Facebook.com/Our-Lady-of-The-Holy-Rosary 262-652-2771 - August 2, 2020 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Facebook.com/Our-Lady-of-The-Holy-Rosary 262-652-2771 - August 2, 2020 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 2, 2020
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

                    2224 45th Street, Kenosha, WI 53140
Facebook.com/Our-Lady-of-The-Holy-Rosary 262-652-2771 - August 2, 2020 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
A Note from our Administrator
  While I am excited to welcome three new members to our Holy Rosary Pastoral Council—Tom Herricks, Tina
Richie and Laura Burnett-Shoemaker, I am also very grateful for the service of those who are leaving the council
because they have !inished their terms— Carol Zumpano, Teresa Horner, and Sandy Ambrosini. I am heartened
by my hope of seeing them in new roles of service in our parish as the Holy Spirit prompts them.
  Through a variety of challenges, the Pastoral Council has envisioned a future for our parish and determined
concrete steps to see that vision realized. The pandemic may have put us on hold for time, but once we get
moving again the newly-formed council will be able to lead our parish in ful!illment of our mission to be ever
more “the Body of Christ, doing the works of Christ.” May the good Lord bless us all in this important effort!
Peace to you all!
                                                                                          — Fr. Michael, MIC

¨ Obligation to attend                                      MASS INTENTIONS                    IN NEED OF PRAYER
  Holy Mass is now
  September 6th, 2020.                           Sat August 1                               Please pray for the sick and
¨ We are offering                                4:15 pm Holy Rosary Parishioners Living/    homebound of our parish:
  weekday Holy Mass on                                     Deceased                                  Sylvia Banda
  Wednesdays and Thursdays at 6:30 am.                                                             Aurora Barone
¨ St. Peter Church is offering daily mass on     Sun August 2                                   Jacqueline Beckman
                                                 8:00 am +Joseph Cucunato                         Christine Brown
  Tuesdays and Fridays at 8:00 am.
                                                 10:30 am +Mitchell Kitchens                       Mariano Bruno
                                                                                                 Betty Dubanewicz
                                                 Mon August 3                                     Joseph A. Garcia
                                                  TBD   +Laura and +Hozie Burke                        Don Gierl
                                                                                                    James Jackson
                                                 Tue August 4                                     Kathy Jungenbert
 Congratulations and welcome to the newest        TBD     +Pompilio Alessandri                       James Kuffel
  members of Holy Rosary’s Parish Council.                                                       Helen Majchrowic
   They are: Tom Herricks, Tina Richie and       Wed August 5                                        Cynthia Marx
          Laura Burnett-Shoemaker.               6:30 am +Armando Bilotto                          Loretta Matera
  Additionally, thank you to all that took the                                                        So!ia Matias
time to nominate. With three open spots, three                                                  Michael MacCready
  accepted out of all that were nominated, so    Thu August 6                                   Georgeanne Metallo
      there was no need for an election!         6:30 am +Geri and +Louis Giannini                L Montemurro Jr.
____________________________________                                                                Jerry Mullane
                                                 Fri August 7                                   MaryAnn Passarelli
RCIA — Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults      TBD    +Emil Mettallo
If you are interested in                                                                         Robyn Rutkowski
becoming Catholic or                                                                               Henry Saldana
                                                 Sat August 8                                      Gregory Smith
learning more about the                          4:15 pm +Lisa Summers
Catholic Faith, please                                                                           Geraldine Vizenor
contact Deacon Dan                               Sun August 9
Burmeister at                                                                                Please also pray for our
                                                 8:00 am Holy Rosary Parishioners Living/     parishioners serving
burmeisterd@archmil.org                                   Deceased                             in the U.S. military:
                                                 10:30 am +Rose and +Julius Ventura             Vincent L. Celebre
                                                                                                    Matt Gierl

     Congratulations and welcome to                                                          Additionally, please pray
         Hadley Kathleen Hagen,                                                             for the recently deceased:
daughter of Alexander and Molly Hagen, who                                                       Ronald Christman
      was baptized this past Sunday.                                                                Rita Johnson

    7/19/20 Giving Data Currently Unavailable
                 Ways to Give:
 hrosarykenosha.org              My Parish App
 ACH                          Banking Bill Pay
 Offertory Envelopes                     Mail
Facebook.com/Our-Lady-of-The-Holy-Rosary 262-652-2771 - August 2, 2020 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
We Pray for our Con!irmation Candidates who where
  Con!irmed this past weekend. We ask the Holy Spirit to
guide and enlighten them on their journey towards Heaven.
We pray that Mother Mary protects them and leads them to
 the Heart of her Son, Jesus Christ founder of the Catholic
 Faith in which they con!irmed to believe and live. Amen.
                                                                                   William G. Aiello, D.D.S.
                                                                                           New Patients Welcome
                                                                                             3415 30th Avenue
                                                                                            Phone (262) 654-0267
                                                                                                             The Legacy at St.Joseph’s is a 70 bed

                                                                                 Now                       enhanced Community Based Residential
                                                                                                         Facility offering loving care to those that are

                                                                                Open!                     in need. Our mission is to offer an enriched
                                                                                                        lifestyle to seniors by providing 5-star quality
                                                                                                       care for those whose lives are entrusted to us.
                                                                                                              Caring for Residents is our passion.

