Catholic Church - St. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church

Catholic Church - St. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church

                         Catholic Church
                 3870 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery AL 36109
              (334) 272-3463  Fax (334) 272-3492
                                                                  April 10, 2022

  Easter Baskets.
     Father Alex has
prepared 24 baskets
 to be given away to
   the winners in his
       annual Easter
    Challenge for the
  school children on
              April 7.

                                                                   Tuesday, March 22nd
                                                                   St Bede FLC Ballroom
Catholic Church - St. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church
Palm Sunday                                                     2                               April 10, 2022

          Regular Mass Schedule                                             Horario De Misas
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm                                        Vigilia del sábado: 5:00 pm
Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12:30pm (Spanish), 5pm                      Domingo: 8am, 10am, 12:30pm (Español), 5pm
Daily Mass: 6:30am Mon- Fri ;                                  Misas diarias: 6:30am lunes - viernes ;
            8:30am Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat                                    8:30am lunes, miércoles, Viernes, sábado
Confessions: Saturday: 4-4:45pm; Sunday: 7:15-                 Confesiones: sábado: 4-4:45pm; domingo: 7:15-
       7:45, 9:15-9:45, 11:45-12:15, 4:15-4:45pm,                    7:45, 9:15-9:45, 11:45-12:15, 4:15-4:45pm,
    15 minutes before each daily Mass                            15 minutos antes de cada Misa diaria

 E-mail Bulletin Announcements by Friday at Noon               N e e d a P r i e s t ? Please do not hesitate to
    (the week before) to                         call and let us know when you need us.
 Phone: (334) 272-3463 Fax: (334) 272-3492                    During Office Hours: Fr. Alex (334) 272-3463 ext 1004;
 Office Hours: M-Th 8am-4:30pm Fri. 8am-4pm
                                                              Fr. Connor (334) 272-3463 ext 1005
 Si tiene anuncios para el boletín, mande la información        For Sacramental emergencies (near death),
  por correo electrónico a, lo más            please call (251) 599-3523 or (251)300-4348
   tardar el mediodía del viernes de la semana antes
                que quiera que aparezca.
                                                              ¿Necesita a un Sacerdote? Por favor, no dude
                                                                       en llamarnos cuando nos necesite.
                                                              Durante horas de oficina: Padre Alex (334) 272-3463
      OFFICE PHONE: (334) 272-3463                            ext 1004; Padre Connor (334) 272-3463 ext 1005
Very Reverend Alejandro Valladares, V.F.                      Para Emergencias Sacramentales (moribundo),
                                                   ext 1004
Pastor                                  llame (251) 599-3523 o (251)300-4348
Rev. Fr. Connor Plessala, Parochial Vicar
                                                   ext 1005
                                                                              Weekly Offering
Mara Maninang, Administrative Assistant
                                                   ext 1000          Collection 03-27-2022           $ 17, 717.61
Alice Smith, Bookkeeper                                              Needed Weekly:                  $ 18,557.69
                                                   ext 1006          Tithing Year-to-Date:           $ 252,076.54
Andrea Nemesszeghy, Coordinator - Youth,                             Tithing Budget-to-Date:         $ 241,250.00
Religious Education, Sacraments and                                  This Year’s Budget:             $ 965,000.00
                                                   ext 1001
Hispanic Community Liaison or

Charles Thomas (Chuck) Rohde, Grand Knight                       Clases de Bautismo. Los feligreses de
                                                   530-0558     St Bede que están interesados en bautizar, favor
Knights of Columbus #893,
                                                                de llamar a la oficina parroquial. Debido al virus
                                                                COVID-19 se tienen que pre-registrar para la clase.
    Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School
Justin M. Castanza, President
                                                                    St. Bede the Venerable Gift Shop                                 Open Mon-Fri 8:00am-4:30pm (except on
Julie Lopez, Admissions Director                                        holidays) due to CoViD 19.
                                                   318-3777      Proceeds go to the MCPS Scholarship Fund.
St. Bede K4-6: Laurie Gulley, Principal
                                                   272-3033                                                 For Your Convenience
Middle/High School 7-12: Eileen Aaron, Principal              Hearing Assistance Devices: Available in the sacristy.
                                                   272-7220   Wheelchair: Three available in the sacristy for your use.
Catholic Church - St. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church
Palm Sunday                                            3                                    April 10, 2022

