August 2019 - Lake Norman Baptist Church

Page created by Kimberly Berry
August 2019 - Lake Norman Baptist Church
August 2019

                                                                                     7921 Sam Furr Road
                                                                                     Huntersville, NC 28078
                                                                                        (704) 892-0143

           Beyond Happy: Finding Joy in God
                                  In today’s society, happiness is often    many reasons to be joyful—even when
POWERSOURCE                       associated with external                  earthly life is filled with challenges and
                                                                            trials. Scripture reminds us to always
                                  circumstances, possessions, and
ASK JESUS:                        wealth. The Bible, however, teaches       rejoice, or “be full of joy in the
                                                                            Lord” (Philippians 4:4).
                                  that happiness is more of an internal
1. To help your children find     condition—and that it results from
                                  God’s blessing, love, and grace.          “Joy,” not happiness, is listed as a fruit
  true joy in their Savior, Je-                                             of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), and
  sus.                            Studies show that spirituality is a key   true joy comes from being friends with
                                  factor in children’s happiness, even      Jesus. Believing in a Savior who offers
2. To work through your fami-     more so than it is for adults.            forgiveness and eternal life leads to
  ly members to share the joy     Researcher Mark Holder found that         inner joy and peace, as well as “outer
                                  spirituality accounts for up to 16% of    joy” that’s evident to others. Living in a
  of Jesus with others.           children’s happiness, more than three     joy-filled way, no matter what we’re
                                  times the typical number for grownups.    facing, is a powerful witness to other
3. To remind you about the                                                  people—especially to those who don’t
                                  “It’s a whopping big effect,” he says,
  difference between earthly      admitting that he’d assumed children’s    yet know Jesus.
  happiness and eternal joy.      spirituality “would be too immature to
                                  account for their well-being.”            Read on to learn more about
                                                                            cultivating joy among your family
                                  Jesus doesn’t promise his followers       members.
                                  they’ll be happy, but he does give us
August 2019 - Lake Norman Baptist Church
Rejoice in the Lord Always
                                       Attitudes are contagious, as most parents know. A negative attitude can cast
                                       a cloud over an entire family. For children, negativity may be a way to seek
                                       love and attention. Instead of excluding or punishing a child with a sour
                                       attitude, show God’s love through your actions and words (including prayer).
                                       Immediately stop any negative comments and put-downs before things
                                       escalate, but correct children in private if possible. Praise children’s efforts to
                                       overcome a negative attitude. Most of all, let kids know that Jesus loves
                                       them unconditionally—and that true joy comes only from him.

       TEACHABLE                                                                   players (including It) must stand and
       MOMENTS                         Spread the Joy Have family
                                       members stand in a line behind you.         find a new seat. The person left
                                                                                   standing is the new It. After playing,
                                       Say: “I’ll turn around and show a happy
Attitude Check                         or silly face to the next person, who       read 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 and
                                       then turns around and imitates it to the    discuss why it’s important to give
                                       next person, and so on. When the face       thanks joyfully.
Hold up a basketball and say:
                                       reaches the back of the line, that
Pretend this is you in a really        person runs to the front and makes a        Smile-o-Meters Use Fruit by the
bad mood. Hold up a tennis ball        new face to spread.” After everyone         Foot snacks or tape-shaped bubble
and say: Pretend this is a friend      gets a turn, read aloud Isaiah 49:13a.      gum to measure one another’s
who’s in a fine mood. But then         Talk about why you love God and how         biggest smiles. Then place all the
                                       he gives you smiles of joy.                 “smiles” on a clean table. Read Job
your friend hangs around you.                                                      8:21. Ask: “What makes you happy
                                       Restoring Our Joy Give family               or joyful? How big do you think God
Hold the tennis ball on top of the     members two minutes to each shape a         smiles when he thinks of you?”
basketball, putting one hand under     lump of clay into a “joy crusher,” or       Unroll a long smile for God and enjoy
the basketball and the other hand      something that gets in the way of their     the treats.
on top of the tennis ball. Release     happiness. When time’s up, share your
                                       creations. Read aloud James 1:2-4           Don’t Steal My Joy! Blindfold one
them at the same time. (The tennis     and discuss how we can be joyful            person sitting at a table by three
ball should bounce off the             during troubles—and why. Then read          beanbags of “joy.” Other family
basketball and fly up.)                John 15:11 and discuss how Jesus            members should take turns trying to
                                       and his love bring us joy. Without a        sneak up and steal the joy. The
                                       time limit, reshape the joy crushers into   blindfolded person must listen
Ask: How is this like what happens                                                 carefully, then point and yell, “Stop
                                       actions or attitudes that can restore our
when you spread a good or bad          joy.                                        thief!” Give everyone a turn. Then
mood? Say: Energy, like our                                                        read John 10:10 and ask: “In real life,
attitude, can be transferred. Ask:     Rejoice Race Form a circle of               what are some things that steal our
When you have a good attitude,         chairs, with one less chair than the        joy (for example, worry, anger,
                                       number of family members. Have              jealousy, fear, lack of sleep)? How
what happens to others around                                                      does Jesus give us joy that can
                                       everyone else sit while you stand and
you? Tell about a time you were        be It. Explain that It will point to        never be taken away from us?” Read
a positive influence on                someone and say, “Rejoice in the            John 15:9-11. Say: “When we
someone—or on an entire                Lord!” That person must give a reason       remember that Jesus loves us and
group.                                 to rejoice (or be thankful) before It       we obey him, joy stays inside us!”
                                       counts to 10. If they can’t, they
                                       become the new It. If It says,
Read aloud 1 Thessalonians 5:16.       “Everyone rejoice in the Lord!” all
Say: The Bible tells us to always
be joyful. That’s part of living for
and serving Jesus. With a joyful
attitude, we have a good
influence on other people.                         “The joy of the Lord is your
Close in prayer.
                                                        —Nehemiah 8:10
August 2019 - Lake Norman Baptist Church

