Lent A time of preparation - News For Those Sixty And Over, Caregivers, And The Saint George Parish Community - St. George Roman Catholic Church

Page created by Arthur Ward
Lent A time of preparation - News For Those Sixty And Over, Caregivers, And The Saint George Parish Community - St. George Roman Catholic Church
News For Those Sixty And Over,
Caregivers, And The Saint George Parish Community

                                 A time of preparation
Lent A time of preparation - News For Those Sixty And Over, Caregivers, And The Saint George Parish Community - St. George Roman Catholic Church
In Matthew’s Gospel following                  Now we must attend to the physical           patios, masonry and HVAC. Work in the
                                               structure of our church building; our        car garage will include ventilation, man
Peter’s Confession of Faith,                   worship space. This past Fall, we            door, electric and paint. Finally, the
Jesus says to him, “And so I say               launched our Raise the Roof Appeal to        general site work will address storm
                                               provide the necessary funds to address
to you, you are Peter, and upon                some long overdue projects. Our first
                                                                                            water piping and concrete for curbs and
                                                                                            sidewalks, asphalt and retaining wall
this rock I will build my church”              phase of the Appeal is to replace the        repair. The cost of these projects is
(Matthew 16:18). Some 2,000                    roof of our                                  estimated at $305,275.
                                               church which
years later we continue to live                has had                                      The weekend of February 13/14, we will
out this command.                              ongoing leaks                                have our promotion of the annual
Over the past few years here at St.            in several                                   Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) to help
George we have been building up our            places within.                               support the many ministries and
church, the people of God, by                  Also included is                             programs for our Diocese. The monies
                   introducing numerous        the re-pointing                              we raise above our assessment will go
                   spiritual opportunities     of our stained                               towards our parish projects as we move
                   like development of         glass windows                                forward in securing the beautiful worship
                   WELCOME, Catholic           and the                                      space we have enjoyed over these past
                   Young Adults, That          replacement of                               62 years. I ask once again that you be
                   Man is You, Bible           the outside                                  most generous in your support of the
                   Studies and continued       protective                                   2021 CSA as we look to the completion
                   weekly opportunities        covering. The                                of our projects.
                   for prayer and spiritual    cost of these
                                               two projects is estimated at                 May God continue to bless our parish
engagement. This affirms what I have
                                               $1,104,500.                                  family as we to do the good works of our
always believed, that if you take care of
the spiritual needs of your people, the
                                               The second phase of our projects will
rest will follow.
                                               include our Rectory windows, doors,

  We recently celebrated the 60th Anniversary of our current church building
  here at Saint George, but we still have so much more to celebrate.
  by Fr. Joseph Petrone

  It was in 1922 that our parish was founded by Bishop John         If they are simply taking up space in your house, we would be
  Mark Gannon. What started as a small church building on           happy to save them in our parish archives; we are also willing
  the outskirts of town has become one of the largest parishes      to give them back after we are done with them. We will be
  in the Diocese of Erie. Even non-Catholics who are driving        uploading all pictures to computers so that we can have
                  past can’t help but be in awe of the iconic       backups (and better organize them). We are prepared to start
                  green barrel roof.                                receiving these items, so you can drop them off during the
                                                                         office hours (Monday-Friday, 9:00am-3:00pm), or leave
                  The clergy, along with Pastoral
                  and Financial Councils,                 E ORGE CH              them with a priest after mass. Be sure to leave your
                                                                                    name and number so we can contact you with
                  have implemented a                    G                             questions (and return them if you so desire).
                  small steering                    T

                  committee to plan our                                                  The past year has been a year of


                  100th year celebration                                                  challenges, so it is wonderful to have
                                          S AI

  during the year 2022. Because this                                                       something worth celebrating, and

  event is so important in the history                                                     celebrating well! In the upcoming weeks
  of our city and our parish, we hope                                                       and months, we will be requesting
  to go all out with the celebration.                                                       volunteers to assist with various projects
  Some of the ideas we are hoping to                                                        as the steering committee puts our
  implement include displaying                                                              timeline together. I ask that you
  historical memorabilia throughout the                                                    prayerfully consider volunteering—it is
  year and putting together a book on                                                     our hope that the parish really comes


  the history of the parish. This is where                                               together for this opportunity to honor our
                                                  th                                    past which gives us hope for our future!

