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SOUTH AYRSHIRE VISION EDUCATIONAL SERVICES IMPROVEMENT PLAN The Council’s vision statement is ‘Working with partners and communities to make life better’. Within Educational Services, our vision and ambition is to achieve excellence and equity. We have the highest expectations for all learners so that they can achieve their potential regardless of their circumstances. It is our ambition to close the attainment gap while constantly stretching and challenging children and young people who are achieving at the highest levels. Closing the gap while challenging every learner guides and defines the work of educational services. STRATEGIC IMPROVEMENT OBJECTIVES 2017-2020 The Children’s Services Plan 2017-2020 articulates what we hope to achieve for our children and young people; All children and young people in South Ayrshire deserve the chance to reach their full potential. We will support those who start at a disadvantage and remove barriers for those who are struggling, we will stretch the most able and protect and nurture all children, especially the most vulnerable. Our aim is to reduce inequalities in outcomes for children and young people, in particular to close the gap in outcomes related to deprivation so that all can achieve their potential. Outcome Detail 1 Ensure South Ayrshire’s children get the best start in life, it is the best place to grow up, and all children and young people are successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. 2 Reduce the gap in outcomes between the most deprived and least deprived children and young people in South Ayrshire 3 Ensure children and young people who are looked after or are care leavers are cared for and supported to improve their life experiences and life chances. 4 Ensure children and young people are supported to achieve and maintain good emotional and physical health and wellbeing 5 Ensure children and young people have a voice in influencing service delivery that affects their lives. The focus of our plan is improving Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing outcomes for all learners in our school; excellent learning and teaching underpins our commitment to continual improvement in these areas. Increased collaboration and collegiality, sustained partnership working and leadership of learning at all levels will further support improvement in learning and teaching in Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing. Our improvement plan also incorporates the following local and national priorities: ✓ National Improvement Framework aims and key drivers ✓ Continued investment in holistic assessment and moderation ✓ Implementation of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act ✓ Implementation of the Pupil Equity Fund Proposal to ensure excellence and equity for all ✓ Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce ✓ Embed South Ayrshire curriculum frameworks ✓ Improving outcomes for vulnerable groups including looked after children and young people 3
OUR VISION, VALUES AND AIMS OUR VISION Together we will create a positive environment to nurture, support and challenge everyone to fulfil their potential OUR VALUES RESPECT RESPONSIBILITY EQUALITY HONESTY HAPPINESS OUR AIMS Excellence and Equity ✓ To provide an inspiring learning environment with high quality experiences to allow all our children to succeed. ✓ To ensure that every child feels valued and supported and has equal opportunities within the school. ✓ To develop happy and healthy lifestyles. Partnership Working ✓ To work in partnership with parents and maintain close links with the wider community. School Leadership and Improvement ✓ To ensure our children are equipped with the skills they need to become successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens. 4
LITERACY DRIVER DIAGRAM SESSION 2018-2020 TROON PRIMARY STRETCH AIM NIF PRIORITIES ✓ Increase SNSA attainment data for PEF cohort by 5% ✓ Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy. ✓ To raise attainment across second level SNSA literacy assessments by 5% ✓ Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged ✓ To close the gap between high attaining boys and girls by 5% in SNSA children. assessments What outcomes do we How will we achieve this? Personnel Timescales How will we measure want to achieve? impact? PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Improvement in YEAR 1 attainment, ✓ Pilot new BGE Comparator tool to analyse against comparators August 2018- Quality Assurance particularly in literacy ✓ SEEMIS tracking and reporting systems piloted All Staff June 2019 evidence YEAR 2 ✓ Explore