Building a Bridge COVID-19 - Response in Practice - we care about your future - Practice Assist

Page created by Virginia Edwards
Building a Bridge COVID-19 - Response in Practice - we care about your future - Practice Assist
we care about your future

Building a Bridge
Response in Practice

                            Chartered Accountants & Advisors
Building a Bridge COVID-19 - Response in Practice - we care about your future - Practice Assist
Who we are:

 Shali Manolev                     Danny Haydon
 Partner                           Principal – Health Division
 BAppSc Bcomm GraDip(ICAA) DipFS   Ba AppSc(OT) MHtlhSer Mgt FAAPM
 (FP) FCA                             Phone 0438 580319
 Phone 0402 307 904
Building a Bridge COVID-19 - Response in Practice - we care about your future - Practice Assist

This document is for general information only and is not intended to
give advice as it was prepared without taking into account the
objectives, financial circumstances or needs of you or any particular
person. Before acting on anything contained in this document, you
should consider the appropriateness to your situation and you
should seek advice based on your individual circumstances.

Brentnalls SA | ABN 74 705 292 014
255 Port Road, Hindmarsh SA 5007
Building a Bridge COVID-19 - Response in Practice - we care about your future - Practice Assist
Where are we now?
 Federal           Federal                                 Job Keeper
 Economic          Economic            “Job Keeper”        legislation
 Stimulus 1        Stimulus 2          Stimulus 3          passed

   12 Mar.              22 Mar.             30 Mar.            8 Apr.

              20 Mar.             16 Mar.             7 Apr.             20 Apr.

          Aus Banking        WA Stimulus         Commercial         Job Keeper
          Association        Package             Lease Code         Applications
          support                                of Conduct         Open

         This presentation current to Wednesday, 29th April 2020.
Building a Bridge COVID-19 - Response in Practice - we care about your future - Practice Assist
Information Sources
Treasury Website with detailed Fact Sheets

ATO COVID-19 information page

ATO Job Keeper

ABC News website
Building a Bridge COVID-19 - Response in Practice - we care about your future - Practice Assist
Federal Government Economic
Response Targets

Building a Bridge COVID-19 - Response in Practice - we care about your future - Practice Assist
Support for Businesses
Building a Bridge COVID-19 - Response in Practice - we care about your future - Practice Assist
Boosting Cash Flow for Employers
• Subsidises wage costs for PAYG tax component
• Receipt is Tax-Free
   • But still get a deduction for 100% of wages
• 2 x groups of payments (boosts) are available.
   • Boost Minimum:          $10,000
   • Boost Maximum:          $50,000
Building a Bridge COVID-19 - Response in Practice - we care about your future - Practice Assist
Boosting Cash Flow for Employers
• Eligibility:
   • ABN Holder at 12 March 2020
   • Had business income in 2019 tax return, or Activity
     Statement before 12 March 2020
   • Pay at least $1 wages during the boost period
Building a Bridge COVID-19 - Response in Practice - we care about your future - Practice Assist
Boosting Cash Flow for Employers
• Based on PAYGW from January 2020 – June 2020
• As reported on monthly/quarterly Activity

• Same amount as Boost 1 total, split over 4 months
  (monthly) or 2 quarters (quarterly)
Boosting Cash Flow for Employers
Boost 1
Withholding Eligible Period          Boost 1 Amount               Lodgement
Cycle                                                             Due Date
Quarterly    Qtr 3 (Jan, Feb, Mar    PAYGW per March BAS*         28 April 2020
             Qtr 4 (Apr, May, Jun    PAYGW per June BAS           28 July 2020
Monthly      March 2020              PAYGW per March IAS (x 3)*   21 April 2020
             April 2020              PAYGW for April IAS          21 May 2020
             May 2020                PAYGW for May IAS            22 June 2020
             June 2020               PAYGW for June IAS           21 July 2020