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AT ST. BEDE                      Mass Intentions for April 10 - 16
                  CAN YOU STAY WITH JESUS            Palm Sunday Lk 19:28-40 (procession); Is 50:4-7;
                  FOR AT LEAST 30 MINUTES?           of the Passion Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11;
                  Adoration in the church is daily   of the Lord Lk 22:14- 23:56 [23:1-49]
                  Monday to Friday, 4pm - 7pm.
                   Sign up at to      Vigil 5:00pm     Special Intentions
                   schedule your visit with Jesus.   8:00am           Parishioners
      Click the “Eucharistic Adoration 2” link to    10:00am          Special Intentions
              choose the date and time.
                                                     12:30pm          Special Intentions
                                                     5:00pm           Special Intentions
                                                     Holy Monday     Is 42:1-7; Ps 27:1-3, 13-14; Jn 12:1-11
                                                     6:30am           Marge Leader (D)
                                                     8:30am           No Mass @ St. Bede
  Father Connor                                      Holy Tuesday    Is 49:1-6; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38
and school parent,                                   6:30am           Dolly Barranco (D)
 Justin Castanza,                                    Holy            Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34;
  at the ‘Pastries                                   Wednesday       Mt 26:14-25
      for Parents’                                   6:30am           Joan Walker (D)
     school event
                                                     8:30am           Thoi Tran (D)
                                                     Holy            Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3ab, 6a, 8b-9;
                                                     Thursday        Ps 89:21-22, 25, 27; Rv 1:5-8; Lk 4:16-21
                                                                     Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14;
                                                                     Ps 116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18; 1 Cor 11:23-26;
                                                                     Jn 13:1-15
                                                     5:45-6:45pm      Confessions
10,   1966   Hulen H. Ruppenthal                     7:00 pm          Mass of the Lord’s Supper
10,   1990   Elizabeth S. Shirock
10,   1993   Marcus K. Stanley
                                                     ends 12MN        Eucharistic Adoration at the Altar of Repose
10,   2000   Bruce Wood                              Good Friday     Is 52:13 - 53:12; Ps 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-16, 17, 25;
10,   2000   Nirmal Pathak
                                          From                       Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1 - 19:42
10,   2004   June Waters                             3:00 pm          Stations of the Cross
10,   2021   Baby Austin Diaz Flora       Death      3:45-4:45pm      Confessions
11,   1986   Dr. Rene V. Sarmiento                   5:00 pm          Liturgy of the Passion of the Lord
11,   1991   Roney M. Mayer
11,   2001   Mary Jehle Allen             Into       Holy Saturday   a) Gn 1:1 - 2:2 [1:1, 26-31a]; Ps 104:1-2, 5-6, 10,
12,   1971   Ralph Maihl                                             12, 13-14, 24, 35; or Ps 33:4-7, 12-13, 20-22;
12,   1998   Joann Hardage Shelton                                   b) Gn 22:1-18 [1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18]; Ps 16: 5, 8-11;
12,   2004   Stanley E. Amos              New                        c) Ex 14:15 - 15:1; Ex 15:1-6, 17-18;
12,   2004   Linda Pabalate                                          d) Is 54:5-14; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13;
13,   1973   Margaret Lyles                                          e) Is 55:1-11; Is 12:2-6;
13,   1989   Estelle M. Passmore
                                          Life                       f) Bar 3:9-15, 32 - 4:4; Ps 19:8-11;
13,   1990   Oliver B. Cochran                                       g) Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28; Ps 42:3, 5; 43:3-4 or
14,   1950   Annie Yarbrough              With                       Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 or Ps 51:12-15, 18-19;
                                                                     h) Rom 6:3-11; i) Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23;
14,   1972   William E. McHugh
14,   2005   Elisa Flack-Schmidt                                     Lk 24:1-12
14,   2006   Joan Edgar Walker            Our        4:00-6:00pm      Confessions
15,   1968   Sophye S. Hrabowski                     7:15 pm          The Great Vigil
15,   1970   Mrs. Frankie Todd Cassimus
15,   1986   James D. Beck                Lord
16,   1960   Joseph Thomas Bared                       Prayer Network: For special prayers or to
16,   1979   Ruth Jordan Bolton                         become part of the Prayer Network call
16,   2010   Howard Glenn Walker                               Joe Crowley at 264-7586.
Catholic Church - St. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church
Palm Sunday                                                             4                                April 10, 2022

  The JARROW CLUB will meet in the Parish Hall                        UPDATE ON FACIAL MASK REQUIREMENT AT
         on Monday, April 11 at 10am.                                 MASS. Masks are now optional at the 8am
Michael Castanza will be our Guest Speaker.                           Sunday Mass. Please make your decision
 Hostesses for April are Tee Samford, Pat Hyatt and                   prayerfully and based on your particular
                 Eveline Redwine.                                     circumstance.