Practitioner Lead Enquiry using BGE Comparator tool August 2019 - School attainment ✓ SEEMIS tracking and reporting embedded SLT June 2020 data ASSESSMENT OF CHILDREN’S PROGRESS YEAR 1 Improved use of ✓ Salford Single Word Reading Test embedded in P2, 3, 4 P2-4 staff August 2018- Gains made in assessment planning, ✓ New CFE Benchmarking Grid piloted All staff June 2019 attainment levels/data holistic assessments ✓ Holistic assessments and planning formats embedded and moderation will ✓ Assessment evidence files reviewed and revised Pupil Learning ensure consistency, YEAR 2 Conversation pace and progression ✓ Salford Single Word Reading Test embedded P5, 6, 7 SLT/P5-7 August 2019 - ✓ CFE Benchmarking reviewed and embedded in practice All staff June 2020 HGIOS 2.4, 3.2 ✓ Pupil learning journeys evidence assessments/targets TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM & SCHOOL LEADERSHIP A highly professional YEAR 1 team are impacting ✓ School and cluster CLPL opportunities identified and explored SLT August 2018- PRD targets positively and ✓ Outdoor Literacy Working Party established/resources developed WP Staff June 2019 HGIOS4 1.1-1.5 consistently towards YEAR 2 raising standards for all ✓ Literacy leaders identified at Early, First and Second level to Identified August 2019 - support/drive change/trial practitioner enquiry staff/WP June 2020 ✓ Cross cluster peer observations in literacy SLT/All staff 5
SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT To raise attainment in YEAR 1 Complete by: 90% of children at P1, reading and writing ✓ Planning reviewed and revised including Curriculum Maps All staff Oct 2018 P4 and P7 across all levels ✓ Paired reading project in place with pupils and parents SLT Dec 2018 stages reaching age ✓ Bookbug Sessions developed in EYC and Primary 1 EYC/P1 Dec 2018 appropriate To increase ✓ Non-fiction Bloom’s in all classes All staff Dec 2018 levels in SNSA and CFE engagement and ✓ Bug Club Reading implemented in P1-3 and in targeted P4 group P1-4/SLT June 2019 enjoyment in literacy ✓ Sumdog Spelling trialled in P4/5 P4/5 June 2019 Pupil feedback on new for all learners ✓ Pobble 365 writing trialled in P6/7 P6/7 June 2019 initiatives gathered ✓ Grammar Pathways in place at First Level P2-4/SLT June 2019 using GLOW forms To equip children with ✓ Debating trialled in P7 to improve Talking and Listening Cluster/P5-7 June 2019 additional languages opportunities; Cluster Debate Competition introduced Tracking data with a to develop creativity, ✓ No Pens Day and Termly Literacy Outdoor Learning trialled WP Staff June 2019 focus on employability and ✓ Targeted interventions embedded; Catch Up Literacy, 5 Minute Mrs Watkins, Identified children to enrich their learning Box, Reading Wise, Clicker 6, Discover Reading Boost Groups School Assist. June 2019 include: ✓ 1+2 First language embedded and second language trialled in P7 P7 staff June 2019 ✓ Wellbeing webs YEAR 2 ✓ Baseline Close the ✓ Poetry resources developed; Early and First Level Bug Club EYC-P4 Dec 2019 assessments attainment gap in ✓ Debating introduced at P5 and P7 P5&7 staff Dec 2019 literacy between ✓ Talk Boost/Listen Boost resources explored WP staff March 2020 HGIOS4 Self-evaluation the most and least ✓ Pobble 365 rolled across all stages; Pobble Whole School package All staff March 2020 data for QI 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, disadvantaged. explored as a wider writing resource March 2020 2.4, ✓ Writing pathways developed linked to IDL All staff March 2020 ✓ Grammar pathways developed across all stages All staff/WP June 2020 QA monitoring and ✓ Outdoor learning days for literacy extended across a wider local SLT June 2020 tracking evidence area ✓ Strategic planning formats revised & embedded across all levels All staff/WP June 2020 PARENTAL AND WIDER ENGAGEMENT YEAR 1 Feedback from focus To identify creative ✓ Focus Group established; opportunities for partnership working SLT Aug 18-Dec 18 groups/GLOW forms approaches and engagement/reporting developed survey to measure to engage families ✓ Sustained wider engagement continued with authors, Scottish SLT Aug 18- Jun 19 impact and wider partners in Book Trust and Local Library collaborative working ✓ Liaise with 1+2 Development Officer and to plan and trial the P7/SLT Mar 19-Jun 19 Annual questionnaire – opportunities to delivery of a second language in Term 4 with Primary 7 classes pupil, parents, partners enhance and enrich YEAR 2 the learning ✓ Parental Engagement calendar evaluated and further developed SLT/Focus Group Aug 19–Dec 19 HGIOS4 Self- ✓ Intergenerational links developed in literacy & paired reading Early Level Staff Aug 19-Dec 19 evaluation/impact reports QI 2.4-2.7 6
