Page created by Mark Berry
    2020 SEASON

Program Philosophy
All coaches and athletes will feel valued.
All in our program will passionately outwork others.
We suit up and show up even when it is hard.
Leadership starts with coaches and extends to athletes.
Track and field is a team sport with no bench.

Coach Expectations
Cultivate the enjoyment and love of track and field events.
Provide excellent guidance in motivation, technique, and training.
Work to ensure athletes are in events that optimize team and individual performance.

Athlete Expectations
Pull in the same direction as our team.
Keep failures in perspective and learn from them.
Do today what others will not so we can do tomorrow what others cannot.
Scottsbluff High School Track & Field Coaching Staff
                 Head Coach | Sprints | Relays      Shelby Aaberg 641-2461
                         Pole Vault                      Todd Menghini
                          Hurdles                       Linda Meininger
                           Jumps                           Mike Burda
                           Jumps                            Jud Hall
                          Distance                      Aaron Carrizales
                          Throws                       Rodney Bussinger
                          Throws                      Nicole Summerville
                          Unified                      Vanessa Manning

                     Bluffs Middle School Track & Field Coaching Staff
                       BMS Coordinator | Hurdles        Faith Mullen
                            Sprints | Relays            Ron Howard
                              Pole Vault                 Justin Gipe
                                Throws                   Joe Benson
                               Distance                  Dave Castle

Chain of Command
Should an issue or conflict arise, please address the concern in the following order:
   1. Event Coach
   2. Head Coach / Coordinator
   3. Athletic Director
Practice Information


      No official tryouts for track and field and no cuts

      All athletes must have a completed physical prior to first practice
      No defined Varsity or junior Varsity squad
      Some track meets Varsity only; only top athletes compete at those meets

      3:45 – 5:15 pm Monday – Friday; completion times may vary by event group
      Saturday practices for different event groups are event coaches’ discretion
      Wear appropriate clothing for the weather and event appropriate shoes
      Bring a water bottle to practice
Practice Attendance

      All athletes are expected to be at practice everyday.
      All athletes are expected to be on time
      Late athletes will only be excused with prior approval or if they have a signed pass
      Notify the coaching staff before practice in order for an absence to be excused
       Examples of Excused Absences

                   Athlete is absent from school due to illness, in which case the athlete will not practice.
                   Athlete has an unexpected personal or family emergency.
                   Athlete has obtained advance permission from the event coach due to involvement in
                    another school-related event, receiving academic help from a teacher, personal business,
                    a college visit, family vacation, or other family matter.
                   Other situations may be approved at the coach’s discretion.
       Examples of Unexcused Absences

                   Skipping practice
                   Not completing a practice
                   Attending another commitment without notifying coaches
                   Being asked to leave for any reason
                   Being consistently late to practice
       Unexcused absences will result in loss of competition.
       Multiple unexcused absences will result in dismissal from the team.
Track Meets
Before the Meet
    Throwers and pole vaulters will prepare implements and poles the day prior.
    Team captains will be responsible for camp setup and cleanup.
    The bus will leave on time. Do not be late.
Athlete Expectations
    Ride the bus to and from track meets
        o Bus rides are opportunities for building relationships. Please limit blue slip
           usage throughout the season. We expect our athletes to ride together.
    Be responsible for his or her uniform and personal items
    Complete all of your events unless injured or approved by the event coach
    Respect meet officials and facilities; portray good sportsmanship
    Remain positive during the meet
    Encourage and cheer on teammates throughout the day

