34 International Fine Food & Beverages Fair Madrid Exhibition Center

Page created by Rodney Byrd
34 International Fine Food & Beverages Fair Madrid Exhibition Center
International Fine Food
& Beverages Fair

Madrid Exhibition
Center                    From
                          March 30th
                          to April 2nd


Watch 33 SG
Welcome to
Salon Gourmets,
the leading
product fair.
Salon Gourmets,         With a history of        More than 50,000
International Fine      33 consecutive           products were
Food and Beverage       editions, growing        exhibited
Fair, it’s the leader   figures and a purely     in the past
in the Spanish          sales spirit, this       edition
delicatessen            professional fair is     in April 2019,
sector and one of       aimed at national        that was visited by
the world’s most        and international        107,050
renown trade fairs      visitors; to the hotel   professionals.
of its kind.            industry, chefs,
                        catering, agri-food
                        specialized shops,
                        etc.                                           Salon Gourmets is 1 of
                                                                       the top 3 gastronomy events
                                                                       Ferran Adrià
                                                                       elBullifoundation, Barcelona - Spain

                                                   March 34
                                                              to April
                                                                       2nd, 2020                              03
Results 2019*                                                   Media Impact**                        Trade Visitors

 107.050                                                         10.159.000                            Profile           Job Function

                                                                                                       24,6%             Owner, President, CEO,
 Trade visitors (+18,7% vs 2018)
                                                                 5.857.000                                               General Manager

                                                                 Radio                                 Retailers

                                                                                                                         Purchasing Manager, Sales -
                                                                                                                         Marketing Manager, Export
                                                                                                       Bars              Manager, Sales Account
 Exhibitors (+26,3% vs 2018)
                                                                 875.865.200                           Agri-food
                                                                                                                         Purchasing Department,

 61.257 m
                                                                 Internet                                                Sales Representative, PR -
                                                                                                       9,9%              Communication, Marketing
                                                                                                                         and Sales Department
                                                                 3.078.000                             Hospitality
 Exhibition surface (+19,4% vs 2018)                             Social Media
                                                                                                       professionals     18,6%
                                                                                                                         Technical Departments and
Level of Satisfaction
                                                                 Google searches                       Agri-food
 91,8%                                                                                                                   Level of satisfaction

 of the exhibitors is planning to                                948.233.200                           5,7%
 repeat their participation at the
 next edition of SG
                                                                 Social Media Impact
                                                                                                                         is satisfied with their visit
                                                                                                       3,4%              to the fair

 82,7%                                                           9.833.796 €
 approves the way the SG is                                      Economic Impact Value                 Hotels
 managed                                                                                               3,1%

 81,1%                                                                                                 Administration
 is satisfied with the contacts                                                                        2,5%
                                               It stands out for the magnitude
 67,8%                                         it has reached, the interest of
                                               the visitors and the number of                          1,7%
 is satisfied with the quality of
 professional visitors                         exhibitors.
                                               Pedro Subijana
                                               3* Michelin, Chef Owner Akelarre
                                               Restaurant, San Sebastian - Spain

* External audited data
** Source: Kantar Media

04                                   34 Salon Gourmets                                   March 30th to April 2nd, 2020                               05
International Showcase

(+28,5% vs 2018)
International buyers from


invited by SG
(Hosted Buyers Program)

business meetings (only HBP)

                 Empowering the international business
                 by inviting international buyers, who are
                 interested in the products exhibited at
                 the SG.

                                                                                                        This fair is recognized
                                                                                                        internationally for gourmet
 International Exhibition                                                                               products.
                                                                                                        Ttiyaporno Boonsiriya
     Argentina              Ecuador                          Italy         Portugal                     Minister Counselor Embassy of Thailand,
     Austria                France                           Japan         Russia                       ‘Country of Honor’ 33 SG

     Belgium                Germany                          Latvia        Switzerland
     Canada                 Greece                           Netherlands   Thailand
     Chile                  Hungary                          Norway        USA
     Colombia               Indonesia                        Peru          United Kingdom

