crossroads League Procedures Manual 2020/2021
3.Single league games that are cancelled on a Saturday, the make-up game should take
                   place the following Thursday.

                4.Single league games that are cancelled on a Tuesday, the make-up game should be
                  played on the immediate Wednesday (if a doubleheader makes sense) or immediate
                  Thursday. If the immediate Thursday is unplayable, the game will be pushed to the
                  following Thursday. Multiple cancellations need to be made up in the order of
            C. Senior Recognition and Pregame Programs

                 1.Senior recognition should be limited to 10 minutes or be done after the game has been
                 2.Pregame video presentations should be limed to less than 60 seconds in length.
                 3.All institutions will follow the pregame timing sheet provided by the Crossroads
                   League, and will ensure that all games begin at their schedule time.

 II.    Rules Governing Play – NCAA Men’s Basketball Rules will govern play.

III.    Official Balls – In regular season play, Crossroads League schools may use the ball of their
        choice, but the official NAIA championship ball (Spalding TF 1000) is recommended. The
        official NAIA championship ball (Spalding TF 1000) will be used during the Crossroads League
        postseason tournament. The host school(s) will be responsible to provide the official NAIA
        championship ball (Spalding TF 1000). If available by contract these balls may be supplied by
        the NAIA National Office.

IV.     Officials

            A. Bo Boroski will be responsible for assigning officials for the 2019-20 season.
            B. Three officials are to work each game at a cost of $200.00 per official.
            C. An alternate official for the Crossroads League Tournament Championship game should
               be assigned at a cost of $100.00.
            D. In case of emergency, mutually agreed upon (by both coaches) officials may be used.
            E. If only two officials show up at a game, the game will be played with two officials in the
               event a third official cannot be mutually agreed upon by both coaches.
            F. It is not the official’s duty to provide a substitute official.
            G. Filing of a written protest must take place no later than three days after the completion of
               the protested game.

            H. Please note the Crossroads League schools will be using a voucher system for officials’

 V.     League Tournament

            A. The top eight (8) teams in the final league standings will compete in the league

Crossroads League Procedures Manual 2020/2021
B. Standings at the end of regular season play will be used for determining seeding for the
               League Tournament and for All-Sports Trophy purposes.
            C. In the event of a tie between two teams in the final league standings, the following tie-
               breaker procedure will be used in order for the purpose of seeding teams into the league
                 1.(Tiebreaker #1) League won/loss records against schools involved in the tie (i.e. head-
                 2.(Tiebreaker #2) Start at the top of the league standings and compare their records with
                   the teams in order of final league standings
                 3.(Tiebreaker #3) League road wins – won/loss records against schools on the road
                   involved in the tie: league road games only.
                 4.(Tiebreaker #4) National rating
                 5.(Tiebreaker #5) Coin toss between teams, to be administered by the men’s basketball
                   sport chair.

            D. In the event of ties between three or more teams in the final league standings, the same
               tie-breaker as above (Letter C) should be used with the following principle to be
               followed: Tiebreaker #1 will use the aggregate head-to-head record among the tied teams
               in an attempt to break the tie. If the aggregate head to head records break the ties between
               all teams involved, there will be no need to move to Tiebreaker #2. If all teams are still
               tied at Tiebreaker #1, continue through the remaining tiebreakers until at least one team
               can be eliminated. Once at least one team has been eliminated and a tie still exists
               between two or more teams, the team(s) that can be eliminated from the tie will be placed
               in the appropriate seeding position(s). For the remaining teams that are still tied, the
               tiebreaking process starts over at Tiebreaker #1 and continues until all ties are broken.

            E. Games will be played at the home of the higher seeded team.

            F. Playoff Structure
                First Round: #1 vs. #8 | #4 vs. #5 | #2 vs. #7 | #3 vs. #6
                Wed. February 24, 2021 – 7:00 pm

                Semifinals: #1/#8 Winner vs. #4/#5 Winner | #2/#7 Winner vs. #3/#6 Winner
                Sat. February 27, 2021 – 3:00 pm

                Championship: Semifinal Winners
                Tue. March 2, 2021 – 7:00 pm

            G. Starting times – Crossroads League Tournament games will begin at 7:00 pm on
               weekdays and 3:00 pm on Saturdays, unless both coaches and both athletic directors
               agree to change the starting time. Any proposed changes to the standard 7:00/3:00 start
               times should be made as soon as possible after each matchup is determined.
            H. Officials will be assigned through the Crossroads League by Bo Boroski.