*First Boost Payment will be at least the Minimum of $10,000
 Boost Amounts will continue to be paid until Maximum of $50,000 exhausted
Boosting Cash Flow for Employers
Boost 2
Withholding Eligible Period           Boost 1 Amount         Lodgement
Cycle                                                        Due Date
Quarterly     Qtr 4 (Apr, May, Jun    50% of Boost 1 Total   28 July 2020
              Qtr 1 (Jul, Aug, Sep    50% of Boost 1 Total   28 Oct 2020
Monthly       June 2020*              25% of Boost 1 Total   21 July 2020
              July 2020               25% of Boost 1 Total   21 Aug 2020
              August 2020             25% of Boost 1 Total   21 Sept 2020
              September 2020          25% of Boost 1 Total   21 Oct 2020

*Note overlap in Boost 1 & 2 for June 2020 period
Boosting Cash Flow for Employers
  • Monthly PAYG Withholder
  • PAYGW per month is $15,008
Period       Boost 1   Calculation           Period        Boost 2   Calculation
             Amount                                        Amount
March 2020   $45,024   $15,008 * 3           June 2020*    $12,500 $50,000 / 4
April 2020    $4,976   ($50,000 - $45,024)   July 2020     $12,500
May 2020        -      Maximum               August 2020   $12,500
                       Exhausted             September     $12,500
June 2020       -                            2020
Total        $50,000                         Total         $50,000
Boosting Cash Flow for Employers
• Quarterly PAYG Withholder
• PAYGW per quarter is $1500
Period           Boost 1        Calculation
March 2020           $10,000    $500 is less than $10,000 minimum

June 2020               -       ($1500 + $1500) is still less than $10k

Total                $10,000

Period             Boost 2      Calculation
June 2020*             $5,000   Total Boost 1 $10,000 / 2
September 2020         $5,000
Total                 $10,000
Boosting Cash Flow for Employers
• ATO have advised will need to pay back the Boost if
  carried out a “scheme” to:
   • Become entitled where you otherwise wouldn’t; or
   • Increase the amount of the boosts
• ATO investigating any sudden changes to
  characterization of payments, and large increases
• Assume the ATO will review and audit
• Single Touch Payroll data available to analyse
  patterns and behaviour
Boosting Cash Flow for Employers
• Credited to your ‘Integrated Client Account’ (a.k.a.
  Activity Statement Account) with the ATO
• Reduce payment due on Relevant Activity
  Statement (wont use to offset prior debt)
• If Refund, ATO will transfer funds within 14 days of
Increasing the Instant Asset
• Instant asset write off threshold increased from
  $30,000 to $150,000 until 30 June 2020
• Annual turnover less than $500M
• Benefit in 2020 tax return
• Example:
                  Cost     Claim Yr1    Claim Yr2   Claim Yr3
 Previous (SBE   $50,000    $7,500      $12,750      $8,925
 Instant Asset   $50,000    $50,000         -             -

Note: if Asset later sold, all proceeds will be taxable
Increasing the Instant Asset
• New & Second Hand Assets
• Limit is $150,000 per Asset (allows multiple claims)
• Between 12 March and 30 June 2020 – first used or
  installed ready for use
• Motor Vehicles subject to Depreciation Limit:
50% Accelerated Depreciation
• Applies from 12 March 2020 to 30 June 2021
• Immediate deduction on 50% of Cost of Asset
• Balance depreciated per usual rules
• Benefit in 2020 or 2021 tax return
• Example:

                 Cost     Claim Yr1   Claim Yr2   Claim Yr3
Previous (SBE   $50,000    $7,500     $12,750      $8,925
Accelerated     $50,000   $25,000      $6,375      $4,462
50% Accelerated Depreciation
• NEW Assets only
• Use where Instant Asset w/off doesn’t apply – i.e.
  cost over $150k, or acquired post 30/6/2020
• Not available for assets with specific depreciation
  arrangements – certain farm assets, capital works,
  water facilities, etc
• Asset must be ordered after 12 March 2020 (anti-
  avoidance measures will apply)
WA Stimulus
WA Stimulus
• Household fees and charges frozen until next financial year
• one-off $2,500 credit against electricity invoices for small to medium
  businesses that consume less than 50 megawatt hours annually
• Eligible Small businesses with payroll between $1m and $4m will receive
  a $17,500 grant
• Waive payroll tax from 1 March to 30 June 2020 for small to medium
  size businesses (wages under $7.5 million)
• Bring forward payroll tax relief (increase of threshold to $1,000,000)
  from 1 July 2020
• Payments made to employees under Jobkeeper scheme will be exempt
  from payroll tax
• Waive rental payments for small business and NFP’s in State Owned
  Buildings for 6 months
• Land tax relief for landlords who offer rent relief for a minimum of 3
  months and freeze outgoings to small business’s who have suffered a
  30% reduction in turnover due to COVID 19
ATO Assistance
ATO Assistance
Payment deferrals
• Payments due before 23 Jan 2020
   • Income Tax, BAS
   • Not able to be deferred
   • Can request remission of interest charged from 23 Jan
• Payments due after 23 Jan 2020
   • May be deferred
   • Interest remitted
• Existing Payment Arrangements
   • Can be re-negotiated
ATO Assistance
PAYG Variations
• Apply to vary June 2020 PAYG Instalments
• Upon lodging June, can apply for Sept & Dec 2019
  & March 2020 PAYG Instalments to be refunded (if
  not done on March Instalment)
• Penalties will not apply where PAYG Instalment
  variations do not reflect final tax position
GST Cycle
• If normally receive GST refunds, consider changing
  cycle from quarterly to monthly
• $130B Scheme designed to help
  businesses retain their employees
• $1,500 per fortnight per eligible
  employee payment to eligible
  businesses for 6 months (April – Sep)
• Employers must enrol to be part of
  scheme (optional)
• Initial and ongoing reporting
1. On 1 March 2020 carried on business or not for Profit
   in Australia
2. Employed at least one eligible employee on 1 March
3. Eligible employees currently employed in fortnights
   you claim for (can be stood down or re-hired)
4. Business faced 30% fall in turnover (for aggregated
   turnover of $1bn of less)
      (other categories of turnover also applicable)
Turnover Test

                                                             To be initially eligible,
                                                             compare GST Turnover:
                              30% or more reduction in
Turnover Test (Aggregated                                    •March 2020 v March 2019
                             “GST Turnover” from same
     income < $1B)                                           •Projected April 2020 v April 2019
                               quarter/month last year       •Projected Apr-Jun Qtr 2020 v Apr-Jun
                                                              Qtr 2019

                                                              If not immediately eligible,
                            Cash or Accruals if report GST    can apply at later date and
  Choice of test period
                                    on Cash basis             enter scheme (but not back

                          TESTING TURNOVER IN               REPORTING
                          FOLLOWING MONTHS                REQUIREMENTS

                Once you’re in – you’re in (no need to re-test)

     Tolerance (in good faith) where business expects 30% reduction, but
                            actual reduction is less
JobKeeper Payments

Alternative Tests Now Released

If quarter/month last year not an appropriate comparison period due to:
 1.   New business
 2.   Acquired or disposed part of business
 3.   Restructure
 4.   Significant growth (50% 12 months, 25% 6 months, 12.5% 3 months)
 5.   Drought or natural disaster
 6.   Large irregular variance in turnover (non cyclical / seasonal)
 7.   Sole trader / small partnership – sickness, injury or leave impacted turnover

ATO are allowing alternative comparison periods and calculations
Eligible Employees at 1 March 2020
  Full Time Employees

  Part Time Employees

  Casual if employed > 12 months “regular & systemic basis”