NUMERACY DRIVER DIAGRAM SESSION 2018-2020 TROON PRIMARY STRETCH AIM NIF PRIORITIES ✓ Increase CFE/SNSA attainment data for targeted PEF cohort by 5% ✓ Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy. ✓ To raise attainment across second level CFE assessments by 5% and by 7% ✓ Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged in Primary 7 classes children. What outcomes do we How will we achieve this? Personnel Timescales How will we measure want to achieve? impact? PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Improvement in YEAR 1 attainment, ✓ Pilot new BGE Comparator tool to analyse against comparators August 2018- Quality Assurance particularly in ✓ SEEMIS tracking and reporting systems piloted All Staff June 2019 evidence numeracy YEAR 2 ✓ Explore Practitioner Lead Enquiry using BGE Comparator tool August 2019 - School attainment ✓ New SEEMIS tracking and reporting embedded SLT June 2020 data ASSESSMENT OF CHILDREN’S PROGRESS Improved use of YEAR 1 assessment planning, ✓ Holistic assessments in numeracy and maths planned, created P1, 4, 7 staff August 2018- Gains made in holistic assessments and moderated at school/authority level All staff June 2019 attainment levels/data and moderation will ✓ SNSA Year 2 implemented and used to track progress ensure consistency, YEAR 2 Pupil Learning pace and progression ✓ Second cycle of holistic assessment moderation implemented August 2019 - Conversation with a focus on borderline achievement SLT June 2020 ✓ Numeracy and maths assessment pathway in place at all stages All staff HGIOS 2.4, 3.2 A highly professional TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM & SCHOOL LEADERSHIP team are impacting YEAR 1 positively and ✓ National Numeracy Hub utilised to increase staff knowledge SLT August 2018- PRD targets consistently towards ✓ Outdoor Numeracy Working to identify & develop opportunities WP Staff June 2019 HGIOS4 1.1-1.5 raising standards for all ✓ Liaise with Barassie Primary PT Numeracy for CLPL events BPS Staff/SLT YEAR 2 ✓ Numeracy leaders identified at Early, First and Second level to Identified August 2019 - QA monitoring and support/drive change/practitioner enquiry staff/WP June 2020 tracking evidence file ✓ Cross cluster peer observations in numeracy SLT/All staff 7
SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT To raise attainment in YEAR 1 Complete by: numeracy and maths ✓ Planning reviewed and revised to assist in increase pace and All staff October 2019 90%+ of children at P1, across all levels differentiation; create Curriculum map P4 and P7 ✓ Review number talks approach to ensure consistency with new Mrs Wyper March 2019 stages reaching age To increase staff/across all stages and develop fractions, decimals and appropriate engagement and percentages strategies in Number Talks Mrs Alcroft/Mrs levels in SNSA and CFE enjoyment in ✓ Further develop Making Thinking Visible approaches McClymont June 2019 numeracy through ✓ Develop Growth mindset strategies in relation to maths Ms Masterton June 2019 Pupil feedback on new outdoor learning ✓ Increase concrete materials and active learning opportunities June 2019 initiatives gathered opportunities across Early and First level classes, including embedding Numicon SLT/P1-4 staff using GLOW forms ✓ Digital learning opportunities extended through new websites and PT June 2019 To equip children with resources, coding and programming Tracking data with a a growth mindset ✓ No Pens Day and Termly Numeracy Outdoor Learning trialled All staff June 2019 focus on identified approach to tackling ✓ Targeted interventions embedded; Catch Up Numeracy, 5 Minute Mrs Watkins, June 2019 children to include: calculations and Box, Sumdog School Assist. ✓ Baseline problems ✓ Whole school numeracy day in place SLT/All staff May 2019 assessments YEAR 2 ✓ Growth Mindset Close the ✓ Trial collaborative working across stages/classes and investigate All staff/SLT June 2020 benchmarking attainment gap in further ways to challenge more able learners numeracy and maths ✓ Outdoor learning days for numeracy extended across a wider WP staff June 2020 HGIOS4 Self-evaluation between local area/with partners – liaise across cluster schools data for QI 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, the most and least ✓ Boxes of individual maths toolkits resourced for each class to SLT June 2020 2.4, disadvantaged. support universal and targeted needs ✓ Concrete materials extended across all classes including Numicon All staff/SLT June 2020 QA monitoring and ✓ Cluster numeracy transition project in place at Early/Second