Time where enduring seems like the only solution...but is this true . Read full Pastoral Notes

Page created by Michelle Sharp
Time where enduring seems like the only solution...but is this true . Read full Pastoral Notes
St. Lucy Parish eNews

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A Note from our Pastor
Father Mark Arnzen

In Dr. Allen Hunt's book "The 21 Undeniable Secrets of Marriage" he puts forth this claim: "The most
important word in marriage is forgiveness. And along with forgiveness comes its spouse grace." (p 199)
While it is the many sides of love that draws us together, unites us, makes us fruitful, ultimately it is the gift
of forgiveness which holds love together in any relationship but most especially the spousal relationship. I
can imagine in most marital relationships in the very beginning the idea of being able to spend extended
time with the wife or husband would have been something all couples would enjoy an feel blessed but as
time wears on, being cooped up may take on a less alluring feeling.
For many married couples, families and even roommates, this forced coming together may not be the long
dreamed of second honeymoon as the nerves are frayed with children, conflict and worries that continue to pile up in a seemingly
unending stream. And this is hard and there is no magic bullet to move from this time of suffering whether small or tragic...it is just a
time where enduring seems like the only solution...but is this true?... Read full Pastoral Notes

En el libro del Dr. Allen Hunt "Los 21 Secretos Innegables del Matrimonio" expone esta afirmación: "La palabra más importante en el
matrimonio es el perdón. Y junto con el perdón viene la gracia de su cónyuge." (p 199) Si bien son los muchos lados del amor los que nos
unen, nos hacen fructíferos, en última instancia es el don del perdón lo que mantiene unido el amor en cualquier relación, pero sobre todo
en la relación conyugal. Puedo imaginar en la mayoría de las relaciones matrimoniales al principio la idea de poder pasar mucho tiempo
con la esposa o el esposo habría sido algo que todas las parejas disfrutarían de una sensación de bendición, pero a medida que el tiempo
se detiene, estar encerrados puede asumir una sensación menos seductora.
Para muchas parejas casadas, familias e incluso compañeros de cuarto esta reunión forzada puede no ser el largo sueño de la segunda
luna de miel, ya que los nervios están deshilachados de niños, conflictos y preocupaciones que continúan acuosándose en un arroyo
aparentemente interminable. Y esto es difícil y no hay ninguna bala mágica para moverse de este tiempo de sufrimiento, ya sea pequeño o
trágico... es sólo un momento en el que perseverar parece ser la única solución... pero es esto cierto?... Lea las notas pastorales

Sunday Readings / Lecturas de Domingo:
April 19, 2020
Sunday of Divine Mercy

Reading 1- ACTS 2:42-47
They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the
communal life,to the breaking of bread and to the prayers.                            Daily M-F Mass Online @8am VIA FB
Awe came upon everyone, and many wonders and signs were done
through the apostles. All who believed were together and had all
things in common; they would sell their property and possessions                      Daily M-F Rosary Online @12 VIA FB
and divide them among all according to each one's need.
Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the
temple area and to breaking bread in their homes.                                     Daily M-F Chaplet of Divine Mercy
They ate their meals with exultation and sincerity of heart,                                      Online @3pm VIA FB
praising God and enjoying favor with all the people.                                  Fridays     Bilingual Confessions (located
And every day the Lord added to their number those who were being
saved.                                                                                            between PAC and Lally)
                                                                                                  7-10 pm
Sunday Scriptures
Daily Readings                                                                        Saturdays Bilingual Confessions (located
                                                                                                  between PAC and Lally)

                                                                                      4/19        Divine Mercy Sunday
                                                                                                  11 am English
Time where enduring seems like the only solution...but is this true . Read full Pastoral Notes
1pm en Español

                                             In This Issue

                                            Pastor's Note
Lecturas del Domingo
Lecturas Diaras                             Daily Readings / Lecturas Diarias

                                            Mass Online...Disfruta la Misa en Línea
 Catholic Life, Parish Activites & Events
                                            Easter Video Series from Fr. Mark
Enjoy Mass Online                           Watch our Daily & Sunday Mass LIVE
Disfruta la Misa en Línea
                                            Keeping Our Ministries Active

                                            Three Day Online Series

                                            Formed.org...Catholic Content

                                            40th Anniversary Fr. Kevin

                                            Lighting Update from Fr. Mark

                                            Food Distribution @St. Lucy

                                            Supporting our St. Lucy Community

                                            St. Lucy School News

                                            Volunteers Reaching Out

                                            Parish Office Support & Availability

                                            Preparing to Participate in a Live Stream Mass at Home

                                            Resources for Catholics at Home

                                            Your Help is Needed

                                             Links & Resources
                                            Parish Facility & Events Calendar

