St. Patrick Catholic Church - January 31, 2021

Page created by Fernando Nunez
St. Patrick Catholic Church - January 31, 2021
January 31, 2021
         St. Patrick Catholic Church
                               Diocese of Charleston
         The Most Reverend Robert E. Guglielmone, D. D., Bishop of Charleston

               Reverend Father Henry N. Kulah, Pastor
             Deacon John Breeden & Deacon Markus Damwerth

                          St. Patrick Catholic Church
                    134 St. Philip St. Charleston, SC 29403
                    P. O. Box 20726 Charleston, SC 29413
                  Phone (843) 723-6066 Rectory (843) 853-8858

                                Mass Schedule
                         Tuesday-Friday     8:00 a.m.
                         Saturday Vigil     6:00 p.m.
                        Sunday 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m.
         Sunday Student Mass 7:00 p.m. (No Mass until January 10, 2021)
                       Holy Days 8:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.

                  Saturday 5:00 to 5:30 p.m. and by appointment

Fred McKay, Principal                                           Charlton Singleton
The Charleston Catholic School                                    Music Director
St. Patrick Catholic Church - January 31, 2021
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                            January 31, 2021

                      MASS INTENTIONS
                 January 30, 2021-February 5, 2021
 Saturday                    01/30 Peter P. Dery 
                                   Sr. Maria Teresita Caceffo 
 Sunday (8 AM)               01/31 Fr. Michel Bineen Mukad 
                                   Sr. Bertilla Turcato 
 Sunday (10 AM)              01/31 Anthony Balee 
                                   Sr. Maria Candida Torneri 
 Sunday (7 PM)               01/31 For the People

 Monday                      02/01                                                    Sacramental Prep for 2021
 Tuesday                     02/02                                                    1) Any rising second grade or older children who need to
 Wednesday                   02/03                                                    make their First Communion. Register now, program
 Thursday                    02/04
 Friday                      02/05                                                    begins February 14th.
                                                                                      2) Any 7th-12th grade teens who desire to be Confirmed.
                                                                                      3) Any adults who desire to become Catholic or Catholic
                                                                                      Adults who need to make their First Communion and/or
                                                                                      be Confirmed.
              PARISH FINANCIAL UPDATES (JANUARY)                                      Please contact Deacon John Breeden at
                                   ENVELOPES & LOOSE         2ND COLLECTIONS or 702-465-0163 for
                                                                                      more information and registration.
WEEKLY COLLECTION                                3,588.00          562.00
WEEKLY COLLECTION ON LINE GIVING                 1,925.00           45.00

MONTHLY COLLECTION TO DATE                   28,861.26            672.00                House Blessings: Parishioners may request a
MONTHLY BUDGETED AMOUNT                     28,833.34           1,500..00               house blessing by contacting either the parish
                                                                                        office, 843-723-6066 or Deacon John at
MONTHLY OVERAGE/SHORTFALL                   27.92            -828.00

YEAR TO DATE ACTUAL **                8,375.00

ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNT                 24,635.00

*The Bishop’s Annual appeal budget amount is based on the calendar year, January 1-
December 31.
**The year to date actual contributions are provided by the Diocesan Office of        First Reading — Moses spoke to all the people,
Stewardship & Mission Advancement.
                                                                                      saying: “A prophet like me will the Lord, your
                                                                                      God, raise up for you” (Deuteronomy 18:15-20).

