Saint FRancis xavieR paRish - May 12, 2019 - Missoula's

Page created by Phillip Sanchez
Saint FRancis xavieR paRish - May 12, 2019 - Missoula's
saint FRancis xavier parish
                                  May 12, 2019

Blessing for Mothers’ Day
In opening her heart to “YES!”

Mary the daughter of God,
became the mother of God,
bearer of the Most High into the world.

May blessings come
to all who follow the way of Mary:
mothers & grandmothers
stepmothers & godmothers
adoptive mothers & mothers of the heart.

May each find joy and grace in her calling:
giving life & to sustaining it,
treasuring the world in her heart,
& suckling redemption at her breast.

May each mother become as Mary is:
Bringer of Grace, Seat of wisdom,
Temple of Christ, Source of Love and Mercy.

The Creator of all life has called you to share
in the divine mission of generation and nurture.
May God, who mothers the world into being,
bless you with grace and fill you with hope.

		           A Happy Mother’s Day

                                  Our Mission Statement

                    St. Francis Xavier is a Catholic-­Jesuit parish
                               ignited by the Eucharist
                          To Pray, Serve, Do Justice, and Love.
Saint FRancis xavieR paRish - May 12, 2019 - Missoula's
                     to those receiving the
                Sacrament of First Communion

Matthew Alfons Potencioso Aritrangco   Ellanora Veronica Jolley   Jack Schaefer
Declan Joseph Bell                     Elle Marie Jones           Frances Grace Schreiber
Maximo Camacho                         Abryenne Kamil Lacangan    June Elizabeth Schreiber
Veronica Camacho                       Emerson Jane Laird         Kennison Jane Schreiber
Sam John Cavanaugh                     Grace Lapka                Nora Blair Schrichte
Jane Carmel Feist                      Cole Mark Laslovich        Quinn Sproull
Lily Jean Goodman                      Evangeline McKernan        Elissa Anne Tomlanovich
Elise Graff                            Brody Meyer                Ivy Kay Van Grinsven
Keegan Russell Hall                    Sofia Florene Passuccio    Peyton Kae Walters
Kenzie Jo Hall                         Sophia Reichert            Charles David Wolter
Giada O’Neil Harrington                Sloan Elizabeth Rhodes     Elleni Yeheyes
Easton Bruce Hobbs                     Derek Schaefer             Risa Kay Zeiler

Saint FRancis xavieR paRish - May 12, 2019 - Missoula's
Children, Liturgy, and First Communion

Last week, after the 10:00 am mass, I spoke with parents who were so grateful that we invite our young people—even
small, squirrelly children— to come to the altar for a blessing before Children’s’ Liturgy of Word (CLOW). Wow do
they come, some skipping, others pulled by a sibling, and still others reluctantly peering out behind a parent’s legs.
We want them to feel at home up at the altar, to see the icons and images, and to hear the love story being told each
and every Sunday. Though every parent feels their child the noisiest and most disruptive, it is (usually) not true;
and, furthermore it is very important that children begin to come close, both for them and for all of us.

For the children, it is important that they begin to know that this altar, this Church, exists for them in every moment
of their lives. We learn the lessons of Church not, primarily, through classes and textbooks, but through the social-
ization of ritual and rite. We must not banish our children to the back of the church, or to the vestibule, or some-
where else any more than we would keep them from the family Thanksgiving dinner until they are old enough to sit
still and chomp quietly. That doesn't mean it is good to have chaos (the church isn't the playground, and sometimes
parents may need to take a time-out), but it does mean that the reality of being 2 or 5 or 7—like the reality of being
sad or desperate—should be welcomed by us, even when it sometimes disrupts the perfection of our performance.
Youngsters need to know that it matters to us that they are there, and that it matters that they receive as their own
the sacred mysteries in which we find life. We may not see that happening in a 5 year old, but trust me, it is taking
root in ways we cannot know or imagine.

Further, children show us an image of ourselves before God (indeed, I think that is one of their great missions in the
Church). Small and yet beloved, invited to grow and yet sometimes unable to keep their seats, they echo our own
struggles to be present and receive the grace that is offered. After all, we are loved by God, despite our noisy and dis-
ruptive behavior; so loved, in fact, that, through Jesus Christ, we have been invited to share the very table of life and
the inner mystery of the Trinity. Yet, we sometimes have a hard time remembering that.