                                            Parish Website

                                            Parish Bulletin

                                            Sunday Homily Videos

                                            St. Lucy School Website

                                            Lighting Update from Fr. Mark
                                            Actualización de Iluminación

Easter Video Series from Fr. Mark
Available Online

                                                                  Lighting Update Video
Time where enduring seems like the only solution...but is this true . Read full Pastoral Notes
The Easter gift of Gratitude

View more

St. Lucy Daily Mass, Rosaries & Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Mira nuestra misa a través de FB por Livestream
                                                                         Video de actualización de iluminación en español/Lighting
We encourage you to join our daily services online Mass LIVE via                           Update Spanish video
Facebook, recordings will also be uploaded to our YouTube page at the
completion of each service.
Sundays join us for the following LIVE mass at 11 am in English or 1pm
Mass in Spanish you can view the service on Facebook or it will be       Food Distribution @St. Lucy
posted on our website a few minutes before the start of our Sunday       Fridays 10-12pm
OR our YouTube channel, videos will be uploaded following the

                                                                                       Food Drive-Thru Assistance

                                                                         Last week we served over 400 families and thanks to
                                                                         Second Harvest Food Bank and Catholic Charities today
                                                                         over 600 families received food assistance at St. Lucy.
                                                                         Thank you to all of the community volunteers making this
                                                                         great gift and service possible. We continue to seek
                                                                         volunteers to help on a weekly basis.
                                                                         Please contact Antonio to sign up.
                                                                         antonio.ojeda@dsj.org or call 408-378-2464 x 107
Los invitamos a unirse a nuestra misa de 11 am en inglés o 1pm en        -----------------------------------------
español en Facebook Live.                                                Distribución de Alimentos
                                                                         La semana pasada atendimos a más de 400 familias y
Join us Online                                                           gracias a Second Harvest Food Bank y Catholic Charities,
                                                                         más de 600 familias recibieron asistencia alimentaria en St.
                                                                         Lucy. Gracias a todos los voluntarios de la comunidad que
Keeping Our Ministries Active                                            hacen posible este gran regalo y servicio. Continuamos
Ministerios Activos                                                      buscando voluntarios para ayudar semanalmente.
Gather with your ministry and community online. Let us know some
Time where enduring seems like the only solution...but is this true . Read full Pastoral Notes
details and we will prepare a virtual room for your gathering. (phone in
only option available). Please complete the following Google Form to
complete your request. https://forms.gle/8mMnax1EeGwkzhnW7

                                                                            Estamos buscando voluntarios para ayudar semanalmente.
                                                                            Por favor, póngase en contacto
                                                                            con Antonio para registrarse antonio.ojeda@dsj.org
                                                                            o llame al 408-378-2464 x 107

                                                                            Supporting our St. Lucy Community
                                                                            Apoyando a nuestra comunidad de St. Lucy

Reúnase con su ministerio y comunidad en línea. Háganos saber algunos
detalles y prepararemos una sala virtual para su reunión. (teléfono en la   Via Paybee https://paybee.io/@stlucy@14
única opción disponible) Complete el siguiente formulario de Google
para completar su                                                           Or via WeShare at
solicitud. https://forms.gle/8mMnax1EeGwkzhnW7                              https://stlucy-

Request Room
                                                                            St. Lucy School News:
Three Day Online Series (AVAILABLE NOW)
Last Seven Words of Jesus                                                   We're now enrolling for fall 2020
                                                                            Our admissions team would also love to talk with anyone
Online retreat led by our Parish Priests and community.                     interested in enrolling in fall 2020!
English and Spanish tracks available to watch via Facebook and on our       Apply online at www.stlucyschool.org or contact us at
website.                                                                    admissions@stlucyschool.org or (408) 871-8023 to
                                                                            schedule a time to connect.
Time where enduring seems like the only solution...but is this true . Read full Pastoral Notes
Retiro en línea dirigido por nuestros párrocos y comunidad.
Serie en inglés y español disponibles para ver a través de Facebook y en
nuestro sitio web.

Catholic Content for you and your family!