                  THE SICK: Edna Tolbert, John Deas, Bernard                          Psalm — If today you hear his voice, harden not
                  Hamilton, Keith Hamilton, Jane Wright, Maurice                      your hearts (Psalm 95).
                  Chapman, Keith Mitchell, Martha McCants, Joel Ri-
vera, Ralph Hurley, Benjamin Pickering, Fran Taylor, Ronald “Pike”                    Second Reading — Brothers and sisters: I
Goodwin, Marc Hunter, Cherry Seabrook, Delores Jackson, Yvonne                        should like you to be free of anxieties (1 Corinthi-
Gice, George McNeil, Deanie Pickering, Baby Archie, Johnnie Hig-                      ans 7:32-35).
gins, Mason Green, Catherine Bellinger, Louise Stewart, William Da-
vis, Jerald Joseph, Rhunetta Brown, Jerilyn Joseph, Mary Lee Kinlow,                  Gospel — The people were astonished at Jesus’
Rich & Kathleen Lomuscio, Marcia Palmer, Reginald Harris, Arnelle                     teaching; he taught them as one having authority
Grant, Michele Miller, Julius Fielding, Doris Hamilton, Diane                         (Mark 1:21-28).
McQueen, Lateisha Kinsey, Nellie Jefferson, Dean Morris and all
those at home or in nursing homes.
St. Patrick Catholic Church - January 31, 2021
Mission Statement                                                                   St. Patrick
                                                                                           Liturgical Ministries Schedule
 St. Patrick Catholic Church is a faith-filled                                          February 6, 2021 & February 7, 2021
 community that is forever growing in a rela-
 tionship with Christ. We celebrate the pres-                           Feb 6: Saturday Vigil
 ence of Christ in Word and Sacrament,                                  6:00 PM
 demonstrate love and concern for all parish-                           ALT           Maggie Hazel                          Emily Pastva
 ioners, teach by example, and strive to serve                          EUCH          Norma Davis                           Patricia Mack
 the needs of all in the community.                                     EUCH-TL       Terry Brown
                                                                        LEC           Kelli Burke (1)                       Richard Pastva (2)
                                                                        USH           Wade McDaniel                         Melvin Swinton
                                                                        USH-COL       Leonard Davis                         Jerone McDaniel
                                                                        Feb 7: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
      JANUARY 31, 2021-FEBRUARY 6, 2021                                 8:00 AM
                                                                        ALT            Sienna Harris        Tylene Powell
Sunday, Jan 31-4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Masses @ 8am &               EUCH           Barbara Birds        Leonis Wright
                                                                        EUCH-TL        Sylvia Chapman
Sunday, Jan 31-Student Mass @ 7pm                                       LEC            Karel Mullins (1)    Genita Thompson (2)
                                                                        USH            John Gantt, Jr.      Sylvia Gantt
Tuesday, Feb 2-Bible Study @ 11am (Conference Call)                     USH-COL        Queen Toney
Tuesday, Feb 2-Legion of Mary @ 5:30pm (NO Mtg)                         10:00 AM
Thursday, Feb 4-Choir Rehearsal @ 6pm (NO REHEARSAL)
                                                                        ALT                 Destiney Jackson                Andrew Lamar
                                                                                            William Lamar
Saturday, Feb 6-Vigil Mass @ 6pm                                        EUCH                Katie Breeden                   Sr. Roberta Fulton
                                                                                            Florence Simmons
                                                                        EUCH-TL             Patricia Mack
 Dear Faith Leaders and Church Families,                                LEC                 Annabell Seabrook (1)           Mary Hodgson (2)
 Many of us are unsure of what the next few weeks will hold or          USH                 Vincent Mazyck                  Raymond Polite
 how to help as the emergency needs of the community con-               USH-COL             Julius Fielding                 Rocco Pasquarello
 tinue to increase. At Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach,
 we are committed, as always, to ensuring that the most vul-
 nerable among us receive the critical support they need to not
 fall behind.                                                                 Please pray for the repose of the soul of Mr.
 As we prepare for the potential disruptions to our food supply,
                                                                              Stephen Graham, III, who died on January
 we are asking for your help. If you are willing, can you share               20th. May his soul and the souls of all our
 this list of most needed items with your congregation and
 community?                                                                   dearly departed rest in peace
 Donate Food: Donations of shelf-stable food will help fami-
 lies prepare for longer-term impact. Donations can be brought
 to our Johns Island location (1684 Brownswood Road) or our               Due to the generosity of our parishioners, the St. Vincent de Paul Peninsu-
 downtown location, Neighborhood House (77 & 79 America                   la Conference was able to help the following families during the month of
 Street) between 9 am and 11 am Monday through Friday.                    December. We anticipate an increase in requests for assistance as the City
 Please leave donations in the outside donation bins, staff               of Charleston lifts the moratorium on evictions as of January. Please
 members will transport donations inside.                                 prayerfully consider a donation to our ministry so we can help to keep our
 Canned fruits    Canned meats   Canned soups                             neighbors in their homes with electricity through next cold months. Dona-
 Canned vegetables    Cereal   Pasta/Rice Juice                           tions can be made out to the St. Vincent de Paul Society and sent to The
                                                                          Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, 120 Broad Street, Charleston, SC
 Financial Contributions: As resources are directed to focus              29401.
 on meeting the unfolding needs and as the number of people
 we serve may increase, your support will help us remain re-              St. Vincent de Paul Peninsula Conference
 sponsive to this crisis. An example of an immediate financial burden     December Client Assistance
 we have is the need to purchase additional food to provide bag
 lunches in our soup kitchen.                                             Housing               $5,282.00            15 Families

