Parish Announcements April 25, 2021 - Trinity Lutheran Church

Page created by Roy James
Parish Announcements April 25, 2021 - Trinity Lutheran Church
Parish Announcements
                                                April 25, 2021
Adult Forum ~ “Mission, Ministry & Vision of the NALC”
Sundays, 9:30 am
+ There are new opportunities for ministry and outreach which are now available to us, as we’ve become a part of the
  North American Lutheran Church. Our current Adult Forum series is designed to help us to become more aware of
  these ministries and the overall vision and directions of the NALC. Each week we’ll explore different opportunities
  which the NALC provides for congregations and parishioners to share the Church’s “Great Commission” as, together,
  we grow in and witness to the Faith we share. Please join us, in Trinity Hall!

Sunday School w/ Children & Youth
… Sundays; 9:30am
+ Children and friends of the parish gather with Miss Liz, in the Social Room, to
  be nurtured in the Faith.
+ Youth and friends gather in the Parish House, Mary Jo Casalena, Sue Prescott
  & Emily Weinhold for discussions and reflection on various faith-related
  topics and experiences.
+ Please contact the church office with any questions about involving your sons
  and daughters in these ministries and/or offering your personal support.

Digital Children’s Bulletins Shared in Sunday Emailing
   We will be sending out a pdf of the children’s bulletin each week in the Sunday Worship Email. This bulletin contains
   some activities that are closely tied to the Scripture readings for each Sunday. Parents can simply print them out and
   the kids can engage and enjoy as well, in addition to – or in place of – participating in in-person Sunday School.

Youth Group at Shawnee (Fishing)
Sunday, May 16; 2:00-3:45pm
  All youth are invited to join us for an afternoon outside at Shawnee State Park. We will toss some lines in the water
  and see who can catch the biggest fish. Some refreshments will also be provided. Please contact Pastor David if you
  can join in!

Wednesday Bible Study ~ 6:00 pm
The Letter to the Hebrews
“In person”, in Trinity Hall and, remotely, via “Zoom”
+ Parishioners and friends are invited to join us as we read, reflect and study the
    Scriptures. Together, as we encounter the Word, our faith is nurtured and our
    commitment to Christian Discipleship is strengthened.
+ We’re currently reading and studying “Hebrews”, the New Testament epistle which
    speaks encouraging words to early Christians as they are challenged to keep and
    grow in the Faith, acknowledging their great High Priest, Jesus Christ!
+ Please pass the word, invite a friend, and join us, in Trinity Hall or online, via ZOOM. Check with Pr Short or Pr
    Weinhold with any questions.

Bell Choir ~ Join us in Making Music!
Weekly Rehearsals ~ Wednesdays, 6:00 pm
    Kevin Rizzo, our Director of Music, continues to invite and welcome new ringers to share in the ministry of our Bell
    Choir. The fellowship of the choir is warm and inviting, and we all appreciate the music which they share to inspire
    our Sunday worship. Please contact Kevin with any questions at (814) 421-9390.

 Young Adults & Families Gathering
 Sunday, May 2; 3:00 pm, at Shawnee State Park
   Let’s get together, enjoy each other’s company, and reconnect on what will hopefully be a beautiful Spring
   afternoon. Please check with Pr Weinhold if you’re planning to join us or with any questions.
Parish Announcements April 25, 2021 - Trinity Lutheran Church
Women of Trinity ~ Please Join our Fellowship!
Thursday, May 13; 6:00 pm: Egolf Park Fellowship and Wrap Up
+ All women and friends of the Parish are invited to an evening together at Egolf Park.
+ We will share in devotions, plant take-home flower arrangements, enjoy fellowship, and
  brainstorm about the upcoming year’s activities. Come out and enjoy the lovely friends
  whom God has given us!
+ Please call the Church Office for more information about Women of Trinity.

Trinity Book Club ~ “Seedfolks”, by Paul Fleischman
Monday, May 24, 2021; 6:00 pm in The Parish House and via Zoom
    Trinity’s Book Club is eager to read their first full book together. We will be reading Seedfolks, a book about a
    community garden and the way it brought all sorts of people together. This is a short book that many may remember
    having read during their days in school. We will be gathering in the comfort of the Parish House and hope you will
    be able to join us! Please contact Alice Corle or the Church office with any questions.