Looking for a Catholic NETFLIX?
Look no further than FORMED.ORG
Sick of the same old podcast on your way to work? LISTEN to their talks.
Do you crave more theology during the week? STUDY one of their
programs.                                                                   Estamos inscribiendo para el otoño 2020
Don't have time to read Catholic Literature? Listen to their AUDIO          ¡Nuestro equipo de admisiones también le encantaría hablar
BOOKS!                                                                      con cualquier persona interesada en inscribirse en el otoño
Looking for Catholic cartoons for kids rather than the 'junk' on Youtube?   de 2020!
WATCH award-winning cartoons for children.                                  Solicite en línea en www.stlucyschool.org o contáctenos en
                                                                            admissions@stlucyschool.org o (408) 871-8023 para
Visit www.formed.org and submit a simple FREE registration.                 programar un horario para conectarse.
Membership courtesy of St Lucy Parish.                                      Read more

                                                                            Volunteers Reaching Out
¿Buscando un NETFLIX católico?                                              Manteniéndonos Conectados
No busque más que FORMED.ORG
                                                                            Our tireless volunteers have called over 2500 families over
                                                                            the last two weeks helping us connect will our community to
¿Harto del mismo podcast en el camino al trabajo? ESCUCHE sus               be sure the needs of our parishioners are met. If you need a
charlas.                                                                    call from us or can help us make calls in the future please
¿Anhelas más teología durante la semana? ESTUDIE uno de sus                 email our phone tree team lead Christy Masleid at
programas.                                                                  cmasleid@comcast.net or by phone at 650-823-5244.
¿No tienes tiempo para leer literatura católica? ¡Escucha sus LIBROS
¿Buscas caricaturas católicas para niños en lugar de la 'basura' en
Youtube? VER historietas galardonadas para niños.
 Visite www.formed.org y envíe una simple inscripción GRATUITA.
Membresía cortesía de St Lucy Parish.

Read more
Time where enduring seems like the only solution...but is this true . Read full Pastoral Notes
Nuestros voluntarios incansables han llamado a más de
                                                                      2500 familias en las últimas dos semanas para ayudarnos a
                                                                      conectarnos con nuestra comunidad para asegurarnos de
                                                                      que se satisfagan las necesidades de nuestros feligreses. Si
                                                                      necesita una llamada de nuestra parte o puede ayudarnos a
40th Anniversary Fr. Kevin                                            hacer llamadas en el futuro, envíe un correo electrónico a
40 Aniversario P. Kevin                                               nuestro líder del equipo de árbol telefónico a Christy
                                                                      Masleid a cmasleid@comcast.net o por teléfono al 650-
Happy 40th Anniversary Fr. Kevin. Thank you for your "yes" to God's   823-5244.
call and your faithful service.
Time where enduring seems like the only solution...but is this true . Read full Pastoral Notes
Feliz 40 Aniversario P. Kevin Gracias por su "sí" al llamado de Dios y su
fiel servicio.
Read more

Parish Office Support & Availability

Our office team is working on providing remote support to all parishioners. For an emergency requiring a priest or to schedule a
funeral, please call the emergency line at (408) 378-2464, extension 9, otherwise please leave a message via phone (408)378-2464 or
email us at stlucyparishoffice@dsj.org and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Nuestra oficina está trabajando para proporcionar asistencia remota a todos los feligreses. Para una emergencia que requiera un
sacerdote o para programar un funeral, llame a la línea de emergencia al (408) 378-2464, extensión 9; de lo contrario, deje un
mensaje por teléfono (408)378-2464 o envíenos un correo electrónico a stlucyparishoffice@dsj.org y nos pondremos en contacto con
usted lo mas antes posible.

Preparing to Participate in a Live Stream Mass at Home

Resources for Catholics at Home During COVID-19
Time where enduring seems like the only solution...but is this true . Read full Pastoral Notes
Many Dioceses, parishes, and Catholics begin to feel the effects of remaining at home due to the coronavirus. Below is a list of
websites for Mass, prayers, and daily reflections to help us all during this trying time. Please note, this list will be updated as more
resources become available.

Online Mass

      Vatican News Live Stream of Pope Francis’ Masses
      Catholic TV Mass. . .
      EWTN Daily Mass. . .
      Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. . .
      Catholic Faith Network Masses. . .
      Relevant Radio Daily Live Mass. . .


      Pope Francis’ Prayer with Mary for COVID-19
      Archbishop Gomez Prayer for COVID-19
      Spiritual Communion. . .
      COVID-19: A Prayer of Solidarity
      Light a Candle Online (from the National Shrine of St. John Neumann). . .

The following publishers have generously made their resources available to support prayer during these difficult days. We thank them
for their generosity and pastoral concern.

      Liturgical Press: Give Us This Day. . .
      Magnificat: English. . . | Spanish. . .
      Bayard: Living with Christ. . .

Your Help is Needed: Donate Today
Su Ayuda es Necesaria: Done Hoy

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Time where enduring seems like the only solution...but is this true . Read full Pastoral Notes Time where enduring seems like the only solution...but is this true . Read full Pastoral Notes
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