06                                             34 Salon Gourmets                            March 30th to April 2nd, 2020                         07
                                                                                               Do you                Participate with your own stand or those we
                                  Spirits and              Foie-gras and   Kitchenware
                                                                                               want to be
by sectors                                                                                                           offer from the Organization, which include what
                                  liquors                  duck/goose      1,72%
                                  13,06%                   derivates                           part of the           is necessary to exhibit. Share with us your
                                                                           Related                                   needs for space and image, and allow us to
                                  Dried fruits,
                                                                                               34 SG?                advise you.
                                  snacks &                 Dairy           1,45%
                                  pickles                  products,
Oils and
                                                           dairy           Kitchen
                                                                                                                     As an exhibitor, and free
fats                              12,27%
19,79%                                                     preparation     equipment                                 of charge, you can benefit
                                  Ham and ham                              and hospitality
Preserves                         shoulder
19,00%                            11,54%                   Confectionary
                                                           5,67%           Design and
Convenience                       Non-alcoholic                            decoration
foods and                         drinks                   Rice            (interior
                                                                                                                                   Business Center*
                                                                                                                                  Meet with international buyers selected by the
prepared                          11,48%                   5,61%           design)                                          Organization in collaboration with ICEX (Ministry of Industry,
dishes                                                                     0,79%                                                    Trade and Tourism). *(from 6 m2 onwards)

17,48%                            Fresh                    Pasta
                                  produce                  5,28%           Professional
Charcuterie                       10,88%                                   clothing
14,25%                                                     Bread           0,79%
                                  Jam and
Sweets                            honey
                                                                           Software for
                                                                                                                              Innovation & Organic
13,92%                            10,49%                   Pulses          hotel and                                            Exhibition Areas
                                                           4,82%           catering                                              Free of charge Exhibition Areas for New Products
                                                                                                                               and Organic Products. Right to participate in the Salón
Cheeses                           Sauces                                   business                                                             Gourmets Awards.
13,59%                            9,17%                    Caviar          0,66%
Condiments,                       Smoked and                               Publising
spices and                        savoury fish             Cereals         houses
vinegars                          foods                    4,62%           0,66%                                                    Communication
13,06%                            8,58%                                                                                    Promote your participation with the supports of Grupo Gour-
                                                           Eggs and        Hardware                                          mets (Club de Gourmets Magazine, Gourmets TV, Social
                                                                                                                           Networks, Newsletters, Online and printed Catalogue, Official
                                  Pâté                     egg products    for hotel and                                                            App, etc).
                                  7,39%                    2,18%           catering
                                  Chocolate /              Machinery       0,59%             Furthermore,
                                  cocoa                    for Hotel                         you can optimize        Sponsorship
                                  derivates                and Catering    Related           your brand presence                                             Show Cookings
                                  6,53%                    business        services and
                                                                                             through:                           Advertising
                                                           1,78%           equipment
                                                                                                                                                              Tasting Rooms
Note: the data totals more than 100% because
the exhibitors display products of various ca-
tegories. The data indicates the percentage of                             Others                                                  Conference Stages
exhibitors presenting products in the corres-                              3,96%
ponding category.

08                                               34 Salon Gourmets                                                 March 30th to April 2nd, 2020                                             09
General Conditions                                                                                                                                                                         34 Salon Gourmets 2020 Application Form