This Catholic life of ours is not a series of propositions to which we assent—it is not a philosophy or a theory—it is a
living thing as mysterious and messy as grace itself. The water splashes, the oil drips, the wine is a bit sour, the bread
crumbles, the presider stumbles on his lines, all of which reminds us that Church is not theater, and the sacraments
are not a performance but the source of life. As we, the St. Francis Xavier Community, prepare for First Commu-
nion of nearly forty children; we are reminded that they are the image of the Incarnation, the reminder that God
became human—a messy and disruptive baby—and through those human moments, charged with grace, we are
redeemed. As we celebrate First Communion, this weekend, let the children come, and let our whole family know
that we, together, are the Body of Christ.


Saint FRancis xavieR paRish - May 12, 2019 - Missoula's
Items of Note:
Celebrating Sunday
all the way home:
On the way home from Mass consider asking:

Did you ever think you knew exactly where you were going and still ended up lost?
How does God help protect us as a shepherd would?

                                                           We invite you to witness
                                                           our youth as they receive
                                                           the The Sacrament of
                                                           First Holy Communion
                                                           here May 12th at a special
    Allista Ward & Bailey Vetter                           Noon Mass.
who celebrated the Sacrament of Marriage
                                                                Mass Scriptures for the Month of May, 2019
           on May 11, 2019.
      We wish them every blessing.

                                                           Saturday 5/11    Acts 9:31-42
                                                                            Ps. 116
                                                                            John 6:60-69
                                                           Sunday 5/12      Acts 13:14, 43-52       Fourth of Easter
                                                         		                 Ps. 100
                                                         		                 Rev. 7:9, 14b-17
                                                         		                 John 10:27-30
  The Mary Martha Knitting                                 Monday 5/13      Acts 11:1-18		          Our Lady of Fatima
                                                         		                 Ps. 42
   Group will be meeting on                              		                 John 10:1-10
  May 16th at 11:00 am in the                              Tuesday 5/14     Acts 1:15-17, 20-26     St. Matthias
                                                         		                 Ps. 113
        Parish Center.                                   		                 John 15:9-17
                                                           Wednesday 5/15   Acts 12:24 -- 13:5a
                                                         		                 Ps. 67
                                                         		                 John 12:44-50
Couples Corner                                             Thursday 5/16    Acts 13:13-25		         St. Andrew Bobola
                                                         		                 Ps. 89
                                                         		                 John 13:16-20
  One of the nicest things you can say to your             Friday 5/17      Acts 13:26-33
                                                         		                 Ps. 2
   partner, “If I had to do it all over again,           		                 John 14:1-6
            I’d choose you. Again.”                        Saturday 5/18    Acts 13:44-52
                                                         		                 Ps. 98
                      -Unknown                           		                 John 14:7-14
                                                           Sunday 5/19      Acts 14:21-27		         Fifth of Easter
       As a parish, let’s work together to support       		                 Ps. 145
            and celebrate healthy marriage!              		                 Rev. 21:1-5a
                                                         		                 John 13:31-33a, 34-35
Saint FRancis xavieR paRish - May 12, 2019 - Missoula's
‘Start children off on the way they should go and
      even when they are old they will not turn from it.’
                                    - Proverbs 22:6

        We are excited to announce that we will be introducing
             Catechesis of the Good Shepherd this Fall!

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori based, hands on approach to the
religious formation of children grounded in Sacred Scripture, Catholic Doctrine,
Liturgy and Prayer.

We will begin by offering Level I for children aged 3, 4, & 5 in three sessions limited
to 9 students each. It will take place in our Atrium, a prepared environment in the
parish’s Loyola Center.

To learn more about this amazing program for your child or grandchild,
a personal tour of our atrium, and to register please contact
Brian Johnson at 926.9797 or
explore CGS philosophy at

Saint FRancis xavieR paRish - May 12, 2019 - Missoula's
Give the mom’s in your life the gift of you
     becoming a Knight of Columbus. Be a better
         husband, father, son, and Catholic.
                                                                            Baby Bottle Boomerang

                                                                            Life Net is starting its annual Baby Bottle Boomerang
                                                                            to raise support for their Christ-centered services to
  Please remember our Diocesan Seminarians                                  young women and men facing unplanned pregnan-
                                                                            cies. Pick up an empty baby bottle from the bassinet
                    Dillon Armstrong                                        on Mother's Day, May 12th, fill them with cash,
                   Matthew Christiaens                                      change & checks, and return them to us by Father's
                     Tyler Frohlich                                         Day, June 16th! Every penny goes to support Life
                Deacon Nathan Scheidecker                                   Net's life-saving resources. Find out more on their
                     Kyle Tannehill                                         website:

 Missoula Catholic Schools has a rolling admissions process and is
actively accepting applications for this school year and next. Please
 contact the schools to set up your tour or with any questions you
                  may have regarding admissions.

