St. Patrick Catholic Church - October 3, 2021
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October 3, 2021 St. Patrick Catholic Church Diocese of Charleston The Most Reverend Robert E. Guglielmone, D. D., Bishop of Charleston Rev. Fr. Robert F. Higgins, Se Habla Espanol Deacon John Breeden & Deacon Markus Damwerth St. Patrick Catholic Church 134 St. Philip Street Charleston, SC 29403 Office Mailing Address: 127 St. Philip Street Charleston, SC 29403 Phone (843) 723-6066 Rectory (843) 853-8858 Email: Mass Schedule Tuesday-Friday 8:00 a.m. Saturday Vigil 6:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Sunday Student Mass 5:00 p.m. Holy Days 8:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Confessions Saturday 5:00 to 5:30 p.m. and by appointment Fred McKay, Principal Charlton Singleton The Charleston Catholic School Music Director
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 3, 2021 Due to the generosity of our parishioners, the Pen- insula Council of St. Vincent de Paul Society was able to help the following families on the Charleston peninsula during the month of July and August. Housing $5,084.63 16 Families Electricity $11,721.99 40 Families Water $1,362.91 4 Families Food 103.71 8 Families TOTALS $18,169.53 68 Families THANK YOU! Maureen Corless Treasurer The Peninsula Council of St. Vincent de Paul MASS INTENTIONS October 2, 2021-October 8, 2021 Saturday 10/02 For the People ENCOURAGEMENT Sunday (8 AM) 10/03 Audrey Johnson Wilson Sunday (10 AM) 10/03 Children Who are Sexually Abused As vital as oxygen is to the body, so is en- couragement to the soul. —Anonymous Monday 10/04 Tuesday 10/05 Wednesday 10/06 Thursday 10/07 Sacramental Prep for 2022 Friday 10/08 1) Any rising second grade or older children who need to make their First Communion. 2) Any 7th-12th grade teens who desire to be Confirmed. 3) Any adults who desire to become Catholic or Catholic Adults who need to make their First Communion and/or PARISH FINANCIAL UPDATES (SEPTEMBER) be Confirmed. Please contact Deacon John Breeden at ENVELOPES & LOOSE 2ND COLLECTIONS or 702-465-0163 for WEEKLY COLLECTION 4,128.00 5.00 more information and registration. WEEKLY COLLECTION ON LINE GIVING 2,657.00 House Blessings: Parishioners may request a MONTHLY COLLECTION TO DATE 23,910.00 786.00 house blessing by contacting either the parish MONTHLY BUDGETED AMOUNT 28,833.34 500.00 office, 843-723-6066 or Deacon John at MONTHLY OVERAGE/SHORTFALL -4,923.34 286.00 ******************************************************************* BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL 2020 YEAR TO DATE ACTUAL ** 23,555.00 The readings are found on page 445 in the ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNT 25,997.00 Word of the Lord *The Bishop’s Annual appeal budget amount is based on the calendar year, January 1- TODAY’S READINGS December 31. **The year to date actual contributions are provided by the Diocesan Office of First Reading — The man said, “This one is Stewardship & Mission Advancement. bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; this one shall be called ‘woman’ ” (Genesis 2:18-24). THE SICK: Edna Tolbert, John Deas, Bernard Hamilton, Jane Wright, Maurice Chapman, Keith Mitchell, Martha Psalm — May the Lord bless us all the days of McCants, Joel Rivera, Ralph Hurley, Benjamin Pickering, Fran our lives (Psalm 128). Taylor, Ronald “Pike” Goodwin, Marc Hunter, Cherry Seabrook, De- lores Jackson, Yvonne Gice, George McNeil, Deanie Pickering, Baby Second Reading — He who consecrates and Archie, Johnnie Higgins, Mason Green, Catherine Bellinger, Louise those who are being consecrated all have one Stewart, William Davis, Rhunetta Brown, Mary Lee Kinlow, Rich Lo- origin (Hebrews 2:9-11). muscio, Marcia Palmer, Reginald Harris, Arnelle Grant, Michele Mil- ler, Julius Fielding, Doris Hamilton, Diane McQueen, Lateisha Kinsey, Gospel — Whoever does not accept the kingdom Nellie Jefferson, Dean Morris, Arriana Movahedi, Yvette Barlow, of God like a child shall not enter it (Mark 10:2- Myrtle Brown, Donna Kinsey, Barbara Donovan, Kimberly Gaillard, 16 [2-12]). Norman Malloy, Dorothy Rose, Sylvia Chapman and all those at home or in nursing homes.