  SUNDAY MASS ATTENDANCE COUNT                                                                             . . . . continued from page 1
           FOR MARCH
 Mass Time         5/6        12/13         19/20         26/27
  Vigil 5 pm      145           142           139          125
    8 am          158           136           156          127
   10 am          260           229           212          229
  12:30 pm        465           473           440          385
    5 pm          181           201           169          157
    Total         1209         1181          1116         1023

 THE DIVINE MERCY NOVENA.                  In preparation for
                   the celebration of the Feast of the Divine
                      Mercy on Sunday, April 24th, the nine-
                     day novena starts on Good Friday, April         SECOND COLLECTION. This weekend, April 9 & 10,
                         15. The best time to say it is at the       our parish will take up the Collection for the Church in
                      “hour of great mercy - 3:00 pm”, but it        Central and Eastern Europe. Funds from this collection
                    can be said at the time most convenient          supports pastoral care, catechesis, building renovations
                        to you. Please pick up a copy of the         and seminary formation. Your support restores the
                            novena at the church vestibule.          Church and builds the future in this region still
                                                                     struggling to recover from former communist rule.
NOVENA A LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA. En                                  SEGUNDA COLECTA. Este fin de semana, Abril 9 y 10,
preparación para la celebración de la Fiesta de la Divina                realizaremos la colecta para la Iglesia en Europa
Misericordia el domingo 24 de abril, la novena de nueve-                      Central y Oriental. Los fondos de esta colecta
días empieza el Viernes Santo, 15 de abril.                                    financian el cuidado pastoral, la catequesis, la
                                                                       renovación de edificios y la formación de seminaristas.
El tiempo más apropiado para rezarla es “la hora de gran
                                                                      El apoyo de ustedes restaura la iglesia y construye
misericordia – 3:00pm”, pero la pueden rezar en
                                                                     el futuro en esta región que aún siguen luchando para
cualquier momento que sea conveniente para usted.                                 recuperarse del antiguo régimen comunista.
 Por favor tomar una copia de la novena en el vestíbulo.

    Requirements for Baptism (revised)                                  Requisitos para Bautismo (revisados)
1. All parents must participate in the Baptism Preparation class.   1. Todos los padres deben participar en la clase de preparación
Call Andrea at the Parish office (334) 272-3463 for the next        para el Bautismo. Llame a la oficina parroquial para la próxima
scheduled class.                                                    clase programada.
2. Children age 7 and under will receive the Sacrament of           2. Los niños de 7 años o menores recibirán el Sacramento del
Baptism. From age 8 and above, they will receive all three          Bautismo. A partir de los 8 años de edad, recibirán los tres
Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Holy Communion             Sacramentos de Iniciación (Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación)
and Confirmation) and must participate in Catechism classes.        y deben participar en las clases de catecismos.
3. Godparents must be practicing Catholics and present a            3. Los padrinos deben ser católicos practicantes y deben
document from their parish indicating that they are Catholics       presentar un documento de su parroquia indicando que son
in good standing. (cf. 874) You may have a proxy for a              católicos en buen estado. Es posible tener un proxy para el
godparent/s who may be unable to come.                              padrino/madrina que no puede estar presente. (Cann. 874)
4. Baptisms are scheduled according to need and availability        4. Los bautismos se programan de acuerdo con la necesidad y
of priests, deacon and Church.                                      disponibilidad de los sacerdotes, diáconos e Iglesia.
Catholic Church - St. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church
Palm Sunday                                                          5                           April 10, 2022
                                                                     JOIN FATHER ALEX OR FATHER CONNOR
          Pray for those who are Sick                                    AT THE DAILY ROSARY. IT WILL
       Erica Coach               Nicholas Vasquez                                          TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE!
        Lula Davis                 Blake Vinson
                                                                                           LIVE-STREAM SCHEDULE AT
     Sam McGaughy                    Yong Pi Yu                                                      ST BEDE
      James Sepan                 All our Shut-Ins                                        ROSARY: Monday - Sunday
                                                                                          @ 3 pm (English); Sunday
                                                                                             @ 12:07 pm (Spanish)
                                                                                         DAILY MASS: Monday - Friday
  Be Prepared Apologetics at St. Bede.                                                            @ 6:30 am
 Wednesday, April 13 at 6:00pm in the Parish                                                 SUNDAY MASS: 10am
Hall. Mr. Pat Arensberg ‘s talk is entitled “When did                                    (English); 12:30 pm (Spanish)
Catholics make up purgatory and indulgences”. We
hope to see you on the 13th. Bring a friend.                         TWO WAYS TO JOIN THE LIVE-STREAM AT ST. BEDE:
                                                                    1. TYPE IN WWW.STBEDE.ORG ON YOUR BROWSER; ON THE
                                                                    HOME PAGE “LIVE-STREAM MASSES” IS ON THE RIGHT
                                                                    SIDE COLUMN; CLICK THE “PLAY” BUTTON TO OPEN THE
                                                                    LIVE PLAYER THEN TURN ON THE VOLUME OR
                                                                    2. TYPE IN ST BEDE FACEBOOK ON YOUR BROWSER;
                                                                    SELECT THE 1ST ON THE LIST WHICH SHOWS MONTGOMERY AL
                                                                    (FACEBOOK ACCOUNT NOT REQUIRED); ON THE LEFT SIDE
                                                                    COLUMN, SELECT THE TAB “VIDEO” AND CLICK THE “PLAY”
                                                                    BUTTON TO OPEN THE LIVE PLAYER; IT MAY ASK YOU TO
                                                                    LOG IN, CLICK “NOT NOW”