                                                                                                                                                                                          Exhibiting Company Data

Brand Name                                                     Monographic Exhibition Lounge                                General Conditions                                            Brand name for Catalogue
It’s the name to be used on the fascia-board (if applies),                                                                  Dully fulfilled application forms must be sent to the
                                                                                                                                                                                          Address									City
as well as in the catalogue.                                   Wine Lounge (2.750 €/u), The Gallery (1.750 €/u)             Organizers. Applications will only be accepted when
                                                               & The Best Wines of the 35th Gourmets Wine Guide             completed and if they are accompanied by the PAY-             State      						                                                                Post Code		                              Country
                                                               (2.400 €/u).                                                 MENT OF THE REGISTRATION FEE. PROGOURMET,
                                                                                                                                                                                          Phone				www. 					e-mail
Registration fee includes                                                                                                   S.A. will send the requesting company an invoice for
                                                               Includes                                                     this item.
Registration fee 55 €/m2 *                                     Dossier opening. Administration processing. The right        Once participation has been confirmed you will receive
                                                               of a reservation number and the right to space reserva-      a Reservation Number, which will determine the
                                                                                                                                                                                          Billing Data (if different from above)
The payment of the registration fee includes: Dossier          tion and its corresponding allocation. Turnkey Stand.        chronological order for space allocation. The locations
opening, administration processing, the rigth of a re-         Stand construction. Entitlement to stand assembly            will be chosen by rigorous order of reservation and m2
servation number and the right to space reservation            and dismantling rights. Cleaning of the stand during         booked.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Company 							Address
and its corresponding allocation. No allocations will be       the Fair. Electrical consumption, 24 hours permanent         There is no legal right to admission and the transfer of
offered until the Registration fee has been paid.              power supply. Collective civil liability and fire/lighting   the right to admission neither the whole or partially of      City								State
                                                               insurance. Inclusion in the Official Catalogue with          the stand to a third party, is prohibited.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Post Code                         			                               Country 				                                          VAT
                                                               brands and right to participate in the Innovation & Or-      The Organizers reserves the right to make changes to
Space Rental Fee Salon                                         ganic Exhibition Areas. Fair Carpet. Fascia Board with       the area and / or the location assigned should the cir-
Gourmets 2020**                                                company name. Invitations, Exhibitor passes. Parking         cumstances so require, without entitling the exhibitor
                                                               pass and Stand Equippment (see specific conditions           to any compensation whatsoever due to exercise of the         Contacts
Space Only Rental fee 241 €/m2 *                               of each option).                                             mentioned right.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Person in charge                                            Administration                                              Communication
                                                               Nota: A minimum of participants is required for these        Should an exhibitor withdraw from participation, ALL
Includes                                                       areas.                                                       AMOUNTS PAID SHALL BE FORFEIT (see Internal                   Name
The space booked. Entitlement to stand assembly                                                                             Regulations).
and dismantling. Cleaning of the stand during the Fair.        * VAT Not included. An additional VAT charge of 10% is       Under no circumstances shall the Organizer be liable
                                                                                                                                                                                          Last Name
Inclusion in the Official Catalogue. 1 invitation / event      to be added to these prices, or the rate which applies       for any damage to the exhibited materials of the stand        e-mail
and 8 invitations / day per each 2 m² booked. 4 Exhi-          at the time of invoicing.                                    and/or exhibited products.
bitor passes per stand up to 24 m² an additional pass          ** Exhibitors from Salon Gourmets 2019 who confirm           I, hereby, admit to have read and I accept and agree          Mobile
for every 12 m² up to 100 m². 1 parking pass per each 50 m²    their participation in Salon Gourmets 2020 before            to the terms and conditions of the Salon Gourmets             Position
booked. Collective civil liability and fire insurance. Elec-   September 27th, 2019, will benefit from a 12% discount       Internal Regulations.
trical consumption, 24 hours permanent power supply.           over the Space Rental Fee concept, provided that all
Entitlement for the Business Center, Innovation &              payment conditions are fulfilled. New exhibitors who         Complete version available at through the QR code at
Organic Exhibition Areas.                                      confirm their participation before October 31st , 2019       the bottom of this page. (+) Admission: The Organizer         Area Request
                                                               will benefit from a 5% discount over the Space Rental        is entitled to reject an application if the products do not
                                                               Fee concept, provided that all payment conditions are        fit the theme of the Salon. The Organizers, only in this
                                                               fulfilled.                                                   case, will return the amounts previously paid.                    Registration Fee* – 55 €/m2							55 € x                                                                                                              m2 =                       €
                                                                                                                                                                                              Space Only Rental Fee – 241 €/m               2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                241 € x             m = 2
                                                                                                                            In accordance to the Spanish Law: C.A.
1 Corner (2 sides open) 24,1 €/m²*                             Note: The design and equipment of the turnkey                Madrid 5/2002 dated June 27th, 2002, access to the                          Fitted Stand** – 85 €/m2
2 Corners (3 sides open) 48,2 €/m²*                            stands fixed (Fitted Stand, Official Design Stand and        Salon Gourmets is strictly forbidden to persons under
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     White		                    Black		Beech				                                                                      € x            m2 =                      €
                                                               Monographic Exhibition Lounge) and the return or             the age of 18, (neither children nor babies alone nor ac-
The corners will be assigned based on m² booked and            modification, neither partial nor total, of any element is   companied by a parent or guardian) neither during the                       Official Design Stand** – 165 €/m2
needs of the Organizers.                                       allowed (except from graphic).                               fair nor assembly and dismantling. Where any doubt
                                                                                                                            arises, proof of identity will be required.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        1 corner – 24,1 €/m2 (2 sides open)			                                           		                                           € x            m2 =                      €
Fitted Stand: 85 €/m2* (From 9 m2 onwards)                     Payment Conditions                                           Progourmet, SA. guarantees the protection of personal
                                                               In order to process your registration as an exhibitor        data in compliance with the provisions of the General                       2 corners – 48,2 €/m (3 sides open)