  Employees who have been stood down since 1 March 2020

  Must be age 16 years or older – 16 & 17 y/o full time students excluded

  Must be Aus citizen, permanent Visa or Special Category Visa

  Not receiving government parental leave or Dad / partner pay

  Not receiving workers compensation payments
JobKeeper Payments

                                        NOMINATION NOTICE

                                EMPLOYEE MUST
                                 AGREE TO BE
Sole trader or eligible business
                                 Many business owners
                                 do not pay themselves a

      Businesses can nominate    Need to be active
      one “owner” to receive     participant in the
      the payment                business

      Need to provide a
      declaration as to recent
      business activity of the
      nominated “owner”
Enrol for JobKeeper

      Login to Business Portal using myGovID or Tax /
      BAS agent can enrol on your behalf

                                   Eligibility information
      Complete JobKeeper           Expected number of eligible
      enrolment form & provide
                                   Contact & bank details

      For businesses eligible in April, enrol ASAP – open
      until end of May if need more time
JobKeeper Payment Process

      Employee normally earns over $1,500 per fortnight:
      paid usual wage as per existing arrangements

      Employee normally earns less than $1,500 per f/n:
      paid $1,500 as a minimum

      Employee not working: paid $1,500 as a minimum
JobKeeper Payments
First applicable fortnightly pay period 30th March – 12th
April 2020

      Need to pay employees minimum $1,500 per fortnight
      in this period

            If pay weekly or monthly, need to pay equivalent

                  Will be able to make “top up” payments to employees
                  for first two fortnights so long as paid by 8 May
When will I be reimbursed?

Payment date   Amount per employee

May            $3,000 (for fortnights starting 30 March and 13 April)

June           $3,000 (for fortnights starting 27 April and 11 May)
July           $3,000 (for fortnights starting 25 May and 8 June)
August         $3,000 (for fortnights starting 22 June and 6 July)
               $4,500 (for fortnights starting 20 July, 3 August and
               17 August)
               $3,000 (for fortnights starting 31 August and
               14 September)
Tax Consequences
  Assessable Income to business (no GST)

  Wages paid to employees deductible expense

  $1500 is pre tax (gross) & subject to PAYG withholding

  WA has legislated to exempt ‘top up’ from Payroll Tax

  Super guarantee not required on ‘top up’

  Annual & long service leave still accrues
ATO Reporting

Identify each eligible employee you will                   Business monthly declaration:
 claim jobKeeper payment for Monthly
STP enabled software with Job Keeper functionality     reconfirm eligible employees, notify any changes
  (MYOB, Xero, Quickbooks etc) – reports to ATO       Current & projected GST turnover to track progress
      required information if setup correctly
     No STP enabled software with JobKeeper
  functionality – report to ATO via business portal
Supporting the Flow of Credit
Coronavirus SME Guarantee

  GOVERNMENT WILL           MAXIMUM $250,000            UNSECURED             AVAILABLE FOR NEW LOANS
GUARANTEE 50% OF NEW                                                           MADE BY PARTICIPATING
LOANS ISSUED BY ELIGIBLE                                                          LENDERS UNTIL 30
   LENDERS TO SME’S                                                                SEPTEMBER 2020

                           STILL REQUIRED TO GO   3-YEAR TERM, WITH FIRST 6
                           THROUGH USUAL LOAN        MONTHS REPAYMENT
                           APPLICATION PROCESS             HOLIDAY
Australian Banking Association

  Announcement 20   Fees & Charges may be       Banks more open to   Can apply to home
    March 2020      waived during 6-month        debt restructures   mortgage as well as
                            period                                     business debt

                                Be mindful any variation
                                   to loan terms may
                                  impact credit rating
Commercial Leases
Commercial Leases
National Mandatory Code of Conduct - applies where
tenant is part of JobKeeper
1. Moratorium on evictions for non-payment of rent
2. Tenants committed to terms of the lease
3. Proportional rent reduction based on reduction in tenant
4. Rent reduction in form of deferrals and waivers – waivers
   must account for at least 50% of reduction
5. Rent deferred to be paid over at least 2 years
Pathology Rent
    Pathology companies are requesting blanket reductions of
    rent up to 30-50%