                                                                                               & TRENDS
                                                                                       Cartoon Culture Gay
               MOVIE                                                                   characters and same-sex
                                                               TV                      marriages are appearing in a
Title: Dora & the Lost City of Gold                                                    wide variety of children’s TV
                                            Title: Malibu Rescue                       shows, including cartoons.
Genre: Adventure, Family
                                            Network: Netflix                           Recent examples include
Rating: not yet rated
                                            Synopsis: In this eight-episode beach-
Cast: Isabela Moner, Eva Longoria,
                                            based series, two groups of teenagers
                                                                                       Arthur (PBS), The Bravest
Benicio Del Toro, Michael Peña
                                            from different upbringings work to         Knight (Hulu), and My Little
Synopsis: The bilingual explorer of                                                    Pony: Friendship Is Magic
                                            complete a Junior Rescue program.
cartoon fame—now a high schooler—                                                      (Discovery Family). (
                                            The down-to-earth underdogs from the
must save her parents in this live-action
                                            Valley face teasing from wealthy kids
film. Dora and her friends (including
                                            raised in glitzy Malibu. The characters    Classroom Reboots
cousin Diego and beloved monkey
                                            and plot were introduced in Malibu         Acknowledging students’ need
Boots) head to Machu Picchu to find a
                                            Rescue: The Movie (also on Netflix).       to move around and the many
mysterious city. Moner, the 18-year-old
                                            Our Take: Older kids and preteens          educational benefits of
lead actor, is bilingual and has recorded
                                            will be drawn to this summery TV           interactivity, schools are
several music albums.
                                            series, which seems like Baywatch Jr.
Our Take: This action-packed movie is
                                            But look out for teasing, mild bullying,
                                                                                       rethinking furniture and
geared more toward preteens than                                                       classroom layouts. More desks
                                            and lots of stereotyping. Adults aren’t
preschoolers, so use caution with                                                      and chairs now have wheels,
                                            great role models, contributing to the
young children. Compared to the                                                        and open, wall-free rooms are
                                            strained relationships among the kids.
cartoon, Dora’s movie adventures                                                       back in vogue. (
                                            Discussion points include fitting in,
contain more slapstick humor and
                                            persisting, and battling people’s
perilous situations.
                                            preconceived notions.

                                                                                             QUICK STATS
          Games, Sites & Apps                                                          Adults Behaving Badly A
                                                                                       shortage of umpires and refs at
  Verlet Swing                Be Internet Awesome JAM: Courses & Pro-                  youth sporting events is being
  In this first-person 3D     Google’s digital safety jects                            blamed on unruly parents.
  obstacle-course game,       curriculum for children      With this subscription-     Three-quarters of departing
  you use an imaginary        now covers media             based collection of         officials cite “adult behavior” as
  hookshot to swing           literacy, including how to   STEAM videos and            their reason for quitting.
  through a variety of        identify fake content and    challenges, kids are        (
  bizarre landscapes. The     avoid phishing scams.        encouraged to try new
  graphics have a surreal,    The free online activities   things, draw, build,
  dream-like quality, and     encourage children to        conduct experiments,        Empty Shelves In a survey of
  gameplay requires skill     interact safely, kindly,     and more. Parents           1,000+ parents, more than half
  and coordination. The       and responsibly in           receive updates on kids’    said they have fewer than 50
  game, available for many    cyberspace. Lessons are      activities. JAM offers a    books of any kind at home.
  platforms, is rated E for   available in numerous        free 14-day trial period.   Many cite cost as an obstacle.
  Everyone.                   languages.                   Best for ages 6+.           (

                                                                                       On Ice More than 600,000
   This page is designed to help educate parents and isn’t meant to endorse            frozen embryos are currently
   any movie, music, or product. Our goal is to help you make informed deci-           being kept in the United States.
        sions about what your children watch, read, listen to, and play.
August 2019 - Lake Norman Baptist Church

    SUNDAY               MONDAY            TUESDAY   WEDNESDAY             THURSDAY           FRIDAY         SATURDAY

                                                                       1                 2                  3

                                                                       Registration                            National
                                                                         Opens                              Watermelon Day!

4                    5                6              7                 8                 9                  10

                                                         National                                                 National
                                                     Lighthouse Day!                                            S’mores Day!

11                   12               13             14                15                16                 17

                                                                                         Tell a Joke Day!
                     Lincoln County                      Southlake
18                   19               20             21                22                23                 24
    LNBC Kids
Volunteer Luncheon

25                   26               27             28                29                30                 31

                          CMS                                                                               Bacon Day!

                                           Ongoing Weekly Church Events
                   Sundays                                                   Wednesday Evenings—MDWK
     Worship Times—8:30am; 9:45am                                            LNBC Student MDWK: 5-9:00pm
     Morning Small Group Studies—8:30am and 9:45am                           Adult Prayer time: 6pm, Prayer Room

                                  Body & Soul—Women’s Fitness Classes—Monday/Wednesday
                                     Tuesdays Mornings—Women’s Summer Bible Study
August 2019 - Lake Norman Baptist Church August 2019 - Lake Norman Baptist Church August 2019 - Lake Norman Baptist Church August 2019 - Lake Norman Baptist Church August 2019 - Lake Norman Baptist Church
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