                                                                    ÚNASE AL PADRE ALEX O AL PADRE CONNOR
                                                                    EN EL ROSARIO DIARIO. ¡TRANSFORMARA SU VIDA!
                                                                    HORARIO DE TRANSMISIÓN EN
                                                                           VIVO EN ST BEDE
                                                                     ROSARIO: Lunes - Domingo
                                                                      @ 3 pm (inglés); Domingo
                                       . . . . more pictures from       @ 12:07 pm (español)
                                         “Pastries with Parents”    MISA DIARIA: Lunes - Viernes
                                                     school event              @ 6:30 am
                                                                       MISA DOMINICAL: 10am
                                                                     (inglés); 12:30 pm (español)

                                                                    DOS FORMAS DE UNIRSE A LA TRANSMISIÓN EN VIVO
SPECIAL COLLECTION.              St. Bede Parish will take                          EN ST. BEDE:
up a Collection on Good Friday, April 15 for the Holy Land.         1. ESCRIBA WWW.STBEDE.ORG EN SU NAVEGADOR; EN LA
Through your support, we will be able to provide Catholic           PÁGINA DE INICIO EN LA COLUMNA QUE ESTÁ DEL LADO
education, feed the hungry, build housing for Christians,           DERECHO “LIVE-STREAM MASSES”; HAGA CLIC EN EL BOTÓN
maintain shrines and operate refugee centers in the                 “PLAY” PARA ABRIR EL REPRODUCTOR LIVE Y LUEGO
Holy Land. Please be generous!                                      ENCIENDA EL VOLUMEN O
                                                                    2. ESCRIBA ST BEDE FACEBOOK EN SU NAVEGADOR;
   COLECTA ESPECIAL. St. Bede va a tener una                        SELECCIONE EL 1º DE LA LISTA QUE MUESTRA MONTGOMERY,
   colecta el Viernes Santo, 15 de Abril , para la Tierra
  Santa. A través de su apoyo, poderemos proveer                    AL (NO SE REQUIERE UNA CUENTA DE FACEBOOK);EN LA
       educación Católica, alimentar al hambriento,                 COLUMNA DEL LADO IZQUIERDO, SELECCIONES LA PESTAÑA
   construir casas para los Cristianos, mantener los                DE “VIDEO” Y HAGA CLIC EN EL BOTÓN “PLAY” PARA
 santuarios y operar los centros de refugiados en la                ABRIR EL REPRODUCTOR EN VIVO; ES POSIBLE QUE LE
              Tierra Santa. ¡Por favor sea generoso!                PIDA QUE(LOG IN) INICIE SESIÓN, HAGA CLIC “NOT NOW”
Catholic Church - St. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church
Palm Sunday    6                                    April 10, 2022
                     . . . . more pictures from “Pastries with Parents” school event

              Immediate Parish Office Full-time Position Available
                Puesto en la Oficina Parroquial Tiempo Completo
                         Disponible Inmediatamente

              St Bede the Venerable Parish is looking for a fully
              bilingual (English – Spanish) person, who can
              speak, read and write in both languages, to work in
              the parish office to assist with all duties needed to
              run the office. We are looking for someone open to
              learn and assist in the different ministries that are
              available in our Parish. Discretion is indispensable.
              Person must be 18 years or older. This is a full time
              position, Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm.

              Job Duties and Responsibilities:
               The core duties and responsibilities revolve
              around supporting others in the office.
               Answer phone. Phone Etiquette a must.
               Working knowledge of office equipment, like
                 photocopier, printers and fax machines
               Proficiency in Word, Excel, Publisher, and
                 computer skills
               Excellent written and verbal communication skills
               Strong organizational skills with the ability to
               Attention to detail
               Running errands and picking up orders. Driving
                 license is a must.

                  If you are interested please send an email to
       with your intent, dates and
                         times available for an interview.
Catholic Church - St. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church
. . . . . . . . continued
                                                  from page 1

 received $ 1,054.01 for the month of March.
Your generosity is always greatly appreciated!
Catholic Church - St. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church
       St. Bede the Venerable #100450
       3870 Atlanta Highway
       Montgomery, AL 36109
       334 272-3463 #1000
       Mara Maninang
       MS Publisher 2013
       Adobe Acrobat X
       Windows 7
       HP laserjet 1320
       Monday 3:00pm
       April 10, 2022
       1 through 8
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Catholic Church - St. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church Catholic Church - St. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church
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