Crossroads League Procedures Manual 2020/2021
I. The host athletic director in conjunction with the men’s basketball chair will coordinate
               the Crossroads League Men’s Basketball Tournament.
            J. Financial Report Form – Host school(s) for all Crossroads League Postseason contests
               will use the supplied Financial Report Form to report expenses and gate revenues to the
               League Commissioner. Revenue (net) and the Financial Form are to be forwarded to the
               League Office one week after the Crossroads League postseason is complete.

VI.     NAIA Postseason Qualification – The winner of the Crossroads League regular season (No. 1
        seed in the tournament) and the winner of the Crossroads League Tournament will receive
        automatic bids to the NAIA Division II National Championship. The 2nd place regular season
        finisher, #2 seed, will receive the 2nd automatic bid to the NAIA National Championship in the
        event that the regular season champions are the same as the tournament champions.
            A. Representative(s) to the NAIA National Tournament should be given financial assistance
               from the Crossroads League in the following manner:
                 1.For future reference, if one team goes, then that team shall receive 60% of the
                   tournament’s revenue.
                 2.If two teams go, then the following numbers are used:
                            a. Regular season winner (No. 1 seed in tournament) = 30% of tournament
                            b. Tournament winner (#2 Seed if applicable) = 30% of tournament revenue

                 3.If three teams go, then the following numbers are used:
                            a. Regular season winner (No. 1 seed in tournament) = 25% of tournament
                            b. Tournament winner (#2 Seed if applicable) = 25% of tournament revenue
                            c. At-Large team = 10% of tournament revenue

                 4.If four teams go, then the following numbers are used:
                             a. Regular season winner (No. 1 seed in tournament) = 20% of tournament
                             b. Tournament winner (#2 Seed if applicable) = 20% of tournament revenue
                             c. Highest seeded at-large team = 10% of tournament revenue
                             d. Lowest seeded at-large team = 10% of tournament revenue

VII.    All-Crossroads League Teams
            A. Each coach or his representative nominates the outstanding player(s) from his team, based
               on league performance (with position not being a determining factor) at the pre- league
               tournament coaches meeting. All league coaches will attend this meeting at a mutually
               agreed upon site the Sunday before the league tournament begins. A conference call may
               replace an in person meeting.
            B. A ballot is then cast rating the players from 15-1, with 15 being the league MVP. Ballots
               will be created by the basketball sports chair.
            C. The top 10 vote-getters will be named First Team All-Crossroads League.

Crossroads League Procedures Manual 2020/2021
D. Of the remaining nominees, the 10 players receiving the most votes on this ballot are
                named Second Team All-Crossroads League.
             E. A coach cannot vote for his own players
             F. A five-member All-Freshman Team and/or red-shirt Freshman and a Newcomer
                Freshman or red shirt Freshman of the Year will be voted upon and named.
             G. A five-member All-Defensive Team and Defender of the Year will also be voted upon
                and named.
             H. The basketball chairman shall utilize a phone vote in case of emergency.
             I. Coach of the Year – The basketball coaches will cast ballots for the Coach of the Year,
                with the majority vote-getter receiving the award.
             J. The First and Second Team All-Crossroads League selections will receive an All-
                Crossroads League plaque issued by the league. Third team and honorable mention will
                receive a certificate issued by the league. The Coach of the Year will receive a plaque
                issued by the league. The Newcomer of the Year will receive a plaque, and the All-
                Newcomer Team will receive certificates issued by the league. The All-Defensive Team
                and Defender of the Year will receive certificates issued by the league.
             K. Voting results for All-Crossroads League teams will be made available to all Crossroads
                League Men’s Basketball coaches. If votes are taken by ballot, the ballot results will be
                shown to all Crossroads League Men’s Basketball coaches. If the votes are taken
                verbally, the verbal results will be documented for all Crossroads League Men’s
                Basketball coaches to see.
             L. Following selection of All-Crossroads League Teams the sports chair will submit a
                complete list of award winners, including votes received and indicating any ties or special
                circumstances, to the Crossroads League Sports Information Director by the end of the
                same day.
VIII.    Sports Information
             A. The home team will provide both teams with an official NAIA box score statistical report
                at halftime and at the conclusion of each game. The home team will make adjustments to
                issued stats if evidence exists to indicate an adjustment is warranted. Any changes must
                be made within 72 hours of the completion of the game.
             B. Opposing teams will make their up-to-date statistics available upon request for use in
                game day programs and for preparation purposes.
             C. The home team is responsible for providing live stats for all Crossroads League games.