level EYC/P1/7/Marr June 2020 tracking evidence ✓ Strategic planning formats revised & embedded across all levels All staff/SLT June 2020 to ensure appropriate pace/differentiation PARENTAL AND WIDER ENGAGEMENT To identify creative YEAR 1 Feedback from focus approaches ✓ Focus Group established; opportunities for partnership working SLT Aug 18-Dec 18 groups to engage families and engagement/reporting developed and wider partners in ✓ Royal Bank of Scotland MoneySense workshops/online learning SLT Aug 18- Jun 19 GLOW surveys and collaborative working ✓ Barassie Primary PT Maths link established Aug 18-Jun 19 annual questionnaires opportunities to YEAR 2 analysed for impact enhance and enrich ✓ Parental Engagement calendar evaluated and further developed SLT/Focus Group Aug 19–Dec 19 the learning ✓ Cluster working established in relation to transition projects SLT/EYC/P7 staff Aug 19-Dec 19 HGIOS4 Self-evaluation ✓ Wider numeracy links explored in relation to practitioner enquiry Identified staff Aug 19 – June evidence and impact 20 reports QI 2.4-2.7 8
HWB DRIVER DIAGRAM SESSION 2018-2020 TROON PRIMARY STRETCH AIM NIF PRIORITIES ✓ 95% of our children are confident and resilient (Pupil Survey); increase to 98% ✓ Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy. ✓ Increase Wellbeing Web scoring for all pupils to 8 or above ✓ Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged ✓ Increase average attendance from 92% to 95% (PEF) and from 84% to 90% (EYC) children. What outcomes do we How will we achieve this? Personnel Timescales How will we measure want to achieve? impact? PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Improvement in pupil YEAR 1 Wellbeing Web data ✓ Wellbeing Webs used consistently in all stages twice per year All Staff August 2018 - Quality Assurance ✓ Analyse HWB attainment against comparators using BGE tool June 2019 evidence Increased ✓ Wider achievement tracked for PEF cohort SLT participation in wider ✓ Wider achievement whole school tracking piloted across P1,4, 7 P1, 4, 7 staff School attainment achievement YEAR 2 data/class assessment opportunities ✓ Wellbeing Webs used consistently in all stages each term All staff August 2019 - files ✓ Wider achievement tacking tool embedded across all stages June 2020 ASSESSMENT OF CHILDREN’S PROGRESS Improved use of YEAR 1 assessment planning, ✓ HWB targets set consistently in all stages using agreed approach P1, 4, 7 staff August 2018 - Pupil Learning holistic assessments ✓ Personal targets set each term and tracked in GLOW profiles/class All staff June 2019 Conversations and moderation will and personal learning journeys/Care Plans GLOW profiles, Class ensure consistency, YEAR 2 iPads pace and progression ✓ Target setting reviewed and refined in all stages All staff August 2019 - ✓ Growth Mindset benchmarking embedded in all classes Ms Masterton June 2020 HGIOS4 QI 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 A highly professional TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM & SCHOOL LEADERSHIP team are impacting YEAR 1 positively and ✓ CLPL on relevant policy and legislation All staff August 2018 - PRD targets consistently towards ✓ Pastoral notes used consistently SLT June 2019 HGIOS4 QI 2.1, 2.4 raising standards for all ✓ Growth Mindset & Mindfulness training for all staff Ms Masterton ✓ Active Board training for all staff Online/all staff YEAR 2 QA monitoring and ✓ Restorative Conversation training Identified August 2019 - tracking evidence file ✓ Staff wellbeing focus across the Cluster staff/WP June 2020 9
Improved Health and Wellbeing SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT programme impacts YEAR 1 Completed by: positively on ✓ New school vision, values and aims embedded through class All staff/SLT October 2018 90%+ of children in all children’s physical, lessons/assemblies; Curriculum Rationale created & shared classes reaching age mental, social and ✓ Recognition boards established in foyer then all classes SLT/All staff Oct/Dec 2018 appropriate emotional wellbeing ✓ ‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’ approach trialled across the school and levels CFE levels cluster primaries to ensure a consistent approach to positive behaviour management Pupil/staff feedback on ✓ Develop Growth mindset strategies and Mindfulness in all classes Ms Masterton June 2019 new initiatives Engaged, confident ✓ Outdoor Learning days trialled each term All staff/WP June 2019 gathered using GLOW and motivated ✓ Beach Yoga trialled with Second level classes Mrs McIntyre June 2019 forms pupils ✓ 0.4PE Specialist to embed good practice, Funky Fitness and clubs Mrs McDonald June 