Includes                                                       of the 34th Salon Gourmets 2020, you must make the           Data Protection Regulations (RGPD).
Assembly of the stand. Aluminum shell-scheme struc-            payment of the Registration Fee. In case of hiring a         For more information check are Data Protection Policy          (*) Includes: administration fees, processing and pre-reservation. Attach proof of payment. No allocations will be offered until the payment of the Registration Fee has been satisfied.
                                                                                                                                                                                           (**) See equipment in General Conditions. (***) Corners will be assigned based on a minimum m² area and needs of the Organizers.
ture. Melamine boards 1m in width and 3m in height.            monographic exhibition lounge, a sole payment must           (www.gourmets.net/condiciones-generales) Valid
Fair carpet. 1 counter (103 x 53 x 100) per 15 m² or           be made.                                                     since May 25th, 2018.
fraction. 1 round table per 15 m² or fraction. 1 chair per
                                                                                                                                                                                          Other exhibiting options
5 m² or fraction. 1 shelf per 5 m² or fraction. 130 w/m²       Bank details:
Mandatory Power Supply. Fuse box. 1 socket (500 w)             BANKIA EMPRESAS
                                                                                                                                                                                              The Gallery of the Salon**** – 1.750 €/ud
75 w/m² lighting. Fascia Board with company name.              Pº de la Castellana, 259 - A
                                                               Torre Bankia (Foster) 28046 Madrid - España                                                                                    Wine Lounge**** – 2.750 €/ud						                                                                                                                    u       =                  €
                                                               CCC / IBAN: ES15 2038 1522 0460 0002 6882
Official Desing Stand: 165 €/m²* (from 12m2 onwards)           SWIFT CODE: CAHMESMMXXX
                                                                                                                                                                                              The Best Wines of the Gourmets Wine Guide**** – 2.400 €/ud
                                                               Ref: (Name of the Exhibitor or Company).                                                                                   										                                                                                                                                        Subotal =                          €
Includes                                                                                                                            (+) Go to the                                          (****) See specific conditions of each model.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   								                                                                                                               10% VAT =                            €
Assembly of the stand. Chipboard 3 m high. Grey                Once participation has been accepted, PROGOUR-                       full version                                           NOTE: A minium of participants is required for this areas.
fair carpet. Totem with company logo. Counter (see             MET, S.A. will issue an invoice for the total amount                                                                       								                                                                                                                                             Total        =                  €
design). Storage, tables, shelves, chairs, high stool          of the requested space; executing the contract by
(depending on the m² booked). Adhesive vinyl of 2,30           remittance of the invoice. Payment conditions will                                                                              I have read and agreed to the full version of the Internal Regulations.
x 1 m in totem. Vinyl lettering with company name.             be showed in the invoice (please see Exhibitor’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Full name                                                          Date                                               Signature and Company
130 w/m² Mandatory Power Supply. Spotlights of 300             Calendar).
w. Fuse box with socket. 1 socket (500 w) in counter.          In case the stipulated payment conditions were not
Bookshelf 4 shelves in storage.                                fulfilled, the Organizers will gain the sole right of the
                                                               booked space.
                                                                                                                                                                                          To be returned signed an scanned to: infosalon@gourmets.net
                                                                                                                                                                                          PROGOURMET, SA. C/ Aniceto Marinas, 92. CP 28008 Madrid, Spain. Tel: +34 915 489 651 Fax +34 915 487 133
                                                                                                                                                                                          This form is not an Admission’s Request and does not allow you to exhibit in Salon Gourmets. All the Request will surrender to the Organizing Committee the only one responsi-
                                                                                                                                                                                          ble for its definitive acceptance without any abligation to justify their decision.

