Greetings from the Dean - UNCP

Page created by Gilbert Hughes
Greetings from the Dean - UNCP
January/February 2021

                                  Greetings from the Dean

    Name             Greetings,
   Change!           I hope the winter holidays provided time for replenishing your spirit and
                     rejoicing with loved ones. Welcome back to another calendar year with
                     all the symbolism that the marking of the New Year brings.
Effective January
1, 2021, the TEC     There is much we have to be grateful for in our private and professional
    has been         lives. There is also much in the air that begs us to not repeat the past
                     but to find a way to imagine and create a New America, grounded in our
 renamed to the      common humanity. As we celebrate Martin Luther King’s vision, let’s
   Council of        reflect upon what that means for us in 2021. We all share responsibility
   Educator          to address this unfinished business. We must evaluate our programs
  Preparation        and systems and commit to ensuring that they truly deliver. Perhaps
Programs (CEPP)      even more importantly, we need to evaluate our hearts and values, for
                     upon these, honest actions are grounded.
                     Our faculty and staff are dedicated and loyal to our institution. I thank
2020-2021 CEPP
                     you sincerely for all you’ve done. I have faith in the individuals who make
 Meeting Dates       up our Educator Preparation Programs and their sense of duty, high
  August 12, 2020    standards, inquiring minds, collaborative spirits and commitment to
September 9, 2020
                     ensuring we continue to provide quality teachers, social workers, school
 October 14, 2020
                     counselors, and school administrators. Each of our achievements
November 11, 2020
                     shines and underpins one another.
   January 2021
(Program Meetings)   Wishing you all a happy and productive new year!
 February 10, 2021
  March 17, 2021
   April 14, 2021
                     Loury O. Floyd
Meeting documents
 are available in
Greetings from the Dean - UNCP
School of Education Appointments

 CEPP Data
                       Dr. Lisa Mitchell, Associate           Dr. Amy Van Buren, Technology
                                  Dean                             & edTPA Coordinator
 We held our first
  Data Institute
  November 30,
2020. Thanks to all
 who participated.
                       Dr. Mabel Rivera, Director               Dr. Leslie Locklear, Student
  We examined our         of Accreditation and                     Success Coordinator
new Data Notebooks             Reporting
   for discussion on
     unit-wide and
 program level data.
Data Notebooks are
 located in the CEPP
 OneDrive and have
  been updated with                                          Dr. Bryan Winters, MSA Program
                            Dr. Joe Sciulli,
   annual reporting,    Coordinator of Strategic                        Director
edTPA, and licensure          Initiatives
      exam data.
Data Notebooks will
be updated monthly.
                                                         Dr. Keri Sullivan,
                                                      STEAM day Coordinator
Greetings from the Dean - UNCP
Brave Educator Alumni Spotlight
Follow Us!    Zach Jones serves on the CEPP as our Teacher Representative


                   Greetings! My name is Zach Jones and I am a two-time
              graduate of UNCP. I achieved my B.S. in Elementary Education
                  in 2013 and M.A.Ed. in Reading Education in 2017. I am
                currently pursuing an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership with a
             concentration in Curriculum and Instruction from UNCW. During
              my teaching career, I have taught first, second and third grade
                 within the Public Schools of Robeson County (PSRC). I am
               currently service as the K-2 Literacy Specialist for PSRC and at
              UNCP serve on the Council for Educator Preparation Programs
                         and the Young Alumni Council. Go Braves!