2019 ✓ Food technology & Fairtrade developed through Working Group Mrs Alcroft/WP June 2019 Tracking data with a ✓ Computing Science Framework Implemented Working Group June 2019 focus on identified Our school offers an ✓ Developing the Young Workforce Year 2 cycle implemented All staff/WP June 2019 children to include: increased range of ✓ Nurture approaches and principles embedded across all stages All staff/Ms June 2019 ✓ Baseline curricular and extra- YEAR 2 Loudon assessments curricular activities. ✓ Restorative Conversations developed across all stages as a solution ✓ Growth Mindset focused approach to identified concerns SLT/All June 2020 benchmarking ✓ Whole cluster approach to Mindfulness and Growth Mindset staff/trainers extended and embedded, including a focus on staff wellbeing June 2020 HGIOS4 Self-evaluation ✓ Beach Yoga/Cosmic Yoga rolled across all levels data for QI 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 ✓ Food Technology projects rolled out across all classes WP/Mrs Alcroft June 2020 ✓ Developing the Young Workforce Year 3 cycle implemented All staff/WP June 2020 QA monitoring and ✓ Fairtrade projects rolled out to all classes WP/Mrs Alcroft June 2020 tracking evidence PARENTAL AND WIDER ENGAGEMENT YEAR 1 Feedback from focus Opportunities are ✓ Outdoor Learning focus each term SLT All partnerships groups identified to engage ✓ DYW partnerships extended & Career Fair planned for P5-7 in place by wider partners in ✓ Royal Bank of Scotland MoneySense workshops/online learning SLT June 2019 GLOW surveys and collaborative working ✓ Active Schools & 0.4FTE PE Specialist to enrich PE Curriculum annual questionnaires opportunities to ✓ Royal Troon Golf Development programme established P1-P7 analysed for impact enhance and enrich YEAR 2 All partnerships the learning ✓ Parental Engagement calendar evaluated and further developed SLT/Focus Group in place by HGIOS4 Self-evaluation ✓ Wider partnership links explored and sustained; DYW opportunities Identified Staff June 2020 evidence and impact extend to include First Level Careers Fair & Children’s University reports QI 2.4-2.7 10
BUDGET/RESOURCES SESSION 2018-2020 LITERACY NUMERACY HEALTH & WELLBEING ✓ Bug Club resources £3250 (PEF carry forward) ✓ Numicon across each level; Individual kits £20, ✓ Training costs – Tree of Knowledge staff and ✓ New Poetry Bug Club resources £500 class kits £300, outdoor kit £115 pupil workshops; £995+£895 ✓ Paired Reading resources £100 ✓ Concrete resources for each stage; Year 1 ✓ Mindfulness Mats purchased ✓ First News Subscription £300 (PC funded) £500 ✓ Food resources – funding application in ✓ Author visits; £175 per visit, funding application ✓ Individual toolkits; £500 process with ‘Food for Thought’ in process with Scottish Book Trust ✓ Website subscriptions; Sumdog, Times Tables ✓ Fairtrade Tuckshop set up costs ✓ PEF Funding; staffing costs for targeted £600 ✓ Outdoor learning resources with a focus on intervention in P1-4 x2 days, P5-7 x1 day; ✓ PEF Funding; staffing costs for targeted literacy, numeracy, HWB additional 14 hours School Assistant time per intervention in P1-4 x2 days, P5-7 x1 day; ✓ Expansion of natural approach in to P2 week to ringfence dedicated Nurture time additional 14 hours School Assistant time per classrooms; Year 1 £1000 ✓ CEM assessments purchased for P3 and P5; week to ringfence dedicated Nurture time ✓ PEF: 14 hours school assistant time to deliver £500 ✓ CEM assessments purchased for P3 and P5; nurture and targeted interventions ✓ PEF: 0.6FTE teacher to target literacy £500 ✓ PEF 0.6FTE teacher to target numeracy RIGHTS RESPECTING SCHOOLS LINKS UNCRC ARTICLES UNCRC ARTICLES UNCRC ARTICLES ✓ Article 3 ✓ Article 19 ✓ Article 29 Adults must do what’s best for me I have the right to be protected from being I have the right to an education which ✓ Article 6 hurt or badly treated. develops my personality, respect for others’ I should be supported to live and grow. ✓ Article 23 rights and the environment. ✓ Article 12 If I have a disability, I have the right to special ✓ Article 31 I have the right to be listened to and taken care and education. I have a right to relax and play. seriously. ✓ Article 28 ✓ Article 39 ✓ Article 13 I have the right to an education. I have the right to help if I have been hurt, I have the right to find out and share neglected or badly treated. information. ✓ Article 41 ✓ Article 15 Where our country treats us better than the I have the right to meet with friends and to U.N. does we should keep up the good work! join groups. ✓ Article 42 Everyone should know about the UNCRC. 11
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