10                                                                         34 Salon Gourmets                                                                                                                                                                March 30th to April 2nd, 2020                                                                                       11
Technical Data                                                                     Exhibitor’s calendar

             ES                                      North entrance

                                                                                   Registration      Complete the Application Form. The Organizers will contact you and assign you
Grupo Gourmets
                                                                                                     a reservation number (mandatory for allocation).
T (+34) 915 489 651
                                                                      Hall 10

Exhibitor’s Service
                                                                                   Payments          Registration fee                                                                              By submmiting
                                                                      Hall 8                         1st Payment due                                                                               November 11th, 2019

                                                                                                     2nd Payment due                                                                               January 15th, 2020
34 Salón
Gourmets                                                                                             Booking of monographic areas                                                                  Payment in full with the
2020                                                                                                                                                                                               application form

March Monday 30th                                                      Hall 6      Services          Booking and payment of Services and/or additional Equipment                                   Until February 21st, 2020*
10:00 am–7:00 pm
                                                                                                     *From February 21st onwards all services will be increased with a 25% surcharge and can not
                                                                                                     be guaranteed.
March Tuesday 31  st

10:00 am–7:00 pm
                                                                                   Catalogue         Printed version                                                                               Until March 6th, 2020

April Wendnesday 1st                                                  Hall 4
10:00 am–7:00 pm                                                                   Innovation Area   New Products Exhibition Area (free of charge / included)                                      Until March 6th, 2020

April Thursday 2nd                                                                                   New Produts remittance to SG                                                                  From March 9th to 13th,
10:00 am–5:00 pm                                                                                     (C/ Aniceto Marinas, 92. 28008 Madrid - Spain)                                                2020
                                                                       Hall 2
                                                                                                     New Products removal 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm                                                       April 2nd, 2020

                                                                                                     (The products not collected within this period, may not be claimed and

                                                                                                     are the Organization is exempt of any responsibility)

                                                     South entrance
IFEMA                                                                              Organic           Organic Products Exhibition Area (free of charge / included)                                  Until March 6th, 2020
Madrid Exhibition Center                                                           Exhibition Area
Av. Partenon, 5                                                                                      Organic Products remittance to SG                                                             From March 9th to 13th,
28042 Madrid                                                                                         (C/ Aniceto Marinas, 92. 28008 Madrid - Spain)                                                2020
                                                                                                     Organic Product removal 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm                                                    April 2nd, 2020
                                     It is the best gourmet product                                  (The products not collected within this period, may not be claimed and
                                                                                                     are the Organization is exempt of any responsibility)
                                     fair in the world. Here you can
                                     find the best products. It is                 Business Center   Business Center Registration                                                                  From February 17th to
                                                                                   (BC)                                                                                                            March 8th, 2020
                                                                                                     Meetings request                                                                              From February 24th to
                                     Juan Mari Arzak                                                                                                                                               March 8th, 2020
                                     3* Michelin, Chef / Owner Arzak Restaurant,                     BC Agendas reception                                                                          From March 23th, 2020
(+) Watch the
                                     San Sebastian - Spain
33rd SG video
                                                                                   Assembly          Free Design assembly from 8:30 am to 9:00 pm                                                  From March 26th to 29th,
                                                                                                     Hand key stands Delivery (except for free desing stands). From 10:00 am on-                   March 29th, 2020
                                                                                   Disassembly       Friday from 8:30 am to 9:30 pm and Saturday from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm                           From April 3rd to 4th, 2020

                                                                                   Goods             Goods reception from 8:30 am to 10:00 am                                                      From March 30th to April
                                                                                                                                                                                                   2nd, 2020
                                                                                                     Mandatory goods removal, between 5:00 pm to 9:30 pm                                           Thursday April 2nd, 2020

12                         34 Salon Gourmets                                                                                         March 30th to April 2nd, 2020                                                           13

Organizes / Media Partner

Main Sponsors

                                                          AGUA OFICIAL
                                                         OFFICIAL    WATER
                                                          OFFICIAL WATER
                            CERVEZA OFICIAL
                             OFFICIAL BEER


Co - Sponsors


SG cooperates with

                                                                           NOMÍA SOLID




14                                   34 Salon Gourmets                                      March 30th to April 2nd, 2020   15
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