 IX.     Complimentary Tickets and Scouting Passes
             A. NAIA Membership Cards will be honored by all Crossroads League schools and may be
                used by coaches’ wives and minor children for admission.
             B. Cheerleaders will be admitted by identification.
             C. Only the home team may provide a pep band. The band cannot play during live ball
                situations. A band is defined as more than two instruments.
             D. A pass list of ten (10) names will be allowed for each league institution.
 Crossroads League Procedures Manual 2020/2021
X.     Sport Details – Other
            A. Scouting Procedures – By agreement of league coaches, no scouting information,
               including game tapes, will be given to non- league schools in reference to league schools.
               Current roster including usual starting lineup is allowed but no additional information is
            B. Admission at Crossroads League Games – Admission charge will be $2.00 or less for
               students of Crossroads League schools on presentation of their Student I.D. cards. This
               includes regular season games only.
            C. Home Team Responsibilities – Home team shall provide basketballs for warm-ups,
               water on the bench for each team, and game statistics as previously stated. Home team
               shall have visitor locker room available for use a minimum of 1.5 hours in advance of
               game time. Also, when delayed by weather or vehicle issues, the visiting team shall have
               20 minutes of warm-up time prior to game time.
            D. No Smoking Rule and Sportsmanship Emphasis – It is recommended that no smoking
               be allowed in the gymnasium and that each league school do their utmost to stress good
               sportsmanship and fellowship between players and fans.
            E. Towels – League teams are expected to provide their own towels at each game.
            F. Basketball Committee – An elected league basketball committee shall administer
               matters pertaining to Crossroads League Men’s Basketball. The committee will be
               composed of a chairperson and two members at-large. The current committee consists of
               Jared Ronai (Chair), Josh Andrews and Ryan Cottingham.
XI.     Sport Chair – The position of Sport Chair will be voted upon every two years. No term
        limitations will be set, but individuals must be nominated and voted into the position of Sport
        Chair every two years.
XII.    Synergy – The use of Synergy will be utilized by Men’s Basketball during the 2019-20 season.
        The Administrative Committee has approved the expense for the 2019-20 season.
            A. Film exchange should be made available electronically within the following time
                 1. 24-48 hours following a non-league game when at all possible, understanding that
                   situations such as holiday tourneys & long road trips may cause a delay. NOTE:
                   Coaches will be locked out of viewing other games until they upload their entire latest
                 2. 24-36 hours following a league game.
            B. All home games, including non-league, should be made available electronically.
            C. Failure to comply with the time requirements listed above may fall under Article XIII –
               Unsportsmanlike Conduct Policy and be subject to disciplinary action by the League

Crossroads League Procedures Manual 2020/2021
M/W BASKETBALL – COVID19 AMMENDMENT                                                         9.30.2020
                                                                                            *subject to change

The Crossroads League Athletic Directors have worked to provide possible solutions to complete the men’s and women’s
basketball seasons.

The Crossroads League is committed to two priorities for every athlete:
        1. Keep our student-athletes and teams as safe and healthy as possible
        2. Play as many games as possible
        3. Let COMMON SENSE rule

Competitive balance and/or equity is not our focus. Games and safety are.