At the Meet
When we arrive at a school, all athletes should do the following in this order.
   1. As a team find a place for camp and set up the tent.
   2. Locate restrooms, field event areas, and event check-in.
   3. If you are in a field event, check in at the event, make appropriate marks, and warm
      up at the proper time.
   4. If you are on a sprint relay, check with your event coach on what is expected.
   5. All competitors should be up and moving 45 minutes before the start of your event.
      Begin your event specific warm up at the appropriate time as designated by your
      event coach.
   6. Be sure to check in for your event at first call. You can go, check in, and return to a
      field event, or continue your warm up after you check in.
   7. After your event cool down even if you have another event later.
   8. All boys and girls should be ready at the end of the 4x400 every meet for a full victory
      lap and team meeting.
   9. After the team meeting, all athletes will help clean up the team camp.
Meet Attendance
Home Meets
    All athletes – competing or not – are expected to attend the entire meet.
    Athletes not competing will be expected to help at the meet in various capacities
     including working at a field event, setting up hurdles, filming events, etc.
Away Meets
    All posted competitors and posted alternates are expected to go to away track and
     field meets.
    All must attend school if the meet excusal is later in the day.
    Any athlete not competing or not listed as an alternate does not have to go to the
     meet. All athletes in this situation are expected to attend school.
    If the athlete does not go to the meet, he or she must complete a workout as
     designated by the event coach.
    Non-competing athletes who go to the meet should be prepared to compete or
     complete a workout, unless the athlete is injured.
All Meets
    If an athlete will miss a meet for any reason, the athlete must notify the coaching
     staff two weeks prior to the meet.
    An athlete who misses a meet without an accepted excuse will not compete in the
     next meet.
Arriving Late / Leaving Early From Track Meets
    All athletes are expected to be at a track meet from start to finish.
    If an athlete needs to arrive late or leave early for another acceptable commitment,
     the athlete must return the appropriate completed form to the head coach prior to
     boarding the bus.
    Excessive use of this privilege – more than twice in one season – may result in loss of
     letter point progress and/or dismissal from the team.
Participation and Student Expectations
Other Sports & Activities
    Our coaching staff will work with students who participate in other sports.
    Once we reach week 9 of the season (week of April 27), your primary sport needs to
     be track & field. This will remain true through the state meet on May 23.
    Be open and honest with your coaches about your participation in other sports. Our
     coaching staff will do the same when advising the athlete.
    Athletes are expected to inform his or her event coach of an injury before the start of
    If an athlete is injured during practice, he or she should inform the event coach. Event
     coaches will inform the head coach of an injury at practice on the same day.
    Injured athletes will follow directions given by medical personnel.
    Should an injured athlete provide a doctor’s note excusing him or her from practice,
     the injured athlete must also provide a doctor’s note giving a specific date for return
     to practice and competition.
Days Where School is Not in Session
    Interruptions to athletes’ training will negatively impact performance.
    Because of this, should an athlete need to miss a practice session during one of the
     days below, an excusal note must be provided to the head coach.
        o Friday, March 13: Practice
        o Friday, March 27: Binfield Meet
        o Friday, April 10: Event coach discretion
        o Monday, April 13: Practice
        o Monday, April 27: Practice (Best in the West the next day)
Academic Eligibility
    Starting Wednesday, March 18, the activities director will sweep eligibility.
    Athletes are expected to check their school email. If an athlete has a failing grade, he
     or she will to go to the Activities Office to pick up a red card from Ms. Ramos.
    Any athlete with one failing grade may compete for one week provided the athlete
     obtains a signature from the teacher of the specific class. This signature indicates the
     athlete and teacher have developed a plan the athlete will follow.
    Any athlete with multiple failing grades will not compete until all grades are passing.
Scottsbluff Bearcat Track & Field Varsity Lettering Policy
Any athlete will receive a Varsity letter if they achieve any one of the following criteria:
   1. Score a minimum of 12 points in varsity track meets throughout the season
          Points at JV meets: 1 JV point = 1/2 Varsity point
   2. Place individually or on a relay at District B6 or Class B State Championship
   3. Achieve the lettering standard two times in an event at any track meet during the
      season. Relay splits do not count toward meeting a time standard.
   4. Participate in track and field for a minimum of three seasons.
   5. Any senior athlete who completes their season in good standing.
The coaching staff reserves the right to award a letter to anyone who does not achieve one
of the previous guidelines (for example, if the athlete sustains an injury, the coach may
award a letter). Athletes who demonstrate an excellent attitude, a high amount of
dedication, and an outstanding amount of effort may letter. An athlete must complete his
or her season in order to receive his or her letter.

                                      Track Meet Scoring Criteria
                    Meets scoring six places              Meets scoring eight places
                   First place        10 points           First place       10 points
                  Second place         8 points          Second place        8 points
                   Third place         6 points           Third place        6 points
                  Fourth place         4 points          Fourth place        5 points
                   Fifth place         2 points           Fifth place        4 points
                   Sixth place         1 point            Sixth place        3 points
                                                        Seventh place        2 points
                                                         Eighth place        1 point

                                 Boys      Girls          Event
                                19’0”     15’6”        Long Jump
                                39’0”     32’0”        Triple Jump
                                12’0”      9’0”         Pole Vault
                                 6’0”      5’0”        High Jump
                                44’5”     32’0”          Shot Put
                               120’0”    100’0”           Discus
                                11.70     13.30            100m
                                16.50     17.00     110/100m Hurdles
                                24.10     27.50            200m
                                44.50     51.00       300m Hurdles
                                54.50     62.00            400m
                                2:07.0    2:27.0           800m
                                4:55.0    5:35.0          1600m
                               10:45.0   12:15.0          3200m