 Thanks,                                                                  Electricity           $18,152.36           29 Families
 Hannah Finley
                                                                          Water                 $ 1,173.15            4 Families
 Development Manager
                                                                          Furniture l           $   246.29            1 Family
 Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach Services, Inc.
 1684 Brownswood
 Road                                                                     Food                                        5 Families
 Johns Island, SC 29455
 (843) 559-4109 x109                                                      TOTALS                $24,853.80           54 Families

                                                                          Maureen Corless
                                                                          St. Vincent de Paul Peninsula Conference
St. Patrick Catholic Church - January 31, 2021
    In Deuteronomy today we hear that God’s very words will fill the mouth of a true prophet, but a false prophet
will, in a manner of speaking, put mere mortal words into God’s mouth. In Mark’s Gospel, we see Jesus teaching
and healing as a true prophet, one filled with the authority of God’s own voice, the Holy One of God.
    The whole history of our church is filled with both true and false prophets. But in today’s Gospel we learn that Je-
sus’ fame spread because he taught with authority; he wasn’t an authority because he was popular or famous. We also
learn from him, in his desert temptation confrontations with Satan, that anyone can quote scripture, even against
God’s purposes. And today we hear that his authority was not like that of the scribes, who held the official positions of
religious authority in his day. Our work is to do our best to discern the true prophets in our midst, and to be true
prophets as well. The psalmist tells us how to do this: by not hardening our hearts when God speaks. If we truly listen
to God, it will be God’s very words filling our mouths.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

                     Who is an Active Parishioner?
     •      Regular attendance at Mass on Sundays and Ho-
            ly Days of Obligation. Absent only for serious
            reason, e.g. illness.
     •      Registered in the Parish, receiving and using
            weekly envelopes, supporting the Parish accord-
            ing to the best of one’s ability.
     •      Volunteers and participates in Parish activities
            with time, talent, and resources as means per-
     •      Trying to live the Catholic Faith as best they can
            with God’s help and the support of family and
            friends at home and in the Parish.
                          PARISH REGISTRATION
     Welcome to all new families/individuals. Please             The Charleston Catholic School
     register as soon as possible. Registration in               Fred McKay, Principal
     house is needed for planning purposes. Regis-               888-A King St.
     tration is required before the parish can issue a           Charleston, SC 29403
     sponsorship certificate for those asked to be               843-577-4495
     sacramental sponsors.
     You must be registered and a contributing
     member for at least 6 months before a certifi-
     cate will be given. Registration Forms are avail-
     able in the Parish Office 723-6066 and on line.
     The couple must contact in person the pastor at
     least one year prior to the desired date of the wed-
     Please contact the office to initiate the marriage
     preparation process or if you have questions. Bap-                    Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
     tism and Confirmation certificates are needed.
                                                                                       January 31, 2021
            Any notices for publication in the bulletin should               Come, let us bow down in worship;
            be submitted in writing by email on Mondays by
            12 noon for the following Sunday. Our email                             let us kneel before the Lord
            address is Thank                                        who made us.
                                                                                          — Psalm 95:6
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