Free Community Dinners – Serving as Carry-outs…
Served at Trinity, every Tuesday, at 5:00 pm
+ Instead of gathering in the Social Room, guests arrive at Trinity’s west entrance between 5:00 and 5:30 pm, where
   we, and our ecumenical partners, are sharing ready-to-go take-out meals. It’s great to see that our commitment to
   those in our community who are well-served by this 11+ year ministry hasn’t changed!
+ Through these past few weeks, we’ve been preparing and sharing about 50 meals (each week).
+ Trinity will serve next on Tuesday, May 25, 2021. Betsy Littlefield is coordinating the dinner with a small prep
   crew. Please contact Betsy with any questions.

Ushering Ministry
We’re Re-Forming & Recruiting!
+ Thanks! About a dozen parishioners have stepped-up to join one of our new ushering teams…
  We would really like to recruit another 6-8 volunteers!
+ Our new model invites parishioners to join one (of 2) 8:30 am (early) Ushering Teams or 10:30
  am (late) Ushering Teams. Our intention is to “grow” the teams so that they are large enough to
  afford team members plenty of flexibility in light of personal schedules.
+ If you can help serve our congregation through this ministry, please contact Jason Miller or Christy Kidd (Worship
  Team Leaders), Pastor Short, or the Church Office.

Thrivent “Action Team” Grants and/or Thrivent “Choice Dollars”…
  If you are a Thrivent Member (which means you have insurance policies, annuities, or investments with Thrivent),
  you probably have the ability to direct Choice Dollars to various charities (like Trinity) and to apply for Action Team
  grants, to provide up to $250 to special servant/charitable events. Please check with Pr Weinhold or Pr Short if you
  need some help identifying ways which you might direct these funds. Thanks!

VBS 2021 – Rocky Railway
Monday June 28 to Thursday July 1; 6:00-8:00pm
A Cooperative Lutheran/Presbyterian Venture
   This year we are changing the way we do VBS. Liz Miller will be leading a team of volunteers from Trinity and the
   Presbyterian congregation across the square as we join together for an amazing in-person VBS experience. By
   working together we will be able to make use of greater outdoor space as well as the large gathering spaces of both
   our facilities which will allow us to spread out and get more creative than ever. This is a VBS that you will not want
   to miss. To register simply go to vbsproevents/Bedford. Volunteers and children are asked to register through this site.
   If you need help or have questions please contact Liz Miller or the Church office.

Special Ministry Highlight and Appeal
“Wheels Away” ~ Wheelchair Accessible Van Ministry
  “Wheels Away” provides local families with FREE use of a wheelchair Accessible Van.
  Administered and scheduled through LoveINC (652-0020), a local non-profit. “Wheels
  Away” helps families meet the transportation needs of loved ones who might otherwise not
  be able to be “out and about”. Our special offerings will provide with the expenses of
  maintaining and insuring the “Wheels Away” vans. Please make checks payable to Trinity
  and use a special envelope (in the rear of the nave) and note “Wheels Away” on your
  check’s memo line. John Beamer is very involved with the work of “Wheels Away” and
  would be happy to talk with you about the good things this ministry accomplishes! Thank you for your special
  offerings which, to date (4/23), total $840.00.
Trinity’s 2021 Church Council Officers
                        President: Rick Smith
                   Vice-President: Wynn Leppert
                        Secretary: Laura Vent
                       Treasurer: Janet Raines

                           ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

         Worship Ministries: Christy Kidd & Jason Miller
   Children & Youth Ministries: Matt McClelland & Laura Vent
 Adult & All-Parish Ministries: Melinda Feaster & Jennifer Klavuhn
        Outreach Ministries: Toni Jackson & Wynn Leppert
          Property Ministries: Craig Hess & Rick Smith
        Finance Ministries: Wayne Prescott & Janet Raines

                                 Upcoming Ministry Team Meetings:
   Monday, April 26       6:00 pm – Worship & Music Team w/ Christy Kidd & Jason Miller
                          7:00 pm – Outreach Team w/ Toni Jackson & Wynn Leppert
   Monday, May 3          6:00 pm – Children & Youth Team, w/ Matt McClelland & Laura Vent
                          7:00 pm – Adult & All-Parish Team, w/ Melinda Feaster & Jennifer Klavuhn
   Monday, May 17         6:00 pm – Church Council Meeting
   Monday, July 19        6:00 pm – Finance Team, w/ Wayne Prescott & Janet Raines
                          7:00 pm – Property Team, w/ Craig Hess & Rick Smith

          Thank You, One and All, for the many ways you support the ministries of Trinity!
Through your prayers and generosity, we strive to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Word and Deed!