Perennial Goals
The Scottsbluff High School Track and Field coaches are committed to achieving the
following goals every season.
   1. We will develop disciplined, unselfish, hard-working young men and women who are
      proud of their team, school, and community.
   2. We will encourage our student athletes to be good students, good citizens, good
      athletes, and always display good sportsmanship.
   3. We will work to create a positive experience for all of the athletes who participate in
      Scottsbluff Track and Field.
   4. We will lead a team that will continue to be competitive at the conference, district,
      and state levels.
   5. We will compete with a team first mentality. Each individual will do his or her best in
      every capacity to help our team win.

2020 Girls Team Goals
50+ girls out for track and field
Qualify one or more relays to the state meet
Top 2 team finish in District B6
Top 10 team finish at Class B State Meet

2020 Boys Team Goals
50+ boys out for track and field
Qualify one or more relays to the state meet
Top 2 team finish in District B6
Top 10 team finish at Class B State Meet
Coaching Staff Requests
                           for Parents & Guardians of
                        Scottsbluff Track & Field Athletes

          Help your athlete go to bed at the same time every night
          Help your athlete drink plenty of water on a daily basis
          Help your athlete have a healthy, balanced diet
          Encourage your athlete to communicate with coaches and to advocate for
           himself or herself
          Encourage your athlete to complete all their schoolwork on time and to
           communicate with teachers about activity related absences

            Come to our meets
            Support and cheer on your athlete and others on our team
            Let the coaches coach
            Volunteer to help with field events and timing at home meets
                o Friday, March 27: Binfield Invite
                o Tuesday, April 2: BMS Meet
                o Friday, April 24: Twilight Invite
                o Tuesday, April 28: Best in the West Classic
                o Saturday, May 2: Home middle school meet

Team Dinners
      Volunteer to help prepare team dinners
      Dates and times to be determined
Student Athlete Conduct on Social Media
Below are the social media guidelines which provide the following direction for social media site usage.

Everything you post is public information.

        Any text or photo placed online is completely out of your control the moment it is placed online – even if you
        limit access to your site or page. Information (including pictures, videos, and comments) may be accessible
        even after you remove it. Once you post a photo or comment on a social networking site, that photo or
        comment becomes the property of the site and may be searchable even after you remove it.

What you post may affect your future!

        Many employers, college admissions officers, and athletic recruiters review social networking sites as part of
        their overall evaluation of an applicant. Carefully consider how you want people to perceive you before you
        give them a chance to misinterpret your information (including pictures, videos, comments and posters). Do
        not have a false sense of security about your rights to freedom of speech. These sites are NOT a place where
        you can do and say whatever you want without repercussions.

Similar to comments made in person, the Scottsbluff High School Track & Field team will not tolerate disrespectful
comments and behavior online, such as:

           Derogatory language or remarks that may harm teammates or coaches
           Other Scottsbluff student athletes, teachers or coaches
           Student athletes, coaches or representatives of other schools, including comments that may be
            disrespectful to opposing teams
           Incriminating photos or statements depicting violence, hazing; sexual harassment; full or partial nudity;
            inappropriate gestures; vandalism; stalking; underage drinking, selling, possessing, or using controlled
            substances; or any other inappropriate behavior (including the use of profanity)
           Creating a serious danger to the safety of another person or making a credible threat of serious physical
            or emotional injury to another person.
           Indicating knowledge of an unreported school or team violation – regardless if the violation was
            unintentional or intentional.

Should a member of the Scottsbluff High School Track & Field team violate the above guidelines, the procedure we
will follow is outlined in the pamphlet entitled “Scottsbluff Bearcats Parent/Sponsor Communication” available in
the Activities Office and distributed at the Spring Sports Parent Meeting.
Track & Field Team Electronic Resources
Follow our team on Twitter

   Event performances
   Team building activities
   Recognition of academic
   Weather updates
   Highlights from training

Remind                               We will use Remind for:
Your son/daughter will be               Weather updates
automatically added to our Remind       Cancellations/postponements
page through Infinite Campus.           Team dinner information
                                        Practice announcements
Please read our Remind messages.        Messaging athletes

   Track meet calendar
   Athletes’ times, marks, and
    personal bests
   Meet results
   All-time school charts
   Team handbook
   District and state-level event
   Team photos
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