                    Brave Educator for a Day
                    Partnering with our school districts, UNCP will host
                       high school students through a virtual event
                     connecting with future educators! Stay tuned for
                     more information and follow us on social media.
Greetings from the Dean - UNCP
Field Experience and Clinical Practice
Check Canvas EDN
2040 & EDN 5460                          Spring 2021 Field Experience
  for additional
   information                      Field Experience Information Sessions for candidates
   January 12                            February 4th 4-5pm or February 5th 10-11am
                                      Webex links are available through Canvas EDN 2040 or EDN 5460
simSchool Instructor
                                   February 16: Spring 2021 Field Experience Placement
12 - 1pm or 4 - 5pm
 (make-up session)                               Requests due in Braveweb
                                 February 22: District Background Forms due in Canvas EDN
   January 13                                          2040 or EDN 5460
University Supervisor
  Training 1 - 4pm
    All University
   Supervisors are
 required to attend
                                                     Fall 2021 Internship
      pitchford                             Fall 2021 Internship Informational Meetings
                                           February 4th 3-4pm or February 5th 11am-12pm
   January 14                     Webex links are available through Canvas EDN 2040 or EDN 5460
  Clinical Teacher
Orientation (Clinical       Fall 2021 Internship Applications due in Taskstream by February 16, 2021.
Teachers, University
                              Pre-Interns need to know where they would like to be placed for their
  Supervisors and
                                  internship to complete the application. Also due in Taskstream:
                             •    FERPA form
                             •    Advisor/Program Director Recommendation Form
                             •    Resume
4:30 - 6:30 pm go to
                             •    Transcript/Audit
cp/k2/j.php?MTID=tc6d633     •    Prior to Pre-Internship EDA
    no later than                All Fall 2021 Internship Out-of-Area Requests due by March 1, 2021.
    January 13 to
       register             Fall 2021 Internship Health Exam Window: February 24 – March 24, 2021
Greetings from the Dean - UNCP
School District Updates

Welcomes State            • Dr. Robert Taylor, Deputy State Superintendent at
Superintendent              the North Carolina Department of Public
Catherine Truitt
                            Instruction, former Superintendent Bladen Count
                          • Dr. Jason Atkinson, Interim Superintendent Bladen
                            County Schools
                          • Dr. Debra Dowless, Superintendent Hoke County
As the new state            Schools
superintendent for
the North Carolina        • Dr. Freddie Williamson, Superintendent Public
Department of Public        Schools of Robeson County
Instruction, Catherine
Truitt will work to be    • Dr. Takeda LeGrand, Superintendent Scotland
a consensus builder         County Schools
for the state’s
education community
by listening and
learning – to its
leaders, educators
and families
Posted on
Greetings from the Dean - UNCP
Strategic Priorities

    Strategic              Diversity, Equity
    Priorities            and Social Justice
  Please review our      DRIVE Taskforce Findings [4.5]                   Student Success
                         Current & Projected Enrollment                    [1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4]
  propose SOE/CP
                                  [1.1, 1.2, 4.1]                        Undergraduate & Graduate
 strategic priorities.
                             Faculty Recruitment &
There will be several          Retention [3.2, 4.2]
opportunities for you      Curriculum Redesign [4.5]
to provide feedback.

                              Public School
                              Partnerships                              Curricula Redesign
    Individual                   [5.1, 5.2, 5.3]                              [1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 4.5]
     Program                 Regularly Scheduled                       Literacy, Enrollment, Retention,
                          Engagement & Feedback,                        Assessment, Diversity, Course
    Meetings             Advisory Board, #BraveTeach,                            Prerequisites
                         UNCP Brave Academy, Clinical
Individual Program         Practice and Internships
    meetings are
   currently being
      Program                               Faculty and Staff Support
                                                   [1.5, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 4.5, 5.1]
 Coordinators and
                         Training and Professional Development, Digital Literacy/Technology, Diversity,
Directors with EPP       Increase Morale, Mental Health and Wellness, Graduate Assistants and Student
 leadership review                                           Workers
Greetings from the Dean - UNCP
DRIVE Task Force