Mission Statement St. Patrick St. Patrick Catholic Church is a faith-filled Liturgical Ministries Schedule community that is forever growing in a rela- October 9, 2021 & October 10, 2021 tionship with Christ. We celebrate the pres- ence of Christ in Word and Sacrament, Oct 9: Saturday Vigil demonstrate love and concern for all parish- 6:00 PM ioners, teach by example, and strive to serve ALT Jeremy Mazyck Emily Pastva the needs of all in the community. Richard Pastva EUCH Patricia Mack LEC Ellen Dudash (1) Mabel Elliott-Moultrie (2) OCTOBER 3, 2021-OCTOBER 9, 2021 USH Aaron Richardson Chris Ross USH-COL Barbara Birds Alvin Simmons Sunday, Oct 3-Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Masses are 8am & 10am, Student Mass @ 5pm Oct 10: Twenty-Eighth in Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 AM Tuesday, Oct 5-Bible Study @ 11am (Conference Call) ALT Keith Bryant Maggie Hazel Nolan Sherry Tuesday, Oct 5-Legion of Mary @ 5:30pm (NO Mtg) EUCH Rovena Owens Thursday, Oct 7-Choir Rehearsal (NO Mtg) LEC Christine Castaneda (1) Phil A. Sherry (2) USH John Gantt, Jr. Queen Toney Saturday, Oct 9- Vigil Mass @ 6pm USH-COL Lynn Phillips Sandra Robertson 10:00 AM ALT Shawn Carter Lilly Colwell George McBean EUCH Katie Breeden LEC Kelli Burke (1) Gale Singletary (2) USH Clive D’Vaz Vincent Mazyck USH-COL Rocco Pasquarello Raymond Polite College of Charleston Students! Welcome to St. Patrick and welcome to the new year. Child Protection Program (Reminders) All employees and volunteers must meet several One of the best decisions you can make to grow in requirements prior to working with children. This in- your faith and connect with other Catholic students is cludes: to become part of the Catholic Student Association. a. All Employees, this includes those who are Please drop by our website: http:// contracted and click on the link to join the b. Volunteers with access to minors and or/ vul- nerable adults NewmanConnection app. Also, be sure to join our c. Ushers group on Facebook (CofCatholics) and follow us d. Traveling Eucharistic Ministers on Instagram (CofC_CSA). We have Mass every e. Greeters Sunday at 5:00p.m. On the 1st and 3rd Sunday Employees and volunteers must: of each month, we have Adoration and Confes- 1.Take the Safe Haven-Its Up to You by going to to complete your sion at 4:00 p.m. and on the 2nd and 3rd Sun- new online safe environment curriculum days of the month we have Rosary at 4:30. Fol- 2.Fill out the Diocese of Charleston Background lowing Mass, there is a free dinner for students Screening forms downstairs in the parish Hall at 6:15. We can’t wait 3.Read the Diocese of Charleston Sexual Policy to meet you! If you have any questions please call: 4.Sign the Acknowledgement of the Receipt of the Diocese of Charleston’s Sexual Abuse Policy 843-697-0854 5.Sign the Volunteer Code of Conduct Yours in Christ, 6.Turn in a copy of the Safe Haven Certificate and Tom Gregory completed forms to the church office
THE BARRIERS THAT SEPARATE US We live in a society that has many technological avenues for stimulation and entertainment, one in which the urban population exceeds the non-urban. It is curious that loneliness is a prevalent malady. It is easy to reach out and touch someone, we are told. But—in truth—it is not all that easy, and statistics from the mental health field will reinforce that opinion. Today’s readings are about the ways in which we can authentically reach out: God touches Adam to create a mate and end his solitude; God-in-Jesus takes on human flesh and death in order that we might come to glory; Jesus reaches out to the children whom the disciples had tried to keep away, showing us the manner in which we must approach the loving em- brace that awaits us in heaven. Until that day, however, we must remember that ours is a sacramental church, a church of signs of the love of God. And so we are called to reach out continually to ease the lone- liness and the barriers that separate us from one another and, therefore, from the love of Christ. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Our school made pinwheels for peace and had a prayer service for Who is an Active Parishioner? World Peace Day. • Regular attendance at Mass on Sundays and Ho- ly Days of Obligation. Absent only for serious reason, e.g. illness. • Registered in the Parish, receiving and using weekly envelopes, supporting the Parish accord- ing to the best of one’s ability. • Volunteers and participates in Parish activities with time, talent, and resources as means per- mit. • Trying to live the Catholic Faith as best they can with God’s help and the support of family and friends at home and in the Parish. PARISH REGISTRATION The Charleston Catholic School Welcome to all new families/individuals. Please Fred McKay, Principal register as soon as possible. Registration in 888-A King St. house is needed for planning purposes. Regis- Charleston, SC 29403 tration is required before the parish can issue a 843-577-4495 sponsorship certificate for those asked to be sacramental sponsors. You must be registered and a contributing member for at least 6 months before a certifi- cate will be given. Registration Forms are avail- able in the Parish Office 723-6066 and on line. MARRIAGES The couple must contact in person the pastor at least one year prior to the desired date of the wed- ding. Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Please contact the office to initiate the marriage Time preparation process or if you have questions. Bap- tism and Confirmation certificates are needed. October 3, 2021 Let the children come to me; Any notices for publication in the bulletin should do not prevent them, be submitted in writing by email on Mondays by for the kingdom of God belongs 12 noon for the following Sunday. Our email address is Thank to such as these. You! — Mark 10:14
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