                                                                                               LIFE IN THE SPIRIT
                                           Serve.                                           Saint Anthony’s Parish is sponsoring a presentation titled:
                                                                                        “Healing Through the Sacraments”
                                           Learn.                                                              MAY 18, 2019
                                           Lead.                                                               8:30AM-6:00PM
                                                                                                               IN THE PARISH LIFE CENTER
                                                                                                                    LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED

                                          Succeed.                                               GUEST SPEAKER: FR JOE PADDOCK
                                                                                          FR JOE PADDOCK IS A NATIVE OF ANACONDA AND NEWLY ORDAINED PRIEST
  For more information about the schools and related                                                       SERVING IN BROWNING, MONTANA

 events, please contact Kathy Schneider, Loyola Sacred                          JOIN US AS WE FOCUS ON THE SACRAMENTS OF RECONCILIATION, ANOINTING OF THE SICK, AND
  Heart High School Principal at 406-549-6101 and/or                            THE EUCHARIST. PRESENTATION WILL INCLUDE: PRAISE AND WORSHIP, SCRIPTURE, REFLECTION,
                                                                                SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS, AND PRAYING FOR HEALING. THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION
 Christina Vierra McGill, St. Joseph School Principal at                        WILL BE OFFERED.
                                                                                                                MORNING MASS AT 11:00AM
                                                                                                                AFTERNOON MASS AT 5:00PM
                                                                                FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT JERRY WEBER 721.6599 OR THE PARISH OFFICE 543.3129

Saint FRancis xavieR paRish - May 12, 2019 - Missoula's
May 12, 2019
     Fourth Sunday of 				 Easter

   We invite you to visit our website,
      & our social media pages.

         See what is happening at
             St. Francis Xavier
           and throughout the
            larger community!
       On Facebook at St. Francis Xavier Church

                                                                                            May ---
             Forgot your envelope?                                        Jim Caplis, Casey Blanchard, Cary Nicklay,
                                                                              Wade Palmer, and Jason Mellema
Consider online giving. Almost 10% of our registered                          receive His healing and consolation.
 families contribute online thru ConnectNow Giving
We invite you to take a look https://www.sfxmissoula.                                          May ---
org/donate-online/ways-to-give/ to create an account.                            Laura Himes and Cara Wherley
                      Thank you.                                              rest in peace in Our Lord’s Loving arms.

           Collections for May 5, 2019

   Regular - 8758.00 Loose Collection - 2225.37                          Mass Intentions for The Month of May, 2019
                Maintenance - 240.00                                   Saturday 5/11        Mabel Anderson
                  Easter - 100.00                                      Sunday 5/12          For the People*
                                                                     		                     Elvira Giuliani
            St. Mary's Cemetery - 40.00                              		                     Rich & Jan Wherley*
                                                                       Monday 5/13          Sheila Combo
                                                                       Tuesday 5/14         Katie Moriarity
                   Online - 2248.00                                    Wednesday 5/15       Jerry Lubbers
                                                                       Thursday 5/16        Tim Burger
    Thank you for your generous giving!                                Friday 5/17          Mike & Mary Wherley
                                                                       Saturday 5/18        William Kohout
                                                                       Sunday 5/19          Rose Dewing
                                                                     		                     For the People*
                                                                     		                     Bea Byland
                  For information on Jesuit vocations                  Monday 5/20          Keith Hagen
                                                Tuesday 5/21         Pat Colyer
                                                                       Wednesday 5/22       Brosious Family
                                                                       Thursday 5/23        Thomas Buck

           St. Francis Xavier Parish will often use parishioner likeness in print, video, website or in social media sites
                                 for the purpose of sharing our church community with others.

420 West Pine Street, Missoula MT, 59802                                       406.542.0321      
Saint FRancis xavieR paRish - May 12, 2019 - Missoula's Saint FRancis xavieR paRish - May 12, 2019 - Missoula's Saint FRancis xavieR paRish - May 12, 2019 - Missoula's
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