There will be no league restrictions on the total number of games you are allowed to play (within NAIA RULES). However,
the schedule is being adjusted to prioritize opportunities to “make up” games that may be missed due to Covid-19

January 20th games are now moved to December 9th
February 10th games are now moved to December 12th

The AD’s are willing to allow flexibility in scheduling the 1/20 and 2/10 games in December if a team already has a non‐
conference game scheduled on or near 12/9 or 12/12. If 12/9 and 12/12 are open, the games must be played on those
dates regardless of any other non‐conference games scheduled that week. Any alternative conference game date must be
agreed upon by both League ADs and the games must be played in December. If no alternative date can be agreed upon,
then the games must be played on 12/9 and 12/12.

Each institution will continue to follow guidelines established by the local, state and national health services. The advent of
POSITIVE cases on your team, followed by contact tracing, may require our teams to reschedule games, and below is our
make-up policy.

We will work diligently to make up every cancelled game possible in the order in which they have been cancelled.

1st Make-up date is January 20th
2nd Make-up date is February 10th
3rd Make-up date is January 4th
4th Make-up date is January 18th
5th Make-up date is February 1st
6th Make-up date is February 15th
7th Make-up date is January 11th
8th Make-up date is January 25th
9th Make-up date is February 8th
10th Make-up date is February 15th

POST SEASON TOURNAMENT: We will seed the top 8 finishers by highest winning percentage (regardless of the number
of games completed). Tie Breakers will follow normal procedure manual guidelines.

Men’s Quarter-finals will be Feb 24th, Semi-finals Feb 27th, and Finals March 2nd.
Women’s Quarter-finals will be Feb 23rd, Semi-finals Feb 26th, and Finals March 1st.

*Optional make up dates may occur if 2 teams are “out” for regular scheduled conference games, and the remaining teams
will play instead (i.e. Grace and Goshen are both on quarantine and scheduled to play SAU and Bethel, respectively. Since
SAU and Bethel are both healthy and able to play, they SHALL). This game shall be played as the first scheduled
SAU/BETHEL game on the schedule…unless otherwise agreed upon by both ADs. This game MUST be played if

Crossroads League Procedures Manual 2020/2021
cancellation occurs before noon on the day prior to the contest, or if agreed upon by both AD’s if cancellation is later than

If 3 or more teams are out at the same time, all of the AD’s should get together on a zoom call to in the best solution to
manage the schedule during each potential missed game.

By playing games “out of order” we likely open up more “make-up” dates, which can provide another avenue to help
complete the season.

We would not ask teams to compete for a 3rd time. That potential game/date would become an open date for a non-
conference or rest for your team.

It is the responsibility of the HOME TEAM (in all postponements and make ups) to contact all necessary people and
especially our Supervisors of Officials, Bo Boroski (men) and Rob Doss (women).

** (10-14-2020)Crossroads League starting times will remain at 1pm for both men’s and women’s games, however, ADs can
mutually agree to adjust a start time. Communication to the league office and with our supervisors of officials remains with
the home team.

** (10-28-2020) A scheduled (or rescheduled) game is expected to be completed if both teams have 9 healthy players,
however this does not preclude a team from playing a contest with 8 (or less) healthy participants. This decisions (less than
9) is at the discretion of the coach and AD at the institution.

Crossroads League Procedures Manual 2020/2021
                    2020-21 MEN’S BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT
                            FINANCIAL REPORT FORM





INCOME (Track and submit number in attendance)

Children 5 and under @ Free                                           #________
College Students Free with ID:                                        #________

Adults: ____(Number of adults) General @ $10.00 each                  $ ________
Youth (6-17): ____ (Number of youth) General @ $5.00 each             $ ________
Senior Citizens: ____ (Number of seniors) General @ $5.00 each        $________
                                                TOTAL INCOME          $ ________

Officials: 3 @ $200.00 per game                                       $ ________

Alternate Official: 1 @ 100.00 (championship game only)               $ ________

                                                TOTAL EXPENSES        $ ________

REVENUE (Net)                                                         $ ________

Host schools are responsible for all expenses other than officials.

Gate receipts and the financial report form are to be forwarded to the League
Office one week after the tournament is completed.
Crossroads League Procedures Manual 2020/2021
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