                 Worship Attendance & Offerings

           Our Worship and Tithes are an out-pouring
            of our Gratitude in response to the Lord’s
                 Gracious Gifts of Life and Salvation.

               This Past Week ~ through April 23
                 “At Church” Attendance: 148
               “On-Line” Viewing Households: 57
                 Tithes & Offerings: $7,453.98
            2021 Offerings Year to Date: $104,943.23

             Thank You for Supporting the Ministries
        of Trinity with your Time, Prayers, and Generosity!
In Our Prayers…

Please contact the Church Office to have family members and friends included on the Parish Prayer
List and in the prayers at Sunday Liturgies. And please be sure to notify Pr Weinhold or Pr Short if
you would appreciate visitations and prayers during hospitalizations or extended home-bound

For The Church…
+ The Ministries of Trinity, as we share the Good News of Christ Jesus with the Bedford Community.
+ Bishops, Pastors, Deacons, Missionaries, Theologians, Seminarians and all who labor for the Gospel.
+ Members of our Church Council, Ministry Teams, and Parish Staff, and all who support the work of the Church with
  their time, offerings, and prayers.

Baptized in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit…
+ Myles Harrison, son of Kyler & Yardley Gates, at Vespers Wednesday, April 14, at Trinity. Myles’ Godparents are
  Jake & Keena Gathers.
+ Charlotte Ruth, daughter of Matthew & Christine Randall, Sunday, April 11, at Trinity. Charlotte’s Godparents are
  Kevin & Jennifer Randall.

Created in the Image of God…
+ Liam Weston, a son, born Sunday, April 11, 2021, to Ron & Michelle Plush
+ Charleston Grace, a daughter, born Saturday, April 3, 2021, to Jackson & Christie Monsour.

For Our Nation and All Peoples of Creation…
+ Leaders of the Nations of the World.
+ Our President, Cabinet Members, Senators, Representatives, Judges, and all National, State and Local Officials.
+ Military Personnel, Police Officers, Fire-Fighters, and Rescue Workers.
+ Nurses, Physicians, Caregivers, Public Health Workers and Medical Researchers.
+ Those working to distribute and administer COVID19 Vaccines.
+ Students, teachers, administrators, staff and all who work and study in our schools.
+ Households, Families, and Businesses who are struggling financially.
+ Families and communities who have experienced violence and loss of life.

For Gifts of Strength, Healing and Compassionate…
+ Dave Betts, Gordon & Carol Bowers, Kay & Janet Crist, Galen Henderson, Roger & Juda Markle, Ed & Audrey
  McCreary, Laura Morse, Suella Pensinger, Erle Sipe, Fae Stake.
+ 4/25 ~ Joanne Smouse (Bonnie Fisher’s friend), Glenda George (Wendy Cox’s friend), Erin Diehl (Linda Atkinson’s
  daughter), Doug Cogan (Diane’s husband), Gene, Denne & Tom Osman (Terry’s brothers)
+ 4/18 ~ Bill Hanley (Laura Garlock’s brother-in-law), Mac Greenland (Pat’s husband)
+ 4/11 ~ John Fellencer (Mary Lorah’s uncle)

For Those Who Have Died and Those Who Mourn…
  Marcellus Alexander (4/18 Freda Kagarise’s friend), Jim Harclerode (4/13 Dorothy Egolf’s brother), Cheryl Knupp
  (3/30 Erle & Shirley Sipes’ sister), Linda Oliver (3/26 Freda Kagarise’s cousin), Barb Foor (3/24 Tim’s mother), Ric
  Berkebile (3/21 Tim’s brother).

To The Glory of God…
+ This morning’s Altar Flowers are given:
                 …in memory of Barb & Joe Arnold by the Hullihens.
                 …in honor of Macie’s 13th birthday. Love, Peg
+ The Bulletins are sponsored in memory of Tom Cox’s birthday by wife, Wendy, daughter, Debbie & son, Tom.
+ The Sanctuary Lamp burns this week in honor of Ben & Jessica Altman’s 12th anniversary. Mom Snyder

                              Please contact Stacy, in the Church Office at 623-8813,
         to learn about opportunities to sponsor Sunday flowers for the Altar, Sunday Bulletins, the Weekly
       Sanctuary Lamp, or Missions and Missionaries of the NALC (through “The Great Commission Fund”).
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