  we need your help. If you have pictures
  or memorabilia of the parish and can
                                                        AN                S A
  identify people or events, we would be
                                                             NIVE        R As always, if you have any question, please feel
                                                                              free to contact me. You can either call me at (814)
  delighted to include them in our displays.
                                                                        864-0622, ext. 354; or you can email
                                                                    jpetrone@stgeorgeerie.org. St. George, pray for us!
Lent A time of preparation - News For Those Sixty And Over, Caregivers, And The Saint George Parish Community - St. George Roman Catholic Church
Annual Soup, Salad, and Soul Goes Viral
The annual Lenten event, Soup, Salad,           Additionally, there will be a Lenten Soup   join us for Soup, Salad, and Soul this Lent.
and Soul, normally held in the School          Sale to continue with the theme. Every
Cafeteria, will be virtual this year.          weekend prior to our Zoom meetings           Schedule For Soup, Salad,
Deacon Bob Ball together with Deacon
Steve Frezza and others have lined up a
                                               there will be a featured Soup of the
                                               Week. The soup will be available for pick
                                                                                            And Soul:
list of speakers that will present talks via   up after all weekend masses at the           Prayer
Zoom.                                          Georgian Way School entrance. It will be     February 23: Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB
                                               sold by the quart and the cost is $10.       March 2: Fr. John-Mary Tompkins, OSB
Zoom is an online platform that allows         You can buy on site or pre-order by
people to gather online from the safety        using an online form which can be found      Fasting
of their own home. You may have seen           on our website and will also be sent in      March 9 and March 16: Kathleen Peterson
or heard about the variety of ways that        our Weekly E-News email.
Zoom has been used since the                                                                Almsgiving
beginning of the pandemic. There have          Checks can be made out to Saint              March 23: Patrice Swick, Director, Office for
been family gatherings, concerts, plays,       George Church, or the office can take        Social Justice and Life, Catholic Charities
presentations far and wide and                 your credit card/debit card payment over
countless employers have used it to            the phone M-F 9am-3pm at 814-862-
bring together employees while working         0644.
from home. Teachers and students
from pre-school to college are also            Things are different. They continue to be
using it to teach remotely, even here at       different, but if you are able, please do
Saint George School. Saint George
Church has utilized Zoom for bible
studies and meetings and our Faith
Formation program.

Now it is your turn! Each Tuesday in
Lent from 6:30-7:30pm Saint George
will host a speaker that will be focusing
on one of the Cornerstones of Lent.
You can access information on how to
connect to the Zoom meetings as well
as other instructions at

                                                 UPCOMING IMPORTANT DATES

   February 11:                World Day of Prayer for the Sick        March
   February 13-14:             Catholic Services Appeal 2021           6-7, 13-14, 20-21:        Soup Sale after all Masses
                               kick-off at all Masses                  March 8:                  First Reconciliation
   February 14:                World Day of Marriage                   March 28:                 Palm Sunday
   February 17:                Ash Wednesday: Mass times:              April 1:                  Holy Thursday
                               6:45am, 12:10pm, 7:00pm                 April 2:                  Good Friday
   February 20-21:             Soup Sale begins: available             April 3:                  Holy Saturday
                               after all Masses                        April 4:                  Easter
   February 23:                Virtual Soup, Salad, and Soul
                                                                       Not receiving our Weekly E-News email? We may not have
                               6:30pm                                  your email. Call the Rectory Office and we can add your
   February 27:                Virtual 22:32 Men’s Conference          email to our list.
                                                                       Did you know? You can now see all of the events, meetings,
   February 27-28:             Soup Sale after all Masses              and prayer intentions on our online calendar. Go to
   March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30:     Virtual Soup, Salad, and Soul           www.stgeorgeerie.org/news-and-events/calendar
                                                                       Saint George Roman Catholic Church, 5145 Peach Street Erie,
                                                                       PA 16509 Call: 814 864-0622, www.stgeorgeerie.org
YOUR HEALTH                                           Catholic Services
                                                                                        Appeal 2021
As the Lenten Season approaches,            sodium and extra fats to our favorite
many of us will set aside some luxuries                                                 The 2021 Catholic Services Appeal
until Easter Sunday. For some people                                                    will be conducted throughout our
those luxuries are sweets such as           So, if you give up sweets this Lenten       diocese beginning on February 14.
candies or cakes. While this may seem       season, you’re actually doing yourself a    The CSA is the main source of
like a challenge to many, it also serves    favor. If you can replace these harmful     support for projects and services of
to improve your health.                     sugars for 40 days, you will notice a       the diocese which serve parishes and
                                            significant difference in how you feel by   the wider community in northwestern
Giving up refined sugars indefinitely can   Easter Sunday. Including decreased          Pennsylvania. Our diocese does the
have amazing health benefits. Refined       inflammation, a boost in energy levels, a   work of Christ and needs your help to
sugars are sugars created to add flavor     better night’s sleep and possibly weight    continue this important work.
such as High Fructose Corn Syrup and        loss.
Table Sugar. Table sugar, also known as                                                 The CSA is essential to helping the
sucrose, often undergoes additional         As always, please consult your              Diocese of Erie fulfill its mission to
processing to add to its sweetness.         physician before making any major diet      evangelize, educate, serve, proclaim
High Fructose Corn Syrups are often         changes.                                    the Word, celebrate the sacraments,
processed the same way as table                                                         and provide hope to people in need.
sugars but made with Glucose, another       Thanks,                                     Your participation ensures the
type of sugar.                              Danielle M Hansen, DO, MS (Med Ed),         success of the CSA and is important
                                            MHSA                                        to the health of our parish. Please join
These sugars are linked to conditions                                                   other Catholics from across the 13
like Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease and                                                 counties of our diocese in supporting
obesity. Diets high in refined sugars can                                               this important appeal.
even be linked to depression, dementia,
liver diseases and even certain types of                                                For more information please refer to
Cancers.                                                                                the latest edition of Faith Magazine or
                                                                                        the Diocese of Erie Website
                                             Millcreek Community Hospital               www.eriercd.org.
These sugars make our beverages
                                             5515 Peach Street, Erie, PA
taste better, aid as a preservative in
                                             16509 Call: (814) 864-4031                 Please see the inserted letter from
canned and packaged foods, and
more. They are more harmful to us than                                                  Father Brian about Saint George’s
we realize. They are full of empty                                                      CSA 2021 assessment and how we
calories, low in nutrients and even add                                                 will utilize monies that exceed our
                                                                                        assessment obligation.

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