                                                                                  What makes our Home different from other
                                                                                    CBRF / Assisted Living Comunities?
                                                                                ♥ Our 102 year history of providing professional and
                                                                                   personal services to ensure a high quality of living.
                                                                                ♥ Our stellar reputation in the State of Wisconsin and
                                                                                   5-Star rating from the Federal Government, when
                                                                                   licensed as a Skilled Nursing Facility.
                                                                                ♥ Forever owned and operated by the Carmelite
    Archdiocese of Milwaukee News and Events                                       Sisters, DCJ, with Sisters providing direct personal
                                                                                   care to our Residents.
             Now Enrolling! All Saints Catholic School is accepting             ♥ Long-term dedicated staff who are committed to
             enrollments for the 2020-21 school year for in person                 providing compassionate, dignified care.
             instruction. We offer a faith !illed, values driven, rigorous      ♥ Devoted and established Management, with
             academic environment for children age 3 through 8th grade all         extensive years of service at St. Joseph’s Home.
             at one campus. Before and aftercare is available starting at       ♥ A large chapel, home-like environment and
             6am and ending at 6pm on school days. Call for more                   beautifully landscaped grounds.
information and visit our website. Space is limited. (262) 925-4024.            ♥ We request only 1-year of private pay.
allsaintskenosha.org 4400 22nd Avenue
                                                                                ♥ A full-time Registered Dietician on staff to
                                                                                   accommodate specialized diets and textures. Also,
                 As a school fully dedicated to educating the whole child,         staff available to help those Residents who need
                 mind, body and spirit, St. Joseph Catholic Academy is             assistance with feeding themselves.
                 committed to having our students physically present for
                                                                                ♥ Staff that can assist our Residents with transfers,
                 daily, in person instruction beginning August 19, 2020.           including 2-person and mechanical lifts.
                 Following guidelines and recommendations from the CDC,
                                                                                ♥ A Medical Director who oversees the care of our
                 the DPI, the local health department, and the Archdiocese of
Milwaukee, SJCA is outlining the best, most effective and reasonable
methods for keeping our students and staff as safe as possible.                 ♥ A full-time Wound-Care Certified Registered Nurse
                                                                                   on Staff.
With its small classes sizes, large school buildings, experienced leadership
and the ability to be !lexible, SJCA is well positioned to not only keep our    ♥ A large therapy gym that offers Speech, Physical and
students and staff safe, but to also ensure that student learning continues        Occupational therapy services.
uninterrupted. Moreover, SJCA has the resources and structure to                ♥ And much more...
successfully implement physical distancing, cohort cohesiveness, and                                                         You’ve Seen the Rest,
intensive daily cleaning, while never compromising on the high quality          WE ARE ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS                Come Live At The Best!
Catholic educational experience its students and families deserve.               FOR RESIDENCY AT THE LEGACY
Though this school year may look a bit different, the core of SJCA remains
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our expectations for our school community remain high, and our                      Please call to arrange a tour.
commitment to our students and families has never been stronger. If you
are looking for a vibrant, safe, in-person educational environment for your     9244 29th Avenue - Kenosha, WI 53143 • 262-925-8115 or 262-925-8125
child this fall, please contact our Admissions Team at
admissions@sjcawi.org or (262) 654-8651, ext. 104.                              		                                                     B 4C 01-0144
Nick Vanchena          Mike Vanchena

                                    President               Vice President
                                                            Parish Member

                                                              BUILDING PRODUCTS
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STAN’S PLACE                                                                                    Psychiatric & Psychotherapy Clinic
BAR & GRILL                                                                                                                             Service, Inc
                                                                                   Paul M. DeFazio, M.S.W.                                    3008 - 75th Street 53142
                                                                                               Parish Member                                                                  Pancake House & Restaurant
           (262)                                                                  Treatment for Depression, Anxiety,
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      • Parish Member •                                                              6125 Greenbay Rd, Ste 700                                           Website:
                                                                                                                                                                             Your Host: Peter             (262) 653-1811
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                            For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com                                              Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Kenosha, WI                                    A 4C 01-0144
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