    Request validation of their claimed level of reduced

    Check your clinical software to prove the level of

    Refer back to Code of Conduct
General Practice Measures
MBS Telehealth of GPs

Staged roll out

Initially – Covid-19 “at risk”, now all Australians

“Temporary” until 30 September

Bulk billing required for pensioners, health care card holders,
Under 16 and vulnerable patients at risk of Covid-19
MBS Telehealth of GPs
Vulnerable patients at risk
• required to self-isolate or self-quarantine in accordance with
  guidance issued by the Australian Health Protection Principal
  Committee in relation to COVID-19
• is at least 70 years old
• if the person identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait
  Islander descent—is at least 50 years old
• is pregnant
• is the parent of a child aged under 12 months
• is being treated for a chronic health condition
• is immune compromised
• meets the current national triage protocol criteria for suspected
  COVID-19 infection
MBS Telehealth of GPs
MBS Telehealth of GPs
Bulk Billing Incentive values doubled
Item                       Benefit           Temporary
10990 (metro)               $6.35                $12.75
10991 (rural)               $9.65                $19.30
Vulnerable – not eligible for bulk bill rebate
10981 (metro)                                    $12.75
10982 (rural)                                    $19.30
MBS Telehealth of GPs

PIP Quality Improvement
• Keep open incentive
• PIP QI doubled for May & August payments
• Increased from $5 to $10 per SWPE
• Minimum 4 hours per day
• Based on timing of face-to-face MBS items
Workforce Management
Managing Staffing Resources

Response to financial pressures
•   Take the benefits of Stimulus packages into account
•   Retention of valued staff
•   Negotiating reduced hours
•   Encouraging annual leave to be taken

Impact on cashflow

Think about how you will adapt and thrive post Covid-19
Team Models
 Protecting your team

 • Prevention of forced closure
 • Protecting vulnerable staff and patients
 • Separate access for respiratory cases or flu clinics

 Working from home

 • Doctors and staff to work from home where possible
 • A Team/B Team

 Social Distancing measures

 • Reduce numbers in the staff room
 • Limit time in combined spaces
 • Use messaging programs to communicate
Team Models
 Staying Connected

 • Protecting your team culture

 Zoom meetings

 • Morning Huddles
 • Doctor’s meeting
 • Staff meetings
 • Covid-19 response

 WhatsApp / Messenger groups


 • Encourage email jokes
 • Zoom Happy Hour
Effective Use of Practices Nurses

Changed role
• Increase focus on infection control
• Re-organising of clinical environments
• Phone follow-up – connecting with
• Significant role in triage – eligibility for
  Covid-19 testing and/or telehealth
Effective Use of Practices Nurses
   Virtual Chronic Disease Management

   Telehealth items for care plans & reviews

   Systematically following up patients due for care plans & reviews –
   promotes other work through to GPs

   Nurses can still undertake a significant amount of this work – requires GP
   to call the patient to sign off and claim

   Telehealth items for 10997 & 10987 follow up care
Effective Use of Practices Nurses
Registered Nurse/Aboriginal Health Practitioners follow up services

Item - Telehealth       Metro            Rural
10997 -> 93203          $12.20          $12.25
          BB rebate     $12.75          $19.30
                        $24.95          $31.50

10987 -> 93202          $24.40          $24.40
          BB rebate     $12.75          $19.30
                        $37.15          $43.70
Flu Clinics

                                    Billed under the GP
       Nurse/GP tandem clinics      provider number

       Use flu clinics to identify and promote access to
       alternative follow up care that is required e.g.
       Care Plan reviews, Health Checks
Building the Bridge
Q & A Session
Small Group Zoom Meeting
• An opportunity to revisit the themes
  from this presentation and to ask
  specific questions related to the
  experience at your practice

Email Diane Ryan, WAPHA to register
your interest
we care about your future

 Thank You
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