                                    THANK YOU to Ms. Clere Morrison who has stepped in to
                                   assist with Taskstream accounts. Students can reach Clere at
                                    or 910-775-4217
     On December 9, 2019,
      Governor Roy Cooper
  issued Executive Order 113
  to establish the DRIVE Task
    Force which standards for
           Developing a
        Representative and
        Inclusive Vision for
          Education. With
                                                DRF Changes Coming Spring 2021
       representation from
                                         •   Undergraduate Checkpoint #1 –
        parents, educators,
                                             Unit-Wide Admission to the EPP no longer requires
    administrators, education
   advocates, state and local                an admission interview
    government, UNC system               •   Admission items submitted to Michelle Locklear
     and community college               •   EDA implementation
       representatives, and              •   New DRF (Out of Area Placement Request
    employers, the task force            •   Changes to Checkpoint #2 –
   submitted a final report to           •   Student Teacher observations added for Spring
    Governor Roy Cooper in                   2021
      December 2020. The
  report sought to share ways
                                   To request assistance with Taskstream, please complete
    to achieve greater equity
                                   this help ticket and someone will be in touch within 24
   and inclusion in the field of
Greetings from the Dean - UNCP
CAEP Update
 The 2022 Initial Level Standards
  were revised at the December
  meeting. Download the one-
  pager from CAEP saved in the
         CEPP Onedrive

  Future Teachers of North
Walk Toward Your Purpose: Becoming a Teacher of
  The School of Education was recently granted
 funds for UNCP and UNCW to host a combined
   event in Summer 2021. This FTNC event will
 introduce students to university faculty, teacher
  education students and resources, campus life,
financial aid, campus support. This program offers
   an excellent opportunity to impact the future
  growth of teachers of color in North Carolina at
 cultivate relationships with and retain our teacher
   candidates from entry to completion. Please
 contact Dr. Kay Pitchford with any questions you
                    might have.
#BraveEducator Academy
   Academy                  We look forward to seeing participants later this month when we
                         resume our #BraveEducator Academy series! We will have the series
   January 26              resource available for new participants, but quantities are limited!
    Management                               Spring 2021 Kickoff
                                  Tuesday, January 26, 2021 Building Positive
   February 9
                                        Community in the Classroom
  Assessment and
 Feedback for P-12                            5:00pm on Zoom
                         Students can register here:
     March 9             Once students are registered, a Zoom link will be shared the week of
Digital Learning Tools                                 January 18.

     April 13
Culturally Responsive
     Pedagogy               Through Covid-19 funds provided by
           &               the NC Legislature, the UNCP NC New
   BraveEducator              Teacher Support Program will add
Academy Celebration            Richmond County and the Public
                              Schools of Robeson County to our
                             region. The UNCP team is currently
                           providing induction support in Bladen
 Dr. Karen Granger,
                           County, the Innovative School District
                               and Scotland County Schools. In
                              addition to our regional work, the
                                 UNCP team is involved in the
                           following NC NTSP initiatives: Content
                           Knowledge Groups, Pod Cast and Blog
                              and the upcoming SCALE training.
                            Pictured right are our amazing UNCP
                                        NTSP coaches
Congratulations to our
                      UNCP Kapp Delta Pi initiates!

    students and
       fourteen       Haleigh     Baker          Alicia J    Mansfield
  undergraduate       Melissa     Bius           Bryan       McAllister
   students were      Serbia      Boyer-Perry    Gabrielle   McClain
among the recent      Megan       Bullard        Amy         McDonald
 initiates into the   Tanner      Bullard        Gwendolyn   McMillian
Chi Zeta Chapter      Lexie       Caulder        Carolyn     Mitchell
  of Kappa Delta
                      Payton      Chavis         Victoria    Norton
        Pi, the
                      Keschia     Daussy         Matthew     Poston
                      McKenna     Dodson         Hallie      Ross
 education honor
  society. Kappa      Sarah       Dull           Akea        Roudy
Delta Pi members      Margaret    Falk           Arlene      Sims
 make up the top      Lashonda    Flood          Lakisha     Steele
   20 percent of      Sara        Freeman        Ashley      Tkachenko
  those entering      Raymond     Gilbert        Christina   Townsend
     the field of     Shakemiah   Jacobs         Camille     Wallace
  education, and      Ami         Leon           Jasmine     Walters
  include award-      Brianna     Livengood      Charlene    Washington
    winning and
                      Rose        Lloyd          Jessica     Webb
                      Sayward     Locklear       Laurie      Williams
                                                 Laneika     Wright
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